Unit 7 Section A

Unit 7 Section A
Unit 7 Section A



文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word 版本可编借?欢迎下载支持. 湖南省常德市第九中学九年级英语全册《Unit 7 section A 2a-2c 》导学案(无答 案)人教新目标版 班级: ___________ 学生姓名: ____________________ 教师査阅情况: _________________________ Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? (SectionA2a-Gramm ar Focus ?P53) 情感目标:使我们认识真正有意义的假期。 能力目标:让我们学会用英语谈论自己心目中向往的假期。 知识目标:单词:fall Niagara touristy 短语:somewhere relaxing 句型:I hope to visit Hawaii one day. I like places where the weather is always warm. 重难点:关系副词where 引导的定语从 句. 学习程序 学习内容与方法 学 习 目 标 知识宝库 1、 I like places where weather is always warm ? Where 在此处是关系副词,引导 左语从 句 the weather is ajways warm ?修饰先行词places 。其中 where 既起连接作用(连接主句和 从句),又在从句中作地点状语。 归纳:where 引导的定语从句修饰 表示地点的先行词 school 等,并且在定 语从句中作地点状 语。有时where 可以被in/on/at which 代替。 有时先行词是表示时间、地点 或原因的需词,但左语从句中却缺 少主语、宾语或表语等,此时定语 从句的连接词不能用 关系剧」词,如 I ° 11 never there ? 2. hope 用于表示实现可能性很大 的希望,有时还有“打算”的意思。 常用结构有:hope to do sth. Hope (that +「从句,hope for sth. 辨析:一般用于难以实现或 不可能实现的愿望,因此后而常接 虚拟语气,有时也可用于祝贺■?语 中,在译成汉语时,Wish 往往不 译作“希望”,而译作“但愿”、“祝”。 归纳:wish 与hope 构成的短语或 课题:


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji Unit8sectionA Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 How many_____(piece) of bread are there on the table?. 2.Here ________ (be) one way to make turkey. 3. Put some_________ (honey) on the apples. 4.Would you like some________ (vegetable ) ? 5. Let’s_________ (make) a fruit salad. 6.Ten minutes for you to make your favorite _(sandwich) 7. Are you _______( good ) than Jim at speaking English? 8. _____( not drink ) too much milk when you are hungry. 9. Thanks for _______ ( have ) us to your party. 10.Why___you____(not stay)at home?It’s so cold outside. 二方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 of, one, mix, dinner, next, invite, how, when, them, first People in Uganda usually 1 guests to enjoy bananas. 2 the guests come, they usually give each of them a cup 3 delicious banana juice. After that they have the banana dishes for 4 . The most popular banana dish is matoke(乌干达蒸香蕉). The delicious matoke is 5 of the oldest dishes in the world. A legend(传说)says that Kintu brought matoke to the earth. Ugandans think that Kintu was the 6 man on the earth. 7 do you cook matoke? First, people peel some bananas and place them in banana leaves. 8 , they steam(蒸)them for about one hour and then mash(捣碎) 9 . Finally they 10 them with some sauce, fresh fish or meat to eat. Do you want to enjoy this delicious food? 五.阅读理解 Scientists say there are seven kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kind; (2) citrus(柑橘类)fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made of milk, like cheese and ice-cream; (6) bread or cereal(谷类), rice is also in this kind of foods; (7) butter, or something like butter, with fat(脂肪)。 People in different countries in the world eat different kinds of things. They also eat in different kinds the day. In some place people eat once or twice a day; in other countries, people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that these differences are not important. It doesn’t matter if a person eats dinner at 4 o’clock in the afternoon or at eleven o’clock at night. The important thing is that every day a person must eat something from each of the seven kind of food. The most important thing is that we must find some way to help the hungry people and make the people have right kinds of food , make them strong and healthy 1、It is important that people should _________. A eat three times a day B eat cooked food C eat dinner at 4 o’clock D eat something from each of the seven kinds of food every day 2、Which sentence is right? A People should eat ice-cream every day B Oranges belong to second kind of food C We should eat chicken every day D We should never eat fat


Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 课文重难点讲解 Section A 1.about 9,600 ,000 square kilometers in size. 大小约9,6000,0000平方公里。 【解析1】square ⑴adj. “平方米” , 用于数字后表面积。 an area of 95 square meters 95平方米的面积 ⑵n , 正方形;广场 Many old people like dancing on the square after supper. 【解析2】in size = have /has an area of... (面积)大小 2.1,025 meters deep深1,025米 【解析1】1,025 meters “深1,025米” 【注】在英语中,表示事物的长、宽、高、深等时,主要有两种表达方式: 结构1:“基数词+ 单位名词+ 形容词(long,wide,tall, deep等)”。 如果数词超过1,单位名词要用复数形式。 【注】单位词有:meter; foot; inch; kilogram 等 Yao Ming is over 2 meters tall. The river is 50 meters wide. “基数词+ 单位名词+ in + 名词(length; width; height; depth等)two meters long = two meters in length 2米长 three feet high = two feet in height. 3英尺高 结构2:长、宽、高、深还可用复合形容词表示 “数字+ 量词(单位)+形容词(long/ wide/ tall/ deep等)” . 各个词间用连字符连接,常作前置定语修饰名词。 Jeremy Shu-How Lin is a 1.91-meter-tall- basketball player. 【解析2】deep adj. 深的take a deep breath.深深呼吸 【拓展】adj →n dee p →depth long →length high→height wide →width 3.Qomolangma is ___ than any other mountain in the world. 珠穆朗玛峰比世界上任何山都____. 【解析】“any other +可数名词的单数”任何其他的 【用法1】any other “其他任何一个” ,后接可数名词单数, [指在同一范围内除了某人或某物以外的其他任何人或物] 通常用于比较级,多用于同一范围内相比较。 Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. 【用法2】“any other +可数名词单数”可与“the other + 可数名词复”互换,也可用最高级形式表达。 Lucy is more careful than any other student in her class. (any other + 可数名词单数)

【精品】人教版七年级下册英语导学案:Unit 7(Section A 1a-2d)及课堂测评

人教版英语精品资料 樊城区21中学校七年级英语学科导学案课题:Unit7 It's raining! Section A(1a-2d) 主备人: 课型:听说课课时: 1课时(具体课时任务:导学、独学、互学、展示) 学习目标: 1.掌握本课P37-38单词。 2. 学会使用描绘天气的词语。 3. 学会学会用句型How's the weather in Beijing ?句型以及回答- It's…… 能够与他人谈论天气。 重难点: 1. 天气的表达 2.现在进行时态。 独学准备: 1.学生自学新单词。 2.了解生活中的天气现象。

当堂测评分层达标 基础落实★ 一、根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 琳达正和她的朋友们在公园里玩耍。 Linda is ________ ________ her friends at the park. 2. 你能给他捎个口信吗? Can you ________ ________ ________ for him? 3. 请告诉杰克明天给我回电话。 Please tell Jack to _______ me _______tomorrow. 4. 尼克,近来怎么样? ________ it ________, Nick? 5. 他们在晚会上玩得很开心。 They are ________ ________ ________ ________ at the party. 发展能力★ 二、. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. It is windy today. (对划线部分提问) ________ the ________ today? 2. David plays basketball with his cousin every day. (用right now替换every day改写句子) David ________ ________ ________ with his cousin right now. 3. Jeff and Kevin are cleaning the class-room. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ Jeff and Kevin _______? 4. Gina is playing computer games in her room. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Gina playing computer games? 5. How is the weather in London today? (改为同义句) ________ the weather ________ in London today?

7年级下册 Unit 1 Section A 导学案

Unit 5 Can you come to my party? 一、学习目标 掌握礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请的有关词语和句型。 能谈论自己或别人必须做的事情。 四、教材精华 SECTION A 1a ~1c 1.—Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 詹妮,星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗? —Sure I ’d love to.当然,我很愿意。 (1)Can you …?意为“你能……吗?”此句型表示客气地邀请某人做某事,can 可以用could 替换,区别在于:用could 比用can 语气委婉,显得更有礼貌,而can 则较口语化。 中考链接 (2010·北京)— you turn down your radio, please? —Yes, I can.

A. May B. Need C. Must D. Can 解析:may表“可以”时,常用于May I…?句型。need意为“需要”,不符合题意。must的疑问句不能用can来回答。故选D。答案:D 拓展 向别人发出邀请、请求、建议或征求某人的意见,还有几种表达方法,大多数语气比较语气比较委婉,显得客气而有礼貌: ①Would you like…?“你想要/愿意……吗?”其后可接名词、代词或动词不定式,用来提出建议或发出邀请。 ②Will/Would/Could you please…?“请你……好吗?”其后接动词原形。其中would和could不是过去式,而是表示语气更加委婉。此句用来提出建议、请求或邀请。 ③Shall we…?“我们……好吗?”shall是情态动词,其后接动词原形。此句用来征求对方的意见。 Shall we have a picnic together? 我们一起野餐,好吗? ④Let’s…意为“让我们……吧”,let后接动词原形作宾语补足语。本句用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。 Let’s go to the mountains and camp there.我们到山上去,在那儿露营吧。 ⑤Why not…?或Why don’t you…?“为什么不……呢?”其后接动词原形,本句用来提出建议。 Why not go there? 为什么不去那里呢? ⑥How/What about…?“……怎么样?”about为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。本句用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。 How/What about taking the subway? 乘地铁怎么样? (2)sure常用于口语中,为说话人较有把握的肯定回答,意为“当然可以/愿意”,相当于certainly或of course. —May I usr your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? —Sute.当然可以。 (3)I’d love to.是由“I would love to.”缩写而来,与“I would like to.”同义,表示“我愿意”。 —Would you love to go to the movies with me?你愿意和我一起去看电影吗? —Yes,I’d love to.是的,我很愿意。 —Can you come to my birthday party?你能来参加我的生日聚会吗? —Sure,I’d love/like to.当然,我很愿意。 注意 I’d love to.是一种固定的、礼貌客气的简略回答形式,to不能省略。 2. I have to help my parents. 我得帮助我的父母。 haveto“不得不,必须”,表示客观情况要求某人必须做某事,有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。 She isn’t very well these days and she has to stay at home. 她这些天身体不太好,不得不待在家里。 We have to go and help him.我们得去帮帮他。 You don’t have to tell me this.你不必告诉我这件事。 Do you have to do everything? 什么事都得你做吗? She doesn’t have to come this afternoon.今天下午她不必来。


Unit 7 Section A Cyber-stepmother Teaching Aims: In this section, students will be able to: 1、get the main idea of Section A 2、master the new words, phrases and expressions 3、improve their Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. 4、master the usage of “coming + past participle” and “a wave of”Teaching Contents: 1、Vocabulary and phrases cyber-, attach, tent, combine, correspond, basis, core… attach to, at least, right away, combine …with, correspond with… 2、Sentence Structure coming + past participle a wave of Teaching approaches: Task-based Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tape Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision Step 2 Lead in and exploring The topic of this unit is “Going on line”. Computers have made modern life much easier. More than just a simple office tool, the computer offers fast communication through the internet. However, e-mail and chat lines often bring miscommunication, and even danger if not used properly. The internet has become a popular medium of obtaining various kinds of information and connecting people all over the world. It is a good way for friends and families to communicate with each other even if they are far apart. No doubt most of us enjoy the benefits of this advanced technology. But in the meanwhile, we are coming to realize some of the risks. Let’s have a discussion and see how we are being affected by using the internet. Questions: 1) What’s your main purpose of going online? 2) What are the possible risks of going on line? 3) How do you communicate with your parents and thus keep a good relationship with them? Step 3 New word and phrases 1. To ask several students to read the new words and phrases 2. To read the new words together after the teacher Step 4 Skimming 1 Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main idea of this passage. 2 Ask students to read the text again , then finish the exercises on P124

人教版新目标七年级上册英语导学案Unit 7 Section A(1a-2e)

人教版新目标七年级上册英语导学案Unit 7 课题:Unit 7 How much are these socks? 第一课时Section A (1a—2e ) 学习目标: 1、重点单词 much(pron.&adj.) 许多;大量;多少;sock(n.)短袜;T-shirt(n.) T恤衫;shorts(n.)短裤;sweater(n.)毛衣;trousers(n.)裤子;shoe(n.) 鞋;skirt(n.) 裙子;dollar(n.)元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$);big(adj.) 大的;大号的;small(adj.)小的;小号的;short(adj.) 短的;矮的;long(adj.)长的;woman(n.)女子;need(v.)需要;look(v.)看;看上去;pair(n.)一双;一对;take(v.)买下;拿;取 2、重点词组 how much多少;how about怎么样 3、重点句式 (1)–How much is this T-shirt?——这件T恤多少钱? –It’s seven dollars.——七美元。 (2) – How much are these socks?——这些短袜多少钱? –They’re two dollars.——他们两美元。 (3) –Can I help you?——我能帮您吗? –Yes, please.——是的,请。 (4) Here you are.给你。 重点难点: 重点 掌握目标词汇和重点句子。 难点 初步掌握询问价格的句型和答语。 导学设计: 1.socks 【归纳】socks是sock的复数形式,意为“____”。在英语中,成双成对的物品常以复数形式出现。例如:鞋____;短裤____;裤子____等。此类词作主语时,谓语动词用____形式;但与a pair of …(一双、一对或一副)连用作主语时,谓语动词用____形式。例如:我的鞋在床下了。My shoes ____ under the bed. 那条短裤是杰克的。That pair of shorts ____ Jack’s. 2.I need a sweater for school.我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。 【归纳】need 作实义动词,意为“_____”。常用于以下句式中: (1) need + sth. 表示“需要某物”。例如:我需要一些橡皮。I need ___ ______. (2) need + to do sth. 表示“需要做某事”,这时need 的主语是“_____”。例如:你需要穿上你的夹克。You ____ _____put on your jacket. (3) need … for … 表示“需要……去做……”。例如:你的聚会需要些什么?What do you _____ your party? 3. Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. 一双两美元,两双三美元。 【归纳】(1) 在此句中,介词for用来表示物品的____,用法是:价格+ for + 具体物品。例如:这本书5美元。It’s 5 dollars _____ this book.


导学案 Unit7 SectionA 课型:新课主备人:审核人:审定人: 班级:小组:姓名:时间: 学习目标: 一、知识目标:1. 学习如何询问价格。 2. 学习有关服装、颜色的词汇。 二、技能目标:学会谈论物品的价格。 三、情感目标:培养学生在购物方面对价格的感知。 重点难点: 1.学习如何询问价格。 2.⑴Can I help you? ⑵Yes, please. ⑶What color do you want? ⑷Here you are? ⑸I will take it. ⑹You’re welcome. 关键问题: 1. Can I help you? 是服务人员或营业员主动询问顾客需要的常用语。类似的还有:May I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? Anything I can do for you? Anything else? 这些句子意思相近。 2.当选定商品时决定购买时,就可以说I’ll take/have/buy it.表示“我买了”。 3.如何表示感谢及道谢答语。 1)常用的道谢用语:Thank you (very much). Thanks a lot. Thanks. 2)常用的道谢答语有:You’re welcome. That’s OK. That’s all right. It’s a pleasure. My pleasure. 【导学过程】 自主学习: 一. 预习书中37、38页单词。 1. 许多;大量;多少 2. 短袜 3. T 恤衫 4. 短裤 5. 毛衣 6. 裤子 7. 鞋 8. 裙子 9. 美元10. 大的;大号的 11. 小的;小号的12. 短的;矮的 13. 长的13(购物时)…多少钱? 二. 试一试,写出下面短语。 1.(价钱)多少 2. 红色的毛衣 3. 黑色的衬衫 4. 白色的裙子 5. 黄色的短裤 6. 长的裤子 7. 短的袜子8. 大的鞋子 9. 小帽子 【知识超市】 一、询问商品价格的两种句型及答语 1.How much+ is + 单个商品名词/it? It’s + 基数词+ dollars / yuan. e.g. How much is this / the T-shirt?(询问单数名词价格) It’s seven dollars. 2.How much +are+商品(复数形式)/ they? They are + 基数词+ dollars / yuan. e.g. How much are these socks?(询问复数名词价格) They’re two dollars. 二、dollar 和yuan的用法 当dollar 前的基数词>1的时候dollar 要变成复数dollars. yuan 无论前面的基数词是多少都是用yuan 三、裤子trousers 和短裤shorts总是以复数形式出现。 袜子sock 和鞋shoe 有单数形式,但是经常使用复数形式。 实战演练: 1.这件毛衣多少钱?this sweater?

九年级英语Unit 7 Section A 导学案 新人教版

UNIT 7 Where would you like to visit? 一、学习目标 ·学会用would和hope表达意愿。 ·学会描写自己想要去的地方并说明原因。 类 别 课程标准要求掌握的内容 必 备 单 词 名词:capital,beach,jungle,fall,sight,tower,church,wine,firm,Pacific,programming,translator 动词:trek, hope, offer, consider, translate, pack, provide 形容词:relaxing,else,tiring,educational,peaceful,fascinating,thrilling,touristy,lively 常 考 短 语 be supposed to do sth., take it easy, in general, as soon as possible, be willing to, quite a few, dream of, provide sb. with sth., hold on to,trek through,come true,consider doing 经 典 句 型 1.I love places where the people are really friendly. 2.I’d love to visit Mexico. 重 点 语 法 1.表达“意愿”的方式 2.由where, when, why等关系副词引导的定语从句 三、新课导引 四、教材精华

SECTION A 1. I’d like to trek through the jungle...我想徒步穿越丛林…… (1)trek作动词,“(缓慢的、艰难的)旅行,长途跋涉”,请注意其他形式:trekked, trekking。 Our medical workers trekked through high mountains to collect valuable medicinal herbs.我们的医务人员踏遍高山峻岭采集珍贵药材。 (2)through 作介词,“穿过,通过(指空间上)”。 The train passed through a tunnel.列车穿过了一个隧道。 辨析:through, across, over与cross through 介词,指从物体的内部传过 across 介词,指从物体表面的一边到令一边。 over 介词,指从物体上方跨过,无接触面 cross 动词,指从物体表面的一边到另一边 He went through the forest the next day.次日他穿过了森林。 We walked across the road.我们穿过马路。 We found it impossible to cross the road.我们发现过马路是不可能的。 [图解助记] 【2011 山东烟台】31.--Can a plane fly _______ the Atlantic Ocean? --Yes, but it needs to go_________ the clouds for hours. A. across, through B. through, across C. across, across D. th rough, through 答案:A 【解析】考查介语辨析用法。across,表示从物体的表面“穿过,越过”; through表示从某物的内部“穿过”,句中“飞越大西洋”要使用fly across; 从云层中“穿过”,要使用through。 【2011山东潍坊】21. The moonlight goes _____ the window and makes the room bright. A. across B. through C. over D. in 答案:B 【解析】考查介词用法。across意为“(从物体表面)穿过”; throng意为“(从物体内部)穿过”;over表示在……正上方;in表示在……内部。句意为“月光穿过窗户使房间明亮起来。”故选B。 (2009·漳州中考) The young men walked ______ the forest and came to a big river at last. A. on B. over C. through D. across 【解析】选C (2008·芜湖中考) The policeman helped the old woman _________ the road.


人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit7SectionA巩固练习 Unit 7 It’s raining!. Unit 7 Section A巩固练习 EXERCISES: 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.My mother is in the kitchen.She’s c dinner. 2.When it r ,we have our P.E.class inside. 3.We make a snowman after it s . 4.When the wind is blowing,it is w . 5.When the sun is shining,it is s . 6.When there are clouds,it is c . 7.——How is the w in Beijing now? ——It’s snowy. 8.Can I take a m for you? 9.——Could you tell your sister to call me b ? ——Sure,no p . 10.It s like fun. 11.Is Julie playing computer games in her room a ? 12.My brother (在电话中交谈)with his friends now. 13.My mother is good at (做汤)。It is delicious. 14.It is sunny.They (踢足球)on the playground. 15.He (做家庭作业)in the classroom now. 16.——How’s it going?——Not b . 17.My father is a .He’s dinner for us.(cook) 18.Can you say it (再一次)? 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.It’s (sun)today.Let’s go to the park. 2.It is (snow)in Harbin. 3.My mother often tells me (study)hard. 4.Tom often sends(发)(message)to his friends. 5.——Can you help me with my English? ——No, (problems) 6.There are a lot of in the sky.It’s .(cloud) 三、选择方框中的词或词组并用其适当形式填空。 1.What are you doing ? 2.——How is the weather?——It’s ,We can go skating. 3.——How is it going?—— . 4.It’s a day.You should stay at home.


Unit7 What's the matter? Section A (Grammar focus-3 c) 能力目标:灵活运用相关单词和短语,学会谈论健康问题;学会提建议。 情感目标:学会当事故发生时,采取应急措施。 【重难点】 1.重点词组和句子 2.学会询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法。 【学法指导】 总结归纳询问疾病的句子及回答 【预习导航】 根据要求写单词 1.well(比较级) 2.feel(现在分词) 3.ill(名词) 4.good(副词) 5.must(近义词) 6.begin(近义词) 7.backache(近义词) 8.lie(现在分词) 9.-What’s the _______(matter/wrong)?-I have a ________(cold/ill). 10.I hope you feel _____(well/better)soon. 11.He should _____(lie/lies) down and rest. 12.You may ask the doctor for _____(advice/advices). 翻译下列短语和句子 给某人一些建议两个月以前三周以前 一个好主意我想如此。 我感到不舒服。我希望你尽快好起来。。【预习质疑】 通过预习,还有未解决的问题是: 【课堂探究】 1. 3a Fill in the blanks and make dialogues . 2.3b Fill in the blanks and make dialogues . 3.Practice the conversation3c. 4. Team work 当别人不舒服时应该怎么去问对方呢? A. ? B. ? C. ? 总结出生活中常遇到的问题,并给出合理化建议 1. have a cold 2. have a stomachache 3. have a sore throat 4. have a toothache 5. have a sore back 【探究讨论】 【学习目标】 知识目标:能够初步识记单词:herself ,bandage,sick,knee,nosebleed 记住短语:get an X-ray have a fever put some medicine on the cut see a dentistget some sleep lie down and rest take one’s temperature

unit8SectionA 1a-2c

序号42 Unit 8 Do you have a soccer ball ? Section A 1a-2c 主备人:刘晓丽审核:孙兆成 学习目标: 1.掌握以下词汇: soccer ,ball , tennis , racket , bat , baseball , volleyball ,basketball , have, has 2.掌握一般疑问句。 ---- Do you have a soccer ball ? ---- Yes , I do . / No , I don’t . ---- Does he have a ping-pong ball ? ---- Yes , he does . / No , he doesn’t . 课前预习 1.词汇 1. 英式足球_______________ 2.乒乓球______________ 3.篮球_________________ 4. 网球__________________ 5玩,打球___________ 6.球拍____________________- 2.句子 1) Do you have a soccer ball ? Yes, _____________. 2) Do you have a soccer ball ? No,______________ . 课上探究 1.把词汇和实物连起来 2.听对话1b ,补全对话 A: Do you have a ______ ______? B: No ,I don’t. A: Do you have a________ ______? B: Yes, I do. 3.抄写1c 中的两个对话 1)__________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 4.听力练习(2a-2b) 1.Listen and number. 2. Listen and match. 3. listen and fill in the blanks. Conversation1 A: Do you have a ____ ball? B: No, I don’t . A: Does your brother Alan _____one? B: Yes , he does.
