英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一Unit1FriendshipPeriod2 Reading

英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一Unit1FriendshipPeriod2 Reading
英语优秀教学案(人教版):必修一Unit1FriendshipPeriod2 Reading


Unit 1 Friendship

Period 2Reading


Get the students to learn different reading skills.


Get the students to learn different reading skills for different reading purposes.


1. Task-based teaching and learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion


The multimedia and other normal teaching tools


Knowledge aims:

1. Get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions:reason list share feeling Netherlands German series outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors share. . . with. . . go through hide away set down a series of be crazy about on purpose in order to in one’s power face to face according to

2. Help the students to find the words and phrases that they find most difficult and help them to understand.

Ability aims:

Help the students develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming, scanning and so on.

Emotional aims:

Enable the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship, value the friendship between friends by learning the reading text and tell true friends from false friends in their lives.


Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students what a friend is.

Step 2 Lead-in

Enjoy the song That’s What Friends Are For with the students. Ask the students to find out what it is about.

Step 3 Pre-reading

Ask the students the following questions so as to begin to focus students’ attention on the main topic of the reading passage.

1. Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List the good qualities a good friend should have.

3. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?

4. Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object? Why or why not?

(The teacher can also tell students some background before starting to read. This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. They killed many Jews. To avoid being killed, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This is what Anne’s family did. )

Step 4 Reading

1. Get the students to try to guess what Anne’s friend was and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick look at the pictures in this passage without reading it.

2. Get the students to skim the first two paragraphs to confirm their guessing.

3. Have the class to read the passage silently and then ask them to answer the following questions.

1)What was Anne’s best friend? Why did she make friends with it?

2)Did she have any other true friends then? Why?

3)What is the difference between Anne’s diary and those of most people?

4)Do you keep a diary? What do you think most people set down in their diaries?

5)We are going to read one of Anne’s diaries, but before reading, can you tell me what the diary is about with the help of one key sentence in the second paragraph?

4. Reading Anne’s diary

1)While reading, guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse.

2)After reading, ask the students how Anne felt in the hiding place and get them to give the two examples to show her feelings then.

3)Choose the best answer according to the diary.

(1)Anne made friends with her diary because______________.

A. she didn’t like her other friends

B. she was a shy girl

C. she trusted nobody

D. she didn’t have a chance to communicate with her friends

(2)From the diary we can infer that______________.

A. Anne was a girl who loves nature

B. Anne was good at writing diaries

C. Anne was longing for a normal life and she especially missed going outside and enjoying nature

D. Anne had good observation in her daily life

(3)Why did Anne and her family have to hide?

A. Because they were not Germans.

B. Because they were asked to do so.

C. Because they did something bad.

D. Because they were Jewish.

(4)What is the author’s attitude towards Anne in this passage?

A. Angry.

B. Happy.

C. Sorry.

D. Disappointed.

(5)What is Anne’s tone from her diary?

A. Sad.

B. Hopeful.

C. Disappointed

D. Angry.

(6)What made Anne crazy about nature?

A. Her interest in nature.

B. She had no friends.

C. She couldn’t get outdoors for a long time.

D. She could do nothing but watch nature.

Suggested answers:(1)D(2)C(3)D(4)C(5)A(6)C

4)Ask the students to read the diary again and try to retell it. The retelling must include the information required below:

Sample retelling:

The diary by Anne, a Jewish girl, gave a glimpse of her life during her family’s shelter in Amsterdam from the German Nazis’ killing in the Second World War. She treated the diary as her best friend, and in it she revealed her longing for a normal life and close contact with nature, which helped her get through the days.

Step 4 Reading aloud

Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow. Make sure the students phrase long sentences correctly by pausing at suitable places.

Step 5 Post-reading

1. Get the students to do the exercises in the part Comprehending.

This part helps students further understand the text by doing multiple choices, questions and answers, and matching.

2. Group work

Think about and work in groups to discuss the following questions.

1)What would you do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperor did not like?

2)Where would you plan to hide?

3)How would you arrange to get food given to you every day?

4)What would you do to pass the time?

Step 6 Consolidation

1. Books shut. Get the students to tell something about Anne.

2. Books open. Get the students to discover useful words and expressions from the part Reading to complete the following sentences.

Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.

1)She has grown______________ about computer games.

2)Was it an accident or did David do it on______________?

3)From the beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be______________(完全地) in control.

4)He used to work______________ even in the middle of winter.

5)______________ get her boyfriend to find her, she______________ for many years.

6)______________ what he said, we can draw a conclusion that he just told______________ white lies.

7)Born in a poor family, the president______________ lots of hardships in his childhood.

8)A diary is often kept to______________ what happens in people’s daily lives.

9)When they met with each other on a quiet evening at the end of the street, they said nothing______________.

First get the students to do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.

Suggested answers:1)crazy2)purpose3)entirely4)outdoors5)In order not to, hid away6)According to, a series of7)went through8)set down9)face to face

Step 7 Homework

1. Read the passage again and try to retell it.

2. Finish off the related Workbook exercises.

3. Write one or two sentences to express your understanding of friends and friendship.

Ending Let’s listen and sing the song That’s What Friends Are For together


Unit 1Friendship

Anne’s Best Friend

Paragraphs Main Ideas Useful words and


Paragraph 1 Anne made her diary her best friend

whom she could tell everything. Feeling go through. . .

Paragraph 2 during the time she and her family had

to hide away for a long time.

hide away set down a

series of. . .

Anne’s di ary Having been kept indoors for so long,

Anne grew so crazy about everything

to do with nature.

crazy nature on

purpose in order to

dare face to face. . .


英语优秀教学案例六篇 英语课堂上的“不速之客” 浙江省温岭市第四中学郑美芬 思考的问题 1.怎样将课堂突发事件与教学任务结合起来? 2.怎样运用突发事件适时巧妙地抓住语言情景进行交际? 3.如何适当地利用当前社会呈现的热点现象或发生在学生们身边的事情在教学过程中对学生进行思想与情感教育 引言 教育技巧的必要特征之一就是要有随机应变的能力。有了这种能力,教师才能避免刻板和公式化,才能估量此时此地的情况和特点,以意外造意外,运用适当的手段从意外中得到更大的收获。其次,此次英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合运用语言能力,使学生形成积极的情感态度,并且主动地思考、大胆地实践,最终形成自主学习的能力。作为教师,既要教给与培养学生参与未来社会生活所必须的知识与能力,又要善于挖掘发生在我们身边的活教材,并发掘其潜在的情感因素,自然而然地在教学的过程中进行德育渗透。 背景 初三升学复习在有序地进行着。这是本学期一节普通但又不寻常的初三英语复习课。那天天下着雨。说它普通,是因为它只是我们按照教学进度,对宾语从句进行复习;说它不寻常是因为这节课给学生和我都留下了太多的思考与回味。按照平时的句型复习课,我先让学生复习回忆宾语从句的结构特征,然后进行句型操练,课堂气氛很沉闷。然而,一位学生的年老的姥姥的出现,改变了我整节课的气氛和教学效果。下半堂课,我简直是如鱼得水,在一边利用突发事件中的这个活教材让学生在应用中复习好了宾语从句的同时,一边又把本月的节日“妇女节”及本月学校的德育教育主题“懂得感动,学会感恩”引到课堂当中来,在复习语法句型的同时,对学生进行思想教育,可谓一举两得。 事件经过 上课一开始,我让学生回忆宾语从句这种句型的结构特征,然后准备让学生进行句型操练。我让每个学生说出一个含有宾语从句的句子。学生们一个个冥思苦想。在几个学生说出了几个含有宾语从句的句子后,其他学生似乎一下子想不出什么可以说的句子了,一个个眼睛看着教室里的天花板作苦思状。突然,一位老太太出现在教室的门口。她叫了我一声老师并朝我笑了一下,然后就径直走到她的外孙女Lulu的身边(或许她早已看到了坐在第一桌的外孙女),并对她的外孙女说:“这个包里有一件新的毛衣,另外这咳嗽药每顿饭后都要吃,学习要努力,听老师的话,菜要吃得好一点,晚上早点睡,社会成绩有没有提高,体育锻炼进展得如何了……”。然后,她又转身对我说:“老师,孩子麻烦你了。谢谢你了……”。姥姥的说话声使得学生无法集中思想想出刚才正在思考的含有宾语从句的句子,有的学生在抿着嘴笑,有的在窃窃私语,课堂顿时一片哄乱。我想马上给学生一顿批评,要求他们集中思想。可转念一想,这样势必会使原本就枯燥的复习课气氛更加紧张,学生就更不愿意开口说英语了,这样会不利于课堂活动的展开。另外,我考虑到老太太从乡下来一趟也不容易,Lulu的父母又都在上海打工,就让她把要说的话都彻彻底底地跟外孙女都吩咐完吧。于是,我笑着对学生说:“请大家认真听这位姥姥说的话,待会我们来一个Memory Challenge。”学生们都静了下来,好奇地望着我,不知我葫芦里卖的是什么药。老太太交待完要与自己的外孙女说的话后,终于十分放心地走出了教室。接下来,我布置给学生一个任务:老太太刚才都说了些什么,问了些什么?看哪一位同学记得最多最牢?学生们个个都争先恐后回答,为自己赢得分数。在学生的回答中,我发现学生都运用了“She said that…”,“She asked if/whether…”和“She asked what/ why/how…”这几个句型。既然学生都能说出并运用宾语从句了,那么本节复习课的语言教学目标就达到了。接着,我


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.


Unit 4 Earthquake 1、shake v.&n. ①v t.&vi.(shook, shaken) 摇动;震动;颤抖; shake hands with sb /shake sb’ s hand / shake sb. by the hand 与…握手 shake one’ s head at sb 朝某人摇头(表否定, 怀疑, 悲伤, 不赞成等) shake with…. 因…..而颤抖 e.g.: a. shake with laughter, fear, rage, etc 笑得, 吓得, 气得……打颤 b. shake with cold 冻得发抖 shake one’ s fist at sb 向某人挥拳表示愤怒或恐吓. e.g.: a. shake the bottle before using. 使用之前请摇动瓶子. b. The earthquake shook the building. 地震使房子振动. ②n. [ c ] (多用单数) 摇动; 震动; e.g.: a shale pf the head 摇头 辨析: shake, tremble ,quake ①shake 为常用词, 表示短促而迅速地上下往来摇动. ②tremble 尤指身体因恐惧、激动或愤怒轻微、快速、不由自主地颤抖. e.g.: tremble with rage, excitement etc trembling hands 颤抖的手 ③quake 较为正式, 常同tremble ,但含“猛烈”的意思. e.g.: quake with fear/cold 因恐惧[寒冷]而颤抖. △quake n. (口) == earthquake 练习: The boy shook his mother’s hand. →The boy shook hand. 2、right away == at once / without delay. 毫不耽搁地;不可用于进行时态. e.g.: I’ll write to him right away. right now == immediately / in no time / in a moment / at this very moment / at present 立刻;在此时;在此刻. 在作“在此时”, “在此刻”讲时,可用于进行时态. e.g.: He’s writing a novel right now. 2、rise vi. (rose; risen) ①(太阳, 月亮, 星星等)升起;出现; == go up / come up 反义→set ②(物价, 东西等)上涨;上升; == go up / increase(vi.) 反义→go down / fall / drop rise to 上升到; rise by 上升了; ③(人等)站起来,起床,起身. rise to one’s feet == stand up 站起来 raise sb to one’s feet 把某人扶起来 early to bed and early to rise 早睡早起 n. 升起;升高;增加=increase give rise to sth 引起;导致; == cause sth / lead to / result in / bring about sth give sb a rise 给某人涨工资;提职; the rise and fall of the British Empire 大英帝国的兴衰 e.g.: a. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

小学英语优秀课例 What can you see-教案

小学英语优秀课例 What can you see? 教案 What can you see? Teaching aims: 1.能听懂、会说本课新单词。 2.能听懂、会说本课对话。 3.能运用“What can you see?”“I can see…”询问及提供所见事物的信息。 Teaching points: 1.熟练地运用句型谈论所见事物。 2.a和the的区别。 Teaching procedures: Step 1Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.表演唱英语童谣。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. 出示课文A部分教学挂图。 T: What can you see? You can hear this sentence very often in the class. Mis…always show you a picture and ask you what you can see in the picture. Do you remember? Now you can learn how to answer the question in this

unit. Look at the picture and tell me what you can see here. 从课堂中常用到“What can you see?”一句入手,引导学生们轻松地掌握句型,并帮助他们完整地回答:“I can see…”。 2. 出示单词卡片the sky,板书单词,并解释其含义。带读。 T: Why do we say“the sky”,but not “a sky”? 启发学生思考此处the与a表示的涵义有何不同。说明当某事物是独一无二地存在时,一般使用定冠词the。 T: What can you see in the sky? Ss: We can see birds in the sky. T: Have you ever been to the sea? It’s a very beautiful place. It’s bigger than the lake. 板书单词the sea,解释其含义,说明与lake的区别,并带读。让学生练读。 3. 听录音,跟读。 4. 分组练习。分角色表演。 Step 3 Practice 游戏——Dragon game(接龙游戏) T: What can you see in the classroom? S1: I can see a blackboard. What can you see in the


Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading&Comprehending 学习目标》1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会根据人物心理活动理解课文的方法。3.深刻理解拥有大自然和自由的美好;激情投入,疯狂朗读。 重点:理解人物心理活动。难点:长难句分析。 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 2.完成时间30分钟。 I 背景展现 This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied(占据)most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933,。1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to concentration camps(集中营)farther east, mostly in Poland. families were separates and transported in trains For many. days,they went without food,water,sanitation(卫生)or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis. 一、一轮阅读做题目


全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计 小学英语PEP4 Unit4 B What’s the Weather? 信息技术与英语学科整合 一、教案背景 1,面向学生:□中学√小学 2,学科、年级、课题:小学英语四年级PEP4 Unit4 B 部分第一课时 3,课时数:1课时 4,学情分析与课前准备: 学情分析Analysis of students 我校四年级的学生在信息技术技能应用方面已经比较熟练,有一定的计算机操作 能力,加上他们对英语学习很有兴趣,具有一定的听、说、读、写的能力。教师在设 计活动时,要注重从学生的实际出发,活动的形式和内容要符合他们的心理、生理特 点和认知水平。同时注重学生自学能力以及培养学生上机操作的实践能力,培养学生 的动手能力,提高收集和处理信息的能力,以及他们用英语思维,分析问题和解决问 题的能力。 课前准备Preparations: a. 根据学习主题,设置子任务 b. 查询有关天气的网站,下载必要资料到局域网中进行整理。 c. 安装本课时配套课件,设置共享。 c. 制作具有可交互性的课件,并能在网络上共享。 d. 鼓励学生在课余时间上网搜索有关国家、城市的有关知识。 二、教学目标Teaching aims 1、知识目标:(1)能听说认读单词rainy、windy、sunny、cloudy (2)能听懂,会说:Here’s the world weather. It’s rainy/…in London/… (3)能访问教师机,利用教师机共享资源 2、语言技能目标:(1)能够用英语简单谈论天气情况。 (2)能听懂Let’s do部分的句子,并能按指令做动作. 3、情感态度目标:培养学生友好协作的精神和乐观自信的学习态度。 4、学习策略目标:积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流;注意观察生活和媒体中使用的简单英语;鼓励自主、合作、探究的学习行为。 5、文化意识目标:利用谈论天气,了解不同国家的特色建筑,自然风光,感受世界 风情,培养健康的世界观。 三、教材分析 本课内容是以PEP小学英语第四册第四单元B部分的第一课为蓝本来设计,是一

江苏省启东中学高一必修一英语学案 Module 1 Unit 1 语言点_1

Module 1 Unit 1 Language points Welcome to the unit 1.What is your dream school life like ? 你理想的学校生活是什么样的? ①What is / are sth. like ? ……是什么样的?=How is / are sth.? What is the weather like today ?=How is the weather today ? ②What is / are sb. like ? 某人长得是什么样的(从外貌角度)?/ 某人的人品怎么样? —What is his father like ? 他的父亲长得是什么样子?/ 他爸爸的为人怎么样? —He is tall and handsome . / He is honest and friendly . ③What does sb like? ---What does he like? ---He likes basketball. 【联想拓展】 How do you find /like…? 你认为……怎么样?What do you think of …? feel like (doing) sth:想要做…… I don’t feel like ______ . (有几个答案选几个) A. to eat anything B. eating anything C. any food D. eat food 【思维演练】 ①______ will the future life _______ _______ ? A. How; like B. What ; be like C. What ; is like D. How ; be like ②—How did you find the art show last Sunday ? —____________. A. Wonderful B. By asking a man C. Wonderfully D. I didn’t know the way ③—________do you think of my work ? —Great / Wonderful / Excellent . A. How B. What C. How much D. Who ④---How did you find your way here this morning ? ---__________. A. Wonderful B. Easily C. By asking a policeman for help D. By bike Reading 1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. Going ….是动名词短语作主语。exciting 是分词作定语 My daughter’s staying up so late worried me.= It worried me that my daughter stayed up late. 【思维演练】: ①__________ languages requires time and effort. A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Being learned ②---“What made you so upset?” ---“_________ three tickets to the pop music concert.” A. Lost B. Losing C. Because of losing D. Since I lost ③____the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The president’s attending 2.This means I could get up an hour later than usual. (1) mean a..意味着~doing/n/that clause b. 意欲,打算~to do sth 【思维演练:】 ①---That would mean ____ much more money.---Really? I don’t mean ____ any more money. A. wasting ; wasting B. to waste; to waste C. to waste; wasting D. wasting; to waste ②In some parts of London,missing a bus means ____for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting


Unit1 Friendship part 1 (new words) Learning Aims(学习目标): 1.Understand the meaning and usage of words in warming-up and reading 了解并掌握重点词汇 2.Practice using some important words in bold . Learning importance (学习重点): key words Learning procedure:: 1.add up合计,加起来;合情理 add up to加起来达到,总计为;add to增添add...to...把……加到……里 eg. 1.Add up your score and see how many points you get. 累加你的分数, 看你得多少分。 2.The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字的总和恰好是100。 Exercise: The heavy rain _________the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.大雨增加了营救被掩埋群众的困难。 2.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;v. upset,upset,upsetting 使不安;使心烦;打乱;扰乱;打翻be upset about/at/over为……烦恼It upsets sb.that...让某人心烦的是…… eg. 1.There is no point being upset about it. 犯不着为此事而难过。 2.I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. 对不起, 我没想要让你不高兴。 3.It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about that.让他不高兴的是, 谁也没把那件事告诉他。 4.She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. 他的不辞而别让她感到不安。 夯实基础 (1)用upset的适当形式填空 ①She sounded _______________when I said you couldn’t come. 3.ignore v.不理睬;忽视;不顾 ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道out of ignorance出于无知ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant of不知道…… eg.1. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你会不顾铃声, 而是去某个安静的地方安慰你的朋友。 2.We can’t afford to ignore their advice. 我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。 夯实基础(1)用ignore的适当形式填空 ①They fought a long battle against prejudice and_______________. 4.calm adj.镇静的,沉着的(not excited,upset,etc.);风平浪静的;无风的;v.(使)平静,(使)镇静calm sb.down使某人平静下来keep/be/stay calm保持镇静calm down平静 镇静 下来 eg. 1.We waited inside until things calmed down. 我们待在室内等着, 直到一切都恢复了平静。 2.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深深吸了几口气, 使自己平静下来。 3.It is important to keep calm in the face of danger. 在面临危险时, 保持镇静是重要的。Exercise:(1)I t is not easy to ____ the excited man _____. 5.concern v.影响 ;涉及 与……有关 be connected with ;让 某人 担忧 be worried about ;n.担心,忧虑;关心concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的;感兴趣的as far as sb.be concerned就某人而言 concerning prep.关于 eg.1.Can you tell us what concerns you most? 你能告诉我们什么让你最担忧吗? 2.More and more people are showing concern for the safety of school buses.越来越多的人在关注校车的安全问题。 3.As far as I’m concerned, I disagree with his idea. 就我个人而言, 我不同意他的想法。Exercise: It is love and __________that have brought about the great changes. 6.go through经历,经受 experience ;仔细查看 go o ver ; 法律等 通过;用完 use up ;浏览 look through get through通过;接通电话;用完look through浏览;往……里面看break through冲破;突破 eg.1.The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died. 这个可怜的女孩自父母去世后经历了许多苦难。 2.The doctor will go through the operation soon. 那位医生很快就会做完手术了。 3.I went through the students’ papers last night. 昨晚我仔细阅读了学生们的论文。 7.set down放下 put down ;记下 write down ;登记;让……下车 set off动身;引爆;引起set up竖立;建立;张贴set an example树立榜样be set in以……为背景eg.1.You had better set down your idea before you forget it. 你最好把你的想法写下来, 以免忘记。2.She has set a good example for us. Exercise: 1.The bus stopped to _____________an old lady. 公共汽车停下来让一位老太太下车。 2.Please help me _____________the names of all the students. 请帮我把所有学生的名字都登记下来。 8.in order to为了 in order not to do...为了不做…so as to do...为了做…in order that/so that后接从句,为了…… eg 1.In order to pass the exam, he studied even harder. 为了通过考试, 他学习更加努力。 2.He went to sleep early in order to get up early the next day. 为了第二天早起, 他早早地就睡觉了。Exercise: 1..__________________encourage the students to take outdoor exercise ,our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. 为了鼓励学生进行户外锻炼,我们学校在四月十号组织了爬山。 特别提醒 in order to与so as to都可以表示目的,但so as to不能用于句首,而in order to既可置于句首,也可置于句中。两者都可转换成in order that/so that引导的状语从句。 9.power n.能力;力量;权力;动力 come to/into power掌权;上台in one’s power在某人的掌控中


HOME--全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录) 一、Warm—up 1、Have a great T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr . Ss: Wang. T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello!(老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello! Boys and girls.(老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Good! 2、 Do the actions. T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok? Ss: Ok! T do the actions and Ss say it after. Ss: Get up. T: You are first. One point. Ok! Ss: Brush teeth. T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one. Ss: Wash face. T: And this one. Ss: Have breakfast.

人教版高中英语必修一学案:Unit4 课文学案

整篇文章按照时间顺序描写了1976年发生在唐山的大地震,全文可以分成三个部分:第一部分为第一段,主要描述地震前夕,唐山地区发生的一系列反常的现象,这些都是地震前的预兆,可惜在当时并没有引起人们的注意和警觉;第二部分为第二、三段,主要讲20世纪最大的一场地震就在唐山市发生了,短短15秒钟的地震就几乎将整个城市夷为平地,伤亡人数达到40多万,幸存者感到悲哀的同时又产生了惊恐和不安;第三部分为第四段,主要讲地震后,解放军的救援和全国各地的支援使得被地震摧毁的城市又开始得以复苏。理清文章的结构后,请回答以下问题: ①How do you understand the title “A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”? Could you explain it in your own words? ②What were the signs of a coming disaster? ③What happened to the city when the earthquake struck? ④How were the survivors helped? (1) For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. 三天来,村里的井水升升降降,起起伏伏。 rise (vi.)______/_______pt/pp ________________________ Flood waters are still rising. ★raise (vt.) ________/________pt/pp ___________________________


优秀小学英语教学案例 HOME--全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖 一、Warm—up 1、Have a great T: Hello! Boys and girls, I’m glad to meet you here. At first I’ ll introduce myself. My first name is Wang, so you can call me Mr . Ss: Wang. T: Ok. Now please show me a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang.(手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello!(老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Hello! Boys and girls.(老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼) Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T: Good! 2、Do the actions. T: Ok, now, this time, look at me. I will stand here and do the actions. P lease say it after and let’s see who is the first. Ok? Ss: Ok! T do the actions and Ss say it after. Ss: Get up. T: You are first. One point. Ok! Ss: Brush teeth. T: You’re number 1. Ok. And this one. Ss: Wash face. T: And this one. Ss: Have breakfast. T: And this one Ss: Rollerblade. T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports. Ss: Play basketball. T: Play basketball. Ss: Sing a song. T: And this one. Oh. Ss: Play computer games.


Unit1 Friendship单词学案 重点词汇学习 ①Add up your score and see how many points you get. add up –to join numbers, amount, etc. so as to find the total Add up all the money I owe you. The waiter ca n’t add up. 这个服务员不会算账。 【拓展】 add to 增加The bad weather added to our difficulties. add…to…往…添加…Will you add more sugar to your coffee? add up to 总计达His whole school education added up to no more than one year. add v.加;增加;加起来,又说,补充说 If the tea is too strong, add some more hot water. “I don’t believe it,” he added. ★addition n.增加;加法;增加物 in addition 另外I don’t like playing golf; in addition, I do not have enough money for it. in addition to除了In addition to writing, I also enjoy rock climbing. ②Your friend comes to school very upset. upset adj. --- worried I was very upset because one of my friends was rude to me.


中学英语优秀案例 案例描述(1): 教师激励性的评价语言在课堂上不仅能调动学生的学习积极性,增强学生的自信心,同时也能活跃课堂气氛,形成师生互动的教学氛围。如在学习“although…”这一语言点的时候,有学生出现了这样的句子:“although I’m not very clever, but I still work hard every day.”我对他说:“I think you are already very clever, because you can say such a great sentence.”而后,我又问全班同学:“don’t you think he is a clever boy?”此时全班同学齐声答到:“yes!”接着,我又问:“but can you find the difference between his sentence and the one on the blackboard?”几秒钟的思考之后,许多同学发现了错误,回答到“ there should be no but in the sentence.”在一个轻松的师生互动过程中,学生的成绩得到了充分的肯定,积极性、自信心得到了提高,同时他们通过自己的努力,解决了一个重要的语言难点与重点,并且留下了深刻的印象。 案例描述(2): 世界上的各种语言在一定程度上有着共同的特点,英语作为一门语言课程,与中文一样也应注重启、承、转、和。教师在处理各个教学环节的时候,应该注意每个环节之间的衔接与过度,这样才能使整个教学过程形成一个有机的整体,避免给人支离破碎的感觉。如,当学生准备对话表演的时候,我巡视了整个教室。当他们准备就绪的时候,我说到:“ it’s so amazing. because when i was walking around the classroom, i found some interesting dialogues. do you want to share them with me?”“ of course.”学生们兴奋地回答到。自然而然地我们一起进入了下一个教学环节----对话表演与展示。两个教学步骤之间的过度水到渠成,不露痕迹。 案例分析: 这是一则充满童话色彩的故事。故事在幸运女神 (the luck fairy)和一对贫苦夫妻 ( fred and doris) 之间的对话中展开,主要教学内容是让步状语从句。当我最初接触到文章的时候,我把教学线索设计为“wishes”(愿望),以情感作为一根主线贯穿整堂课。可是,第一次试讲的失败,让我重新反思了自己的教学设计,认识到:没有语言支撑的教学是非常单薄无力的,是行不通的。重新备课之后,语言点的教学与训练成为了教学的出发点。因此,在创设真实的语言环境的前提下,课前的热身,新课的导入,课文的梳理,课外的延伸等等一系列的教学环节围绕着语言点展开,联系紧密,环环相扣, 整个教学过程一气呵成,自然流畅,学生对语言点的掌握也令人满意,他们能运用新的语言解决问题,表达自己的思想。 当然在运用语言的过程中,学生会出现各种各样的问题与错误,因此在课堂上,我特别重视对学生的表现及时做出评价,给予鼓励。语言学习应该使学生形成用英语思维的习惯,在语言情景中使用语言知识,在真实的语言环境中,进行语言的迁移。我认为这种教学措施既活跃了学生的思维,丰富了学生的语言,同时也进行了情感教育。 点评
