
Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2019, 9(5), 946-954 Published Online May 2019 in Hans. https://www.360docs.net/doc/484265601.html,/journal/ap https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/484265601.html,/10.12677/ap.2019.95116

文章引用: 樊斌, 卢宁, 王丹(2019). 反事实思维相关研究进展. 心理学进展, 9(5), 946-954.

DOI: 10.12677/ap.2019.95116

Researches about Counterfactual Thinking

Bin Fan, Ning Lu *, Dan Wang

Research and Counseling Center of Applied Psychology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Guangdong

Received: May 4th , 2019; accepted: May 21st , 2019; published: May 28th , 2019

Abstract Counterfactual thinking is mental representations of alternatives to the past to the individual. Early research mainly concentrated in the theory and produced process of counterfactual thinking. Recently, measurements, behavior intention and self-worth protection function of counterfactual

thinking and counterfactual emotion are also gradually taken seriously. This article synthesizes plenty of foreign and inland new researches of the concept, the categories, measurements, func-tions and correlational studies. As a new measurement method, counterfactual potency promotes the development of the counterfactual thinking. The application of counterfactual thinking is full of expectation in the field of mental health. Keywords

Counterfactual Thinking, Self-Worth Protection Function, Counterfactual Emotion, Counterfactual Potency


樊 斌,卢 宁*,王 丹

深圳大学应用心理学研究与咨询中心,广东 深圳


摘 要

