


'Quick! Quick! Close the door! It's him!? Annie Sorelli ran into the dressing-room, her face white.

One of the girls ran and closed the door, and then they all turned to Annie Sorelli.

'Who? Where? What's the matter? ' they cried.

'It's the ghost!? Annie said. 'In the passage. I saw him. He came through the wall in front of me! And…and I saw his face!?

Most of the girls were afraid, but one of them, a tall girl with black hair, laughed.

'Pooh!' she said. 'Everybody says they see the Opera ghost, but there isn't really a ghost. You saw a shadow on the wall.' But she did not open the door, or look into the passage.

'Lots of people see him,' a second girl said.' Joseph Buquet saw him two days ago. Don't you remember? ' Then all the girls began to talk at once.

'Joseph says the ghost is tall and he wears a black evening coat.'

'He has the head of a dead man, with a yellow face and no nose…'

'…And no eyes-only black holes!'

Then little Meg Giry spoke for the first time. 'Don't talk about him. He doesn't like it. My mother told me.' 'Your mother? ' the girl with black hair said. 'What does your mother know about the ghost? '

'She says that Joseph Buquet is a fool. The ghost doesn't like people talking about him, and one day Joseph Buquet is going to be sorry, very sorry.'

'But what does your mother know? Tell us, tell us!? all the girls cried.

'Oh dear!? said Meg. 'But please don't say a word to any one. You know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House. Well, Box 5 is the ghost's box! He watches the operas from that box, and sometimes he leaves flowers for my mother!

'The ghost has a box! And leaves flowers in it!?

'Oh, Meg, your mother's telling you stories! How can the ghost have a box? '

'It's true, it's true, I tell you!? Meg said. 'Nobody buys tickets for Box 5, but the ghost always comes to it on opera nights.'

'So somebody does come there? ' “快!快!关门!是他!”安妮?索雷丽跑进化妆室,脸色苍白。


















'Why, no! …The ghost comes, but there is nobody there.'

The dancers looked at Meg. 'But how does your mother know? ' one of them asked.

'There's no man in a black evening coat, with a yellow face. That's all wrong. My mother never sees the ghost in Box 5,but she hears him! He talks to her, but there is nobody there! And he doesn't like people talking about him!?

But that evening the dancers could not stop talking about the Opera ghost. They talked before the opera, all through the opera, and after the opera. But they talked veryquietly, and they looked behind them before they spoke.

When the opera finished, the girls went back to their dressing-room. Suddenly, they heard somebody in the passage, and Madame Giry, Meg's mother, ran into the room. She was a fat, motherly woman, with a red, happy face. But tonight her face was white.

'Oh girls,' she cried'. 'Joseph Buquet is dead! You know he walks a long way down, on the fourth floor under the stage. The other stage workers found his dead body there an hour ago -with a rope around his neck!?

'It's the ghost!' cried Meg Giry. 'The ghost killed him!?Chapter 2 The directors of the Opera House

The Opera House was famous, and the directors of the Opera House were veryimportant men. It was the first week of work for the two new directors, Monsieur Armand Moncharmin and Monsieur Firmin Richard. In the directors' office the next day, the two men talked about Joseph Buquet.

'It was an accident,' Monsieur Armand said angrily. ?Or Buquet killed himself.?

'An accident?…Killed himself?' Monsieur Firmin said.? Which story do you want, my friend? Or do you want the story of the ghost?'

'Don't talk to me about ghosts!' Monsieur Armand said.? We have 1,500 people working for us in this Opera House, and everybody is talking about the ghost. They're all mad! I don't want to hear about the ghost, OK?'

Monsieur Firmin looked at a letter on the table next to him.

And what are we going to do about this letter, Armand?' “为什么,不!……只有幽灵来,但是那里一个人也没有。”












Do?' cried Monsieur A rmand.? Why, do nothing, of course! What can we do?'

The two men read the letter again. It wasn't very long. To the new directors

Because you are new in the Opera House, I am writing to tell you some important things. Never sell tickets for Box 5; that is my box for every opera night. Madame Giry, the door keeper, knows all about it. Also, I need money for my work in the Opera House. I am not expensive, and I am happy to take only20,000 francs a month. That is all. But please remember, I can be a good friend, but a bad enemy.

O.G.(注:O.G即Opera Ghost的缩写。)

'Don't sell tickets for Box 5! 20,000 francs a month!' Monsieur Armand was very angry again.? That's the best box in the Opera House, and we need the money, Firmin! And who is this O. G,eh? Tell me that!'

'Opera Ghost, of course,' Monsieur tirmin said.? But you're right, Armand. We can do nothing about this letter. It's a joke, a bad joke. Somebody thinks we are fools, because we are new here. There are no ghosts in the Opera House!'

The two men then talked about the opera for that night. It was Faust, and usually La Carlotta sang Margarita. La Carlotta was Spanish, and the best singer in Paris. Buttoday, La Carlotta was ill.

'Everybody in Paris is going to be at the opera tonight,' said Monsieur Armand, 'and our best singer is ill. Suddenly! She writes a letter to us just this morning-she is ill, she cannot sing tonight!'

'Don't get angry again, Armand,' Monsieur Firmin said quickly.? We have Christine Daaé, that young singer from Norway. She can sing Margarita tonight. She has a good voice.?

'But she's so young, and nobody knows her! Nobody wants to listen to a new singer.?

'Wait and see. Perhaps Daaécan sing better than La Carlotta. Who knows?'

Chapter 3 Christine Daaé

Monsieur Firmin was right. All Paris talked about the new Margarita in Faust, the girl with the beautiful voice, the girl with the voice of an angel. People loved her. They laughedand cried and called for more. Daaéwas wonderful, the best singer in the world! “做些什么?”阿尔芒先生叫道,“为什么,什么也不做,当然!我们又能做些什么呢?”












Behind the stage Meg Giry looked at Annie Sorelli.? Christine Daaé never sang like thatbefore.? she said to Annie.? Why was she so good tonight?''

Perhaps she's got a new music teacher, 'Annie said. The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time. In Box 14, Philippe, the Comtede Chagny, turned to his younger brother and smiled.

'Well, Raoul, what did you think of Daaé tonight?' Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny, was twenty-one years old. He had blue eyes and black hair, and a wonderful smile. The Chagny family was old and rich, and many girls in Paris were in love with the young Vicomte. But Raoul was not interested in them.

He smiled back at his brother. ?What can I say? Christine is an angel, that's all. I'm going to her dressing-room to see her tonight.?

Philippe laughed. He was twenty years older than Raoul, and was more like a father than a brother.

'Ah, I understand, 'he said.? You are in love! But this is your first night in Paris, your firstvisit to the opera. How do you know Christine Daaé?'

'You remember four years ago, when I was on holiday by the sea, in Brittany?' Raoul said.? Well, I met Christine there. I was in love with her then, and I'm still in love with her today!'

The Comte de Chagny looked at his brother.? Mmm, I see, 'he said slowly.? Well, Raoul, remember she is only an opera singer. We know nothing about her family.?But Raoul did not listen. To him, good families were not important, and young men never listen to their older brothers.

There were many people in Christine Daaé's dressing-room that night. But there was adoctor with Christine, and her beautiful face Looked white and ill. Raoul went quicklyacross the room and took her hand. 'Christine! What's the matter? Are you ill?' He went down on the floor by her chair.? Don't you remember me Raoulde Chagny, in Brittany?'

Christine looked at him, and her blue eyes were afraid. She took he r hand away.? No, I don't know you. Please go away. I'm not well.?

Raoul stood up, his face red. Before he could speak, the doctor said quickly, ' Yes, yes, please go away. Everybody, please leave the room. Mademoiselle Daaéneeds to be quiet. She is very tired.?在舞台的后面梅格?吉丽看着安妮?索雷丽。“克丽斯廷?达埃以前从来没有唱得那么好,”她对安妮说,“为什么她今晚唱得这么好呢?”















He moved to the door, and soon everybody left the room. Christine Daaé was alone in her dressing-room. Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy. How could Christine forget him?How could she say that to him? He waited for some minutes, then, very quietly and carefully, he went back to the door of her dressing-room. But he did not open the door, because just then he heard a man's voice in the room!

'Christine, you must love me!' the voice said.

Then Raoul heard Christine's voice.? How can you talk like that? When I sing only for you…? Tonight, I gave everything to you, everything. And now I'm so tired.? Her voice was un happy and afraid.

'You sang like an angel, ' the man's voice said.

Raoul walked away. So that was the answer! Christine Daaé had a lover. But why was her voice so unhappy? He waited in the shadows near her room. He wanted to see her lover-his enemy!

After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room, alone, and walked away down the passage. Raoul waited, but no man came out after her. There was nobody in the passage, so Raoul went quickly up to the door of the dressing-room, opened it and went in. He closed the door quietly behind him, then called out: 'Where are you? I know you're in here! Come out!' There was no answer. Raoul looked everywhere-under the chairs, behind all the clothes, in all the dark corners of the room. There was nobody there.

Chapter 4 The Phantom is angry

That was Tuesday night. On Wednesday morning Mon sieur Armand and Monsieur Firmin were happy men. Paris liked the new Margarita-everything in life was good. The nextopera night was Friday. It was Faust again, but this time with La Carlotta singingMargarita. By Wednesday afternoon they were not so happy. A second letter arrived for them-from O. G.

Why don't you listen to me? I am getting angry. Leave Box 5 free for me. And where are my 20, 000 francs? On Friday Daaé must sing Margarita again. She is now the bestsinger in Paris. La Carlotta cannot sing-she has a very ugly voice, like a toad.

Remember, I am a bad enemy. O. G. 他走向门口,不久所有的人都离开了那个房间,只留下克丽斯廷?达埃独自在她的化妆室里。













'So, Firmin, is this still a joke?' Monsieur Armand shouted. 'What are we going to do now, eh? Is O. G. the director here, or are we?'

'Don't shout, Armand,' said Monsieur Firmin tiredly.? I don't know the answers. Let's talk to Madame Giry, the door keeper of Box 5. Perhaps she can help us.?

But Madame Giry was not helpful. Madame Giry was not afraid of ghosts, and she was not afraid of directors of Opera Houses.

'People say that you're a friend of the Opera ghost, Madame Giry,' Monsieur Armand began.? Tell us about him. Some people say he has no head.?

'And some people say he has no body,' said Monsieur Firmin.? What do you say, Madame Giry?'

Madame Giry looked at the two men and laughed.? I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools!'

'What!' Monsieur Armand shouted. He stood up, and his face was red and angry.? Listen to me, woman-'

'Oh, sit down, Armand, and listen,' said Monsieur Firmin.? why do you say that, Madame Giry?'

'Because, Monsieur, the Opera ghost is angry with you. When the ghost wantssomething, he must have it. He is clever and dangerous, this ghost. The old directors before you, they knew that, oh yes. At first they tried to stop him. Then there were many accidents in the Opera House, many strange accidents. And when did these accidents happen? When the ghost was angry! So, the old directors learnt very quickly. The ghost wants Box 5? He can have it every night. The ghost wants money? Let's give the money to him at once. Oh yes, the old directors understood ver y well.?

'But we are the directors, not the Opera ghost!' Monsieur Armand shouted. He turned to Monsieur Firmin.? This woman is mad. Why do we listen to her? On Friday night La Carlotta is going to sing Margarita. And you and I, Firmin, are going to watch the opera from Box 5.? 'Well, we can try that, Armand. But we don't want any accidents.?

Madame Giry came nearer to the two men.? Listen to me,' she said quietly.? Remember Joseph Buquet? I tell you, the Opera ghost is a good friend, but a bad enemy.?

The two men stared at her.? Those words, Monsieur Firmin said slowly,' why did you say those words, Madame Giry?' “如此看来,菲尔曼,这仅仅是一个玩笑吗?”阿尔芒先生喊道,“现在我们该做些什么,啊?O.G.是这里的经理,还是我们?”












'Because the ghost says them to me. I never see him, but I often hear him. He has a very nice voice and he doesn't shout at people.?

Chapter 5 A letter for Raoul

That Wednesday a letter also arrived for the young Vicomtede Chagny. He opened the letter, saw the name at the bottom, and smiled for the first time that day. Dear Raoul:

Of course I remember you! How could I forget you? Meet me on Thursday at three o'clock in the Tuileries Gardens. Don't be angry with me, Raoul, please. Christine Daaé

Raoul put the letter carefully into his pocket. Angry? How could he be angry with anangel? On Thursday he was in the Tuileries Gardens by two o'clock.

At ten past three he began to feel unhappy. At half past three he wanted to die, or tokill somebody.

And then… she came. She ran through the gardens to him, and in a second she was in his arms.

'Oh, Christine! 'he said, again and again.? Oh, Christine!' They walked through the gardens together and talked for a long time. They remembered their happy weeks in Brittany, four years ago.

'But why did you go away, Christine?' Raoul asked.? Why didn't you write to me?'

For a minute or two Christine said nothing. Then she said slowly, 'We were so young, you and I. I was just a poor singer from Norway, and you…you were the Vicomtede Chagny. I knew I could never be your wife.?

'But I love you, Christine-'

'No, shh. Listen to me, Raoul, please. I went home to Norway, and a year later, my father died. I was very unhappy, but I came back to France, to Paris. I worked and worked at my singing, because I wanted to be an opera singer. Not just a good singer, but the best opera singer in Paris.?

'And now you are, ' Raoul said. He smiled.? All Paris is at your feet.?

Christine turned her face away and said nothing.

'Christine, ' Raoul said quietly.? I want to ask you a question. Who was the man in your dressing-room on Tuesday night? Tell me, please!

'Christine stopped and stared at him. Her face went white.? What man?' she whispered.? There was no man in my dressing-room on Tuesday night.?“因为这幽灵跟我说过那些话。我从来没有见过他,但是我经常听到他说话。他有一副很好的嗓子——而且不对人喊叫。


















Raoul put his hand on her arm.? I heard him, ' he said.? I listened outside the door and heard a man's voice. Who was he?'

'Don't ask me, Raoul! There was a man's voice, yes, but there was no man in my room! It's true! Oh, Raoul, I'm so afraid. Sometimes I want to die.?

'Who is he? Tell me, Christine, please. I'm your friend, I can help you. Tell me his name! '

'I cannot tell you his name. It's a secret, ' whispered Chris tine.? I never see him, I only hear his voice. But he is everywhere! He sees everything, hears everything. That's why I didn't speak to you on Tuesday night. He is my music teacher, Raoul. He's a wonderfulsinger. I sang so well on Tuesday night because of him. I am famous because of him. He is my angel of music! And he says he loves me. How can I leave him?'

Chapter 6 La Carlotta sings Margarita

On Friday morning La Carlotta had her breakfast in bed. She drank her coffee andopened her morning letters. One letter had no name on it. It was very short. You are ill. You cannot sing Margarita tonight. Stay at home and don't go to the Opera House. Accidents can happen. Do you want to lose your voice-forever?

La Carlotta was very, very angry. She got out of bed at once and did not finish her breakfast.

'This is from Christine Daaé' s friends, ' she thought.? They want her to sing again tonight. That Daaé girl is going to be sorry for this! I, La Carlotta, I am the best operasinger in Paris. And nothing is going to stop me singing Margarita tonight!'

At six o'clock that evening the dancers were in their dressing-room. They talked andlaughed and put on their red and black dresses for Faust. But Meg Giry was very quiet.

'What's the matter, Meg?' Annie Sorelli asked.

'It's the Opera ghost, Meg said.? My mother says he's angry. She's afraid that something's going to happen tonight.?

'Oh, pooh!' the girl with black hair said.? Who's afraid of an old ghost?'

An hour later Monsieur Armand and Monsieur Firmin went into Box 5 and sat down. They were not afraid of ghosts. Of course not. There were no ghosts in the Opera House.

Then Monsieur Armand saw some flowers on the floor by the door of the box.? Firmin, 'he whispered, 'did you put those flowers there?' 拉乌尔把手放在她的手臂上。“我听到他的声音了,”他说:“我在门外听,听到了一个男人的声音。他是谁?”













Monsieur Firmin looked.? No, I didn't, 'he whispered back 'Did you?'

'Of course not, you fool! Shh, the music's beginning.?La Carlotta did not sing for the first hour. There were no strange voices in Box 5, and the two directors began to feel happier. Then La Carlotta came out onto the stage, and Mon sieur Firmin looked at Monsieur Armand.

'Did you hear a voice just then?' he asked quietly.

'No!' Monsieur Armand said, but he looked behind him twice, then three times, and suddenly felt cold.

La Carlotta sang and sang, and nothing happened. Then she began a beautiful lovesong.

'My love begins to-Co-ack!'

Everybody stared. What was the matter with Carlotta's voice. What was that strange noise-Co-ack? Carlotta stopped and began the song again.

'My love begins to-Co-ack!?

…I cannot forget my-Co-ack!'

It was the noise of a toad! People began to talk and laugh. Monsieur Firmin put his head in his bands. Then he felt Monsieur Armand's hand on his arm. There was a voice in the box with them! A man's voice, laughing! Poor Carlotta tried again, and again.

'I cannot forget my-Co-ack!'

Then the two directors heard the voice again, behind them, in front of them, everywhere.? Her singing tonight is going to bring down the chandelier!'

The two directors looked up at the top of the Opera House. Their faces were white. The famous chandelier, with its thousand lights, broke away from its ropes and crasheddown on to the people below.

That was a terrible night for the Paris Opera House. One woman was killed by the chandelier, and many people were hurt. The Opera House closed for two weeks. And La Carlotta never sang again.

Chapter 7 My angel of music

For a week Raoul saw Christine every day. Some days Christine was quiet and unhappy, some days she laughed and sang. She never wanted to talk about the Opera House, or her singing, or Raoul's love for her. Raoul was very afraid for her. Who, or what, was this strange teacher, this man's voice, her 'angel of music'? 菲尔曼先生看了看。“不,我没有,”他反过来轻声问:“是你吗?”
















Then one day there was no Christine. She was not at her home, not at the Opera House, not at their meeting places Raoul looked everywhere and asked everybody. Where was Christine Daaé? But nobody knew.

Two days before the Opera House opened again, a letter arrived for Raoul. It was from Christine.

Meet me in an hour at the top of the Opera House, on the tenth floor.

The tenth floor of the Opera House was a dangerous place. There were hundreds ofropes going down to the stage below it was a long, long way down.

Raoul and Christine sat in a dark corner, and Raoul took Christine's hands. Her face was white and tired. 'Listen, Raoul,? she said quiety.? I'm going to tell you everything. But this is our last meeting. I can never see you again.'

'No, Christine! 'Raoul cried.? I love you, and we-'

'Shh! Quietly! Perhaps he can hear us. He's everywhere in the Opera House, Raoul!'

'Who? What are you talking about, Christine?'

'My angel of music. I couldn't meet you last Satudaybe cause he came for me, and took me away. I was in my dressing room in the Opera House and suddenly, he was there in front of me! I saw the voice for the first time! He wore black evening clothes and a maskover his face. He took me through many secret doors and passages, down, down under the Opera House. There is a lake down there, a big lake;the waters are black and cold. He took me across the lake in a boat to his house. He lives there, Raoul, in a house on the lake, under the Opera House!'

Raoul stared at her. Was his beautiful Christine mad? Christine saw his face, and saidquickly:

'It's true, Raoul, It's true! And he…, he is the Phantom of the Opera! But he's not aghost, he's not an angel of music, he's a man! His name is Erik, and he loves me, he wants me to be his wife! No, Raoul, listen, there is more. He told me all this in his house, in a beautiful room. He said that no woman could ever love him, because of his face. He was so unhappy! Then he took off his mask, and I saw his face.?

She began to cry, and Raoul put his arms around her. 'Oh Raoul, he has the most terrible face! It is so ugly! I wanted to scream and run away. But where could I run to? He has the face of a dead man, Raoul, but he is not dead! He has no nose, just two black holes in his yellow face. And his eyes! Sometimes they are black holes, sometimes they have a terrible red light…'后来有一天克丽斯廷不见了。她不在家里,不在歌剧院里,也不在他们约会的地方。拉乌尔到处找并且问遍了所有的人。克丽斯廷?达埃在哪里?但是没有人知道。












She put her face in her hands for a second. Then she said,? I stayed in his house for five days. He was very good to me, and I felt sorry for him, Raoul. He wants me to love him, and I told him…I told him…'

'No, Christine, no! You're going to be my wife! Come away with me at once, today! You can't go back to him.?

'But I must,? Christine said quietly.? He knows about you, Raoul. He knows about us. He says he's going to kill you. I must go back to him.?

'Never!' said Raoul.? I love you, Christine, and I'm going to kill this Erik! ' Erik…Erik…Erik…Erik… The wo rd whispered round the Opera House. Raoul and Christine stared.

'What was that? ' Raoul said, afraid.? Was that (i)

voice? Where did it come from? '

'I'm afraid, Raoul,? Christine whispered. I'm singing Margarita again on Saturday. What's going to happen? 'This,? Raoul said.? After the opera on Saturday night, you and I are going away together. Come on, let's go down now. I don't like it up here.?

They went carefully along a dark passage to some stairs, then suddenly stopped. There was a man in front of them, a tall man in a long dark coat and a black hat. He turned and looked at them.

'No, not these stairs,? he said.? Go to the stairs at the front. And go quickly!'

Christine turned and ran. Raoul ran after her.

'Who was that man? ' he asked.

'It's the Persian,? Christine answered.

'But who is he? What's his name? Why did he tell us to go to the front stairs? '

'Nobody knows his name. He's just the Persian. He's al ways in the Opera House. I think he knows about Erik, but he never talks about him. Perhaps he saw Erik on those stairs, and wanted to help us.?

Hand in hand, they ran quickly down the stairs, through passages, then more stairs and more passages. At one of the little back doors to the Opera House, they stopped.

'On Saturday night, then. After the opera,? Raoul said. 'I'm going to take you away, and marry you.?Christine looked up into his face.? Yes, Raoul.?

Then they kissed, there by the door of the Opera House. Their first kiss. 她把脸埋入双手之中,片刻之后她说:“我在他的房子里呆了5天。他对我非常好,我觉得对不起他,拉乌尔。他希望我爱他,而我告诉他……我告诉他……”
















Chapter 8 Where is Christine Daaé?

On Saturday morning Comte Philippe looked across the breakfast table at his brother.

'Don't do it, Raoul, please. All this talk about ghosts and phantoms. I think the girl ismad.?

'She's not mad, and I'm going to marry her, 'Raoul said. 'She's only a little opera singer, 'Philippe said unhappily. 'And she's very young. Are you still going to love her in ten, or twenty, years' time?'

Raoul drank his coffee and did not answer.

There were two more unhappy faces in the Opera House, too. The directors nowunderstood about O. G. They didn't want any more accidents.

'Box 5 is free tonight for O. G. Daaéis singing Margarita. And here is 20, 000 francs. Madame Giry can leave the money in Box 5 for him. Is that everything?' Monsieur Armand asked Monsieur Firmin.

'It's a lot of money, 'Monsieur Firmin said unhappily. He thought for a minute.? What about some flowers in Box 5?Madame Giry says that O. G. likes flowers.?

'O. G. can bring his own flowers!' shouted Monsieur Armand.

The evening began well. The chandelier was now back in place, with new ropes. All Paris was in the Opera House. Everybody wanted to hear Christine Daaé's voice again. People also knew about the love story between Christine Daaéand the Vicomtede Chagny. There are no love secrets in Paris! People watched the Comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest. Young men from families like de Chagny do not marry opera Singers.

When Christine came onto the stage, her face was white and she looked afraid. But she sang like an angel. Ah, what a voice! All Paris was in love with Christine Daaé.

She began to sing the famous love song. Suddenly, every light in the Opera House went out. For a second nobody moved or spoke. Then a woman screamed, and all the lights came on again.

But Christine Daaéwas no longer on the stage! She was not behind the stage, she was not under the stage. Nobody could find her. 星期六早上菲利普伯爵走到早餐桌那头他弟弟的面前。













The Opera House went mad. Everybody ran here and there, shouted and called. In the directors office, people ran in and out. The police came, and asked questions. But nobody could answer the questions. Monsieur Armand got angry and shouted, and Monsieur Firmin told him to be quiet. Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with herdaughter Meg.

'Go away, woman!' Monsieur Armand shouted.

'Monsieur, there are three people missing now!' Madame Giry said.? Meg, tell the directors your story.?This was Meg's story.

'When the lights went out, we were just behind the stage. We heard a scream-I thlnk it was Christine Daaé's voice. Then the lights came back on, but Christine wasn't there! we were very afraid, and we began to run back to our dressing room. There were people running everywhere! Then we saw the Vicomtede Chagny. His face was red and he was very an gry. …Where's Christine? Where's Christine? he shouted. Suddenly the Persian came up behind him and took his arm. He said something to the Vicomte and they went into Christine Daaé's dressing-room…'

'Yes? And then?' Monsieur Firmin said quickly.? What happened next?'

'Nobody knows!' Meg's face was white.? We looked into Christine Daaé's dressing-room, but… but there was nobody there!'

Chapter 9 The house on the lake

When the lights came on, Raoul ran. He ran downstairs and along passages, through the Opera House to the back of the stage. In the passage outside Christine's dressing room, a hand took his arm.? What's the matter, my young friend? Where are you running to, so quickly?'

Raoul turned and saw the long face of the Persian under his black hat.

'Christine!' Raoul said quickly.? Erik's got her. Where is she? Help me! How do I get to his house on the lake?' 'Come with me, 'said the Persian. They went quickly into Christine's dressing-room. The Persian closed the door and went to the big mirror on one wall.

'There's only one door into this room, ' Raoul began.

'Wait, ' the Persian said. He put his hands on the big mirror, first here, then there. For aminute nothing happened. Then the mirror began to move and turn, and a big dark holeopened in it. Raoul stared. 歌剧院里乱得一团糟。每个人都跑来跑去,又喊又叫。在经理办公室里,人们跑进跑出。警察来了,问了一些问题。但是没有人能够回答这些问题。阿尔芒先生发着脾气,喊叫着,菲尔曼先生要他冷静一些。接着,吉丽夫人领着她的女儿梅格走进了办公室。












'Quick!Come with me, but be careful, 'the Persian said.? I kno w Erik. I understand hissecrets. Put your right hand up near your head, like this, and keep it there all the time.? 'But why?' Raoul asked.

'Remember Joseph Buquet, and the rope around his neck? Erik is a clever man with ropes in the dark.?They went down, down, down, under the Opera House. They went through secret doors in the floors, then along passages and down dark stairs. The Persian listened carefully all the time for strange noises.

'When do we get to the lake?' Raoul whispered.

'We're not going by the lake. Erik watches it all the time. No, we go round the lake and get into Erik's house from the back. I know some secret doors.?

Soon they were there. In the dark, the Persian felt the wall carefully with his hands.? Ah, here it is, 'he whispered. The wall moved under his hands and a small door opened. Very quietly, they went through, and then the door closed behind them. They could not get out.

Inside the room it was very dark. They waited and listened. The Persian put his hands on the wall.

'Oh no!' he whispered.? It was the wrong door! This is Erik's torture room-the room of mirrors! We are dead men, Vicomtede Chagny, dead men!'

At first Raoul did not understand. But he soon learnt. The lights came on, and they heard a man's laugh. Erik knew they were there.

The room was all mirrors-walls, floor, ceiling. There were pictures in the mirrors of trees and flowers and rivers. The pictures moved and danced in front of their eyes. And the room was hot. It got hotter and hotter and hotter. Raoul was thirsty, hot and thirsty, and the rivers in the pictures danced and laughed at him. He closed his eyes, but the rivers still danced. Water, he needed water, but the mirrors laughed at him. Soon he could not move or speak, or open his eyes. He was not thirsty now, just tired, so tired.? Oh Christine, I'm sorry, 'he thought.? I wanted to help you, and now I'm dying…'

Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room. Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms.

'He's dying, Christine, dying. Watch him carefully. No, don't close your eyes. Watch him!'














Christine could not speak. She wanted to scream, but no words came. Then she found her voice again.

How can you do this, Erik! Why don't you kill me?'

'Because I love you, Christine. Marry me, be my wife, and love me. Then Raoul and the Persian can live.?Slowly, Christine turned. She looked into Erok's terrible, ugly face, and spoke again, very quietly.

'Yes, Erik. From this minute I am your wif e.? She put her arms around Erik's neck, and kissed him-kissed him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth. Then she took her arms away and said slowly, 'Poor, unhappy Erik.?

Erik stared at her. You kissed me! he whispered.? I didn't ask you, but you kissed me-freely! Oh Christine, my angel! That was my first kiss from a woman. Even my mother never kissed mee! She gave me my first mask when I was two years old. She turned her face away from me every time I came near her.'

Erik put his ugly face in his hands and cried. Then he went down on the floor at Christine's feet.? You are free, Christine, free! Go away and marry your Raoul, and be happy. But re member Erik, sometimes. Go now, quickly! Take Raoul and the Persian, and go!' Chapter 10 Madame Giry visits the Persian

For weeks, all Paris talked about that night at the opera. Everybody asked questions, but nobody knew the answers. Where was Christine Daaé? Where was the Vicomtede Chagny? Were they alive, or dead?

And the Phantom of the Opera…?

Some weeks after that famous night Madame Giry went out one afternoon to a small house near the Rivoli Gardens. She went in and up the stairs to some rooms at the top of the house. The Persian opened the door. Madame Giry looked at him.? My friend, you know the answers. Please tell me. Are they alive or dead?'

'Come in, 'the Persian said quietly.

They sat down on some chairs by the window, and looked out across the Rivoli Gardens.

'Yes, 'the Persian said slowly, 'The Phantom is dead now. He did not want to live anylonger. I saw his body three days ago, and because of that, I can talk to you about him. He can not kill me now.?

'So the Phantom was really a man?' Madame Giry asked.














'Yes, his name was Erik. That was not his real name, of course. He was born in France, but I knew him in Persia. He was a famous builder and I worked with him there. For a time I was his friend, but not for long. When he came to Paris, I came after him-I wanted to watch him. He was a very clever, very dangerous man. He could be in two, or three, places at the same time. He could be in one place, and his voice could come from anotherplace. He could do many clever things with ropes, and mirrors, and secret doors. You see, he helped to build the Opera House. He built secret passages underground, and his secret house on the lake. He could not live in the outside world, because of his terrible, ugly face. Unhappy Erik! We can feel sorry for him, Madame Giry. He was so clever…and so ugly. People screamed when they saw his face. And so he lived this strange life half-man, half-phantom. But he was a man, in the end. He wanted a woman's love…' He stopped, and Madame Giry asked quietly, 'And Christine Daaé and Vicomte Raoul? What happened to them?'

The Persian smiled.? Ah yes! What happened to young Raoul and the beautiful Christine…? Who knows?' Nobody in Paris ever saw Raoul and Christine again. Perhaps they took a train to thenorth, and lived a quiet, happy life together there. Perhaps Christine's wonderful voice is still singing, somewhere in the cold and beautiful mountains of Norway. Who knows? “对,他的名字叫埃里克。当然,那不是他的真名。他出生在法国,不过我是在波斯认识他的。他是一位著名的建筑师,我在那儿跟他工作。我一度是他的朋友,但是并不长久。当他来巴黎时,我跟随他来了——我想监视他。他是一个非常聪明、非常危险的人物。他能够同时在两个或三个地方出现。他能够做到身在一个地方,而他的声音来自另一个地力。他能利用绳子、镜子和秘密的门做许多巧妙的事情。你看,他帮助建造了歌剧院。他建造了地下秘密通道和他的湖上秘密居所。他不能生活在外面的世界,因为他的可怕、丑陋的脸。不幸的埃里克!我们为他感到难过,吉丽夫人。他是如此聪明……而又如此丑陋。人们看到他的脸就尖叫起来。所以他过着这种怪异的生活——半人半鬼。但是他终究是个男人。他需要女人的爱……”




Hamlet经典独白to be, or not to be英汉对照及解析讲解学习

精品文档 精品文档 Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 1, lines 55-86) To be, or not to be: that is the question, Whether'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th'unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,这两种行为,哪一种更加高尚?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故;谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥嘲、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的磨折,不敢向我们所不知道的痛 苦飞去?这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫,决心的赤热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。 ——《哈姆雷特》(英·William Shakespeare )中的经典独白soliloquy [s ?'l ?l ?kw ?] This is an internal philosophical debate on the advantages and disadvantages of existence, and whether it is one ’s right to end his/her own life.


应县木塔之名的历史演变 蔡升元 应县佛宫寺释迦塔(简称应县木塔)是当今世界上第一奇塔。而这座奇塔之名的历史演变更让我们对木塔十分敬重,对它的历史文化也有了深刻的意识。 (一) 应县木塔北魏时称“应州崇虚寺木塔”。 北魏太平真君三年(442)至太和十五年(491),这不到五十年的时间里,平城(今山西大同)人口急剧上升,居舍建到了静轮宫的四周,人神混杂,无法清净神道,于是孝文帝就于太和十五年(491)将静轮宫移到了“桑干之阴”的应州,改名“崇虚寺”。《魏书》有证:“八月戊戌,移道坛于桑干之阴,改曰崇虚寺。”(《魏书·高祖纪》168页)《资治通鉴二》第137卷767页也有同样的记载。 (二) 应县木塔唐代称“应州宝宫寺木塔”。 唐玄宗天宝元年(742)十分崇道,为了提高其地位,便把皇家敕建的道观升格为“宫”。这样一来,“崇虚寺”这个北魏孝文帝敕建的道观就更名为“宝宫寺”了。也有人讲,因崇虚寺内藏珍宝而改名。《山西通志》记载:“兴光元年秋,敕有司马为太祖以下五帝铸释迦像,各长一丈六尺,用赤金二万五千斤。”(《山西通志》第57卷4129页) 宋雍熙三年(986),著名画师冯清云游应州,写下了《登应州宝

宫寺木塔》之诗篇,这就告诉我们“崇虚寺”已改成了“宝宫寺”。 (三) 应县木塔五代时称“应州兴王寺木塔”。 明《应州志》载:“天王词,在古旧城帅府东北隅。唐魏公李靖创建。相传晋王李克用母,尝祷于祠,见壁裂,金甲神人跃出。后生克用。”(《应州志·营建志》第2卷49页)《大明一统志》云:“天王祠,在应州城内,旧为天王村,晋王李克用母祷此祠,有金甲神人跃出,果生克用。”天王祠即李靖的家庙,也有人叫“天王寺”,为纪念李克用出世,后改名为“兴王寺”。 “考异《地理志》云,兴王寺有白衣观音像,军还,入幽州,幸大悲阁,指此像曰‘我梦神人令送石郎为中国帝,即此。’因移木叶山,建庙告赛,尊为家神。纪未载。”(《辽史纪事本末》第10卷249页)据《辽史》记载:太宗天显十一年(936)冬十月甲子,封敬瑭为晋王,幸其府。十一月丁酉,册敬瑭为大晋皇帝。十二月庚寅,发太原。戊戌,次雁门,以沙太保所部兵分隶诸将。庚戌,幸应州。由上可见,大悲阁隶属兴王寺。而历史上人们曾把“应州”讹称“幽州”,宋辽大战中的幽州,也是根据民间传说演变而来的。实际上辽太宗“军还”时所幸的正是应州,并非“幽州”。 “《元一统志》云,大悲阁在旧城之中,建自有唐,自辽开泰中重修,圣宗遇雨,飞驾来临,改寺圣恩,而阁隶也,金皇统九年重葺,元至元壬午春复修,中奉大夫领道教事安藏撰记,二十四年四月立


浅谈《歌剧魅影》 外国语学院091133班 20131000485 宋嘉惠出于对音乐的极大兴趣,本学期选了中外经典音乐作品欣赏这门课,老师给我们欣赏了许多大师作品和称得上是经典中的杰作的歌剧和舞蹈。其中,最让我印象深刻的是《歌剧魅影》这部音乐电影。 《歌剧魅影》是一部非常有意义的影片,在上课的时候可能感觉还不是那么强烈,但是在平常中,脑海中还浮现着影片中的那些旋律,这一段一段的旋律在皇家音乐会上也被重新演绎,所以歌剧魅影中的一点一滴都是那么的令人陶醉,虽然我不能说自己上了这节课就有了欣赏的水平,但是从某种地方来说还是有了自己的一点点理解, 歌剧魅影是一部安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯作曲的百老汇音乐剧。又译做歌声魅影、剧院魅影或歌剧院的幽灵。1986年首演,于1988年获得七项托尼奖,是音乐剧四大名剧之一。《歌剧魅影》的音乐带给了我们视觉和听觉上的享受。无论是幽灵、克里斯汀还是拉乌尔都带给了我们不同的音乐感受,他们用自己的声音去诠释了对各自的爱。这无疑对观众来说是一种音乐美的享受。 19世纪巴黎歌剧院屡发诡异的事件,当家女高音卡罗塔每每在排练或者演出时总出现舞台布景上的纰漏,卡罗塔一气之下罢工不干,由舞蹈演员克莉丝汀替代她演出,没想到大获成功,成为歌剧院的新宠。谁也想不到克莉丝汀从小就有一个“音乐天使”相伴,每到夜晚便会教她唱歌,为她谱曲、排剧,正是她的“音乐天使”无所不用其极,不惜恐吓、杀人也要让自己心爱的女孩成为巴黎歌剧院中耀眼的明星。克莉丝汀后来终于了解了“音乐天使”的身份,他是一个因相貌丑陋自出身起便被抛弃并饱受蹂躏但有着极高音乐天赋和建筑天赋的人,后来被救,戴着面具永远躲在了歌剧院的地下。他以音乐为纽带,想要把自己和心爱的克莉丝汀永远捆绑在一起,但是这时克莉丝汀青梅竹马的男子劳尔出现了,他英俊潇洒,有金钱与地位,更有着每个女孩子心中白马王子应具备的温柔与勇敢,克莉丝汀深陷爱河。这激怒了她的“音乐天使”,嫉妒的怒火燃烧,他感觉绝望,自己唯一生存的希望就这样轻而易举地被抢走了,于是“音乐天使”成了一个真正可怕的恶魔,开始了他的诅咒、抢夺与报复。 剧中的音乐大都是人物之间感情的表达,是人物情感交流的一个方式。音乐赋予了每个特定人物以特定的音乐表现。也就是说,观众不仅可以在电影中看到剧中的人物,还能够听到人物的性格特点和内心世界。其中令我印象最深刻的就是魅影和克里斯汀第一次见面时对唱的The Phantom of the Opera,这首歌配以管风琴的宏大音效和弦乐的强烈碰撞,营造出了紧张而又令人兴奋的氛围,烘托出克里斯汀第一次见到魅影时心中的忐忑不安,既期待又畏惧。 我认为全剧最精彩的唱段莫过于第一幕中幽灵和女主角克里斯汀在古老的巴黎歌剧院下面,深不可测的地底两人的深情二重唱“歌声魅影”,演唱多有美声成分,音乐动机在不同的调上一次次再现,把当时那种亦真亦幻般睡半醒的戏剧情境表现得淋漓尽致以及将充满爱与幻想的情感交融表现得及其凄婉、完美而动人;旋律节奏中多采用的附点音型,有一种强烈的推动感和紧张感,制造出全剧中第一个情感高潮,克里斯汀与幽灵声情并茂的歌唱,使观众完全沉浸在这个美妙、真诚而又略带感伤的浪漫爱情故事当中,同时也期待着幽灵、克里斯汀、拉乌尔这两个男人与一个女人的的感情接下来将会如何发展下去。 当拉乌尔对克里斯丁的感情给予肯定时会响起一首The point of no return,我


哈姆雷特经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白赏析经典台词一 To be, or not to be:that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and thousand natural shocks The flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep; perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must guve pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, 经典台词二


应县木塔之结构定性分析 结22班江中华 2002010385 一、 背景知识 山西应县木塔建于公元 1056 年、现高为 65.86 米、塔底直径以木柱外接圆计算为33.15 米,平面呈八角形,有明层五层及明层间设平座层(暗层)四层,实际上是九层高耸木结构建筑。塔身全部用木材建造,各层均设内外两槽。在各层内外槽均有 8 个弦面,以柱、柱间叠枋和斗拱形成弦向平面构架,在角柱处交汇。在内外槽的径向,以内柱、外柱和梁栿及斗拱组成空间构架,内槽内供奉佛像,外檐柱内为游人空间。它是我国保存完好的年代最早的木塔,也是世界上现存的唯一木结构楼阁式宝塔。1961 年国务院将其公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 右图就是应县木塔的实体照片,可以看出 有以下建筑特点: 二层以上各层均以斗拱挑出平座并设置栏 杆供人登临凭栏远眺,塔身逐层向内递收,上 部高达十余米的相轮铁刹耸立,造型优美,轮 廓线变化富于韵律感,塔身雄壮巍峨,挺拔向 上,稳如泰山,正如古人赋诗赞曰: 远观擎天柱,近似百尺莲。 二、塔的结构定性分析 中国的塔不在少数,但是能够流传上千年 而依旧巍然挺立的并不多,而像应县木塔这样 有特色的更是寥寥无几,真可谓前无古人后无 来者了。要想知道为什么唯独此塔能够经历住 千百年的风雨侵蚀、地震、雷电、兵事而不倒,这里面的确有不少偶然的因素在里面,但更多的是反映了事物必然性的原理,因此不可不从其内部结构去进行探究。 塔属于高耸建筑物,对于高耸建筑物常常需要以下问题得到解决方能流芳百世: z沉降; z结构抗震; z抗水平荷载的能力。 下面分别对塔的这些问题一一进行探究。 1.沉降 对于高耸建筑物,沉降是个比较敏感的话题,因为它上部荷载大,截面小,对地基的承载力要求就高,为了防止出现沉降差,对地基土的均匀性要求也高。著名的比萨斜塔之所以会在尚未建完时就明显的有大倾斜,就是地基土承载力不够,最关键的是承载力不均匀。 现代也有不少大型或高层建筑发生整体变形或大规模损坏,大多由于地基选择、处理不当或基础达不到设计施工需求,导致地基或基础失效,从而发生不均匀沉陷、变形而造成,应该让我们引以为戒。 要控制建筑物的沉降,要么提高地基土的承载力,要么减轻结构本身的自重。对于应县木塔而言,前辈建筑师们既对地基做了适当的处理,如用灰土夯实作为垫层,同时在减轻结

大学英语精读第三册 翻译答案

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编) 第三册Book3 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.

《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场精彩对白,to be or not to be

出自《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场 此段的全文如下: To be, or not to be- that is the question: whether it's nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die:to sleep;no more; andby a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd. To die: to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub: for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause: there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, the pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes, when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death, the undiscover'd country, from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action. 编辑本段 译文 生存还是毁灭, 这是个值得考虑的问题: 默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭, 或是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把他们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵? 死了,睡着了,什么都完了。倘若在这一种睡眠之中, 我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,这正是我们求之不得的结局。死了,睡着了,睡着了也许还会做梦。嗯,阻碍就在这: 因为当我们摆脱了这一具腐朽的皮囊以后, 在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故。谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥嘲、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘若


The Opera House was famous, and the directors of the Opera House were very important men. It was the first week of work for the two new directors, Monsieur Ar mand Moncharmin and Monsieur Firmin Richard. In the direc tors' office the next day, the two men talked about Joseph Buquet.歌剧院很著名,而歌剧院的经理们也都是些非常显要的人物。这是两位新经理阿尔芒·蒙沙曼先生和菲尔曼·理查德先生上任的第一个星期。第二天,在经理办公室里,这两位先生谈起了约瑟夫·比凯的事。 'It was an accident,' Monsieur Armand said angrily.’ Or Buquet killed himself.’“这是个意外事故,”阿尔芒先生气愤地说,“要不然比凯就是自杀的。” 'An accident?…Killed himself?' Monsieur Firmin said.’ Which story do you want, my friend? Or do you want the story of the ghost?'“意外事故?……自杀?”菲尔曼先生说,“你想要听一类故事,我的朋友?或者说你想听一个关于幽灵的故事?” 'Don't talk to me about ghosts!' Monsieur Armand said.’ We have 1,500 people working for us in this Opera House, and everybody is talking about the ghost. They're all mad! I don't want to hear about the ghost, OK?'“不要跟我谈关于幽灵的事!”阿尔芒先生说,“这个歌剧院里有1,500人在为我们工作,而每个人都在谈论关于幽灵的事。他们都疯了!我不想听到关于幽灵的事,行不行?” Monsieur Firmin looked at a letter on the table next to him.菲尔曼先生看着他临近的桌子上一封给他的信。 And what are we going to do about this letter, Armand?'“那对于这封信我们该做些什么,阿尔芒?” Do?' cried Monsieur Armand.’ Why, do nothing, of course! What can we do?'“做些什么?”阿尔芒先生叫道,“为什么,什么也不做,当然!我们又能做些什么呢?” The two men read the letter again. It wasn't very long.两位先生又读了一遍这封信。信并不很长。 To the new directors致新任经理们 Because you are new in the Opera House, I am writing to tell you some important things. Never sell tickets for Box 5;that is my box for every opera night. Madame Giry, the door keeper, knows all about it. Also, I need money for my work in the Opera House. I am not expensive, and I am happy to take only20,000 francs a month. That is all. But please remember, I can be a good friend, but a bad enemy.因为你们是歌剧院的新任经理,所以我写信告诉你们一些重要的事情。不要出售5号包厢的票;那是我观看每一场晚场歌剧的包厢。吉丽夫人,那位看门人,知道这一切。除此之外,我还需要在歌剧院工作的钱。我要价并不高,一个月拿两万法郎我就感到满足了。就这些。但是请记住,我会是一个好朋友,也会是一个死对头。 O.G. O.G.(注:O.G即Opera Ghost的缩写。)


Part1: The Ghost 旁白:在一个月黑风高夜,两个守卫的士兵在城堡外看见了一个鬼魂。 Guard 1:哇!那真像老国王汪子熙啊!【睁大眼睛】 Guard 2:但不可能啊!老国王已经去西天了! Guard 1:我们得告诉Hamlet王子的好基友Horatio。也许那鬼魂有事相告呢!【鬼魂继续飘着~】【两士兵下】 旁白:第二个月黑风高的夜晚,Horatio去看那位传说中的鬼魂。鬼魂又出现了。它跟汪子熙穿的一模一样。 Horatio:你到底要干甚?说话呀!!! 【鬼魂盯着他】 Guard 2:他拒绝说话。【凑近Horatio】 Horatio:我得告诉王子了,也许鬼魂会跟他说话呢!【坐沉思状】 Guard 2:此乃不祥之兆啊!也许丹麦即将发生一件坏事!【对Guard1说】 【三人下】 旁白:Hamlet王子最近很桑心。老国王,也就是他的亲生父亲,突然卒了。Gertrude,也就是她的额娘,改嫁给了Hamlet的叔叔,Claudius。所以呢,Claudius 就变成了新国王。但是Hamlet并不喜欢这个叔叔。 Claudius:是时候去思考未来了,Hamlet。我可以变成你的父亲然后你就可以变成下一任主公。【托腮ing】 Gertrude:跟我们呆在一起吧!别去上大学了,你知道,我们是爱你的~【自作多情状~】 Hamlet:我应该遵从您的,夫人。【单膝跪下,稍有轻蔑】 Hamlet独白:我父皇比这个死叔叔好多了!母后他难道智商瞬间降低,与尹玉祺等齐了?! 【三人下】 旁白:Horatio来了,他告诉Hamlet关于那个鬼魂的事情,Horatio与Hamlet在同一所大学里上学很久了,他是Hamlet最好的基友,Hamlet完全信任他。【Hamlet和Horatio聊天ing…】 Hamlet:我恨死这个地方了,我妈和那该死的叔叔在一起的多欢脱!【他们两个人进去,就差没有三个人出来了!】它们是怎么这么快就忘掉我可怜的爸爸的?!Horatio:Hamlet!我昨晚看见你爸了! Hamlet:What do you mean?【大惊】 Horatio:午夜时分去城墙上看看吧!Then, you’ll understand.【故作淡定】 【两人下】【夜晚】 旁白:Hamlet看见了那鬼魂。 Ghost:我是你爸爸的灵魂…如果你还是他儿子…为这场谋杀复仇!!!【声音飘忽】Hamlet:谋杀?!【大惊】 Ghost:我的妻子Gertrude对我不忠…我的哥哥谋杀了我…当我在花园里睡觉【继续飘忽】的时候,哥哥把毒药滴在了我的耳朵里…哦!太阳即将普照大地…我得走了…Hamlet,remember me【渐弱】… 旁白:Hamlet不知道应该怎么做。也许鬼魂在说谎… Hamlet独白:【冷静的】我只能装疯了!没有人会注意到一个可怜的疯子。我会想办法弄清真相的。如果鬼魂的话是真的…我会对叔叔用闪电判定。


释迦塔 释迦塔全称佛宫寺释迦塔位于山西省朔州市应县城西北佛宫寺内,俗称应县木塔。建于辽清宁二年(宋至和三年公元1056年),金明昌六年(南宋庆元一年公元1195年)增修完毕,是中国现存最高最古的一座木构塔式建筑,全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级景区。与意大利比萨斜塔、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔并称“世界三大奇塔”。 建筑布局 释迦塔位于寺南北中轴线上的山门与大殿之间,属于“前塔后殿”的布局。塔建造在四米高的台基上,塔高67.31米,底层直径30.27米,呈平面八角形。 第一层立面重檐,以上各层均为单檐,共五层六檐,各层间夹设有暗层,实为九层。因底层为重檐并有回廊,故塔的外观为六层屋檐。各层均用内、外两圈木柱支撑,每层外有24根柱子,内有八根,木柱之间使用了许多斜撑、梁、枋和短柱,组成不同方向的复梁式木架。整个木塔共用红松木料3000立方,约2600多吨重。 该塔身底层南北各开一门,二层以上周设平座栏杆,每层装有木质楼梯,游人逐级攀登,可达顶端。二至五层每层有四门,均设木隔扇。塔内各层均塑佛像。一层为释迦牟尼,高11米。内槽墙壁上画有六幅如来佛像,门洞两侧壁上也绘有金刚、天王、弟子等。二层坛座方形,上塑一佛二菩萨和二胁侍。 塔顶作八角攒尖式,上立铁刹。塔每层檐下装有风铃。 释迦塔的设计,大胆继承了汉、唐以来富有民族特点的重楼形式,充分利用传统建筑技巧,广泛采用斗拱结构,全塔共用斗拱54种,每个斗拱都有一定的组合形式,有的将梁、坊、柱结成一个整体,每层都形成了一个八边形中空结构层。 塔内文物佛牙舍利 塔内供奉着两颗佛牙舍利,盛装在两座七宝供奉的银廓里,经考证确认为是释迦牟尼灵牙遗骨。佛灭度后,共留下七颗佛牙舍利。应县佛宫寺释迦塔发现的两颗佛牙舍利,是南本《大般涅槃经》中记载的捷疾罗刹所隐身盗取的一双佛牙。 莲花台下八力士 木塔底层大门对面有一尊高大的如来像,坐在一个巨大的莲花台上。这个莲花台被八个力士扛着,个个力举千钧,形象生动逼真。这八个力士本是驻守八个方向的护法天神,乘如来古佛外出讲经说法之机,汇聚一处,私下凡尘。他们八个下了凡间,排山倒海。本来天下三山五岳、五湖四海排列得整整齐齐,像棋子一样,所以有“星罗棋布”一说。 历史发展 释迦塔于辽清宁二年(1056年)建成,由辽兴宗的萧皇后倡建,田和尚奉敕募建,至金明昌四年,增修益完。以作家庙,彰显家威,并有礼佛观光和登高料敌之用。


2007-2008学年第二学期《西方音乐史》复习大纲 (请和本学期公布的大纲核对,答案供参考) 1、维瓦尔第曾获得当代“最杰出的_____C_______”的称号。 A、歌唱家 B、古钢琴家 C、小提琴家 D、作曲家 2、《四季》、《和谐的灵感》是维瓦尔第的____C________作品。 A、歌剧 B、清唱剧 C、小提琴协奏曲 D、长笛协奏曲 3、《狂暴的奥兰多》、《奥林匹克竞技》是维瓦尔第的____D________作品。 A、康塔塔 B、清唱剧 C、弥撒曲 D、歌剧 4、英国把_____B_____誉称为“英国民族音乐家”。 A巴赫、B、亨德尔 5、亨德尔出生在_______A____,长期定居在___________。 A、德国,英国 B、英国,德国 C、德国,意大利 D、意大利,德国 6、亨德尔创作的大合唱《哈利路亚》是他着名作品_____A______的一部分。 A《弥赛亚》、B、《参孙》 7、“号管舞曲”选自亨德尔的作品______C___,它是_________舞曲。 A、《水上音乐》,四拍子 B、《焰火音乐》,三拍子 C、《水上音乐》,三拍子 D、《水上音乐》,四拍子 8、亨德尔的“号管舞曲”中,主题音乐乐器的使用先后为__弦乐__、____木管乐__、__弦乐和木管乐一起___。 A、弦乐 B、弦乐与木管乐 C、木管乐 9、巴赫的《平均律钢琴曲集》共_____B___卷,每卷_________首前奏曲和赋格。 A、1,48 B、2,48 C、2,24 D、1,24 10、巴赫的____B___理论对欧洲近代音乐理论的发展产生了不可估量的影响。 A、指挥 B、平均律 C、管风琴演奏 D、复调音乐 11、巴赫的《英国组曲》、《法国组曲》、《意大利协奏曲》等作品是___A______类乐曲。 A、键盘 B、管弦乐 C、室内乐 D、声乐套曲 12、巴赫的《勃兰登堡协奏曲》是___B______类乐曲。 A、键盘 B、管弦乐 C、室内乐 D、声乐套曲 13、巴赫的《马太受难曲》是____C_____类乐曲。 A、键盘 B、管弦乐 C、室内乐 D、声乐套曲 14、德国音乐家格鲁克是近代____A_____的先驱和革新家。 A、歌剧 B、交响曲 C、钢琴曲 15、作品《___B____》是格鲁克歌剧改革方面最重要的代表作。 A、《阿尔切斯特》 B、《奥尔菲斯与尤丽狄茜》 C、《阿尔米德》 16、海顿被人们誉为“_____B_____之父”和“___C________之父”。 A、弦乐三重奏 B、交响曲 C、弦乐四重奏 D、协奏曲 17、在海顿的104部交响曲中,第94交响曲叫《_______》,第103交响曲叫《_______》。C A、鼓声,惊愕 B、军队,告别 C、惊愕,鼓声 D、告别,军队 18、在海顿的104部交响曲中,第100交响曲叫《_______》,第45交响曲叫《_______》。B A、鼓声,惊愕 B、军队,告别 C、惊愕,鼓声 D、告别,军队 19、海顿的作品《四季》是__________作品。D A、交响曲 B、协奏曲 C、钢琴奏鸣曲 D、清唱剧 20、海顿创作的《上帝保佑弗朗兹皇帝》的旋律至今被____A____、_____C_____的国歌使用。 A、奥地利、 B、英国 C、德国 D、法国 21、海顿对于交响曲和四重奏音乐形式的确立和发展,特别是__A_______乐章的交响乐体裁的确立做出了重大贡献。


○1The character of Hamlet is the most outstanding of his irresolute and.hesitant. Facing the father was poisoned, mother to be possessed, Wang Quan is stolen, countries were coveted enemy of hate, Hamlet has strong revenge wish: " my destiny in the cry, make my whole body each fine blood vessels become like an angry lion. Bones and muscles as hard." "rest, rest, suffering soul! Well, friends, I with great passion, trust you two ; if in the hamlet of weak ability, can have to express to you his friendship, God, I'll quit you. Let us go ; please remember no matter what time should be kept. It is an upside-down era, oh, shit I have to shoulder the responsibility of restructuring the course! Come, let's go together." the oath, Hamlet in this resolutely determined expression of their revenge of the firm belief. But on the other hand, Hamlet to the killing of this seemingly simple actions are shown for ordinary people to understand the concerns of complex, he had several times to kill enemies the chance, but in this complex work, revenge againWork not completed. When he meets by chance to the enemy for their sin, revenge is flashed, and then he was transferred to the opportunity value thinking : " now I just started, he was praying. I do it right now, he is a life died, I will revenge. It need to calculate a. A villain who killed my father, my son, the evil Chinese to go to heaven but then Hamlet first became an ideological struggle. ○2One side is murdered his father 's tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. "But is afraid of death went no one back that had never found the land, if there will also do not know how, so will shake, so they prefer to endure the punishment, rather than to some other unknown suffering like this, concerns that we have become a coward, also like this, decisions are colors on white layer of thinking ill ; this can be with vigour and vitality of large for, as a result of this wonder out awkward and lose the name of action." ○3On the interpretation of a revenge plan became a bitter ideological breakthrough. In this breakthrough in the process of Hamlet constantly see the darkness of the society, was trying to put myself into this dark world, with the enemy the same means to deal with the enemy; but the humanity and the faith of justice is making the instinctive resistance. In this kind of give tit for tat the ideological conflict, the evolution of Hamlet for a difficult choice. "People are what a piece of work! Reason is very valuable! How power is infinite! Appearance and manner how end is whole, how wonderful! In action how like an angel! On understanding, how like a god! The universe of China! The intelligent part of the universe! But, for me, this clay extracted. What's" here "Hamlet in a sarcastic tone of speaking the words," this is a hamlet on the status of doubt, also the Hamlet a time order reflect the idea of him with suspicion. View all around the world : human hypocrisy, Yan Liang, heaven 's injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" a pressing matter of

高中语文 1.3《哈姆莱特》《哈姆莱特》中英文经典台词素材 新人教版必修4

《哈姆莱特》中英文经典台词 (中英文) Hamlet SCENE I. Elsinore. The Castle [Enter Hamlet.] Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There's the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th' unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题: 是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击, 还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌, 并将其克服。
