Interracial marriage children

Interracial marriage children
Interracial marriage children

Interracial marriage occurs when two people of differing racial groups marry, often creating multiracial children. This is a form of exogamy (marrying outside of one's racial group) and can be seen in the broader context of miscegenation(mixing of different racial groups in marriage, cohabitation, or sexual relations).

Interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967 Supreme Court decision that deemed

anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional, with many states choosing to legalize interracial marriage at much earlier dates. The United States has many ethnic and racial groups and interracial marriage is fairly common among most of them. Multiracial Americans numbered 6.8 million in 2000, or 2.4% of the population.[1]

The number of interracial marriages has steadily grown since the 1980s and has increased rapidly in the early twenty-first century. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 1990 there were 1,348,000 interracial marriages, compared to 651,000 in 1980. The growth of interracial marriages is even more pronounced when one notes that the 1960 statistics indicated only 149,000 interracial marriages. The rise in interracial marriages in the United States coincides with changes in the legal status of interracial marriages and in the changing attitudes of Americans towards individuals engaged in interracial marriages and relationships.

In U.S. Census Bureau (2000) data, the number of interracial marriages rose to slightly more than 3,000,000 and comprised approximately 5.5 percent of all marriages. Some of the growth can be accounted for by declining societal prejudice towards—and less shame experienced by—people in interracial marriages. In addition, changes in the census forms encourage individuals to identify all parts of their racial composition.

The growth in interracial marriages is not occurring only in the United States. For example, the number of interracial marriages in China between Shanghainese (individuals who live in Shanghai, China) and individuals from other countries increased 67 percent from 1991 to 1992. In 1996, 3.5 percent of the marriages in Shanghai took place between Shanghainese with foreigners.

The growth in interracial marriages is not uniform. In other words, interracial marriages have become more common for some racial and ethnic groups, but not for others. In the United States it is estimated that 40.6 percent of Japanese Americans and 53.7 percent of Native Americans engage in interracial marriages. However, only 1.2 percent of black women and 3.6 percent of black males engage in interracial marriages. According to Anita Foeman and Teresa Nance (1999), these small

percentages are due in part to the continued condemnation of black-white intermixing.

The problems encountered by interracial couples are often the result of negative societal attitudes about interracial relationships.

Black-Caucasian unions have the lowest frequency of occurrence because of longstanding negative beliefs about these marriages Asian Americans have also experienced difficulties in their interracial marriages. Asian Americans engage in more interracial relationships than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. Laws forbidding interracial marriages between Asians and Caucasians were common in the United States. For example, in 1901 California extended the 1850 Marriage Regulation Act to include Mongolians (i.e., Chinese, Japanese, Koreans), and in 1933 the law was further extended to include Malays (i.e., Filipinos) (Kitano, Fugino, and Sato 1998). These laws, like all other anti-miscegenation laws, were overturned following a state judicial decision in California (Perez v. Sharp 1948) and a 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Loving v. Virginia). Even though the results of these cases made interracial marriages legal, the negative societal perspective on such unions has been slow to change.

In a study conducted by Richard Watts and Richard Henriksen (1999), Caucasian females report that, when engaged in interracial marriages with black males, they often receive the following messages: "Black men belong with black women because they will treat them better than white women" and "Biracial children will always be referred to as black and, therefore, should have a black mother." The Watts and Henriksen (1999) study also found that problems and difficulties are also experienced because of the mythical messages received from the Caucasian culture. These include: "Black men only marry white women for status symbols or upward mobility," "Interracial marriages do not work; therefore, you will lose your spouse to someone else," "Those who engage in interracial marriages must hate their parents," and "Those who engage in interracial relationships or marriages must have psychological difficulties." The problems faced by couples involved in black-Caucasian unions are also experienced by those involved in other interracial unions. However, many couples state that the reasons they got married are not that much different than same-race couples.

People should first look inside themselves before they look at others and judge them. They should remember that a couple is made up of two people, not two

races or cultures. Like other women, I was attracted to my husband because he is considerate, caring, and someone I enjoy spending time with. . . . Healthy families raise healthy children no matter the race or culture of the parents. (Watts and Henriksen 1999, p. 70)

In other words, as with other couples, interracially married couples are typically attracted to each other based on similarities rather than differences. Racial prejudice is often cited as a main reason why, in some racial groups, out-marriages are rare and in others are more common. In addition, racial prejudice has been shown to affect the resiliency of the marriage based on the partner's ability to cope with the prejudice (Chan and Wethington 1998).

Anna Y. Chan and Elaine Wethington (1998) identified several factors that could facilitate resiliency in interracial marriages. First, interracial marriages tend to be more stable and involve fewer conflicts than other types of interracial relationships. Second, whereas interracial couples and families face unique challenges, they tend to develop mature coping and conflict-resolution styles. Third, given that well-functioning interracial couples often have higher levels of education, they tend to have superior resources for coping with the problems they encounter. Finally, interracial couples tend to build support networks of like-minded people and build strong bonds with each other as a means to overcome adversity.

Children: You and your spouse need to discus s how you will raise your children and help your kids to understand and appreciate their mixed identity. Make sure that you provide your children will positive stories of both of your family histories.

As your children grow up, listen to them share their concerns, stereotypes, doubts, and possible prejudices. Answer their questions.

Holidays: All married couples face stress during holidays. Talk about your cultural differences in how holidays were celebrated when you were kids. Realize that holidays give the two of you a chance to discuss how your family will handle both the differences and similarities in your backgrounds.

Be proud of your cultural traditions and work together to create ways to celebrate them that will be meaningful to you both.

Know Yourself: If you want to have a strong interracial marriage, believe in who you are. If you feel confusion about your own life, deal with your own issues before trying to merge your life with someone else.

Know Your Differences: Discuss your cultural differences regarding topics such as religion, diet, birth control, parenting preferences, grief, finances, sex, extended family relationships, gender roles, communication styles, and traditions.

Bottom Line

The racial and cultural differences in your interracial marriage won't necessarily cause your relationship to fail. What can cause an interracial marriage to fall apart is the inability of a couple to handle their differences and a failure to talk about stress and prejudice created by others.

According to a CNN news article, 'Could Mr Right be White?' More Black women are considering 'dating outside' their race - even though they have been the least likely group to do so. Why? Africa-American women have claimed that there are still deep rooted American history of slavery and segregation . This has also been advertantly passed down with each passing generation. In addition,

"psychological barriers have discouraged Black women from crossing the racial lines."

One of the first things you need to understand when parenting multiracial children is the insidious effects of racism. Racism leaves marks that last a lifetime. If you think that the civil rights movement of the 1960's and 1970's eradicated racism, then you need to read my article entitled, "Raising Biracial Children in a Racist World." The link appears below.

Another interesting read is the article on buying culturally appropriate gifts for

mixed race kids. If you're a white relative or family friend of a mixed race family or if your child is invited to the birthday party of a biracial child, it helps to know what sort of gift to bring.

When you look around, you see an abundance of color. There are primary colors, and colors that are created only when you mix one with another. When you look around, you see an abundance of people. There are people

with light skin, some with dark, but they are all the same in that they are human, living life to the fullest and wanting to share that life with others.

Like the basic and primary colors, people come together and produce a new generation of wonderful sights and colors; in their children.

Bi-racial children are a coming together of two (or more) races to create a new and unique individual.

Bi-Racial children, in most cases, have no classification that is just for them on school forms. They are forced to be one race or to be an "other." There are more books and movies and television shows that depict and feature

bi-racial children and inter racial families, but the fact that society still does not recognize a bi-racial individual is very vivid.

My daughter is bi-racial, though I like to refer to her as multi-cultural. Her dad is African American and I am Caucasian. When I fill out papers for school, I hand write "bi-racial" under other. I was recently told that for statistical purposes I had to choose only one race for my child. I refused, stating that since there was an "other" choice, then that was what I would select.

You can be unquestionably male or female. You can be without a doubt tall or short, with blue or brown eyes, dark or light skinned. But when you are bi-racial the classification is questioned and challenged.

My cultural background is mixed, yet there is no question that I am Caucasian. When people see my daughter they are curious because her skin is darker and her hair kinkier than mine. When told she is African American and Caucasian, the first question is usually 'how will you raise her.'

I am now re-married. My husband is Caucasian; fair skinned, blonde and blue eyed. Next to my daughter it is like night and day. When we are all out together, there is never any question about her being our daughter, maybe because she and I are so obviously mother and daughter. Yet, there are those who know and inevitably ask, 'but how will you raise her.'

I will raise my bi-racial child to know right from wrong. I will teach her courtesy, respect and love. I will support her in all that she does and be there to help her in the down times.

Studies have shown that children raised in families other than their own race have had no academic or emotional setbacks. As for culture, children learn what they are shown and taught. If you expose your children to your cultural beliefs and the beliefs of other cultures, they will accept and know of them and make sensible decisions for their own lives.

In my two religion and bi-racial home, we celebrate all holidays and have items of many cultures. In December, my daughter enjoys sharing in celebrations of Hanakuh, Kwanzaa and Christmas. Other times of the year allow for other celebrations, recognitions and always lots of learning and sharing.

People speak their minds. It is their American right. I merely ask why they speak of race contamination, impurity and spew words filled with

misunderstanding, mistrust and vulgarity. Instead, they should be striving to learn about their own culture and what their culture shares with others.

We are all of one race; the human race. We have different cultural backgrounds, different skin colors and different religions. Together we can make the world a wonderful place and fill it with unique colors and personalities. Alienated by race and color tones, we will be distant and separate, not able to form the unique colors that make up a rainbow of wonderful people.

Raising a biracial son who is Black and White can be difficult for some parents and the child; it can be even more difficult for a single White female raising a Black son alone.

There are many concerns that all parents should have as they raise their children, especially Black male children. This is because of the rigors the Black male will have to face in his life, and the influences that will pull on him.

After administering two treatment centers for delinquent males, and having worked closely with Black, White, Hispanic, and biracial children, I think I may know some of the difficulties

of parenting these young men. In spite of the psychologists, social workers, staff, sophisticated tests, etc., what we were doing most of all in those treatment centers was providing parental guidance to children who had not received much of that.

One day we had to move a biracial youth from our Fairfield facility, predominately White, to our Oakland facility, predominantly Black. The youth was terrified to go to Oakland. He kept saying, "I can't go to Oakland, Frank; look at me, I can't go there. I won't fit in." He was a biracial youth.

More was going on inside of him than being biracial; he was afraid of other Black males. But unless someone would have told us this child was biracial, we would not have noticed it in his looks--he looked like a million other brown-skinned Blacks in our society who think nothing of their complexion, other than knowing they are brown-skinned. This child, however, had something placed in him that made him feel he was different from other Blacks, and that something is a problem in raising Black, biracial children.

For years, Blacks and Whites have had sexual liaisons, whether legal or illegal, and those liaisons have bred biracial children--the Black descendants of Thomas Jefferson in the news represent just one famous case among many long-standing liaisons. Consequently, And as a result, Blacks have accepted anyone as Black who claims to be Black. That is part of the reason for the vast diversity of hues among those who are considered African Americans.

The term biracial is new, but the type of child is not new among Blacks. The new aspect of biracial children is that they are being raised by their White parents, whereas in a past, especially in the south, they would have been aborted or put up for adoption.

The problem today is that White parents are raising their Black offspring using White paradigms of parenting, which are often antithetical to Black manhood, and when embedded in Black

children, that paradigm, with all its assumptions of White Privilege usually not experienced by people of non-white hue, may cause them to behave as the young biracial ward of my center behaved when told that he would be moved to Oakland: he saw himself as different and the other Black males (without biracial parenting or lineage) as dangerous and threatening. When this notion is put into a children, it alienates them from the Black part of their heritage and harms their socialization.

A child needs more than love to be raised successfully. The idea that, "I just want to give my child love," is nice, but it is an insufficient parenting methodology. Children need more than love because that which is defined as love is usually not love at all, but affection and often parent ego-gratification. Black children need guidance, discipline, self perception, and a survival perspective to function in this society. A white person can deny the presence of White Privilege and other forms of white discrimination, but when parenting a biracial child, reality dispenses with those imaginations and failures to seek reality--their eyes become open to the fuller spectrum of American society.

Children at a very young age tend to love unconditionally; they show affection and demonstrate no criticism of their parents. That behavior changes when they enter their teens and other influences begin to enter their lives. It is at this period that they need guidance more than ever. That guidance must be stout and sure to navigate them through the confusing influences of peers who have great influence on them, but no greater knowledge than they.*

This period is where true love, tough love, is needed and where the definition of love confronts a parent. There is less need for affection, and more need for insightful, careful parenting. This is not a time to be friends to your children; that period has passed. They need the benefits of your greater knowledge of life, its pitfalls, and how to prepare for a productive adult life.** This is a more taxing demand of parenting because children will pose new and more demanding questions.

For the biracial child being guided by White parents, whether male or female, the parenting process of guidance about life starts much earlier than at the teenage period. The male child in our treatment center had a notion placed within him at a very early age by his White mother, and she was probably unaware of her placing it in him; the notion of White Privilege--certain rights the child has that exist for him by virtue of his being White in America. Again, I repeat for emphasis, if a white American has not understood white privilege, try parenting a Black male child and watch that child grow up in this society. No amount of the traditional White rationalization will obscure the ubiquity of White Privilege not experienced by that Black biracial child.***

White privilege in the head of a Black male is not a part of Black consciousness and is not placed in a Black child by Black parents. White parents raising Black or their own biracial children raise them from a perspective that is not Black but White. They see their biracial children as White and assume that they will have all of the bias privileges and experiences that Whites confer upon each other, but deny to nonwhites. Understandably, they don't want their

children to suffer the pains of discrimination, low self-esteem, and the lack of privileges that most Blacks experience in this nation. No parent wants that for his/her child.

The White parent's desire is laudable, and it is the desire of every parent; it's a universal concept of parenting and love. But the problem is, many White parents of biracial children do not see what this society has done to Black children, especially Black males, and what it continues to do. The White parents of biracial children see their children as their White offspring; the outside world sees them only as Black kids with light skin; so the system that Whites have perfected to disadvantage Blacks and privilege themselves will be at work on these biracial children in spite of how their parents see them. And if these children have not learned to handle the systems of aggression that have been set up against the Black male, they will be made to confront it brutishly by the still predominately white police departments.**** And that system may throw them into disarray, depression, and even death.

Even today, White police in many instances "see a wallet as a gun in the hands of a Black male." This is the culture for many, a culture that even finds its way into some Black and Asian police, as the recent incident of Asian police brutality of a Black retired college counselor in San Mateo County indicates. This is a problem that White parents must grapple with in raising their biracial sons.

A parent can only protect a child when that child is in his/her house and under that house's tutelage. Once that child is outside of that house, he/she is prey to the world's contortions, and that child needs to be prepared to function wisely--he needs to be able to, as Gwendolyn Brooks wrote, "Go down the street." And it is not only the role, but also the obligation of parents to prepare their children for the world they must live in, not for a world they want to exist or that exists for them.

White parents cannot help their children by infusing them with the idea of White Privilege; other Whites do not respect it because they see these children as Black. Therefore, the White parent raising a biracial child, one who is Black/White, or the nonwhite parent raising a child who is Black/any-other-race should understand that Blacks normally dominate the color gene pool so that the child is perceptibly Black and not White. This is usually true with other races as well. And since this is true, the child should be raised as a Black child. Yes, he should respect all of his parentage, but as concerning his worldview, for that child to be successful, he needs to be raised to see himself as Black and have a Black perspective.

Do not misconstrue what a Black perspective or Black culture is; it is not what is shown on rap videos and classic Black stereo White media--those videos and media usually project the 27% underclass of Blacks, not the 73% of Blacks who are doing well and have no sense of the gansta rap mentality. Somehow, to the American mass, hideous stereotypes and caricatures of Blacks have greater fluency than real (the majority) Black life. A biracial child's perception of Black life and Black people should not be confused with the warped stereotypes most Americans have taken from inner city and poor Black youths and placed on the majority of Blacks.

To suggest that a biracial child should be raised Black is to say that the child must be pushed to excel to the potential that is peculiar to Black people both here in America and before here in America. He must understand that no White Privileges will go to him; everything that he gets will be worked for, and his work will be harder than his White counterpart (Ain't no angel gonna greet him.... (Philadelphia--the movie's theme song)); many of the things he rightly deserves will not come to him; he will face struggle--it is his way of the world; he must prepare himself in school to excel in life; he must persevere in this American life; he must understand that those Blacks who stand atop their fields are not there because anyone gave them a chance--they made their chances, and so must he; he must be made to understand that in spite of unjust weights against him, nothing is beyond his reach because he is from a line of those who have risen above those weights and other shackles that bind--it is a part of his long, Black history. This is the value that a biracial child must have, and his parents must give to him.

If a biracial child (Black/White/other) is not equipped with this worldview, he is crippled by his loving parents; it takes this stout worldview for a Black man in America to achieve to his potential. And potential is nothing unless it is achieved. And if this child fails to achieve, those who deplore mixed marriages or liaisons will tout the child's failure as evidence of the failure of these types of relations. And Blacks, on the other hand, may well accuse the White parent of being derelict in parenting the child because the child is Black child. This is the rock and hard place the White parent has in parenting the biracial child!

The parent must become a guiding parent who forces, pushes, pulls, and demands this/her child to achieve in a specific area. You decide early on what his future profession will be and help him decide on it as a worthy future profession. Do not talk options; instill specific values from the time his understanding awakens. Options come after he has achieved the lofty goals and he is a man with a profession and brilliance worthy of his potential. We have no shortage of hairdressers, barbers, or basketball players--we always need more doctors, engineers, lawyers/judges, scientists, etc. Place him in courses that prepare him for these fields in college. Make him know that college is a given, not an option; he is not to even think about a life without a good college education; such a reality does not exist for him.

He can find himself later; he can have fun later, he can hang out with his friends later, and all the confused chatter and rationalizations of non-achievement coming from the non-achievers to justify their non-achievements should be summarily and absolutely discarded. No rationale for being less than his potential-realized should be allowed. If he hates you for it now, that is the pain of parenting. Once his eyes have become open, he will love you for it. But now, you cannot allow yourself to be as blind as he is. You are the parent, he is the child, your eyes are open, and you love him too much to allow temporal gratifications to harm his significant

well-being. He must prepare himself now to take his place as he honors you and his total parentage and history. Anything less than this in parenting demonstrates that you hate your child rather than love him.

Finally, one youth who had been at a number of treatment centers before coming to one of those I administered once told of a facility he was in; he said that at that facility the children could do anything they wanted to do. He thought for a moment, then said, "They didn't love us,

did they?" His eyes had become open as he had matured, and he reviled his former caretakers for their failure to love their wards in a significant way.

The staff at that particular harmful facility wanted to be liked and seen as "hip" by the boys, but once a child's eyes are open, he sees the harm that has been done to him in the name of love, and he will be uncritical no longer--the harmful parent will be reviled for not adequately loving him. My use of the term love has nothing to do with being affectionate; instead, it has to do with a child's significant well-being.

I assured the ward that his reasoning was solid: that facility didn't love him. But since we loved the children in our facility, they would not be allowed any such foolish gratifications to harm their significant well-being. This is what parents do--White parents, Black parents, any true parents will not allow their children to fail. They will sacrifice the affection-standing they have with their children to insure those children's significant well-being.

A Black child, whether 100% Black or partially Black, has a rich and proud history from which to draw. There is a cloud of Black witnesses who have gone before him and who stand proudly today to lead the way for him.

Parents, it is not enough to give a child love, unless one understands what love is. Biracial children must be raised with special care because of the nature of this duplicitous society.

Karyn Parsons,who played Hillary Banks on syndicated television show the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, says that it is hard being biracial in America. In addition,the actress turned producer/writer says that it is harder raising bi-racial kids.Karyn says that her daughter Lana,4, came out looking like the ”whitest white child with blonde hair and blue eyes” and her son Nico,11 months, came out looking “browner than [she is]“.Read Karyn’s interview with, below:


优秀学生会竞选发言稿 尊敬的各位老师,各位领导以及各兄弟学院学生会的代表们,大家下午好!我是来自美术学院团委学生会代表,今天非常荣幸,能够代表学院站在这里参加贵州师范大学2013年度优秀学生会评选。 学生会是我们大学生自己的群众性组织,是学校乃至学院联系广大学生的桥梁和纽带。2013年,我院学生会在校团委以及院团委的指导下,开展了丰富多彩的校园文化活动。总结起 来,主要有以下几点。 1、强化服务理念,提升服务质量。在面对一年一度的各种"迎新"工作:"迎新"篮球赛、"迎新"晚会、每年一次的校"体育文化艺术节"和美术毕业作品展等系列活动中,秉着"为人民服务"的理念,从活动的策划到结束,学生会每一个成员都以饱满的热情,各司其职,兢兢业业,对每一次活动的圆满成功付出了辛勤的劳动和汗水;每一年的贵州省美术统考和省外艺术招生考试,作为其中的考试基地之一,我院学生会都很好地承担和完成了其中的服务工作,特别是在2013年9月中旬,我院承担了第六届"中国-东盟教育交流周"系列活动中的"我的东盟和中国多媒体艺术系列展---文莱摄影展"部分,我们深知,从展厅的布置、活动现场的服务保障到展出结束后的收尾工作等,每一个环节都是对我院学生会队伍服务水平的重大考验,然而,最终来自活动组委会、校党委等的褒奖让每一个成员的辛苦付出得到了回报。 2.充分体现专业特色,全面展示我院风采。在校团委每年"一周一主题,一院一特色"活动中,2013年11月11日-13日,我院学生会(白云分会)成功举办了绘画作品、设计作品、摄影作品的展览,展现我院学生成果的同时,提升了我院的影响;在每年纪念"一二·九"运动的活动中,我院学生会成功举办了寝室设计大赛,在原有的寝室卫生评比基础上,我们特意添加了室徽设计、室歌比赛、寝室微电影录制、寝室设计成 果展板评比等于我院专业特色相结合等环节,这次活动的成果,向全校师生展示了我院学子的能力和风采;特别是在2013年x月x日,我院学生会自发组织了"美化校园环境--装饰校园井盖"的活动,这一活动在充分体现我院学子绘画功底、美化宝山校区校园的同时,还得到了贵阳晚报的宣传报道,很好地扩大了贵州师范大学在贵阳市民心中的影响力。 时光荏苒,春华秋实,回首2013,在美术学院学生会这个大家庭里,我们所有成员团结一心,奋勇向前,每一次的活动,每一次的锻炼,每一次的付出,我们尽情地挥洒着青春和汗水,不断地收获着成长与经验。这就是美术学院学生会,这就是我们的2013,谢谢大家!篇二:优秀学生竞选演讲稿 竞选学校优秀学生标兵的演讲稿 尊敬的老师以及在座的各位同学: 大家好! 我是来自714班的李佳。 今天能够以竞选学校优秀学生标兵的机会站在这里演讲,是我的荣幸。此刻,面对众多实力强大的竞争对手,我的心里自然也免不了紧张,但是,我有的,更多是信心!信心的支撑源于我的综合表现。 一. 我是一名称职的班干部 首先,我一贯地乐于助人,关心班集体,具有很强的集体荣誉感和强烈的责任感,热心为班集体做贡献。在本学期中,我在我的班级里担任副班长,每当轮到我值日时,我都会认真的做好值日工作和检查工作,尽量不让班级扣分,而且我也积极参加各项活动,代表班级在上学期的运动会上获得了七年级女子跳高第六名、现场书法比赛二等奖等;我还热心帮助老师和同学们做些力所能及的工作;平时我也会多和同学们交流,热心主动地帮助有困难的同学,和他们一起讨论实践、解决难题。"大家好才是真的好",充分吸取了同学们的想法后,


成长经历的演讲稿三分钟5篇 每个人都有自己的成长经历。成长中,往往有许多事让自己终身难忘。当你碰到快乐的事时,你会眉开眼笑;当你遇到烦恼的事时,你会愁眉苦脸。下面给大家分享一些关于成长经历的演讲稿三分钟,希望对大家有帮助。 成长经历的演讲稿三分钟1 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 童年是丰富多彩的、有趣的,在我们成长的过程中,有欢笑、悲伤、感动,接下来就来讲一讲关于我当主持人的故事吧! 我是一个性格比较内向的,没有什么勇气、信心,从不敢上台,可在一次六一儿童节活动时,要选四个小主持人,我本心想我本来就声音小,而且一上台就紧张,当个小主持人也没用。可是令我惊讶的是,大部分都选我去当,一直在喊:“王语萱,选王语萱!”最后还是选了我和另外三位同学。 下课的时候同学都走过来对我说:“你第一次当主持人上台,可千万不要紧张!放松!我们大家都相信你,支持你,加油!”听完这句话,我心里顿时特别温暖,我下定决心要把这次主持人当好,一定! 这几天我们一直坚持练习,把主持词背得滚瓜烂熟,就为那一天可以让同学老师大吃一惊,让他们知道我们是最棒的! 六一儿童节到了,我们四个人穿好相同的服装准备上台,我心里忐忑不安,还是特别紧张,身体不停的颤抖着,我深呼吸,保持好的状态上台主持,接着精彩的时刻到了!我们四个人走上台介绍自己,还给大家打个招呼,从同学老师的眼睛里可以看出期待的眼神情,旁边同学都迫不及待地说:“快一点!快一点!”我们开始讲主持词,在讲的过程中,我越来越不紧张,反而更轻松了,我的声音越来越大,下面几十双眼睛盯着我们,莫名其妙的感觉到一种喜悦,等活动结束后,掌声持续不断,我们特别激动,这次当主持人可真成功! 通过老师同学们对我的鼓舞,让我从一个没勇气的人变成一个充满信心的人,我心里特别高兴,这就是我的第一次主持人经历,让我成长的是我变成了一个声音大,有勇气,有信心的人,还要感谢鼓舞我的那些人,当然也要感谢自己,勇敢的迈出这一步。


安全生产演讲稿 安全生产演讲稿 第一篇: 安全生产演讲稿 “百日安全无事故”——安全与梦想齐飞 我想先和大家提一个我们从小到大都会谈论的话题。-“梦想”。我想问大家梦想对我们而言意味着什么?是一辆跑车?一座豪宅?还是花不完的钱,还是至高的荣誉?有人说年轻就是无限,有梦想就有动力。年轻的我们都不曾忘记那份豪情壮志。我们努力奋斗,为的就是实现心中的梦想。 可是,你们有没有想过,在我们怀抱着梦想努力工作的时候,也许在某一天,我们会因为自己的一次麻痹失误,一次不起眼的违章作业而让自己的梦想变成幻想呢? 在我们的工作生活中,我们最基本的需求就是安全,“安全第一,预防为主”这是我们应牢记在心的,企业是时时讲、周周学、月月喊。作为萍钢这样的大型钢铁企业,为了确保安全,工厂里所有的设备都专门编制了操作规程,针对特殊工种还特配了相关岗位说明书。除此之外,公司还在明显的位置张贴、悬挂各种类型的安全标语和安全标致,为的就是要提高我们对安全的意识。生产部还定期组织对公司进行安全隐患排查,及时发现并消除隐患,这些都是为了保证我们能够在一个确保安全的情况下生产。 在公司,老员工的安全意识向来都比较强烈,因为他们都见证了安全意识淡薄、不遵守规章制度所造成的后果。发生事故的往往都是

些年轻的新进人员,每一位员工进厂的时候都要经过公司的四级安全教育。可是有部份同志对于这样的教育全当成耳边风,对相关操作规程不学不问,对公司的安全制度和进出车间的注意事项漠不关心。总以为事故永远不会发生在自己身上,但就是这一刻的疏忽就有可能造成长久的悲痛。所以作为萍钢这个大家庭中的一份子,除了要掌握安全工作规程、技术操作规程、企业纪律章程这几件法宝,还要多有几颗心: 一、专心。学一行,专一行,爱一行。“既来之,则战之;既战之,胜之则”,不能“身在曹营心在汉”,工作的时候就应该专心工作,不要想工作以外的事情。 二、细心。不管是长年在干的,还是第一次接触的工作都来不得半点马虎,粗枝大意实在是安全生产的天敌。从小父母每到考试前都会再三叮嘱“要拿双百分,不要粗心大意”。 三、虚心。“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后”, 人的生命只有一次,失去了生命,所有的梦想都成为幻影,海尔经验告诉我们,不容易就是,把容易的事情一千次,一万次地做好。安全工作时刻从零开始,未雨绸缪胜过亡羊补牢,年轻的朋友们,当我们怀抱梦想的时候,当我们满怀豪情要实现自己的理想时候,必须要时刻牢记,安全就是第一,梦想与安全并进! “百日安全无事故”这是对于我们每一个萍钢职工的一种激励,激励着萍钢公司在未来的安全生产中一路平安,基业长青。 第二篇: 石油安全生产演讲稿 安全生产是效益,是幸福


十佳大学生演讲稿 目录 第一篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第二篇:十佳大学生演讲稿上传 第三篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第四篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 第五篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 正文 第一篇:十佳大学生演讲稿 老师们同学们,大家晚上好,小姓余,名浩恺,我是来自法律系,法学102班,非常幸运成为最后一个上台,也非常感谢大家能坐到最后听我的演讲,我知道大家一定都非常想念自己的寝室,我保证我的演讲将在5分钟之内结束。 时光荏苒,转眼间,我的大学生活已过了大半,作为最后一个候选人,我没有很多的豪言壮志,我只想跟大家一起分享大学两年多来我的一些心得和体会, 还记得开学第一天,一个学长拍拍我的肩说,学弟,在理工的校园有两句话非常流行,“第一句,到理工来干什么就能找到什么样的女朋友?第二句,将来毕业了要成为什么样的人就能找到什么样的妻子,努力奋斗小四年,幸福生活一辈子啊,学长只能帮你到这了。当时我的表情只能用“懵”字来形容,但看着学长坚定的眼神,这两句话却也默默在我心里开始生根发芽。 第1 页共19 页

到宁波理工来干什么,将来毕业了要成为什么样的人! 很幸运的,在开学典礼上,陈小兰书记为迷茫我指点了迷津,她说作为新时代的大学生,要有理想,有目标,社会需要综合性的人才,你们要结合自己的专业,努力学习,去适应社会发展的需求。听完陈书记的话,我辗转反侧了一整晚,综合性人才,包括了语言表达能力,组织协调能力,待人处事能力,学习能力等等等等,我热爱自己的专业,到理工来我要锻炼自己各方面的,毕业了我要成为一个法律人! 因此在大学里,我给自己定了三个目标。文艺小青年、工作达人、小学霸。 可能在座的很多同学最初知道我,并不是因为我是一名学生干部,而是我的另一个身份——播音员兼主持人。作为一个法(来源好范文网:)律工作者,经常要在公众场合宣读法律文件,为了锻炼自己的朗读能力,在大一开学初,我莽莽撞撞地参加了校“魅力新声”主播选拔大赛,并荣幸的成为了校广播电视台播音部和校艺术团主持队的一员。从大一开始至今,我播过将近100期节目,先后主持了大大小小不下20场比赛和晚会,并且在大一参加校“神话”金话筒主持人大赛,作为唯一个男生进入了8强,并且最终取得了第四名兼最具潜力奖的好成绩。为了锻炼自己的逻辑能力和口语表达能力,我加入了法传分院辩论队,通过队友们的团结协作和共同努力,大一一年我们取得了校“启新杯”新生辩论赛的冠军,大二一年,我们取得了校“求是杯”辩论赛的冠军。除此之外还取得了宁波市以及学校大大小小的奖项。但这一切的一切并不是我炫耀的资本,而是在鞭策我,


各位老师、各位同学: 大家好! 我叫杨晓雄,是来自材料学院的一名大四学生。还有几个月我就要离开学习生活了四年的母校了,希望今天的分享能留给大家一些值得参考的东西。 我和在座的很多同学一样——来自很普通的家庭,没什么背景可言;学习成绩中等,最高也只拿过三等奖学金;口才也一般,从没有动过参加演讲比赛的念头,所以现在站在这里,面对大家还是非常紧张的,总之,我是个很普通的学生,不冒尖也不出彩。打个比方,就是把我扔到中午12点下课的学生里,很难再把我从中找出来。 一般来说,普通并不是一个褒义词,但是这次去厦门海关参加公务员招考面试,我对“普通”有了不同的认识。面试的12个人,有浙大的、有北科的、有厦大的,几乎都是各大名校的高材生。在这样的情况下,我没有输,而且以很好的成绩顺利过关。我并不是想要炫耀自己的成绩,我现在还没有得到厦门海关的正式录用通知,还在接受一些环节的考察。我只是想通过对自身的审视,告诉大家,不要小看自己的普通和普通的自己! 审视自身,首先就要回顾一下我的大学生活。我的大学生活有一个特点,就是一直都贯穿着勤工助学和学生工作。 还记得我们XX年入学后,不久就是国庆假期,在这个假期我参加了校学生工作处组织的阿尔泰游乐园勤工助学工作。大一下学期,我开始担任阿尔泰勤工助学队队长。同时,我通过面试,被聘为学生工作处学生助理。到了大二,《学生工作简报》开始招聘成员,我成功应聘主编一职,开始了自己学生工作的另一个阶段,这种状态一直延续到我大四找工作之前。这一系列的工作实践经历让我受益匪浅。在此,我深深感谢学校给我们创造了锻炼机会和成长空间。我也衷心地感谢一直以来,给予我信任、支持和肯定的学工处和学院的老师们,没有你们的认可和鼓励,我不会有今天的成长。谢谢! 在这些工作中,有件事让我记忆深刻。阿尔泰游乐园时的工作是属于服务性质的,工作主要内容就是给游客系安全带、讲解安全注意事项。这项工作的要求就是要细致到位。有一段时间,我们的队伍出现了一些问题,有几个同学总是在下班时忘记关闭机器的电源,看起来很小的一件事,和出门忘记关灯性质差不多,但是我们受到了园领导的批评。园领导说,我们工作的其他环节做得都非常好,所有流程也都很规范,但就是最后一步的检查工作没做到位,这会留下安全隐患,而且让我们工作整体评价大打折扣。事后我组织大家开了一个会,我们在会上达成了一个共识,那就是细节非常重要,任何一个细微的环节都可能影响到最终我们是否能达到既定的目标。其实,什么是细节,什么又是结果?所谓结果不就是一个个细节累积而成的吗?法国思想家伏尔泰说过,使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋子里的那粒沙子。我想,鞋子里那粒极为微小的沙子就是我们走向目标的一个小小的细节,而这个细节恰恰决定了我们会在哪里感受到深深的痛楚,在哪里失去前进的能力。 勤工助学岗位上踏踏实实工作的大都是些普通的学生,我认为正是“普通”赋予了我们一些特有的素质——我们不好高骛远,不自以为是,对待各种工作,哪怕是很基础很辛苦的工作也不会心存排斥,都能够坚持完成;我们乐于合作,对别人的意见能够虚心接受,因此,我们把握住了更多潜在的锻炼机会;我们心中有强烈的要求进步的愿望,更主要的是能够化为行动,从小事做起,最终多方面积累了经验,为将来的成功奠定了基础。这就是“普通”二字给予我们的“优势”,也是我们由“普通”走向“不普通”的途径。所以,在座的各位,如果你一直觉得自己很普通,那么请你千万不要小看自己,你的普通很可能使你在某一天,某一个竞技场上,成为一匹耀眼的黑马! 面对就业,我有自己的思考和规划,通过对自己性格、兴趣、能力和素质的综合分析,我为自己设计了三个职业发展方向:一是报考国家机关单位的公务员,二是结合自己金属专业应聘钢铁企业的管理岗位,三是结合自己的特长和实践经历应聘教育机构的策划岗位。基


【实用】安全生产演讲稿范文锦集十篇安全生产演讲稿篇1 尊敬的各位评委、同事们,大家好: 我是XXXX公司的员工王娟,今天我演讲的题目是“安全生产是效益,是幸福”。清晨,当第一缕阳光升起时,我们开始为生活而繁忙,劳动者挥舞臂膀,播洒汗水;傍晚,当夕阳西下,百鸟归巢,忙碌了一天的人们个个携老扶幼,漫步公园,欢声笑语,连绵不绝。好一副“兴旺发达创效益,和美天伦出幸福”的美好画卷。此时此刻,我心中不由激起了对安全生产的无限思索,企业蒸蒸日上的发展,滚滚而来的效益,家庭和谐美满的幸福,何不是平日安全生产盛开的喜悦花朵。 国家的安全是国泰,民众的安全是民安,有了安全生产,我们的企业才能象三春的桃李红红火火,有了安全生产,我们才会有幸福就象花儿一样的放歌,有了安全生产,我们的国家才能在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上稳步前进。安全生产工作要从经济发展和社会稳定的大局出发,充分认识安全生产的重要性,切实加强安全生产工作。 然而,尽管有领导的高度重视,尽管有安全法律法规的约束,我们的一些企业仍是片面强度经济增长,效益优先,不重视安全生产,不懂安全,不讲安全,不要安全,我们的一些员工也是一味地追求高产,高效,高奖金,对安全生产工作,是说起来重要,干起来次要,忙起来可以不要,蛮打蛮干,违章操作。然而,就在这违章操作的背后,却是一幕幕惨绝人寰的场面,一份份撕心裂肺的悲痛,一笔笔巨额的经济损失。还记得,20xx年重庆开县特别重大硫化氢中毒事故,20xx多人中毒住院,243人死亡,直接损失8000万元;20xx 年大连石化特别重大爆炸事故,直接经济损失2.2亿元;20xx年动车事故,41人死亡,200多人受伤,直接损失1.9亿元;一件件安全事故,一份份血的教训,给我们的国家和企业造成的巨大的经济损失,给我们欢乐祥和的家庭带来了巨大的悲痛。 20xx年3月28日,山西省王家岭煤矿发生重大透水事故,近一百五十多名煤矿工人被困井下,而这起透水事故的起因就是相关领导好大喜功,只贪图一时的经济利益,不注意安全生产的要求,导致惨剧发生。此时此刻,试问,我们企


( 证明书) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-063030 居委会单身证明范本Sample certificate of single resident committee

居委会单身证明范本 一、什么是单身证明?有什么作用? 无婚姻登记记录证明,一般简称为“单身证明”,包括证明未婚、离婚后无再婚、丧偶后无再婚等单身状态。 在买房过程中会用到“单身证”的环节: 1、银行贷款 原因:银行的工作人员表示,贷款时,已婚人士需要出具结婚证,而单身人士都需要出具单身证明。“银行贷款作为一种债务,会牵涉到债权划分问题,因此银行在发放贷款时都要求贷款人出具婚姻状况方面的证明,这是银行规避风险的一种措施。 有效期:30日 2、交易过户 原因:办理房屋登记产权的时候,也会要求提供单身证明。《中华人民共和国婚姻法》这么解释:“夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产,归夫妻共同所有。” 另外在办理房产转让登记时,房产交易部门也要求房屋所有权人在一些特定情况下提供单身证明,是为了验明房屋所有权人无房屋共同所有人(即无配偶)、可以依法独立处置自己的财产。 有效期:30日

所以,一般说来在购房过程中,需要至少两份“单身证明”,且因为个人的婚姻状态是动态的,也许今天还没结婚,但第二天就结婚了,且“无婚姻登记记录证明”的时间区间为户口迁入时间至出证明的前一日,证明最后都有一句话,即“本证明只表明当事人在本婚姻登记机关所辖范围内一段时间无婚姻登记记录”,所以一般情况了,买房需要用到的单身证明有效期一般为30天。 除购房,这些地方可能也要单身证明“单身证明”大约有50多种用途,其中银行贷款、出国签证等是较为常见的用途。此外,还有一些婚介机构要求征婚男女必须出示单身证明,部分企业怕应聘者“隐婚”,也用“单身证明”作为招聘的硬条件。 二、单身证明的办理流程 1、首先,到居委会所在地开具一个你未婚的介绍信,这是很多民政局给你开证明的一个要件,这个格式的话,无非也就是注明你的姓名、身份证号、籍贯,还有最最重要的公章。 2、拿着居委会开的介绍信以及身份证和户口本(需要复印件)到户籍所在地的民政部门。 3、找到民政局的婚姻登记处。工作人员会给你一张草拟的表格,拟填,你先把自己的信息填好。 4、将草拟的表格和证件都交给工作人员。 5、工作人员会根据你上交的资料,进行网上填写,并且出单。 6、核对证明表格的信息情况,核对无误后,即可。 (备注:委托他人申请的,受托人应提供本人居民身份证、委托人户口簿和居民身份证原件以及委托人写明具体委托事项的委托书。)


优秀的大学生事迹报告会演讲稿 亲爱的学弟学妹们: 大家好。 今天我能够站在这里向大家讲述我过去一年的经验和历程,同时能够代表09级的学生们抒发我们的心声和承诺,我感到很荣幸。 首先介绍一下我自己。我叫高x,临床医学系07级7班。目前的职务是院报学生记者,学生分会学习部干事,五月剧社副会长。过去两个学期做出的成绩和贡献主要在学习和写作两个方面,两次期末考试,我的学习成绩都是班里第二名,拿过一次一等奖学金和一次二等奖学金,截至目前,共五次在院报发表作品,在其他校园报刊上也经常有文章发表,在院系组织的各种征文比赛中也拿过不少奖项。另外,我还比较喜欢表演,在“英语短剧大赛”中,我们五月剧社选送的《吕布与貂蝉》以幽默生动的表演征服了全场的观众,获得第二名的好成绩,我饰演的王允一角颇受师生们的好评。 在竞争残酷的医学院里,学习永远是第一要务,尤其是临床医学系就业形势严峻,我们都背负着考研的压力,更应加倍努力,争取考研以将来获得一份比较不错的工作。就第一学期的课程而言,由于都是公共基础课,所以相对轻松,只要上课专心地听讲,跟上老师的思路,把功夫下在平时,期末考出高分拿到奖学金还是十分有可能的。就具体的科目来说,高等数学,医用物理,基础化学这些科目理解的成分更多,所以上课必须跟上老师的思路,第一遍就把知识学通学透,如果一时疏忽走神没有跟上,下课一定多学多问,以免造成知识的空

白。思修,形势与政策,计算机等科目都是记忆的成分多一点,所以上课认真听课,课后若有时间就及时的复习一下前面的内容,考前下点力气背一背,也问题不大。我想强调的是英语,因为我们最后拿学位或考研,都要过英语这一关,而且英语的分数是死杠,这里通不过,其他科目分数再好也无济于事,而第一学期课程相对轻松,你们就必须把英语的基础打牢,以免将来考研时太过吃力,所以你们平时要把英语课重视起来,作业认真对待,最好提前做一下四级考试题,将来肯定受益很多。 在没有上大学之前,大学在我们的印象里是一座圣洁典雅、遥不可及的梦幻乐园。学习之余,我们经常构思着大学里的幸福图景,良师益友的畅谈宏辩,假山花圃的春意盎然,并行恋人的漫步私语,人工湖畔的徐徐暖风,多少次出现在酣然的梦中。然而,当我们真的站在大学的门前,呈现给我们的却是一座漫天黄土,遍地沙石的硕大荒园。于是,我们期待中的精彩纷呈便被大大简化,甚至简化到了每天宿舍、教室、餐厅三点一线来回奔忙。虽然心中有一点失望,但我并没有因为生活方式的枯燥单一而觉得委屈了自己,相反,溢满心头的是一种充实之后的满足和快慰。因为我明白,选择了医学就选择了这种枯燥单一,医学的博大精深要求我们必须去承受学习的苦涩的磨砺,也只有远离了那些浮华和喧嚣,我们的心灵才变得空明澄澈,一丝不乱,我们才能将那些淳厚的心志倾注于知识的沃土,才有可能去实现心中的誓言和宏愿,才有资格去做一个笃行济世的天使。而学习


成长的故事演讲稿(精选3篇) 成长的故事演讲稿 好的演讲稿可以引导听众,使听众能更好地理解演讲的内容。在充满活力,日益开放的今天,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?以下是帮大家整理的成长的故事演讲稿,希望能够帮助到大家。 成长的故事演讲稿1敬爱的老师 , 亲爱的同学们 : 大家好 ! 今年9 月份,我们从幼儿园升入小学,成了一名小学生了。虽然开学才三个月,但是我们一年级的同学个个都有很大的变化。在这三个月里 , 好习惯一直伴随着我们成长。 由于我们刚刚入学,年龄小,学校离家远的原因,我们严格按照学校要求做到“四个不”不当害群之马、不当黑老大、不当奸油皮、不当小耗子。乔老师将我这个捣蛋鬼选为村北的路长之后,我在想:作为领头羊,我必须要以身作则。每次放学路上我努力改正自己的缺点:不再和同学们打闹了,不再我行我素了。我的朋友也越来越多了。同时我们班的纪律也有了很大改观,放学路上的我们不再像一群羊。整齐的队伍换来了家长们的一声声夸赞;我们按时回家,爸爸妈妈脸上露出了欣慰的笑容,夸我们是个懂事的孩子。同学们,是什么改变了我,是好习惯!我做到了,相信大家都能! 同学们,你们听“ 谢谢老师!”这是陈凯丽抄写认真,得到老师

的小奖贴后说的。“乔老师,再见!”这是我们每次放学大家一起说的一句话。“老师,辛苦了!”这是从隔壁的三年级教室里传出来的。“对不起啊,我错了”这是同学间常听到这是我们平泉小学的优良作风。这是我们平泉小学生的好习惯!这朵文明礼仪之花将会开遍校园的每个角落。 感恩父母,感恩师长是我们中华民族的传统美德。虽然我们还小,但是我们也能够用自己的小小手来报答父母的养育之恩。我们班将双休日定为感恩实践日,每个星期一老师都能收到许多爸爸、妈妈写来的感恩小纸条。读着一张张小纸条我们最想说“爸爸妈妈,我爱你!”。教师节前夕,同学们动手绘画敬爱的老师,并用稚嫩的语言表达着自己对老师的爱;陈凯丽将自己家院子里最美的花摘下来带到学校悄悄放在老师讲桌上,老师开心地笑了,大家都笑了。此时我们最想说:“老师,我爱你!” 播种一个好习惯 , 收获一份好人生 , 让我们从自己做起 , 从每一个好习惯做起吧 ! 让好习惯伴我们一起成长! 我的演讲完毕 , 谢谢大家 ! 成长的故事演讲稿2尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《成长的故事》! 成长是一朵花,挫折是根,泪水是茎,成功是盛开的花瓣。“童年啊!是梦中的真,是真中的梦,是回忆时含泪的微笑。” 小时,我和几个小伙伴总是“疯”个不停,一天到晚地不在家。我们曾趴在地上弹珠子,曾在下水沟中捞掉进去的东西,曾在花园里


安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 安全生产演讲稿优秀篇 篇一《关爱生命安全为天》 当你拥有它时,好像不觉得它有什么了不起;当你失去它时,才会真 正觉得拥有它是多么地幸福。 它便是我们万分关注的一个永恒的话题――安全。 安全不需要太多的理由,生命已足以使之永恒。 我们不能因为产量而轻视安全,不能因为效益而忽视安全,更不能因 为工作面、工作条件稍好一些就藐视安全。 安全意识的淡化,薄弱是导致事故发生的首要原因,每一次事故的发 生,我们都后悔莫及,那么在事故发生之前,我们的隐患排除了吗?我们 的防范措施到位了吗?千里之堤溃于蚁穴,早防早治才能确保安全。 而抓安全,就必须时刻如履薄冰,如临深渊。 安全工作来不得半点马虎,只有提高警惕,居安思危,防患于未然, 努力做到紧绷安全弦,才能确保企业的长治久安。 我们要尊重生命, 就要敬畏规章, 遵守规章是责任, 是道义, 是权力, 更是义务。 只有遵守规章才能保安全,这是安全生产的经验昭示。

安全源于长期警惕,事故出于瞬间麻痹,思想上的松懈麻痹必然会导 致安全隐患的存在和违章现象的发生,哪怕一次偶然现象的发生,哪怕一 次偶然违章,就有可能一失足成千古恨。 没有了安全就丧失了和和美美的家庭,更没有企业的可持续发展,依 法遵章,所有的事故都可以避免,松懈麻痹,所有的事故都可能发生,遵 章二字,正是水之源,树之根,安全之本。 一花一世界, 一叶一菩提, 每一个人的生命都是天地之魂, 万物之灵, 生命因此而珍贵,我们要热爱生命,热爱生活,珍惜眼前的每一天;让我 们永远牢记安全责任, 警钟长鸣, 才会让安全之花扎根于我们的生活之中。 篇二《六月,让我们共同走进安全月》 刚刚送走激情、温馨的五月,六月的祝福已亭亭玉立在我们面前。 13 亿双期盼的眼光一起向"安全月"汇聚,在这个阳光铺满的季节里, 铿锵走来了"安全月"的脚步。 安全是什么?安全就是生命!安全意味着什么?对于一个人,安全意 味着健康;对于一个家庭,安全意味着和睦;对于一个企业,安全意味着 发展;对于一个国家,安全意味着强大。 没有安全,就没有一切。 安全是什么?安全就是一首歌,需要我们天天来弹唱;安全就是一首 诗,需要我们日日来吟诵;安全就是一盘棋,需要我们走一步看两步;安 全就是标准化,要求建设者严格规范的操作;安全就是有序的节奏,推进 科学化管理上水平;安全就是沸腾的生活,预示我们生机勃勃的明天;安 全就是一根七彩的丝带,连接一个又一个美好的愿望。


十佳大学生答辩演讲稿3篇 演讲稿应该富有说服力和感染力,要做到这点,除了观点、道理要能为听众接受以外,演讲稿还要写得充满感情,用情来打动听众。今天本文整理了十佳大学生答辩演讲稿,供你参考。 十佳大学生答辩演讲稿篇1 尊敬的各位老师,各位同学: 大家下午好!我叫徐姗,是09级 生物 师范班学习委员,同时担任我院学生通讯社社长,学工助理,校博物馆讲解队队长等职务。 向院里提出十佳大学生的申请,是因为我和在座的各位同学一样,都觉得这是一份可贵而难得的荣誉,并且十分渴望得到她,这是我心里的实话,如若不然,现在也不会勇敢地站在这里了。我想,作为一个学生,一个学生干部,除了希望自己能够尽己所能没有遗憾地完成该做的事情以外,其实更希望的是能够被别人肯定,从而拥有继续努力下去的信心。我想,喜欢荣誉不是一个人的错,在追求荣誉的过程中获取到更有价值的东西,才是关键的意义之所在! 进入湖大之后,终于感觉到足够的自由空间 ,那时候,

我笑称自己如鱼得水,因为有着那么多的时间去做自己喜欢的事情,有那么多的平台去展示自己,有那么多的机会去结识许多志趣相投的朋友。 在学习方面,迄今为止,我已经以较高的分数通过了大 学 英语 四六级考试以及 计算机 二级考试,并且获得三等奖学金。 在活动方面,刚入校不久,我代表院里参加了校建国六十周年演讲暨普通话风采大赛,初露锋芒,捧回一个二等奖。与楚才学院一位学长合作,全程英语主持了校第四届英语 朗诵 大赛,随后在校第四节英语翻译大赛口译中获得第五名。院级 辩论 赛,挑战着心里的胆怯,担任了辩论队四辩的角色,却意外获得最佳辩手。在 英语学习 月期间,主持了英语电影配音大赛,并且在英语风采


大家好! 我叫杨晓雄,是来自材料学院的一位大四学生,个人成长经历演讲稿。还有几个月我就要离开学习生活了四年的母校了,希看今天的分享能留给大家一些值得参考的东西。 我和在坐的很多同学一样来自很普通的家庭,没甚么背景可言;学习成绩中等,最高也只拿过三等奖学金;口才也一般,从没有动过参加演讲比赛的动机,所以现在站在这里,面对大家还是非常紧张的,总之,我是个很普通的学生,不冒尖也不出彩。打个比方,就是把我扔到中午12点下课的学生里,很难再把我从中找出来。 一般来讲,普通其实不是一个褒义词,但是这次往厦门海关参加公务员招考口试,我对普通有了不同的熟悉。口试的12个人,有浙江大学的、有北科的、有厦大的,几近都是各大名校的高材生。在这样的情况下,我没有输,而且以很好的成绩顺利过关。我其实不是想要夸耀自己的成绩,我现在还没有得到厦门海关的正式录用通知,还在接受一些环节的考察。我只是想通过对本身的审阅,告知大家,不要小视自己的普通和普通的自己! 审阅本身,首先就要回顾一下我的大学生活。我的大学生活有一个特点,就是一直都贯串着勤工助学和学生工作。 还记得我们06年进学后,不久就是国庆假期,在这个假期我参加了校学生工作处组织的阿尔泰游乐园勤工助学工作。大一下学期,我开始担负阿尔泰勤工助学队队长。同时,我通过口试,被聘为学生工作处学生助理。到了大二,《学生工作简报》开始招聘成员,我成功应聘主编一职,开始了自己学生工作的另外一个阶段,这类状态一直延续到我大四找工作之前。这一系列的工作实践经历让我收获颇丰。在此,我深深感谢学校给我们创造了锻炼机会和成长空间。我也衷心肠感谢一直以来,给予我信任、支持和肯定的学工处和学院的老师们,没有你们的认可和鼓励,我不会有今天的成长。谢谢! 在这些工作中,有件事让我记忆深入。阿尔泰游乐园时的工作是属于服务性质的,工作主要内容就是给游客系安全带、讲授安全留意事项。这项工作的要求就是要细致到位。有一段时间,我们的队伍出现了一些题目,有几个同学总是在放工时忘记封闭机器的电源,看起来很小的一件事,和出门忘记关灯性质差未几,但是我们遭到了园领导的批评。园领导说,我们工作的其他环节做得都非常好,所有流程也都很规范,但就是最后一步的检查工作没做到位,这会留下安全隐患,而且让我们工作整体评价大打折扣。事后我组织大家开了一个会,我们在会上达成了一个共鸣,那就是细节非常重要,任何一个细微的环节都可能影响到终究我们是不是能到达既定的目标。实在,甚么是细节,甚么又是结果?所谓结果不就是一个个细节积累而成的吗?法国思想家伏尔泰说过,令人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋子里的那粒沙子。我想,鞋子里那粒极其微小的沙子就是我们走向目标的一个小小的细节,而这个细节恰恰决定了我们会在哪里感遭到深深的痛楚,在哪里失往前进的能力。 勤工助学岗位上脚踏实地工作的大都是些普通的学生,我以为正是普通赋予了我们一些独有的素质我们不好高务远,不自以为是,对待各种工作,哪怕是很基础很辛劳的工作也不会心存排挤,都能够坚持完成;我们乐于合作,对他人的意见能够虚心接受,因此,我们掌控住了更多潜伏的锻炼机会;我们心中有强烈的要求进步的愿看/a>,更主要的是能够化为行动,从小事做起,终究多方面积累了经验,为将来的成功奠定了基础,这就是普通二字


安全生产、党员争先 煤矿生产,安全为天。当单位或部门新分来学员和新工人时,都要进行有关安全政策、法令、规章制度的学习、培训。上岗工作时,安监部门、各级领导又是人人讲安全,天天进行安全戴帽说安全。可是,每次事故的发生都事出有因,究其原因何在?答案是:绝大多违章人员都是没有管好自己。由于参加工作时间长了,工作环境熟悉了,讲安全听腻了,思想上逐渐产生了麻痹大意思想,尽管安全规章天天讲,也当成了耳旁风,心里有一搭无一搭。事故发生后,震动一阵子,过后又随着时间的流逝而淡化。这种“管不住自己”的毛病,无疑是酿成事故的病症所在。 要搞好安全,真正做到安全为了生产、生产必须安全,除了严格按照各项安全操作规程规定作业外,最重要的一点就是要“自己管住自己”。各科室、区队里有科长、队长、班长、青年安全监督岗员和群监员,但都不能时时处处跟着你、看着你、附在你身上,钻进你心里。你工作走神,思想溜号,有意违章,违章操作,事故往往就在这种情况下找上门来。有位在煤矿工作多年,从未发生过任何事故的老工人说过这样一句话:“我的安全经验就是自己管自己”,这句话言简意赅,值得品味再三。在工作时如果三心二意,就有可能发生事故。根据有关部门统计资料表明:百分之九十以上的事故,都是由于思想麻痹和“三违”造成的。 俗话说得好:“世界上什么药都可以买到,就是‘后悔药’买不到”。出了事故,单位受损失不说,自己轻则受皮肉之苦,重则缺胳膊少腿,甚至连生命都没有了,你的父母、妻子、儿女还要为你承担痛苦与不幸。生活是美好的,家庭是温暖的,何必为一时之错、一念之差,付出如此沉重的代价?

作为一名党员干部,我们应当牢固树立“本质安全,珍爱生命”的理念,去营造遵章守法,治理“三违”的安全文化氛围,把安全生产的制度,变为我们自己的自觉行动。同时还要加强学习、注重提高自身的安全技术素质和安全生产能力、切实在安全生产工作中发挥出党员的先进性和模范带头作用。 党旗在飘扬,党旗在召唤。让我们在全矿蓬勃开展的“创先争优”活动中,时刻牢记这样一个道理:党员就是责任,党员就是旗帜,党员就是榜样,党员就是先锋;让我们忠诚做好人民群众的领头雁,真情当好安全发展的排头兵,为鲜红的党旗增辉添彩,为建设庇山和谐矿区、本质安全矿井、五优矿井做出积极的贡献。


关于十佳大学生演讲稿3篇 关于十佳大学生演讲稿篇1 尊敬的领导老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好,我是来自会计院20xx级会计电算化5班的李晓丹,很荣幸今天有机会站在这里作为优秀学生代表与大家交流我的学习故事。 相信在我的故事里也一定有不少在坐的同学们身上的影子。高考完后,我的成绩并不理想,仅仅的400来分打破了我的本科梦。说实话,初来滨职时,虽然高考已经结束,但我仍然还没有从我学习不如别人的自卑阴影中走出来,当然,我也对滨职这个新的学习环境充满了期待。刚开学的兴奋劲,我恨不得把每天掰成两天使,把自己堆在书堆里,再也不错过这个学习的机会,然而,刚开学的三分钟学习热度很快就消失了,上课,我又忍不住交头接耳,晚上一上网就是到大半夜,不知不觉间又回到了高中状态,十几年上学养成的坏习惯不是说改就能一下子改掉的。记得那是在基础会计课上,我上课又犯迷糊了,下课老师走下讲台,了解同学们的听课情况,老师走到我桌旁时,我由于做贼心虚就脱口而出了一个老师讲过好几节课去的问题,我问老师:“老师,您刚才讲的什么科目借记增加来着?”老师的表情我还深刻地记着,老师先是一个微笑,然后幽默地说了句:“晓丹同学,我看你上课趴在桌子上两眼发直,原来是在回想以前的内容呀!”我脸热乎乎

的低着头听老师耐心的把题又给我从新讲了一遍。在当天的作业中,老师给我留了这样的批语:晓丹同学,万事开头难,入了门学起来就不那么吃力了,好好学吧,加油!看着老师鲜红色的批语,我为自己的不认真学习而惭愧,并立志以后一定要认真对待学习。 周六,我带着课本一头扎进自修室,趁着刚开学学的东西还不太多,把课本从头到尾通了两遍,突然间觉得茅塞顿开,原来一直觉得难得要命的题其实也不过如此。我找到了学习的感觉,我的学习也从此步入了正轨。在我的学习过程中,我认为学习并不是件轻松地事情,学习过程中,我遇到难题退缩过,因为一时的成绩不尽人意想要放弃过,但当每次取得第一名的成绩时,党领到凭自己的实力争取的奖学金时,当站在光环与掌声中的那一刻我是自豪的。我的经历告诉我积累的过程是枯燥的,但辛苦的付出之后的收获是丰硕的。既然选择了接受继续教育,那么就要做好一个学习者,英雄不论出处,只要我们坚持不懈的努力,滨职就是我们成功的新起点,我们每个人都是一座充满无限潜力的宝库。 以下是我的一点学习经验,今天希望能借此机会与大家分享一下。 首先我认为要有自己明确的目标与追求,我们大家都是刚刚选择好专业步入大学,那么就要为自己做一个大的追求目标,给自己的人生一个清晰的定位,如此才能有精神上的坚守与升华,并能获得持久的动力,抵抗住外来的各种诱惑,有计划的一点点的实现目标。我是一个喜欢幻想,爱做白日梦的女生,我每天早上醒来的第一件事就是先闭上眼睛想一下20年后的我的样子,偶


幼儿园后勤成长经历演讲稿 篇一:幼儿园后勤演讲 幼儿园园长就职演讲稿 各位老师、园长,大家好!今天 我能成为晶晶幼儿园的副园长,是本园培养的结果,是全体老师信任支持帮助的结果,我非常感谢大家对我的信任和重托!也感谢园长给了我向大家学习、为大家服务的机会! 首次以副园长的身份讲话,其实我的内心是忐忑的,因为,我的年龄还比较小、阅历也不够丰富。对自己将来的工作,也比较怀疑。希望各位新老教师能多多指出我的不足,多给提些意见。当然,如果有需要帮助,我也义不容辞。 目前正是开园时期,刚入园的孩子一般不好带,咱们的工作量可能会稍大点。尤其是小班小小班,多数的孩子在这之前没上过学。对于幼儿园的一切都是陌生的,也是孩子与家长的首次分离。这种情形下,多数孩子与家长都会产生?分别焦虑?等种种情绪。这时候呢,我们各位老师首先要耐心,想方设法消除他们的焦虑。用我们的爱心,让幼儿感受到幼儿园是另一个温暖的家。用我们的细心,多跟家长沟通,让他们安心的把孩子交给我们。这段时间,各位老师辛苦了。 咱们开园的首要工作呢,就是安全!安全是重中之重!

小朋友比较调皮,要咱们老师长出三头六臂那是不可能的。但是一定要时时关注着他们,不能让孩子脱离视线范围。尤其是户外活动的 时候,他们根本不知道自己做的某些动作会伤害到自己,伤害到别人。所以,这时候的我们更要像是守护他们的卫士。千万不能报以侥幸心理,去做其他的事情。 其次呢,就是孩子的健康生活。早晨从进园开始,咱们要做好晨检的工作,做到一问(睡眠、胃口)、二看(精神状态)、三摸(温度)。如有生病的幼儿,一定要当时询问他们的父母,是否需要喂药药,了解孩子的情况。进入校园后,要提醒孩子把早点吃完。 午餐时间可能是令各位老师头痛的时候,有些孩子挑食的厉害。看到不喜欢的食物,总是把小嘴撅的高高的。甚至你用强硬的手段,他们就算含在嘴里,淌着眼泪,也不愿意咽下去。我遇到很多这样的宝宝,用过很多的方法,效果显著的,就是“乐趣吃饭”法。这招是我在书上学来的,可能别的老师也常使用吧。我们可以让孩子联想饭勺是嘟嘟嘟,开着的小火车,孩子的小嘴巴是小火车要经过的隧道,只有通过隧道才能到达底站。火车开动的时候,尽量夸张咱们的动作、语言。这能吸引孩子,并让他欣然接受。很多类似这样的方法,需要我们去研究。 曾经有位家长跟我交谈过,她说咱们的幼儿园很多工


化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文 安全生产是安全与生产的统一,其宗旨是安全促进生产,生产必须安全。以下是小编整理的化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。 化工厂安全生产演讲稿范文一: 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 我演讲的题目是:打牢化工企业安全基础,是构建化工企业安全长效机制的根本。 首先,我认为大家能站在这里都是幸运的,为什么这么说呢?比起现在躺在医院里的人,我们是幸运的;比起灾区的人们,我们是幸运的。 安全是企业之魂,是企业生存与发展的基础。员工的人身安全得不到保障,企业就无法发展壮大;公民的人身安全得不到保障,国家就无法繁荣富强。人是以个体的形式出现在社会上的,社会上的每一个公民就如同珠子,和谐顽强的生命力将珠子串起来,形成一个不可分割的生命体。线一旦没有了生命力,珠子便滑落下来,也就不存在这个生命体了。所以我们每个人无论在社会中还是在企业中的力量是不容忽视的。 领导和同志们,作为化工行业的一员,有几起事故我本想忘记,更不愿向人们提起,但今天我要再一次提起:1984年12月3日,印度一化工厂,由于工人操作失误,异氰酸甲酯大量泄露,致使2500多人死亡,5万多人眼睛失明;2005年,中石油吉林石化分公司双苯厂发生爆炸,造成8人死亡,60人受伤,并引发松花江水污染事件;今年8月29日,广西宜州化工厂爆炸事故,造成20人遇难。几起化工事故虽然离我们越来越远,但那一幕幕惨剧仿佛就在眼前,遇难者那一具具冰冷的尸体,一张张因极度痛苦变得扭曲的脸,亲人们那一声声嚎哭,还在叩击着我们的心。领导和同志们,几起化学事故产生的原因虽然不同,但共同点却都是化工企业安全基础不牢。

基础不牢地动山摇。胡锦涛总书记在党的十七届三中全会上指出:"人命关天,绝不能把人的生命当儿戏"。胡总书记的指示,充分体现了科学发展观以人为本的核心要求。可是,在现实生活中,少数化工企业,只注重生产,而忽视安全,生产不讲科学。土办法管理,老经验办事,无视标准和规范。人们常说:安规本是血染成。面对成千上万条鲜活的生命,用鲜血和泪水书写的操作规程,有的人总是熟视无睹,麻木不仁。"小型分散,少量多次勤运走",烟花爆竹安全生产的"十一"字诀。短短的十一个字,却保证了不知道多少企业财产和工人生命的安全。美国杜邦公司是一个生产炸药的军工企业,可是杜邦老板却敢夸口说:在杜邦公司上班比在马路上散步还安全,因为杜邦有一整套保证企业安全运转的规范,即使放一只桶都要放在指定的圆圈。我们危化处在科学发展观学习讨论时,得出了这样的结论:危化企业最危险,危化企业难监管,只有安全才能生产,规范生产才能确保安全。 邓小平同志在1988年9月就提出了:科学技术是第一生产力的科学发展观思想。很多化工事故都是由于设备落后,科学技术低下造成的。实行科技兴安,大力引进新工艺,提高安全装备水平和科技含量,是我们刻不容缓的责任。提高化工设备自动化程度,优化生产工艺,创造一流信息化化工企业,打造数字化化工企业,是化工企业安全发展的唯一出路。 人才是科技进步的第一资源,是安全生产的根本基础。可是个别化工企业领导对安全工作认识不到位,管理不到位,措施不到位。致使企业管理松弛,作风涣散,不讲科学,违章蛮干。但随着人才强企战略的实施,人才在企业安全工作中的地位越来越重要,也使**安全工作插上了科技的翅膀。领导和同志们,安全没有后悔的机会,失误只会留下千古遗憾。在这里我要大声疾呼:生命诚可贵,安全大于天。 曾给他们讲看过的一篇文章,至今还记忆犹新,某火电公司在一化工工厂施工时,一位日本专家曾这样说施工人员:"你们中国人的确有不怕死的可贵精神,在施工现场有不戴安全帽的现象。在日本,厂长,经理开会时安全帽都系得紧紧的。"这是对违章现象的莫大讽刺。它一针见血地言明了一些人安全意识的淡薄与无知,对自己的轻视就是对家庭和社会的犯罪。安全的警钟要常鸣,奉劝可叹的"勇士们",收起你的蛮干和无知吧!有人说:安全生产的难点在我们自己,在我们自身的安全意识。仔细想想不无道理今天。"安全生产月"活动的展开,《安全生产法》的颁布实施,"两票三制"的严格执行。。。 这不都是为了搞好安全生产,领导和职工们用血的教训组成的努力与决心。安全的
