An Analysis of Holden

An Analysis of Holden
An Analysis of Holden

An Analysis of Holden's Lonely Psychology of The Catcher in the


1 Introduction


Salinger's masterpiece The Catcher in the Rye tells the story of Holden, a rebellious teenager that could not stand the " phony " hypocrite of school, deliberately failed the exam to be expelled from school , after leaving school, he went to New York hoping to find a place can quell soul. The Catcher in the Rye is a highly autobiographical work, Holden can be equated to a large extent with the author.

The book is not long, only hundreds of thousands of words. In addition to published a number of short stories, the author only wrote this novel, but has a tremendous impact in American society and literature. The Catcher in the Rye has been taken seriously, not only because the author has created a new style of art, through first-person narrative tone to speak the book , more importantly, because the author uses realistic strokes, depicts a middle-class children anguish and hesitation of the spirit world vividly and detailed. The purpose of this study, through the psychological process of Holden to find out the hero’s lonely character and it's season.


The New York Times' Book Review wrote: In the United States, read The Catcher in the Rye as graduate instructors to get the nod as important. This shows the value of the book , through the character of loneliness analysis, the reader can understanding the hero's image a better, especially its' inner world , but also allows the reader a clearer understanding of the psychological state of the fifties teen and this image of Holden 's creative intent.

1.3Literature Review

Foreign research situation

German scholar Hence Phonurt analyzes Holden's loneliness from psychoanalysis.[1] He believes that there are two worlds in Ho lton’s mind: one world is combined with the Ackley, Stradlater and the prostitute Jenny Sunny, who represented the ugly world, and the other is from the brother Ally, sister of Phoebe and nuns, who represents pure, beautiful world. Holden feel lonely because of the discovered that the second world's disappeared.

Domestic research situation

The domestic critics, Luo Shiping thinks that Holden attempt to eliminate the gap between society and others during the three days in New York, and trying to achieve a situation beyond the self-centered, but he failed, there always had an invisible wall between Holden and others. so that he had only loitering outside the walls of society could not be combined with it. Luo Shiping wrote: "Holden got a sense of isolation arising from overcome the pain, and he also try to generate degraded perception of the unity of the state yet, that is the state before the birth of man. He desire to return matrix which a symbol of nature a dark .However, Howard seems only to seek the degenerative condition of his fantasy. And he was dreamed of a

Catcher in the Rye. "Talking about the main causes of when Holden’s mental breakdown. Luo Shiping got a conclusion from human perspective, Holden's consciousness were mainly composited with various fiction and fantasy in society "false consciousness", while most of his unconscious content is true. On the one hand, Holden was afraid to deviate from the social character and plunged into complete solitude of the situation, so he suppressed to prevent him unconscious to become conscious; on the other hand he was afraid of being completely insulated from outside of humanity and loss conduct and virtue of human, so he was trying to expand his realm of the unconscious. In this way, his spirit was divided to social goals and humanity nature, mutually exclusive poles, both the polarities of the mutual conflict and mutual exclusion lose his psychological balance, the split spirit, this leads the collapse of the spirit of a main reason for Holden's.[2]

Lee Zhen combined Holden with Buddhism Sakyamuni , and he thought that Holden used "anti-hero" way to fight this cruel world. He was tired of this world, and against everything. Li Zhen rebellious Holden made three ways to escape the real world, namely self-defeating ways hypocritical ways and convert natural ways.[3]

2 study and research methods

2.1 study

J `D Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye.

2.2 Research Methods

2.2.1 literature

For works by authors, reviews and other literature to read, collect valuable information, and integration.

2.2.2 logical analysis

Of the article content analysis, comparison and induction to identify intrinsically linked.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 JD Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye

3.1.1 J.D Salinger briefly

J.D Salinger was born on January 1st, 1919 to a well-to-do merchant family in New York City. His father was a Jewish importer of European hams. His mother was a gentile---Scotch-Inish. Salinger's only sibling, Doris, was eight years older than he. From 1932 to 1934, Salinger received his education in both public and private schools in Manhattan. When he was 15, he was sent to a military academy, Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania, where he got his only diploma in his life. In 1940, Salinger published his first short story, The Young Folks in Stray and The University of Kansas City Review was published later in the same year. At the end of World War Ⅱ, Salinger was discharged from the army and remained in Europe, working as a civilian for the Department of Defense until May 1946,when he returned to New York City. He never stopped writing and publishing his works. In 1951,Salinger published The Catcher in the Rye after working on it a decade. When it was published, it was soon a dest seller, peaking at number 4 on the New York Times best-seller list for the last half of 1951.Salinger himself remained from 1951 to 1963 the most popular American Fiction writer among serious high school and college students.[4]

3.1.2 The Catcher in the Rye brief

The Catcher in the Rye is a landmark work in the U.S., it quickly became a popular reading for students in high school and college. In reality, many students and teachers are subject to the book. Holden, a sixteen- year-old boy, the narrator of the novel, was expelled from his school. Do not want to go home, Horton decided to take a room in a hotel for a few days in New York. In these days, he met different people, but most of the time, he was depressed. Then, he wanted to be "a Catcher in the Rye", who stood in a field, so that children do not last," some crazy cliff" edge. Adolescence is crucial, which is one of the most important stages of human development and Horton is experiencing a period of time. While many people have written in this stage of the growth process, there is little awareness of such intensity of pain and depression to do so.[5] Holden after World War II on behalf of American youth . His story has been a great influence on his generation adolescents and adults. Holden was typical of many students to imitate the behavior and appearance. This study will investigate the causes and effects of Horton confusion as to provide some influence young people today.

3.2 Effect of their living environment Holden Loneliness

3.2.1 Loneliness of his school life

Holden, coming from a rich family, receiving his schooling in an expensively charging pre-school, has a bright future. However, he is unhappy, for he can not get what he wishes, that is, the emphasized and cherished spiritual value: honesty, compassion, kindness and love to human beings. But what is unfortunate is, when he begins to touch the adult world that he frightenedly finds out that his ideal for love is just a beautiful soap bubble. At the very beginning, the novel displays a sad, gloomy scene: as a schoolboy from Pency Prep, Holden, often more than not, feels imcompatible with the situation. One Saturday afternoon, when all the rest schoolmates are enjoying a football match, Holden, himself, wanders about on the top of the nearby hill, for he shows little interest in the result of the match. And also he wants to avoid those “phonies” by detaching himself from others. More than that, because of not having passed four subjects, he is doomed to be kicked out from Pency Prep. Holden holds a hostile attitude towards his schoolmates, all the teachers and the school authority. He feels that his schoolmates are either stupid or unbirdled; he never believes the teachers's words. Just like at other school where he was studied, in Pency Prep, he feels th at he is surround by phonies, complaining, “It was a terrible school , no matter how you looked at it.”[ The Catcher in the Rye, Yilin press, 2007, 218] Early in the school, before Holden is kicked out from Pency Prep, he visits his history teacher, Mr. Spencer, who hurts Holden's self-esteem. Because Mr. Spencer reads from his examination paper:“Dear Mr. Spencer (he read out loud), that is all I kown about Egyptians. I can not seem to get very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours, Holden Caulfield.”[The Catcher in the Rye,Yilin press, 2007, 228] After he reads the words, Holden has a feeling of betrayal and a feeling of shameness. And all the kindness of Spencer in his heart disappears. He is more tired of the adult's world and the adult's


In Holden's eyes, his teacher, Mr. Antonlini is his last but only friend and the embodiment of the force of morality. However, ironically, when Holden has to turn to his but only friend, it is this very “gentleman” who gives this sorely hurt young man the last but deadly attack. When he nearly gives up all hopes, he comes to his teacher, also his idol to seek for some understanding and consolation. But what he gets from his teacher is his slick and worldly wise warnings:“The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one”[The Catcher in the Rye,Yilin press, 2007,419] When he heards these words, he feels depressed and disappointed. He knows that on one can understand him. He does not want to “live humbly”. His mostly-trusted teacher disappoints him. And when he wakes from his dream, he finds that his teacher is homosexual. His disappointment changes into indignation, disgust and horror. His idol falls from the sacrifitical altar of the soul and breaks into pieces. Holden's god dies. Up till then, he feels completely desperate in the adult world.

Holden despies not only his teachers but also his schoolmates. For example, his roomate, Stradlater, who disgusts Holden the most. Especially the date of Stradlater, this “sexy bastard” with Jane Gallagher (Holden's girl friend), makes Holden “damn near dropped dead”, for Jane Gallagher is his best female friend. What Stradlater has done deprives Holden of his only cherishment and all of a sudden, Holden feels “depressed and all” and he wishes he was dead. This strike is so severe, so he h as a fight with Stradlater, and then leaves the Pency Prep lonely, no one has come see him. He begins his lonely and suffering journey to New York.

3.2.3 Loneliness of his life in New York

Holden finds his position and his cherished value nowhere in the society. New York is the miniature of American society. Here, there is only phoniness; the offence among individuals is unavoidable. He sees through the phoniness of headmaster of Elton Hills School and he mourns for the commitment of suicide of “his only upright” classmate. Once he indignantly denounced the whole system of education:“…and all you do is study, so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a Cadillac some day, and you have to keep making believe you give a damn if the football team loses, and all you do is talk about girls and liquor and sex all day, and everybody sticks together in these dirty liittle goddamn clicks.”[The Catcher in the Rye,Yilin press, 2007,356]

Holden feels hard to communicate with the society is that he detests the phoniness. He has only one criterion to test the socity, that is, the genuineness. The most important one of Holden's words in this novel is “phony”. He senses instinctively that phoniness and deceits permeate the world. Holden can not establish honest understandings and trust with others. For instance, when he tries to communicate with Sally Hages, this “queen of phonies”, he sadly finds out that this girl can hardly follow him. Sally is already, to the most extent, adulterated. Her interest lies in showing off figure in mini-skirt. “That's why she was so hot to go, she wanted to see herself in one of those little skirts that just come down over their butt and all.” [The Catcher in the Rye,Yilin press, 2007,353-354] And when Holden said to

her:“How would you like to get the hell out of here?…What we should do is, tomorrow morming we could drive up to Massachusetts and Vermont, and all around there…We'll stay in these cabin camps and stuff like that till the dough runs out.…I could get a job som ewhere and we could live somewhere with a brook and all…Will you do it with me?”[The Catcher in the Rye,Yilin press, 2007,357] But Sally is indifferent with his words. And Sally makes fun of his words. So Holden feels very depressed and the phony adult world has made him desperate. When he heards Sally's sarcasm, he finds himselt so innocent, and he laughs at Sally's phonies. From this, he firmly thinks that the audlt world is snobbish.

Really, Holden's joureny to New York hardly brings himself any serenity, consolation and real happiness. The origin of all the hideoue phenomena he sees lies in the lack of love. Individuals cannot communicate with each other, for they lack sympathy and kingness. The degeneration of morality and the lust of material enjoy, inevitably frustrates and disgusts those explorers like Holden, who seek for the spiritual value of life. Holden despises this city controlled by money, curses the deceits by people seeking for fame and profits. As a result, it is reasonable that he refuses to step on the “way to success” arranged by the society. Holden alone fights the situation, struggling in the dilemma between the wonderfull dream and the vulgarity of the society. This is why he often feels so lonely, so frustrated, and so depressed. Holden don not want to be one of them, so he is struggling in his mind, he could not understand the phenomena. At last, he could find nowhere is suitable for him except the madhouse. The world is so broad, but nowhere he can stay, Holden in the novel is very tragic.

3.3 Holden’s Loneliness of his spiritual world

3.3.1 Loneliness of Contradictory character rebellious

1. Rebels education system

Holden revolt first in the education system of criticism. West Middle School where he Phan " pricey reputation in the education sector " , every middle class family want to put their children to go there to accept the " best" education. Beginning of the novel , when it comes to where he Phan Holden West Middle School , said: "You may have heard of it, maybe you have at least seen the ads on them almost a thousand copies of the magazine advertised it ." Flaunt " since starting in 1888 , we took the child into a good cultivation , young people have brains . " However, in Holden 's view, " is completely humbug like in other schools in the same clan West, did not cultivate any talent. And there I did not see any good , people have brains . maybe one or two . but they are likely to go to school , it is the kind of person . " In Phan West, he saw students Ackley kept grasping pimples , the old class of other people looking for trouble, do not like stronger than him ; roommate Strade Leta handsome, strong handsome, but in fact is both dirty and empty inside guy, his purpose in life seems to be only three : the power of obedience to escape homework , seducing the girl ; president "is a false heart of hybrids , like a whore , like curry favor with the rich and parents of students ' potential ; teachers vulgar behavior , opinion pedantic , and even engage in homosexuality.

In fact , Holden does not like school education by the authority of the ruling ideology

- a holistic form of performance , because it eliminated the differences, repressed personality, unified by forcing the majority to the minority stand on . Faced with such a rotten education system , Holden can not continue to endure , after a number of setbacks and failures , he gradually distanced himself contact with the environment, resolutely decided to leave school , to use the old abandoned school education system launched in revolt . Schools as a climbing tower ladder of success , Holden was on the whole negative . He was expelled , not because of academic incompetence , but a hated for his silent revolt education system , there is a sense of moral choice , is the inevitable result of his school life a long time for this type of protest .

2 Western culture rebels

Holden protest outward manifestation of Western society and culture of the western movies and religious hatred , because movies and religion "is the hypocrisy of Western civilization, the concentrated expression ."

21 can not give people inspiration and spiritual strength . In modern society, the "God is dead ." When he encountered difficulties , such as a once produced Holden

A strange feeling , like himself in broad daylight , in a busy street sank and disappeared ; him for help but it is his dead brother , repeated the prayer : " Eli , do not let me disappear ." He accused the Christian spirit has already been destroyed by Music City on Christmas Eve launch commercial performances with religious , he was sure : " If the old saw Jesus , the Fed disgusting ."

Because the festival stage, in an atmosphere of vulgar commercial , religious activities seem like a farce , simply can not give people inspiration and spiritual strength . In modern society, the "God is dead ."

Holden resistance of the film is more straightforward , he said: " I most hate to even mention you are not the best movie I would like to mention . ." "I hate actors who act like they've never not live ." . The beginning of the novel , Holden in a mental hospital to doctors to tell their story, very concerned about the situation of his brother DB . DB in Hollywood , and that " he was very rich recent past he does not have money ." As a " normal" writer , DB 's " a great " novel "The Secret Goldfish ," " very touching , almost killed me life " , and" the moment he entered the Hollywood , when the bitch ---- the DB ". It can be seen as an idol brother Holden once , "This talented writer , you should not go to Hollywood ." (P169) available since DB into Hollywood , specifically to earn money to write vulgar screenplay this former idol in his mind on the broken, Holden has lost dear brother Airy , when DB drove luxury cars , with starring when he was writing the screenplay that pretty girl came to see him , he is painfully aware that he will lose his brother .

3 protesters utilitarian doctrine

Holden can not stand hypocrisy and utilitarian social indifference of naked fetishism is felt disgusted because he repressed the people of autonomy , people become vassal substances. Once people become vassal substance exchange and communication hearts would be impossible. He was a reluctant grown man. He always remembered the past , remember the dead brother , lost innocence miss , miss young sister. For him, good things are not front and in the back. He is an aimless roaming , the deteriorating process. Each went to a place often because nowhere else to go ; every issue because

doing nothing ; every effort is beginning to hope to disappointment Eventually, the accumulation of disappointment into despair , and finally heart failure, mental breakdown . For him, this era of rapid development of material civilization is by no means a sign of human progress , nor is the purpose of human pursuit . He would rather it all to stop. In the Natural History Museum , he expressed the feelings, " the hall filled with a breath , people feel as if the heavy rain outside , here is the world's only dry, warm , pleasant place" because " everything have always stay in the same place does not move , "" some things should be kept old same old you should put them into the kind of large glass cabinets , do not to touch them . " emotional exhaustion , moral turpitude , materialistic modern city life inevitably lead to spiritual values such as Holden 's disgust and anger explorers . Holden despise this city ruled by money , it is a curse intrigues carried fame . Therefore, he refused to "success " of the road for his arrangement of society is not surprising . Others dream of what he scoffed , because he was looking for a deeper, more real, more humane life, a "person" for the life of the center . "Humanity" is his most cherished values , that he " did not like the car this stuff , " and "would rather buy a goddam horse " because " the horse is at least humanity animals . ." [6]

3.3.2 Loneliness of Contradictory character

1. Personality conflicts

In Holden's world, the most hated is hypocrisy, and even he himself cleared that "In a society where hypocrisy, hypocrisy works," So he acted on the reality was different with his inner wishes. On the surface he was wanton indulgence , pretending to adults in and out of the bar, but inside, he hate the people which hypocrisy affectation in the bar; On the one side he tell lies that he didn’t want the patriarch sad to draw up some moving stories of his son which was fulsome, o the other side he accused the deceptive advertising of school , Blaming them always cheats accusing; he looks hated everything, doing nothing, but he has a kind heart, and like to help others, once donation to the two nuns, and tie a girls' shoes who is skating with enthusiastic, and act as guides for the two children to visit the museum mummy. When he was bored he will spend some time in the cinema , and imitate the stars’behavior, but he hated movies mostly; He was extremely lonely outward, but his heart was longing for understanding and communication; He disgust everything around him, for all to see not pleasing to the eye. but desire for love and the good things in deep heart; his behavior weird , but cannot wait to changing everything around him; He muddle along, with no life goals, but his heart was filled with grief and a sense of crisis; he was longing for sacrificing for a career the true and peaceful life.

2 Fantasy tendency

Holden's mental state determines some of his psychological characteristics. His was pain and exhausted, often drinking down. The unpleasant of external stimuli make him confused and restless, so he constantly wandering around. His willpower was weak and could not concentrate too long, so he often too impulsive and whimsical. These unstable psychological characteristics sometimes make him do some quite neurotic behaviors appeared on the surface. He often could not accept the fact that it should be, but asked to accept it which he required. He lives in his desires,

and the view of reality is what he wanted. Once he could not force a reality in line with his ideas, he will fall into anxiety, fear, despair, and even has a tendency to cause schizophrenia.[7]

4 Conclusions and comments

4.1 Conclusion

The Catcher in the Rye reveals this fact that enjoys a high degree of material in a capitalist society, people are captured by the abundant material comfort and flashy cultural life easily. And loss of the pursuit of real meaningful life;loss of the sensitive and cherish to the closest things with human life; loss of the lofty ideals and behavior. Holden struggled in the flow of life without directions, but he did’t find a rock that could stand stabilized. And he failed. This novel shows a lonely boy in pain to pursue the valuable life without accepted by social.

4.2 Opinions

In this article, through detailed analysis of the causes of the formation of holden's loneliness, it has provided some indicative opinions on adolescents' mental health growth, especially on education is very important.

4.2.1 Family life education is the fulcrum of life education

Family education is irreplaceable in the growth of children education is the pivot of other education Is the root and source of all education to human.

4.2.2 School education is the backbone of life education

School education is a most important part of one’s life, it will make the students to master knowledge, improve ability, and cultivate people with independent operation and thinking.

4.2.3 Social education is a big stage of life education

Modern society education is an important supplement of school education, Teenagers are the future of the nation, and the Society in cultivating excellent plays an important role in the next generation.

4.2.4 Self- ideal stage to shape the role of education

The growth of a person only by the external condition is not enough, it must also have their own individual efforts. Therefore, Students' self-education is also very important link in the process of education.

Education is a complex and systematic project, Only family, school, society and individual that coordinate with each other, the life education of teenagers will be more perfect.


Hence Phonurt, “The Catcher in the Rye: Lonely Youth,” The Study of Salinger ( New York: Odyssey Press, 1963) P18

Luo Shiping ( Luo Shiping,Psychiatric complex perspective——Analysis the Holden of Salinger's the Catcher in The Rye, Journal of Sichuan International Studies

University,1996. 3,P27)

Lee Zhen, “’anti-hero’classic image collisions with real society——The ways and reasons of Holden’s rebel in The Cather in the Rye” Jiangxi Social Sciences, 2011.5 ,P103




孙仲旭《麦田里的守望者》2007年译. 译林出版社。



城市划分标准道路指供各种车辆(无轨)和行人等通行的工程设施。道路包含众多种类,性质功能等均有不同,因此无法用一个唯一标准对所有道路进行等级划分,为此各国现行做法一般都是先划分道路种类,后针对各类道路的技术标准划分等级。城市道路等级分快速路、主干路、次干路、支路四级。 我国按照道路使用特点,可分为城市道路、公路、厂矿道路、林区道路和乡村道路。除对公路和城市道路有准确的等级划分标准外,对林区道路、厂矿道路和乡村道路一般不再划分等级。城市道路是指在城市范围内具有一定技术条件和设施的道路。根据道路在城市道路系统中的地位、作用、交通功能以及对沿线建筑物的服务功能,我国目前将城市道路分为四类:快速路、主干路、次干路及支路。其中快速路在特大城市或大城市中设置,是用中央分隔带将上、下行车辆分开,供汽车专用的快速干路,主要联系市区各主要地区、市区和主要的近郊区、卫星城镇、联系主要的对外出路,负担城市主要客、货运交通,有较高车速和大的通行能力。主干路是城市道路网的骨架,联系城市的主要工业区、住宅区、港口、机场和车站等额货运中心,承担着城市主要交通任务的交通干道。主干路沿线两侧不宜修建过多的行人和车辆入口,否则会降低车速。次干路为市区内普通的交通干路,配合主干路组成城市干道网,起联系各部分和集散作用,分担主干路的交通负荷。次干路兼有服务功能,允许两侧布置吸引人流的公共建筑,并应设停车场。支路是次干路与街坊路的连接线,为解决局部地区的交通而设置,以服务功能为主。部分主要支路可设公共交通线路或自行车专用道,支路上不宜有过境交通。 城市道路等级分快速路、主干路、次干路、支路四级,各级红线宽度控制:快速路不小于40米,主干道30—40米,次干道25—40米,支路12—25米。 ⑴快速路城市道路中设有中央分隔带,具有四条以上机动车道,全部或部分采用立体交叉与控制出入,供汽车以较高速度行驶的道路。又称汽车专用道。快速路的设计行车速度为60-80km/h。 ⑵主干路连接城市各分区的干路,以交通功能为主。主干路的设计行车速度为40-60km/h。 ⑶次干路承担主干路与各分区间的交通集散作用,兼有服务功能。次干路的设计行车速度为40km/h。


城市道路的功能分类 城市道路是城市的骨架、交通的动脉、城市结构布局的决定因素。城市规模、性质、发展状况不同,其道路也有多种多样。根据道路在城市中的地位、交通特征和功能可分为不同的类型。一般分为城市主干道、市区支道、专用道三大类型。 一、城市主干道 城市主干道是城市内外交通的主要道路,城市的大动脉。可分为高速交通干道、快速交通干道、普通交通干道及区镇干道。 1.高速交通干道特大城市、大城市设置这类干道,为城市各大区之间远距离高速交通服务。距离在20-60km,行车速度在80 - 120km/h。行车全程均为立体交叉,其他车辆与行人不准使用。 2.快速交通干道在特大城市或大城市设置,与近郊1-2级公路连接,位于城市分区的边缘地带。服务距离一般在10 - 40km之间,车速大于70km/h,全程有部分立交。此种干道不允许在其两侧布置大量人流的集散点。 3.普通交通干道这种干道是大中城市道路的基本骨架。大城市又分为主要交通干道和一般交通干道。干道的交叉口一般在800 - 1 200m为宜,车速为40 - 60km/h,一般均为平交。 4.区镇干遵大中城市分区或一般城镇的生活服务性干道。主要是满足生产货运和上下班客运交通的需要。其特点为行车速度较低,一般在25 - 40km/h,全程基本为平交。区镇于道位于市中心与居住区之间,可布置成全市性或区镇的商业街,断面要考虑人行、货运、公共交通和自行车停放等要求。风景区干道放线时要注意景观的要求,步行与 车行之间要有较宽的绿带间隔。 二、市区支道 这是小区街坊内的道路,直接连接工厂、住宅区、公共建筑。车速一般为l5 - 45km/h。断面的变化较多,不规则分车道。 三、专用道路 城市规划中考虑有特殊需要的道路。如专供公共汽车行驶的道路;专供自行车行驶的道路和城市绿地系统中步行林阴道等均为此类。 本文转自:园林吧,/guihua/1909.html


1k411011城镇道路分类与分级:城市道路分类、城市道路分级、城镇道路路面分类 1、城市道路分类 城市道路的分类方法有多种形式,其中根据道路在城市规划道路系统中所处的地位划分为主干路、次干路及支路。在各种分类方法中,主要是满足道路在交通运输方面的功能。规范以道路在城市道路网中的地位和交通功能为基础,同时也考虑对沿线的服务功能,将城市道路分为四类,即快速路、主干路、次干路与支路。 快速路完全为交通功能服务,是解决城市大容量、长距离、快速交通的主要道路。 主干路为连接城市各主要分区的干路,是城市道路网的主要骨架,以交通功能为主。 次干路是城市区域性的交通干道,为区域交通集散服务,兼有服务功能,配合主干路组成道路网。 支路为次干路联系各居住小区的连接线路,解决局部地区交通,直接与两侧建筑物出入口相接,以服务功能为主。 2、城市道路分级 大、中、小城市现有道路行车速度、路面宽度、路面结构厚度、交叉口形式等都有区别。为了使道路既能满足使用要求,又节约投资及土地,有关规范规定:除快速路外的各类道路根据城市规模、设计交通量、地形等又分为ⅰ、ⅱ、ⅲ级。一般情况下大城市应采用各类指标中的i级标准,中等城市采用ⅱ级标准,小城市采用ⅲ级标准。不同类别的同一级别道路的设计速度是不同的。 3、城镇道路路面分类 按结构强度分类 城市道路分类、路面等级和面层材料

1、高级路面:路面强度高、刚度大、稳定性好是高级路面的特点。它使用年限长,适应繁重交通量,且路面平整、车速高、运输成本低,建设投资高,养护费用少,适用于城市快速路、主干路、公交专用道路。 2、次高级路面:路面强度、刚度、稳定性、使用寿命、车辆行驶速度、适应交通量等均低于高级路面,但是维修、养护、运输费用较高,城市次干路、支路可采用。 按力学特性分类 1、柔性路面:荷载作用下产生的弯沉变形较大、抗弯强度小,在反复荷载作用下产生累积变形,它的破坏取决于极限垂直变形和弯拉应变。柔性路面主要代表是各种沥青类路面。 2、刚性路面:行车荷载作用下产生板体作用,抗弯拉强度大,弯沉变形很小,呈现出较大的刚性,它的破坏取决于极限弯拉强度。刚性路面主要代表是水泥混凝土路面。


城市道路分类分级 按照道路在道路网中的地位、交通功能以及对沿线建筑物的服务功能等,城市道路分为以下四类: 1、快速路(又称汽车专用道):快速路应为城市中大量、长距离、快速交通服务。快速路对向车行道之前应设中间分车带,其进出口应采用全控制或部分控制。快速路两侧不应设置吸引大量车流、人流的公共建筑物的进出口。两侧一般建筑物的进出口应加以控制。(中、小城市不设快速道)。 2、主干路(全市性干道):主干路应为连接城市各主要分区的干路,为城市主要客、货运输路线,以交通功能为主。自行交通量大时,宜采用机动车与非机动车分隔形式,如三幅路或四幅路。主干路两侧不应设置吸引大量车流、人流的公共建筑的进出口。一般红线宽度为30~45m。 3、次干路(区级干道):次干路应与主干路结合组成道路网,为联系主要道路之间的辅助性交通路线,起集散交通的作用,兼有服务功能,一般红线宽度为25~40m。 4、支路(街坊道路):支路应为次干路与街坊路的连接线,解决局部地区交通,以服务功能为主,一般红线宽度为12~25m左右。 城市道路的分级: 除上列快速路外,每类道路按照所在城市的规模、设计交通量、地形等分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级,大城市应采用各类道路中的Ⅰ级标准;中等城市应采用Ⅱ级标准;小城市应采用Ⅲ级标准。有特殊情况需变更级别时,应做技术经济论证,报规划审批部门批准。 居住区道路分级 根据功能要求和居住区规模的大小,居住区级道路一般可分为三级或四级。居住区道路是解决居住区的内外联系。车行道宽度不应小于9米,红线宽度一般为20~30米;居住小区级道路是居住区的次要道路,用以解决居住区内部的联系,车行道宽度一般为7米,红线宽度12~14米;居住组团级道路是居住区内的支路,用以解决住宅组群的内外联系,车行道宽度一般为4~6米;通向各户或各单元门前的小路,一般宽度为3米。此外,在居住区内还可能有专供步行的林荫步道。 北京目前车道宽度为3.75米,这个宽度是按照当时大挂车的宽度设计的,现在一般小汽车的宽度都在两米之内,而国外一般的车道只有2.5米宽。深圳为3.5米。 行车道宽度 国家对公路每条机动车道的宽度是有标准的,三级以上多车道公路每条机动车道宽度为3米。中央隔离带无统一标准,因地制宜,单纯的水泥制中央隔离带宽度为一米(中央隔离带两侧白实线之间的距离),如果是中央绿化隔离带,宽度就难说了,有的“形象工程”路可以做到几十米宽。城镇间的公路一般不设人行道(一般穿越城市段才设),城市干道必须设置人行道,城市干道人行道按实际人流量计算,一般最少3米宽,宽的可以达到15-20米。* 高速公路和一级公路,一般为4个车道,必要时车道数可按双数增加。 * 二级公路,平原、微丘区慢行车很少或将慢行车分开的路段,行车道宽度为7米,并设路缘线;有一定混合交通的路段,行车道宽度一般为9米;混合交通量大,并且将慢行道分开又有困难时,其行车道宽度可加宽到12米,并划线分快、慢行道。 * 四级公路,平原、微丘区的行车道宽度,当交通量较大时,可采用6.0米。 以一条红线26米的一级公路来讲,一般是这样:双向六车道18米,中央隔离带1米,两侧路肩各1.5米共3米,剩下的两侧各2米为排水沟等配套设置。


一、道路的组成及等级划分: (一)道路可分为:公路、城市道路、厂矿道路、林区道路及乡村道路。 1、公路的组成:线形组成、结构组成(路基、路面、桥涵、排水系统、隧道、防护工程、特殊构造物、交通服务设施) 2、城市道路组成 3、道路工程的主体是路线、路基(包括排水系统及防护工程等)和路面三大部分。 (二)道路等级的划分: 1、公路的等级划分:高速公路、一、二、三、四级5个等级。 2、城市道路的等级划分:快速路、主干路、次干路、支路。 二、路基 1、定义:路基是按照路线位置和一定技术要求修筑的作为路面基础的带状构造物。 2、分类: 填方路基(路堤):填土路基、填石路基、砌石路基、护肩路基、护脚路基 挖方路基(路堑):土质挖方路基、石质挖方路基 半挖半填路基 3、组成:路肩、边坡、排水设施、挡土墙。 4、对路基的要求: 1)有足够的强度:在车辆荷载、路面及路基自重作用下,变形不超过允许值。 2)有足够的整体稳定性:在行车及自然因素作用下,不发生滑坡、塌陷等。 3)有足够的水温稳定性:在水温变化时,路基强度变化小,不产生翻浆。 三、路面 (一)结构组成: 路层:是直接与行车及大气接触的表面层,应具有足够的结构强度、良好的温度 稳定性、耐磨、抗滑、平整和不透水。 基层:承受面层传来的垂直荷载并扩散至垫层和路基中。 垫层:在基层和土基之间的结构层,起隔水、防冻及扩散传力作用。 (二)度与路面排水 (三)路面的等级与分类 1、路面等级:高级路面、次高级路面、中级路面和低级路面。 2、路面类型: (1)路面基层的类型:按照现行规范,基层(包括底基层)可分为无机结合料稳定类和粒料类。 无机结合料稳定类有: 1)水泥稳定土基层:不应用作高级沥青路面的基层,在高速公路和一级公路的面板下 2)石灰稳定土基层:适用于各级公路路面的底基层,可作二级以下的公路的基层,但不应用作高级路面的基层。


丘银英 李乐园 路启 朱海明
摘要:对城市道路进行功能分类规划是道路设施优化使用的客观要求, 但在对道路功能分类手法和内容 的定义上,国内尚缺乏统一沿用并被证明行之有效的标准。文章以国内外城市道路功能定位的差异分析切 入,对于道路功能规划的内涵、分类方法和所应当包含的主要内容,从用地布局、交通规划与设计、城市 设计、城市人文、社会心理等多角度进行综合论述,提出通过道路功能规划实现交通性与生活性兼顾、街 道空间人车共享等探讨性观点。 关键词:道路功能分类、道路-用地协调、人车共享
1 引言
城市道路等级体系对于引导城市空间生长、 形成路网系统的合理分工和营造 宜居、宜行的城市环境均具有重要意义。在我国,大部分城市的道路交通系统规 划尚停留在交通工程的单一领域里,目前普遍沿用的 95 年部颁《城市道路交通 规划设计规范》虽对城市快速路、主干路、次干路、支路四级路网的功能分工有 所界定,但其对道路与两侧土地利用的协调、通行空间环境等方面的要求则语焉 不详,在 14 年后的今天已经不尽适用;另一方面,在许多城市, “车本位”思想 仍然在交通设施空间资源分配过程中占据了主导地位,公共交通、慢性交通的通 行空间被大幅压缩,道路通行环境较差,道路网络是功能单一、环境粗糙的交通 出行载体,城市居民的日常交通出行成为别无选择的日常负担,没有任何享受可 言,在某种程度上也加剧了道路交通粗砺无序的发展态势。 在全球资源紧缺、 环境恶化的发展背景下, 制订和施行行之有效的道路功能 分类体系,实现城市道路的精细分工,是规划重心由大规模的设施建设转向设施 运营效率管理的重要标志, 也是优化土地资源配置和提高道路交通基础设施使用 效率的客观需要。
2 国内外既有道路功能分类手法对比 2.1 国内外沿用体系对比
在国外,包括美、英、日、新等发达国家在内,其道路体系的规划往往是涵 盖了道路通行空间(红线) 、两侧用地、街道景观等多领域的综合规划,道路网 络在交通出行载体这一基本功能基础上, 逐步被赋予了更多的作为城市公共空间 的功能,如游憩、观赏、交往和信息流通等,对于不同交通特性和功能类型的道


现代城市道路系统的分类与功能 交通在城市中的地位越来越重要,其技术的不断发展催生了对道路交通专业化的需求。20世纪30年代之前,道路工程师中很少有人能够区分道路建设技术和交通规划的基础知识。年,耶鲁大学开设运输工程专业课程,直到1942年,第一本《交通工程学手册》在美国吐版,成为交通专业实践的基础。 1922年,勒·柯布西耶出版的《城市主义》一书中,用图示描述了他的现代主义道路的分级结构和未来城市道路的图景。他提出应该建立起等级化的道路系统来加速交通的流动。在这7个级的道路系统中,交通流从最高级的城际高速公路V1向下分流至本地道路,最终导入最低等级的路径类型V7,即环绕建筑的步行道。1950年,他把自己对道路分级的方法应用在印度昌迪加尔的规划中。 图1 勒·柯布西耶的道路系统示意图 1942年,艾伯克龙比首次系统的贯彻功能分类的思想应用在大伦敦规划中。1963年,柯林·布坎南在其研究报告中明确提出城市道路网分级和组成,后被英、美《道路规划手册》所采纳。 美国的城市道路分类方法具有代表性,根据道路特征和条件分为高速路(freeway and expressway)、主干道(Primary Arterial)、次干道(secondary Arterial)、集散道路(Collector)、地方道路(Local)5个等级。从快速路到地方道路,可达性要求逐渐提高,通过性要求逐渐降低,道路两侧的开口限制逐渐降低。干线道路主

要提供机动交通功能,而地方性道路主要满足可达性要求,集散道路的功能介于机动性和可达性之间。可见,里程较少的干线道路承担了更多的交通运输流量,而里程最多的地方性道路承担较少的交通运输流量. 日本城市道路兼顾交通、防灾、空间、构造四种功能,依据道路的交通功能将城市道路分为高速路、基干道路(包括主干道和干道线路)、辅助路(次干道)、支路和特殊道路5大类。 表1 美国的城市道路详细分类及功能要求 我国受前苏联的分类方法影响较大,第一代分类方法就是借鉴前苏联的经验。1960年建筑工程部建设局编制的《城市道路设计标准》试行草稿将城市道路分为三级七类:第一级为城市干道、入城干道和环城干道、高速道路;第二级为区域干道、工业区道路、游览大道;第三级为住宅道路。上世纪八十年代,按主干道(全市性干道)、次干道(区干道),支路三个等级。后来我国城市道路规划设计吸取西方城市经验,1991年我国颁布了《城市道路设计规范》(CJJ37-90)将


1 城市道路按其自身及沿线建筑物的功能特点划分为交通性、生活性、景观性和综合性四种性质类别。 2 城市道路按其在城市路网中的地位及交通特点分为快速路、主干道、次干道和支路四个等级,其中支路可分为I级支路、II级支路 . 3 城市道路按其横断面型式划分为一幅路型式、二幅路型式、三幅路型式、四幅路型式和非对称型式等五种型式。 在城市地块开发过程中,由于开发主体或开发进程不同等原因,地块内部往往形成一些位于不同小区之间的街坊公共通道。这些通道位于市政道路红线范围之外,负责沟通地块内部与外部交通,从属性上讲,其为街坊路,并非市政道路,但由于该类通道多位于小区围墙之外,具有各小区共同的交通流量,甚至配有路名,从而具备了市政公用设施的一些特点,从表面上较难与市政道路加以区分。由此往往导致该类街坊道路在建设标准、接管养护、执法管理等各方面权责界限模糊,形成管理错位或空白。 目前此类现象已较为普遍,因此及时根据实际情况进一步界定市政道路与街坊道路的定义范围,并切实落实好两类道路的管养职责便显得尤为必要。为此,特就进一步界定市政道路定义范围提出意见如下:一、市政道路的范围 新区市政道路分公路与城市道路两大类。公路按其在公路路网中的地位分为国道、省道、县道和乡道,并按技术等级分为高速公路、一级

公路、二级公路、三级公路和四级公路。城市道路分为快速路、主干路、次干路和支路。除此以外的其他道路均不属于市政道路。 另外,新区各中心镇、新市镇区域内的市政道路为集镇道路(除公路外,集镇道路参照城市道路管理)。 二、市政道路的特性 1、必须具备市政道路规划用地红线; 2、必须符合新区路网规划; 3、土地属性必须为市政公共用地; 4、道路设计标准必须达到市政行业有关规范要求。 未完全具备上述四款要求的其它道路均不属于市政道路。 三、市政道路的主要管理依据 1、公路:《中华人民共和国公路法》、《中华人民共和国公路管理条例》、《上海市公路管理条例》。 2、城市道路:《城市道路管理条例》、《上海市城市道路桥梁管理条例》。 四、市政道路有关行业要求 1、市政道路的规划、建设及养护管理必须符合国家、交通部、建设部、市和新区的有关行业标准; 2、市政道路规划、建设、移交接管必须履行相应有关手续,并具备完善的政府批文等有关资料,例如规划用地许可证、工可批复、扩初批复等; 3、市政道路养护工作必须按照相关行业标准操作。 五、市政道路与街坊道路的有关区别


城市道路功能 1.城市道路功能 2.城市道路的特点;功能多样,组成复杂,行人,非机动车交通量大,道路交叉口多,沿路两侧建筑物密集,景观艺术要求高,城市道路规划,设计的影响因素多,政策性强。 3.城市快速路;完全是为机动车辆交通服务的,是解决城市长距离快速交通的汽车专用道路。 4.城市主干路是以交通功能为主的连接城市各主要分区的干线道路。 5.设计车速的大小对道路弯道半径,弯道超高,行车视距等线形要素的取值及设计起着决定作用。另外,道路的横断面尺寸,侧向净宽以及道路纵断面坡度等也与设计车速有着密切的关系。 6.设计车辆即是作为道路几何设计依据的车型。 7.设计小时交通量通常采用第 30 位小时交通量。 8.设计年限是指道路的正常工作年限,包括两层含义,即道路交通量设计年限和道路路面结构设计年限。 9.不同的服务水平对应不同的服务交通量。服务水平等级高的道路车速高,车辆行驶自由度大,舒适与安全性好,但其相应的服务交通量就要小。 10.道路建筑限界;为了保证城市道路上车辆与行人的交通安全,在道路上一定高度和宽度范围内不允许任何障碍物侵入的空间界限。11.方格网式路网适用于地势平坦地区的中,小城市。它规划的街道整齐,有利于沿街建筑布置。这种路网的优点是交通分散,灵活

性大;缺点在于道路功能不易明确,交叉口多,对角线方向的交通不便。 12.放射环式路网:在各条放射干道间连以若干条环形干道。这种路网的优点是有利于市中心区与各分区、郊区、市区外围相邻各区之间的交通联系道路功能明确;缺点是容易将各方面交通引致市中心,造成市中心交通过于集中,交通灵活性不如方格式路网。 13.自由式路网:优点是不拘一格,充分结合自然地形,线形生动活泼,对环境和景观破坏较少,可节约工程造价;缺点是在于绕行距离较大,不规则街坊多,建筑用地较分散。 14.道路网密度:道路网密度即城市道路中心线总长度与城市用地用地总面积之比。 15.道路面积密度:道路面积密度是城市各类各级道路占地面积与城市用地总面积之比值。 16.非道路系数:是道路起、终点间的实际长度与其空间直线距离之比值。 17.城市道路横断面组成:城市道路的交通性质和组成比较复杂,尤其表现在行人和各种非机动车辆较多。各种交通工具和行人的交通问题都需要在横断面设计中综合考虑予以解决。 18.断面形式的选用:双幅路断面用分隔带将对向行驶的车辆分开,减少了对向行车干扰,提高了车速,分隔带还可以用作绿化、布置照明和敷设管线等。它主要用于机动车辆较多、非机动车辆较少的道路。


城市道路的级别与类别 1K410000市政公用工程技术 1K411000城市道路工程 1K411010城市道路工程的结构与材料 1K411011掌握城市道路的级别与类别 本条介绍了我国现行《城市道路设计规范》(CJJ37)中关于城市道路的分类和分级,常规的城市道路路面等级和面层的类型。 一、城市道路分类 城市道路的功能是综合性的,为发挥其不同功能,保证城市中的生产、生活正常进行.交通运输经济合理,应对道路进行科学地分类。 分类方法有多种形式,根据道路在城市规划道路系统中所处的地位划分为主干路、次千路及支路(参见表1K411011 );根据道路对交通运输所起的作用分为全市性道路、区域性道路、环路、放射路、过境道路等;根据承担的主要运输性质分为客运道路、货运道路、客货运道路等.根据道路所处环境划分为中心区道路、工业区道路、仓库区道路、文教区道路、行政区道路、住宅区道路、风景游览区道路文化娱乐性道路、科技卫生性道路、生活性道路、火车站道路、游览性道路、林荫路等。在以上各种分类方法中,主要是满足道路在交通运输方面的功能。规范以道路在城市道路网中的地位和交通功能为基础。同时也考虑对沿线的服务功能,将城市道路分为四类,即快速路、主干路、次千路与支路。 快速路完全为交通功能服务,是解决城市大容量、长距离、快速交通的主要道路。 主干路为连接城市各主要分区的干路,是城市道路网的主要骨架,以交通功能为主。 次干路是城市区域性的交通千道,为区域交通集散服务,兼有服务功能,配合主千路组成道路网。

支路为次干路联系各居住小区的连接线路解决局部地区交通,直接与两侧建筑物出人口相接,以服务功能为主。 二、城市道路分级 大、中、小城市现有道路行车速度、路面宽度、路面结构厚度、交叉口形式等都有区别为了使道路既能满足使用要求,又节约投资及土地有关规范规定:除快速路外的各类道路根据城市规模、设计交通量、地形等又分为I、II、III 级。一般情况下大城市应采用各类指标中的工级标准,中等城市应采用II级标准,小城市采用皿级标准.不同类别的同一级别道路的设计速度是不同的。三、城市道路路面分类 (一)按结构强度分类(参见表1K411011 ) 1高级路面:路面强度高、刚度大、稳定性好是高级路面的特点。它使用年限长,适应繁重交通量,且路面平整、车速高、运输成本低,建设投资高,养护费用少,适用于城市快速路、主干路。 2次高级路面.路面强度、刚度、稳定性、使用寿命、车辆行驶速度、适应交通量等均低于高级路面,但是维修、养护、运输费用较高,城市次千路、支路可采用。 (二)按力学特性分类 1柔性路面荷载作用下产生的弯沉变形较大、抗弯强度小.在反复荷载作用下产生累积变形,它的破坏取决于极限垂自变形和弯拉应变柔性路面主要代表是各种沥青类路面. 2刚性路面.行车荷载作用下产生板体作用.抗弯拉强度大,弯沉变形很小,呈现出较大的刚性,它的破坏取决于极限弯拉强度。刚性路面主要代表是水泥棍凝土路面。


1.城市道路功能:交通设施功能,公用空间功能,防灾救灾功能,形成城市平面结构功能。 2.城市道路的特点;功能多样,组成复杂,行人,非机动车交通量大,道路交叉口多,沿路两侧建筑物密集,景观艺术要求高,城市道路规划,设计的影响因素多,政策性强。 3.城市快速路;完全是为机动车辆交通服务的,是解决城市长距离快速交通的汽车专用道路。 4.城市主干路是以交通功能为主的连接城市各主要分区的干线道路。 设计车速的大小对道路弯道半径,弯道超高,行车视距等线形要素的取值及设计起着决定作用。另外,道路的横断面尺寸,侧向净宽以及道路纵断面坡度等也与设计车速有着密切的关系。 6.设计车辆即是作为道路几何设计依据的车型。 7.设计小时交通量通常采用第30位小时交通量。 8.设计年限是指道路的正常工作年限,包括两层含义,即道路交通量设计年限和道路路面结构设计年限。 不同的服务水平对应不同的服务交通量。服务水平等级高的道路车速高,车辆行驶自由度大,舒适与安全性好,但其相应的服务交通量就要小。 道路建筑限界;为了保证城市道路上车辆与行人的交通安全,在道路上一定高度和宽度范围内不允许任何障碍物侵入的空间界限。 方格网式路网适用于地势平坦地区的中,小城市。它规划的街道整齐,有利于沿街建筑布置。这种路网的优点是交通分散,灵活性大;缺点在于道路功能不易明确,交叉口多,对角线方向的交通不便。 放射环式路网:在各条放射干道间连以若干条环形干道。这种路网的优点是有利于市中心区与各分区、郊区、市区外围相邻各区之间的交通联系道路功能明确;缺点是容易将各方面交通引致市中心,造成市中心交通过于集中,交通灵活性不如方格式路网。 自由式路网:优点是不拘一格,充分结合自然地形,线形生动活泼,对环境和景观破坏较少,可节约工程造价;缺点是在于绕行距离较大,不规则街坊多,建筑用地较分散。 14.道路网密度:道路网密度即城市道路中心线总长度与城市用地用地总面积之比。 15.道路面积密度:道路面积密度是城市各类各级道路占地面积与城市用地总面积之比值。 16.非道路系数:是道路起、终点间的实际长度与其空间直线距离之比值。 城市道路横断面组成:城市道路的交通性质和组成比较复杂,尤其表现在行人和各种非机动车辆较多。各种交通工具和行人的交通问题都需要在横断面设计中综合考虑予以解决。 断面形式的选用:双幅路断面用分隔带将对向行驶的车辆分开,减少了对向行车干扰,提高了车速,分隔带还可以用作绿化、布置照明和敷设管线等。它主要用于机动车辆较多、非机动车辆较少的道路。
