


The 1st Dahua Cup English Talent Competition Final score table


《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿 第1篇: My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come tru e one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way 《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初中比赛演讲稿 第2篇: I Love English Ladies and Gentlemen ,


关于成都校区“英文风采大赛”的策划书 一、活动名称:英文风采大赛 二、活动类型:文艺活动 三、活动背景: 为加强我校学风建设,展示川农学子英语风采,提高全校学生英语学习的热情,促进和提高我校大学生的英语口语水平、营造良好的学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、提高大学生的综合素质。英语协会特举办英语风采大赛。 四、活动目的: 随着时代在前进,世界在发展,语言交流和地区沟通日益重要。英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,在国际的交流中自然起着至关重要的作用。主办方通过这样一个交流方式,这样一个交流平台,来提高同学们对英语学习的积极性,特别是提高大家对英语口语训练的积极性,也由此给英语爱好者提供一个展示自我的平台,丰富了同学们的课余生活,并由此打造部门特色活动,满足学院各系之间的交流,也为更好地培养拥有一流英语口语的农业院校学生贡献一份力量。 五、活动时间及地点: 1,报名阶段: 地点:食堂对面摆点处(公寓中心花园右侧学生2公寓楼下)时间:11月4-6日10:00-17:00 2,海选阶段:11月11日10:00-13:00 二公寓活动室 3,决赛阶段:21月日19:00-21:30 二教报告厅

六、主办单位:研究生院、文法学院 承办单位:成都校区英语协会 活动负责人:曹望洋王晏如:伍欣然 七、活动流程: (一)报名阶段 1,提前通知各院学生会建议其推荐节目2个(不同形式),其余可接收自愿报名选手; 注: (1)参赛选手须填写相关基本信息、联系方式及英语才艺形式(见附件一) (2)选手可以以英语相关的任何形式(包括英文诗歌朗诵、英文歌曲、英语话剧、英文电影配音、英文小品等)报名参加。 (二)海选阶段 1,参赛选手在指定时间及地点参加海选,海选次序于活动前抽签决定。2,评委由研究生院文艺部、学术部两部门分管共4人担任。 注:(1)海选评分细则表见附件二。 (2)总共选出8名决赛选手。 (三)决赛阶段 1,主持人,灯光、音乐配合,宣布开场(中英文); 2,现代舞热场(英文歌); 3,主持人介绍“英文才艺大赛”比赛流程: 第一环节:8名决赛选手比赛环节。各选手带来各自准备的英文节目(选


希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿 My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way . I love English I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me GREat pleasure. When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons. On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the GREat Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.


希望之星英语风采大赛小学A组看图说单词培训参赛题库 参考历年全真例题 例题1 参考答案: cherry樱桃、watermelon西瓜、mouse老鼠、pear梨子、grape葡萄、snail蜗牛、sheep绵羊 例题2 参考答案: bread面包、cake蛋糕、peach桃子、hamburger汉堡包、mango芒果、watermelon 西瓜、pineapple菠萝 例题3

参考答案: strawberry草莓、apple苹果、lemon柠檬、cow奶牛、frog青蛙、horse马、sheep绵羊 例题4 参考答案: banana香蕉、orange桔子、French fries/ chips薯条、coconut tree椰子树、hot dog热狗、orange juice桔子汁、milk牛奶 例题5

参考答案: mouse老鼠、cake蛋糕、milk牛奶、pig猪、cow奶牛、dog狗、goat山羊 例题6 参考答案: bird鸟、bee蜜蜂、butterfly蝴蝶、snail蜗牛、flower花、rabbit兔子、frog青蛙 例题7

参考答案: cook厨师、doctor医生、nurse护士、policewoman女警察、waiter男招待员、worker工人、driver司机 例题8 参考答案: duck鸭子、fox狐狸、cat猫、elephant大象、goose鹅、fish鱼、coconut tree 椰子树、sun太阳、cloud云、ball球、water水、sea海 例题9

参考答案: sunny天晴的、rainy下雨的、snowy下雪的、windy刮风的、cloudy多云的 例题10 参考答案: spring春天、summer夏天、fall/ autumn秋天、winter冬天、pig猪、cow奶牛、dog狗、goat山羊 例题11


希望之星英语风采大赛活动策划书 上饶师范学院英语风采大赛暨2014年中央电视台“希望之星英语风采大赛”上饶师院赛区选拔赛 主办单位:上饶师范学院团委、学生会 上饶师范学院外国语学院 承办单位:上饶师范学院外国语学院团总支、学生分会 上饶师范学院外语协会 一、活动目的 为进一步加强我校学风建设,营造良好的学习氛围,展现我校师生良好的专业素养,为学校参加2014年中央电视台“希望之星英语风采大赛”选拔人才、储备人才,特策划举办“上饶师范学院英语风采大赛暨2014年中央电视台‘希望之星英语风采大赛’上饶师院赛区选拔赛”。 二、大赛主题:talk with the world , share our dreams!

三、大赛宗旨: 1.培养兴趣、增强信心、展示风采、树立榜样; 2.成长比成绩更重要,体验比名次更珍贵; 四、报名及参赛方式 1.报名方式: 学院推荐:除外国语学院之外的其他二级学院向大赛组委会推荐1-2名优秀选手参加大学英语组校级选拔赛;外国语学院在xx和xx级同学中推荐若干名优秀选手参加学校专业组比赛; 自愿报名:各在籍在校、对英语学习有强烈的兴趣、大学英语四级成绩超过450分、大学英语六级和英语专业四级的同学,凭相关成绩单于3月14日前在学校指定报名点报名。 五、比赛环节:比赛分为预选赛、校级决赛两个环节,组委会根据选手的表现,推荐选手参加5月份在南昌进行的全省总决赛。 预选赛采取口试和笔试的方式,选

拔20名左右的选手参加校级比赛的决赛; 决赛 ?主题演讲,各参赛选手围绕大赛的主题,进行五分钟的英语演讲; ?才艺展示,各参赛选手根据自己的特长,在3-5分钟内表演节目; ?即兴演讲,选手根据比赛组委会提供的视屏以及其它的相关材料,根据要求做5分钟即兴演讲,并回答评委的提问。 六、奖项设置 奖项 英语专业组 大学英语组 一等奖 1 1 二等奖 2 2 三等奖

英语希望之星风采大赛即兴问答题库 (小学组)

希望之星英语风采大赛小学组评委即兴问答题库(附参考回答) 1.Which school do you study in?Which subject do you like best?Why? I study in …School. I like…best. I’m good at … Because my father/mother is a/an…I want to be a/an …in the future, just like my mother/father... 2.H ow many people are there in your family?Can you tell us a story that happened in your family? There are three/five…people in my family. They’re my grandmother/mother, …and me. My father is a businessman/an English teacher…My mother is working at school/in the hospital/in the…company. Last winter/summer holiday, I went to Shanghai/Beijing/Hangzhou…with my family. We vistied the Science Museum/the Tiananmen Square/the Fordden City/the West Lake…It’s very famous and interesting. We had a lot of fun together. 3.W ho is your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? My best friend is …She’s/He’s kind/funny/active/quiet/lovely/cute/serious/helpful…She/He has big shining eyes and long wavy/straight/curly hair…I often play games/do homework/have lunch/go shopping…with my friend. We help each other. We always do sports/play badminton/jump ropes/read books…together. 4.W ho is your English teacher? Do you like her (him)? Why? Miss…/Mrs…is my English teacher. She’s/He’s funny/serious…She/He is wearing glasses. She/He often wears yellow dress/white T-shirt with blue jeans…I like her/him/my English


希望之星英语大赛贾如馨演讲稿 希望之星英语大赛贾如馨演讲稿 我的青春独白(个性宣言),我最喜欢的一句话:成功来自勤奋。 我眼中的英语:英语是一种文化,是一种通向世界的桥梁。 我是什么时候开始学英语的:我九岁开始学英语。 我最喜欢的英语读物:牛津英语分级读物。 我最喜欢的一本书:简爱(jane eyre) 在我的英语学习历程中对我影响最大的一个人:我的妈妈 比赛成绩:河北赛区选拔赛小学组第一名,全国总决赛小学组冠军。 二、家长或老师文章 如馨是怎样学英语的 如馨正式学英语是在两年前,确切地说是从XX年3月。当时如馨同妈妈一起去英国看,这就意味着如馨不得不学英语。当时连26个字母都背不下来的她,开始时有些抵触情绪。她就读于一所很不错的小学,上四年级(year four)。那里的同学和老师对她都很热情和友好,这增强了她的自信心。妈妈给如馨指定了一套系统的。在第一个月里,如馨掌握了基本的课堂用语和生活用语,并且还掌握了200多个单词。这些单词是按内容进行归类,这样比较容易记。每天放学回家还要看一些动画片。一开始看不懂,她就会根据片中人物表情和手势去猜。 一个月过后,如馨加大了阅读量。在学校里老师要求她每周读一本简单的故事书,而如馨却要读10本有时甚至更多同等程度的故事书。大量的阅读既增加了她的词汇量同时也增强了她的学习英语的自信心。在短短的四个月的时间里,她读完了oxford reading tree 系列读物的小学三年级的全部书籍。由于如馨学习刻苦努力以及在语言方面所取得的进步,学校多次给她颁发证书,比如,“outstanding effort

in english”, “working really hard on reading”, “being very quick at maths” 等等。在英国一年的学习中,如馨阅读了150本儿童读物并写了几十篇。 回国以后,如馨每天坚持读英文小说和看电视英语节目,如中央十套的《希望英语杂志》和中央九套的新闻节目。与此同时,爸爸每周都买来一些英文原版的优秀影片,全家人一起欣赏。这既锻炼了听力同时也巩固了英语语言基础。这次如馨在比赛中听力方面表现很优秀是与她平时经常听,经常看分不开的。 本届希望英语风采大赛丰富了她的人生,使她受到了一次磨砺,提高了她的心理素质,培养了她的合作意识和竞争意识。但是,这只是一个开始,以后的路会更长,更艰难,希望她会勇敢地去面对。 三、比赛 my sweet home hi, everyone, my name is jia ruxin. i am from shijiazhuang and in grade 5. today my topic is “ my sweet home”. there is an old saying “east and west, home is best.” so, we can see how important home is to everybody. i’ve got a sweet home because it is cozy. my family lives in a flat. the sitting room is the biggest and my room is the smallest, but it is a world of my own. the wall is white, the curtain is pretty, the bed is comfortable and the bookshelf is filled with different kinds of books. in the right hand corner is the zheng, a traditional chinese musical instrument, and on the table is the computer. when i feel tired, i can play computer games; and when i feel depressed, playing the zheng can cheer me up. this is my sweet home, where i can find peace and comfort. i’ve got a sweet home because it is full of love. my dad loves me. he is kind and patient. it is my dad who watches outlook english magazine with me; it is also my dad who is ready to answer my questions. my mom loves me, too. she is considerate and hardworking.


“英语风采”大赛主持词 开场语: 英文: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Good afternoon , Wele to English talent show. 中文:---同学们,老师们,大家下午好。欢迎参加我们的英语风采大赛。 英文:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the first English Talent Show of our school! 中文:---很荣幸我们能担任我校第一届英语风采大赛的主持人。 英文: With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a munication tool, but also a cultural symbol. 中文:---随着社会的发展,英语作为一种流行语言,已经不仅仅是一种交际工具,更是一种文化符号。英文:Today ,Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work. 中文:---今天,我们的英语才艺表演,是我们展示才华的舞台,也是教师享受辛勤劳动成果的机会。 英文:The vivid story about English can make our life vivid. Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life. An exciting speech can encourage all of us. Today,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams e true! I think everybo dy here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin. Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck! 中文:---生动的英语故事可以增添我们的生活乐趣,优美的英文歌曲也能让我们感受生活的美好,激动人心的演讲能让我们心潮澎湃。今天,让我们开启我们的智慧,说一口流利的英语,让梦想成真!我想每个人都等不及要看了,所以我们开始吧。让我们期待所有参赛者聪慧,自信,精彩的表演,祝他们好运! 英文:School is the source of our knowledge, is the cradle of our growth, I believe that each of us students deeply love our campus。Now let's listen to the students in Grade Three. What do they think of our campus? 中文:---学校是我们知识的源泉,是我们成长的摇篮,我相信我们每一个学生都热爱我们的校园。现在让我们听听三年级小朋友说说,他们心目中我们的校园是怎样的 英文:The final score of Grade 3 is_________. congratulations 中文:三年级最后得分________.祝贺他们 英文:Gu Dong is Coming,Gu Dong is ing ! What is Gu Dong? Now let’s see the sit Gu Dong is Comi ng from Class1 Grade 4 中文:---Gu Dong来了,Gu Dong来了!Gu Dong是什么?现在让我们看看从4年级1班的情景喜剧Gu Dong 来了。 英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations 中文:四(1)班最后得分________.祝贺他们 英文:Look,!a group of cute little animals are pulling radishes。Wele to Class 2 Grade 4 for us to show the performance Pull Radish . 中文:---看,一群可爱的小动物在拔萝卜,欢迎四(2)为我们表演情景剧拔萝卜。 英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations 中文:四(2)班最后得分________.祝贺他们


希望之星英语风采大赛复赛即兴演讲 My favorite literature (1) HI, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will tell you about my favorite literature. I like reading and I have read many books. But my favorite book is《The three body problem》The author of this book is Liu Ci Xin. This name may not be familiar to everyone. But we all know the excellent film 《The Wandering Earth》which is adapted from Liu Ci Xin’s novel of the same name. This book mainly about During the Cultural Revolution, astronomer ye wenjie was taken to secretly plan the red bank project. Ye wenjie used the sun as an antenna to send the earth's signal to the universe and made progress in the search for alien civilization Four light-years away, the "Three-Body Civilization" is struggling, with more than a hundred times of destruction and rebirth under the guidance of the three irregular Sun forcing them to flee from their parent stars. But at this point, the Three-Body receives their signals. They are ready set out to the earth. 《The three body's problem》is a great science fiction work and a milestone in Chinese science fiction literature.


英语才艺展示比赛活动方案 一、活动目的: 为了调动和激发我校学生学习英语的兴趣,提升学生学英语的积极性、主动性,营造良好的校园人文氛围,展现我校学生的风采,给学生一个可以张扬自己个性,展示个人英语才艺的舞台和空间,英语组决定在全校举行英语才艺展示比赛活动。 二、宣传工作:由各班英语教师及班主任在各班发动同学积极参加 三、承办单位:教务处 四、组织单位:英语组 五、参赛对象:全校学生 六、活动时间:2017年10月23日至11月2日 七、邀请观看嘉宾:邀请校领导、老师及全体学生到场观看 八、评委组:英语组全体教师 九、比赛办法: 1、本次比赛由预赛和决赛组成。 2、预赛由各班级承办,英语教师组织。各班以小组为单位组织初赛,按照老师评分60%和学生评分40%标准共同确定2名学生参加决赛; 3、决赛由英语组在全校范围内组织。 十、作品要求: 1、节目内容健康向上,主题鲜明,有较强的教育意义; 2、时间限定3---8分钟; 3、作品形式:形式不限,包括与英语有关的演讲、朗诵、讲故事、歌曲、笑话、小品、相声、情景剧、音乐剧等。 十一、参赛要求: 1、各班选送2个节目参加,本周五(10月27日)前各班把参赛选手名单及作品上交英语组,抽签决定比赛顺序; 2、参赛选手必须遵守比赛规则,尊重评委的评判。 十二、评分细则: 1、语言能力:40分,根据演员的语言水平给出(包括:语音语调、语言表达的准确性、语言表达的准确性); 2、演技:30分根据演员对角色的刻画能力给出; 3、整体形象、展示效果和观众感召力:30分。 十三、评分办法: 采取100分制综合评分方法,评委当场打分,去掉一个最高分和最低分,取平均分,为最后得分。 十四、奖励办法: 个人奖:一等奖2名,二等奖4名,三等奖6名,颁发奖状; 集体奖:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,颁发奖状。 十五、比赛时间及地点: 1、时间:2017年11月2日(周四下午三、四节) 2、地点:学校科技馆 灌涨高中英语组 2017-10-23


C C T V希望之星英语风 采大赛城市决赛样题 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

第八届国际英语电视大赛 暨中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛国际 赛 广东赛区城市决赛说明及相关样题 1.自选题—“英语达人秀”(分值30分,2分钟) 比赛规则:选手运用多种才艺表演形式来充分展现自己,如英语故事、英语歌曲、名人模仿, 乐器,舞蹈,武术,书法,地方戏曲、魔术等;力求内容丰富,形式新颖,充分展 示你是“英语达人”。 2.指定题(分值20分,2分钟) 1)小学A、B、C组:情景描述(2分钟) 比赛规则:参赛选手随机抽取图片,根据所选图片的情景用英语进行现场描述,使画面更加生 动、有趣;立意新、内容丰富,密切联系实际生活,充分体现英语在 生活中的应用。 请尽可能发掘你的丰富想象力,用最幽默风趣的英语表达你的想法。(范例如下) 小学A组情景描述: Example: Look at the picture. I can see a boy and a girl. They are flying kites in the park. They are happy. There are five birds in the sky. They are singing. I can see some beautiful flowers, too. And there are many trees over there. Look at the dog, it is running. I also have a dog and I like it very much! 小学B组情景描述: Example: Today I want to introduce my family to you. My Daddy is the tallest in my family. He has short brown hair. And he is wearing a red sweater and a pair of blue trousers. He is


英文才艺展示大赛总结 总结一:英语脱口秀主题才艺展示活动总结 主办单位:江西科技师范学院理工学院承办单位:江西科技师范学院理工学院英语学科部团总支学生会 时间:XX 年3 月17 日---3 月31 日地点:江西科技师范学院红角洲校区教学区为了提高我校全体学生学习英语的积极性,也为了丰富我校学生的课余生活,积极锻炼并提高同学们的口语水平,激发大家的口语交际的兴趣,发掘英语口语方面的人才,英语学生会组织部继承第一届Talk show 主题才艺展示,于在XX年3月17日正式拉开帷幕。为了让同学们能够更好的展示自我,挑战自我,我们特意举办了本次活动。在学校领导的学生会各部门的配合下,活动取得了可喜的成绩。但是一些细节上还存在着不足。 初赛前我们高度重视,认真组织,及时张贴了海报和宣传板,使全校在校学生了解此活动。英语学生会成员分别在食堂和寝室楼下设报名点,通知各班级学生干部带领本班同学积极响应。此外,各部门分工明确,互相配合,以便做好赛前的各项准备。 初赛共有46 位选手参赛,初赛的现场音响控制、音效都不错,会场布置比较充分,干事们做事比较积极。签到秩序较好,选手能迅速抽完签后就坐。 但因为教室问题,临时改动了活动场地。在邀请嘉宾的时候没有留下联系电话,导致临时换教室等突发因素发生后,没有办法及时

联系到外教,使得外教缺席初赛。另外,后期因为持续时间比较长,有选手和观众离场现象。会场的纪律也有些乱。学生会干事表现的很好。 决赛前,我们吸取了初赛经验教训,做了更加充分的准备。赛前组织部做好证书,同时向评委及各分会主席团分发了邀请函。决赛有13 位选手,他们的精彩演讲吸引了在座的评委嘉宾和其他观众。赛后,同学们对英语学生会办的这次Talk show 主题才艺展示活动给予很高的评价。有的选手当场报名我们5 月份即将举办的第三届外文歌曲大赛。 决赛也有些不足的地方,刚开始的时候选手使用话筒不当,造成演讲不清。最后的评分环节也出现了一些问题,评分需要一些时间,但由于我们事先没有考虑周全,造成现场气氛有点混乱。颁奖嘉宾一起上去为获奖选手颁奖的时候,挤在了讲台上。出现了短暂的尴尬局面。 在举办类似学术性比赛的时候,评委的到场情况和接送问题是我们办好活动的重要环节。在有外教参与的活动中,最好初赛决赛都送邀请函给他们,以便确定具体的时间和地点。 在申请教室的时候,应申请两间相邻的教室,一间备用并且在办活动的前一天去管理员老师那里做再一次的确认。避免的活动场地的改换。 针对我们学生会内部人员的纪律问题,在办活动前的例会上应强调干事的工作,大家互相监督。

希望之星英语风采大赛小学B 组演讲稿 This is me

Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now. My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful city.There are a lot of famous[’feim?s] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:n?ri] is superb [.sju:’ p?:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive. I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as , and so on. I like the writer of -----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dv?l] is very interesting, and I think the dramatis personae[’dr?m?tis p?:’ s?unai] of the novel -----Katie Scarlett O'Hara is vixenish[’viks?ni?] . English is my favourite lesson. My English teacher often says that it is important to learn English well, English is useful. I go along with it very much. Chinese is our mother


希望之星英语大赛演讲稿 篇一:XX希望之星小学组英语演讲稿6篇 1.学生两分钟英语演讲稿 Good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. My English is not high, I wish I could within the next two years to learn English well. I hope you will be able to learn English after graduation to have a good future. Finally, I wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. Well! I finished the speech. Thank you for listening。 大家早上好,今天是轮到我讲话。首先,我要说的是,快速测试,我们希望很好的准备,良好的测试的所有,是唯一回家的路上有一个良好的一年。我的英语水平不高,我希望我能在未来两年内学好英语。我希望,你将能够学习英语毕业后有一个美好的未来。最后,我祝愿学生和教师的快乐新的一年里,进一步研究和工作。好!我完成了讲话。谢谢你听。 2.英语两分钟自我介绍演讲稿 Hello,everyone!

央视 希望之星 英语风采大赛 初中组 具体比赛流程

央视希望之星英语风采大赛初中组具体比赛流程 第一轮:海选 内容:1、口语测试—抽签决定自己朗读的内容,小低组为抽取一幅图片,说出图片上的一些事物名称以及大小,颜色等信息。小高组和初中组为抽取一篇短文,短文均取自学校英语教材(学生无需提前做准备),向评委朗读出短文,应做到语音语调准确,朗读流利,语速适中。可根据情况添加适量的动作与表情。 2、评委问答-----评委会根据选手抽签的文章或图片提问2-3个问题,听清评委的问题,并给出适当的回答。 上述两个过程大约为每人3分钟,请学员按照短信上要求的时间准时到校。 参赛费用:免费;晋级率:约90% 第二轮:初赛。 内容:1、才艺展示---选手根据自身的准备情况,以英语为主题的素材,以唱歌、跳舞、讲故事、朗诵(不限制),配音等表现形式在1分钟内展示英语口语应用能力水平。不能使用乐器或伴奏音乐。 2、自命题演讲---选手根据本次比赛的命题要求“把爱传出去”,可以讲一个故事,体现对家人的爱,对朋友的爱,或者对大自

然的爱,对小动物植物的爱都可以。也可以成为议论文,讲述你对爱心的理解。自己提前准备好演讲材料,时间限制为1分钟。 大约100词。考察参赛者在有所准备的情况下所展现的最佳状态。 3、互动英文问答-----参赛者需要现场准确灵活地回答评委老师现场提出的问题。问题通常会和才艺展示和命题演讲的内容有关。 参赛费用:60元;晋级率:约70% 第三轮:复赛 内容:1、才艺展示----选手根据自身的准备情况,以英语为主题的素材,以唱歌、跳舞、讲故事、朗诵(不限制)等表现形式在1分钟内展示英语口语应用能力水平。 2、抽题演讲----我们选取构成style这个单词的五个字母STYLE。选手上台之后将抽出这五个字母中的任何一个字母,可能是 S,也可能是T,也可能是Y,L或E。拿到自己所选出的字母之后,要迅速用这个字母开头组成一个单词,然后进行1分钟的演讲。 举例说明:如果选手抽到的字母是E,那么你联想到的单词可以是English。那么你就可以围绕English这个单词进行1分钟的个人演讲。其他备选单词:super, eye, try, you, family…个人可以随意组合
