




what meet brother mother

green black teacher ruler father

two chair white table

bag pencil 你的书



This is my bag.(改为否定句)_____________________

That is your mobile.(改为否定句)__________________________.

This is your coat.(改为一般疑问句)____________________________

Is this your pencil?(肯定回答)___________________________

Is that your ruler?(否定回答)____________________________

This is Robert’s desk.(对划线部分提问)______________________________ That is Lucy’s key.(对划线部分提问)______________________________

This is a bird. (对划线部分提问)______________________________

That is a flower. (对划线部分提问)______________________________ Karen’s umbrella is red.(对划线部分提问)_______________________________ Lucy’s camera is black. (对划线部分提问_________________________________ It is my white hat.(用缩写形式改写)_______________________________

That is Robert’s bicycle. (用缩写形式改写)_______________________________ It is not a red umbrella. (用缩写形式改写)______________________________ What is that? (用缩写形式改写)_____________________________

四、fill the blank with a/an.(用a/an填空10分)

1、It is pen.

2、It is door.

3、It is apple.

4、It is egg.

5、It is bird.

6、It is desk.

7、That is wheel. 8、This is umbrella..

9、It’s orange. 10、This is hat


1、is he brother your

2、bag it a is

3、where my is pen

4、your this is not book

5、that sister my is


1、What colour is your hat? It’s black. 翻译:

2、What’s this? It’s a desk. 翻译:

3、What colour is it? It’s blue. 翻译

4、Is this a book? Yes ,it is翻译:

5、Is that a bag? No,it isn’t. 翻译:


新概念英语二lesson22课后短语练习答案Page 97-99 Supply the missing words( or, from, in or on). 1. I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday. 2. I refuse to comment on his work. 3. The waiter’s tip is included in the bill. 4. He congratulated me on having got engaged. 5. This warm coat will protect you from the cold. 6. Did anything emerge from your discussion? 7. I dreamt of you last night. 8. You can never rely on him to be punctual. 9. Nothing will prevent him from succeeding. 10. Are you interested in music? 11. I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter? 12. Beware of the dog. 13. He persisted in asking questions. 14. I insist on your telling me the truth. 15. It took me a long time to get rid of him. 16. Do you mean to say you have never heard of Beethoven? 17. I separated them from each other because they were fighting? 18. They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him. 19. You can depend on me. 20. I haven’t accused him of anything, but I suspect him of having taken it. 21. Whatever made you think of such a thing? 22. We expect a great deal of you, Smith. 23. My hands smell of soap. 24. They differ from each other so much. 25. He invested a lot of money in shipping. 26. The film was based on a novel by Dickens. 27. Don’t lean on that shelf! You’ll regret it. 28. She often suffers from colds. 29. We have embarked on a new house. 30. I believe in taking my time. 31. Jones was dismissed from the firm. 32. They began by experimenting on rats. 33. Please concentrate on what you are doing. 34. She prides herself on her clean house. 35. The climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit. 36. Many people escaped from prisons during the last five years. 37. We must economize on fuel. 38. He's never done any work. He lives on his mother. 39. He was employed in a factory before he joined the army. 40. Any what does this horrible drink consist of? 41. I shall certainly act on your advice. 42. Don't write on the desk!


Lesson Plan Name 罗玲段姗姗虞佳 Grade NCE2 Times Date Place Ⅰ Lesson Type: New Lesson Ⅱ Contents & Purposes: Lesson 22 a glass envelope Ⅲ key structures and key words: 介词的用法 Ⅳ Teaching procedure: Step1 Greeting, Step 2 :Lead-in 1)T: In what way can we make friends? Ss: talk about how to make friends: talking on phone, chatting online( QQ, MSN, Skype),. T: Today I’ll tell you another way of making friends. T: Take out some bottles, and ask to Ss to write a letter to make friends, and put their letters into bottles. T: Put all the bottles into a bag. And let the Ss to choose one of them and read out the letter and find the friends and exchange their stickers. 2) Let’s listen to the story today. And let’s see how Jane make friends. Step 3 Listen again and answer more Qs: (Summary writing) Step 4) words: Dream: T ask: What do you dream of? I dream of receiving a …on my birthday? What about you? Ss: I dream of receiving…/being… Age: of one’s own age T ask S1 of 12: How old are you? And then ask another S2 of the same age So S1 is of S2’s own age. Let Ss ask others’ age and find out who is of their own age and tell the others: ….is of my own age. Channel: show pics of some famous channels. Intro the biggest channel in the world..


New concept English Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词 by heart,背得出,靠记忆,背诵 Which actor read the letter in the end, the aristocrat or the gaoler? 哪一个演员最终读这封信,贵族还是看守? aristocrat ,贵族 gaoler,(监狱)看守 Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end, 有些戏剧如此叫座,以至于年复一年地持续(演出) run,持续;延续 on end,连续地 years on end,年复一年 successful,(在这里)叫座。多义词,颇有建树(的作家),飞黄腾达(的银行家),大受欢迎(的影片) In many ways 在很多方面, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. 这对倒霉的演员来说是不幸的,他们需要一晚接一晚重复说同样的台词 require,需要 be required,被要求 go on repeating,不断重复做……事情 line,台词,对白 One would expect them to know their parts台词by heart and never have cause to falter. 人们期待他们用心记住他们的台词,绝没有理由去结结巴巴的 expect,期待 part,台词,角色 falter,结巴地说 Yet this is not always the case. 然而,情况并不总是这样 yet,但是,然而 be the case,是这样,是这种情况 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. 一个著名的演员在一个叫座的戏剧中被分配扮演一个贵族的角色,(贵族)在巴士底监狱被关押了20年cast,分配角色;选派角色(cast A as B,分配演员A去演B这个角色) be cast in the role of,被分配扮演……角色 aristocrat [??r?st?kr?t],贵族 imprison,关押,监禁 Bastille,巴士底监狱 In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner.


新概念英语单词第一册第22课:哪一个empty ['empt] adj.空的 【单词搭配】be empty of缺乏 【单词例句】 A: May I take this empty plate away? A:我能把这个空盘子拿开吗? B:Yes,do please. B:当然能够,请吧。 full [f氂崀 adj.满酌 【派生词】fully完全地 fullness丰富 【单词搭配】fullload满载 full speed全速 full moon满月【单词例句】 A: Can we start our tour now? A:我们现在能开始我们的旅行了吗? B:Yes.the car has a full tank now. B:能够了。车子的油箱现在是满的。 large [lɑ搂鈀崂 adj大的 【派生词】largely大量地 【单词扩充】mega巨大的 【单词例句】

A: Well, here's your room, miss. A:这就是您的房间,小姐。 B: Thank you. Oh, what a nice, large room with a bird's view over the city! B:谢谢。啊,这真是一间宽敞而且能俯瞰全城的好房间! little ['l琂()l] adj小的 【单词搭配】little by little逐步地 quite a little大量 【单词例句】? A: The little dog is so cute. A:这只小狗真可爱。 B: Yes, but I like that kitten more. B:是的,但我更喜欢那只小猫。 sharp[儂瀂崀 adj.尖的,锋利的 small[sm氂崀小的 【单词例句】 A: I'm terrible at chopping vegetables.I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small. A:找切菜的手艺很差,总是把它们切得要不就太大,要不就太小。 B: I'm good atit. Leave the work to me. B:我很擅长这项工作,把这事留给我吧。 blunt [bl渂琀崀 adj.钝的 box [b欂猀崀盒子,箱子


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 Text How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger? My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. New words and expressions 生词和短语 Dream [dri:m] v. 做梦,梦想 age [e?d?] n. 年龄 channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡 throw [θr??] v. 扔,抛★dream v. 做梦, 梦想 Have a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦! She is daydreaming.她做白日梦 daydream : 思想开小差 dream of doing something : 梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of finding the gold. / I dream of be a good teacher. ★age n. 年龄 teengager : 十几岁的人 adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔, 抛(threw,thrown)throw away 扔掉 参考译文: 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。此后她就再没去想那只瓶子。但10个月以后,她收到了荷兰一位姑娘的来信。现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。然而她们还是决定利用邮局。这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。


22 教学用书:新概念二 教学目标: 掌握生词和短语①dream, age, channel, throw, ②dream of sth, dream of doing sth, 教学重难点:①常用的英语短语Have a good dream. dream of sth,cut a channel ②receive 与accept区分 ③own 做形容词,名词,代词的用法 ④write相关短语 教学过程: New words and expressions 1.dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。/ Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想 dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事

He finally realized his dream of becoming an actor. 他当演员的梦想终于实现了。dream about sth /doing sth Dream on! 做梦去吧! 2.age n. 1) 年龄,寿命,成年,法定年龄,时代 eg. You should never ask a lady’s age. 你不应该问一位女士的年龄。 eg. He bears his age well. 他不显老。 /He carries his age well. eg. He lived to a great age. 他高寿。 2) very long time 很久 eg. It took us ages to find a place to park. 我们找地方停车花了很长时间。 eg. Haven’t seen you for ages. 好久不见。 3.channel n. 1) 海峡 the English Channel英吉利海峡 / the Channel cut a channel 开凿渠道 2) (喻)(新闻,信息等传递的)途径,路线,渠道 the black-market channels of foreign goods 外国货的黑市渠道 proper channel 正当途径 a television channel 电视频道 eg. Let’s see what’s on the other channel, shall we? 我们看一下另一个台上演的节目,好吗? 4.throw v. 投,抛,掷,扔 throw---threw---thrown throw the bottle into the sea 把瓶子扔进海里


1.请给我一本书。那一本?红皮的那本。 2.请给Tim一个玻璃杯。哪一个?空的哪个吗?不,不是空的哪个。是满的那个。 3.请给她一把锋利的刀。 4.请给他们两把大勺子。 5.那儿有一只狗的。那只狗是黑色的。 6.这些是你们的包吗?不,不是我们的。我们的包是黄色的,这些包是蓝色的。 7.你怎么啦?我很好。 8.你现在好些了吗?不,没有。我又累又渴。 9.请来见见我的朋友们。 10.她们是理发师还是空姐?她们不是理发师,她们是空姐。 11.他是做什么的?他是一名推销员,他很忙。 12.那个姑娘的手提包是什么颜色的?她的手提包是白色的。 13.那个护照是绿色还是蓝色的?这个护照不是蓝色的,它是绿色的。 14.你们是挪威人吗?不,我们不是挪威人。我们的瑞典人。 15.她的连衣裙是黄色的还是白色的?她的连衣裙不是黄色的,它是白色的。 16.这是Tim的箱子。我的箱子是棕色的。 17.你们是来旅游的吗?是的,我们是来旅游的。 18.Sophie的鞋子是脏的还是干净的?她的鞋子不是干净的,她的鞋子是脏的。 19.Dave的领带是什么颜色的?他的领带是橙色的。 20.Tim的大衣是什么颜色的?他的大衣是黑色的。 21.到楼上来看看吧。 22.我的衬衫和我的帽子是一样的颜色。 23.这是谁的连衣裙?这是我姐姐的连衣裙。 24.这是谁的汽车?是你的汽车吗?不,不是我的汽车。它是Paul的汽车。 25.看那些机械师。他们又高又胖。 26.看Emma, 她很可爱。 27.他是做什么工作的?他是理发师吗?不,他不是理发师。他是送牛奶的。 28.他是出租汽车司机还是警察?他不是警察,他是出租车司机。 29.你姐姐是空姐还是护士呀?我姐姐不是空姐。她是护士。 30.它是什么牌子的?它是丰田。 31.它是美国车还是瑞典车?它不是瑞典车,它是美国车。 32.Michael是德国人还是法国人? 33.它是英国车还是意大利车?它是英国车。 34.Hans是日本学生还是丹麦学生? 35.那里有一个玻璃杯。 36.那里没有苹果。 37.那里有一本英语书。 38.那儿有一只猫和两只狗。 39.那里有两条领带和一把伞。 40.那里有箱子吗?


实用文档 裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第二十二课单词学习 dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。 / Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西) Mr. Right 白马王子 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 perfect[?p??f?kt; (for v.) p??fekt] adj. 完美的;最好的; 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想 dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 /dream about sth /dream about doing sth eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming. 我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。 eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。president['prez?d(?)nt] n. 总统;董事长;校长 eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。 daydreaming['de,drim??]做白日梦(daydream的ing形式) Dream on! 做梦去吧! eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧! “I have a dream.” 文案大全


裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第二十二课单词学习 dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。 / Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西) Mr. Right 白马王子 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 perfect[?p??f?kt; (for v.) p??fekt] adj. 完美的;最好的; 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想 dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 /dream about sth /dream about doing sth eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming. 我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。 eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。president ['prez?d(?)nt] n. 总统;董事长;校长 eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。 eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。 daydreaming['de,drim??]做白日梦(daydream的ing形式) Dream on! 做梦去吧! eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧! “I have a dream.”


单词学习 dream dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt 区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。 1) n. 梦,梦想 eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。 / Have a sweet dream. Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。 eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。 eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。 /His dream came true at last. dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西) Mr. Right 白马王子 2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的) eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。 3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想

dream of sth 梦想得到某物 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 /dream about sth /dream about doing sth eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming. 我从来没答应过把车借给你,你一定在做梦。 eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。 eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。 eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。 Dream on! 做梦去吧! eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧! “I have a dream.” 美国黑人民权领袖马丁·路德·金的演讲——实现美国价值中未赋予黑人的自由与平等:“我梦想总有一天,这个国家将站立起来,实现它的信条的真谛,我们认为这些真理不言自明——人人生而平等。” “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and liv e out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” age n.


新概念英语第三册课堂笔记:第22课新概念英语第三册课堂笔记第二十二课 Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★run (ran, run) v. (戏剧,电影等)连演,连映 The film is so successful that it runs for several weeks. ★lines n. (剧本中的)台词 ★part n. 剧中的角色,台词 ★falter v. 支吾,结巴说 stammmer He has practised the poem several times,so he has no cause to falter. 蹒跚而行,stagger He faltered home. ★cast (cast, cast) v. 连派……扮演角色

The actor was cast in the role of hero.★role n. 角色 ★aristocrat n. 贵族 ★imprison v. 关押 put sb imprison 关押 He was imprisoned for 10 years. imprisonment n. sentence sb to life imprisonment 判名人终生监禁 监狱:prison,jail,gaol send sb to prison put sb in prison throw sb into prison in prison:坐牢,the prison He is in prison(jail). He is behind bars. ★Bastille n. 巴士底狱

新概念英语第二册 第22课

Lesson 22 A glass envelope 一、阅读课文 My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. (98 words) 二、单词解析 1. address [??dres] n. 地址I’ll give you my address and phone number. 我会告诉你我的地址和电话号码。 演说tonight’s televised presidential address今晚总统的电视演讲 v.致函Address your application to the Personnel Manager. 把你的申请信寄给人事经理。 演讲; He is due to address a conference on human rights next week. 他下星期将在一个大会上发表关于人权的演说。 2. channel [?t??nl] n.渠道Complaints must be made through the proper channels. 投诉必须通过正当途径进行。频道They offer more than one hundred channels. 他们提供100多个频道。 v. 引导~ sth (into sth) He channels his aggression into sport. 他把他的好斗劲倾注于体育比赛之中。 文中the Channel 指的是英吉利海峡 3. regularly [?reɡj?l?li] adv.有规律地We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project. 我们定期会面,讨论工程进展情况。 经常I go there quite regularly. 我经常去那儿。 三、语法解析 后面可跟of, from, in 和on 的动词 大家注意如下搭配: 后接of的动词有:approve, complain, convince, dream, think, warn等 例如:As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress. 她上学时曾梦想成为一名女演员。 后接from的动词有:borrow, draw, escape, prevent, separate 等 例如:He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs. 他说这将使公司无法创造新的工作机会。 后接in的动词有:believe, interested, involve, persist等 例如:She persisted in her search for the truth. 她执著地追求真理。 后接on的动词有:concentrate, depend, insist, rely等 例如:She insisted on being present at all the interviews. 她坚持所有采访自己都要在场。 四、课后作业 请各位同学们朗读课文,并在下文“小小签到”小程序中每天打卡一次哟~


新概念第二册第22课词组复习题 1 I withdrew a lot of money _____ the bank yesterday.(from) 2 I refuse to comment _____ his work. (on) 3 The waiter’s tip is included _____ the bill. (in) 4 He congratulated me _____ having got engaged. (on) 5 This warm coat will protect you _____ the cold.(from) 6 Did anything emerge ______ your discussion?(from) 7 I dream ______ you last night.(of) 8 You can never rely _____ him to be

punctual.(on) 9 Nothing will prevent him _____ succeeding.(from) 10 Are you interested _____ music?(in) 11 I suppose I can count ______ you for help _____ this matter.(on)(in) 12 Beware_____ the dog.(of) 13 He persisted _____ asking questions.(on /in) 14 I insist _____ your telling me the truth. (on) 15 It took me a long time to get rid _____ him.(of) 16 Do you mean to say you have never heard _____ Beethoven? (of)

高中新概念英语第三册-Lesson 22(课文)

高中新概念英语第三册-Lesson 22(课文) Text Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词 Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. Yet this is not always the case. A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. Even though the noble was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it should be written out in full. One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes,

新概念英语第一册第21-22课Which book

新概念英语第一册第21-22课:Which book? Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本书? 听录音,然后回答问题。这位男士要哪本书? Give me a book please, Jane. 丈夫:请拿本书给我,简。 Which book? 妻子:哪一本? This one? 妻子:是这本吗? No, not that one. The red one. 丈夫:不,不是那本。是那本红皮的。 This one? 妻子:这本吗? Yes, please. 丈夫:是的,请给我。 Here you are. 妻子:给你。 Thank you. 丈夫:谢谢。 New Word and expressions 生词和短语 give v. 给 one pron.一个

which question word 哪一个 Notes on the text课文注释 Give me a book, please. 这是祈使句,省略了主语you。Which book?哪一本户这是一种省略形式。 This one?句中的one是不定代词,表示book。复数形式是ones。 Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a... Which one?给我/他/她/我们/他们一……哪一……? New words and expressions生词和短语empty adj.空的 box n.盒子,箱子 full adj.满的 glass n.杯子 large adj大的 cup n.茶杯 little adj.小的 bottle n.瓶子

sharp adj.尖的.锋利的 tin n.罐头 small adj.小的 knife n.刀子 big adj.大的 fork n.叉子 blunt adj.钝的 spoon n.勺子Lesson 21-22 自学导读First things first 1.Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。 这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见第13-14课_A new dress语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。 2.Which book? 哪一本? 是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。 3.This one?是这本吗? 相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。如:
