




1. Where will the man go?

A. To a supermarket.

B. To a bank.

C. To a bookstore.

2. What will the woman do with the wallet?

A. Take it to her home.

B. Go to look for the owner.

C. Put it away and wait for the owner.

3. When did the woman get the robot?

A. Six weeks ago.

B. Half a year ago.

C. Six years ago.

4. How will the boy go to school?

A. By school bus.

B. By car.

C. By bike.

5. What does Bob look like now?

A. He is tall.

B. He is short.

C. He is heavy.




6. When was Linda supposed to get to Mary's party?

A. At 5: 30 pm.

B. At 5:40 pm.

C. At 6:40 pm.

7. Why did Mary feel terrible?

A. She didn't have fun at the party.

B. Nobody else came to the par哆.

C. She left the gift at home.


8.Who is Tom's favorite singer?

A. Eason Chen.

B. Jay Chou.

C. Vincent Fang.

9. Why does the girl like Jay Chou?

A. Because he explains songs well.

B. Because he writes his own songs.

C. Because he practices singing hard.

10. What will the English teacher do at the Christmas party?

A. He'll sing a song with his students.

B. He'll sing a song with Jay Chou.

C. He'll dance with his students.


11. What is the speech about on Saturday morning?

A. Saving water.

B. Saving money.

C. Saving paper.

12. What will the volunteers do on Sunday morning?

A. Give a speech.

B. Direct the traffic.

C. Hand out the bags.


13. How many problems does Paul have with English learning?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

14. What did Cathy use to be afraid of?

A. Remembering English words.

B. Reading English texts.

C. Listening to English.

15. What's Cathy's advice on pronunciation?

A. Writing English in a small notebook.

B. Reviewing English from time to time.

C. Listening to English 20 minutes every day.



16. 17. 18. 19. 20.



21. Tu Youyou, 85-year-old Chinese female scientist won the Nobel Prize on Oct 5,


A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

22. All the leaders from SCO (上合组织) were full of for the service they received in

Zhengzhou on Dec. 14 and 15, 2015.

A. attention

B. courage

C. praise

D. energy

23. We are going to visit Mark calling him first, for we want to give him a surprise.

A. by

B. through

C. with

D. without

24. The old man lives in a house that he built out of wood.

A. itself

B. himself

C. themselves

D. ourselves

25. --Have you heard of the small restaurant in New York?

--Yes. It's famous for its dinner activities. Talking is not allowed there.

A. silent

B. noisy

C. private

D. impolite

26. Mike has a good habit of keeping healthy. He always eating unhealthy food.

A. suggests

B. regrets

C. avoids

D. enjoys

27. Before taking action, make sure you know what you really want.

A. hardly

B. exactly

C. carefully

D. nearly

28. Vicky was worried that he might be the team because of his terrible work.

A. taken off

B. kicked off

C. turned off

D. cleaned off

29. She sold newspapers to help support her family. she was only 12 years old.

A. unless

B. since

C. if

D. though

30. Peter always plays computer games, and I'm afraid his eyesight get worse.

A. may

B. need

C. mustn't

D. can't

31. What a good day! Look! Some children kites in the sun.

A. fly

B. are flying

C. flew

D. have flown

32. --Which language most widely in the world?

--English, of course!

A. is using

B. uses

C. is used

D. has used

33. To improve my writing skills, my mother made me the English texts one by one.

A. recite

B. reciting

C. recited

D. to recite

34. Last year, several TV dramas Hu Ge acted in became very popular, like Nirvana in Fire.

A. what -

B. where

C. which

D. who

35. --What did Mary say in her letter?

--She wanted to know .

A. when will we move to the new house

B. where we would go on vacation

C. who can come to her birthday party

D. what did we talk about at the class meeting



An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning; Grandpa got up early reading his book. One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the book just like you but I don't 36 it. And I always forget what I do understand as soon as I 37 the book. What good does reading the book do?"

The grandfather replied, “Take this coal basket down to the38 and bring me back a basket of water.”

The boy did so, but all the water leaked (漏) out 39 he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed, “You?ll have to move a little40 next times.” The boy tried again and ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. He told his grandfather that

it was 41 to carry water in a basket. Grandpa answered, "You?re 42 not trying hard enough. “The boy ran hard a third time but the basket was empty again. Out of breath, he said,“See Grandpa, it?s useless!”

“So you think it is useless?" the old man said, “Look at the basket.” The boy looked at the basket and realized that the basket was 43 for the first time. It had been changed 44 a dirty old coal basket into a clean one, inside and out.

“ Grandson, that's what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything. But when you read it, you'll be 45 , inside and out!"

36. A. understand B. enjoy C. remember D. complete

37. A. open B. return C. close D. find

38. A. river B. town C. mountain D. farm

39. A. after B. before C. since D. until

40. A. sooner B. slower C. later D. faster

41. A. harmful B. helpful C. impossible D. impatient

42. A. never B. ever C. just D. even

43. A. similar B. wonderful C. valuable D. different

44. A. from B. by C. with D. to

45. A. changed B. separated C. caught D. supported




John has been a heavy smoker for over 20 years. However, he finally decided to give up. So he paid a visit to a doctor to get some advice.

The doctor told John he used to smoke, too. “When I first tried giving up, " he said, “I told

myself that cigarettes (烟) are awful, harmful to my health, dangerous to my family and damaging to. my job. "

“After this fight in my mind, I gave up for a while. But several days later I would wake up again and forget about my decision completely. …Maybe smoking is not so terrible??.I would rationalize (找理由). …And what if I don't smoke around my family and go where nobody can see me??”

He kept giving up and then starting again. His rationalization made him pick up cigarettes again and again. Finally, he decided to try a different way.

“I took a cigarette in my hand, looked at it and told myself: 6 Yes, this cigarette will make me happy. I want to smoke it. But I will give up! "' the doctor said excitedly.

“This way worked, and I have not smoked a cigarette since. The reason I think I succeeded is that I didn't fool myself into trying to create a bad image (形象) of cigarettes. Instead, I agreed that I wanted it, but I chose to control my desires (欲望). "

“So be honest with yourself," said the doctor. “Don't pretend you dislike playing computer games or eating fast food. Instead, tell yourself that these things are all fine only if you can control your desire for them Moderation is the key. "


46. Why did John pay a visit to a doctor?

A. They were good friends.

B. He wanted to give up smoking.

C. He knew the doctor used to smoke, too.

D. He wanted to ask him for some medicine.

47. What does the third paragraph talk about?

A. The doctor fought against smoking and won.

B. The doctor found himself excuses for smoking again.

C. The doctor went to smoke where nobody could see him.

D. The doctor always forgot his decision when he woke up.

48. What's the reason the doctor thinks he gave up smoking successfully?

A. Following people's advice.

B. Trying a different way of smoking.

C. Trying to imagine the bad things of smoking.

D. Treating smoking correctly and controlling himself.

49. What does the underline word “Moderation" mean in English?

A. Asking advice from doctors.

B. Making fun of oneself.

C. Being self-controlled.

D. Knowing the truth.

50. What's the best title of the passage?

A. Stay away from bad habits.

B. Create a bad image of cigarettes.

C. Never too late to give up smoking.

D. Break bad habits with a strong will.


Di d you know? The word" emoji" comes from Japanese. It means ……picture character". And it was just added to Oxford Dictionaries in 2013.

When you feel happy, you use a smiling face. When you agree, you send a thumbs-up. We have never used emojis while messaging our friends as much as we do today. That might be why Oxford Dictionaries chose the “face with tears of joy" emoji as their “World of the Year 2015.”

“ Emojis are no longer just for texting teenagers. Instead, they have been made into a form of expression which can cross language barriers (障碍) , " Oxford Dictionaries said.“Emoji culture has become so popular that characters have their own trends and stories.”

The "face with tears of joy" was the world's most used emoji in 2015, according to are search from the Oxford University Press.

Japan made emoji in the 1990s. They have become increasingly popular through the years. Every day, about 6 billion emoji pictures are flying around the world through mobile messaging apps. Young people especially love it. 72 percent of 18-t0 25-year-olds find it easier to express their feelings with an emoji rather than through the written word, according to a survey by TalkTalk, a London based mobile phone company.

Not everyone thinks emojis are a good thing. Writer Jonathan, for example, says emojis will reduce people's language skills. He thinks people will get lazier by using more emojis. But Professor Evans disagrees. He thinks that emojis are great for communication. "It is not lazy to naturally look for more efficient (有效的) ways to communicate with others," he said.

What do you think?


51. Where does the word“ emoji" come from?

A. Japanese.

B. Oxford Dictionaries.

C. Mobile messaging apps.

D. TalkTalk company.

52.Which of the following emojis is the world's most used in 2015?

53. What can we learn from Paragraph 5?

A. Emoji was first created in Japan in the 19th century.

B. Many old people would use written words rather than emojis.

C. Over 6 billion people use emojis every day around the world.

D. Most young people prefer using emojis to express their feelings.

54. Why does the writer Jonathan disagree to use emojis?

A. He believes that emojis are bad for communication.

B. He thinks emojis make people too lazy to talk to others. .

C. He worries that people's language skills will be reduced.

D. He thinks people will not be able to write by using emojis.

55. What's the best title of this passage?

A. Stop Using Emoji!

B. Emoji: the Word of the Year!

C. Why Not Choose Emoji?

D. Where Does Emoji Come From?


What were the coolest inventions made in 2015? Time magazine's 25 "Best Inventions of the Year" might give you an idea. Cool inventions change our lives in many ways. Here we picked a few of them for you to learn about.


56. What do you know about the hoverboard scooter?

A. It can stay in the air above land.

B. It has no wheels for balancing itself.

C. It can help people travel to the future.

D. It can speed forward and turn around.

57. What does the underlined phrase “filter out" mean?


58. What is special about the Here Active Listening System?

A. It can keep all the sounds out.

B. It can help make a smart phone app.

C. It can help talk with your friend on a noisy train.

D. It can choose what to silence or lower the volume of.

59. Which of the following about Artiphon is TRUE?

A. It is not easy for children to master.

B. It can not be mastered like a drum or violin.

C. It can't be played without a smart phone app.

D. It can mimic the sounds of all the instruments.

60. Where does this passage probably come from?

A. A poster.

B. A magazine.

C. A menu.

D. A notice.


Language changes over time. Many words and expressions have changed over the centuries.

61 It is a rare (稀有的)example in the English language. The meaning and usage of “friend" has stayed unchanged for hundreds of years

Well, that is until 2005. That was when the social website Facebook started using the word as a verb. Now, you can "friend" someone or "unfriend" them. However, using friend as a verb only works when talking about Facebook. 62

But for now, the co rrect word for making friends is the verb “befriend" For example, you

can use a sentence like, “She befriended many Korean students while living in China. "

Speaking of making friends, it is easy to be friendly when things are going well for you.

63 Maybe you lose your job? When you run into real trouble and need real help, you quickly learn who your real friends are. In American English, we often use the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” When you are in need, the person who helps yo u through the difficult times is,

indeed, a friend.

The words “tight" and "thick" are often used to describe really strong friendship. A good friend will see you through“thick and thin". 64

Some people get along so well, as if they were made to be together. These days Americans might say “they go together like 6 milk and cookies'." But if you do not get along with someone then you are like “oil and water". 65


A. In other words, you don't mix.

B. It means both the good times and the bad.

C. Of course, that may change some day too.

D. But the word “friend" has stayed the same.

E. But what happens when you run into trouble?

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.



After 20 years of wearing the Lakers uniform and a lifetime of basketball, Kobe Bryant, 37, is ready to say goodbye. On Nov 29, the NBA player announced he would 66 at the end of the season.

Kobe joked he was the 200th 67 player in the NBA, 68 we all know that's not true. This great player has won 69 NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals. Heranks(排名) third on the NBA's all-time scorers (得分手) list, 70 higher than MichaelJordan.

"I played through the sweat and hurt," he wrote. Kobe is known among all NBA players

71 working hard. His 5 am workouts (训练) would put much younger teammates to shame, wrote CNN.

Soon Kobe may have some time to rest, but he also 72 “excited for what's to come”. Kobe said he has been trying different things, hoping to figure out his next passion(酷爱). He created the branding company Kobe Inc. last year and has 73 in some films.

But according to Kobe, no matter what he does next, 74 love for basketball will never change. In the last few 75 he just wants to¨savor (尽情享受) every moment he and basketball have left together. "

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.


根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hey, Charlie, have you heard about the art and science fair?

B: The art and science fair? 76.?

A: Just outside the science museum. The school notice board says that all the students are invited to attend the fair for free.

B: Really? 77. ?

A: Yes, I'll certainly go. It's said that all the works were made by middle school students. I want to have a look.

B: That sounds good. 78.?

A: No problem. We'll meet at 3 O'clock this afternoon. Is that OK for you?

B: 79.Can we make another time?

B: All right. See you!



Dear Li Lei,

I?ve known about your worries.

I hope my advice can help you.

Yours ,



一、1-5 ACBBA 6-10 ACABA 11-15 ACBBC 16-20 EADBC

二、21-25 BCDBA 26-30 CBBDA 31-35 BCACB

三、36-40 ACABD 41-45 CCDAA

四、46-50 BBDCD 51-55 ACDCB 56-60 DADCB 61-65 DCEBA

五、66. retire 67. best 68. but 69. five 70. even

71. for 72. feels 73. acted 74. his 75. months

六、76. Where is it?

77. Will you go there?

78. Can I go there with you?

79. But I have an English class at that time./… 80. How about 9 o?clock tomorrow morning?/ Shall we meet at 9 tomorrow morning?/…

七、One possible version: Dear Li Lei,

I?ve known about your worries. Here is some advice for you.

Firstly, when haze weather happens, it?s better not to do exercise outdoors. If you need to exercise, you can choose some indoor activities.

Secondly, haze often gets thinner after the sun shines. So the time from 10 am to 4 pm is a good time to exercise in winter. You can do some outdoor activities during this time when haze is not so serious.

Last but not least, improving your health is also important. Live a healthier life, like eating more fruit and vegetables, and you will have more energy to fight against haze.

I hope my advice can help you.

