A类5.5分Cam 9 test2小作文范文

A类5.5分Cam 9 test2小作文范文
A类5.5分Cam 9 test2小作文范文

批改By Will

本次批改严格按照ILETS大作文评分标准进行。ILETS大作文评分项:TR (论证扣题度), CC (连贯性及一致性), GRA (语法范围及精准度), LR (词汇资源)。文末会进行总评及打分。



When we think of the unpaid community service the participants that spring immediately to mind are the volunteers or the charitable organizations.But in fact,the community service involves more than such a group of people.The importance of high school students actively performing the community jobs has come in for considerable scrutiny lately,and the idea that the unpaid community service should be a mandatory part of high school programs has certainly not been rejected by those involved in these investigation.

On one hand,the main reason is that live skills is important for people,s life.But this kind of unpaid community work or doing voluntary work will help cultivating students with a sense of sympathy and caring .Not only the students can learn how to with others and work in a team ,but also they can how mange their time and improve their organization skills.Nevertheless,some of students have not rich and colorful after school activities.After school clubs are no longer that popular and students.The young people go home watching television and playing computer games.

On another hand, When they work for charity or unpaid community service they will be encourage to do something and cultivated students adaptability and sense of responsibility.Helping they realize value in social.For example,the students have chances to practice by doing unpaid community work and experience built up during the process of doing voluntary work by a foundation for future career.The new evidence is that young people will be employed in community would be prevented from rising crime rates.However,if the students have a job or a place of work,they will not be boring and will not bring harm to society.

In conclusion,i strongly supported the opinion that the unpaid community service school be a compulsory part

of high school programmers,for it will help educate the students to own sense of dedication.Improving their physical conditions,enrich their extracurricular activities and enhance their practical abilities.



When we think of the unpaid community service the participants that spring immediately to mind are the volunteers (高中生也算志愿者,这里不如说的明确一些改为:Social volunteers)or the charitable organizations. But in fact, the community service involves more than such a group of people. The importance of high school students actively performing the community jobs has come in for considerable scrutiny lately, and the idea that the unpaid community service should be a mandatory part of high school programs has certainly not been rejected by those involved in these investigation.

On one hand, the main reason is that live skills is important for people,s life. But this kind of unpaid community work or doing voluntary work will help cultivating (语法搭配错误与,改为to cultivate) students with a sense of sympathy and caring. (这两句话之间用了but,可是并没有明显的转折关系,介于这一段后面也提到了技能,这两句不妨改为并列:Voluntary work would effectively cultivate students with sympathetic thoughts and caring for others, as well as necessary life skills as well.)Not only the students can learn how to with others and work in a team, but also they can how mange their time and improve their organization skills. Nevertheless, (这个词表示“尽管如此”,逻辑上是让步的含义,这里后面一句说的是孩子们课余生活不丰富,和前面完全没有让步的关系。) some of students have not rich and colorful after school activities. (作为和上一句的联系,这句可改为:In addition, participating in such activities also enriches the extra-curriculum life of students.) After school clubs are no longer that popular and students. The young people go home watching television and playing computer games.

On another hand(the other hand), when they(指代不清,这是段首,需要详细说出High school pupils)work for charity or unpaid community service they will be encourage to do something and cultivated students (此处谓语和主语不搭,并且时态不对,注意这句话的主语是“they”, 应改为cultivate themselves with) adaptability and sense of responsibility. Helping they realize value in social (这句话没有谓语动词,可在前面加上:It also serves in helping...). For example,the students have chances to practice by doing unpaid community work and experience built up(这里是对于情况的推测,改为experiences will be established)during the process of doing voluntary work by a foundation for future career(“by”这个介词表示的是通过什么手法,未来是以后的推论,改为:building a sound foundation for future career endeavor.). The new evidence is that young people will be employed in community would be prevented from rising crime rates. (这句从句出现了两个谓语will be和would be,是较严重的语法错误,改为Being enrolled in such a program also prevents potential crimes in adolescence.) However, if the students have a job or a place of work, they will not be boring and will not bring harm to society.

In conclusion, I strongly supported (没必要用过去时,改为原形。) the opinion that the unpaid community service school (course) be a compulsory part of high school programmers, for it will help educate the students to own sense of dedication. (逗号) Improving (这句话没有单独的主语,和前面共用主语,改为小写) their physical conditions,enrich their extracurricular activities and enhance their practical abilities.

总评5.5(TR6.5 CC5.5 LR6.0 GRA5.0)





雅思6.5分 小作文范文参考

●批改By Will 本次批改严格按照ILETS小作文评分标准进行。ILETS小作文评分项:TA (内容的完整性), CC (连贯性及一致性), GRA (语法范围及精准度), LR (词汇资源)。文末会进行总评及打分。 ●文中标识: 用词不当逻辑错误语法错误修改添加 The graph provides the information concerning the average temperatures on a month basis in three major cities.(介于有两张图,都要提一下。此后可加一句:In addition, clearly demonstrated in the table are the time of sunshine on an annual base.) (补充:在下一段看到了你对于后一张图的总结,这样的话建议你在开头强调一下“the first graph”) As can be seen from the graph, there is a similar trend in terms of average monthly temperature between London and New York during the period from January to December. (可加入连接词:To be specific) The average temperature in London (介于你后面写的是两个城市的数据,这里改为:for both of the cities) gradually rises from January to July both in London and new york, reaching a peak at 25 degrees and 20 degrees respectively. After that, the following 4 months witness a dramatic decrease both in London and new york. In comparison (这里不妨分段), an opposite trend is found in Sydney. It (这是悉尼的第一句,建议写出来具体的量词至少:The temperature) keeps stable at 25 degrees from January to march, after which the average temperature undergoes a considerable descent, reaching the bottom point at approximately 15 degrees, before there is (there is 没必要了,可以去除) a steady ascent by 10 degrees. It is obvious that the table depicts the average number of hours of sunshine per year in three major cities. As we can see from the statistics, when it comes to the total annual hours of sunshine, new york ranks first, followed by Sydney ,London lies last. Specifically, people who live in new york enjoy 2,353 hours of sunshine every year, which is similar to people living in London with 2,473 hours (不是人和人像,是时间长短像,改为:which is similar to the amount of sunshine for those in London). However, only 1,180 hours of sunshine are found in London annually. 总评6.5(TA6.5 CC6.5 LR6.5 GRA7.0) 1.语法变化上从句数量可以了,分词的使用还可以多一些。偶尔试试一到两句倒装,如我在开头给你的那个。 2.趋势等词汇变化可以,试着多换换题目话题词汇,如people=residents=citizens


部编版四年级语文上册第七单元习作训练范文5篇 习作主题:写信 点拨:一般书信可分为称呼、正文、结尾、署名、日期五个部分,每个部分都有一定的格式。在信纸的第一行顶格写上称呼,称呼后用冒号“:”。在称呼下一行空两格写正文,写信的主要内容,或告诉对方情况,或交流思想感情,或询问、提出某些问题,要把事情一件件清清楚楚写明白。正文通常以问候语开头。问候语最常见的是“您好!”“近好!”正文写完后,要按收信人和自己的关系,另起一行空两格写上一些表示敬意或祝愿的问候语。在书信最后两行右下角,分别写上署名和日期,注意这两项不可颠倒。例文 1.给老师的一封信 2.给老爸的一封信 3.给表姐的一封信 4.给老爸的一封辞职信 5.给刘翔哥哥的一封信 (一) 给老师的一封信 敬爱的王老师: 您好! 时间过的真快,转眼间两年就过去了。您像太阳一样温暖着我们,把您的知识无私的传播给我们。您每次都是认真的为我们上课。有一次,您喉咙哑了,可您还是坚强的忍着,依然为我们上完了一天的课程,这让我十分的感动。您不仅让我学到了很多丰富的知识,还让我明白了什么是奉献。每次我们调皮不听话的时候,您总是很耐心地来教育我们,让我们听得惭愧不已。您每天都不惜劳累地为我们认真仔细地批改一摞摞的作业,每一个错字,每一个符号,那怕是一个细微的笔画,在您的“火眼金睛”下都能把错的找出来,这都让家长和同学们刮目相看。佩服不已。 生活中,每次看到您就像看到我妈妈一样,关心和爱护我们。您的眼神中总是充满了慈爱,但有时候也像姐姐一样漂亮亲切,像朋友一样活泼可爱。老师,您是我的启蒙老师,我永远永远都不会忘记您,永远爱您! 祝

工作顺利。笑口常开! 您的学生林然 11月6日 (二) 给老爸的一封信 亲爱的老爸: 您好! 老爸,我想对您说:辛苦您了,每天早上您为我们全家做早餐。七点您就离开了家,劳累了一天,晚上五点才到家。您又急忙进到厨房,为我们做晚饭。老爸,我想对您说,我爱您。在炎热的夏天,每天临睡前怕我热,是您给我扇扇子。在寒风刺骨的冬天,您怕我冷,是您把我抱在您的怀里。您从不严厉批评我。总是和声细语对我说。老爸,我想对您说:你也有一些毛病,您应该改一改了。您两天抽一包香烟,一天喝一瓶啤酒。您曾像我承诺,如果我在期中或期末每科考一百分,您就戒烟,戒酒,可是,我考了一次,您却没有做到。老爸,您不能再说谎了。您最近检查身体,有好几项都超标了,还不是因为抽烟,喝酒在您身体里闹的。保护自己的身体吧!老爸,您就戒烟,戒酒吧,您应该把这些不好的习惯都改掉。保护好身体才是最重要的。老爸,我还有好多,好多话想对您说,永远也说不完,我爱您。 祝 健康长寿! 您的儿子薛子聪 12月10日 (三) 给表姐的一封信 亲爱的表姐: 你好! 表姐,我们好久不见,想到马上就要过春节和你见面了,我好高兴啊!最近和同学一起去了宁海的雪山欢乐谷游玩。去欢乐谷的山路非常崎岖,可我们的心情特别好。大家一路像小鸟一样叽叽喳喳说个不停,边说边欣赏窗外的景色,大树像一排排哨兵耸立



雅思小作文真题 【篇一:雅思作文题目汇总】 一、教育 1、教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:it is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. what should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2、学校的科目谁来选择?(060916) 母题:some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. discuss the two views and give your opinion. 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。


历年联考申论大作文范文XX年6月联考申论大作文范文还孩子美好明天 师德是一个社会良知的重要标志,是一个国家道德水平的重要标杆。从浙江温岭幼师虐童案引起网络热议,一桩桩虐童事件不断地触动着万千家长的心: 男童被幼师用利器刮伤多处,血渗衣衫;老师一脚踢飞男孩,孩子的笑声自此消失。孩子的天真与欢乐逐渐消失,学校不再是孩子学习娱乐的天堂,震惊与愤怒成为 公众一致的表情,“师德”一词开始被公众质疑,社会良知遭到威胁,国家的道德水平遭遇失衡。扭转失德行为,需要政府用心,需要社会用心,需要学校用心,三 方齐努力,才能治愈孩子心灵的创伤。 政府用心,立法和执法是关键。立法是解决问题的基础,没有完善的法律来界定虐童行为的标准和处罚方法,就不能从根本上解决教师虐

童的现象。浙江温岭的一名幼师因为觉得“好玩”而将孩子倒放在垃圾桶里,最终却无罪释放。这个结果不仅难以让公众接受,也体现出法律漏洞在恶劣行为面前的 无奈和羞愧,更无法起到根治教师失德的行为。只有通过严格的立法,明确教师虐待儿童的相关行为标准,比如《中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法》就对虐待 儿童的行为有明确界定。当然,除了完善法律法规外,政府相关部门还需要根据规定严格执法,发现不良行为要进行严肃处理和惩罚,从根源治理失德行为。 社会用心,舆论引导和民众监督是保障。所谓“学高为师,身正为范”、“学为人师,行为世范”,正是在宏观的社会意义上对教师价值的判断,是由衷 的赞美,更是深沉的希望。“最美教师”的代表张丽莉和张绪芬用自己的实际行动,生动地、深刻地、完美地诠释了师德的内涵,践行了教师的操守,彰显了教师的

光荣,给冷漠无情的失德行为上了生动的一课。我们还需要更多典范来引导和带动教师队伍树立正确的师德;同时还需要公众参与监督,通过网络等多种途径对失德 行为进行举报,进一步保障失德行为的治理和解决。 学校用心,关注教师心理是 要求。对于一起起虐童事件,有学校曾解释“正常人不会做出如此举动”。这确实应该引起我们的思考和关注,“正常人不会这么做”,那做了这些事情的教师又是 什么问题呢?如果不是精神疾病,就是有严重的心理问题。这个问题不应该被我们忽视的,但却在屡次爆发的虐童案处理中被学校漠视了。今年河北省两会的一份提 案指出,近一半的教师存在心理问题。因此,学校应该加强对老师的心理辅导,定期组织心理疏导工作,建立心理调节机制,丰富教师业余生活,减轻教师工作压 力,关注教师心理变化。


2020年六级考试必背十大作文范文(1)题目 1. Directions: In this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 150 words about “College Graduates Work as Village Officials”. You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. Some college graduates choose to work as village officials. 1、Do you think it is a good idea? 2、What can they offer the countryside? 3、What can they gain from their village positions? 范文 College Graduates Work as Village Officials There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today how college graduates should choose their careers. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village officials. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice. On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First, they can apply their professional knowledge there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the


101. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The line graph below gives information about the number of visitors to three London museums between June and September 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Test Tip Check the horizontal axis to find whether the graph refers to past, present, future or all three. We use the present simple to describe the graph: The graph shows… , We can see… If the graph refers to past period of time, we use the past simple, and if the graph includes future times, we use will or it is predicted that. Look at the line graph and complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets and the correct prepositions.


庆坪中学语文学科教师备课活页 有了您,我的未来不是梦 梦,不是触手可及的,更不是遥不可及的。--题记 人生旅程上,您丰富我的心灵,开发我的智力,为我点燃了希望的光芒。 春雨,染绿了世界,而自己却无声地消失在泥土之中。老师,您就是滋润我心田的春雨,我将永远感谢您。 老师,您是海洋,我是贝壳,是您给了我斑斓的色彩…… 我当怎样地感谢您!踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心灵的每一寸,满是对您的敬意。有如从朔风凛冽的户外来到冬日雪夜的炉边;老师,您的关怀,如这炉炭的殷红,给我无限温暖。我怎能不感谢您?对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!您用心中全部的爱,染成了 课题:《第七次作文范文》主备人:董富智参备人:刘玉花 时间:2014年月日 我青春的色彩;您用执著的信念,铸成了我性格 的不屈…… 老师,我生命的火花里闪耀着一个您! 您是我遮雨的伞,挡风的墙,我怎能不感谢您!没有 您的慷慨奉献,哪有我收获的今天。您送我进入一个 彩色的天地,您将我带入一个无限的世界…… 假如我能搏击蓝天,那是您给了我腾飞的翅膀; 假如我是击浪的勇士,那是您给了我弄潮的力量;假 如我是不灭的火炬,那是您给了我青春的光亮! 您谆谆的教诲,化作我脑中的智慧,胸中的热血, 行为的规范…… 我感谢您,感谢您对我的精心培育。 因为您的一片爱心的灌浇,一番耕耘的辛劳,才会有 桃李的绚丽,稻麦的金黄。愿我的谢意化成一束不凋 的鲜花,给您的生活带来芬芳。忘不了您和风细雨般 的话语,荡涤了我心灵上的尘泥;忘不了您浩荡东风 般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。老师,我终生感激您! 真诚、坚定、谦逊、朴素―这是您教给我唱的歌, 这是您指引我走的人生之路。 有一道彩虹,不出现在雨后,也不出现在天空,它常出 现在我心中,鞭策着我堂堂正正地做人。 敬爱的老师,有了您,我的未来不是梦!


2020年大学英语六级写作十大必背作文范文(4) 4. 图表作文:教育 Directions: In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following diagram. Describe the diagram and analyze the possible causes. You should write at least 150 words. The diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Engineering (ME) in the past seven years. According to the statistics given above, we may conclude that the recruitment of ME was on a steady rise from 1998 to 2004. In 1998, the number was at a low level, only about 2,500. Surprisingly, it reached to more than 35,000 in 2004 within no more than seven years. Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. First and foremost, China has become particularly active in manufacturing, which leads to the increasing demand of qualified engineers. In addition, the development of job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges a large number of students to stay on campus for another three years to get better prepared for their career. Last but not least, working pressure is another reason. Taking all these factors into account, we may predict that with speedy development of our society, the number of recruitment of ME will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.


小学生书信作文范文【三篇】 【篇一】小学生书信作文范文给同学的一封信 亲爱的钟磬子同学: 你好! 你一定很奇怪,为什么我要给你写这封信吧!其实,有一些话不好意思在你面前说,所以今天我想以写信的方式和你谈一谈。 每次看到你的脸我都会开怀大笑,因为你的脸非常可爱,记得有一天,你穿着一件绒绒的“毛毛服”,就像一只顽皮的小白熊。你的成绩很好,几乎次次都可以考到98~100+10,有时如果发挥好的话,甚至可以超过班里的“智多星”古周熠呢。在你的眼里96分居然是一个很差很差的分数,每次“每月之星”都有你的身影。我都觉得你已经是学霸中的学霸了。因此,我既羡慕你有崇拜你,在这一点上我要像你学习。 你也时常需要我的帮助,我特别珍惜我们之间的友情,所以也总想帮你。你还记得吗?有一次,我们上美术课,你的力气小所以我二话不说,把你的工具立刻搬到了桌子上。虽然这是小事,但我坚信友情是从一点一滴开始的。希望我们之间的友情天长地久。 祝:好好学习,天天向上。 你的同桌:李俊成 20xx年11月xx日 【篇二】小学生书信作文范文给班主任的一封信 尊敬的班主任: 您好!几日不见,甚是想念。不知道您最近过得如何?而学生我却在学习上遇到了一些烦恼,我想借您的一只耳朵来聆听一下我的烦恼。我也想,请您为我的烦恼出谋划策。 对于一个刚踏入八年级的一个新生,而物理也是我们八年级所接触到的新学科。我适应能力向来不好,所以我至今都未能把物理这一学科“琢磨”清楚。最近的物理课总有画图的课,比如:画杠杆的动阻力臂。我总是不能分清楚哪条是动力臂,哪条是阻力臂。我也曾尝试过向物理老师请教,可是对于这个我总会

有一种过眼即忘的“特异功能”。 我其他科的成绩还勉强可以,但是我并不想因为这一个学科拉低了我的总成绩。可最重要的还是我对物理这一门学科不感兴趣,我也停止了在物理的脚步,因为我不懂得怎么前进。正所谓“付出与收获”是成正比的,可是我找不准“方向”,我真的不知道该怎么办?老师您能帮帮我吗?帮我走出这一个困境。 老师,谢谢您听我“吐苦水”这么久。谢谢您一直对我们这群捣蛋鬼不离不弃,一直尽心尽责为我们讲课,为我们解决烦恼。谢谢您! 祝前途似锦 你的学生:xx 20xx年11月xx日 【篇三】小学生书信作文范文给爷爷的一封信 爷爷: 您好。 在我眼中您是一位和蔼可亲、平易近人的一位老人。我和您在生活中的点点滴滴都铭记在我心中。这些往事都印在我的脑海里,回味无穷。 记得,在上三年级时,我与您互当“老师”,互相学习。我教您英语和语文,您教我奥数,我们学得很愉快!您已经快70岁了,还坚持学习,您真是一位好学上进的人。您这种“活到老学到老”的精神让我敬佩,我要以您为榜样,好好学习,天天向上, 我还记得,您把我当做家中的宝贝儿,非常疼爱我!我是一个活泼好动的孩子。您常常和我在寒风习习的冬天一起锻炼身体。我非常喜欢骑自行车。有一次,您提议我们骑车去看望我住院的外公。我们起了一个半小时才到医院。爷爷的身体有点透支,但还能坚持下来,我不仅在心里说道:“爷爷,您真疼爱我呀!” 我更记得,您虽然疼爱我,但是您对我的要求非常严格。我有一次写作业,您看了看,我的字迹不太工整,便命令我重新写一遍。如果写不好,就不让我玩电脑,我写了好久,终于过关了!您虽然对我的学习要求严格,但您还是像以前那样疼爱我。 以后我们还有很多的事让我们共同经历,就让我们共同回忆吧! 敬祝


第2次考试作文范文 以下内容为家家乐学校六年级春季学期第二次阶段复习学生优秀作文习作范例,点评者均为家家乐学校语文老师。 心中的美景 测115班熊梓含 儿时,我经常趟过那条小河,与伙伴在那条小河边玩耍。而在五岁那年,我搬了家,就没在记起过,去过。一次偶然的机会,让我再次看到了它,感受了它。虽然我离开它了很久,但我还模糊地记得它的样貌。 那次,父亲带我到郊外游玩,大约走了十几公里,来到了一片郊区,我望着外面,看到外面的绿树不是很茂密,更多的还是溪水流淌,我对这声音很熟悉,便叫父亲停车,我走进去,一派清新的气象,绿油油的草地上长了许多不知名的小花。这儿变了,这变得美丽了。远处的小河清澈见底,几只蝴蝶在小河上嬉戏,倒映在河中很美丽,我脚下的泥土也变得肥沃了,这一切让我感觉更加自然,清新……

我终于又看到了它,它似乎长大了,和我一样,也变得美丽了,我希望能再次到那儿。 点评: 小作者有一双能在平凡生活中发现美的眼睛——她笔下的小河并无奇特之处,可作者却赋予了它独特的美,因为这条小河流淌过作者的儿时,承载了作者的成长与欢乐。怀念小河、重返小河在作者的回忆中缓慢浮现,极像一部电影,无论镜头如何切换,都充斥着浓浓的眷恋之情。文章的文笔清新淡雅,结构新颖别致,尾段与首段遥相呼应,读来余味无穷。 心中的美景 测35班张琪悦白 夏季,翠湖的荷花争奇斗艳,很是讨人喜欢。 一天我去翠湖看荷花,当时的雨下得很大,如同天河倾斜而下。那粉嫩的,娇弱的荷花被雨点抽打着,弯着腰,就像喘不过气一样。雨水狠狠的踩在荷花脆弱的花瓣上。花瓣落了下来,慢慢地飘在水上。那就像我啊。我苦笑。

此时的情景是这样的:滚滚的乌云怒吼着,荷花不时垂下头,因此,整个世界如同就是荷叶的王国。那水珠落在荷叶上,如同一根羽毛落在石壁上一样,对荷叶没有任何影响。那又像谁? 突然,我怔住了:一片荷叶慢慢弯了下去,不偏不倚地遮在荷花上,为荷花挡风遮雨。不!不只是这一片,满地的荷叶都弯下了腰,为了保护荷花而不惜粉身碎骨。我眼前浮现出了一个熟悉的人…… 我泪流满面。这荷叶不正如同我那坚韧的母亲吗?她一直给我无私的关怀,我却从未有感激之心。我转过身冲向妈妈:我要给她一个大大的拥抱。 点评: 写荷的作文何其多?小作者与其说是写荷,不如说是写情。本文按照作者情感的变化层层推进——小作者因喜欢荷而在大雨中去“赏荷”,见朵朵花瓣被雨点践踏而“怜荷”,再由荷叶护花这一景象感悟母亲正如荷叶般爱护自己,心生感激、自责,可谓“悟荷”。本文使用了大量的修辞手法,刻画细致入微,写荷旨在表达母爱,立意深刻,扣人心弦。


2020六级写作十大必背作文范文(8) 8.引语评论:幸福 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. As an old saying goes, “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” Why is difficult to define, or rather discover and achieve happiness? I maintain the major determinant lies in a person’s attitudes. There is little correlation? between the circumstance of people’s lives and how happy they are. Instead, happiness lies in the struggle to be happy. To demonstrate, people sometimes go to extremes?, and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, and so on, which are all symbols of success—but never of happiness. Perhaps if they shifted their life’s goal from ultimate success to unswe rving efforts and to a confidence that they will be successful one day they would be a great deal happier. Besides defining it, how do I achieve happiness? There is little doubt that? various people have diverse ways of going about this task. As for me, the most significant secret is realizing that happiness is a by-product of something else. The most obvious sources are those pursuits that give our



剑10 1-2 It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children? One important stage in a child’s growth is certainly the development of a conscience, which is linked to the ability to tell right from wrong. This skill comes with time and good parenting, and my firm conviction is that punishment does not have much of a role to play in this. Therefore I have to disagree almost entirely with the given statement. To some extent the question depends on the age of the child. To punish a very young child is both wrong and foolish, as an infant will not understand what is happening or why he or she is being punished. Once the age of reason is reached however, a child can be rewarded for good behavior and discouraged from bad. This kind but firm approach will achieve more than harsh punishments, which might entail many negative consequences unintended by the parents. To help a child learn the difference between right and wrong, teachers and parents should firstly provide good role modelling in their own behavior. After that, if sanctions are needed, the punishment should not be of a physical nature, as that merely sends the message that it is acceptable for larger people to hit smaller ones-an outcome which may well result in the child starting to bully others. Nor should the punishment be in any way cruel.


给外公的一封信 亲爱的外公: 您好! 没有想到我会给您写信吧?离假期看到您已有两个星期了,我特别想您,也特别担心您——因为听外婆说,您做事还是那样的心急,所以就提笔给您写信啦! 外公,您年岁大了,除了吃好、穿好、休息好外,还要记住顶顶重要的一项,就是做事不要心急,尤其是在过马路的时候。 外公,您还记得上学期发生的那件事吗?那天,我们过马路的时候,大家看见红灯亮着,都自觉地站在边上等。可是您却很不耐烦,看看四周没有车子,就急匆匆地走了出去,而且也没走在斑马线上。事情就这么不凑巧,就在您刚走出去的时候,一辆摩托车疾驶而来,从您的跟前擦身而过,随即“啊哟”声从您的口中传来。外婆连忙上前拉住您查看。不看不知道,一看吓一大跳:您的右腿被摩托车的排气管烫伤了,膝盖处还丢了一大块的皮,隐隐的还有几丝血丝渗出来。你强忍住疼痛,在外婆的搀扶下一颤一颤地走到路边,最后,妈妈接到电话急匆匆地赶来,把您送到医完检查、包扎……外公,这都是心急的惹的祸,如果您多等一两分钟,也许这事就不会发生,您说是吗?我想当时,您肯定也是非常后悔的;虽然世上没有后悔药买,但我们一定要记住教训、记住那次的伤痛,不再闯红灯,因为不怕一万,只怕万一您说是吗? 外公,宽阔的马路、先进的道路安全设施、一直在更新的交通法规,国家给了我们交通安全的保障,但真正的安全,还要靠每个人自己。“过马路,看信号”、“行道时,靠右走”,只有每个人自觉遵守交

通规则,自觉践行出行之礼,我们的安全才有真正的保障! 另外,我们不仅要在当行人的时候不急不躁,不乱闯红灯,当“司机”的时候,更要谨慎驾驶。 记得电视上放过这样一则新闻: 刚刚上学的一年级学生小华,正背着寄托着父母无限期望的新书包,怀着对学校的憧憬行走在斑马线上时,突然,一辆飞驰的汽车像脱缰的野马般猛地闯过了红灯,向小华直奔而去。伴随着一声惨叫,小华被车无情地撞出了20多米远…… 外公,说了这么多,您明白我的意思了吗?对呀,我就希望您做事时不急不躁——当行人时不闯红灯、当“司机”驾驶着您的电瓶三轮车拉货时,速度放慢,因为您心爱的外甥女希望您出行有礼、永远平平安安! 祝您 身体健康、出入平安、寿比南山 您的小棉袄:x x x 年月日

英语考试作文-9分雅思图表写作范文全集之地图篇 学校变迁

英语考试作文 9分雅思图表写作范文全集之地图篇学校 变迁 9分雅思图表小作文范文全集之地图学校变迁The diagrams below show the site of a school in 2004 and the plan for changes to the school site in 2024. 真题传送门:2017全年雅思写作真题范文大汇总(第一时间更新) 范文集结:全部9篇9分雅思写作地图范文汇总放送 范文 The two pictures compare the layout of a school as it was in the year 2004 with a proposed site design for the year 2024. It is clear that the main change for 2024 involves the addition of a new school building. The school will then be able to accommodate a considerably larger number of students. In 2004, there were 600 pupils attending the school,

and the two school buildings were separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field. By 2024, it is expected that there will be 1000 pupils, and a third building will have been constructed. Furthermore, the plan is to join the two original buildings together, creating a shorter path that links the buildings only. As the third building and a second car park will be built on the site of the original sports field, a new, smaller sports field will need to be laid. A new road will also be built from the main entrance to the second car park. Finally, no changes will be made to the main entrance and original car park. (183 words, band 9)


第2次什么的作文范文 以下内容为家家乐学校六年级春季学期第二次阶段复习学生优秀作文习作范例,点评者均为家家乐学校语文老师。 心中的美景 测115班熊梓含 儿时,我经常趟过那条小河,与伙伴在那条小河边玩耍。而在五岁那年,我搬了家,就没在记起过,去过。一次偶然的机会,让我再次看到了它,感受了它。虽然我离开它了很久,但我还模糊地记得它的样貌。 那次,父亲带我到郊外游玩,大约走了十几公里,来到了一片郊区,我望着外面,看到外面的绿树不是很茂密,更多的还是溪水流淌,我对这声音很熟悉,便叫父亲停车,我走进去,一派清新的气象,绿油油的草地上长了许多不知名的小花。这儿变了,这变得美丽了。远处的小河清澈见底,几只蝴蝶在小河上嬉戏,倒映在河中很美丽,我脚下的泥土也变得肥沃了,这一切让我感觉更加自然,清新……

我终于又看到了它,它似乎长大了,和我一样,也变得美丽了,我希望能再次到那儿。 点评: 小作者有一双能在平凡生活中发现美的眼睛——她笔下的小河并无奇特之处,可作者却赋予了它独特的美,因为这条小河流淌过作者的儿时,承载了作者的成长与欢乐。怀念小河、重返小河在作者的回忆中缓慢浮现,极像一部电影,无论镜头如何切换,都充斥着浓浓的眷恋之情。文章的文笔清新淡雅,结构新颖别致,尾段与首段遥相呼应,读来余味无穷。 心中的美景 测35班张琪悦白 夏季,翠湖的荷花争奇斗艳,很是讨人喜欢。 一天我去翠湖看荷花,当时的雨下得很大,如同天河倾斜而下。那粉嫩的,娇弱的荷花被雨点抽打着,弯着腰,就像喘不过气一样。雨水狠狠的踩在荷花脆弱的花瓣上。花瓣落了下来,慢慢地飘在水上。那就像我啊。我苦笑。

此时的情景是这样的:滚滚的乌云怒吼着,荷花不时垂下头,因此,整个世界如同就是荷叶的王国。那水珠落在荷叶上,如同一根羽毛落在石壁上一样,对荷叶没有任何影响。那又像谁? 突然,我怔住了:一片荷叶慢慢弯了下去,不偏不倚地遮在荷花上,为荷花挡风遮雨。不!不只是这一片,满地的荷叶都弯下了腰,为了保护荷花而不惜粉身碎骨。我眼前浮现出了一个熟悉的人…… 我泪流满面。这荷叶不正如同我那坚韧的母亲吗?她一直给我无私的关怀,我却从未有感激之心。我转过身冲向妈妈:我要给她一个大大的拥抱。 点评: 写荷的作文何其多?小作者与其说是写荷,不如说是写情。本文按照作者情感的变化层层推进——小作者因喜欢荷而在大雨中去“赏荷”,见朵朵花瓣被雨点践踏而“怜荷”,再由荷叶护花这一景象感悟母亲正如荷叶般爱护自己,心生感激、自责,可谓“悟荷”。本文使用了大量的修辞手法,刻画细致入微,写荷旨在表达母爱,立意深刻,扣人心弦。
