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英文教授推荐信范文 to whom it may concern: in the capacity of chair professor of the department of management, having instructed mr. xiao ming in the course of primary management during the academic year of 2006~2007 and the course of operating research last year, i am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce him to you. i have known mr. xiao ming since 2007, when he was a fresh student in the class, as i was the instructor of their primary management. mr. chen’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped him become one of the most outstanding students in that class, making a strong and positive impression upon me. his passionate participation in discussion during class sometimes enlightened the whole group. and he was one of the few students to successfully pass the final exam of that subject, which was so difficult that quite a number of his classmates failed in it. last year i have been selected as the instructor for the course of operating research. as mr. chen has finished his study in the management class with a high rank and chosen the course of operating research as his major, i have had the opportunity to know this young man better. his excellent performance in class has continuously recalled those brilliant discussions two years ago to my mind. what’s more, his creativity and capacity for analytical thinking have also convinced me that he improved himself a lot during his junior year before he returned to my class. in addition, he has demonstrated explicitly his potential as a researcher to me. through the personal communication between us he has also expressed the


导师英文推荐信范文 Dear Admissions Committee: Among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “International Marketing” and “Strategic Management” at ABC University, Mr. John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. Therefore, I am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious MBA program. John is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. In addition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.


mba中文推荐信 mba中文推荐信 mba中文推荐信【一】 美国的商学院一般都要求申请者有2~3封,被认为是学校从多方面了解申请者的最有力的材料。 一般来说,推荐信虽然不会产生十分神奇的作用,但对那些处于录与不录边缘的申请,却常有意想不到的效果。 那么选择什么样的人写推荐信最合适呢?以下有三条原则可供参考: 一、美国商学院最青睐的是那些与申请者有过密切关系,熟悉其领导能力、组织能力或学术水平的人写的。 推荐人必须站在客观的立场上评价你,千万不要选一个很有名却对你并不了解的人,因为商学院希望推荐人能提供具体细节。 二、选择真正欣赏你的人,只有这样的人才会愿意花时间和精力为你写出一封好信。 如果写得潦草仓促或是充满了敷衍套话,将使录取委员会对你的印象大打折扣。 三、选择能够说明你的关键品质和独特个性的人。 他最好能就你的管理才能、智力水平、为人处事等某一方面做深入阐述,写出一封充满申请者独特个性的推荐信。 找八杆子打不着的人,反而让人觉得你不可信。 一般找自己的导师,系主任,熟悉你的教授、公司领导比较有效。 当然,如果有一位公司直接主管、国际有名的教授能充任你的推荐人,你申请学校系科的主管教授又是这位知名教授的学生,或朋友,那这样的推荐信无疑十分有力。 你应该在计划递交申请材料的期限前三个月左右开始寻找推荐人。

选好推荐人后,接下来要做的就是和他(她)坦诚地面谈一次,向他(她)解释清楚你需要什么样的帮助。 告诉他(她)你想申请哪些学校,为什么选择那些学校。 最好能向推荐人提供一份你的完整详细的,以方便写推荐信。 如果你认为推荐者应就某几个方面作一下重点描述,应该提前准备一份书面材料,列举那些你认为你的推荐人可以着手的地方。 英文推荐信范文不仅要在评价方面有特色,更重要的是要有具体的事例作为佐证。 许多申请者的推荐信都会犯一种致命错误,那就是其中都充满了"excellent","distinguished","ambitious","natural born leader"这样的顶级赞美之词,却没有具体的`例子来支持这些"论点"。 这样不仅不能使商学院增加对申请者的了解,反而会让他们觉得无法对申请者有一个真实的认识。 申请者在和写信的人沟通时,尤其要注意这点。 一般说来,商学院寄来的申请材料中都附有表格。 推荐人可按照表格逐项填写,如果遇到难以评价的项目可以写i don’t know或unable to judge。 如果没有既定的表格,推荐人可以自行按书信格式写。 mba中文推荐信【二】 美国的商学院一般都要求申请者有2~3封,被认为是学校从多方面了解申请者的最有力的证明材料。 一般来说,推荐信虽然不会产生十分神奇的作用,但对那些处于录与不录边缘的申请,却常有意想不到的效果。 那么选择什么样的人写推荐信最合适呢?以下有三条原则可供参考: 一、美国商学院最青睐的是那些与申请者有过密切关系,熟悉其领导能力、组织能力或学术水平的人写的。 推荐人必须站在客观的立场上评价你,千万不要选一个很有名却对你并不了解的人,因为商学院希望推荐人能提供具体细节。


导师推荐信范文中英 文

导师推荐信范文中英文 篇一:博士生导师推荐信范文 博士生导师推荐信范文 being a professor in shanghai finance and economics university, i had given six lectures to hua sheng as an auditing teacher when she studied accountancy there as her second major, and had been her supervisor when she worked as an intern in my credit rating company. she had listened to me so attentively that many of the cases we studied in class were applied to her work effectively. i was really impressed by hua sheng’s performance during her five-week internship. in order to be more

competent in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assume more tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular employees. however hard the tasks were, she always managed to fulfill them with flying colors. such devotion to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers. as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in addition to her remarkable learning ability, hua sheng was capable of doing some of the basic businesses in the company, and thus understanding the know-how of accounting more profoundly. she visited and researched fifteen companies in all, big or small, home or abroad, within the twenty-five weekdays. i could see a clear mind and a strong logic in her participation in writing credit rating


英文导师推荐信范文 英文导师推荐信范文 dear sir/madam: as a teacher at xxxx school, i am writing to provide you a recommendation for miss/mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid. considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a dbms project for her b.s.thesis, for which i was the chief leader. t his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in no.1 foundry plant of dongfeng auto works.to do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in database principles and management. keenly aware that the design of a dbms decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.)(参加过什么活动). from analyzing user’s requirements to


推荐信 尊敬的xxx学院(中山大学岭南学院、暨南大学商学院):您好,我是,现任xxxx 公司的。得知我单位xx同志想要报名贵校工商管理硕士,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。 这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈 推荐这位优秀青年。 作为xx同志的上司,在认识的这几年中,透过多次的交往和沟通,我对其有着较深的了 解。经过x年多的工作历练,岁月已把一个男孩打造成了xxxx、xxxx、具备优秀的xxxx、xxxx 的人才,实在是令人欣慰。 首先他是一位乐于沟通且善于沟通的员工。尽管曾经在工作中因为沟通不足导致工作失 误的发生,但他能够直面自己的不足,而主动改善沟通方法,加强与服务对象、与管理层的 沟通,从而改变并形成了一种较为民主的分厂行政事务决策模式。这种改变产生了巨大的粘 合力,把生产与行政紧密结合起来,以行政来支持生产,并在生产促进中发挥更大的作用。 他更是一位乐于传授并不断升华管理理念的职业人士。耐心传授并不断升华管理理念, 是一项真正的管理者必须做到且永无止境的工作。他已经在实践中,且有所成效,比如教育 同事调整工作态度、培养沟通意识、主动研究可行性方案、加强执行力、 鼓励创新等等。虽然我仍希望他在这地方持续加强,但我依然欣赏他正表现出来的在管 理研究与实践上的专注与专业。 他有很高的道德素养和人格品质。他积极向上,任何有利于自身品质提高的事,他都能 积极乐观地去追求。他关注社会关注生活,热爱祖国热爱生命热爱周遭的一切美好。他尊敬 师长友爱他人。集体团队的事,或主持或配合,他都会尽心尽力尽职,力求完美。因此,他 在团队中有很强的凝聚力和感召力。性格开朗落落大方,为人善良淳朴宽容大度,处事利索 而不失稳重,极富人格魅力。 其实,在我看来,在他身上最打动人的不是xxxx,不是xxxx,也不是xxxx,而是他的 xxxx。作为他的长辈、上司及朋友,我无疑是欣慰的。 他有着较强的进取心,有强烈的进一步深造和提高的要求。优秀的他需要更广阔的天空, 更开放的学习氛围,更多优秀导师的指引,而贵校mba商学院无疑是他最好的选择。虽然从 某种程度上来说,踏上学业之路会占用部分工作时间,但是考虑到他的前途,我依然毫不犹 豫的支持他赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能给他一个提升自己实现梦想和提升自我的机会。 我将非常感激您对这位申请人做出慎重的考虑。 敬祝商祺! 推荐人: 年月日篇二:清华大学mba、mpa领导推荐信1 推荐信 尊敬的清华大学公共管理学院院领导: 我很荣幸推荐我的下属**参加贵校mpa教育的学习。**在2006年在面向全国的招录考试 中以优秀的成绩被录取到我单位工作,该同志在计算机方面有着较高的专业素质,在我单位 电子政务工作中非常认真努力,成绩突出。先后建设和完善了门户网站、信息共享交换平台、 办公内网和办公自动化系统项目。为人谦虚好学,是一个难得的善于沟通的好同志。在调任 为我的下属期间,我了解到他是一个好学和勤奋的人,总是积极完成我布置给她的各种任务 并加强学习掌握物价管理知识。他的学习能力、工作态度、沟通能力和团队合作能力打动了 我,于是我就鼓励他积极报考贵院攻读mpa进行再度深造,将来用作综合人才之用,让他在 价格工作服务中发挥出更大的价值。 **同志在思想上始终严格要求自己,认真贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,从不放松自 己的思想学习。坚持学习党的各项基本理论,领悟党的各项会议精神,尤其是“三个代表”


3篇MBA推荐信教你怎么写 【范文一】 尊敬的南开大学MBA中心: 如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr.smith,dear mr.jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。 您好。我是xxx,目前在xxx工作。鉴于对南开大学这所传统名校的信赖以及对xxx的认可,特写此推荐信,希望能为贵中心的招贤纳士提供资源,并同时践行我单位青年人才培养计划。 该同志目前就职于xxx公司,该公司是一家在上海和香港两地上市的公司。xx作为该公司综合计划的管理者,经常与我单位进行业务往来和交流,该同志在此过程中,不仅体现出了过硬的专业水平,而且在棘手事务的处理上和工作精神的贯彻上,都展现了高水平的管理能力和协调能力。 南开大学是全国的一所名校,其MBA“培养和造就具有南开精神的工商管理精英”的办学理念同样需要一些“高水平、高素质”的年轻才干来努力实现。我认为xxx同志所具备的综合素质符合贵中心的招贤要求,并且希望贵中心能够为该同志提供一次系统的理论学习机会,使其不仅未来能为水环境治理行业的发展引入先进的管理知识和经验,也能更好的回馈母校。作为她的领导和上级单位,我们会为她在职业生涯中做出的积极努力予以最大的支持和鼓励。

推荐人: 日期: 【范文二】 尊敬的xxx学院: 您好,我是xxx,现任xxx公司的董事长。得知我公司xx同志想要报名贵校工商管理硕士,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 作为公司的一名管理者,她承担了一个部门的管理,但她对自己的工作是负责的,工作也是出色的。她具备了工作中应有的专业技能,而且在棘手事务处理上和工作精神的贯彻上,都展现出了高水平的管理能力和协调能力。她乐于传授并不断升华管理理念,这是一项真正的管理者必须做到且永无止境的工作。 如果你想要的是学习新技术,你的工作计划就必须加入学习计划;如果是想增加收入,就必须研拟增加业绩的计划,或是调换部门的准备计划。 稳重、朴实是xx同志给人的第一印象,但在稳重的背后,还有一种有主见的果断,她不轻易地决断,但一经深思熟虑过程,决定难改,当然也是正确的决断。在无关轻重的小事上,不大愿意与人计较;在是非性的问题上,不轻易让步。她现在的工作决定她需要有一定的沟通协调能力,这方面她的优点也使她能够做好现在的工作。 以此次刊登的简历为例,该求职者应聘公关关系的职位,从人事


导师推荐信英语范文 推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体。下面是给大家整理的导师推荐信英语范文,供大家参阅! 导师推荐信英语范文篇1 dear sir/madam: as a teacher at xxxx school, i am writing to provide you a recommendation for miss/mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid. considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a dbms project for her b.s.thesis, for which i was the chief leader. t his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in no.1 foundry plant of dongfeng auto works.to do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in database principles and management. keenly aware that the design of a dbms decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his


北大光华mba推荐信 一篇正规的mba推荐信怎么写?下面由为你提供的北大光华mba推荐信,希望大家喜欢。 北大光华mba推荐信(一) 推荐人须知: 本推荐信将用于推荐被推荐人入读XXX大学MBA项目,XXX大学MBA中心承诺对推荐信的内容及信中您的个人信息我们将严格保密。诚挚感谢您填写此推荐信!请完整填写下述内容,如果您有其它补充的内容,请另附纸。谢谢您的宝贵时间。 被推荐人姓名: a) 您与被推荐人相识几年?了解的程度如何? b) 您认为被推荐人报考本项目的最大愿望是什么?您认为被推荐人最合适的发展方向是什么? c) 请指出被推荐人主要的优秀之处,以及有待提高之处。 d) 与近年来您所了解的与被推荐人处于同一职位或相近年龄的人相比,您如何评价被推荐人? √□优秀(位于前10%) □很好(位于前 20%) □中等(位于前60%) □较差(位于后 40%) e) 请以下列几个指标对被推荐人做出评估: □好(位于前40%) □无法评价

f) 请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价: □√ 极力推荐□推荐□有保留的推荐 推荐人请在下面框中贴上您的名片,如不贴名片,则请详细填写框中各项。推荐人签名:______________________ 日期:______________________ 北大光华mba推荐信(二) 尊敬的院领导: 我很荣幸推荐我的下属XX参加贵校MBA班的学习。 XX在20XX年3月因其优异的成绩被招聘到贵州益佰制药股份有限公司后,工作非常努力。在三个月的试用期中,工作上一丝不苟、表现出了一个在大学里学习优秀的大学生的内在素质。在平常与同事们的交往中,为人谦虚好学,是一个难得的善于沟通的好员工。在调到我的办公室任我的助理期间,我了解到她是一个好学和勤奋的人,她总是积极完成我布置给她的各种任务并学习掌握知识。其实某些任务对一般的员工是有难度的,比如她的专业是经济学,而我们是制药业,可她总能出色地解决它们,这些正是缘于她的学习能力、工作态度、沟通能力和团队合作能力。在工作中,她也打动了我。在20XX年底至20XX年7月我对全国市场的调查中,她积极地、富有创意地协助我完成了这个调查。因此我给了她比其他许多员工更好的评价。 在被调到董事会秘书处任副处长期间,她和我的其


教授推荐信 请务必包含以下客观信息: 推荐信正文写作注意事项: 推荐人的选择:推荐人最好选择自己的授课或论文指导老师。当然如果能找到大学招生负 责人都认可或熟知的推荐人更好,如国际知名学者教授等。如果申请人是普通学生而选择职位很高的推荐人(如学校校长),应该解释清楚推荐人是怎样了解到申请人的。同时在第一段就应介绍清楚推荐人和申请人的关系。 推荐信的核心1:还是应该和申请人的学业成绩和学术能力紧密相关,应注意与所申请专 业的结合。如申请管理类课程,勿用大量篇幅描写辅修计算机的成绩,反之亦然。总之,要详略得当。 推荐信的核心2:推荐信在提出申请人优点时,应避免泛泛而谈,最好附以具体事例,当 然有数据支持更有说服力。如:排名10/200 (200人中前10名),多少天完成实验,成功率如何。另外:推荐教师如为论文或毕业设计指导教师,可提及论文或毕设大致情况,来说明被推荐人的研究或实践能力。 推荐信的有益补充:申请人其他方面的优点,如团队精神,开朗性格、品质、对科学研究 的执着等也可简单提及作为补充内容,这些是要求一个研究者必备的素质。 推荐信的篇幅:一般英文成稿约 300 – 400字。 推荐信写作两大败笔: 写成类似中国老师给学生写的评语,每个人都适用。面面俱到,详略不当也是不可取的。 评价太过夸张,好象申请人的现有水平已经不需要任何进修或对申请人的过度吹捧使推荐

人本身的层次和水平大打折扣。 您的材料会由专业文案进行删改,编辑或整理,谢谢合作,并祝您成功! 教授推荐信 被推荐人姓名 申请学校 申请院(系、所) 申请学科、专业 申请攻读学位类别博士□硕士□ (以上内容由申请人填写,以下内容由推荐教授填写) 推荐教授姓名 工作单位 职称职务 与申请人关系电话 通信地址 电子邮件

北大光华MBA推荐信Recommendation Letter

推荐信Recommendation Letter 致推荐人To the recommender 兹有被推荐人报考北京大学光华管理学院工商管理硕士(MBA)。衷心感谢您在百忙之中拨冗填写本推荐信。请您完整填写下列内容,如果您有其它补充,请附在表后。请用信封密封并在封口处签名后交还被推荐人,由被推荐人随其他申请资料一并寄给北京大学光华管理学院MBA中心招生部。Thank you for taking the time to write on behalf of this candidate, who is applying to the Master of Business Administration Program at the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University. We would appreciate you completing this form. Your comments will be held completely confidential. Please enclose this form in the envelop addressed to the applicant, seal the envelop and sign across the seal on the envelop flap. We are grateful for your assistance. 被推荐人姓名Applicant’s Name: Mr./Ms.职务Position 您在何种场合认识申请人?认识申请人已有多长时间?What is your relationship with the applicant? How long have you known the applicant? 请您评价申请人的突出优点及特点。Please list the most outstanding talents or characteristics of the applicant. 在您看来,该申请人的人际交往与团体工作能力如何,包括他(她)与上级、同级、下级的合作工作能力?Evaluate the applicant’s interpersonal and teamwork skills, including his or her ability to work with peers, subordinates and supervisors. 您认为申请人在哪些方面需要进一步提高?In you opinion, in what areas can the applicant improve?


清华MBA推荐信模板 尊敬的XXX学院(中山大学岭南学院、暨南大学商学院): 您好 我是,现任XXXX公司的。得知我单位XX同志想要报名贵校工商管理硕士,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 作为XX同志的上司,在认识的这几年中,透过多次的交往和沟通,我对其有着较深的了解。经过X年多的工作历练,岁月已把一个男孩打造成了XXXX、XXXX、具备优秀的XXXX、XXXX的人才,实在是令人欣慰。 首先他是一位乐于沟通且善于沟通的员工。尽管曾经在工作中因为沟通不足导致工作失误的发生,但他能够直面自己的不足,而主动改善沟通方法,加强与服务对象、与管理层的沟通,从而改变并形成了一种较为民主的分厂行政事务决策模式。这种改变产生了巨大的粘合力,把生产与行政紧密结合起来,以行政来支持生产,并在生产促进中发挥更大的作用。 他更是一位乐于传授并不断升华管理理念的职业人士。耐心传授并不断升华管理理念,是一项真正的管理者必须做到且永无止境的工作。他已经在实践中,且有所成效,比如教育同事调整工作态度、培养沟通意识、主动研究可行性方案、加强执行力、

鼓励创新等等。虽然我仍希望他在这地方持续加强,但我依然 欣赏他正表现出来的在管理研究与实践上的专注与专业。 他有很高的道德素养和人格品质。他积极向上,任何有利于自 身品质提高的事,他都能积极乐观地去追求。他关注社会关注生活,热爱祖国热爱生命热爱周遭的一切美好。他尊敬师长友爱他人。集 体团队的事,或主持或配合,他都会尽心尽力尽职,力求完美。因此,他在团队中有很强的凝聚力和感召力。性格开朗落落大方,为 人善良淳朴宽容大度,处事利索而不失稳重,极富人格魅力。 其实,在我看来,在他身上最打动人的不是XXXX,不是XXXX, 也不是XXXX,而是他的XXXX。作为他的长辈、上司及朋友,我无疑 是欣慰的。 他有着较强的进取心,有强烈的进一步深造和提高的要求。优 秀的他需要更广阔的天空,更开放的学习氛围,更多优秀导师的指引,而贵校MBA商学院无疑是他最好的选择。虽然从某种程度上来说,踏上学业之路会占用部分工作时间,但是考虑到他的前途,我 依然毫不犹豫的支持他赴贵校深造。真诚期望贵校能给他一个提升 自己实现梦想和提升自我的机会。 我将非常感激您对这位申请人做出慎重的考虑。 敬祝商祺! 推荐人: 年月日

2018年大学教授英文推荐信-范文模板 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 大学教授英文推荐信 大学教授英文推荐信,推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件,是一种应用写作文体,下面带来大学教授英文推荐信相关文章,欢迎阅读。 大学教授英文推荐信[1] i have meet miss hao xiaoni’s for four years, being his teacher in “database structure” and her tutor in the experiment of “digital electronics”.in the class, her thinking was very active and she completely understood what i said in the lecture. she showed her strong interest in computer science and often did further discussion with me after the class. in particular, her experimental methods were so innovative and creative that the experiment done by her was often more intensive than required. i was much impressed by her because of her quick thinking, serious logic and independence. besides, she was able to sort out various problems in the experiment, having the ability in debugging of both software and hardware. sincerely professor xxx 大学教授英文推荐信[2]


导师推荐信英文模板 篇一:英文教授推荐信范文 英文教授推荐信范文 to whom it may concern: in the capacity of chair professor of the department of management, having instructed mr. xiao ming in the course of primary management during the academic year of 2006~2007 and the course of operating research last year, i am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce him to you. i have known mr. xiao ming since 2007, when he was a fresh student in the class, as i was the instructor of their primary management. mr. chen’s enthusiasm for and diligence in learning helped him become one of the most outstanding students in that class, making

a strong and positive impression upon me. his passionate participation in discussion during class sometimes enlightened the whole group. and he was one of the few students to successfully pass the final exam of that subject, which was so difficult that quite a number of his classmates failed in it. last year i have been selected as the instructor for the course of operating research. as mr. chen has finished his study in the management class with a high rank and chosen the course of operating research as his major, i have had the opportunity to know this young man better. his excellent performance in class has continuously recalled those brilliant discussions two years ago to my mind. what’s more, his creativity and capacity for analytical thinking have also convinced me that he improved himself a lot during his junior year before he returned to my


清华MBA申请表 项目选择 报考方向面试批次 非全日制仙姑上课班意愿选择 完善联系信息 ?完善联系信息: 个人照片面试申请号 真实姓名性别 身份证号码出生日期 联系电话手机 邮寄地址邮政编码 邮箱 ?紧急联系人: 姓名性别 手机 教育背景 ?教育背景:

最高学历最高学历起止时间 最高学历院校最高学位 最高学历专业 ?本科教育经历: 最后的本科院校学习方式 学历学位 分类学历证书编号 专业专业类别 专业内排名/本专业人数学位证书编号 在校时间备注 ?硕士以上教育经历: 填写硕士及以上学历,包括院校名称、学习时间、学习方式、专业、学历学位及其他有助于评委评判的信息(建议300字以内,不能有空行,可以空格缩进和正常换行,如字数超过请在最终提交页面下载查看PDF报名表核查是否显示完全。) 外语水平 ?英语水平1: 考试名称 ?其他外语: 考试名称其他语言 获得证书时间证书编号

上传证书扫描件 职业背景 ?职业背景: 全职工作经验:管理岗位工作经验 当前单位/公司中文全称当前单位/公司英文全称 工作所在省市公司年营业额 单位/公司规模主营业务 行业类别公司性质: 岗位类型工作部门 工作职位岗位职能 负责预算规模本单位工作开始时间 本职位工作开始时间目前年收入 年收入证明扫描件上传起始年收入 负责管理下属员工人数 本单位内岗位情况:包括曾经做过的各岗位名称、职位、工作职责、工作业绩、汇报关系、下属人数等信息 上级姓名职位 联系电话是否同意直接和你的上级联系 ?其他工作经历 其他工作经历:从最近的开始填写,包括单位、工作时间、职位、汇报关系、下属员工人

数、工作职责业绩、收入和离职原因等信息。 创业信息 ?主要创业经历 单位全称单位地址 行业类别公司性质 岗位类型开办时间 主营业务内容本人所占股份(单位%)核心团队创业人数(人)公司员工总数(人) 下属员工人数(人)所在省市所属部门 工作职能工作职位 公司注册资金(万元)万元(人民币) 最近一年营业额-年份(年份)最近一年营业额(万元)本人出资额(万元)创业类型 是否是创始人?说明自己在公司内具体职务和职责 企业的产品/服务 描述产品和服务的创新特性 用数据说明企业所在市场的规模、成长性 创业原因和公司主要发展经历 证明人证明人身份 联系电话


英文MBA推荐信模板 november 2, 2008 letter of reference: kathleen floyd dear prospective employer: this is a letter of recommendation for kathleen floyd. i have only known kathleen since may, 2008 but i believe she is one of the finest students i have ever had. i highly recommend her to you. kathleen took my introductory accountancy course in may. she excelled, earning a high a. i was impressed with her intelligent and insightful questions, by her understanding of fairly complex issues, her work ethic, interpersonal skills and team skills. it is abundantly clear that kathleen is a top student. at the university of shaaxi at xian, china she earned a business administration degree and was the top ranked student. students like her and wanted to participate with her. even though she is so bright and has a tremendous work ethic, she is also a great person. she is easy to talk


博士生导师推荐信范文(中英文版) being a professor in shanghai finance and economics university, i had given six lectures to hua sheng as an auditing teacher when she studied accountancy there as her second major, and had been her supervisor when she worked as an intern in my credit rating company. she had listened to me so attentively that many of the cases we studied in class were applied to her work effectively. i was really impressed by hua sheng’s performance during her five-week internship. in order to be more competent in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assume more tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular employees. however hard the tasks were, she always managed to fulfill them with flying colors. such devotion to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers. as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in addition to her remarkable learning ability, hua sheng was capable of doing some of the basic businesses in the company, and thus understanding the know-how of accounting more profoundly. she visited and researched fifteen companies in all, big or small, home or abroad, within the
