












1. How does Tom feel now?

A. Inspired

B. Depressed

C. Angry

2. How much can the woman save?

A. $ 64


C. $16

3. What does the man offer the woman?

A. An umbrella

B. A lift

C. A rain coat

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In an ice cream shop

B. In a drugstore

C. In a restaurant

5. What are the speakers doing?

A. Discussing some drawings

B. Painting the dining room

C. Trying to make a drawing







6. What does the woman want to do?

A.Go to the Gold Coast

B.Teach children at a school

C.Take a foreign language course

7. How many classes per week did the man have at the school?





8. Why did the woman decide to work only three dayw a week?

A.She needed more time to rest

B.She wanted to have more time to study

C.She wanted to be with her children more

9.Who is the man most probably?


10.On which day did the man finally decide to leave?

A.The 22nd

B.The 23rd

C.The 29th

11.Which flight will the man take from New York to Berlin?

12.How long will the man have to wait at Kennedy Airport?


13.Why did the woman miss the man’s call?

14.What do we know about the woman’s grandma?

15.What will the man probably do this weekend?

16.What’s the proba ble relationship between the two speakers?







Below is a passage adapted from the network edition of China Daily.


Li Yang, one of China's most famous English teachers, apologized for b eating his American wife

more than a week after she posted photos of her injuries on the web and set off a bomb of criticism.

"I wholeheartedly apologize to my wife Kim and my girls for committing dom estic violence. This has caused them serious physical and mental damage," Li sa id on his mieroblog at https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a11437622.html,, the country's most popular social media site, on Saturday.


@Xuemanzi, angel investor

Anti-domestic violence laws should be made as soon as possible, giving prot ection to the rights of women and children lawfully. Police should not stand ba ck from domestic violence any longer, even if no one reports them. Society, as a whole, should attach greater importance to the crime.


Chinese are never taught about marital relations, which mean not merely li ving together. A good marriage needs to overcome three differences: family back ground, gender and personalities. In addition to these, there is cultural gap i n Li Yang's case. If the effects of these differences are not well understood, after the honeymoon period, they will turn into conflicts and endanger the ma rriage. Li's domestic violence is a reminder that China needs such education.

@Sikaozhe, Sina Weibo user

In the US, the punishments for domestic violence are even more severe than strealing. If the police arrive at the wife's call during a fighting between a couple nd find injuries on her, they will immediately arrest the husband. Eve n if the wife doesn't call the police, they may also show up as neighbors could well do their part.

@ykxin Sina Weibo User

Don't blindly worship anyone, because in every closet there may hide

a skeleton. As a famous Chinese saying goes, "Only they who do well in their da ily routine tasks can

fulfills their dreams on great occasions". Not surprisingly, one who focuses to o much on his career and

ignores his family, like Li Yang, will fail in both. Don't judge a person by hi s career success, wealth, or

any other material aspect, because what finally decides a person is his charact er.

21. This passage is focused on Li Yang's .

A. microblog article

B. domestic violence

C. English-teaching career

D. international marriage

22. Zhangxiaomei holds the view that .

A. laws should be passed to protect women and children

B. crazy personality accounts for violence and ill temper

C. overcoming background gap is necessary for marriage

D. living together is what marriage is mainly about

23. Who thinks that character plays the most important role in one's life?

A. @ykxin

B. @Sikaozhe

C. @Xuemanzi

D. @Zhangxiaomei


It's hard to find Alice Munro in the media. Even after she won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature,the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick interview and then dropped out of sight. On Dec. 29,she still didn’t seek the spotlight when she was named one of the Five Women of the Year by the Financial Times.

In Munro's eyes,ordinary lives always hide larger dramas. So she records what we casually think of as the everyday actions of normal people. She often focuses on life in her hometown,a small village in Ontario which she is most familiar

with. She writes about the ordinary things in the village—fox forming,trees filled in the Ontario wilderness, poor country alcohol and long last illnesses. Above all,she talks about girls and women who have seemingly ordinary lives but struggle against daily misfortune.

She has a special talent for uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. These are ordinary people,ordinary stories,but she has the magic. Her precise language,depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.

Runaway,one of Munro’s representative works,is a good example of her writing style. One of the stories centers on the life of an ordinary woman Carla, who lives in a small Canadian town with her husband Clark. The story slowly forms a picture of Carla,trapped in a bad marriage,her unhappiness building into desperation until she decides to flee. The story of Carla is a story of the power and betrayals of love. It is about lost children and lots of chances that we can all find in life,There is pain beneath the surface,like a needle in the heart.

Since she published her first collection of short stories in 1968,Munro has won many awards,with the Nobel Prize being her biggest honor. On Oct. 10, 2013,the Nobel Prize committee named Munro the “master of the contemporary short story”.

24. We learn from Paragraph 1 that Alice Munro

A. didn’t get on well with the media

B. was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize

C. didn’t value the title of Women of the Year

D. remained modest though very successful

25. What makes Alice Munro’s stories fascinating according to the text?

A. The complicated plots.

B. Her writing techniques.

C. The humorous language.

D. Her rich imagination.

26. In her representative work Runaway,Carla .

A. leads a happy life with Clark

B. is a faithful wife to her husband

C. tries to run away from her husband

D. loses all hopes for a better life

27. What is the text mainly about?

A. Alice Munro and her hometown.

B.The awards Alice Munro won.

C.Alice Munro’s literary life.

D.Alice Munro and her writing style.

Let us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.

Austen's popularity is rooted in her intelligence. But today she would certainly have had a very different life, as would her characters. Here's my own suggestion.

It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged that a single woman with

brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men, however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism.

" My dear husband," said his hopeful wife one day, " have you heard that the local store, standing empty for so long, is taken over by a bright young businesswoman?"

Her dull and indifferent husband replied that he had not. "But it is, it is," she replied excitedly. Mr Dull-Husband made no reply.

"Don't you want to know her plans?" she cried with some impatience.

"Well, clearly you think it matters to your silly little head. .. so I'd better listen. "

"Well, my dear, the rumour is that she has already set up a string of successful businesses in northern England, though how a woman can know anything about that is beyond me. She will move in herself next month. "

"What is her name?"

"Bingley. "

"Is she married or single?"

"What a question! And none of your business. But her coming will be a fine thing for our five boys. " "How so? How can it possibly affect them? "

"My dear love; those lazy boys need something to wake them up. There are bound to be jobs going. "

" Is that her point in settling here? Surely as a woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place. "

" Nonsense, my love, how little you've noticed the world has changed. She's got a first-rate degree and some sort of business qualification, I'm told. She surely needs one of our boys! Perhaps you might give her a call. "

" Me? No. Perhaps you can take an interest. You still have your looks, after all. She may even offer you a job. " "Oh, that's not likely. These new chances belong to the younger generation. But now you mention it, I think I'll go along all the same. "

And Mrs Bennet went along. That was 10 years ago. She is now managing director of a FTSE-listed company.

... It would remain the case, of course, that Mrs Bennet would be one of very few women on the company board, that her salary would be lower than her male colleagues, her bonus of a more "female" dimension and her lifespan among the city's business leaders shorter than theirs. Still, she'd no doubt have enjoyed Davos (达沃斯经济论坛)—and might even have hobnobbed (攀谈) with influential figures.

28、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Austen was born 200 years ago.

B.Austen rewrote Pride and Prejudice.

C.Austen's success lies in her wisdom.

D.Austen's updated work gains popularity.

29、The underlined part in the passage suggests that Mrs Bennet ____.

A.had mixed feelings of admiration and surprise about Bingley

B.felt kind of worried and doubtful about Bingley

C.was extremely anxious to meet Bingley

D.had a great curiosity about Bingley

30、In the eyes of Mrs Bennet, Bingley surely needed one of their boys to ____. A.get married to B.work for her

C.help her move in D.take over her store

31、What does the writer intend to tell us?

A.Women with brains can also be as successful as men.

B.Women have to pay a high price for success.

C.A judgment must be made free from prejudice.

D.Sex discrimination still exists nowadays.


LONDON(Reuters)--Quiet please—Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is preparing to have her swans counted.

Buckingham Palace has announced that the annual Swan Upping, a tradition dating back to the 12th century which involves a census(统计调查) of the swan population on the River Thames, will be conducted by the Queen’s official Swan Marker from July 20--24.

“With the assistance of the Queen’ s Swan Warden, Professor Christopher Perrins of the University of Oxford, the swans and young cygnets (小天鹅) are also assessed for any signs of injury or disease,” Buckingham Palace said in announcing the count.

The process involves the Swan Marker, David Barber, rowing up the Thames for five days with the Swan Warden in traditional skiffs while wearing special scarlet uniforms and counting, weighing and measuring swans and cygnets.

It may seem eccentric, but it is very important to the Queen. According to custom, Britain’ s sovereign owns all unmarked, mute swans in open water, but the Queen now exercises the right only on stretches of the Thames and its nearby tributaries.

In medieval times, the Swan Marker would not only travel up the river counting the swans, but would catch as many as possible as they were sought after for banquets and feasts.

This year, the Swan Marker and the Swan Warden are particularly keen to discover how much damage is being caused to swans and cygnets by attacks from dogs and from discarded fishing tackle.

It is also an important year because Queen Elizabeth has decided to join her team of Swan Uppers for part of the census. She will follow them up the river and visit a local school project on the whole subject of swans, cygnets and the Thames.

“Education and conservation are essential to the role of Swan Upping and the involvement of school children is always a rewarding experience,” Buckingham Palace said.

32. In medieval times,_______.

A. swans were better protected than now

B. a lot of swans were killed by dogs

C. swans were a delicious dish on royal banquets

D. common people could catch the swans

33.We can infer from the passage that the process of counting the swans _______.

A. remains almost unchanged in the past years

B. involves a lot of royal https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a11437622.html,

C. sometimes lasts longer than before

D. is always guarded by special soldiers

34.The underlined word “tributaries” can be best replaced by _______.

A. districts

B. Banks

C. trees

D. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a11437622.html, 35.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A. Britain’s Queen is concerned about swans.

B. Britain’s Queen orders a count of swans.

C. An old tradition in Buckingham Palace.

D. Queen Elizabeth will count swans herself.




When we are little, we know nothing about the rights and responsibilities of adulthood.__36__ Therefore, if we like a certain toy or if we want to eat a certain type of chocolate, we think that our parents will have to buy that for us. We don’t care that they possibly have not enough money for that. If they don’t carry out our wish, we’ll begin to cry. __637__ Whenever we begin to cry, we’ll get what we want.

Still, little by little, we realize that our parents can’t offer us all that we want for certain reasons. We then also understand that parents have their rights. They have the right to scold us when we do something wrong or when they find out that we have lied to them.__38__ They choose our clothes, the food we eat, the school we will study at, the hours when we should go out to play and the time we have to return home.

__39__ They are the ones to be blamed later if we don’t receive proper education. That’s why when we beat a classmate at the kindergarten, parents are the ones to apologize for our deeds in front of the teacher and the classmate’s parents. And when we get ill, they are responsible for not taking good care of us and for dressing us inadequately.

The moment we become teenagers, we notice that we should be responsible for our behaviors in society. Now we have the right to be independent. __40__ It is supposed that we are mature enough to solve our problems and to make people around trust us. For some of us, this is a difficult test to pass, but it is the best method to see if we are capable of taking our place in society.

A.However, it’s also time for us to give explanations when we do something


B.But at the same time they are responsible for many things that happen to us.

C.Moreover, they have the right to make choices for us when we are little.

D.We should believe we can do them by ourselves.

E.This is a child’s important weapon to threaten his/her par ents.

F.As a matter of fact, parents have a lot of things to be concerned about.

G.We think our parents should offer us all we need.





Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Brett's jeans and shirt full of burn


Tired and defeated, I __41__ to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had __42__. He

often got almost everything in the house out of __43__. Many windows in our house needed repair due

to his breaking __44__ to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none of this could compare

to the emotional __45__ Brett had done to our once quiet home.

Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt with Brett

as __46__ as possible, but inside I was shouting, "I don't want him in my house another day, Lord! I just

can't __47__ him!" Having wiped my tears, I continued __48__ him as before.

When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall(少管所). After that, my husband and I

had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping__49___teens. At the __50__ ceremony, each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had __51__ the most to him or her. Brett spoke __52__ to his parents and then spoke to me, "You did so much. You were always there, no matter __53__. My mom and dad, I am their kid. But you, __54__ troubled enough by me, always__55__ me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it."

__56__, I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me__57__.

At that moment, tears__58__in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for__59__.

Although I had struggled with silent__60__toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions. Love is

action. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives,

but we can love them.

41.A.sat B.sank C.bent D.dropped

42.A.ruined B.lost C.torn D.broken

43.A.danger B.place C.trouble D.order

44.A.off B.in C.up D.away

45.A.pain B.injury C. damage D.harm

46.A.patiently B.willingly C.strictly D.rudely

47.A.forgive B.educate C.stand D.control

48.A.parenting B.pardoning C.comforting D.feeding

49.A.lazy B.troublesome C.disappointing D.careless

50.A.opening B.official C.victory D.graduation

51.A.afforded B.meant C.supplied D .changed

52.A.lovingly B.sadly C.proudly D.nervously

53.A.where B.how C.what D.who

54.A.unless B.although C.because D.when

55.A.cost B.lent C.taught D.showed

56.A.Astonished B.Puzzled C.Encouraged D.Interested

57.A.surety B.roughly C.tightly D.fiercely

58.A.fell B.flowed C.moved D.gathered

59.A.pity B.happiness C.luck D.success

60.A.love. B.anxiety C.anger D.care





If you read a newspaper or listen to a newscast(news report) recently, you may hear or read a strange word, “staycation.” Staycation is 61 new word the American press(newspapers, radio, and television) is using 62 (describe) a vacation very close to your own home, or 63 (simple) staying at home during your vacation. It is a combination of the words “stay” and “vacation”.

According to many news reports, these staycations are very popular among American families this year. Why? The high price of gasoline for cars and airplanes has made it very expensive for Americans to travel 64 (compare) to past years. When you combine this with the weak American dollar, it all adds up 65 people deciding to stay close to home during their traditional summer vacations. Of course, some places are 66 (attract) to “stay home at” than others. And if you live in a very small town, well, you may just want to skip your vacation and save your time up to next year!

Everything is expensive nowadays, and let’s face 67 —a vacation just may not be in your plan this year. You don’t have to give up family fun just 68 you can’t get away ; instead, follow my tips for an economical staycation filled with old favorites and new adventures! Staycations 69 (achieve) high popularity in current hard economic times in which 70 (employ) levels and gas prices are












I was selected to go on a study tour to Britain. On the morning of March 27, we arrived at the Airport where we were warm welcomed by our home-stay families. Soon we went to Westminster College to attend a presentation about the school. A professor gave them a vivid and interesting introduction and we learned a lot of the college. In the following days we visited some famous scenic spots such as Big Ben and London Eye. We took many photos there. On the last day we had a farewell party when students from China and Britain gave put on fantastic performances including songs and dances。

From the study tour, not only had we improved our speaking skills, and also we’ve got a far good understanding of British culture。















2016年上海市高考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.It is satisfactory. B.It is luxurious. C.It is old﹣fashioned. D.It is disappointing. 2.(1分)A.On August 5th. B.On August 6th. C.On August 7th. D.On August 8th. 3.(1分)A.A waiter. B.A butcher. C.A porter. D.A farmer. 4.(1分)A.In a theatre. B.In a library. C.In a booking office. D.In a furniture store. 5.(1分)A.She expected to a better show. B.She could hardly find her seat. C.She wasn't interested in the show. D.She didn't get a favourable seat. 6.(1分)A.The woman often eats out for breakfast.


2020-2021长沙市长郡中学小学数学小升初一模试题含答案 一、选择题 1.六(2)班有四成的学生是女生,那么男生占全班人数的()。 A. B. 40% C. D. 五成 2.一个大西瓜平均分成18块,小明吃了3块,小华吃了4块,他们一共吃了这个西瓜的() A. B. C. 3.下面得数不相等的一组是()。 A. B. C. D. 4.把边长4分米的正方形剪成两个同样的长方形,其中一个长方形的周长是()分米.A. 8 B. 12 C. 5 5.一件衣服原价100元,先提价10%,后又降价 10%,现价与原价比较,是(). A. 提高了 B. 降低了 C. 不变 6.一根木料锯成3段要6分钟,如果锯成6段需要()分钟。 A. 12 B. 15 C. 9 7.下面四句话中,错误的一句是()。 A. 0既不是正数也不是负数 B. 国际儿童节和教师节都在小月 C. 假分数的倒数不一定是真分数 D. 在生活中,知道了物体的方向,就能确定物体的位置 8.把同样的黑、红、白三种颜色的花片各2个混在一起.闭上眼睛取出2个花片,可能出现的结果有()种. A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 9.根据下图中点M和点N则的位置,下列说法正确的是()。 A. 点M在点N的东北方向 B. 点M在点N的西北方向 C. 点M在点N的东南方向 D. 点M在点N的西南方向 10.下面各题中的两种量成反比例关系的是()。 A. 单价一定,总价与数量 B. 圆柱的体积一定,圆柱的底面积与高

C. 全班人数一定,出勤人数与缺勤人数 D. 已知圆的面积=圆周率×半径的平方,圆的面积与半径 11.有一张方格纸,每个小方格的边长是1厘米,上面堆叠有棱长1厘米的小正方体(如左下图),小正方体A的位置用(1,1,1)表示,小正方体B的位置用(2,6,5)表示,那么小正方体 C的位置可以表示成()。 A. (6,2,3) B. (2,2,3) C. (2,6,3) 12.要比较东东和杰杰6到14岁的身高变化情况,合适的统计图是()。 A. 单式折线统计图 B. 复式折线统计图 C. 复式条形统计图 D. 扇形统计图 二、填空题 13.3:5=9÷________= ________=________%=________(填成数) 14.4.85L=________mL 920cm3=________dm3 5t 730 kg=________t 7.54 m2=________dm2 15.把一根5米长的绳子剪成同样长的8段,每段占全长的________,每段长________米。 16.建筑队按2:3:5的比例将水泥、沙子、石子搅拌成混凝土.建筑队要搅拌25吨混凝土需要水泥________吨. 17.的分数单位是________,再加上________个这样的分数单位就是2。 18.用四个不同的偶数组成一个比例:________。 19.商店运进a袋大米,每袋重25千克,一共重________千克。 20.把 L饮料平均分到6个杯子里,每个杯子分得________L. 三、解答题 21.学校建了一个圆柱形水池,水池的底面内直径是20米,高2.4米。 (1)挖成这个水池,共需挖土多少立方米? (2)如果在池的四壁和下底面抹一层水泥,抹水泥部分的面积是多少平方米? 22.求下图阴影部分的面积。(单位:厘米)


厦门双十中学2016届高三(上)期中考英语试卷参考答案 听力理解 1—5 AACBC 6—10 ABCCB 11—15 ABABC 16—20 ACBAB 阅读理解 ( A ) 21—24 CDBA ( B ) 25—28 BDCA ( C ) 29—32 DBAC ( D ) 33—35 ADC 36—40 CAFGE 完形填空 41—45 BCACA 46—50 DCDBA 51—55 ABDCD 56—60 BACDB 单词拼写 61. recover 62. environmental 63. informed 64. regular 65. survival 66. block 67. dating 68. charging 69. promoted 70. response 71. targeted 72. potentially 73. sounded 74. complaints 75. appeals 短文改错 Last week we held a discussion on which we should do for our school before we graduate.The students in our what class have different suggestion.Some students thought that we can collect money to buy some books for the school suggestions think library or everything else for the schoo1.Other students argue that there’s not necessary to spend money.We can something it’s study hard and make our school feeling proud of us. feel In my opinion,we don’t have to spend money.We can do something meaningfully without money. For an meaningful example,we can do some voluntary work to beautify the school and try to get better results in the coming exams so or that our school will∧proud of us. be 书面表达(One possible version): Dear Sophia, I am glad to hear from you. To be honest, I have the same experience as you. But you have to know that procrastination is the thief of time. The following advice may help you overcome it soon. The most effective means to solve this problem is that you can make a “to do” list. For example, you can write “Finish home work before Saturday night”on your plan. If you manage to finish it, you can reward yourself. Otherwise, punish yourself. What’s more, you can find a person to remind you to finish your work efficiently from time to time. Different people have different efficient times. But it doesn’t matter what time it is. Just don’t waste time, following the schedule strictly. Last but not the least, do it now, just from now. In a word, don't spoil yourself. Although you have a long way to go, the first step is very essential. Good luck! Yours, Abby 书面表达 一、评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 4


长沙市一中高二理科数学考试卷 时量:115分钟 满分:150分 命题人:胡雪文 校审人:江楚珉 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.选对的得5分,错选或不答得0分.) 1.若直线a ,b ,c 满足a ∥b ,b 与c 不平行,则( ) A .a 与c 平行 B .a 与c 不平行 C .a 与c 是否平行不能确定 D .a 与c 是异面直线 2.在正方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1中,下列结论正确的是( ) A .A 1C 1与A 1D 成90°角 B .A 1C 1与AC 是异面直线 C .AC 与DC 1成45°角 D .A 1C 1与B 1C 成60°角 3.下列命题正确的是( ) A .一条直线与一个平面平行,它就和这个平面内的任意一条直线平行 B .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行 C .与两个相交平面的交线平行的直线,必平行于这两个平面 D .平面外的两条平行直线中的一条与一个平面平行,则另一条直线也与此平面平行 4.空间四边形ABCD 的四边相等,则它的两对角线AC 、BD 的关系是( ) A .垂直且相交 B .相交但不一定垂直 C .垂直但不相交 D .不垂直也不相交 5.空间四边形OABC 中,OA = a ,OB = b ,OC = c ,点M 是在OA 上且OM = 2MA ,N 为BC 的中点,则MN 等于( ) A .12a 2 3 -b +12c B .2 3 -a +12b +12c C .12a +12b 2 3 -c D .23a +2 3 b 12-c 6.若直线l 与平面α所成角为 3 π ,直线a 在平面α内,且与直线l 异面,则直线l 与直线a 所成的角的取值范围是( ) A .2 [0,]3 π B .2 [,)33 ππ C .2 [,]33 ππ D .[,]32 ππ 7.长方体的一个顶点处的三条棱长之比为1:2:3,它的表面积为88,则它的对角线长为( ) A .12 B .24 C . D .8.设地球半径为R ,若甲地位于北纬45°东经120°,乙地位于南纬75°东经120°,则甲、乙两地的球面距离为( )

长沙市一中2019届高三月考试卷(六)物 理

炎德·英才大联考长沙市一中2019届高三月考试卷(六) 物 理 长沙市一中高三物理备课组组稿 (考试范围:第一章至第九章第二节) 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共8页。时量90分钟,满分110分。 得分: 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共48分) 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分。有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有几个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 1.如图所示,电源与竖直放置的光滑导轨相连,一金属导体棒靠在导轨外面,为使金属棒不动,我们在导轨所在空间内加磁场,则此磁场的方向可能是 A.垂直于导轨所在平面指向纸内 B.垂直于导轨所在平面指向纸外 C.平行于导轨所在平面向右 D.与导轨所在平面成60°角斜向下方,指向纸内 2.如图所示,矩形闭合线圈放置在水平薄板上,有一块蹄形磁铁 如图所示置于平板的正下方(磁极间距略大于矩形线圈的宽度)当磁铁匀速向右通过线圈时,线圈仍静止不动,那么线圈受到薄板的摩擦力方向是 A.一直向左 B.一直向右 C.先向左,后向右 D.先向右,后向左 3.从地面竖直上抛一物体A ,同时在离地面某一高度处有另一物体B 自由落下,不计空气阻力,两物体在空中同时到达同一高度时速率都为v ,下列说法中正确的是 A.A 物体上抛时的速度大于B 物体落地时的速度 B.物体A 、B 在空中运动时间相等 C.物体A 能上升的最大高度和物体B 开始下落时的高度相等 D.两物体在空中同时达到同一高度处一定是B 物体开始下落时高度的中点 4.如图所示,一个半球形的碗放在桌面上,碗口水平,O 点为其球心,碗的内表面及碗口是光滑的。一根细线跨在碗口上,线的两端分别系有质量为m 1和m 2的小球。当它们处于平衡状态时,质量为m 1的小球与O 点的连线与水平线的夹角为α=90°,质 量为m 2的小球位于水平地面上,设此时质量为m 2的小球对地面压力大小为N ,细线的拉力大小为T ,则 A.N =(m 2-m 1)g B.N =m 2g C.T = 22m 1g D.T =(m 2-2 2 m 1)g 5.如图,柱体A 的横截面是圆心角为π/2的扇形面,其弧形表面光滑,而与地面接触的下表面粗糙;在光滑竖直墙壁与柱体之间放置一质量为m 的球体,系统处于平衡状态。若使柱体向左缓慢移动少许(球体未与地面接触),系统仍处于平衡状态,则


一、选择题(共 14小题,总计 42分 .其中 1~10小题均只有一个选项符合题意,11~14至少有两个选项符合题意,每小题全对得 3分,漏选得 2分,错选或不选不得分) 1、下列说法中正确的是 A、运动物体所受的合外力不为零,合外力必做功,物体的动能肯定要变化 B、运动物体所受的合外力为零,则物体的动能肯定不变 C、运动物体的动能保持不变,则该物体所受合外力一定为零 D、运动物体所受合外力不为零,则该物体一定做变速运动,其动能肯定要变化 2、如图某物体在拉力 F 的作用下没有运动,经时间 t后 A、拉力的冲量为 Ft B、拉力的冲量为F t cosθ C、合力的冲量不为零 D、重力的冲量为零 3、把一支枪水平固定在小车上,小车放在光滑的水平地面上,枪发射出一颗子弹时,关于枪、弹、车,下列说法正确的是 A.枪和弹组成的系统动量守恒 B.枪和车组成的系统动量守恒 c.枪、弹、车组成的系统动量守恒 D.由于枪与弹间存在摩擦,所以枪、弹、车组成的系统动量不守恒 4.真空中两个同性的点电荷 q1、q2,它们相距较近,保持静止 .今释放 q2且 q2只在 q1的库仑力作用下运动,则 q2在运动过程中受到的库仑力 A、不断减小 B、不断增加 C、始终保持不变 D、先增大后减小 5、同步卫星是指相对于地面不动的人造地球卫星,下列说法正确的是 A、它可以在地面上任一点的正上方,且离地心的距离可按需要选择不同值 B、它可以在地面上任一点的正上方,但离地心的距离是一定的

C、它只能在赤道的正上方,但离地心的距离可按需要选择不同值 D、它只能在赤道的正上方,且离地心的距离是一定的 6.如图所示,a、b、c是一条电场线上的三点,电场线的方向由 a到 c,a、b间的距离等于 b、c间的距离,用φa、φb、φc和 E a、E b、E c分别表示 a、b、c三点的电势和电场强度,可以判定 A. φa>φb>φc B. Eα>E b>E c C. φa-φb=φb-φc D. Eα=E b=E c 7.一宇宙飞船绕地球做匀速圆周运动,飞船原来的线速度是 v1,周期是 T1,假设在某时刻它向后喷气做加速运动后,进入新轨道做匀速圆周运动,运动的线速度是 v2,周期是 T2,则 A. v1>v2,T1>T2 B. v1>v2,T1T2 D. v1


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷(第1-12页)和第II卷(第13页),全卷共13页。 所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. It is satisfactory. B. It is luxurious. C. It is old-fashioned. D. It is disappointing. 2. A. On August 5th. B. On August 6th. C. On August 7th. D. On August 8th. 3. A. A waiter. B. A butcher. C. A porter. D. A farmer. 4. A. In a theatre. B. In a library. C. In a booking office. D. In a furniture store. 5. A. She expected to a better show. B. She could hardly find her seat. C. She wasn’t interested in the show. D. She didn’t get a favourable seat. 6. A. The woman often eats out for breakfast. B. The cafeteria serves good breakfast. C. The woman doesn’t have breakfast. D. The cafeteria doesn’t serve breakfast. 7. A. Selling cucumbers. B. Planting vegetables. C. Cooking a meal. D. Picking tomatoes. 8. A. The man should work hard. B. The man should turn down the job offer. C. The man may have another chance. D. The man can apply for the job again. 9. A. It is a hot and smoggy day. B. There is a traffic jam on King Street. C. A vehicle is polluting the air. D. The man is reading a report online. 10. A. Its ending is not good enough. B. Its special effects are not satisfying. C. It deserves an award. D. It is good except for the scary part. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,


一选择题:(本题共12小题,每小题,4分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1-8题只有一项符合题目要求,第9-12题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得,4分,选对但不全的得,2分,有选错或不选的得0分) 1. 下列说法正确的是 A. 力的平行四边形定则的探究实验中运用了控制变量的方法 B. 伽利略在研究自由落体运动时运用了理想实验的方法 C.参考系必须是固定不动的物体 D.法拉第不仅提出了场的概念,而且发明了人类历史上的第一台发电机 2. 如图所示,用恒力F将物体压在粗糙竖直面上,当F从实线位置绕O点顺时针转至虚线位置,物体始终静止,则在这个过程中,摩擦力f与墙壁对物体弹力F N的变化情况是 A.f方向可能一直竖直向上 B.f先变小后变大 C. F N先变小后变大 D. F N先变小后变大再变小 3. 如图所示,两块平行金属板倾斜放置,其间有一匀强电场,PQ是中央线;一带电小球从a点以速度v0平行于PQ线射入板间,从b点射出;以下说法正确的是 A.小球一定带正电 B. 从a到b小球一定做类平抛运动 C.小球在b点的速度一定大于v0 D.从a到b小球的电势能一定增加 4. 如图所示,两根直木棍AB和CD相互平行,斜靠在竖直墙壁上固定不动,一个圆筒从木棍的上部以初速度v0匀速滑下;若保持两木棍倾角不变,将两棍间的距离减小后固定不动,仍将圆筒放在两木棍上部以

初速度v0滑下,下列判断正确的是 A.仍匀速滑下 B.匀加速下滑 C.减速下滑 D.以上三种运动均可能 5. 以v0=20m/s的初速从地面竖直向上抛出一物体,上升的最大高度H=18m,设空气阻力大小不变,则上升过程和下降过程中动能和势能相等的高度分别是(以地面为重力势能零点) A.等于9m,等于9m B.大于9m,小于9m C.小于9m,大于9m D.大于9m,大于9m 6. 如图所示,一根细线下端拴一个金属小球P,细线的上端固定在金属块Q上,Q放在带小孔(小孔光滑)的水平桌面上,小球在某一水平面内做匀速圆周运动;现使小球在一个更高的水平面上做匀速圆周运动,而金属块Q始终静止在桌面上的同一位置,则改变高度后与原来相比较,下面的判断中正确的是 A.细线所受的拉力变小 B.小球P运动的角速度变大 C.Q受到桌面的静摩擦力变小 D.Q受到桌面的支持力变大 7. 如图所示是发电厂通过升压变压器进行高压输电,接近用户端时再通过降压变压器降压给用户供电的示意图;图中变压器均可视为理想变压器,图中电表均为理想交流电表;设发电厂输出的电压一定,两条输电线总电阻用R0表示,变阻器R相当于用户用电器的总电阻! 当用电器增加时,相当于R变小,则当用电进入高峰时


长沙市长郡中学2019-2020学年高三第一次教学质量检测 数学试题(理科) (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 注意事项 1.答题前,务必在答题卡和答题卷规定的地方填写自己的姓名、准考证号和座位号后两位. 2.答第Ⅰ卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号. 3.答第Ⅱ卷时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卷上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰.作图题可先用铅笔在答题卷规定的位置绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔描清楚,必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草纸上答题元效. 第I 卷(满分60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设θ∈R ,则“ππ ||1212θ- < ”是“1sin 2 θ<”的( ) A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 2.设函数()31,1 ,2,1 x x x f x x -


绝密★启封前 2016普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语试卷类型A 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15 B. £ 9. 18 C. £ 9. 15 答案是C。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Having a birthday party. B. Doing some exercise. C. Getting Lydia a gift. 2. What is the woman going to do? A. Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera. 3. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Tell Kate to stop. B. Call Kate, s friends. C. Stay away from Kate. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant. 5. What does the woman mean? A. Keep the window closed. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Turn on the fan. 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man going to do this summer? A. Teach a course. B. Repair his house. C. Work at a hotel. 7. How will the man use the money? A. To hire a gardener. B. To buy books. C. To pay for a boat trip.


2019届湖南省、长沙一中等四校高三联考地理试卷 【含答案及解析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 一、选择题 1. 新型零售业中,数量最多且分布最普及的是便利商店。便利商店与传统杂货店相同,以供应低单价、高需求频率的日常生活用品为主,但也有一些新特点。读台北火车站附近的便利商店分布(2014年)图,回答下列各题。 1.影响便利商店分布密度最主要的因素是 A.地价高低 B.人口密度 C.停车条件 D.交通通达性 2.关于便利商店经营特点的叙述,错误的是 A.店面小 B.不仅提供商品,还提供一些日常服务

C.商品种类较少 D.许多商店24小时全年不休业 3.关于便利商店选址的叙述,正确的是 A.优先考虑道路交叉处 B.同一品牌不在同一地段密集开店 C.不在其他品牌附近开店 D.便利商店选址要与百货商场、大型超市错开 2. 随着东北地区粮食综合生产能力的逐步提高,源源不断的商品粮行销全国,我国粮食 生产的“北粮南运”格局已悄然形成,南方“鱼米之乡”的餐桌上,东北米的比例越来越大。据此回答下列各题。 1.过去我国粮食生产是“南粮北调”,现在变成了“北粮南运”,主要影响因素是 A.气候条件的变化 B.南方粮食主产区经济结构的调 整 C.北方粮食的品质更好 D.北方粮食的价格更低 2.我国“北粮南运”主要是通过铁路和铁水联运两条通道将东北的粮食运往南方,而在 吉林省东部珲春通过“借港(俄罗斯或朝鲜)出海”是新开辟的第三条运输通道。第三条 运输通道首先通过的是 A.渤海 B.黄海 C.日本海 D.鄂 霍次克海 3.上题中提到的第三条运输通道与其他两条通道相比,其最大的优势是 A.距离近 B.运费低 C.速度快 D.运 量大 3. 广东省韶关市东北的丹霞山以“赤壁丹崖”为特色,由红色沙砾陆相沉积岩构成,是 世界“丹霞地貌”命名地。丹霞地貌最突出的特点是“赤壁丹崖”广泛发育,形成了顶平、身陡、麓缓的方山、石墙、石峰、石柱等奇险的地貌形态,各异的山石形成一种观赏价值 很高的风景地貌,是名副其实的“红石公园”。2010年8月1日,第34届世界遗产大会 审议通过了将中国湖南良山、广东丹霞山、福建泰宁、贵州赤广东省丹霞山水、江西龙虎 山和浙江江郎山联合申报的“中国丹霞地貌”列入“世界自然遗产目录”。据此并结合右 图回答下列各题。


第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分10分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题0.5分,满分2.5) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Who is answering the telephone call? A.Bill. B.Mike. C.Kate. 2.What does the man mean? A.He is practising English. B.He doesn’t understand the woman. C.He doesn’t want to help the woman. 3.When will the film probably start? A.At 7:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 6:30. 4.What do the two speakers think of the exam? A.It is difficult. B.It is moderate. C.It is easy. 5.What are the two speakers talking about? A.The man’s friend-Henry. B.An excellent camping tent. C.The weather. 第二节(共15小题,每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出版社秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。 6.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A new city library. B.Their math homework. C.Their college library. 7.Why does the man probably want to have coffee? A.He is tired. B.He misses the old days. C.He wants to meet the math professor there. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What is the man asking the woman to do? A.Visit Florida. B.Move to New York. C.Move to Florida.


2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15 B. £ 9. 18 C. £ 9. 15 答案是C。 1. What will Lucy do at 11:30 tomorrow? A. Go out for lunch. B. See her dentist. C. Visit a friend. 2. What is the weather like now? A. It’s sunny. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s cloudy. 3. Why does the man talk to Dr. Simpson? A. To make an apology. B. To ask for help. C. To discuss his studies. 4. How will the woman get back from the railway station? A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus. 5. What does Jenny decide to do first? A. Look for a job. B. Go on a trip. C. Get an assistant. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What time is it now? A. 1:45. B. 2:10. C. 2:15. 7. What will the man do? A. Work on a project. B. See Linda in the library. C. Meet with Professor Smith. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What are the speakers talking about? A Having guests this weekend. B. Going out for sightseeing. C. Moving into a new house.


俯视图 主(正)视图 左视图 湖南省长沙市一中2007-2008年九年级第六次月考数学试卷 请同学们注意:1、时间:120分钟,总分:120分 2、写好:姓名、班次、考室号、座位号。 一、填空题(每题3分,共24分) 1、函数1-= x y 的自变量x 的取值范围是______________。 2、把b a ab a 2232-+分解因式的结果是______________。 3、如图(1),圆锥底面半径为cm 9,母线长为cm 36,则圆锥侧面展开 图的圆心角为 。 4、已知等腰ABC ?的腰AB =AC =10cm ,,底边BC=12cm,则A ∠的平分线的长是 cm. 5、不等式组? ??<+-<-06202x x 的解集是________________。 6、半径分别为6cm 和4cm 的两圆内切,则它们的圆心距为 cm 。 7、如图,在等腰梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AB ≠AD ,对角线AC 、BD 相交 于点O 。如 下四个结论: ① 梯形ABCD 是轴对称图形; ②∠DAC=∠DCA ; ③△AOB ≌△DOC ; ④△AOD ∽△BOC 请把其中错误结论的序号填在横线上:___________。 8、如图,如果以正方形ABCD 的对角线AC 为边作第二个正方 形ACEF ,再以对角线AE 为边作第三个正方形AEGH ,如此下 去,…,已知正方形ABCD 的面积1s 为1,按上述方法所作的正 方形的面积依次为2s ,3s ,…..,n s (n 为正整数),那么第8个正方 形的面积8s =_______。 二、选择题:(每小题3分,共24分) 9、2007年中国月球探测工程的“嫦娥一号”卫星将发射升空飞向月球。已知地球距离月球表面约为384000千米,那么这个距离用科学记数法(保留三个有效数字)表示应为( ) A 、3.84×4 10千米 B 、3.84×5 10千米 C 、3.84×6 10千米 D 、38.4×4 10千米 10、下图是由一些完全相同的小立方块搭成的几何体的三种视图,那么搭成这个几何体所用的小立方块的个数是( ) A 、5个 B 、6个 C 、7个 D 、8个 11、下列运算正确的是( ) A B C D O 图2 A B C D E F G H I J 图 3

湖南省长沙一中2016届高三第六次月考(理)数学试题 Word版

炎德?英才大联考长沙市一中2016届高三月考试卷(六) 数学(理科) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项 是符合题目要求的. 1.已知全集R U =,集合{} 21≤-=x x M ,则=M C U () A.{}31<<-x x B.{} 31≤≤-x x C.{} 31>-)4(a x P () A.32.0 B.36.0 C.64.0 D.68.0 3.在等比数列{}n a 中,531=+a a ,前4项和为15,则数列{}n a 的公比是() A. 21 B.3 1 C.2 D.3 4.在空间中,下列命题正确的是() A.垂直于同一平面的两个平面平行 B.平行于同一直线的两个平面平行 C.垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行 D.平行直线的在同一平面上的投影相互平行 5.执行下图所示的程序框图,如果输入正整数m ,n ,满足m n ≥,那么输出的p 等于() A.1-m n C B.1-m n A C.m n C D.m n A

6.5)1 2)((x x x a x -+ 的展开式中各项系数的和为2,则该展开式中常数项为() A.40- B.20- C.20 D.40 7.已知函数]6 7, 0[),6 2sin(2π π ∈+ =x x y 的图象与直线m y =有三个交点的横坐标分别为)(,,321321x x x x x x <<,那么3212x x x ++的值是() A. 43π B.3 4π C.35π D.23π 9.六名大四学生(其中4名男生、2名女生)被安排到A ,B ,C 三所学校实习,每所学校2人,且2名女生不能到同一学校,也不能到C 学校,男生甲不能到A 学校,则不同的安排方法为() A.24 B.36 C.16 D.18 10.已知球的直径4=SC ,A ,B 是该球球面上的两点,3=AB , 30=∠=∠BSC ASC , 则棱锥ABC S -的体积为() A.33 B.32 C.3 D.1 11.设向量a ,b ,c 满足1==b a ,2 1-=?b a ,若向量c a -与c b -的夹角等于 60,则c 的最大值为() A.3 B.2 C.2 D.1
