



1. accelerate/?k'sel?re?t/ vt. 加速,促进

2. absolute/'?bs?lu:t/a/?/. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的

3. liberal/'l?b?r?l/a/?/. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的

4. transport/tr?ns'p?:t/ vt. 运输,运送 n/en/. 运输,运输工具

5. mild/ma?ld/a/?/. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

6. tender/'tend?/a/?/. 温柔的;脆弱的

7. nuisance/'nju:sns/n/en/. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)

8. tide/ta?d/n/en/.潮汐;潮流

9. export/'eksp?:t/n/en/. 出口(物) v/vi:/. 出口,输出

10. import/?m'p?:t/n/en/. 进口(物) v/vi:/. 进口,输入


11. impose/?m'p??z/ vt. 把...加强(on/?n/);采用,利用

12. religion/r?'l?d??n/n/en/. 宗教,宗教信仰

13. burst/b\:st/vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂

14. dispose/d?s'p??z/ vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of/?v/)

15. blast/blɑ:st/ n/en/. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉

16. consume/k?n'sju:m/v/vi:/. 消耗,耗尽

17. split/spl?t/v/vi:/.劈开;割裂;分裂 a/?/.裂开的

18. spit/sp?t/v/vi:/.吐(唾液等);唾弃

19. spill/sp?l/v/vi:/.溢出,溅出,倒出

20. extinct/?ks't??kt/a/?/. 绝灭的,熄灭的slide/sla?d/ v/vi:/.滑动,滑落 n/en/. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片bacteria/b?k't??r??/n/en/. 细菌

21. breed/bri:d/n/en/. 种,品种 v/vi:/. 繁殖,产仔

22. budget/'b?d??t/n/en/.预算 v/vi:/. 编预算,作安排

23. candidate/'k?nd?d?t/n/en/.候选人

24. campus/'k?mp?s/n/en/. 校园

25. transform/tr?ns'f?:m/v/vi:/. 转变,变革;变换

26. transmit/tr?nz'm?t/v/vi:/.传播,播送;传递

27. transplant/tr?ns'plɑ:nt/ v/vi:/. 移植

28. shift/??ft/v/vi:/.转移;转动;转变

29. vary/'ve?r?/v/vi:/.变化,改变;使多样化

30. vanish/'v?n??/ vi. 消灭,不见

31. swallow/'sw?l??/v/vi:/. 吞下,咽下 n/en/. 燕子

32. suspicion/s?s'p???n/n/en/. 怀疑,疑心

33. suspicious/s?s'p???s/a/?/. 怀疑的,可疑的

34. boundary/'ba?nd?r?/n/en/.分界线,边界

35. catalog/'k?t?l?ɡ/ n/en/. 目录(册) v/vi:/. 编目

36. vague/ve?ɡ/ a/?/.模糊的,不明确的

37. vain/ve?n/n/en/.徒劳,白费

38. extraordinary/?ks'tr?:dnr?/a/?/. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的

39. agent/'e?d??nt/n/en/. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因

40. alcohol/'?lk?h?l/n/en/. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

41. appeal/?'pi:l/n./vi. 呼吁,恳求

42. appreciate/?'pri:??e?t/ vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏

43. approve/?'pru:v/v/vi:/. 赞成,同意,批准

44. stimulate/'st?mj?le?t/ vt. 刺激,激励

45. acquire/?'kwa??/vt. 取得,获得;学到

46. accomplish/?'k?mpl??/ vt .完成,到达;实行

47. network/'netw\:k/n/en/. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

48. insignificant/??ns?ɡ'n?f?k?nt/ a/?/.无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

49. wander/'w?nd?/ vi. 漫游,闲逛

50. wax/w?ks/n/en/. 蜡

51. weave/wi:v/v/vi:/. 织,编

52. preserve/pr?'z\:v/v/vi:/. 保护,保存,保持,维持

53. abuse/?'bju:z/v/vi:/. 滥用,虐待;谩骂

54. academic/??k?'dem?k/a/?/. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

55. academy/?'k?d?m?/n/en/.(高等)专科院校;学会

56. battery/'b?t?r?/n/en/.电池(组)

57. barrier/'b?r??/n/en/. 障碍;棚栏

58. cargo/'kɑ:ɡ??/ n/en/. (船、飞机等装载的)货物

59. career/k?'r??/n/en/. 生涯,职业

60. vessel/'vesl/n/en/. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管

61. vertical/'v\:t?k?l/a/?/. 垂直的

62. obscure/?b'skj??/a/?/. 阴暗,模糊

63. extent/?ks'tent/n/en/.程度,范围,大小,限度

64. external/eks't\:nl/a/?/. 外部的,外表的,外面的

65. petrol/'petr?l/n/en/. 汽油

66. petroleum/p?'tr??l??m/n/en/. 石油

67. delay/d?'le?/vt./n.推迟,延误,耽搁

68. decay/d?'ke?/vi.腐烂,腐朽

69. decent/'di:snt/a/?/. 像样的,体面的

70. route/ru:t/n/en/. 路;路线;航线

71. ruin/r??n/v/vi:/.毁坏,破坏 n/en/. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟

72. sake/se?k/n/en/.缘故,理由

73. satellite/'s?t?la?t/n/en/.卫星

74. temple/'templ/n/en/. 庙宇

75. tedious/'ti:d??s/a/?/. 乏味道,单调的,

76. tend/tend/ vi.易于,趋向

77. tendency/'tend?ns?/n/en/.趋向,趋势

78. ultimate/'?lt?m?t/a/?/. 极端的,最大的,最终的 n/en/. 极端

79. adopt/?'d?pt/v/vi:/. 收养;采用;采纳

80. adapt/?'d?pt/vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

81. bachelor/'b?t??l?/n/en/. 学士,学士学位;单身汉

82. casual/'k??j??l/a/?/. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

83. trap/tr?p/n/en/. 陷阱,圈套 v/vi:/. 设陷阱捕捉

84. vacant/'ve?k?nt/a/?/. 空的,未占用的

85. vacuum/'v?kj??m/n/en/. 真空,真空吸尘器

86. oral/'?:r?l/a/?/. 口头的,口述的,口的

87. optics/'?pt?ks/n/en/.(单、复数同形)光学

88. organ/'?:ɡ?n/ n/en/.器官,风琴

89. excess/?k'ses/n/en/.过分,过量,过剩

90. expel/?ks'pel/v/vi:/.驱逐,开除,赶出

91. expend/?ks'pen d/v/vi:/. 消费

92. expenditure/?ks'pend?t??/n/en/. 支出,消费;经费

93. expense/?k'spens/n/en/.开销,费用

94. expensive/?ks'pens?v/a/?/. 花钱多的;价格高贵的

95. private/'pra?v?t/a/?/. 私人的,个人的

96. individual/??nd?'v?dj??l/a/?/. 个别的,单独的 n/en/. 个人,个体

97. personal/'p\:s?nl/a/?/. 个人的,私人的;亲自的

98. personnel/?p\:s?'nel/n/en/. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门

99. the/ei:/Pacific/p?'s?f?k/Ocean/'????n/ 太平洋

100. the/ei:/Atlantic/?t'l?nt?k/Ocean/'????n/ 大西洋

101. the/ei:/Arctic/'ɑ:kt?k/ Ocean/'????n/北冰洋

102. the/ei:/Antarctic/?nt'ɑ:kt?k/ Ocean/'????n/南冰洋

103. grant/ɡrɑ:nt/ vt. 授予,同意,准予

104. grand/ɡr?nd/ a/?/.宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的

105. invade/?n've?d/v/vi:/.侵入,侵略,侵袭

106. acid/'?s?d/n/en/.酸,酸性物质 a/?/. 酸的;尖刻的

107. acknowledge/?k'n?l?d?/v/vi:/. 承认;致谢

108. balcony/'b?lk?n?/n/en/.阳台

109. calculate/'k?lkj?le?t/ vt. 计算,核算

110. calendar/'k?l?nd?/n/en/. 日历,月历

111. optimistic/??pt?'m?st?k/a/?/. 乐观

112. optional/'?p??n?l/a/?/. 可以任选的,非强制的

113. outstanding/a?t'st?nd??/a/?/. 杰出的,突出的,显著的

114. religious/r?'l?d??s/a/?/. 宗教的

115. victim/'v?kt?m/n/en/.牺牲品,受害者

116. video/'v?d???/n/en/. 电视,视频 a/?/. 电视的,录像的

117. videotape n/en/. 录像磁带 v/vi:/. 把...录在录像带上

118. offend/?'fend/v/vi:/. 冒犯,触犯

119. bother/'b?e?/v/vi:/. 打搅,麻烦

120. interfere/??nt?'f??/v/vi:/. 干涉,干扰,妨碍

121. internal/?n't\:nl/a/?/. 内部的,国内的

122. beforehand/b?'f?:h?nd/ad/?d/. 预先,事先

123. racial/'re???l/a/?/. 人种的种族的

124. radiation/?re?d?'e???n/n/en/. 放射物,辐射

125. radical/'r?d?k?l/a/?/.根本的;激进的

126. range/re?nd?/n/en/. 幅度,范围 v/vi:/. (在某范围内)变动

127. wonder/'w?nd?/n/en/. 惊奇,奇迹 v/vi:/. 想知道,对...感到疑惑

128. isolate/'a?s?le?t/vt.使隔离,使孤立

129. issue/'?sju:/n/en/.问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期

130. hollow/'h?l??/a/?/. 空的,中空的,空虚道

131. hook/h?k/ n/en/. 钩vt. 钩住

132. adequate/'?d?kw?t/a/?/. 适当地;足够

133. adhere/?d'h??/vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持

134. ban/bɑ:n/ vt. 取缔,禁止

135. capture/'k?pt??/ vt. 俘虏,捕获

136. valid/'v?l?d/a/?/. 有效的,有根据的;正当的

137. valley/'v?l?/n/en/.山谷,峡谷

138. consistent/k?n's?st?nt/a/?/. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的

139. continuous/k?n't?nj??s/a/?/. 继续的,连续(不断)的

140. continual/k?n't?nj??l/a/?/. 不断地,频繁的

141. explode/?ks'pl??d/v/vi:/. 爆炸;爆发;激增

142. exploit/?ks'pl??t/v/vi:/.剥削;利用,开采

143. explore/?ks'pl?:/v/vi:/. 勘探

144. explosion/?ks'pl????n/n/en/. 爆炸;爆发;激增

145. explosive/?ks'pl??s?v/a/?/. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的

146. remote/r?'m??t/a/?/. 遥远的,偏僻的

147. removal/r?'mu:v?l/n/en/. 除去,消除

148. render/'rend?/vt. 使得,致使

149. render/'rend?/vt.呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报, 致使, 放弃, 表演, 实施vi.给予补偿n/en/.交纳, 粉刷, 打底

150. precaution/pr?'k?:??n/n/en/. 预防,防备,警惕

151. idle/'a?dl/a/?/. 懒散的,无所事事的

152. identify/a?'dent?fa?/vt.认出,鉴定

153. identify/a?'dent?fa?/n/en/.身份;个性,特性

154. poverty/'p?v?t?/n/en/.贫穷

155. resistant/r?'z?st?nt/a/?/.(to/tu:/)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的

156. resolve/r?'z?lv/ vt. 解决;决定,决意

157. barrel/'b?r?l/n/en/. 桶

158. bargain/'bɑ:ɡ?n/ n/en/.便宜货 vi. 讨价还价

159. coarse/k?:s/ a/?/. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的

160. coach/k??t?/ n/en/. 教练;长途公共汽车

161. code/k??d/ n/en/. 准则,法规,密码

162. coil/k??l/ n/en/.线圈 v/vi:/. 卷,盘绕

163. adult/?'d?lt/n/en/. 成年人

164. advertise/'?dv?ta?z/v/vi:/.为...做广告

165. advertisement/?d'v\:t?sm?nt/n/en/. 广告

166. agency/'e?d??ns?/n/en/.代理商,经销商

167. focus/'f??k?s/v/vi:/. (使)聚集 n/en/. 焦点,中心,聚焦168. forbid/f?'b?d/vt.不许,禁止

169. debate/d?'be?t/n./v. 辩论,争论

170. debt/det/ n/en/. 欠债

171. decade/'deke?d/n/en/.十年

172. enclose/?n'kl??z/ vt. 围住;把...装入信封

173. encounter/?n'ka?nt?/ vt./n. 遭遇,遭到

174. globe/ɡl??b/ n/en/. 地球,世界;地球仪

175. global/'ɡl??b?l/ a/?/.全球的;总的

176. scan/sk?n/ vt. 细看;扫描;浏览

177. scandal/'sk?ndl/n/en/. 丑事,丑闻

178. significance/s?ɡ'n?f?k?ns/ n/en/.意义;重要性

179. subsequent/'s?bs?kw?nt/a/?/. 随后的,后来的

180. virtue/'v\:tju:/n/en/. 美德,优点

181. virtual/'v\:tj??l/a/?/. 实际上的,事实上的

182. orient/'?:r??nt/ vt. 使适应,(to,toward)使朝向 n/en/. 东方183. portion/'p?:??n/n/en/. 一部分

184. target/'tɑ:ɡ?t/ n/en/.目标,靶子 vt. 瞄准

185. portable/'p?:t?bl/a/?/. 手提式的

186. decline/d?'kla?n/v/vi:/.拒绝,谢绝;下降

187. illusion/?'lu:??n/n/en/. 错觉

188. likelihood/'la?kl?h?d/n/en/. 可能,可能性

189. stripe/stra?p/n/en/.条纹

190. emphasize/'emf?sa?z/vt.强调,着重

191. emotion/?'m????n/n/en/. 情感,感情

192. emotional/?'m????nl/a/?/. 感情的,情绪(上)的

193. awful/'?:f?l/a/?/. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的

194. awkward/'?:kw?d/a/?/. 笨拙的,棘手的

195. clue/klu:/n/en/. 线索,提示

196. collision/k?'l???n/n/en/. 碰撞,冲突

197. device/d?'va?s/n/en/.装置,设备

198. devise/d?'va?z/vt.发明,策划,想出

199. inevitable/?n'ev?t?bl/a/?/. 不可避免的

200. naval/'ne?v?l/a/?/. 海军的

201. navigation/?n?v?'ɡe???n/ n/en/.航行

202. necessity/n?'ses?t?/n/en/.必需品;必要性

203. previous/'pri:vj?s/a/?/. 先,前,以前的

204. provision/pr?'v???n/n/en/. [pl.]给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置205. pursue/p?'sju:/vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行

206. stale/ste?l/a/?/. 不新鲜的,陈腐的

207. substitute/'s?bst?tju:t/n/en/.代用品vt. 代替

208. des erve/d?'z\:v/vt. 应受,应得,值得

209. discrimination/d?s?kr?m?'ne???n/n/en/. 歧视;辨别力

210. professional/pr?'fe??nl/a/?/. 职业的,专门的

211. nevertheless/?nev?e?'les/ad/?d/. 仍然,然而,不过

212. neutral/'nju:tr?l/a/?/. 中立的,中性的

213. spot/sp?t/n/en/. 地点;斑点 vt. 认出,发现;玷污

214. secure/s?'kj??/a/?/. 安全的,可靠的

215. security/s?'kj??r?t?/ n/en/.安全,保障

216. scratch/skr?t?/ v./n. 抓,搔,扒

217. talent/'t?l?nt/n/en/. 才能,天资;人才

218. insurance/?n'???r?ns/n/en/. 保险,保险费

219. insure/?n'???/ vt. 给...保险,保证,确保

220. spray/spre?/v/vi:/.喷,(使)溅散

221. medium/'mi:dj?m/a/?/. 中等的,适中的 n/en/. 媒介物,新闻媒介222. media/'mi:dj?/n/en/. 新闻传媒

223. auxiliary/?:ɡ'z?lj?r?/ a/?/.辅助的,备用的

224. automatic/??:t?'m?t?k/a/?/. 自动的

225. compete/k?m'pi:t/vi. 竞争,比赛

226. competent/'k?mp?t?nt/a/?/. 有能力的,能胜任的

227. competition/k?mp?'t???n/n/en/. 竞争,比赛

228. distribute/d?s'tr?bj?(:)t/ vt. 分发

229. disturb/d?s't\:b/vt. 打搅,妨碍

230. infer/?n'f\:/v/vi:/. 推论,推断

231. integrate/'?nt?ɡre?t/ v/vi:/.(使)成为一体,(使)合并

232. moist/m??st/ a/?/. 潮湿

233. moisture/'m??st??/n/en/. 潮湿

234. promote/pr?'m??t/ vt. 促进;提升

235. region/'ri:d??n/n/en/. 地区;范围;幅度

236. register/'red??st?/ v./n.登记,注册

237. stable/'ste?bl/a/?/. 稳定的

238. sophisticated/s?'f?st?ke?t?d/a/?/. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的239. splen did/'splend?d/a/?/. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的

240. cancel/'k?ns?l/vt. 取消,废除

241. variable/'ve?r??bl/a/?/. 易变的,可变的

242. prospect/'pr?spekt/n/en/. 前景,前途;景象

243. prosperity/pr?s'per?t?/n/en/.兴旺,繁荣

244. aspect/'?spekt/n/en/. 方面;朝向;面貌

245. cope/k??p/ vi.(wi th/w?e/)(成功地)应付,处理

246. core/k?:/ n/en/. 果心,核心

247. maintain/men'te?n/vt.维持,保持;坚持,主张

248. mainland/`me?nl?nd/n/en/. 大陆

249. discipline/'d?s?pl?n/n/en/.纪律;惩罚;学科

250. domestic/d?'mest?k/a/?/. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的251. constant/'k?nst?nt/a/?/. 不变的,恒定的 n/en/. 常数

252. cliff/kl?f/n/en/.悬崖,峭壁

253. authority/?:'θ?r?t?/n/en/.权威;当局

254. audio/'?:d???/a/?/. 听觉

255. attitude/'?t?tju:d/n/en/.态度

256. community/k?'mju:n?t?/n/en/.社区,社会

257. commit/k?'m?t/vt.犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)258. comment/'k?ment/ n./vt. 评论

259. distinguish/d?s't??ɡw??/ vt. 区分,辨别

260. distress/d?s'tres/n/en/.痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦

261. facility/f?'s?l?t?/n/en/. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便

262. faculty/'f?k?lt?/n/en/.能力,技能;系,学科/院;全体教员263. mixture/'m?kst??/n/en/. 混合,混合物

264. mood/mu:d/n/en/. 心情,情绪;语气

265. moral/'m?r?l/a/?/. 道德上的,有道德的

266. prominent/'pr?m?n?nt/a/?/. 突出的

267. substance/'s?bst?ns/n/en/. 物质;实质

268. substantial/s?b'st?n??l/a/?/. 可观的;牢固的;实质的269. prompt/pr?mpt/ vt. 促使 a/?/. 敏捷的,及时的

270. vivid/'v?v?d/a/?/. 生动的

271. waist/we?st/n/en/.腰,腰部

272. weld/weld/ v./n. 焊接

273. yawn/j?:n/ vi. 打哈欠

274. yield/ji:ld/vi.(to/tu:/)屈服于;让出,放弃 n/en/. 产量275. zone/z??n/ n/en/. 地区,区域

276. strategy/'str?t?d??/n/en/.战略,策略

277. strategic/str?'ti:d??k/a/?/. 战略(上)的,关键的

278. tense/tens/a/?/. 紧张的 v/vi:/. 拉紧 n/en/. 时态

279. tension/'ten??n/n/en/. 紧张(状态),张力

280. avenue/'?v?nju:/n/en/.林荫道,大街

281. available/?'ve?l?bl/a/?/. 现成可用的;可得到的

282. comparable/'k?mp?r?bl/a/?/. (with,to)可比较的,类似的283. comparative/k?m'p?r?t?v/a/?/. 比较的,相对的

284. dash/d??/ vi. 猛冲,飞奔

285. data/'de?t?/n/en/. 数据,资料

286. dive/da?v/ vi. 跳水,潜水

287. diverse/da?'v\:s/a/?/. 不同的,多种多样的

288. entitle/?n'ta?tl/vt.给...权利,给...资格

289. regulate/'reɡj?le?t/ vt. 管理,调节

290. release/r?'li:s/vt./n.释放,排放;解释解脱

291. exaggerate/?ɡ'z?d??re?t/ v/vi:/.夸大,夸张

292. evil/'i:vl/a/?/. 邪恶的,坏的

293. shrink/?r??k/ vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩

294. subtract/s?b'tr?kt/v/vi:/. 减(去)

295. suburb/'s?b\:b/n/en/. 市郊

296. subway/'s?bwe?/n/en/.地铁

297. survey/s\:'ve?/n./vt.调查,勘测

298. wealthy/'welθ?/a/?/. 富裕的

299. adjust/?'d??st/v/vi:/. 调整,调节

300. attach/?'t?t?/ vt. 系,贴;使附属

301. profit/'pr?f?t/n/en/.利润,益处;v/vi:/. 有益于,有利于

302. profitable// a/?/. 有利可图的

303. slope/sl??p/ n/en/. 斜坡,斜面

304. reinforce/?ri:?n'f?:s/ vt. 增强,加强

305. reject/r?'d?ekt/ vt. 拒绝

306. fatal/'fe?tl/a/?/. 致命的;重大的

307. fate/fe?t/n/en/.命运

308. humble/'h?mbl/a/?/. 谦逊的;谦虚的

309. illegal/?'li:ɡ?l/ a/?/.不合法的,非法的

310. award/?'w?:d/ vt. 授予,判给 n/en/. 奖品,奖金

311. aware/?'we?/a/?/. 意识到

312. column/'k?l?m/n/en/. 柱,圆柱;栏,专栏

313. comedy/'k?m?d?/n/en/.喜剧

314. dumb/d?m/ a/?/. 哑的;沉默的

315. dump/d?mp/ vt. 倾卸,倾倒

316. deaf/def/ a/?/. 聋的;不愿听的

317. decorate/'dek?re?t/vt.装饰,装璜

318. principal/'pr?ns?p(?)l/a/?/. 最重要的 n/en/. 负责人,校长319. vocabulary/v?'k?bj?l?r?/n/en/.词汇(量);词汇表

320. venture/'vent??/n/en/. 风险投资,风险项目 v/vi:/. 冒险;取于321. version/'v\:??n/n/en/. 版本,译本;说法

322. principle/'pr?ns?pl/n/en/. 原则,原理

323. prior/'pra??/a/?/. 优先的,在前的

324. priority/pra?'?r?t?/n/en/.优先,重点

325. prohibit/pr?'h?b?t/vt.禁止,不准

326. remarkable/r?'mɑ:k?bl/ a/?/.值得注意的,异常的,非凡的327. remedy/'rem?d?/n./vt.补救,医治,治疗

328. repetition/?rep?'t???n/n/en/. 重复,反复

329. vain/ve?n/a/?/. 徒劳的,无效的

330. undertake/??nd?'te?k/ vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应

331. unique/ju:'ni:k/a/?/. 唯一的,独特的

332. obstacle/'?bst?kl/n/en/. 障碍(物),妨碍

333. odd/?d/ a/?/. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的

334. omit/??'m?t/ vt. 省略

335. opponent/?'p??n?nt/n/en/. 敌手,对手

336. opportunity/??p?'tju:n?t?/n/e n/. 机会,时机

337. orchestra/'?:k?str?/n/en/. 管弦乐队

338. semester/s?'mest?/n/en/. 学期;半年

339. semiconductor/'sem?k?n'd?kt?/n/en/. 半导体

340. seminar/'sem?nɑ:/ n/en/. 研讨会

341. terminal/'t\:m?nl/a/?/. 末端的,极限的 n/en/. 终点342. territory/'ter?t?r?/n/en/. 领土

343. approximate/?'pr?ks?me?t/a/?/. 大概的,大约 v/vi:/. 近似344. arbitrary/'ɑ:b?tr?r?/ a/?/.随意的,未断的

345. architect/'ɑ:k?tekt/ n/en/.建筑师

346. architecture/'ɑ:k?tekt??/ n/en/.建筑学

347. biology/ba?'?l?d??/n/en/.生物学

348. geography/d??'?ɡr?f?/ n/en/.地理(学)

349. geology/d??'?l?d??/n/en/.地质学

350. geometry/d??'?m?tr?/n/en/.几何(学)

351. arithmetic/?'r?θm?t?k/n/en/.算术

352. algebra/'?ld??br?/n/en/. 代数

353. entertainment/ent?'te?nm?nt/n/en/. 娱乐;招待,款待354. enthusiasm/?n'θju:z??z?m/n/en/. 热情,热心

355. entry/'entr?/n/en/.进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)356. environment/?n'va??r?nm?nt/n/en/. 环境

357. episode/'ep?s??d/n/en/. 插曲,片段

358. equation/?'kwe???n/n/en/. 方程(式)

359. restrain/r?s'tre?n/vt.阻止,抑制

360. restraint/r?s'tre?nt/n/en/.抑制,限制

361. resume/r?'zju:m/v/vi:/.(中断后)重新开始

362. severe/s?'v??/a/?/. 严重的

363. sexual/'seksj??l/a/?/. 性的

364. simplicity/s?m'pl?s?t?/n/en/.简单;朴素

365. simplify/'s?mpl?fa?/vt.简化

366. sorrow/'s?r??/n/en/. 悲哀,悲痛

367. stuff/st?f/n/en/. 原料,材料 vt. 填进,塞满

368. temporary/'temp?r?r?/a/?/. 暂时的,临时的

369. temptation/temp'te???n/n/en/. 诱惑,引诱

370. terror/'ter?/n/en/. 恐怖

371. thrust/θr?st/ v/vi:/. 挤,推,插

372. treaty/'tri:t?/n/en/.条约,协定

373. arise/?'ra?z/vi.产生,出现,发生;起身

374. arouse/?'ra?z/ vt. 引起,激起;唤醒

375. burden/'b\:dn/n/en/. 重担,负荷

376. bureau/bj??'r??/n/en/. 局,办事处

377. marvelous/'mɑ:v?lz/a/?/.奇迹般的,惊人的

378. massive/'m?s?v/a/?/. 大的,大量的,大块的

379. mature/m?'tj??/a/?/. 成熟的

380. maximum/'m?ks?m?m/a/?/. 最高的,最大的

381. m inimum/'m?n?m?m/a/?/. 最低的,最小的

382. nonsense/'n?ns?ns/n/en/. 胡说,冒失的行动

383. nuclear/'nju:kl??/a/?/. 核子的,核能的

384. nucleus/'nju:kl??s/n/en/. 核

385. retail/'ri:te?l/n./v./ad.零售

386. retain/r?'te?n/vt.保留,保持

387. restrict/r?s'tr?kt/vt.限制,约束

388. sponsor/'sp?ns?/n/en/. 发起者,主办者 vt. 发起,主办,资助389. spur/sp\:/ n./vt. 刺激,激励

390. triumph/'tra??mf/n/en/. 胜利,成功

391. tuition/tju:'???n/n/en/. 学费

392. twist/tw?st/vt.使缠绕;转动;扭歪

393. undergraduate/??nd?'ɡr?dj??t/ n/en/.大学肄业生394. universal/?ju:n?'v\:s?l/a/?/. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的395. universe/'ju:n?v\:s/n/en/. 宇宙

396. via/'va??/prep/prep/. 经由,经过,通过

397. vibrate/va?'bre?t/v/vi:/.振动,摇摆

398. virus/'va??r?s/n/en/. 病毒

399. voluntary/'v?l?nt?r?/a/?/. 自愿的

400. volunteer/v?l?n't??(?)/n/en/. 志愿者 v/vi:/. 自愿(做)401. vote/v??t/ v/vi:/. 选举 n/en/. 选票

402. wagon/'w?ɡ?n/ n/en/.四轮马车,铁路货车

403. appoint/?'p??nt/ vt. 任命,委派

404. approach/?'pr??t?/v/vi:/. 靠近,接近 n/en/. 途径,方式405. appropriate/?'pr??pr??t/a/?/. 适当的

406. bunch/b?nt?/ n/en/. 群,伙;束,串

407. bundle/'b?ndl/n/en/. 捆,包,束 vt. 收集,归拢

408. ceremony/'ser?m?n?/n/en/.典礼,仪式

409. chaos/' ke??s/n/en/. 混乱,紊乱

410. discount/'d?ska?nt/n/en/. (价格)折扣

411. display/d?'sple?/n./vt.陈列,展览

412. equivalent/?'kw?v?l?nt/a/?/. 相等的 a/?/. 相等物

413. erect/?'rekt/a/?/. 竖直的 v/vi:/. 建造,竖立

414. fax/f?ks/ n./vt. 传真

415. fertile/'f\:ta?l/a/?/. 肥沃的;多产的

416. fertilizer/'f\:t??la?z?/n/en/. 肥料

417. grateful/'ɡre?tf?l/ a/?/.感激的

418. horror/'h?r?/n/en/. 恐怖

419. horrible/'h?r?bl/a/?/. 可怕的

420. Internet/'?nt?net/n/en/. 国际互联网,因特网

421. interpret/?n't\:pr?t/v/vi:/.翻译,解释

422. interpretation/?n?t\:pr?'te???n/n/en/. 解释,说明

423. leak/li:k/v/vi:/. 漏,渗出

424. lean/li:n/ vi. 倾斜,倚,靠

425. leap/li:p/ vi. 跳跃

426. modify/'m?d?fa?/ vt. 修改

427. nylon/'na?l?n/n/en/. 尼龙

428. onion/'?nj?n/n/en/. 洋葱

429. powder/'pa?d?/n/en/. 粉末

430. applicable/'?pl?k?bl/a/?/. 可应用的,适当的

431. applicant/'?pl?k?nt/n/en/. 申请人

432. breadth/bredθ/n/en/.宽度

433. conservation/?k?ns?(:)'ve???n/n/en/. 保存,保护434. conservative/k?n's\:v?t?v/a/?/. 保守的

435. parallel/'p?r?lel/n/en/. 平行线;可相比拟的事物436. passion/'p???n/n/en/. 激情,热情

437. passive/'p?s?v/a/?/. 被动的,消极的

438. pat/p?t/ v./n. 轻拍,轻打

439. peak/pi:k/n/en/. 山峰,顶点

440. phenomeno n/f?'n?m?n?n/n/en/. 现象

441. reluctant/r?'l?kt?nt/a/?/. 不情愿的,勉强的

442. rely/r?'la?/vi.(on/?n/ ,upon)依赖,指望

443. relevant/'rel?v?nt/a/?/. 有关的,切题的

444. reliable/r?'la??bl/a/?/. 可靠的

445. relief/r?'li:f/n/en/.轻松,宽慰;减轻

446. reputation/?repj?(:)'te???n/n/en/. 名气,声誉

447. rescue/'reskju:/vt./n. 营救

448. triangle/'tra???ɡl/ n/en/. 三角(形)

449. sequence/'si:kw?ns/n/en/. 连续;顺序

450. shallow/'??l??/a/?/. 浅的

451. shiver/'??v?/ vi/n. 发抖

452. signature/'s?ɡn?t??/ n/en/.签名

453. sincere/s?n's??/a/?/. 诚挚的,真诚的

454. utility/ju:'t?l?t?/n/en/.功用,效用

455. utilize/ju:'t?la?z/vt.利用

456. utter/'?t?/ vt. 说出 a/?/. 完全的,彻底的

457. variation/?ve?r?'e???n/n/en/. 变化,变动

458. vehicle/'vi:?kl/n/en/.交通工具,车辆

459. applause/?'pl?:z/n/en/. 鼓掌,掌声

460. jungle/'d???ɡl/ n/en/. 丛林,密林

461. knot/n?t/ n/en/. 结vt. 把...打成结

462. appliance/?'pla??ns/n/en/. 器具,器械

463. consent/k?n'sent/n/en/. 准许,同意vi (to/tu:/)准许,同意464. conquer/'k??k?/ vt. 征服

465. defect/d?'fekt/n/en/.缺点,缺陷

466. delicate/'d el?k?t/a/?/. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的467. evolve/?'v?lv/v/vi:/.演变

468. evolution/?i:v?'lu:??n/n/en/. 演变,进化

469. frown/fra?n/ v./n. 皱眉

470. frustrate/fr?s'tre?t/ vt. 使沮丧

471. guarantee/?ɡ?r?n'ti:/ vt./n. 保证

472. guilty/'ɡ?lt?/ a/?/.内疚的;有罪的

473. jealous/'d?el?s/a/?/. 妒忌的

474. jeans/d?i:ns/n/en/. 牛仔裤

475. liquor/'l?k?/n/en/. 酒,烈性酒

476. liter/litre n/en/. 升

477. modest/'m?d?st/a/?/. 谦虚道

478. molecule/'m?l?kju:l/n/en/.分子

479. orbit/'?:b?t/n/en/.轨道 v/vi:/. (绕...)作轨道运行480. participate/pɑ:'t?s?pe?t/ v/vi:/. (in/?n/)参与,参加481. particle/'pɑ:t?kl/ n/en/.微粒

482. particularly/p?'t?kj?l?l?/ad/?d/.特别,尤其

483. respond/r?s'p?nd/ vi. 回答,答复;反应

484. sensible/'sens?bl/a/?/. 明智的

485. sensitive/'sens?t?v/a/?/. 敏感到,灵敏的

486. tremble/'trembl/vi. 颤抖

487. trial/'tra??l/n/en/. 审讯;试验

488. apparent/?'p?r?nt/a/?/. 显然的,明白的

489. appetite/'?p?ta?t/n/en/.胃口;欲望

490. deposit/d?'p?z?t/n/en/.存款,定金 v/vi:/.存放,储蓄491. deputy/'depj?t?/n/en/.副职,代表

492. derive/d?'ra?v/vt.取得,得到;(from/fr?m/)起源于493. descend/d?'send/v/vi:/.下来,下降

494. missile/'m?sa?l/n/en/.导弹

495. mission/'m???n/n/en/. 使命;代表团

496. mist/m?st/n/en/.薄雾

497. noticeable/'n??t?s?bl/a/?/. 显而易见到

498. notify/'n??t?fa?/ vt. 通知,告知

499. notion/'n????n/n/en/. 概念;意图,想法

500. resemble/r?'zembl/vt.像,类似于

501. reveal/r?'vi:l/vt.揭露

502. revenue/'rev?nju:/n/en/.收入,岁入;税收

503. shelter/'?elt?/n/en/. 掩蔽处;住所

504. shield/?i:ld/n/en/. 防护物,盾 vt. 保护,防护

505. vital/'va?tl/a/?/. 重要的;致命的,生命的

506. vitally/'v a?tll?/ ad/?d/. 极度,非常;致命地

507. urban/'\:b?n/a/?/. 城市的

508. urge/\:d?/ vt. 鼓励,激励

509. urgent/'\:d??nt/a/?/. 急迫的,紧急得

510. usage/'ju:z?d?/n/en/. 使用,用法

511. violence/'va??l?ns/n/en/. 强力,暴力

512. violent/'va??l?nt/a/?/. 强暴的

513. welfare/'welfe?/n/en/. 福利

514. whatsoever/w?ts??'ev?(?)/ad/?d/. (用于否定句)任何515. whereas/(h)we?r'?z/conj. 然而,但是,尽管

516. essential/?'sen??l/a/?/. 必不可少的;本质的

517. estimate/'est?me?t/n./vt.估计,估量

518. evaluate/?'v?lj?e?t/ vt. 评估,评价

519. exceed/?k'si:d/vt.超过,越出

520. exceedingly/?k'si:d??l?/ad/?d/.非常,极其

521. exclaim/?ks'kle?m/v/vi:/.呼喊,大声说

522. exclude/?ks'klu:d/vt.把...排斥在外,不包括

523. exclusive/?ks'klu:s?v/a/?/. 读有的,排他的

524. flee/fli:/ vi. 逃走

525. flexible/'fleks?bl/a/?/. 易弯曲的

526. flock/fl?k/ n/en/. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人527. hardware/'hɑ:dwe?/ n/en/.五金器具

528. harmony/'hɑ:m?n?/ n/en/.和谐,融洽

529. haste/he?st/n/en/.急速,急忙

530. hatred/'he?tr?d/n/en/.憎恶,憎恨

531. incident/'?ns?d?nt/n/en/. 事件,事变

532. index/'?ndeks/n/en/.索引,标志

533. infant/'?nf?nt/n/en/. 婴儿

534. infect/?n'fekt/v/vi:/.传染

535. inferior/?n'f??r??/a/?/. 劣等的,次的,下级的

536. infinite/'?nf?n?t/a/?/. 无限的

537. ingredient/?n'ɡri:d??nt/ n/en/.组成部分

538. inhabitant/?n'h?b?t?nt/n/en/. 居民

539. jail/d?e?l/ n/en/.监狱

540. jam/d??m/ n/en/. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞

541. laser/'le?z?/n/en/. 激光

542. launch/l?:nt?/ vt. 发动,发起

543. luxury/'l?k??r?/n/en/.奢侈;奢侈品

544. magnet/'m?ɡn?t/ n/en/.磁铁,磁体

545. male/me?l/a/?/. 男性的,雄的

546. manual/'m?nj??l/a/?/. 用手的,手工做的 n/en/. 手册547. manufacture/?m?nj?'f?kt??/ vt./n. 制造,加工

548. marine/m?'ri:n/a/?/. 海的;海产的

549. naked/'ne?k?d/a/?/. 裸露的

550. neglect/n?'ɡlekt/ vt. 忽视,忽略

551. origin/'?r?d??n/n/en/.起源,出身

552. oval/'??v?l/ a/?/. 椭圆形的 n/en/. 椭圆形

553. presumably/pr?'zju:m?b?l?/ad/?d/.大概,可能

554. prevail/pr?'ve?l/vi.流行,盛行

555. quit/kw?t/v/vi:/.停止

556. quotation/kw??'te???n/n/en/. 引文,引语

557. recreation/rekr?'e??(?)n/n/en/. 娱乐活动


adventure ;n.& vt.:venture 冒险;投机risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的

airplane ;n. aircraft 飞行器;飞机;

disappoint ;v. 指定;委派

argue ;vi. 争论;争吵discuss;

brave ;adj. 勇敢的;

care about担心;关心care for 喜欢;

cast vt.& vi. 投掷;投射;抛(cast,cast) 广播

compass ;n. 罗盘;指南针pass 通过;经过

deserted adj. 荒芜的;荒废的;为人所弃的;desert 沙漠;dessert甜点;drop sb a line给某人写信(通常指写短信)

e-pal;;n. pale苍白的; e-friend;

error ;n. 错误;差错;false adj. 错误的;fault n.错误false; incorrect不正确的

feeling ;n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪;


Fond;adj. 喜爱的;喜欢的; ( be) fond of喜欢;爱好

Fry;;vt. & vi. 油煎;油炸frying-pan; pot; try

Gun;;n. 炮;枪

Hammer;n. 锤子;槌;火腿;

Handsome;;adj. 英俊的;美观的;

beautiful; pretty; smart

honest;adj. 诚实的;正直的

hunt vt.& vi.& n. 打猎;猎取;搜寻

hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找look/ search for

in order to 为了;

lie ;n./v. ;lied ); lay;lain躺;

loyal ;adj. 忠诚的;忠心的;;n.忠诚;loyalist;忠臣;

match; ;n. 火柴;比赛; 前进

mirror; ;n. 镜子; :error 错误; terror; 恐怖;

movie; ;n. 电影;film;move; I在里边演动感move电影movie;

parachute ; n. 降落伞;ArA对称; graph; separate; character

rope; n. 绳;索;望远镜;

saw;;n. 锯; see

scared;;n. scar; scarf 围巾; s hare;;n./v. 分享;共有;分配;共享;


smart;;adj. 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的; 市场

solution;;n. 解答;解决办法;解决方案solve; ;v. resolution n.决心;

sorrow; n. 悲哀;悲痛;row (划船)n.行;排sad ;arrow 箭

speech; vt.& vi. 演说;讲话;语音

speak;pronunciation ;lecture

such as 例如;like; for example;

survive; ;vi.&vt 幸免于;幸存从……中生还;surprise;surface ;vive-万岁(法语)wise ; adj. 英明的;明智的;聪明的;


a great many 许许多多;极多(修饰可数名词) a number of;many a;penty of; bathroom ;n./v. 浴室;盥洗室;厕所bathe;洗澡;

bring in;引进;引来; bring together带来;聚集;

broad; ;adj. ―宽的路‖

closet;;n. 壁橱;储藏室; ;

come about;发生; ;

commander; n. 司令官;指挥官

指挥;控制; man

Communicate;vi. 交际;沟通;传达

communication;n. 交流;通讯;通信

compare vt. 比较contrast 对比削皮;剥去;prepare;

cookbook;n. notebook; exercise book; guidebook;指南;

end up with 以……告终

begin/start with 以……开始

equal adj. 相等的;胜任的; vt. 等于;比得上equality平等;equation 方程式;等式unequal不等的; be equal to ;

except for;除了……之外besides;加上; in addition to ; apart from;exchange ;vt.& n. 交换;交流;兑换;

变成communicate communication;



rainfall ;autumn ;call ;hall ;tall

global ;adj. 全球的;球形的globe;n. 球; 地球仪

government; n. 政府;内阁govern统治; 管理; rule ;


independent;adj. 独立自主的depend;

international;adj. nation; national

landlady;n. 女房东;老板娘land+ lady;

majority;n. 多数;大半major 主要的

make oneself at home 别客气

movement;n. 运动;动作;运转;move;

native;adj./n 本国的;本地的civil 国内的;local;当地的;本地人;本国人

organization;n.组织;机构;团体organize; opposite在……对面

president;n. 总统;校长;行长;会长; 居民;居住者;reside居住residence住宅

pronounce;;vt. 发音;宣告;断言;

名词; pronunciation; pronoun;

publish;v. 发表;出版;公布pub酒吧(店)print ;come out;

repeat; n.vi重做;重复;复述重复;反复replace;vt. 取代;替换;代替; change ; take the place of;

service; n. 服务;服务性工作

serve; conservation 保护;维护

signal; ;n. 信号;design ;assign;

appoint ;sign 标志;迹象;签名

situation; n. 情形;境遇;situate v.位于;处于;坐落southern; n. 南方的;南部的northern;


Spanish; ;adj. n 西班牙语;西班牙人;


stand; ;n. 台;看台;摊,摊位;站;容忍;standard; understand ;stage

statement; n. 陈述;声明;综述state

stay up;不睡;熬夜;sit up;stay away from

tidy;;vt. 整理;收拾tide 潮汐clean tongue ;n. 舌头;语言;口语;language mother tongue;n. 母语tongue twister

total;;adj. ./v. 总数;合计; 总共;altogether adv.总计;总数

in total;; altogether; add up to ;in all; all in all;on the whole;

totally;adv. 完全地;整个地

tourism;;n. 旅游;观光tour;towel;;n. 毛巾; scarf 围巾;纸巾hankerchief;手帕

trade; adj.贸易;商业; business WTO. merchant;

typhoon;;n. 台风; 谐音: type 类型;种类;打字

adventurous;;adj. 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的; adventure ;

as well as 也;还;而且;以及

backpack ;;n. 背包pack 包落后的;向后forward 向前; basic; adj./n 基本的;基本;要素base 基础的basis 基础basin

board; vt. 上(船、飞机等)on broad;

broad 宽的;aboard 在船/飞机上

cellophane ;n. 手机

mobile phone; automobile汽车

combine ;vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合connect 联合;unit; join;

consider ;vt. 考虑;照顾;认为side;

contain ;vt. 包容;容纳; include ;tain 锡铂; tin 锡罐;

destination ;n. 目的地purpose 目标;aim; goal

eco-travel; ;n. 生态旅游; ecology 生态学; ecologist 生态学家

equipment; ;n. 装备;设备; equip v. quip双关语; decorate装潢;装饰; excitement ;n. 刺激;兴奋;激动;

excite 使激动;thrill;刺激;

experience;vt.& n. 体验;经历;经验;experiment;试验;experienced adj.

get away from 逃离;(fled;fled)

handle ;vt./n 操作;处理;柄;把手control; operate ;conduct hand;

means ;n. 手段;方法way;

method; approach;

nature ;n. 自然;自然界;natural; 自然的;strait; feature特征;characteristic

normal adj. 正常的;正规的;标准的formal abnormal非正式的;正式的;informal非正式的;

normal ;n. 正规;常态; regular; irregular; abnormal

on the other hand 另一方面

unit;单元; unity统一;团结; unite

paddle; vi.n.vt. 划桨;涉水;pad row 划船

particular; ;adj 特别的;特殊的;special;especial;common;general;

poison ;n. 毒药;毒害; poisonous有毒的;有害的;恶毒的

protect sb / sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物;defend; keep; prevent; stop...from 阻止;

responsibly adv. responsible; adj. respond 回答;反应

see sb off . (到火车站、飞机场等处)为某人送行bring sb. back;

separate; adj. 单独的;分开的比率;分开;隔离; Sep. 九月(缩写)

similarity; .n 类似;类似处


simple ;adj. 简单的; difficult; complex

simply ;adv. 仅仅;只不过;简单地;完全;简直;

spider ;n. 蜘蛛spider map蜘蛛图;

stream ;vt.& vi.

乳酪scream 尖叫;

task;;n. 任务;作业; duty 值日;职责;

tip; n.小费;坑;沟通dip;

transportation;;n. 运输;运送transport; ;v

unpack;;vt.& vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货pack 包裹;load 装载;unload 卸载

vacation ;n. 假日

watch out 注意;当心;look outadvance;;vt.& vi./n. 前进;提前distance;



agent; n.代理(商)年纪;manager;travel agent 旅行社代理人;

article n. 文章;论文;冠词;作文;

boom;n./v. 隆隆声;bloom开花;room房间; broom扫把;拖把;



ouch 哎哟;sofa; 沙发

crack;vi. 发破裂声;劈啪地响;谐音boom;crash;坠毁;碰撞;track轨迹;

踪迹;痕迹deadline n. headline 头版头条

destroy;v t. 摧毁;毁坏;

damage ;hurt ;harm; wound;ruin;

disaster;n. tragedy 悲剧;misfortune不幸;

drag; vt. 拖;拖曳rag 破布;烂衣服;

pull 拉;

fear; vt.& vi./. 害怕;畏惧;恐惧to be afraid of;terror; fright; horror; shock; fearless ;

fight vi. 搏斗;斗争;争吵;

(fought,fought); fright恐惧

finally; adv. 最后;终于;at last; in the end; eventually

flow; vi.& n. 流动wolf狼

fright n. 惊骇;吃惊;

frighten; fight; fear; shock;

get on one's feet;站立起来; struggle to one's feet;

go through;通过;经受;仔细检查

look through

host;vt.n 主办或主持某活动;主人;cost; lost; ghost;hot; master; owner;

king; n. 国王queen; emperor;national adj. 国家的;民族的;

:nation; international

naughty adj. 顽皮的;淘气的

note;n. 笔记;注释;纸币; notebook笔记本式电脑

on fire 失火;着火; catch fire

on holiday 在度假;on vacation;

opportunity n. 机会;时机;可能性; chance

peanut; n. 花生;豆;nut 坚果;

pull sb up 把……往上曳;pull down; pull out;

rescue;n. 援救;营救; :save assist; help;

roar;;v. 轰鸣;咆哮;怒号; howl;


scare;vi. 恐吓;使人恐惧;令人惊吓;受恐吓; 关心; scared;scar ;t/vi :死汽车car让我留下伤疤scar;只好用围巾scarf遮挡; The careful man is scarcely scared by the scarce parcel.细心男子勉强被罕见的包裹吓了一下.

seize;;v. 抓住;逮住;夺取;grasp; catch; size 尺寸

shake;;vt. & vi. 震动;摇动;摇;颤抖quake ;cake;brake 刹车;snake;蛇;bake 烘;烤wake 醒来; sake缘故;目的;baker;面包师;

silver ;n. scene 场面;布景;

stair ;n. (up/down stairs;adv.上/下楼梯

strike ;vi./n 击打;打动; 罢工(struck, struck/stricken);hit; knock; beat

struggle;;v./n contest; fight ;compete;

swallow;;n. /v. n燕子;咽;淹没;wallow 沉迷;溺于;wall 墙;allow;

take place 发生; happen occur

temple; ;n. 庙;寺;神殿; temp 临时的; 气质;脾气;bad-tempered;脾气坏的;

toothbrush;;n. 牙刷; brush 刷touch;;v. & n. 触摸;(使)接触;感动; 联系;


tower;;n. 塔;城堡

napkin; towel毛巾

unforgettable;;adj. 难忘的forget

upon;prep. 在……above; over;

academy;n. 学院;AcA 对称我my的de AcA学院;

accept;vt. 接受;认可; 接近;

action ;n. 动作;情节;作用;举动

actor;n. 男演员;行动者;参以者

actress; n. 女演员;地址;hostess 女主人

adult;;n. 成人;成年人;teenager 青少年

award;;n. 奖;奖品;toward ;reward;

boss ;n. 老板;上司; 读了博士(boss)当老板cross; loss损失; bring sb back

送回某人; see off;

career;n. 事业;生涯;有车car的事业;

choice;n. 选择;抉择;精选品; 联想;choose ;v.

classical;adj. 古典文学的;古典的

Comment;n. & vi. 评论;注释;意见; opinion; advice; remark;

creature ;n. 生物;动物;animal;

cruelty; ;n. 残忍;残酷;cruel; kind;

degree; n. 学位;度数;度;程度agree 同意;grade;academy;n. 学院; determine vi.&adj. 决定;决心determined; decide; make up one's mind;

director ;n. 导演;主任;理事;董事direct direction 方向

dr ama; n. 戏剧;戏剧艺术;AmA theatre 剧院; comedy

follow-up adj. 后续的;grown-up;成年人; adult ;

go wrong 走错路,误入歧途;不对头;出毛病;go作系动词加形容词作表语;

go mad 发疯;go bad 变坏;

happiness;n. happy; pleasure; fun; entertain;

hero;;n. 英雄;男主角;男主人公英雄男人O背后是她her;

icy;adj. 寒冷的;冰冷的icein all 总共;总之; at all; after all; above all;

industry ;n. 工业;行业;产业dust :agriculture农业;

law ;n. 法律;法学;规律;律师; legal合法的

leader;n. 领导者lead;

live ;adv. 现场地;直播地;native 本族的;本地的;lively 活泼的

live;adj. 直播的;活的;生动的; lively;alive;

lock sb. up 将某人锁于某处不得进出;将某人监禁起来:set free;释放;

on the air ;正在播出的; on the radio;broadcast;

outer ;adj. 外部的;外面的inner 内部的

owe ;vt. & vi. 欠(债等);感激;把…归功于own 拥有;所有;自己的


高考冲刺必备 高考常用动词短语搭配1.动词+about speak/talk about谈论 think about思考 care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away吹走 carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散 die away逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away冲走 take away拿走 put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露 wear away磨掉,消耗 break away摆脱 send away让走开 turn away把...打发走 3.动词+back keep back隐瞒,忍住 hold back控制住 call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 take back拿回,收回 4.动词+for run for竞选 ask for要求得到 wait for等候 long for渴望 care for关心,喜欢 search for查找 call for要求,需要 change for用...换 apply for申请 seek for寻找 stand for代表,表示 hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求 look for寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for来拿,来取 5.动词+down break down 出毛病,分解,拆开 bring down 使下降,使倒下 burn down 烧毁 calm down平静下来 come down 下跌,落,降,传下 cut down 削减,砍倒 die down (炉火)渐熄 fall down 掉下,跌倒 get down to do 致力于,专心于 get down 下来,记下,使沮丧 go down 下沉,降低 hand down 传给,流传 hold down 控制,镇压 knock down 撞倒 look down upon 瞧不起 pass down 传下来 pass down…to 传给 pull down 往下拉,拆毁 put down 记下,写下,平息 set down 放下 settle down 安家 slow down慢下来 take down 记录,写下 tear down 拆除 turn down 调小,拒绝 6.动词+at come at 向...袭击 run at冲向,向...攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆一瞥 knock at敲门,窗等 smile at冲某人笑 aim at向...瞄准 wonder at惊讶 shout at冲某人嚷嚷 work at干...活动研究 look at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at向...射击 call at拜访地点 7.动词+from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦 hear from收到...来信 die from因...而死 keep/stop/prevent from不让...做 learn from向...学习 date from始于...时候 result from由于 separate from把...分离开 8.动词+of think of想到 consist of由...组成 approve of赞成 talk of谈到 complain of抱怨 dream of梦到 speak of 读到 die of死于 hear of听说 become of发生...情况,怎么啦 9.动词+off start off出发 set off出发 leave off''中断 show off炫耀 get off下车 see off送行 put off延期,推迟 cut off切断,断绝 keep off避开,勿走近 knock off把...撞落 pay off还清 get off脱下衣服等 trun/switch off关掉 take off脱下,起飞 ring off挂断电话 come off脱掉,褪色 fall off跌落,掉下 go off走开,消失,坏了 break off打断 carry off携走,带走 give off散发出 10.动词+on


绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷) 英语 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分.考试用时120分钟 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在 答题卡上。用2B铅笔讲试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上学科网对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置 上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题与答题卡一并交回。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have 1 feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them. According to a recent research, the most common 2 between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks. On the one hand, parents go mad over 3 rooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their children’s refusal to help with the 4 . On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually zxxkwhen parents blame them for 5 the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket. The research, conducted by St. George University, shows that different parents have different 6 to these problems. However, some approaches are more 7 than others. For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but 8 clean the room for them, have fewer chances of changing their children’s 9 . On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience the 10 of their actions can do better. For example, when teenagers who don’t help their parents with the shopping don’t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced to 11 their actions. Psychologists say that 12 is the most important thing in parent-child relationships. Parents should 13 to their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what



2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标II卷 英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案前,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框,不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A Arriving in Sydney on his own from India, my husband, Rashid, stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.

During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping. He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone. He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers, including his passport. He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city, thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one. Late in the evening, the phone rang. It was a stranger. He was trying to pronounce my husband’s name and was asking him a lot of questions. Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath. My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents. Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers. Her parents had carefully sorted them

2014年全国高考英语试题分类汇编:之代词+名词 Word版含解析

2014全国高考汇编之代词+名词+冠词 一(2014安徽卷)24.You can ask anyone for help. here is willing to lend you a hand. A. One B. No one C. Everyone D. Someone 【考点】考察代词词义辨析 【答案】C 【解析】本题查看的是代词的词义辨析。One某一个人/物(指代可数名词单数,表示泛指);no one=nobody没有人;everyone每个人(强调全体);someone某个人。句义:你可以向任何一个人求助,这里的每个人都乐意帮助你。根据句义可知本句中的everyone强调所有人都愿意帮助你。故C正确。 【举一反三】I have no camera to lend to you, but my brother has _____. He bought ___ only a few days ago. A. it; one B. one; it C. it; it D. one; one 【答案】B 试题分析:句意:我没有照相机借给你,但我哥哥有一部。就在几天前他买的。one系泛指同种物;it 则是特指同一物。有上下文可容易看出选B。 二(2014安徽卷)29.— Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don't have enough money for a new one? — That's a good . A. saying B. question C. suggestion D. account 【考点】考察名词词义辨析 【答案】C 【解析】本题中名词saying谚语;question问题;suggestion建议;account账户,描述;句义:—如果你没有足够的钱买新的汽车,为什么不先买一辆二手的汽车呢?—这是一个很好的建议。根据第一句话中的Why not….?可知是在提出建议。故C正确。 三(2014大纲卷)28. I think Mrs. Stark could be ______ between 50 and 60 years of age. A. anywhere B. anybody C. anyhow D. anything 【考点】考察代词用法 【答案】A


江苏高考备考英语动词短语大全 (1)act短语 act as 担任…职务,起…作用 act for 代理(职务),代为(处理) act out 表演(对话、情节等) act up 捣乱,出问题 (2)believe短语 believe in 确信,信任,信仰,主张 believe one's ears 相信所听到的话 make believe 假装(pretend to do sth.) seeing is believing 眼见为实 (3)break短语 break away 摆脱,脱离 break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱……、打破 break down 出故障,中止,分解、抛锚、破坏,粉碎;瓦解;衰弱,损坏;(健康等)垮掉,累垮;崩溃break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入,使顺服 break into …闯入……,破门而入,突然开始,把(sth.)分成 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止,打断,断绝 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发,准备使用;起锚 break open 破开,撬开 break short 中断,折断 break out in tears 突然大哭 break the rule(law)违反规定 break one’s promise 失言 break through 突围,冲跨,克服,挤过去 break up vt. 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开,开垦,vi.结束 (4)blow短语 blow about 吹散 blow away 吹走 blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹灭 blow out吹灭,走气 blow up,放大(照片),吹大(气球),爆炸,发脾气 give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以沉重打击 (5)bring短语 bring about 引起,导致,使发生,促使 bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿(送)回来,使恢复,使回忆 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价 bring forth开(花),结(果),发表,宣布,提出 bring forward 提出 bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring into action 使行动起来,使生效 bring into effect/practice 完成,实现,实施,实行 bring into operation 使运转,将...投入bring into (full) play 发挥,调动,利用 bring sb.into touch with...接触,触摸 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进,提出(论点) bring out 拿出,公布,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring off 完成,救出,使成功,搬走 bring to 使……苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring through 治愈,使度过困难/危险时期 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施…… bring to light 出现,公布,暴露 bring to mind 使想起,回忆起 bring up 抚养,培养,哺育,使停止 (6)build短语 build ... into 把...建设成,把...装入 build on / upon 建立在...上,依赖,指望 build up 增加,增进,建成,振兴 build up to 增加 (7)以burst为中心的词组 burst forth 爆发,喷出,忽然出现 burst in 闯进,突然出现 burst into 闯进,突然...起来,突然发出 burst into tears / laughter 嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 burst out 迸发,爆发,突然发出,大声叫喊 burst out crying / laughing嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 (8)call短语 call away 叫走,把(注意力)转移开 call at (sp) 访问(某地),拜访(某地),停泊在 call back 回电话 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人,迎,取 call / shout for help 呼救 call in 请来,召集,来访,打电话,引入 call off 取消,下令停止 call on / upon 号召 call on (sb) 拜访(某人),访问(某人) call out 大声呼喊,叫喊,唤起 call sb…for short 简称某人…… call sb names 谩骂某人 call up 给……打电话,使人想起,号召,召集 call to mind 使想起,回忆起 pay a call at sp. 访问(某地) pay a call on sb. 拜访(某人) (9)catch短语 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch /take fire 着火 catch on 挂住,明白,理解,受欢迎 catch one’s word 听懂话 catch out 发觉,抓住某人的错处 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 (10)carry短语


绝密★启用前试卷类型:B 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (广东卷) 英语 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分.考试用时120分钟 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在 答题卡上。用2B铅笔讲试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应的位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置 上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题与答题卡一并交回。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空 Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have 1 feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them. According to a recent research, the most common 2 between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks. On the one hand, parents go mad over 3 rooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their children’s refusal to help with the 4 . On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually when parents blame them for 5 the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket. The research, conducted by St. George University, shows that different parents have different 6 to these problems. However, some approaches are more 7 than others. For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but 8 clean the room for them, have fewer chances of changing their children’s 9 . On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience the 10 of their actions can do better. For example, when teenagers who don’t help their parents with the shopping don’t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced to 11 their actions.


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江) 英语试题 选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. --- ______. A. It’s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you 2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into ______ night. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the 3.An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. A. each B. it C. this D. one 4.Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive 5.I don’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. A. when B. where C. which D. why 6.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like. A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises https://www.360docs.net/doc/424711984.html,st week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause 8.“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. A. what B. how C. that D. whether 9.No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict 10.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ . A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place 11.Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests


届高考英语选部分试题 汇编 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-

7选5专项练习 Passage 1 He lived his whole life as a poor man. His art and talent were recognized by almost no one. He suffered from a mental illness that led him to cut off part of his left ear in 1888 and to shoot himself two years later. __1__ Today, Dutch artist Van Gogh is recognized as one of the leading artists of all time. Now, 150 years after his birth on March 30, 1853, Zundert, th e town of his birth, has made 2003 “The Van Gogh Year” in his honor. __2__ It draws around million visitors every year. Some people enjoy the art and then learn about his life. Others are first interested in his life, which then helps them understand his art. Van Gogh was the son of a minister. He left school when he was just 15. By the age of 27, he had already tried many


高考常用动词短语(322) 1.动词+about (8) 1)bring about引起,使发生 2)care about关心,对...有兴趣 3)come about发生 4)hear about听说 5)set about 着手,开始 6)speak/talk about谈论 7)think about思考 8)worry about为...担心 2.动词+away (14) 1)blow away吹走 2)break away摆脱 3)carry away拿走,使入迷 4)clear away清除掉,消散 5)die away逐渐消失 6)give away背弃,泄露 7)pass away 去世 8)put away收拾起来,存起来 9)send away让走开 10)take away拿走 11)throw away 扔掉 12)turn away把...打发走 13)wash away冲走 14)wear away磨掉,消耗 3.动词+at (18) 1)aim at向...瞄准 2)call at拜访地点 3)come at 向...袭击 4)glance at匆匆一瞥 5)glare at怒视 6)knock at敲门,窗等 7)laugh at嘲笑 8)look at看,注视 9)point at指向 10)run at冲向,向...攻击 11)shoot at向...射击 12)shout at冲某人嚷嚷 13)smile at冲某人笑 14)stare at凝视 15)strike at向...打击 16)tear at用力撕 17)wonder at惊讶 18)work at干...活动研究 4.动词+back (6) 1)call back回电话 2)give back归还 3)hold back控制住 4)keep back隐瞒,忍住 5)look back回顾 6)take back拿回,收回 5.动词+down (13) 1)break down坏了,垮了,分解 2)bring down使...降低,使倒下 3)burn down 烧毁 4)calm down平静下来 5)come down下落,传下 6)cut down削减,砍倒 7)pass down 传下来 8)put down记下,写下,镇压 9)settle down 安家 10)slow down慢下来 11)take down记下,记录 12)tear down 拆毁,拆除 13)turn down调小,拒绝 6.动词+for (18) 1)apply for申请 2)ask for要求得到 3)beg for乞求 4)call for要求,需要 5)care for关心,喜欢 6)change for用...换 7)charge for收费,要价 8)come for来拿,来取 9)hope/wish for希望得到 10)hunt for寻找 11)long for渴望 12)look for寻找 13)run for竞选 14)search for查找 15)seek for寻找 16)stand for代表,表示 17)take for误以为...是 18)wait for等候 7.动词+from (9) 1)date from始于...时候 2)die from因...而死 3)differ from与...不同 4)hear from收到...来信


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1页至10页,第Ⅱ卷11页至13页。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,搭载本试卷上无效。 4. 第Ⅰ卷听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£ 19.15 B.£ 9.18 C.£ 9.15 答案是C。 1.What does the woman want to do ? A. Find a place B. Buy a map C.Get an address 2. What will the man do for the woman? A. Repair her car B.Give her a ride C.Pick up a aunt 3. Who might Mr Peterson be? A. new professor B.A department head C.A company director 4. What does the man think of the book? A.Quite different B.Very interesting C.Too simple 5.What are the speakers talking about? A.Weather B.Clothes. C.News.

2014年全国高考英语试题分类汇编:形容词+副词 Word版含解析

2014全国高考汇编之形容词+副词 一(2014安徽卷)27.My good performance in the job interview left me about my future and about what I can do here. A. puzzled B. sensitive C. optimistic D. embarrassed 【考点】考察形容词词义辨析 【答案】C 【解析】形容词puzzled困惑的;sensitive敏感的;optimistic乐观的;embarrassed尴尬的;句义:在工作面试中良好表现让我对自己的未来和在这里能够做的事情很乐观。根据My good performance in the job interview表现良好,说明我对自己未来很有信心,故C正确。 二(2014安徽卷)33.It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, ,supply more jobs. A. however B. anywhere C. therefore D. otherwise 【考点】考察副词词义辨析 【答案】C 【解析】副词however然而;anywhere无论何处;therefore因此;otherwise否则,要不然;另外一方面;句义:在市场上起着更重要的作用是我们的希望,因此通过更多的工作。我们要想在市场上起着更重要的作用是通过提供更多的工作实现的。上下文之间是因果关系。故C正确。 【举一反三】The businessperson wanted to sell his goods fast: ______, he chose his partner with great care. A. and B. otherwise C. however D. therefore 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:and属于并列连词,后面要直接加并列成分,不要有逗号。B否则,要不然;C 然而;D因此;句义:这位商人想快点把货物卖掉,因此他很细心的选择同伴。根据句义说明上下文存在着因果关系。故D正确。 三(2014大纲卷)27. Raymond’s parents wanted him to have ______ possible education.


高考英语动词短语总结 1.break 2.bring 3.call https://www.360docs.net/doc/424711984.html,e 5.cut 6.drop 7.fall 8.get 9.give 10.go 11.hold 12. keep 13.knock https://www.360docs.net/doc/424711984.html,y 15.leave 16.live 17. look 18.make 19.pay 20. pick 21.put 22.send 23.set 24.show 25.stand 26.take 27.think 28.turn 1.break break away (突然)离开 break away from 脱离 break down 抛锚,(身体)垮掉,出故障,失败 break in 闯入,打断,插嘴 break into 破门而入,突然…… break off 中断,折断,停止 break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 break through突破 break up打碎,(关系)破裂,解散,分解,放假,垮掉2.bring bring about 引起,导致 bring along 拿来,带来 bring back 带回来,使回忆起,恢复 bring…back to life 使……生动、活泼,使苏醒 bring down 降低 bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引进 bring on 引起,导致 bring out 拿出,出版,使显示 bring up 养育,提出(话题) 3.call call at 拜访(某地) call back 回电话 call for号召,需要,要求 call in 招来,召集 call off 取消 call on 拜访(某人),请求,要求 call out 大声叫喊 call up 打电话,使想起,召集 https://www.360docs.net/doc/424711984.html,e


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷) 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenagers have 1 feelings about their parents, saying that it is not easy living with them. According to a recent research, the most common 2 between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks. On the one hand, parents go mad over 3 rooms, clothes thrown on the floor and their children’s refusal to help with the 4 . On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually when parents blame them for 5 the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket. The research, conducted by St. George University, shows that different parents have different 6 to these problems. However, some approaches are more 7 than others. For example, those parents who yell at their children for their untidiness, but 8 clean the room for them, have fewer chances of changing the ir children’s 9 . On the contrary, those who let teenagers experience the 10 of their actions can do better. For example, when teenagers who don’t help their parents with the shopping don’t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they are forced to 11 their actions. Psychologists say that 12 is the most important thing in parent-child relationships. Parents should 13 to their children but at the same time they should lend an ear to what they have to say. Parents may 14 their children when they are untidy but they should also understand that their room is their own private space. Communication is a two-way process. It is only by listening to and 15 each other that problems between parents and children can be settled. 1. A. natural B. strong C. guilty D. similar 2. A. interest B. argument C. link D. knowledge 3. A. noisy B. crowded C. messy D. locked 4. A. homework B. housework C. problem D. research 5. A. washing B. using C. dropping D. replacing 6. A. approaches B. contributions C. introductions D. attitudes 7. A. complex B. popular C. scientific D. successful 8. A. later B. deliberately C. seldom D. thoroughly 9. A. behavior B. taste C. future D. nature 10. A. failures B. changes C. consequences D. thrills 11. A. defend B. delay C. repeat D. reconsider 12. A. communication B. bond C. friendship D. trust 13. A. reply B. attend C. attach D. talk 14. A. hate B. scold C. frighten D. stop 15. A. loving B. observing C. understanding D. praising
