

research methods

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Authors and presenters are responsible for how medi?cal research is interpreted and communicated. Often their work is the product of collaborations with other individuals (such as clinical investigators, biostatisticians, and professional medical writers) from around the world. Some or all of the people who contribute to this col?laboration may be employees of research sponsors, con?tract research organisations, or medical communications agencies that may be funded by pharmaceutical, medi?cal device, or biotechnology companies. The authors, collaborators, and organisations share responsibility for developing articles and presentations in a responsible and ethical manner.

The good publication practice (GPP2) guidelines pre?sented here make recommendations that will help indi?viduals and organisations maintain ethical practices and comply with current requirements when they contribute to the communication of medical research sponsored by companies. These guidelines apply to peer reviewed jour?nal articles and presentations at scientific congresses.evolving standards

The conduct and communication of medical research, including that sponsored by companies, continues to be criticised.1?5 Since 2003, when the original good publica?tion practice guidelines were published,6 the environment in which medical research is reported has evolved. The Declaration of Helsinki, updated in 2008, places accuracy and completeness among the primary ethical obligations of individuals communicating medical research, and sug?gests that “reports of research not in accordance with [its] principles should not be accepted for publication.”7 Infor?mation about clinical trials, i ncluding results, is being made accessible in new ways driven by regulations and guidelines from around the world.8?15 Standards for the accurate publication and presentation of research have also evolved,16 and new or updated codes of practice have been developed (table 1). The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (,) has been established and certifies the practice of indi?viduals developing articles and presentations sponsored

by companies. These guidelines were written in light of these developments.


The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals invited members with over 10 years of experience in biomedical publishing to develop these guidelines (figure). The 14 members named as con?tributors to this article responded to the invitation and formed the steering committee. The steering committee reviewed the original guidelines,6 discussed items to be included in the revised guidelines (GPP2), and wrote the draft guidelines.

The steering committee recruited an international consultation panel by direct invitation and multiple open requests for volunteers. The draft guidelines were circulated to the 193 people who agreed to be part of the consultation panel for comment. The consultation process was conducted in confidence (table 2).

The 116 sets of comments submitted were blinded

and collated, and members of the steering committee


John Wiley & Sons, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford OX4 2DQ 2

Johnson & Johnson

Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Raritan, NJ, USA 3

Excerpta Medica, Elsevier, London 4

Dunblane 5

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE, USA 6

LifeScan, Milpitas, CA, USA 7

Field Advantage Medical

Communications, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Pfizer Collegeville, PA, USA PharmaWrite, Princeton, NJ, USA Cephalon, Frazer, PA, USA Newtown, PA, USA

Correspondence to: C Graf chris.graf@,

Accepted: 13 October 2009

Cite this as: BMJ 2009;339:b4330doi: 10.1136/bmj.b4330

Good publication practice for communicating company sponsored medical research: the GPP2 guidelines

Chris Graf,1 Wendy P Battisti,2 Dan Bridges,3 Victoria Bruce-Winkler,4 Joanne M Conaty,5 John M Ellison,6 Elizabeth A Field,7 James A Gurr,8 Mary-Ellen Marx,9 Mina Patel,10 Carol Sanes-Miller,5 Yvonne E Yarker,11 for the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals

In response to changes in the environment in which authors, presenters, and other contributors work together to communicate medical research the international society for medical publication professionals has updated the good publication practice guidelines

Methods used to write GPP2

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assessed and ranked them on:

? The frequency of comments received on a particular line number

? The critical or beneficial rating given by members of the consultation panel

? The steering committee member’s interpretation of the importance of the comments.

Ranked comments submitted by steering committee members were combined into a composite rank, which was used to create the final guidelines.

guidelines and recommendations

Roles and responsibilities

Written agreement

W e recommend that companies describe obligations for good publication practice in written publication a greements with authors of articles or presentations and with members of writing groups or publication steering committees. W e recommend that the written agreement confirms the sponsors’ responsibilities to:

? Grant authors full access to study data

? Confirm the authors’ freedom to make public or publish the study results

? Provide authors with copies of the sponsor’s publication policy.

W e recommend that the written agreement confirms the authors’ responsibilities to:

? Plan and produce articles or presentations that are accurate and complete in a timely manner

? Avoid premature publication or release of study information

? Avoid duplicate publication

? Make decisions about practical issues concerning presentation and publication (for example, choice of congress or journal)

? Disclose potential conflicts of interest in all articles and presentations

? Identify funding sources in all articles and presentations

? Ensure authorship is attributed appropriately

? Acknowledge in all articles and presentations all significant contributions made by individuals and organisations

? Provide the sponsor with copies of publication policies from the authors’ institutions

W e recommend that the written agreement confirms the shared responsibilities of all contributors, including authors and sponsors, and that it:

? Confirms that sponsors will work with investigators, authors, and contributors to report and publish studies in a timely and responsible manner

? Defines the criteria that will be used to determine authorship for articles and presentations

table 1 |New or updated codes of practice since 2003

International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (,)Code of ethics

Position statement: the role of the professional medical writer

Association of American Medical Colleges (,)Report of task force on industry funding of medical education

American Medical Writers Association (,)Code of ethics

Position statement: the contribution of medical writers to scientific publications Committee on Publication Ethics (,)Multiple resources for editors

Council of Science Editors (,)White paper on promoting integrity in scientific journal publications

Elsevier (,/wps/find/editorshome.editors/Introduction)Publishing ethics resource kit

European Medical Writers Association (,)Guidelines on the role of medical writers in developing peer reviewed publications EQUATOR Network (,)Reporting guidelines—for example, CONSORT, STROBE, QUOROM/PRISMA, STARD, MOOSE Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (,)Conflicts of interest in biomedical research—the FASEB guidelines

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (,)Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: writing and editing for

biomedical publication

Institute of Medicine (,/CMS/3740/47464/65721.aspx)Conflict of interest in medical research, education, and practice

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (,/ fileadmin/pdfs/webnews/Revised_Joint_Industry_Position_26Nov08.pdf)Joint position on the disclosure of clinical trial information via clinical trial registries and databases

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (,/


Pharmacoeconomic guidelines around the world

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (,)Principles on conduct of clinical trials and communication of clinical trial results World Association of Medical Editors (,/resources /policies)WAME policy statements prepared by the editorial policy committee, including conflict of

interest in peer reviewed medical journals

Wiley-Blackwell (,/bw/publicationethics)Best practice guidelines on publication ethics: a publisher’s perspective

table 2 |Consultation on first draft of GPP2

Place of work No invited or

volunteered No agreed to comment No who commented

Academic centre or university1044 Journal editor1187 Journal publisher1852 Medical communication agency, freelance medical writer119*8352 Drug, medical device, or biotechnology company109?76?43 Professional organisation21178 *One email invitation was sent but not delivered.

?Two email invitations were sent but not delivered.

?One person was lost between invitation and opening of the consultation period.

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? Confirms that the sponsor and the investigators will be informed about the publication process

? Provides protection to parties with intellectual property rights, and establishes a reasonable period before study results are made public for intellectual property rights to be protected

? Establishes the right of the sponsor to review, in a timely manner, articles and abstracts before they are submitted, and to share scientific comments with the authors

? Describes what, if any, support for the development of the article or presentation will be provided

? Establishes a process founded on honest scientific debate as the means to resolve scientific differences in interpretation of findings or study presentation ? Establishes that all articles and presentations will conform to good publication practice and other recognised standards (table 1)

W e recommend that written agreements for articles and presentations from research studies are made at the earliest opportunity—for example, when the protocol is finalised. Written agreements for other articles and presentations (for example, meta?analyses, sub?analyses, review articles) should be made before the authors begin work.

Written agreements must respect the institutional poli?cies of authors, investigators, and other contributors, as well as those of the sponsor. Individuals must not be asked to violate the policies of their institutions. Access to data

Sponsors have a responsibility to share the data and the analyses with the investigators who participated in the study. Sponsors must provide authors and other con?tributors (for example, members of a publication steer?ing committee or professional medical writers) with full access to study data and should do so before the manuscript writing process begins or before the first external presentation of the data. Information provided to the authors should include study protocols, statisti?cal analysis plans, statistical reports, data tables, clinical study reports, and results intended for posting on clinical trial results websites. Sufficient time should be allowed for authors and contributors to review and interpret the data provided and to seek further information if they wish (for example, access to raw data tables or the study database).


It may be appropriate for companies to reimburse rea?sonable out of pocket expenses (for example, travel expenses) incurred by contributors or pay for special?ised services such as statistical analysis. Details of this reimbursement must be disclosed. W e recommend that no honorariums are paid for authorship of peer reviewed articles or presentations.

Publication steering committee

It may be useful to form a publication steering commit?tee of authors and contributors to oversee and produce articles and presentations from a research study. This committee should be a small working group of individu?als; its composition may change over time, and it may include:

? Members of the study steering committee and the protocol development team

? Investigators and other individuals who have expertise in the area and who are willing to interpret the data and write or review articles and presentations

? Employees of, or contributors contracted by, the sponsor company who are involved in the study (for example, clinicians, statisticians, or professional medical writers)

Members of the publication steering committee may become authors, but membership of the committee does not automatically confer authorship. For any given study, we recommend that:

? The publication steering committee is formed early (for example, when the protocol is finalised or at the end of enrolment)

? All study investigators are informed of the committee’s membership and responsibilities

? Authors and contributors agree to their roles in the development of an article or presentation before writing begins.


Recognised criteria should be used to determine which of the contributors to an article or presentation should be identified as authors.

We recommend using the criteria for authorship described in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) uniform requirements (box 1).8 Guidance regarding authorship is also available from the W orld Association of Medical Editors17 and the Council of Science Editors.18 Criteria used to define authorship may vary among journals and congresses, and we recom?mend following individual journal and congress require?ments when these differ from ICMJE criteria. ICMJE criteria allow assignment of authorship to individuals who have contributed to the analysis and interpreta?tion of a study but who may not have contributed to its conception and design. In these instances, or if authors differ from initial plans, particular care should be taken to attribute authorship and to acknowledge contributions appropriately.

W e recommend that authorship criteria are applied consistently to all contributors to an article or presen?tation, including investigators, sponsor employees, and individuals contracted by the sponsor. All authors listed on an article or presentation must fulfil authorship crite?ria, and all those who fulfil the criteria must be listed as

authors. All authors should agree on the order in which

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for the decision to submit for publication”

? Funding sources, if any, for the research and for the article or presentation, such as for the work of a professional medical writer. For example: “The study was funded by YZ Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of drug F. Medical writing services from WX Medical Writing were funded by YZ Pharmaceuticals.”

When journal or congress submission requirements do not allow inclusion of this information within the article or presentation, we recommend that it is included in a letter that accompanies the submission.Professional medical writers

Professional medical writers work with authors to pre?pare abstracts, posters, slides, and manuscripts. They should ensure that authors control and direct writing and that disclosures of funding, potential conflicts of interest, and acknowledgment of contributions are made. They are required to have a good understanding of publica?tion ethics and conventions, and ensure, in part through their collaborations with authors, that their work is scien?tifically appropriate.21?23 Professional medical writers are not ghostwriters. The Association of American Medical Colleges states “transparent writing collaboration with attribution between academic and industry investigators, medical writers and/or technical experts is not ghostwrit?ing.”24 This is echoed by the US Institute of Medicine.25 W e recommend that authors and professional medical writers working with authors use a published checklist to discourage ghostwriting.26

W e recommend that particular care is taken to ensure appropriate acknowledgment of the contributions made by medical writers and to describe their funding. Compa?nies funding the work of medical writers should ensure that writers follow good publication practice. W e refer readers to guidelines from the European Medical Writers Association.23

Working with authors

Professional medical writers must be directed by the lead author from the earliest possible stage (for exam?ple, when the outline is written), and all authors must be aware of the medical writer’s involvement. The medical writer should remain in frequent contact with the authors throughout development of the article or presentation. The authors must critically review and comment on the outline and drafts, approve the final version of the arti?cle or presentation before it is submitted to the journal or congress, approve changes made during the peer review process, and approve the final version before it is published or accepted for presentation. Authors may delegate to the medical writer (or to an assistant) the administrative tasks associated with submitting the article or presentation to a journal or congress.

As authors

Professional medical writers, depending on the con?tributions they make, may qualify for authorship. For example, if a medical writer contributed extensive literature searches and summarised the literature dis?

they appear in an article or presentation (if possible before writing begins) and should agree on any changes in authorship (for example, to ensure authorship reflects actual contributions made) before submission. Before writing begins one author (a lead author, who may also be guarantor) should take the lead for writing and managing each publication or presentation. One author (identified as guarantor) should take overall responsibil?ity for the integrity of a study and its report.

Contributorship and acknowledgments Contributorship and contributors

Interpretation of authorship criteria varies, and using a contributorship model to describe who did what helps to remove ambiguity.8 19? 21 W e support this approach and recommend that clear, concise descriptions of the role of each contributor during preparation of the arti?cle or presentation (including but not limited to the authors) are made in an acknowledgment within the article or presentation.

Individual contributions to an article or presenta?tion that should be acknowledged include study con?ception and design, conceiving the idea for an article, conducting or managing a study, collecting data, per?forming statistical analysis, interpreting data, analys?ing published literature, drafting a manuscript, critically reviewing a manuscript, and approving a manuscript. Permission should be obtained from each individual acknowledged.


We recommend that all articles and presentations include an acknowledgment, even if not requested by the journal or congress, to describe:

? Author contributions—for example: “A and B designed the study. C was the study statistician. A and C analysed and interpreted the study data. A reviewed the literature. A, B, and C critically reviewed the manuscript and approved the final version for submission. A accepts overall responsibility for the accuracy of the data, its analysis, and this report”

? Contributions to the article or presentation from people who are not listed as authors, including name and affiliation or employer—for example: “The authors would like to thank D, YZ

Pharmaceuticals, for overall management of the trial and E, WX Medical Writing, for drafting the manuscript”

? The role of the sponsor in the study and its reporting, including how the sponsor was involved in the “study design; collection,

analysis, and interpretation of data; writing the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication.”8 For example: “In collaboration with A and B, YZ Pharmaceuticals, designed the study, analysed, and interpreted the data, and edited the report. Data were recorded at participating clinical centres and maintained by YZ Pharmaceuticals. All authors had full access to the data. The authors had final responsibility

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statements to indicate whether they are the primary arti?cle or first presentation from a study, including for ran?domised clinical trials; epidemiological, observational, and descriptive studies; non?clinical outcomes research studies; and health economics studies.

Authors preparing secondary articles and presenta?tions (including those that describe exploratory second?ary analyses, national or single centre data taken from international or multicentre studies, and alternative anal?yses or pooled analyses of already published data) must avoid duplicate publication. All post?hoc and exploratory analyses must be clearly identified as such.

Authorship of secondary articles and presentations may differ from that of primary articles and presenta?tions from the same study, depending on, for example, the topic of the article or presentation. W e recommend that one or more authors of the primary article from a study contribute to the secondary articles and presenta?tions from the same study.

Duplicate publication

W e recommend that the same study results are not pub?lished in more than one peer reviewed journal article unless:

? The results are substantially re?analysed, re?

interpreted for a different audience, or translated into a different language; and

? The primary publication is clearly acknowledged and cited; and

? The article is clearly presented as an analysis derived from the previously published primary results or is a translation, is not presented as reporting the primary results, and respects copyright law.


Congress guidelines should be followed for presenta?tions that describe study results that have been pre?sented at an earlier congress. W e recommend that, at the time of submission, authors disclose whether the same results will have already been presented at the time of the congress. With approval from the authors of the primary article, research submitted for presenta?tion at national or local meetings may include authors who do not appear on the primary article (for exam?ple, to enable accurate presentation in the appropriate language).

Review articles

W e recommend that review articles are comprehen?sive and that the methods for searching, selecting, and summarising information are clearly stated. We rec?ommend that discussions in review articles founded principally on opinion are clearly identified as such. W e also recommend that care is taken to ensure appro?priate description of contributions from professional medical writers and other contributors, particularly when they may have contributed to the design of a review article or when they may have suggested the idea for the article. W e refer readers to the BMJ ’s “Who prompted this submission?” guidance (box 2).20

covered, and by doing so helped define the scope of a review article, and if he or she is willing to “take public responsibility for relevant portions of the content”8 then he or she may be in a position to meet the remaining ICMJE criteria for authorship.

Conflicts of interest

W e recommend that authors disclose financial rela?tionships (for example, any financial relationships or obligation to the research sponsor or other companies, including contractual relations or consultancy fees for scientific, government, or legal services, or equity in the company) and non?financial relationships (for example, personal relationships, including those of immediate family members, and participation in litigation) that could inappropriately influence or seem to influence professional judgment. W e recommend that these dis?closures are made in all articles submitted for publica?tion in peer reviewed journals, as well as in abstracts and posters submitted to congresses at the time of submission, if space requirements allow, and that they are included in oral presentations and posters at the time of presentation, regardless of whether disclosure is requested by the journal or congress.

For example: “A is a member of a speakers’ bureau, has been a consultant for, and has received research grants from YZ Pharmaceuticals. C is an employee of YZ Pharmaceuticals. B has stated that she has no con?flicts of interest.”

There is no universal standard applied by journals and congresses for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. Until discussions about how to address conflicts of inter?est are resolved,25 27? 29 we recommend authors favour greater, rather than lesser, disclosure.

Recommendations for specific types of articles and presentations

Primary and secondary publications

A primary article is the first full report of a study. W e

recommend that all articles and presentations include

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Reporting standards

W e recommend that authors follow established report?ing standards such as CONSORT, CONSORT for Abstracts, STROBE, PRISMA, MOOSE, and STARD.16 W e offer the following brief recommendations:

? Articles and presentations should be complete, balanced, and clear

? Reference to the unique trial identifier should be included in all articles and presentations that report research from applicable clinical trials

? Interpretation of results should be unbiased, based on findings, and relevant to the audience

? Discussion of results should be unbiased, placed

in the context of other relevant literature, and the evidence cited should be balanced

? Limitations of the study design and methodology should be described

? Studies with related findings should be cited, especially when previous results conflict with the results being reported.

Planning, registering, posting, and documenting

Publication planning

Publication plans can help study sponsors ensure that clinical trial results are communicated by presentation or publication to the scientific and medical community in an effective and timely manner. They can also enable sponsors to identify the timelines and resources neces?sary to meet their obligations for reporting and publish?ing clinical trial results. Authors retain responsibility for decisions about articles and presentations from individual studies, which may be described in a publication plan.

A publication plan should support authors and publi?cation steering committees (if they exist) in their efforts to ensure appropriate, efficient, and complete communica?tion of results by:

? Identifying submission deadlines for relevant congresses and determining which studies are appropriate to present and might have data available in time

? Identifying areas for new publications (for example, subgroup analyses, topics for pooled data analyses, post?hoc analyses, systematic reviews) and the resources required for them, such as statistical analyses

? Avoiding premature release of results

? Avoiding duplicate publication.Before publication

Research sponsors must register and post all applicable clinical trials according to the definitions and timelines required of them by relevant legislation and guidelines.8?15 Posting clinical trial results according to the US Food and Drug Administration Amendment Act of 200710 and the Joint Position on the Disclosure of Clinical T rial Infor-mation,11 whether before or after submission to a peer reviewed journal, should not preclude consideration for p ublication.8

Authors may present clinical study results at con?gresses before publication in a peer reviewed journal. Authors and other parties with access to study results should avoid further and more detailed public reporting before publication in a peer reviewed journal, unless the circumstances are exceptional.

Authors should not submit their work for considera?tion by more than one peer reviewed journal at any one time. All parties should respect embargoes set by jour?nals, congresses, and other media. For example, authors should follow journal instructions when articles are “in press” or published online ahead of print. Documentation

W e recommend that companies, and the organisations or individuals working for them, document how pub?lications are initiated and developed. W e recommend that companies implement policies detailing the types of documentation to be retained, including:

? Agreements to participate in the writing process (for example, signed and dated letter, email)

? Details of intellectual input, direction, and contributions, including comments on drafts (emails, notes from teleconferences) or drafts that contain revisions

? Main versions of the draft, to document how comments on previous versions were incorporated ? W orkflow and timelines that were used to develop the document, including time taken to review and revise the document

? Approval from authors of the final version to be submitted

? Lists of participants other than authors who were allowed to review or comment on the document.

W e recommend that this documentation is maintained for a period defined by the sponsor company’s retention policy.


Articles and presentations following good publication practice will show the characteristics described in table 3. Written agreements using good publication practice will cover, at a minimum, the items described in table 4. The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals initiated

the development of these guidelines. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the authors’ employers. We thank the consultation panel for their comments. We thank Elizabeth Wager, Sideview, for her work on the original guidelines6 that GPP2 updates (some of the earlier guidance remains in these new guidelines) and for her willingness for ISMPP to sponsor the authors to write GPP2. We thank Sheema Sheikh at Excerpta Medica, Elsevier for compiling comments from the consultation.


Jane Moore, Medtronic, and John Draper, Peloton Advantage, were

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table 4 |GPP2 checklist of basic requirements for written publication agreements

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FoodandDrugAdministrationAmendmentsActof2007/default.htm. International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and

11 Associations, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Joint position on the disclosure of clinical trial information via clinical trial registries and databases .,/fileadmin/files/pdfs/EN/Revised_Joint_Industry_Position_Nov_2008.pdf.

Legisalud Argentina. 12 Créase el registro de ensayos clínicos en seres

humanos .,.ar/leisref/public/showAct.php?id=12916.

Sociedade Brasileira de Profissionais em Pesquisa Clínica. 13 Legisla??o

Brasileira Secretaria De Vigilancia Sanitária E Anvisa .,.br.

South African National Clinical Trial Register.,.za/

14 InvestigatorbrnbspInformation/Registrationandregulation/tabid/194/Default.aspx.

European Commission. 15 List of fields contained in the ‘EudraCT’ clinical

trials database to be made public, in accordance with article 57(2) of regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and its implementing guideline 2008/C168/02. 2009.

EQUATOR Network. 16 Library for health research reporting .,/resource-centre/library-of-health-research-reporting.World Association of Medical Editors. 17 Policy statements . www.wame.


Council of Science Editors. 18 CSE task force on authorship. Draft white

paper: solutions. 1999.,/services/atf_whitepaper.cfm#5.

Rennie D, Flanagin A, Yank V. The contributions of authors. 19 JAMA


BMJ. 20 Submitting an article to the BMJ .,/bmj/


Norris R, Bowman A, Fagan JM, Gallagher ER, Geraci AB, Gertel A, et al.

21 International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) position statement: the role of the professional medical writer. Curr Med Res Opin 2007;23:1837-40.

Hamilton CW, Royer MG; AMWA 2002 task force on the contributions of

22 medical writers to scientific publications. AMWA position statement on the contributions of medical writers to scientific publications. AMWA Journal 2003;18:13-6.

Jacobs A, Wager E. EMWA guidelines on the role of medical writers

23 in developing peer-reviewed publications. Curr Med Res Opin 2005;21:317-21.

Association of American Medical Colleges. 24 Industry funding of medical

education. Report of an AAMC task force . 2008.,/publications/showfile.cfm?file=version114.pdf&prd_id=232.Lo B, Field MJ, Institute of Medicine. 25 Conflict of interest in medical

research, education, and practice . Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2009.

G?tzsche PC, Kassirer JP , Woolley KL, Wager E, Jacobs A, Gertel A, et al.

26 What should be done to tackle ghostwriting in the medical literature? PLoS Med 2009;6(2):e1000023.

Stossel TP . Has the hunt for conflicts of interest gone too far? Yes. 27 BMJ


Lee K. Has the hunt for conflicts of interest gone too far? No. 28 BMJ


Drazen JM, van der Weyden MB, Sahni P , Rosenberg J, Marusic A, Laine

29 C, et al. Uniform format for disclosure of competing interests in ICMJE journals. N Engl J Med 2009 Oct 13 [Epub ahead of print].

members of the steering committee and contributed to discussions about the recommendations made in this document (JD in particular on managed care, pharmacoeconomic, and health outcomes). CG wrote the first and final draft; WPB wrote the draft sections on publication planning, documentation, and conflict of interest; DB, EAF, CSM, and MP contributed to outline, intermediate drafts, and revisions; VBW wrote the draft sections on authors, contributorship, acknowledgments, and medical writers; JMC the draft duplicate publication section, JME the draft review articles section, JAG the draft publication steering committee section, and YEY the draft access to data section. MEM compiled steering committee comments after the consultation, and contributed to outline, intermediate drafts, and revisions. All the authors contributed to the literature analysis and review before writing these guidelines. All the authors contributed to the outline and to the first and subsequent drafts, to interpretation of the comments gathered during the consultation phase, and reviewed the final draft. All the authors approve this document and CG is the guarantor.

Funding: The International Society for Medical Publication Professionals

provided the contributors with meeting and teleconferencing facilities and web conferencing technology.

Competing interests: All authors are members of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals a not for profit organisation with membership comprising pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and device industries; medical communications agencies; publishers; and independent medical writers. The society is funded by its membership. WPB and JME have stock in Johnson & Johnson; VBW has stock in Novo Nordisk and Parexel; JMC has stock in AstraZeneca; JAG has stock in Wyeth; and MP has stock in Cephalon. CG is a council member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. JAG was an employee of Wyeth, which was acquired by Pfizer in October 2009. VBW was previously employed by Novo Nordisk to work with publications.

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Angell M. Industry-sponsored clinical research: a broken system. 1

JAMA 2008;300:1069-71.

Ross JS, Hill KP , Egilman DS, Krumholz HM. Guest authorship and

2 ghostwriting in publications related to rofecoxib: a case study of industry documents from rofecoxib litigation. JAMA 2008;299:1800-12.Hill KP , Ross JS, Egilman DS, Krumholz HM. The ADVANTAGE seeding

3 trial: a review of internal documents. Ann Intern Med 2008;149:251-8.Titus SL, Wells JA, Rhoades LJ. Repairing research integrity.

4 Nature


Woloshin S, Schwartz LM, Casella SL, Kennedy AT, Larson RJ. Press

5 releases by academic medical centers: not so academic? Ann Intern Med 2009;150:613-8.

Wager E, Field EA, Grossman L. Good publication practice for

6 pharmaceutical companies. Curr Med Res Opin 2003;19:149-54.World Medical Association.

7 Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles

for medical research involving human subjects, 22 October 2008.,/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html.International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. 8 Uniform

requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals .,.

World Health Organization. 9 International clinical trials registry platform


10 Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act

of 2007.,/RegulatoryInformation/



The Short-Term Results Report By Individuals Or Institutions At Regular Or Irregular Times, Including Analysis, Synthesis, Innovation, Etc., Will Eventually Achieve Good Planning For The Future. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 社会实践报告书简易版

社会实践报告书简易版 温馨提示:本报告文件应用在个人或机构组织在定时或不定时情况下进行的近期成果汇报,表达方式以叙述、说明为主,内容包含分析,综合,新意,重点等,最终实现对未来的良好规划。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 为庆祝党的xxx华诞,x月30日晚,我校 外语系暑期三下乡社会实践团与xx镇党委共同 举办了“庆祝建党xx周年”大型文艺晚会。副 校长xx、宣传统战部部长xx、校团委书记xx 以及外语系党支部书记xx等共同观看了晚会。 副校长xx了热情洋溢的致辞。他说,今 晚,我们怀着激动喜悦的心情欢聚一堂,以举 办庆祝建党xx周年文艺晚会的形式,来庆祝中 国共产党xx周年华诞,讴歌党的丰功伟绩,表 达我们对伟大祖国母亲和中国共产党的无限热 爱。为了给党的xx华诞献礼,在今年我校的暑 期三下乡社会实践活动中,我校500多名青年

大学生志愿者组成18支队伍奔赴永州各地农村、基层,深入开展服务农民工子女、教育帮扶、科技支农、文艺演出、政策宣讲、法律援助、社会调查等活动。这是我校历年来规模最大的一次,也是独具特色的一次。 晚会上演了一批优秀文艺节目,志愿者们表演的《党常在我心中》、《相亲相爱一家人》等节目,充分展示了当代大学生爱党、爱国、爱人民的大爱情怀。xx镇党员干部也表演了大合唱《歌唱祖国》等节目。 据悉,在为期7天的暑期三下乡大型社会实践活动中,外语系暑期社会实践团积极发挥大学生在构建和谐社会中的作用,从当地实际出发,开展了一系列富有意义的活动。实践团深入开展了携手党员砍青、医院义工、绿色低


社会实践报告格式及字体要求社会实践报告和论文一样,有规范的写作格式,为了让同学们能按标准写作,现将社会实践报告的字体及字号等格式列表如下: 一、封面:分院统一样式,见附页。 二、目录:应是实践报告的提纲,也是实践报告组成部分的小标题;格式为宋体、加粗、四号字。 三、正文: 1、题目 黑体、三号字、居中,段后间距自动;题目一律统一格式为:“关于在xx单位从事xx岗位的社会实践报告”或“关于在xx单位开展xx xx业务的社会实践报告”。 2、实践目的 介绍社会实践的目的和意义,选题的发展情况及背景简介,方案论证或实践单位的发展情况及要求等。 “实践目的”四字用宋体、加粗、四号、左对齐 小标题用宋体、加粗、小四号,倍行距 正文用宋体、小四、倍行距 3、实践内容 实践内容应有实践单位情况介绍,并力求结合生产实际或以具体工作为背景来撰写报告。 “实践内容”四字用宋体、加粗、四号、左对齐

小标题用宋体、加粗、小四号,倍行距 正文用宋体、小四、倍行距 4、实践总结或体会 专业知识在实践过程中的应用;对用人单位岗位需求的适应情况;不足与努力方向,是对社会实践的体会和最终总体的结论,不是正文中各段小结的简单重复。 ·英语专业社会实践报告·电大社会实践报告·电视台社会实践报告·建筑社会实践报告 ·假期社会实践报告·社会实践报告表格·社会实践调研报告·XX字社会实践报告 “实践总结或体会”几字用宋体、加粗、四号、左对齐小标题用宋体、加粗、小四号,倍行距 正文用宋体、小四、倍行距 5、参考文献 指实践过程中查阅过的、对实践过程和社会实践报告有直接作用或有影响的书籍与论文等。 “参考文献”四字用宋体、加粗、四号、左对齐 文献正文用宋体、加粗、小四号,倍行距 四、社会实践报告上交时间:20**年**月**日~**日。同时要求上交电子稿。 五、其他要求: 1、页面设置:纸张大小为a4打印纸,纵向打印,其他


研究生社会(或工程)实践报告姓名许剑 学号 专业农业推广硕士 领域农村与区域发展 学院农学院 指导教师何新华教授 填写日期 2016年10月5日

二、实践报告内容(包括现状、存在问题、对策或建议) 一、宜州市农业发展现状 宜州市是广西农业大县(市),已被列入广西西部开发区域县(市),全市辖7镇14乡,总耕地面积69.2万亩。主要农产品是水稻、玉米、甘蔗、桑蚕、沙田柚等。 宜州已形成粮食、蔗糖、桑蚕、水果、畜牧水产五大生产基地,并且又已成为中国商品粮基地县和广西粮食自给工程县(市),是广西最大的桑蚕生产基地县(市)。 全市按区域的自然条件和产业优势,划分为五个农业经济区,即东部四个乡镇以生产优质粮为主,经济作物为辅;西部五个乡镇以经济作物、多种经营为主,林果为辅。南部七个乡镇以蔗桑为主,林果为辅;北部三个乡镇以林(竹)果、药材为主,旅游为辅;中部两个乡镇以蔬菜生产为主。 乡、镇农产品市场20个,年交易额12亿元,引导成立各类农民专业

协会13家,拥有会员2500名,辐射带动农户6万户。全县各类农业产业化经营组织已发展到80个,其中龙头企业8家,中介组织10个,专业市场2个,其他类型60个。目前,宜州市在区内外大中城市建立销售网点150个,据不完全统计,全市从事各类产品销售的经纪人达5000多人,其中从事农产品流通经纪人3000多人,年销售农产品达102万吨,带动了该市及周边县、市农户10万户,产业化规模的扩大产生了良好的效益。为了保障桑蚕产业持续、快速、健康的发展,按照“扩规模、提品质、强营销、树品牌”的发展思路,急需要提高全市农民的整体素质,培养造就一大批会管理、懂技术、善经营的职业农民队伍,因此,开展职业农民培育工作迫在眉捷,势在必行。 二、宜州市新型职业农民培育的主要途径 新型职业农民是近两年提出的新概念,在农民培育上,目前田阳县主要有四条途径:(一)市农业局的阳光工程劳动力转移就业培训和实用技术培训。为提高农民劳动力转移技能,增强就业能力和科学种田水平,从2005年开始,农业局开展了以阳光工程为重点的农村劳动力转移就业培训,每年培训农民在2000人左右,到2015年培训农民18900人次。同时结合农业新品种、新技术、新器械推广,每年还开展速成技术培训5000人次左右。 (二)水果办每年开展水果肥水管理、修剪、病虫害防控技术培训1000人次左右。 (三)社保局每年开展农村富余劳动力转移就业培训2600人左右,引导农村富余劳动力合理有序流动,推动农民工就地就近转移就业。 (四)农广校中专每年开展职业知识教育2000人左右。 四、宜州市新型职业农民培育存在的主要问题及解决对策 (一)存在问题 一是思想认识存在问题。受传统观念影响深,自给自足的自然经济小农意识强,各人自扫门前雪,各家顾各家生活。没有大局意识和发展眼光,认为农民本来就是“职业”农


三一文库(,)/报告范文/社会实践报告研究生社会实践活动报告 社会实践即假期实习或是在校外实习。下面是小编为大家整理收集的关于研究生实践报告的相关内容,欢迎大家的阅读。 【研究生社会实践活动报告一】 在我还在读本科时,每个假期只要有机会我都会想方设法去感兴趣的单位企业实习一番。所幸,我们家附近的单位企业也挺多的,专业对口的也不少,于是,我在假期每每总是能接触到很多新鲜的东西。 从一开始完全是为了打发无聊的假期,到后来的觉得这样确实能学到很多学校里根本接触不到的知识,我认识到了社会实践是多么重要。从本科毕业作为一名研究生继续学习到现在已经过去了2年,我的大学同学大多都已经作为一名社会人,为自己,为家庭,为社会工作了2年,而我,依然是自顾自的在校园中走着。每当想到这一点,我就开始策划着下一个实习的单位,我虽然不能真正开始上班,但是却可以更有效的利用好假期的实习时间:去更加对口的单位,做专业相关的工作提高专业应用水平;或者干脆去一个完全与专业无关的单位,搞好领导与同事的关

系,做好自己的本职工作,训练社会生存能力。让自己对将来必然要进入的社会有一个基本的认识,为以后的生存做好准备,也让自己掌握的理论(无论是专业知识还是生活中的常识)有一个联系实际的机会。这,就是我进行社会实现的初衷。 在研究生阶段,我进行的社会实践主要有两次:1.清华同方XXX设计所研发实习;2.XXX厂建设监理有限公司业务实习。在XXX 设计所时,我参加了基于dsp的一个无线射频产品的开发,我所在科室的同事都是研究生以上的学历。大家在工作的时候都非常的努力,除非是讨论问题,要不办公室里非常安静,只听得到敲打键盘的声音,但是一旦开始讨论问题,即使是争锋相对也是有可能的,同事之间的关系非常和谐,跟学校里的同学关系比较相近,这大概也得益于个人素质都比较高吧。这一次实习在非常温暖而和谐的环境中度过了,专业上的提高且不提,主要收获了一个大企业对项目的分工和统领,以及技术人员之间的配合。 XXX厂建设监理有限公司是一家主要负责各种建筑项目招投标、技术咨询和监理的公司,日常的主要业务主要分为内勤和外勤两部分。内勤的主要工作有项目的接收和管理,整理各种文档等;外勤主要是与委托或施工单位的协调和施工现场的监督。我在两边都进行了一些工作,这个单位的同事就显得比较多样,各种层次的人都有。


社会实践报告模板合集8篇 社会实践报告模板合集8篇 在生活中,报告使用的次数愈发增长,要注意报告在写作时具有一定的格式。相信许多人会觉得报告很难写吧,下面是小编为大家整理的社会实践报告8篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。社会实践报告篇1 一片叶子属于一个季节,年轻的莘莘学子拥有绚丽的青春年华。谁说意气风发,我们年少轻狂,经受不住暴雨的洗礼?谁说象牙塔里的我们两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书?走出校园,踏上社会,我们能否不辜负他人的期望,为自己书写一份满意的答卷……在注重素质教育的今天,大学生假期社会实践作为促进大学生素质教育,加强和改进青年学生思想政治工作,引导学生健康成长成才的重要举措,作为培养和提高学生实践、创新和创业能力的重要途径,一直来深受学校的高度重视。社会实践活动一直被视为高校培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的跨世纪优秀人才的重要途径。寒假期间社会实践活动是学校教育向课堂外的一种延伸,也是推进素质教育进程的重要手段。它有助于当代大学生接触社会,了解社会。同时,实践也是大学生学习知识、锻炼才干的有效途径,更是大学生服务社会、回报社会的一种良好形式。多年来,社会实践活动已在我校蔚然成风。大学是一个小社会,步入大学就等于步入半个社会。我们不再是象牙塔里不能受风吹雨打的花朵,通过社会实践的磨练,我们深深地认识到社会实践是一笔财富。社会是一所更能锻炼人的综合性大学,只有正确的引导我们深入社会,了解社会,服务于社会,投身到社会实践中去,才能使我们发现自身的不足,为今后走出校门,踏进社会创造良好的条件;才能使我们学有所用,在实践中成才,在服务中成长,并有效的为社会服务,体现大学生的自身价值。今后的工作中,是在过去社会实践活动经验的基础上,不断拓展社会实践活动范围,挖掘实践活动培养人才的潜力,坚持社会实践与了解国情,服务社会相结合,为国家与社会的全面发展出谋划策。坚持社会实践与专业特点相结合,为地方经济的发展贡献力量为社会创造了新的财富。这个假期我没有选择自己所学的专业去实践,而是在一个亲戚开的电脑配件柜台帮忙卖货,过的十分充实。在此次实践过程中我学到在书


社会实践报告表要求及格式 社会实践报告姓名:―――――――――― 学号:―――――――――― 专业:―――――――――― 实践单位:―――――――――― 校内指导老师:―――――――――― 实践日期:年月日至年月日 附件二 社会实践报告撰写要求社会实践报告是对学生社会实践过程的撰写要求,是表达其实践成果,代表其专业总和水平的重要资料,是学生社会实践过程、体会、收获的全面反应,是学生实践技能中很重要的一个环节,对于今后学生学习、就业具有指导意义,因此,应认真写好社会实践报告。 1、封面参见社会实践报告封面示例。封面后可加一页目录。

2、正文的内容有概述、主体和总结三部分组成,正文字数不少于1500字。 2.1概述:概述部分简要介绍实习单位基本情况、实习岗位、实习任务的完成情况等内容,字数在300字以上。 2.2主体:主体部分主要是介绍实践过程中做什么事、实践的体会,包括个人完成的主要工作和取得的成绩,思想和业务上的收获和体会,自己的实习态度、遵守纪律的情况。它是学生实习成果的展示和表述,是整个社会实践过程的再现,本部分占社会实践报告的大部分篇幅。这部分内容要求思路清晰,合乎逻辑,内容务求客观、科学、完备,要尽量让事实和数据说话。用文字不容易说明白或说起来比较繁琐的,可应用表和图来陈述,字数要求达到1500字以上。 2.3总结:总结是实践过程的总体结论和建议,主要回答"得到了什么"、"还有哪点不足"、"今后将要做什么"。它是社会实践的归纳和总结。撰写总结时要注意:明确、精炼、完整、准确、措辞严密,不含糊其辞。结论要一分为二,一方面包括实习成果,另一方面就是值得改进的地方。 3、致谢


内部编号:AN-QP-HT716 版本/ 修改状态:01 / 00 In Order T o Standardize The Management, Let All Personnel Enhance The Executive Power, Avoid Self- Development And Collective Work Planning Violation, According To The Fixed Mode To Form Daily Report To Hand In, Finally Realize The Effect Of Timely Update Progress, Quickly Grasp The Required Situation. 编辑:__________________ 审核:__________________ 单位:__________________ 研究生暑假社会实践报告通用范本

研究生暑假社会实践报告通用范本 使用指引:本报告文件可用于为规范管理,让所有人员增强自身的执行力,避免自身发展与集体的工作规划相违背,按固定模式形成日常报告进行上交最终实现及时更新进度,快速掌握所需了解情况的效果。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 付出辛苦的劳动,收获一份珍贵的经历,得到一种在书本上学不到的知识。通过这次在烧烤店里的实践活动,我深刻体会到赚钱的不易。每天从早9点到半夜12点有时会更晚,只要客人不走就不能下班,中午也没有时间休息,真的好累啊!刚去的前两天我都有放弃的念头,但是我想就这样放弃了实在不甘心,我告诉自己一定要坚持、一定要撑住,不能半途而废。慢慢的适应了那的生活和工作。 刚去的前几天我在前台干服务员,客人来了先给客人拿菜单,客人点好单后再给客人报一遍他所点的东西,以免出现错误。然后找串拿到后


报告编号:YT-FS-1840-14 大二社会实践报告范本 (完整版) After Completing The T ask According To The Original Plan, A Report Will Be Formed T o Reflect The Basic Situation Encountered, Reveal The Existing Problems And Put Forward Future Ideas. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

大二社会实践报告范本(完整版) 备注:该报告书文本主要按照原定计划完成任务后形成报告,并反映遇到的基本情况、实际取得的成功和过程中取得的经验教训、揭露存在的问题以及提出今后设想。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 对于即将升入大二的我们来说,社会实践是一次 不可多得的集体活动。平时在学校,除了上课,大家 聚在一起的时间很少,缺乏生活上的专业上的必要交 流,通过这次实践首先加强了我们这个班集体的凝聚 力,使同学... 对于即将升入大二的我们来说,社会实践是一次 不可多得的集体活动。平时在学校,除了上课,大家 聚在一起的时间很少,缺乏生活上的专业上的必要交 流,通过这次实践首先加强了我们这个班集体的凝聚 力,使同学有更深互相了解的机会。 无论是三四十年代的老前辈还是第五代电影艺术 家们的作品,都以贴近生活、贴近百姓赢得观众的认 同和赞同,这是中国电影的一个优良传统,而且目前

也急需我们继承。艺术来源于生活,贴近生活首先要体验生活。中国的农业人口比例大,农村生活实质上就是中国大部分普通人的生活,关注普通人的生活,关注普通人的情感,本身就是提高我们艺术修养和对社会生活观察能力最好的途径。我想学校和系里组织这次社会实践的主要目的也在于此,以为我们将来的艺术创作积累素材,也为我们将来立足社会、发展自身积累一笔重要的资本。 这次实践活动安排在北京郊区的农村本身也具有实在意义,我校学生大多生活在城市,习惯于都市生活的我们都需要一次考验自己意志和生活能力的机会,这段不算短的农村生活的确考验了我们,更重要的是也磨练了我们,使我们更坚强,更成熟了。即使将来再遇到什么生活中的磨难,相信从黑山寨回来的我们也能自信的面对它。 下面是我的几点具体的体会: 1、深入农民家庭,享受田园快乐的同时切身体验真实的农民生活。短短的15天,使我对田园生活留下


大学生社会实践报告院系:建工学院 专业:道路桥梁设计 学号:2010290220 姓名:叶本堃 自从进入了大学,就业问题似乎总是围绕在我们的身变成了说不完的话题。在现今社会,招聘会上的大字报都总写着有经验者优先,可还在校园里面的我们这般学子社会经验又会拥有多少呢? 为了拓展自身的知识面扩大与社会的接触面,增加个人在社会竞中的经验,锻炼和提高自己能力,以便在以后毕业中能真正走入社会,能够适应国内外的经济形势的变化,并且能够在生活和工作中很好地处理各方面的问题,我被爸爸介绍到一个私人企业,开始了我这个假期的社会实践。 在学校里,也许有老师分配今天做什么,明天做什么,但在这里不一定会有人告诉你这些,你必须自觉地去做,而且要尽自己的能力做到最好。 第一天去那打工,心里很疑或,不知道老板怎么样,要去干什么等等,踏进办公室,陌生的面容。从那天起,我总觉得有一些细微的东西容易让人忽略,譬如轻轻的一丝微笑。 在学校,是学习的场所,每一位学生都在为学习而努力。而在这里是工作的场所,每一位同事都会为报酬而努力。无论是学习还是工作都存在着竞争,在竞中就要不断学习别人先进的地方,也要学习尊重对方,以提高自己的能力。

记得老师曾经说过,其实大学是一个小社会。但我总觉得校园里少不了那份纯真,那份真诚。尽管是大学高校,学生还终归保持学生的身份。而走进企业,接触着客户,上司等等,关系复杂。但我得去面对我从未面对过的一切,虽然会承受各种语言上的批评,但是是自己的心血挣来的钱,这一切值得。 在这次实践中,这一点我的感受颇深。的确,在学校里学的理论十分多,几乎面面具到,而实践工作中,我所遇到的麻烦重重。有时我会埋怨,实践操作这么简单,但为什么书本上的知识学的是那般吃力呢?莫非是学校与社会脱轨了吗? 也许老师是正确的,虽然大学生活不像踏入真正的所谓的社会生涯,但它总算是属于社会中的一个部分,这是不可否认的社会事实。 作为一名新世纪的学者,的确应该懂得这些入世之道,更得学会与社会各方面上的人交往,好好处理社会各方面上的事情,这也就意味着入世之道。的确社会实践不可少。 毕竟,两年后的我不再是一名大学生,而是社会中的一份子,也必须要好好与这个社会交流,为社会贡献自己的一份力量。 其实,很多所谓的道理人人都明白。纸上谈兵是远远不及的,以后的人生旅途还是挺漫长的。 虽然在这次实践中只是复杂的老板,而我也仅仅负责比较简单的部分,但我颇感荣幸。 平时在学校学习时,数字错了改一改就可以交上去了,但在寒假打工的十天里,整理文件时,漏了一份,那不仅仅受到批评,而且还严重影响了企业的形象和质量品牌。 实践过程中我总结了几点,第一,服务态度至关重要。作为一个服务行业,顾客就是上帝赐的最好的态度,这是必须的,要想获得更多的利润就必须提高销售量。这就要求我们想顾客之所想,急顾客之所急,提高服务质量,同时所讲的语言要文明,待客热情,要尽可能为企业树立好的声誉和形象。 第二,创新也很重要,注入新的活力,思想要跟上新时代。 第三,诚信是成功的根本,一个信誉好的企业是如何建立起来的,那是由于一直以诚信为本。


三一文库(,)/社会实践报告 〔公共管理研究生的社会实践报告精选〕 ▲公共管理研究生社会实践报告一: 尊敬的老师、同学们、大家好! 我来自政治与公共管理学院、XX级公共管理班,我叫XXX。时光飞逝,流年似水,转眼间,XX年西南大学智力支 乡社会实践活动已经结束。我们六盘水智力支乡小分队开展 的社会实践活动虽然仅是短暂的十几天,但那清晰的回忆,清澈的眼神,宁静的校园,淳朴的清远注定要成为我们美好 的回忆,这是一种既单纯又珍贵的爱的回忆,在那安静的清 远村庄中流淌,同时也在我们每个队员的炽热的心中流淌今 天我感到很荣幸能在这里为大家做社会实践报告,我这次以 副队长的名义参加西南大学贵州省六盘水小分队暑期三下 乡社会实践活动,主要活动地点是贵州省六盘水市六枝特区 陇脚布依乡。我们的活动包括三个部分。第一部分是以志愿 者的名义协助六枝人民政府举办布依六月六文化节;第二部 分是进行新农村调查;第三部分是义务支教。下面请允许我 以pp的形式向大家展示我们的活动过程。 布依文化节篇: 六月六当天,太阳撒下第一道光辉时,震耳的鞭炮声便

欢快的响起,紧随着便是喧天的锣鼓声,热闹便一发不可收,六月六是布依族人民非常重视的节日,有过小年之称。当节日来临之时,布依男女老少集聚一堂,共同庆祝的美好的时刻。XX年7月27日,也就是农历六月初六化节的日子,我 们西南大学贵州六盘水小分队总计33名队员来到这盛大节 日的现场,非常荣誉地以志愿者的名义参与到这富有文化气息的节日,并为之贡献自己的力量!早在XX年7月21号那 天起,我们队就开始进行文化节的准备工作,志愿者紧密结合新形势、新任务,坚持求真务实,大力弘扬奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志愿精神,坚持量力而行、讲求实效、开拓创新、持之以恒的原则,围绕大局、统一思想、凝聚力量、唱响主旋律、将我们的热情与激情投入到文化节的准备工作上。我们有的队员利用自己的特长协助政府修改策划书、安排节目的报名与筛选、协助选拔主持人。我们男生队员发挥不怕吃苦的精神进行搭建舞台等。在XX年7月27日,我们队员积极组织后勤工作,包括接待领导、安排演员的更衣室、提供免费水服务、设点进行避暑药的领取、协助保安人员一起维持秩序等。除此之外,在活动结束之后我们还进行现场的清理,还给活动地点一份清洁的美丽。 调查篇: 我们的调查活动和支教同时进行,在不耽误上课的情况下我们就下乡进走访调查,我们都怀揣着激情与新鲜感步行


大学生社会实践报告书 以下是小编为大家收集的社会实践报告,仅供参考 很早就想要去打工了,但是因为这样那样的理由,最终没有如愿。这次暑 假,没有作业,不用怀着忐忑的心情等待录取通知书,有充足的时间和愉快的心情去打工。于是,出于安全等因素考虑,决定去妈妈工作的酒厂打工,当然,最主要的原因是妈妈不放心我自己一个人外出打工。 我希望能在这次社会实践中进一步了解社会,在实践中增长见识,锻炼自己的才干,培养自己的耐心,韧性,毅力。因为对于大学生来说,我们的社会 实践实在是太少了,感觉上了大学后整个人都变得十分的懒惰,都没有高中充实。想到我早晚都要走出校园,走进社会大染缸去,想到毕业后将面对社会严峻的就业压力,内心总是感觉不安,总是害怕自己以后毕业了找不了工作,整 天就为就业发愁,更可怕的是还要靠父母养着,成为“啃老族”。 酒厂位于棣新一路,在城郊,几年前改名为万德酒业,如今又建了一个分厂,专门烧酒。我是在老厂工作的,在白酒那边,除了白酒,还有食品厂,生 产枣脯之类的东西。酒厂的生产方式是流水线,有两个车间,每个车间有三条流水线。但是,由于夏天并不忙,所以只开一个车间,两个流水线,忙的时候开三个流水线。 公司的远景是“成为中国白酒食品行业前30 强”,公司的核心价值观是 诚实守信,共创共赢,结果导向,强化执行,不断创新,持续发展”。为了让我们时刻谨记这些,也为了员工有健康的身体和工作的良好气氛,每天早 上,我们都会聚集在车间门前的空地上开一个大约10 分钟的晨会,主持人按点名册的顺序轮流担当,还要做早操,如果有领导来检查,主持人还要单独讲话,说是讲话,其实唱歌、说笑话都是可以的。 流水线的主要流程有进瓶子,拾瓶子,冲瓶,灌装,灯检,压盖,灯


实践报告用什么封皮好 篇一:实践报告封面及格式 社会实践报告 报告名称:关于探索成功人生、规划大学征程的报告 (也可以写其他的题目但是要注意字体) 姓名:班级:实践城市:邮编: 填写自己的情况,注意所有的线要对齐,并且要 居中填写! 2012年2月7 日 The HAOJING College of Shanxi University of Science and Technology SOCIALPRACTICEREPORT Title: about exploration to succeed in life and planning

the report of the University of journey Name:Class: City: Postal code: 2012-02-07 目录(4号体)(网上学习,自动生成目录!!!) 1、中英文摘要以及关键词 and key words 3前言4、正文 (1)、回顾改革开放30年历程(2)、分别简要介绍我采访的成功人士 (3)、对自己采访进行总结(4)也可以自己加第二标题 ……… 4.对此次社会实践的感想、感悟 5、结语 摘要 (4号字体,加黑,居中) 300个字左右,对此次社会实践写一个摘要。关键词:写3--4个关键词,Abstract Keywords: 同上 third Plenary Session of the 11th

Communist Party of China、Reform and Opening Upon、retrospective、research、people who succeed、 experiential、ideal、firmly 篇二:社会实践报告封皮格式 青岛农业大学 社会实践调查报告 论文题目:调研山东社会实践活动专业班级:植保1104班姓名(学号)王卓航(20114157)实践时间:2013年5月21日-2013年5月30日 2014年8 月15 日 一、摘要 “实践是检验真理的唯一标准。”这句话对于每一个收到过党的教育和学校老师谆谆教诲的大学生而言再也熟悉不过了。在我大学期间参加的诸多社会实践活动中,我认为“调研山东”这次活动是给我带来的收获最大以及对我以后的大学生活影响最为深刻的一次。其规模之大,调研内容之详细,以及学校乃至


研究生社会实践报告范文 研究生社会实践报告范文 第五篇: 研究生社会实践调查报告 珠江三角洲地区包括广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、中山、东莞和惠州市的惠城区、惠阳、惠东、博罗,及肇庆市的瑞州区、鼎湖区、高要、四会等地。全区面积占全省总面积的2 3.4%,人口占全省总人口的3 1.4%,近年来实现国内生产总值占全省国内生产总值的70%£右。珠江三角洲是全国经济发展最迅速的地区之一。随着经济的快速发展,该地区的社会发展呈现出农村工业化程度高、城乡一体化进程快等特点。珠江三角洲地区各级团组织以当地整个经济社会发展为背景,根据当地青年的实际情况,就如何推动共青团工作发展进行了积极的探索和实践。办公厅赴广东调研组对该地区进行了调查研究,调研中感到,珠江三角洲地区团组织近年来为适应市场经济发展所作的探索,从思路上可以归结为: 社会化运作,事业化发展。 一、珠江三角洲地区经济社会发展的特点 1.经济实现持续快速增长。1980年到1996年,珠江三角洲地区 实现国内生产总值年均递增1 7.8%,不仅高于全省1 4.5%全国


9.7%的同期平均增长速度,而且高于亚洲“四小龙”经济起飞阶段的平均增长速度。 外向型经济总体水平较高。珠江三角洲地区充分发挥毗邻港澳的地缘优势和侨胞遍及世界各地的有利条件,以国际市场为导向,以国内市场为依托,推动外向型经济高水平、快速度发展。1994 年,珠江三角洲地区出口贸易总额高达38 4.6 亿美元,占全省当年出口贸易总额的7 6.6%;实际利用外资8 7.98 亿美元,分别占全省、全国当年实际利用外资总额的68%和24%。 3. 产业结构优化合理。珠江三角洲地区已经完成了从传统的农业经济向重要的制造业中心的转变,并成功实现了第 二、第三产业双重主导的经济社会全面联动发展。珠江三角洲地区第 一、 二、三产业占国内生产总值的比重,从1980 年的2 5.8: 4 5.5: 2 8.9 发展为1994 年的 8.8: 5 1.2:


社会实践报告书 我又一次参加了社会实践活动,再次的体验了劳动的辛苦与快乐,本次的社会实践我选择在花店进行。打工的地方是一家名为“花之物语”的店,这是一家不算很大的花店,但是走进店里你会发现,这里其实有很多值得你细细品味的地方,店里装潢精致独特,花卉品种齐全,有鲜花也有盆栽,并且还卖很多精致的饰品,可谓麻雀虽小,五脏具全。可能由于花店的与众不同,别具一格的原因吧,这里每天都会有很多客人光顾。花店的老板是一个30多岁的中年女人,从进的花卉,室内摆设就可以看出来,老板为人客气热情,对于我这样一个没有多少社会经验的大学生没有特别的苛刻。第一次到花店打工,各种盆栽鲜摆满了整个店铺,感觉很舒服。殊不知,原来卖花也是一门学问,首先自己就得对各种花卉的名称,价格,生活习性了如指掌。我从小到大知道的花的品种就屈指可数,现在可是一大挑战了,我必须在短时间内把这些相似的盆栽搞清楚,还要学会插花,包装…工作说简单也还是不容易。工作期间最忙的时候就是情人节的那几天,2月14号的西方情人节盛是流行,这也让花店的生意比平时好了几倍,情人节的前几天预定鲜花的人就很多很多,到情人节当天店里的员工们各个都忙不过来,客人络绎不绝,就连我这样的新手也帮忙包了好几束鲜花。情人节定花的人以年轻男生居多,定店里包装最华丽的玫瑰花,只为了讨女孩子的欢心;也有中年男子,在情人节的时候给自己的以婚多年的妻子一个惊喜;还有中学生。总之买花的人是形形色色、各种年龄段的都有。这家花店不仅有鲜花,小型的盆栽植物更是受欢迎,



社会实践调查报告封面 篇一:社会实践报告封面及相关表 南京广播电视大学 社会实践报告 题目:关于电子商务诚信问题的调查 报告 姓名: *** 学号: 1132101451979 年级: 11秋专业:电子商务学生类别:开放专科指导教师: *** 教学单位:白下电大 XX年 8 月 28 日 南京广播电视大学学生社会实践情况表 所附资料明细表 关于社区居民对电子商务诚信的调查 1. 调查题目: 调查南京市龙潭镇中国水泥厂小区和兴隆社区居民对电子商务诚信状况的调查报告 2. 调查人: 祖玉连 3. 调查目的:

调查当地居民对电子商务的了解情况,从而了解电子商务诚信的现状,及电子商务缺乏诚信的原因,从而应用所学知识,就电子商务诚信问题的解决措施问题提出一些建议。 4. 调查方法: 问卷调查:打印问卷100多张,发给调查的对象,争取有效回收100张问卷。我觉得这种方法既具代表性,又方便实施。 5. 调查范围: 对不同年龄的居民及学生发放问卷进行调查,调查当地居民和学生对电子商务的诚信问题了解6、调查时间 XX年8月3日-15日 7、调查的具体内容是:据调查: A、75.%的人曾对一些网站的真实性与合法性产生过怀疑; B、59.%的(本文来自:, 小草范文网:社会实践调查报告封面)人声称自己的个人信息曾被在线商家或网站滥用过; C、40.%的人在使用网络或在线交易时曾经遭遇过自己的个人信息被人窃取经历; D、66.%的人怀疑自己的个人信息在自己不知情的情况下被相关网站收集; E、76.%的人遇到过必须下载插件或软件才能使用网站服务的问题;


研究生社会实践调查报告 珠江三角洲地区包括广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、中山、东莞和惠州市的惠城区、惠阳、惠东、博罗,及肇庆市的瑞州区、鼎湖区、高要、四会等地。全区面积占全省总面积的%,人口占全省总人口的%,近年来实现国内生产总值占全省国内生产总值的70%左右。珠江三角洲是全国经济发展最迅速的地区之一。随着经济的快速发展,该地区的社会发展呈现出农村工业化程度高、城乡一体化进程快等特点。珠江三角洲地区各级团组织以当地整个经济社会发展为背景,根据当地青年的实际情况,就如何推动共青团工作发展进行了积极的探索和实践。办公厅赴广东调研组对该地区进行了调查研究,调研中感到,珠江三角洲地区团组织近年来为适应市场经济发展所作的探索,从思路上可以归结为:社会化运作,事业化发展。 一、珠江三角洲地区经济社会发展的特点 1.经济实现持续快速增长。1980年到1996年,珠江三角洲地区实现国内生产总值年均递增%,不仅高于全省%、全国%的同期平均增长速度,而且高于亚洲“四小龙”经济起

飞阶段的平均增长速度。 2.外向型经济总体水平较高。珠江三角洲地区充分发挥毗邻港澳的地缘优势和侨胞遍及世界各地的有利条件,以国际市场为导向,以国内市场为依托,推动外向型经济高水平、快速度发展。1994年,珠江三角洲地区出口贸易总额高达亿美元,占全省当年出口贸易总额的%;实际利用外资亿美元,分别占全省、全国当年实际利用外资总额的68%和24%。 3.产业结构优化合理。珠江三角洲地区已经完成了从传统的农业经济向重要的制造业中心的转变,并成功实现了第二、第三产业双重主导的经济社会全面联动发展。珠江三角洲地区第一、二、三产业占国内生产总值的比重,从1980年的::发展为1994年的::40。总体上看,珠江三角洲地区的产业结构已经基本实现了从传统农业到工业化,再到产业多元化发展的转变。 4.农业产业化格局基本形成。改革开放以来,随着农村城镇化进程的加快,该地区农业的市场化、社会化、集约化生产经营格局很快形成。在生产经营活动中,形成了以国内外市场为导向、以经济效益为中心、以资源开发为基础、以种养业为支柱,农工技贸一体化、产加销一条龙的专业化生


社会实践报告书 社会实践报告书范文一今天我参加了小区里组织的社会实践活动,活动的内容是帮助小区的清洁工叔叔阿姨检小区内的垃圾。 虽然天气很冷,但是我很早就来到了居委会门口,原本以为我是最早的,可到了以后发现好多小弟弟小妹妹们早就在那里等候多时了。看到寒风中小弟弟小妹妹们被冻红的面孔,我身为一个合格高二的学生深感惭愧。社会活动是建设共产主义和谐社会的重要步骤,我们应该牺牲自己的学习时间休息时间以及一切的利益为之奋斗。在居委会的门口,我自责的低下了头,等待居委会大妈的批评。 还好居委会大妈是一个很和蔼的中老年妇女,她本着共产党员良好的素质,世界领先的思想觉悟,发扬者中华民族几千年的宽容的传统,原谅了我因为睡到6点还没起来导致没有提早两个半小时到的到的生活作风错误,对大妈没有提前集合时间的行为我十分感动。现在这个国家真是个很讲规矩的法制健全的社会啊! 在听了大妈三刻钟的如何捡垃圾和安全教育以后,我,和那些祖国未来的希望们,被分成了若干个小组,由不同的大妈大叔带到不同的地方,准备和那些没有自觉消失的在马路上堆积了几天都不肯走的烟火残骸们,还有那些满地被主人抛弃的可怜的瓜子果皮之类的东西决一死战,为了建设我们完美无缺的和谐社会,我们必须在这满地的垃圾被那些图谋不轨的破坏分子曝光之前把他们彻底清除!! 在各位大妈大叔仅仅半个小时的动员后,我们的斗志完全被激起了!!像冲锋的战士一样像哪一个个垃圾堆跑去,有人带着红色手套,有人拿着白色的塑料袋,戴手套的同学捡垃圾,拿塑料袋的同学收垃圾,大家配合的十分默契,工作效率十分之高,不到两个小时一百平方米草地上的垃圾就差不多被检光了。虽然有着刺骨的寒风,但同学们的脸上都流下了一滴滴汗水,可依然努力工作,只有在去倒垃圾的路上才会稍微休息,聊两句话。 据了解,大多数同学都是没有吃早饭,空着肚子来参加社会活动的。当时已时至中午,可那些同学虽然肚子已经控制不住的在唱着合唱曲,但他们没有一丝怨言。还有的同学放弃自己一天10小时的补课时间,还有的同学放弃每天仅有的6个小时


报告编号:YT-FS-5352-28 研究生实习报告模板(完 整版) After Completing The T ask According To The Original Plan, A Report Will Be Formed T o Reflect The Basic Situation Encountered, Reveal The Existing Problems And Put Forward Future Ideas. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

研究生实习报告模板(完整版) 备注:该报告书文本主要按照原定计划完成任务后形成报告,并反映遇到的基本情况、实际取得的成功和过程中取得的经验教训、揭露存在的问题以及提出今后设想。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 搭车回到公司的时候已是晌午,心里一直不能平 静,尽在责怪自己之前怎么没有好好把问题弄清楚, 否则也不会当场出漏子。 在职研究生社会实践报告回到办公室,一坐下来 便开始发呆,一会经理从身边走过,我抬头看了一下 他,他只是像我点头微笑,之后便径直回自己的办公 室了。我忽然想起来,我还没去汇报呢。于是便敲门 进去。未等我先开口,经理却先说话了:呵呵,我都 知道了,怎么样,这就是真正的考验,虽然这次你没 有成功,但相信一定长了经验,失败乃成功之母,不 管做什么行业都不能害怕失败,等你积累了足够的经 历,将来便都能够应付自如了。另外告诉你,今天这 位陈先生是老客户,其实他的订单早就签好了的,今

天只是让你去锻炼一下而已啦。听到这里我才恍然大悟,心头的石头也终于能够放下来了。正如经理所言,失败并不可怕,多锻炼多积累经验才是最重要的。真的很感谢公司安排给我一次这么好的锻炼机会。 在职研究生社会实践报告不知不觉,一个月的社会实践工作也接近尾声了。能够在公司里发挥自己的能力,并通过努力实实在在的做事,为公司创造一定的价值,不管多少,都是非常有意义的事情。 通过这次实践,使我很好的锻炼了自己的才能,加强了自己的自信心,同时锻炼了自己的人际交往、团队合作、与人交流沟通的能力。又提高了自己在实践中发现问题、解决问题的能力,丰富了自己的工作经历,为将来的就业做好了准备。 在职研究生社会实践报告虽然说一个月的时间很短,但对我来说也是相当重要的,在这过程中不仅培养了自己认真负责的工作态度,也培养了自己的耐心和韧劲。相信此次的社会实践会对自己今后踏入工作岗位带来很大的帮助。在这期间所积累的宝贵的工作


Screen and evaluate the results within a certain period, analyze the deficiencies, learn from them and form Countermeasures. 姓名:___________________ 单位:___________________ 时间:___________________ 社会实践报告书

编号:FS-DY-76915 社会实践报告书 为庆祝党的xxx华诞,x月30日晚,我校外语系暑期三下乡社会实践团与xx镇党委共同举办了“庆祝建党xx周年”大型文艺晚会。副校长xx、宣传统战部部长xx、校团委书记xx以及外语系党支部书记xx等共同观看了晚会。 副校长xx了热情洋溢的致辞。他说,今晚,我们怀着激动喜悦的心情欢聚一堂,以举办庆祝建党xx周年文艺晚会的形式,来庆祝中国共产党xx周年华诞,讴歌党的丰功伟绩,表达我们对伟大祖国母亲和中国共产党的无限热爱。为了给党的xx华诞献礼,在今年我校的暑期三下乡社会实践活动中,我校500多名青年大学生志愿者组成18支队伍奔赴永州各地农村、基层,深入开展服务农民工子女、教育帮扶、科技支农、文艺演出、政策宣讲、法律援助、社会调查等活动。这是我校历年来规模最大的一次,也是独具特色的一次。 晚会上演了一批优秀文艺节目,志愿者们表演的《党常

在我心中》、《相亲相爱一家人》等节目,充分展示了当代大学生爱党、爱国、爱人民的大爱情怀。xx镇党员干部也表演了大合唱《歌唱祖国》等节目。 据悉,在为期7天的暑期三下乡大型社会实践活动中,外语系暑期社会实践团积极发挥大学生在构建和谐社会中的作用,从当地实际出发,开展了一系列富有意义的活动。实践团深入开展了携手党员砍青、医院义工、绿色低碳生活、爱心义教以及社会调查等活动。携手党员砍青,鼓励大学生上山下田,培养了大学生吃苦耐劳的精神。针对农民看病难的问题,为进一步改善当地医疗环境,外语系服务团特别组织了医院义工活动。同时,为响应党建设资源节约型社会的号召,志愿者们顶着烈日,走进了当地居民家,向农民朋友宣传了“绿色环保,低碳生活” 的理念。此外,为使大学生牢记党的光辉历史,志愿者们走访了xx镇的几位革命老前辈,给老军人们送去了亲切的问候。本着“教育为本”的理念,志愿者们组织了“一对一”帮扶义教活动,走近中小学生,为他们带去了一堂深刻的红色教育课。“三下乡”活动期间,志愿者还多次深入调查,开展了以“孝道对农村养老的局限性”为
