


●lm……,l have an appointment with the personnel manager Mr……for an interview about the advertised clerk at nine oclock.


●Which job would you like to apply for?


●lm interested in a position as a/an


●l think lm right person you want,and my education backgroud,qualifications and work experience perfectly match What you are looking for.


●We have very long working hours.Would you be able to work in the evening?


[ 英语不好面试也可以微笑PASS ]

发布日期:2004-7-5 点击数:1167




让我们先谈谈初见面的问候语。求职者带给面试官的第一印象,如果是落落大方的,会是一个很好的开始。我建议求职者可以从面试官的名字开始问候。如果面试官的桌上会有名牌,求职者可以从”Good morning, Mr. ”开始,拉近两人的距离。当面试官问求职者:”How are you?”求职者可以回答:”Couldn’t be better!”显示出个人「愉悦的人格属性」。


面试官除了关心求职者的学历及经验(这些可以从履历表来观察)之外,面试官往往也会考核求职者的「个性」及「态度」。这时,建议求职者以”2S 1H”来表达自己的个性。”2S 1H”中,S是’’Serious’’,H是’’Humorous’’的意思。例如,求职者可以说自己的个性是:Diligent, logical and happy. Diligent,和logical,是属於严肃的描述;happy是属於幽默感的描述。但是,在表情上要搭配得宜,例如,说自己是个happy的人的时候,表情也应该是微笑的。如何掌握精准的表情,有赖於对自己性格的了解。








1. 承认面试官提出的问题。

2. 举出曾经历过的具体的经验及教训。

3. 提出具体改善的方法。

4. 强调自己学习力极强,表示自己可以很快迎头赶上。





例如,你听不懂’’ordinate’’这个单字,你可以请教面试官:Could you give me a simple word about “ordinate”?




当结束了面试,求职者要表达胜不骄、败不馁的态度。求职者即使感到自己表现不是非常好,也可以以一点幽默感及好的态度加分。例如,离场时,求职者可以说:Thank you very much.

I hope we can see each other very soon. 求职者必须以正面的态度结束这个面试,千万别露出沮丧担心的表情。这样做,至少可以让面试官感受你正面积极的态度及不慌不忙的成熟个性。[ 面试时要问清楚的几个问题]

发布日期:2004-7-5 点击数:1284
















①I:what is your major?

A:My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in"Marketing".


②I:Which university are you attending?

A:I am attending×××University.

③I:Have you received any degrees?

A:Y es. First, I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.

④I:What course did you like best?

A:Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it's very useful for my present work.

⑤I:Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

A:Y es, I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.


①I:Have you ever been employed?

②I:Y our resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?

A:I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

③I:Have you done any work in this field?

④I:What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

⑤I:What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

A:I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition, I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥I:What's you major weak point?

A:I haven't been involved in international business, so I don't have any experience, but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦I:What are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

⑧I:Please tell me about your working experience.

⑨I:Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

A:No, I haven't discussed my career plans with my present employer, but I am sure he will understand.


①I:How do you spend your spare time?

②I:Are you interested in sports?

③I:Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

④I:What kind of personality do you think you have?

A:I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I beg in something, I don't like to leave it halfdone. I can't concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

⑤I:What is the most important thing for you to be happy?

A:Different people have different ideas. I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends. My family has always been very closeknit, and my friend sand I spend a lot of time together. Without that I would be much less happy than I am.

⑥I:What makes you angry?

A:Dishonesty. It's unacceptable.

⑦I:What are your personal weaknesses?

A:I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. I'm not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

⑧I:Are you more of a leader or a follower?

A:I don't try to lead people. I'd rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.


①I:Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

A:Y es, in most circumstances.

②I:Are you available for travel?

A:Y es, I like traveling. I am young, and unmarried. It's no problem for me to travel frequently.

③I:How about overtime work?

A:Overtime work is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it's necessary, but I don't think we will work overtime everyday.

④I:How long do you think we can depend on your working here?

⑤I:Do you like regular work?

A:No, I don't like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challenge, but I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

⑥I:What salary do you expect

A:Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

⑦I:Do you work well under pressure

A:Working under pressure is exciting and challenging. I don't mind working under pressure. I work well under the secircum stances. People can, I Can.

⑧I:Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

A:No,nothing in particular.

⑨I:How soon can you begin working for us?

A:I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then transfer to your company.


①I:Any questions?

A:When will I know your decision?

②I:How can we get in touch with you?

③I:We will notify you of our decision by mail, is this convenient for you?

④I:Thank you for your interest in our company.

A:Thank you, Mr.Smith. Goodbye.(Thank you for your time.)

⑤I:Y ou will be hearing from us very soon. Please send the next applicantin on your way out.

A:OK.Thank you very much.

































编辑:snowflake 作者:出处:卓博人才网2004-01-14







文:CHEERS 来源:CHEERS 时间:2004-10-27 10:02:02 点击:62















[03-6-13 11:39] 作者:亚加达

1. "What can you tell me about yourself?" This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualificat ions, ambitions, and motivations.

The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best."



2. "Why do you want to work for us? This is an obvious question and, if you have done your research on the company, you should be able to give a good reason. 0rganize your reasons into several short sentences that clearly spell out your interest.

"Y ou are a leader in the field of electronics. Y our company is a Fortune 5O0 company. Y our management is very progressive."



3. "Why should I hire you?" Once again, you should not be long winded, but you should provide a summary of your qualifications. Be positive and show that you are capable of doing the job.

Based on the internships that I have participated in and the related part-time experiences I have had, I can do the job.



4. "How do you feel about your progress to date?" Never apologize for what you have done.

"I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class." "As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.



5. "What would you like to be doing five years from now?" Know what you can realistically accomplish. Y ou can find out by talking to others about what they accomplished in their first five years with a particular company.

"I hope to be the best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also."



6. "What is your greatest weakness?" Y ou cannot avoid this question by saying that you do not have any, everyone has weaknesses.

The best approach is to admit your weakness but show that you are working on it and have a plan to overcome it. If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the company's advantage. "I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done.



7. "What is your greatest strength"?" This is a real opportunity to toot your own horn. Do not brag or get too egotistical, but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths.

"I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had

a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor's thesis."



Personal Information

(I=Interviewer; A=Applicant)

I: What is your name?

Y our name, please?

Please give me your name.

May I have your name?

A: My name is Li-si.

I am Li-si.

I: May I ask your full name?

A: My name is Li-si. Li is the family name.

I: Where are you living now?

A: I ma living at **

I: Where do you live?

A: I live at **

I: What is your present address?

May I ask your present address?

Tell me your present address, please.

A: My present address is **

I: May I ask your telephone number?

What is your telephone number?

Give me your telephone number, please.

A: My telephone number is 010-********.

I: Where were you born?

A: I was born in **

I: Where are you from?

A: I'm from **

I: How old are you?

May I ask your age?

What is your age?

A: I am twenty-four.

I: When were you born?

A: I was born in 1980.

I: May I ask the date of your birth?

A: My birth date is June 8, 1980.


I: How many are there in your family?

A: We are three in all-parents and I, my father is a teacher.

I: How big is your family?

A: There are four of us including me-father, mother, sister and me.

I: Do your have any brothers and sisters?

A: Y es, I have an elder sister, My sister are married.

I: Would you tell me something about your family?

A: There are six in my family: my grandmother, my grandfather, my parents, a younger brother, and myself. My father keeps a store. My brother is a university student.


I: What is your major?

A: Economics. I am interested especially in "Economic Structure of Developing Countries"

I: What subject do you major in university?

A: I major in mechanical engineering.

I: What was your major in college?

A: My major is business administration.

I: What are your major subject and minor subjects?

A: My major subject is physics and my minor subject is practical mathematics.

I: Tell about the course you completed in university.

A: I completed accounting, economics, finance, business Law, marketing, advertising, English, etc.

I: What university are you attending?

A: I'm attending to ** University.

I: What college do you attend?

A: I attend the ** University, and will graduate next June.

I: What year are you in?

A: I'm a senior.

I: When did you graduate from the graduate school?

A: In June last year.

I: Where did you attend high school?

A: In Beijing.

I: Have you received any degrees?

A: Y es, I received my Bachelor of *.

I: Where did you receive your Bachelor degree?

A: From the Shanghai University.

Grades and Scores

(I=Interviewer; A=Applicant)

I: How are you getting on with your studies?

A: I'm doing well at school.

I: Did you make fine records this term?

A: Y es, I made fine records this term.

I: Did you get a good record in your English?

A: Y es, I obtained full marks in English.

I: What grades did you get at high school?

A: I got an average 85 points.

I: How are your grades in college?

A: They are above average 85.

I: How were your scores in college?

A: They are above average. For the first two years I had to study many

general subjects, but I didn't find them very interesting. I didn't work very hard. But since the second year when I started to study major subjects, I have worked harder. My scores rose after that.

I: What was your favorite subject in high school?

A: Mathematics. I liked geometry especially. I've liked math ever since high school, and then in college I had an excellent teacher. His class was always interesting, and that made me like math even more.

A: World history. I like learning about how the world has been changing. I read many history books, It helps me to understand the news better if I know some of the background of the countries involved.

I: What was your worst subject?

A: Well, that might be chemistry. I never could learn to like it very much, and my marks weren't ever very good. The chemical formulas were hard for me to understand, and in chemistry class there a lot of chemical formulas.

I: What records did you get at college?

A: I got a good record-90 points average.

My school record isn't too good.

My school record is average in my class.

I'm among the upper third of my class in respect to achievement.

I'm above the average in the order of merit.

Reason for Applying

I: Could you tell me what made you choose this company?

A: I think working in this company would give me the best chance to use what I have learned in the university. As you may know, I majored in genetic engineering. they say the prospects for genetic engineering are very bright, and this company is leading in the field. So I want to be a member of this company.

I: Why are you interesting in working with this firm?

A: I've been interested in computers since high school, when I even composed a few simple programs. I majored in computer programming in university. I know your company is one of the largest computer companies in the world, and I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge, working here.

I: Why did you pick this organization?

A: Well, I've cherished a desire to get 2 jobs where I can use my English, and then I saw your company's advertisement. It looked really interesting. I think your company has a great future, and I'd be able to develop my capabilities here, if given a chance. That is why I applied.

I: Have you ever been employed?

A: No, I have no working experience.

I: Y our personal history says you've been working at the ** company for the past two years. Why do you want to change jobs?

A: Y es, that's right. The work given to me is rather dull. I want to develop my abilities in a large company like here.

I: According to your resume, you have had some experience working in a foreign company. May I ask you why you left?

A: Yes, I worked at the ** International Engineering Company for two years. I left, however, because the job was not challenging enough.

I: Why do you plan to change your job?

A: Because I think the salary is not equal to my work.

I: Do you have any licenses of other special qualifications?

A: I have a driver's license.

I: May I ask why you decided to choose our corporation?

A: Well, I've heard much about this company from a friend of mine who works here, and I'm interested in industrial design, and I'm sure I can do good work for you. There is another point. I like traveling. If I am employed by this company. I'll have get many opportunities to travel to foreign countries, I think.

I: Tell me what you think a job is.

A: Well, a way to make a living, of course, but beyond that it's a way of fulfilling one's development as a person.

I: Tell me what you know about our company.

A: Well, the company is the third largest machine tool producer in the world. It was founded in New Y ork in 1965. I know the company has been making efforts to develop new robots since last year.

I: If we employ you, what section would you like to work in?

A: If possible, I'd like to you try me in the international department. (or I'd like to work in the international department.)

I: What starting salary would you expect?

A: I'd like to start at about 2000 a month.

I: Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

A: No, nothing in particular.

Foreign Language Abilities

I: Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English?

A: Y es, I think I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English.

I: Y ou would be using mainly English in this job. Can you manage English conversation?

A: Y es, I am sure I can.

I: Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease?

A: Y es, I think I can in ordinary circumstances.

I: Do you think you speak English quite fluently? tell me about your English education.

A: Y es, I think I speak English quite fluently. I got a high score on TOEFL.

I: Please tell me about your learning English?

A: I have been studying English since junior high school. I'm learning English conversation using a cassette tape recorder. I had good opportunities to practice English conversation when I visited California last year.

I: The ability in speaking English and understanding English is very important here. Have you learned English conversation?

A: Y es, I have been learning English conversation since high school. And I often practiced English conversation with my cassette tape recorder.

I: Employees in this company have to have a good command of English. Tell me about your ability in speaking and understanding in English.

A: I think I speak English quite fairly fluently. I have been attending an evening course for English

conversation for four years. And I often read books and magazines in English.

I: One of the most important things for this job is English proficiency. Do you speak English fluently?

A: Yes, I think I do. I have often explained historical place in Beijing to foreign tourists In English. They say my English is quite good.

Personality and Hobbies

(I=Interviewer; A=Applicant)

I: What kind of sports do you like? And do watch or play?

A: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. I especially like tennis and mountain climbing. I was in the climbing club all through school.

I: How do you spend your free time?

A: I read or go swimming, go shopping, usually.

I run or play tennis or do something else like that to get some exercise to keep fit.

I: Do you have any people you'd call really close friends?

A: Y es, but they've all moved to distant places, and we rarely get together. Still, we keep in contact through letters and phone calls, so the friendships remain as close as ever.

I: Are you introverted or extroverted?

A: I wouldn't call myself introverted. Sometimes I enjoy being by myself very much, But other times I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.

A: I'm rather outgoing, I think. I enjoy mixing and doing things with others.

I: What kind of personality do you think you have?

A: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave something half-done. It makes me nervous- I can't concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished.

I: What do you think is most important thing for you to be happy?

A: For me, this would be having good relationships with my family members. My family has always been very close-knit, and we still spend a lot of time together. We all depend upon one another for moral support, and without that I would be much less happy than I am.

The End of the Interview

I: How can we contact you about our decision?

A: Y ou can cell me at this number between four and six in the afternoon.

I: May I call you at your home about our final decision?

A: Y es, please. My telephone number is 010-********.

I: Shall we notify you of our decision by telephone, or by mail?

A: By telephone, Please. Do you have my number?

I: We'll get in touch with you by next Wednesday. Thank you for coming.

A: Thank you, Mr. Smith.

I: Thank you for your interest in this job.

A: Thank you, sir. Good-bye.

I: Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your interest in our company. Good luck to you. A: Thank you, Mr. Cart.

I: Y ou'll be hearing from us. Send the next applicant in on your way out. Please. A: Certainly. Thank you very much.

I: It has been pleasant talking with you.

A: I've enjoyed talking with you, too. Thank you.

I: The interview is over. Now you might leave.

A: Thank you very much.

I: That's enough. Y ou may leave now.

A: Thanks a lot.

I: Good, That's all for now. Y ou may go.

A: Thank you very much, sir. Good bye.

I: Thank you for coming, Miss Lee. It was nice talking to you.

A: Thank you, Mr. White.
