考研英语阅读推荐:波音变废为宝 地沟油可做航空燃料

考研英语阅读推荐:波音变废为宝 地沟油可做航空燃料
考研英语阅读推荐:波音变废为宝 地沟油可做航空燃料



Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China today opened a demonstration facility that will turn waste cooking oil, commonly referred to as “gutter oil”in China, into sustainable aviation biofuel. The two companies estimate that 500 million gallons (1.8 billion liters) of biofuel could be made annually in China from used cooking oil.


“Strong and continuing teamwork between Boeing and COMAC is helping our industry make progress on environmental challenges that no single company or country can solve alone,”said Ian Thomas, President, Boeing China. “By working together for mutual benefit, we're finding innovative ways to support China's aviation industry and build a sustainable future.”


Boeing and COMAC are sponsoring the facility, which is called the China-U.S. Aviation Biofuel Pilot Project. It will use a technology developed by Hangzhou Energy & Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (HEET) to clean contaminants from waste oils and convert it into jet fuel at a rate of 160 gallons (650 liters) per day. The project's goal is to assess the technical feasibility and cost of producing higher volumes of biofuel.


“We are very happy to see the progress that has been made in the collaboration between Boeing and COMAC, especially the achievement in aviation biofuel technology,”said Dr. Guangqiu Wang, Vice President of COMAC's Beijing Aeronautical Science & Technology Research Institute. “We will continue to work with Boeing in energy conservation and emissions reduction areas to promote the sustainable development of the aviation industry.”


Sustainably produced biofuel, which reduces carbon emissions by 50 to 80 percent compared to petroleum through its lifecycle, is expected to play a key role in supporting aviation's growth while meeting environmental goals. The Boeing Current Market Outlook has forecast that China will require more than 6,000 new airplanes by 2033 to meet fast-growing passenger demand for domestic and international air travel.



Boeing and COMAC have been collaborating since 2012 to support the growth of China's commercial aviation industry. Their Boeing-COMAC Aviation Energy Conservation and Emissions Reductions Technology Center in Beijing works with Chinese universities and research institutions to expand knowledge in areas that improve aviation's efficiency, such as aviation biofuel and air traffic management.


Biofuel produced by the China-U.S. Aviation Biofuel Pilot Project will meet international specifications approved in 2011 for jet fuel made from plant oils and animal fats. This type of biofuel has already been used for more than 1,600 commercial flights.



《分析化学》阅读材料03 摘自Analytical Chemistry (FECS) ●In the Br?sted-Lowry theory, an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor. Each acid is related to its conjugate base and vice versa: Acid = base + proton Therefore, the conjugate base of a strong acid must be a weak base and the conjugate base of a weak acid must be a strong base. Together they form a couple, and an acid without its conjugate base is a meaningless concept. In order to release a proton, the acid must find a base to accept it. In an aqueous solution, the proton, H+, having an extremely small ionic radius, cannot exist as such. It is hydrated, forming the hydronium ion H3O+ and higher hydrates. Thus, an acid-base equilibrium is not a simple dissociation equilibrium, but the result of a proton transfer reaction in which there are at least two reagents and two products. Such a process is also called protolysis. The overall reaction is expressed by: HX + H2O = H3O+ + X-. The overall equilibrium constant is K = [H3O+][X-]/[HX][H2O]. The acid dissociation constant Ka is given by: Ka = K[H2O] = [H3O+][X-]/[HX]. Ka reflects not only the acid strength of HX, but also the base strength of water. This why different acid dissociation constants are observed for the same acid in different solvent. ●Similar proton transfer reactions exist in all solvents possessing proton donor and acceptor properties. Proton transfer reactions are extremely fast. This makes them very suitable for analytical applications and acid-base reactions have found wide use in volumetric methods and other analytical techniques. ●The pH value is a measure for the acidity or basicity of a solution, aqueous or nonaqueous. ●Acid-base indicators are chemical substances with acid-base properties, having different colors in their protonated and deprotonated forms. ● A most important application of acid-base systems is related to the property of such a system to act as a buffer. Many chemical reactions produce protons (in aqueous solutions hydroniums) or hydroxide ions. If these products remain in the system, a corresponding pH change is observed. However, if a buffer is present in the solution it reacts with the liberated hydrogen or hydroxide ions so that only a relative small change of pH occurs. Buffer consist of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base. The most efficient buffer for a given pH consists of a 1:1 ratio of the protonated and deprotonated forms of a weak acid (with pKa = pH). This cannot always be achieved, but if we wish to prepare a solution of a certain pH, we select a weak acid with a pKa value close to the desired pH. Buffer solution resists changes in pH upon adding of strong acids or strong bases. Depending on the relative concentrations of the acid and base forms of the buffer, the system can resist small or large additions of strong acid or base. This buffer capacity is defined as the number of moles of strong acid of base required to change the pH of 1 L of buffer solution by one pH unit. Solutions with high or low pH values, formed as a result of dissolution of large quantities of a strong base or acid, are characterized by a large buffer capacity, although the electrolyte practically consists of only one of the conjugate forms (e.g., HCl or NaOH solutions). ● A general requirement for all volumetric methods is that the titration process is fast and that it proceeds in a definite stoichiometric ratio, the endpoint of the reaction must by easy to detect and the reaction should be specific and not influenced by other constituents of the solution, i.e., there should be no interference. Question: 1. A H3PO4 solution is brought to pH = 7.00 by the addition of NaOH. Calculate the concentration of the various forms of orthophosphate if the total phosphate concentration in buffer is 0.200 mol /L. pKa1 = 2.16, pKa2 = 7.21, pKa3 = 12.32. 2. A buffer solution is prepared from acid, HA, Ka = 5 10-5, and its salt. The concentration of HA in the buffer is 0.25 mol / L. To 100 mL of the buffer added 5.0 mmol of NaOH, and the pH of the resulting solution is 5.60. What was the pH of the original buffer? 3.It is desired to change the pH of 100 mL of 0.100 mol / L HCl from 1.00 to 4.40 by the addition of sodium acetate, CH3COONa3H2O. How much solid sodium acetate salt must be added in grams? Assume no volume change for the solution as the result of the addition. 4.What is the buffer capacity of a solution which is 0.100 mol / L of NH3 and 0.200 of NH4Cl? 5.Calculate the pH of each of the following solution: (a) Water in equilibrium with CO2 of the air; pKa1 = 6.38, pKa2 = 10.25. (b) Water as in part (a) brought to pH = 7.00 with NaOH and allowed to regain equilibrium with CO2. 6. Derive the following expression for the pH at the first stoichiometric point in the titration of a mixture of two weak acid: HA, the stronger, Ka1, concentration C1; HB, the weaker, Ka2, concentration C2: pH = 1/2 (pKa1 + pKa2) – 1/2 lg (C1/C2)


第六章阅读理解与阅读技能 2009-11-15 23:36:27| 分类:我的世界| 标签:|字号大中小订阅 第六章阅读理解与阅读技能 P249(1)记叙文 Stephen Hawking was born in 1942. He’s a world famous scientist and expert on space and time. Stephen is trying to find the answers to some very big questions, such as: how did the universe being? How will it end? 斯蒂芬在1942年出生。他是研究空间和时间领域的一位举世闻名的科学家和专家。斯蒂芬设法发现一些非常大问题的答案,例如:宇宙未来会怎样?它会怎样结束? Stephen was a student at Oxford University. He studied math and science. Then, at the age of twenty, he became very ill. He was so young, but the doctor said to his family, “He has only two years to live.” The doctors were wrong-he didn’t die. He can’t walk now but he uses a wheelchair. He talks with the help of a computer. After Oxford, Stephen went to Cambridge University. Three years later, in 1963, he became a doctor of philosophy. 斯蒂芬曾经是牛津大学的学生。他学习数学和科学。然而,在20岁时,他生病了。他是如此年轻,但医生告诉他的家人,“他只活两年。”医生是错误的,他没有死。他现在虽然不能走路,但他可以使用了轮椅。随着计算机的帮助,他可以通过计算机举行会谈。牛津大学毕业后,斯蒂芬前往剑桥大学学习。3 年后,在1963年,他成为哲学博士。 Because of his health problems, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he became one of the most famous scientists in the world. In 1981, he met Pope in Rome. They talked about his ideas. Then, in 1988, he wrote his first important book, A Brief History of Time. It sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different countries. 由于他的健康问题,出图或写作对于他是很难的。因此他在图片上开始思考。这种新的思维方式,使他在世界上成为了一位最著名的科学家。在1981年,他在罗马遇见了教皇。他们谈论了他的想法。然后,在1988年他写了他的第一本重要的书,《时间的简史》。它在33个不同国家卖了超过550万本。 (2)说明文 One type of solar collector is not very expensive. It is put on the roof of a building. It is usually put on the sunny side of the roof. The sun is most direct in this side, and the unit will collect more heat. The surface is black because black collects more heat from the sun. Inside, there are pipes with water. The top is a piece of glass. The sun shines through the glass and air inside. It heats the water that is also inside. A pump, a machine to move the water, starts when water is warm enough. Then hot water goes into a storage tank. This tank stores or keeps the hot water. Then there is hot water to use for washing clothes or taking baths and showers.


现代文阅读“地沟油”参考答案 阅读下面的文字,完成8-10题。 近日,在公安部的统一指挥下,我国首次全环节破获了一起特大利用地沟油制售食用油的系列案件,摧毁了涉及14个省的“地沟油”犯罪网络,并抓获32名主要犯罪嫌疑人。 此案的侦破揭开了食用地沟油黑色产业链的六大环节——掏捞、粗炼、倒卖、深加工、批发、零售。每年有数以万吨的地沟油流向国人餐桌,地沟油中的主要危害物之一黄曲霉素的毒性是砒霜的100倍…… 究竟是什么原因导致地沟油问题屡禁不止?除了需要反思地沟油背后的行政管理缺失问题,还应看到围剿地沟油黑色产业链各个环节折射出的立法空白和司法盲区。 据统计,我国每年消耗油脂约2200万吨,其中15%约330万吨成为废弃油脂。地沟 油本身并非完全有害、无用的物质,经过合理的加工程序,地沟油甚至可以变废为宝,如加工成生物燃料。 记者注意到,我国对餐饮业废弃油脂——即地沟油原料的处理回收还缺乏系统完善的管理机制,立法方面亦存在空白,导致本应发挥“余热”的地沟油流向餐桌。 2010年7月,国务院办公厅发布《国务院办公厅关于加强地沟油整治和餐厨废弃物管理的意见》,对餐厨废弃物的排放、回收、运输等内容提出了要求。这表明,我国有关部门已经开始重视地沟油供应链管理中所存在的问题,但国务院办公厅发布的上述意见并非法律、行政法规,也非部门规章,其内容的具体落实还需各地方政府细化为当地的规章制度。 根据发达国家已有的经验,地沟油的回收需要政府在适当运用经济杠杆的同时,制定“泔水回收”的相关法律法规,严格控制“泔水”的流向,并配以行政、司法部门的严格执法,多管齐下,才能将地沟油重新扳回正轨,发挥其应有的价值。 数据显示,目前我国每年返回餐桌的地沟油有200万—300万吨,而中国人一年的动 植物油消费总量大约是2250万吨。也就是说,按照比例,人们吃的每10顿饭中,可能就有一顿用的是地沟油。 在地沟油流通过程中的关键“黑手”是粮油供应商。他们从地沟油生产企业处甚至许多“黑作坊”收购加工过的地沟油,然后再销往食用油批发部,甚至假冒成名牌产品后直接销售给各个餐馆、饭店。 在此过程中,由于粮油供应商与各个买家之间都是买卖合同关系,有关行政管理部门无从直接介入进行监管。同时,各大食用油批发部和餐馆、饭店的经营者又非地沟油的最终食用者,因此,在巨大的利润空间面前,他们往往“睁一只眼,闭一只眼”。 此外,由于我国在对地沟油的检验方面存在漏洞,让地沟油很容易蒙混过关。以现行的国家强制性标准2716-2005《食用植物油卫生标准》为例,按照国标,食用油检验通常都是检验酸价、苯并芘、农药残留等9项指标。如果仅检验这9项,地沟油也可能合格。比如,警方日前在浙江宁海查获了大量地沟油并向有关部门送检,按照现行的国标检验,送检的 10个样品中,只有两个样品不合格。 据专家透露,地沟油生产者会根据《食用植物油卫生标准》,在加工过程中添加火碱之类的东西,把地沟油中不合格的指标掩盖住。 然而,面对“人人喊打”的地沟油,消费者的维权之路并非易事,民事诉讼的证据规则成了“拦路虎”。首先,地沟油的使用范围太广,消费者难以确定侵权主体。根据公安机关破案的情况,购买地沟油用于烹饪的餐馆、饭店无法统计。随着人们生活水平的提高,在外就餐的次数大大多于从前,消费者极有可能在多家餐馆就餐时都遭遇到地沟油,因此侵权主体的确定成为一大难题。


计算机专业英语阅读材料 计算机英语(1) Desktop Pattern In the graphical user interface of Microsoft Windows 98,a graphical pattern-called wallpaper-displayed on the desktop (the background "beneath" windows, icons, and dialog boxes). The pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user. To change the desktop pattern, choose Display from the Control Panel. 桌面图案 在Microsoft Windows 98的图形用户界面中,一种显示在桌面上称为壁纸(Wallpaper )的图形图案(窗口、图标和对话框后面的背景),屏幕背景可由用户选择图案样式或画面。要改变桌面图案时,从控制面板上选择显示方式。 计算机英语(2) Federated Database In scientific networking ,a collaborative database (part of a collaborator) in which scientists pool their knowledge and discoveries .Federated databases are one proposed solution to the Grand Challenges——problems that are so complex that they far outstrip the capabilities of individual scientists ,or even individual research institutions ,to tackle them independently. 联合式数据库 在科学联网中,科学家们汇集其知识和发现的一种合作数据库(合作的一部分)。联合数据库是对种种重大挑战问题(Grand Challenges)的一种建议性的解决方案——这些问题太复杂,以致于超出单个科学家的能力,甚至单个研究所都无法来单独解决它们。 计算机英语(3) Collapse When creating an outline or viewing a directory tree (such as in the Windows Explorer ),the process of hiding all the outline levels or subdirectories below the selected outline heading or directory. 折叠 当生成一个题纲或观察一个目录树(如在Windows资源管理器中)时,在选定的题纲标题或目录下隐藏所有的题纲层或子目录的过程。 计算机英语(4) Collision In local area networks (LANs) ,a garbled transmission that results when two or more workstations transmit to the same network cable at exactly the same time . Networks have means of preventing collisions. 冲突 在局域网(LANs)中,当两个或多个工作站恰好在同时向同一个网络线路上传送(数据)时产生的错乱传输。网络拥


小学英语阅读理解的常见题型设置及解题技巧 在小学阶段,阅读理解题型灵活多样,但主要有以下题型: 一、读一读,然后选一选。 这种题型的特点是在短文后给出若十个不完整的句子或若干个根据短文内容提出的问题,针对每一题都提供三到四个备选的答案,要求同学们在正确理解短文内容的基础上,从选项中选出一个正确的答案。这类试题的问题一般是紧扣短文内容编排的,既会涉及文章中的细节内容,如文中出现的人物、时间、地点、事件的前因后果等;也会涉及文章中某个词或某个句子的含义以及文章的主旨、大意和标题等。 The big day comes at last! Mrs Jones' third grade students are waiting quietly for her to come into the classroom. Today Amy brings some cakes, Joy brings some napkins, Carlos brings some soda water and Kate brings some cups. Everyone wants the party to he a surprise. Mrs Jones doesn't know the children have known today is her birthday. When she comes into the classroom, the children shout,“Happy birthday, Mrs Jones!”And then the children get a surprise,too. Mrs Jones brings everyone a party hat and an ice cream! 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mrs Jones' grade students are waiting for her. A. three B.third C.No.3 D.the third ( )2. Carlos brings some _____ . A. cola B.napkins C.soda water D.cups ( )3._____ brings some cakes. A. Amy B.Carlos C.Joey D.Kate 分析 题1短文的第二句话告诉我们是琼斯老师的三年级的学生们正静静地等候她的到来。在年级前面应该用序数词来表示,如果是在年级后面就应该用基数词表示。如:the third grade,=Grade Three.同时因为前面有定语Mrs Jones',所以这里也应该不要the。 题2.3 短文介绍了几个同学分别带了一些东西。卡洛斯带了soda water (汽水),艾米带了蛋糕。 正确答案:1.B 2.C 3. A 二、读一读,然后判断句子正误。 该题型的特点是在短文后给出若干个句子,要求同学们根据短文内容,判断所给的句子意思是否与原文相符。做这类题应该联系短文内容进行发挥,主要是考查对意思相近或相反的几个句子进行鉴别、判断,或是变换词语、句子结构来测试同种意思的不同表达。 There are some public numbers. Do you know when to use these numbers? 110 is a number for calling policeman when you have meet some illegal things. 119 is a number using for a fire accident.

80+分 考生的考研英语高分经验之谈(纯干货)

考研路上,总有一些考试大神的存在,他们看似毫不费力的就获得了400+的高分,英语也轻松拿到80+,其实这一切的成绩背后都付出了巨大的努力,当然,也有一些技巧和方法,看看这篇大神的经验贴吧,希望对你有益~ 先介绍一下,我是15年英语二,阅读全对,完形错了2分。 一定要先说几个常见的误区: 没有一套方法能让你不背单词而做对阅读。 没有一套单词能让你不看真题就拿高分。 英语,整个考研过程中最见成效的科目,一分辛苦一分才,踏踏实实做阅读,背单词,英语水平就能得到真实的提高。它最不依赖老师的一门学科,虽然初期的时候跟着老师学了不少东西,但是真正的提高还是靠自己不断的积累。我把考研英语界的老师分为技巧派和基础派。个人非常反对技巧派,尤其是纯技巧派,讲一些不需要看文章直接得答案的方法。现在考研英语界的很多老师都是营销高手,就抓住你的不想努力还想拿高分的心里,希望大家擦亮双眼,被骗钱还是其次,浪费时间可就太惨了。 本人是一个纯的基础派,所用的所有方法也是建立在读懂的基础之上的。先简单说说各部分的应对策略。 完形:英语二中最难的一部分,就算全部读懂也不一定做对,需要自己总结一些做题方法,例如同义复现原则。 阅读:最基础的一部分,需要单词和语法的积累,英语二还需要关注细节。但只要把文章读明白是基本不会错太多。 新题型:送分题 翻译:也不难,但是需要关注一些特定句式的固定译法。自己就总结好多这种句式,以防出现翻译对了不拿分的情况 作文:大多数人对作文有误解,认为背背老师给的模版就行了。模版是一种绝对拿不了高分的东西。想拿高分必须在写作过程中用一些特别地道的词汇,尤其是动词,这其实看前期的积累。 我的考研英语准备经历了漫长的准备过程,下面把自己的经历分享的给大家,希望大家能得到帮助。 未准备考研阶段


材料科学与工程专业英语第三版翻译以及答案 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

UNIT 1 一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。历史上,社会的发展和进步和生产材料的能力以及操纵材料来实现他们的需求密切(intimately)相关,事实上,早期的文明就是通过材料发展的能力来命名的(石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代)。 二、早期的人类仅仅使用(access)了非常有限数量的材料,比如自然的石头、木头、粘土(clay)、兽皮等等。随着时间的发展,通过使用技术来生产获得的材料比自然的材料具有更加优秀的性能。这些性材料包括了陶瓷(pottery)以及各种各样的金属,而且他们还发现通过添加其他物质和改变加热温度可以改变材料的性能。此时,材料的应用(utilization)完全就是一个选择的过程,也就是说,在一系列有限的材料中,根据材料的优点来选择最合适的材料,直到最近的时间内,科学家才理解了材料的基本结构以及它们的性能的关系。在过去的100年间对这些知识的获得,使对材料性质的研究变得非常时髦起来。因此,为了满足我们现代而且复杂的社会,成千上万具有不同性质的材料被研发出来,包括了金属、塑料、玻璃和纤维。 三、由于很多新的技术的发展,使我们获得了合适的材料并且使得我们的存在变得更为舒适。对一种材料性质的理解的进步往往是技术的发展的先兆,例如:如果没有合适并且没有不昂贵的钢材,或者没有其他可以替代(substitute)的东西,汽车就不可能被生产,在现代、复杂的(sophisticated)电子设备依赖于半导体(semiconducting)材料四、有时,将材料科学与工程划分为材料科学和材料工程这两个副学科(subdiscipline)是非常有用的,严格的来说,材料科学是研究材料的性能以及结构的关系,与此相反,材料工程则是基于材料结构和性能的关系,来设计和生产具有预定性


考研英语阅读经验 h t p:/w w.C n K y.N e t 2006-5-31 考研英语的重点就是要大量的阅读。现在考研英语对阅读的考查越来越多,这也需要我们进一步的提高阅读能力。虽然考研的阅读理解有一定的规律可循,但是这些规律也在逐年的淡化。这几年反技巧的出题趋势越来越明显,考试越来越重视考生的真正阅读分析能力。所以,我们一定要提前打好基础,在整个一年的复习中,每天除了做专门的阅读理解练习外,还要阅读一定量的英语报刊。据了解,考研的阅读理解很多都是摘自国外的一些著名的报纸,如美国的New York Times(纽约时报),英国的Times (泰晤士报)等等。如果能找来的话,这些都是很好的阅读材料。06年最新的4篇文章就来自于传统的核心刊物:Economist,Time,以及Newsweek,这个进一步说明考研英语文章选材来源的固定化,进而给参加2007年考研的同学也提供了一个非常好的平时选读文章的方向。在这里必须要强调一点的就是,2006年阅读理解的最后一篇文章在“英语文摘”第7期上不但已经发表,而且还附之以中文翻译。这个就告诉我们的广大考生,在我们选读国外经典杂志时也不应该忽略犹如“英语文摘”、“英语世界”等等核心的国内英语刊物。希望参加2007年的考生予以重视。而且,考研英语的阅读量越来越大,里面不但有很多考察全文的主旨题,还有很多的细节题和作者态度题,这些内容的提炼都要我们在平时的阅读中渐渐地培养,而不是靠考前一两个月就可以一蹴而就的。 与此同时,备战考试的同学还要刻意训练自己快速阅读的能力,由上下文推理的能力以及中英文翻译能力,这对于解答新题型以及翻译题都有很大的帮助。 英语语言教育包括听、说、读、写、译,但是对大多数考研的学生来说,学英语将来主要的目的是看懂国外本专业领域的英语著作,了解本专业最新发展状况。因而,在国内外各类英语考试中,阅读能力的考核越来越受到重视,难度也逐年升高,在雅思、托福测试中也是如此。所以新大纲加强阅读的考核也是顺应时代要求。阅读理解是硕士研究生入学英语考试的重中之重,这一部分要能获得高分,考生便能在考试中处于有利地位。 阅读理解部分,考生们常常碰到的困难是:理解准确率和阅读速度矛盾,往往是提高了阅读速度,理解准确率就下降,而一味要准确率时,阅读速度就恨慢。要想加快阅读速度,首先要养成正确、良好的阅读习惯。应克服如下4种不良习惯:

材料科学与工程专业英语第三版 翻译以及答案

UNIT 1 一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。历史上,社会的发展和进步和生产材料的能力以及操纵材料来实现他们的需求密切(intimately)相关,事实上,早期的文明就是通过材料发展的能力来命名的(石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代)。 二、早期的人类仅仅使用(access)了非常有限数量的材料,比如自然的石头、木头、粘土(clay)、兽皮等等。随着时间的发展,通过使用技术来生产获得的材料比自然的材料具有更加优秀的性能。这些性材料包括了陶瓷(pottery)以及各种各样的金属,而且他们还发现通过添加其他物质和改变加热温度可以改变材料的性能。此时,材料的应用(utilization)完全就是一个选择的过程,也就是说,在一系列有限的材料中,根据材料的优点来选择最合适的材料,直到最近的时间内,科学家才理解了材料的基本结构以及它们的性能的关系。在过去的100年间对这些知识的获得,使对材料性质的研究变得非常时髦起来。因此,为了满足我们现代而且复杂的社会,成千上万具有不同性质的材料被研发出来,包括了金属、塑料、玻璃和纤维。 三、由于很多新的技术的发展,使我们获得了合适的材料并且使得我们的存在变得更为舒适。对一种材料性质的理解的进步往往是技术的发展的先兆,例如:如果没有合适并且没有不昂贵的钢材,或者没有其他可以替代(substitute)的东西,汽车就不可能被生产,在现代、复杂的(sophisticated)电子设备依赖于半导体(semiconducting)材料 四、有时,将材料科学与工程划分为材料科学和材料工程这两个副学科


Passage 1 A store owner was tacking(钉住)a sign above his door that read “Puppies For Sale.” A little boy appeared under the store owner’s sign. “How much are you going to sell the puppies for?” he asked. The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30 to $50.” The little boy reached in his pocket and pulled out some change. “I have $2.37,” he said. “Can I please look at them?” The store owner whistled and five tiny balls of fur ran out. One puppy was falling far behind. Immediately the little boy singled out the limping puppy and said, “What’s wrong with that little dog?” The store owner explained that the little puppy didn’t have a hip socket (臀骨臼). The little boy became excited and said, “That’s the little puppy I want to buy.” The store owner said, “No, you don’t want to buy that little dog. But if you really want him, I’ll just give him to you.” The little boy got quite upset. He looked straight into the store owner’s eyes and said, “I don’t want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay the full price. In fact, I’ll give you $2.37 now and 50 cents a month until I have him all paid for.” The store owner said, “This little dog is never going able to run jump like the other puppies.” To this, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to show a badly twisted (扭曲的), disabled left leg supported by a big metal brace (支撑物). He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, “Well, I don’t run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands.” 1.The boy is able to offer something to the little puppy that no one else can. What’s that? A) A good home. B) A high price. C) Care and understanding. D) A big metal brace. 2.Upon the boy’s request, the store owner ___________. A)asked for his reason B)laughed at his silly choice C)persuaded him to buy the other dogs D)suggested that he take the dog free of charge 3.When the store owner offered to give the puppy to the boy, the


阅读下面的文字,分别回答问题。 “地沟油”一飞冲天 ①11月21日12∶00,中国石化1号生物航空煤油被加注到波音787型飞机上,11月21日14∶31,由孙剑锋驾驶的HU497航班从北京首都国际机场腾空而起。这架航班搭载186名乘客和15名机组人员,飞行11小时41分的万里航程,见证了中国在绿色低碳领域一项重大自主研发成果的最新突破。 ②生物航煤是什么?生物航煤是以可再生资源为原料生产的航空 煤油,原料主要包括椰子油、棕榈油、麻风子油、亚麻油等植物性油脂,以及微藻油、餐饮废油、动物脂肪等。与传统石油基航空煤油相比,在全生命周期中碳排放可减少50%以上。尤其引人注目的是,本次用于跨洋商业载客飞行的生物航空煤油以餐饮废油为原料,并以 15∶85的比例与常规航煤调和而成。 ③生物航煤低碳环保,大幅减少温室气体排放。同时,还有可能 改变餐饮废油流向餐桌的扭曲走向,探索其变废为宝的绿色通道,意义重大。但“地沟油”上天,万里远航,安全性到底怎样也是人们普 遍关心的焦点问题。 ④2006年,中国石化启动生物航煤研发工作;2009年,中国石化成功开发出具有自主知识产权的生物航煤生产技术;2011年9月,中国石化镇海炼化在下属生产基地改造建成一套生物航空煤油工业 示范装置及调和设施。12月,该装置首次生产出合格生物航煤;2013年4月24日,中国石化1号生物航煤在上海虹桥机场由东航成功完

成技术试飞,中国成为继美国、法国、芬兰之后第四个拥有生物航煤 自主研发生产技术的国家;2015年3月21日,中国石化1号生物航煤由海航执飞上海至北京首次商业飞行成功。 ⑤一步一个脚印的扎实工作背后有着严格的考核,中国民航局将 生物航煤作为航空零部件进行管理,把对航煤生产过程及质量保证的要求提高到航空器及发动机制造的标准,进行全面监督和管理。所有的努力都直指一个目标:确保乘客生命财产的安全。 ⑥2014年2月12日,中国民用航空局正式向中国石化颁发1号生物航煤技术标准规定项目批准书,可投入商业化应用。 ⑦继2013年技术验证试飞、2015年国内商业航班首次应用飞行,2017年11月22日HU497航班跨洋飞行的圆满成功,表明我国生物 航煤自主研发生产技术更加成熟,对我国生物质能源研发应用和绿色空具有重要意义。 ⑧国际航空运输协会预测,到2020年,生物航煤将达到航空燃料总量的30%。对于航空业来说,生物航煤是一个重要的工具之一..,可以实现自2020年起碳中和增长。但业内专家指出,虽然生物航煤已 经获得商业化应用的“门票..”,但距离大规模推广仍有很长一段路要走,主要问题是过高的生产成本。 76.用“//”将文章划分为三个部分。 ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ 77.文章第④段采用了什么样的说明顺序?说明了什么内容? 78.第⑧段中加点词语“之一”能否删掉?为什么?
