2009 Drought stress and tropical maize

2009 Drought stress and tropical maize
2009 Drought stress and tropical maize


Drought stress and tropical maize:QTL-by-environment interactions and stability of QTLs across environments for yield components and secondary traits

Rainer Messmer ?Yvan Fracheboud ?

Marianne Ba

¨nziger ?Mateo Vargas ?Peter Stamp ?Jean-Marcel Ribaut

Received:5January 2009/Accepted:21June 2009/Published online:12July 2009óSpringer-Verlag 2009

Abstract A recombinant inbred line (RIL)population was evaluated in seven ?eld experiments representing four environments:water stress at ?owering (WS)and well-watered (WW)conditions in Mexico and Zimbabwe.The QTLs were identi?ed for each trait in each individual experiment (single-experiment analysis)as well as per environment,per water regime across locations and across all experiments (joint analyses).For the six target traits (male ?owering,anthesis-to-silking interval,grain yield,kernel number,100-kernel fresh weight and plant height)81,57,51and 34QTLs were identi?ed in the four step-wise analyses,respectively.Despite high values of herita-bility,the phenotypic variance explained by QTLs was reduced,indicating epistatic interactions.About 80,60and 6%of the QTLs did not present signi?cant QTL-by-envi-ronment interactions (QTL 9E)in the joint analyses per

environment,per water regime and across all experiments.The expression of QTLs was quite stable across years at a given location and across locations under the same water regime.However,the stability of QTLs decreased drasti-cally when data were combined across water regimes,re?ecting a different genetic basis of the target traits in the drought and well-watered trials.Several clusters of QTLs for different traits were identi?ed by the joint analyses of the WW (chromosomes 1and 8)and WS (chromosomes 1,3and 5)treatments and across water regimes (chromosome 1).Those regions are clear targets for future marker-assisted breeding,and our results con?rm that the best approach to breeding for drought tolerance includes selection under water stress.


There is evidence that global mean temperatures are increasing and the climate is becoming increasingly erratic,with increased drought in some areas and more and stronger storms (IPCC 2007).The future challenges of crop production in the tropics,especially in certain arid and semi-arid areas of Africa,will be related to higher tem-peratures and less rainfall (Sivakumar et al.2005).Drought and heat stress often occur simultaneously in the ?eld,which affects crops more severely than drought or heat stress alone (Mittler 2006).Crop improvement cannot mitigate all the economic losses under water-limited con-ditions but will probably play a key role in maintaining and increasing cereal production in drought-prone areas (Heisey and Morris 2006).In order to gain the knowledge required to improve the drought tolerance of crops,it is important to perform molecular studies under actual ?eld conditions.

Communicated by F.van Eeuwijk.

R.Messmer (&)áY.Fracheboud áP.Stamp

ETH Zurich,Institute of Plant Sciences,Universitaetstrasse 2,8092Zurich,Switzerland



¨nziger International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

(CIMMYT),P.O.Box 1041,Village Market-00621ICRAF House,United Nations Avenue,Nairobi,Kenya


International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

(CIMMYT),Apdo.Postal 6-641,06600Mexico,DF,Mexico J.-M.Ribaut

Generation Challenge Programme,International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT),Apdo.Postal 6-641,06600Mexico,DF,Mexico

Theor Appl Genet (2009)119:913–930DOI 10.1007/s00122-009-1099-x

Water stress at?owering,when pollination,fertilization and grain initiation take place,has a stronger negative effect on cereal production than at other developmental stages(Salter and Goode1967;Saini and Westgate2000). Maize in particular is highly susceptible to water stress at ?owering(Claassen and Shaw1970;Westgate and Boyer 1985),because it is an open pollinating crop,the male and female?owers of which are spatially separated on the plant.Extensive research into the tolerance of maize to drought stress at?owering identi?ed key secondary traits of grain yield,such as the anthesis-to-silking interval (ASI),improved ear fertility,stay-green and,to a lesser extent,leaf rolling(Ba¨nziger et al.2000;Bruce et al. 2002).Drought stress limits photosynthesis and reduces the ?ux of assimilates to the developing ears(Schussler and Westgate1995;Zinselmeier et al.1995),slowing down ear and silk growth and delaying silk emergence.Since tassel growth is less affected by drought than ear growth,the characteristic widening of the ASI is observed under water-limited conditions(Heisey and Edmeades1999;Ba¨nziger et al.2000).As a consequence of the time lag between pollen release and silk emergence,pollination and kernel set are affected.Pollen viability and silk receptivity can also be reduced(Saini and Westgate2000).Conventional selection for grain yield and secondary traits considerably improved the tolerance of maize to water-limited condi-tions(Campos et al.2004;Monneveux et al.2006;Ribaut et al.2008),but remains a slow and challenging task.

The molecular-marker techniques evolved fast during the past two decades.As a result,almost1,000QTL studies of Arabidopsis,soybean,rice,sorghum,maize,barley and wheat were published from2000to2004(Salvi and Tuberosa2005).About2,200QTLs for maize(as of December2008)are deposited in the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database(MGDB,Lawrence et al.2008). Although these data probably cover only a small part of the information about QTLs,they illustrate the efforts made to identify associations between the phenotype and the cor-responding marker genotype in segregating populations. Nevertheless,it will take some time to identify the genes underlying quantitative traits,especially when the QTL9E interaction is signi?cant,as it is often the case for drought tolerance.

The interactions of QTLs with the environment(Beavis and Keim1996),the lack of stable QTLs for grain yield (Moreau et al.2004),the sensitivity of the QTLs to the genetic background(Campos et al.2004)and the low heritability of yield components as well as the complex interactions among genes involved in drought tolerance (Ribaut et al.2008)are,at present,the main constraints of marker-assisted breeding(MAB)under water-limited conditions.Current ways of estimating genotypic effects are no longer purely biometrical but include various assays of variations in the DNA sequence(Cooper et al.2006).In particular,the genotype-by-environment interaction (G9E)has been broken down into its constituent QTL9E interactions.This allowed for the development of models,by which characteristics of a complex pheno-type,expressed in a stressed environment,are described in relation to molecular mechanisms.Factorial regression and mixed QTL models are particularly useful for this type of analysis,especially when the phenotypic data are derived from multi-environment experiments(including both stressed and non-stressed conditions)(Malosetti et al. 2004;Vargas et al.2006).Multi-trait multi-environment QTL models serve to de?ne the genomic regions associated with genetic correlations and to determine whether they are the outcome of pleiotropy or genetic linkage.Moreover, they can illustrate the dependence of genetic correlations on environmental conditions.Based on multi-trait multi-environment data,several QTLs for the adaptation of tropical maize to drought stress have been identi?ed (Malosetti et al.2008).A better understanding of the contribution of the G9E and QTL9E components to the phenotypic variance may lead to a breakthrough in breeding under drought conditions,as QTL stability across environments plays a crucial role in developing a suc-cessful MAB strategy.A multidisciplinary approach, combining phenotypic selection and molecular markers to pyramid favourable alleles at key regulatory loci,repre-sents the most ef?cient strategy for breeding maize adapted to marginal environments(Ribaut and Ragot2007).

The overall objective of this study was to identify the genomic segments responsible for the expression of drought-related traits in a segregating maize population under different water regimes at different locations and to better understand the stability of QTLs and their interac-tions across environments.The results of this study will contribute to the development of the most ef?cient approach to breeding for drought tolerance.

Materials and methods

Plant material

The two subtropical white dent maize lines CML444and SC-Malawi were crossed,and a segregating population of 236recombinant inbred lines(RIL,F7:S6)was developed by single-seed descent.CML444was developed from CIMMYT’s Population43by nine cycles of recurrent selection in the1990s.It has a compact phenotype with strong,erectophile,dark green leaves and is considered to be very tolerant to water-limited conditions at?owering,as shown by its higher yield under drought stress.SC-Malawi was developed in Zimbabwe(formerly Rhodesia)in the

1960s.It is light green in colour,has long,horizontal leaves,short internodes at higher positions on the stem and a relatively low yield under stress.

Experimental evaluation

The seven?eld experiments in2003and2004correspond to four environments:water-stress conditions in Mexico (WSM,two experiments)and Zimbabwe(WSZ,two experiments)and well-watered conditions in Mexico (WWM,two experiments)and Zimbabwe(WWZ,one experiment).The experiments in Mexico were conducted in Tlaltizapa′n(18°N,99°W,940m a.s.l.);the stress experiments in Zimbabwe were conducted in Chiredzi (21°S,31°E,392m a.s.l.),the well-watered experiment near Harare(17°S,31°E,1,468m a.s.l.).The soil in Tlaltizapa′n is classi?ed as a Vertisol,that at Chiredzi and Harare as an Al?sol(USDA taxonomy).

All the experiments were designed as alpha(0,1)lat-tices with one-row plots and two replications.The rows were0.75m apart and2.5(WSM and WWM),3(WSZ)or 4m(WWZ)long.The plant density was 6.4m-1in Mexico and5.3m-1in Zimbabwe.Fertilizers,insecticides and herbicides were applied as required and in accordance with local practices.All the?elds were sprinkler-irrigated twice after sowing.The water-stress experiments in Mexico were then furrow-irrigated at10-day intervals until 3weeks before the expected average date of anthesis.The plants were not irrigated until the end of?owering,but two further furrow irrigations were carried out during the grain-?lling period to ensure adequate development of the fertilized ovaries.The drought-stress experiments in Zimbabwe were irrigated with sprinklers once a week for 7weeks.There was no further irrigation during the rest of the growing cycle.Different types of management were necessary in the WSM and WSZ environments,depending on the capacity of the soil to retain water.The well-watered experiments at both locations were irrigated when there was insuf?cient rainfall.

To evaluate the level of water stress,the predawn leaf water potential of CML444and SC-Malawi was measured under water stress in Mexico in2005,when approximately 50%of the RILs had reached?owering.The experiment was conducted at the same site,using a similar irrigation management as in the WSM experiments.The second leaf from the tassel of at least45plants per genotype was cut, put in sealed plastic bags and processed immediately.The leaf water potential was measured with a pressure chamber (Soil Moisture Equipment Corp.,Santa Barbara,CA,USA) in which the pressure was slowly increased until a drop of leaf sap appeared in the middle vein of the leaf.

The time of male?owering(MFLW),i.e.the number of days from sowing to pollen release(anthesis),was recorded either as the average value of ten plants per plot,the MFLW of which was determined individually(Mexico),or as the number of days from sowing to the day on which 50%of the plants per plot had extruded anthers(Zimba-bwe).The anthesis-to-silking interval(ASI)(d)was cal-culated according to Ribaut et al.(1996)for the experiments in Mexico and as the plot-wise difference between MFLW and the day on which the?rst silks were visible on50%of the plants per plot in Zimbabwe.The mature ears were harvested manually,bagged,air-dried and shelled using an electric shelling device.The total grain yield of each plot was weighed on electronic scales. The grain yield(GY)(g m-2)was calculated by dividing the total grain weight per plot by the area of the plot without taking into account location-speci?c changes in plant density.For plots that produced a suf?cient number of kernels,the fresh weight of100kernels(HKFW)(g)was determined.The number of kernels per square meter (KNO)was calculated as1009GY/HKFW.Plant height (PHT)(cm)was recorded as the average height of?ve plants per plot,i.e.the distance from the soil surface to the ?rst tassel branch.

It was impossible to fully standardize the water man-agement and measurements,and because of this some environmental effects are confounded with the effects of local protocols.

Data analysis

The plot raw data of each experiment were adjusted for local and global variation in ASReml(Gilmour et al. 2002).Replications were considered?xed;incomplete blocks and genotypes were random factors.MFLW was included as a covariate in the statistical model of the spatial analysis of ASI in one of the two experiments in WSM due to the strong and highly signi?cant correlation between both traits.The phenotypic correlation coef?-cients(Pearson’s)and signi?cance levels were determined by linear regressions in R(R Development Core Team 2007)based on adjusted and standardized(0mean,1 standard deviation)phenotypic data.The genetic correla-tions among traits corresponded to the ratio between the genetic covariance for each pair of traits and the product of the respective standard deviations.These variance components were estimated for the standardized(0,1) plot raw data in a linear mixed model(ProcMixed)in SAS(The SAS Institute,Cary,NC,USA)with experi-ments,replications,incomplete blocks,genotypes and the experiment:genotype interactions as random factors.The heritability of traits(h2)was also calculated on an plot basis as the ratio between the genetic variance and the sum of the genetic variance,the variance of the experi-ment:genotype interaction divided by the number of

experiments and the variance of the residuals divided by twice the number of experiments.

Construction of linkage map and QTL identi?cation

The linkage map was constructed with160publicly available RFLP(79)and SSR(81)markers,tested pri-marily for polymorphism between the parental lines,using the Mapmaker v3.0software(Lander et al.1987)and the Haldane’s mapping function(Haldane1919)to transform the recombination frequencies into centiMorgans(cM).

QTLs were identi?ed for the adjusted data by composite interval mapping(Zeng1994;Jiang and Zeng1995),with the QTLMMAP software(CIMMYT)as follows:(1)for each individual experiment(single-experiment QTLs),(2) for each of the four environments(‘‘joint QTLs’’combin-ing data of two experiments,except for WWZ),(3)for both treatments(‘‘joint QTLs’’combining data of three WW or four WS experiments)and(4)across all experiments (‘‘joint QTLs’’combining data of seven experiments).The co-factors,de?ned as the markers closest to the peaks in the LOD pro?le above the signi?cance threshold,were identi?ed by precursory simple and composite interval mapping with a window size larger than the longest chro-mosome.The size of the genetic window was then reduced to30cM.A QTL was considered to be signi?cant(com-parison-wise Type-I error rate a c=0.001,experiment-wise error rate a e=0.02)when the LOD exceeded the appropriate threshold:3.0(single-experiment QTL),3.53 (joint QTL,two experiments), 4.01(joint QTL,three experiments),4.45(joint QTL,four experiments)or5.67 (joint QTL,seven experiments).A joint QTL was consid-ered to be stable(a i=0.01)when the LOD of the QTL9E interaction at the QTL position was below2.0 (two experiments), 2.46(three experiments) 2.88(four experiments)or 4.01(seven experiments).The support interval of a QTL was de?ned as the segment of the chromosome,in which the LOD at the peak decreased by half.

The presence of binary epistatic interactions between pairs of QTLs identi?ed by the single-experiment mapping procedure was tested with linear models.The allelic information of marker genotypes close to signi?cant QTL peaks was transformed to numeric regressors with values1 (CML444allele),-1(SC-Malawi allele),or0(both alleles).Additive-by-additive epistatic regressors were calculated by multiplying the marker regressors in pairs. For each of the phenotypic traits(the response), 0.59n9(n-1)linear models were?tted including the n regressors of the markers closest to the signi?cant single-experiment QTLs,which accounted for the additive main effects of these QTLs,and one of the corresponding epi-static regressors.The binary additive-by-additive epistatic interactions were considered signi?cant when the P value of the t statistic for the epistatic regressor was below0.05. Results


Drought stress was not alleviated by unexpected rainfall in any of the experiments under water-limited conditions.The lower average minimum temperature(5–9°C)before ?owering in the drought cycles,in combination with other climatic factors such as photoperiod,irradiation and drought stress,delayed anthesis by an average of40days (Table1).Moreover,the maximum temperature at?ow-ering was higher in the WS than in the WW experiments (data not shown).

The average water potential of the second leaf from the tassel of the parental lines measured under stress was -190kPa.The differences between the two genotypes were highly signi?cant(P\0.001);the leaf water potential of CML444(-260kPa)was considerably lower than that of SC-Malawi(-110kPa).

Phenotypic results

Table1lists the average phenotypic data per environment and the heritability of the six target traits.SC-Malawi reached anthesis earlier than CML444,especially under stress conditions in Zimbabwe.Nevertheless,the segrega-tion of the entire population was within10(WSM)to15 (WSZ)days,which more or less corresponded to the sit-uation in WWM,where both lines had a similar MFLW. The heritability of MFLW was high,except in WWZ where the segregation of the RIL was very narrow.

The average ASI was larger under WS than under WW conditions at both locations;this was expected,as a large ASI indicates susceptibility to drought.Independent of the water regime,the ASI was notably shorter in Zimbabwe than in Mexico.Both the segregation of the RIL and the difference between the ASI of CML444and SC-Malawi were also smaller.This is probably the result not only of how ASI was calculated at both locations,but also of the different level of adaptability of the parental lines.The heritability of ASI in WWZ was close to zero,mainly because of the lack of segregation for that trait.

The average GY varied considerably across environ-ments.GY was80%lower under stress conditions in Mexico(WSM)compared to the highest-yielding envi-ronment(WWZ).The surprisingly low GY in WWM was due to a reduction in yield of50%compared to WWZ in one of the two experiments in Mexico,during which a thunderstorm caused extensive root logging shortly after

?owering.The average GY in the other WWM experiment was actually only8%lower than in WWZ.For both WS and WW conditions,the average GY was higher in Zimbabwe than in Mexico,because the parental lines of the RIL population are better adapted to this location.The elite line CML444performed about twice and four times as well as SC-Malawi in WWZ and WWM,respectively.The regression lines in Fig.1show that CML444has a very high potential for yield but reacts strongly to drought and the percentage of reduction in yield is large when the overall yield level is low.Growing conditions that reduced the average GY of the population by10%reduced the GY of CML444by17%,whereas the GY of SC-Malawi was reduced by only8%.The heritability of GY was close to 0.6in all four environments.However,the much lower h2 when the data of the WW environments were combined indicated strong interactions between genotypes and loca-tions.The results of KNO are analogous to those of GY, which is a consequence of the strong and highly signi?cant phenotypic and genetic correlations between both traits in all environments(Table2).

The segregation of the population for HKFW was rela-tively consistent across environments.Since the HKFW of both parental lines was almost the same in all environ-ments,the differences in GY were principally due to dif-ferences in KNO,not to differences in kernel size.The heritability of HKFW,calculated across all seven experi-ments,was higher than the respective heritability of GY and KNO.

Plant height was lower under stress.The lower average PHT in WSZ compared to WSM might be due to the fact that irrigation was stopped earlier in Zimbabwe,and drought stress was applied before the plants were fully developed.However,even under WW conditions,the PHT values tended to be higher in Mexico than in Zimbabwe, which does not correlate with the large decrease in GY in Mexico.Therefore,the regulation of carbon partitioning within the plants clearly differs between the two locations.

Table1Average,minimum and maximum values for the parental lines and the RILs for days to anthesis(MFLW),anthesis-to-silking interval(ASI)(d),grain yield(GY)(g m-2),kernel number(KNO)(m-2),fresh weight of hundred kernels(HKFW)(g)and plant height (PHT)(cm)in four environments under water stress(WS)or well-watered conditions(WW)in Mexico(M)and Zimbabwe(Z)

Parental lines RILs h2

Trait Env CML444SC-Malawi Mean Min Max Env Treat All

MFLW WSM104.2101.1101.196.5106.20.740.850.87 WSZ121.1114.1117.3110.2124.90.85



ASI WSM WSZ 2.2 3.8 2.80.8 6.30.66

WWM-0.4 4.8 1.7-

WWZ0.9 1.1 1.00.4 1.60.09

GY WSM37. WSZ117.179.9103.635.7254.10.63



KNO WSM14861164346240.620.740.67 WSZ4203053841348920.66



HKFW WSM22.521.521.918.925.80.640.760.81 WSZ24.524.125.319.532.50.71



PHT WSM128.3158.2149.2107.6192.90.870.840.90 WSZ126.6135.6133.6117.5155.50.65



Trait heritability was calculated for each environment as well as per water regime and across all environments

CML444reached the same height in both stress environ-ments,whereas SC-Malawi was more than20cm taller in WSM than in WSZ.Moreover,the segregation of the RIL population for PHT was larger and the heritability higher in Mexico than in Zimbabwe,irrespective of the water man-agement.Together with the location-speci?c responses of ASI,GY,KNO and HKFW,these results are proof of large genotype-by-location interactions.


The weak phenotypic correlations between MFLW and ASI(Table2)indicated that a large ASI under water stress was due to delayed silking rather than to differences in precocity.Nevertheless,the genetic correlation in WSM (r g=0.54)and WWZ(r g=0.57)suggested that MFLW and ASI were regulated by common genes under certain environmental conditions.

According to the negative phenotypic and genetic cor-relations between MFLW and GY and between MFLW and KNO under WS conditions(Table2),late anthesis was unfavourable for kernel set and grain yield when water was limited.The negative genetic correlations between ASI and GY were highly signi?cant in all four environments (Table2),with an extremely high value for WSM,where the average ASI was largest and the average GY lowest (Table1).Beyond the negative phenotypic and genetic correlations in each environment,the results of the present study are exceptional insofar as a non-linear relationship between ASI and GY,and a very large variation in both traits was observed in a bi-parental segregating population at three locations on two continents with very different climates(Fig.2).The relation between ASI and GY (Fig.2)also shows considerable differences between experiments within locations,especially in WSM.This is due to different stress intensities in the two experiments despite comparable stress managements.The two WSM experiments were conducted in subsequent years,one of which was extraordinarily dry at the time of?owering because of a constant warm and dry wind.Thus,Fig.2 demonstrates indirectly the challenge of breeding for drought tolerance under?eld conditions.

The correlations con?rmed that variations in GY among genotypes resulted primarily from differences in KNO,not HKFW,because the correlations between GY and KNO were much stronger than those between GY and HKFW (Table2).At the same time,the genetic and phenotypic correlations between PHT and GY and between PHT and HKFW(with the exception of the genetic correlation in WSZ)were higher under WW than under WS conditions. Tall plants apparently had a greater capacity for grain ?lling than short plants,probably because of a larger photosynthetically active leaf area and more stem reserves.

Linkage map

The genetic linkage map was constructed with160publicly available markers(81SSRs and79RFLPs).It was 2105.6cM long and the average marker distance was 12.2cM.The longest interval(58.9cM)was located on chromosome3between markers umc1307and bnl10.24a. Most of the markers(146)were co-dominant.The per-centage of heterozygous bands per co-dominant marker ranged from0to8.5%,with an average of4.2%.This is somewhat higher than the expected(0.5)5&3.1%of heterozygous bands for a co-dominant locus after?ve generations of inbreeding(from the F2),assuming the simpli?ed single-locus model and with a constant genera-tion transition probability(Liu1998,p.567).Only1.4%of the allelic information was missing.The linkage map will be deposited in the Maize Genetics and Genomics Data-base(https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,)together with the pheno-typic and QTL data.

QTL results

The single-experiment mapping revealed81signi?cant QTLs for all six traits(Table3).Overall,a larger number of QTLs were detected for the secondary traits than for yield components.Chromosomes1,8and3presented the largest number of QTLs in both water regimes(Fig.3);most of the QTLs on chromosome3were detected under stress condi-tions.Two genomic regions on chromosomes1(at


135cM,bin1.04–05)and8(at about130cM,bin8.06) accumulated several signi?cant QTLs for different traits (Fig.3).Although the pro?le of the LODs can differ con-siderably under WW and WS conditions,the total number of single-experiment QTLs detected in the two water regimes was similar in Mexico and in Zimbabwe(Fig.3; Table3).However,the nature of the identi?ed QTLs dif-fered considerably.In Zimbabwe,for instance,QTLs for secondary traits were mainly detected under WS,while QTLs for yield components were mainly identi?ed under WW conditions.About twice as many single-experiment QTLs were detected in Mexico as in Zimbabwe.The lower number of QTLs detected in Zimbabwe under WW condi-tions is related,at least in parts,to the smaller segregation of the population and the lower heritability of most of the target traits in that environment(Table1).For example, there was no QTL identi?ed for MFLW in WWZ,and the heritability of this trait was quite low.

The QTL joint analyses including data from two trials in each environment revealed50QTLs for three environ-ments(WWZ had only one trial).A larger number of joint QTLs were identi?ed for secondary traits and HKFW, while for KNO and particularly for GY only a few QTLs were detected.Similar to the analysis of single-experiment QTLs,the number of joint QTLs per environment was larger in Mexico than in Zimbabwe,particularly under WW conditions(Table3).That is why more than60%of the treatment-speci?c joint QTLs were detected under WW conditions.

Of the50QTLs revealed by the joint analysis per environment,40did not show signi?cant QTL9E inter-actions.Hence,the genetic effects were mostly stable over years in a single environment.Overall,CML444contrib-uted to a delay in male?owering and a reduction of plant height at most loci(Table4).CML444also contributed to a higher HKFW at all loci detected under WS but only at half the loci under WW conditions.It is interesting that the inverse was found for KNO.For both GY and ASI the favourable allelic contribution at signi?cant loci was from both parental lines.

The joint analysis of the four WS and the three WW trials revealed19and32QTLs,respectively(Table3).

Table2Genetic(right)and phenotypic(left)correlations among traits in the RIL population grown under water stress(WS)or well-watered (WW)conditions in Mexico(M)(upper value)and Zimbabwe(Z)(lower value)


WSM WSZ MFLW10.54***-0.71***-0.70***0.04NS0.11NS

0.19**-0.46***-0.50***0.07NS0.17** ASI0.24***1-0.99***-0.97***-0.18*0.04NS

0.13*-0.47***-0.52***0.18**0.55*** GY-0.50***-0.45***10.99***0.32***-0.08NS -0.38***-0.34***0.91***0.23***0.23*** KNO-0.51***-0.47***0.98***10.06NS-0.10NS -0.42***-0.37***0.91***-0.20**0.07NS HFKW0.01NS-0.06NS0.19***0.06NS10.09NS

0.08NS0.04NS0.16***-0.04NS0.57*** PHT-0.03NS-0.02NS0.04NS0.01NS0.14**1 -0.01NS0.06NS0.23***0.14**0.13**

WWM WWZ MFLW10.23***-0.21***-0.26***0.24***0.32***

0.57***-0.15*-0.13*-0.09NS0.07NS ASI0.21***1-0.64***-0.65***0.00NS-0.11NS

0.00NS-0.51***-0.49***-0.15*0.07NS GY-0.27***-0.48***10.87***0.22***0.46*** -0.14*-0.19**0.93***0.47***0.51*** KNO-0.28***-0.47***0.92***1-0.17**0.28*** -0.12NS-0.17**0.93***0.13*0.43*** HFKW0.08NS-0.06NS0.29***-0.04NS10.54*** -0.05NS-0.04NS0.38***0.05NS0.34*** PHT0.21***-0.17***0.37***0.26***0.41***1


Correlation coef?cients were calculated for combinations of two experiments per environment,except for WWZ(one experiment),and were signi?cant at P\0.05(*),0.01(**)and0.001(***)or not signi?cant(NS).Abbreviations of traits are given in Table1

Half the QTLs under WS and two-thirds of the QTLs under

WW conditions did not show signi?cant QTL9E inter-

actions.Only one of the six detected QTLs for GY was

stable,whereas several stable QTLs were detected for the

yield components under WW and even under WS condi-

tions.For ASI,a typical secondary trait for drought toler-

ance,four of?ve QTLs under WS were stable.In contrast,

all three QTLs identi?ed for ASI under WW showed sig-

ni?cant QTL9E interactions.

Running a joint analysis of all seven trials revealed34

QTLs,most of which showed a signi?cant QTL9E

interaction.Only two QTLs were stable across all trials

(Table3):one QTL for MFLW in bin4.09and one for

HKFW in bin7.04.The joint analysis of all the trials

revealed genomic regions,which were not detected in the

analysis of individual trials.This was the case for the

genomic region on chromosome7(bin7.04),controlling

GY,KNO and HKFW(Fig.4c).Joint mapping per treat-

ment revealed a weaker but signi?cant effect for GY and

KNO at the same position(Fig.4b),but neither joint

mapping per environment(Fig.4a),nor singe-trait map-

ping(Fig.3)revealed a signi?cant effect at this position,

Table3Number of QTLs detected by four different mapping procedures


Single-experiment QTLs

Total(7exp.)181469132181 WSM(av.)42 1.5 2.51415

WSZ(av.) 2.5 2.500218 WWM(av.) 2.520.513514 WWZ0122117

WS(av.) 3.3 2.30.8 1.3 1.5 2.511.5

WW(av.) 1.7 1.71 1.3 2.3 3.711.7

Joint QTLs per environment

Total(4env.)12(10/12)8(7/7)5(2/3)7(3/5)11(8/10)14(10/13)57(40/50) WSM5(4)2(2)2(2)2(1)1(1)4(3)16(13) WSZ3(2)1(1)0(-)2(1)3(2)1(1)10(7) WWM4(4)4(4)1(0)1(1)6(5)8(6)24(20) WWZ(1exp.)0(-)1(-)2(-)2(-)1(-)1(-)7(-) WS(av.)4 1.5122 2.513

WW(av.)2 2.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 4.515.5

Joint QTLs per treatment

Total(2treat.)7(5)8(4)6(1)7(5)9(5)14(10)51(30) WS3(3)5(4)4(0)2(1)2(1)3(1)19(10) WW4(2)3(0)2(1)5(4)7(4)11(9)32(20) Joint QTLs,all exp.

Total4(1)4(0)6(0)5(0)8(1)7(0)34(2) Single values in parentheses show the number of stable QTLs with non-signi?cant QTL9E interaction.Ratios in parentheses represent the number of stable joint QTLs over the total number of QTLs detected in WSM,WSZ and WWM(no information on QTL9E in WWZ). Abbreviations of traits are given in Table1

with the exception of HKFW in one stress experiment.Several regions were consistently identi?ed by joint map-ping in the different sequential analyses.This is the case of the QTL for HKFW on chromosome 7(bin 7.01–02,Fig.4c),which was identi?ed in the single-experiment analysis (Fig.3),in the joint analysis per environment (Fig.4a;Table 4)and in the joint analysis per treatment (Fig.4b).Finally,some QTLs identi?ed by the joint analysis of all the trials resulted mainly from large genetic effects in one environment.This is the case for the genetic region on chromosome 8(bin 8.06)controlling ASI,GY,KNO and PHT.Figure 4a clearly shows that the overall effect of the QTL was due mainly to the WWM environ-ment,with all the favourable alleles coming from CML444.The QTL analysis across the seven trials revealed six genomic regions involved in the expression of two or more traits (Fig.4c).

The different analyses revealed several clusters of QTLs for different traits,suggesting a common genetic control of the traits through close linkage or pleiotropy.Besides the clusters of QTLs on chromosomes 7(bin 7.04)and 8(bin 8.06)mentioned above,clusters with a large number of QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1(two regions,bins 1.04and 1.07–08)and 3(bin 3.04–05).All the clusters of QTLs,with the exception of that in bin 1.07–08,and two additional loci on chromosome 5showed linked QTLs for GY and KNO (bins 1.04and 8.06under WW,bins 3.04,5.01and 5.07under WS,bin 7.04under both WW and WS),as expected from the high correlation between these two traits.The favourable alleles for GY and KNO came from CML444at all loci detected under WW,according to the high-yield potential of this line,but only at one locus (bin 5.01)under WS.The ?rst cluster on chromosome 1comprised highly signi?cant QTLs for GY and KNO in the highest-yielding environment WWZ,QTLs for PHT in the other three environments and a QTL for HKFW in WWM (Fig.4a;Table 4).The mutually exclusive expression of the QTLs for GY and PHT in each environment suggests the presence of one gene or a few major genes regulating carbon-partitioning mechanisms and the use of assimilates for either vegetative or reproductive growth.The QTLs for PHT and HKFW were stable within each environment but showed signi?cant QTL 9E interactions as soon as data from WWZ was included in the analysis (Fig.4b,c).


Fig.3LOD pro?les (0\LOD B 6.5)along the genome resulting from the single QTL analyses per experiment.For each trait,pro?les of four water-stress (WS)and three well-watered (WW)experiments are plotted separately.The shading increases as overlap increases.

The dashed-dotted lines indicate the signi?cance threshold (LOD =3.0).The length (in cM)of each chromosome is given in parentheses.Abbreviations of traits are given in Table 1

Table4Genetic characteristics of QTLs identi?ed by joint mapping per environment combining data from two experiments,with the exception of WWZ(one experiment)

Distance(cM)LOD Add R2(%)

Trait Env Bin Mark Peak Interval E1E2Joint QTL9E Joint E1E2

MFLW WSM 1.08umc128218193–230 4.8 3.0 2.7

2.06csu54a120105–127 2.3


4.60.0-0.52 1.6 3.7


4.0 2.7

4.09csu11b162144–172 1.1 3.9 1.49.1

10.02npi285a122–360.5 2.7 4.1 3.60.19 2.6 1.1

WSZ 2.06csu54a120115–125 2.5 4.4 4.50.4-0.70 1.6 4.4


4.0 4.4

6.03umc18875219–56 1.90.0 3.7

WWM 1.08umc128217186–222 4.4 1.5 5.8 2.9

3.05phi0538169–89 3.6 2.0 6.3



5.1 2.4 4.9

8.03bnlg6696253–81 3.80.8 3.80.5-0.498.8 3.6 ASI WSM 1.07umc1122192169–212 2.1 5.0 1.8 3.5

4.07umc19109100–122 3.0 3.6 4.70.1-0.81

5.0 5.0

WSZ 1.07umc1122186168–213 3.8 1.5 4.9 2.2 WWM 1.02bnlg16276655–82 3.70.6 3.7 1.4-0.28 5.20.1


2.4 4.0 1.8 4.1

8.02umc103a5140–62 5.6 1.8 5.8 1.3-0.3910.3 3.9

8.06umc48a131120–140 1.1 4.7 4.70.9-0.36 2.87.2

WWZ 4.10bnlg1337200183–208 3.4NA NA NA0.06 6.2NA GY WSM 5.01npi40950–14 2.9 2.7 4.1 1.9 2.328.2 6.4

5.07bnlg1346205200–230 3.80.3 3.80.0-3.38 5.70.3

WWM8.06umc48a130121–1330.9 6.1 6.1 2.010.93 1.910.2 WWZ 1.04bnlg2086138117–15110.0NA NA NA31.0615.6NA

5.03umc166a9078–130 3.3NA NA NA-0.58 5.7NA KNO WSM 5.01npi40951–19 3.1 3.3 4.6


5.07bnlg1346205199–231 4.70.7 4.70.1-19.417.20.6

WSZ 1.10umc106a293270–303 2.00.2 3.6 3.5 1.66 5.00.1


3.8 2.1

4.1 1.5-26.038.3 4.8

WWM8.06umc48a130121–1340.7 4.9 4.90.649.00 1.17.6 WWZ 1.04bnlg2086135115–15511.4NA NA NA123.1017.9NA

9.02umc105a4124–65 3.2NA NA NA72.13 4.4NA HKFW WSM7.02bnlg1094244–35 2.2 4.9 5.68.0 WSZ 4.08umc133a135117–141 3.50.1 2.60.2

6.06umc39156129–184 2.0 3.3 5.2 1.30.39 4.38.7

7.02bnlg1094211–34 1.0 4.6 5.6 2.50.34 2.59.3

WWM 1.03umc11a7564–93 1.4 4.4 4.9 1.2-0.59 1.6 4.7

1.04bnlg223811993–139 4.8 1.4 5.20.4-0.727.2 3.1



3.4 2.5 2.2

2.07umc14b140122–152 2.9 2.6 4.40.0-0.69 5.6 5.7

7.02bnlg109480–340.7 3.5 3.6 1.10.49 2.87.3

10.07bnl7.49a131108–142 1.1 1.8 3.8 3.80.01 1.7 2.1

WWZ7.02bnlg1094152–34 3.5NA NA NA0.779.7NA

QTLs for GY,KNO and HKFW,although expressed only in one environment,were signi?cant enough to be identi-?ed by the joint analysis across all experiments(Fig.4c). Several QTLs in this cluster on chromosome1expressed a large percentage of the phenotypic variance(Table4)such as24%(WSM)and18%(WWM)for PHT,7%(WWM) for HKFW,18%(WWZ)for KNO and16%(WWZ)for GY.This is undoubtedly the most remarkable cluster identi?ed in this study.

QTLs for ASI in three environments were identi?ed in a second cluster on the same chromosome in bin1.07.The CML444allele was associated with a larger ASI(Table4), which is unfavourable for grain yield under drought. Considering the linked QTLs for MFLW in WSM and WWM(bin1.08,Fig.4a;Table4),this segment of chro-mosome1apparently carries important?owering-related genes.The QTLs for both?owering traits did not show signi?cant QTL9E interactions within environments (Fig.4a),the QTL for MFLW under WS was even stable across locations(Fig.4b).The position of the corre-sponding QTL for ASI,revealed by the overall joint analysis,moved by about25cM towards the end of the short arm of chromosome1compared to the average position in the environment-speci?c and treatment-speci?c analyses.Consequently,it was located approximately half way between the QTL for MFLW and the QTL for GY (Fig.4c).

The cluster on chromosome3(bin3.04–05)comprised stable QTLs for MFLW in three environments(Fig.4a). The treatment-speci?c analyses(Fig.4b)also revealed a signi?cant and stable effect under drought stress but not under well-watered conditions,probably because of the low LOD of the QTL in WWM and strong interactions between genotypes and the two WW locations.The treat-ment-speci?c analysis also revealed linked QTLs for GY and KNO under drought.The additive genetic effects on MFLW and GY in the drought environments were in agreement with the corresponding,relatively strong nega-tive genetic correlations between these traits(Table2).

Binary epistatic interactions

Ten signi?cant binary additive-by-additive epistatic inter-actions(of which three at P\0.01)between pairs of single-experiment QTLs were identi?ed.The majority(i.e. six)of them were detected between loci with coupled additive main effects and showed a positive estimate for the epistatic regressors.Taking into account only the69 QTLs controlling those traits,for which at least two QTLs were identi?ed,this number corresponds to about one-third of QTLs presenting binary epistatic interactions.Three of the ten signi?cant interactions were detected for PHT,two for both MFLW and GY,and one for ASI,KNO,and HKFW when looking at all experiments simultaneously.


Distance(cM)LOD Add R2(%)

Trait Env Bin Mark Peak Interval E1E2Joint QTL9E Joint E1E2

PHT WSM 1.04bnlg2086143117–15812.013.215.6 1.0-6.9723.724.1

8.01umc1327110–25 5.60.7 6.2 2.3-3.8713.8 2.9

8.03bnlg6696558–75 2.5 3.6 4.00.5-3.427.4 5.2

9.05umc123111896–129 3.9 1.0 3.90.7-3.09 2.30.6

WSZ 1.04bnlg2086136117–155 WWM 1.04bnlg2086135114–15312.912.015.50.2-8.1918.316.2

2.06csu54a119115–1270.9 4.1 4.2 2.0-2.960.2


4.02phi0213123–35 3.80.4 4.2 1.5-3.26

5.3 1.2

4.06bnlg229110397–126 2.1 3.6 3.70.6 3.83 1.7 3.7

6.02bnlg21513118–46 4.00.6 4.2 1.3-3.18 3.4 1.2

8.06umc48a131121–144 3.4 3.1 4.10.0 3.86 5.5 5.9

9.02umc105a6138–74 3.9 2.0 4.10.1 4.488.0 4.0

10.04umc11158769–93 1.80.6 5.1 4.8-1.05 3.80.1

WWZ 4.04bnlg4905850–68 4.3NA NA NA-3.59 5.8NA Bin:Location of the QTL with respect to chromosome segments?anked by two?xed core markers on the maize reference map.Mark:Closest marker to the QTL position.Peak:Position of the LOD peak on the genetic linkage map in centiMorgans.Interval:Support interval on the linkage map in which the LOD decreases by half.LOD:LOD of the joint analysis(Joint)combining data from two experiments(E1and E2). QTL9E:LOD of the QTL-by-environment interaction.Add Joint:Overall additive genetic effect of the CML444allele on trait expression[in (d)for MFLW and ASI,in(g m-2)for GY,in(g)for HKFW,and in(cm)for PHT].R2:Percentage of phenotypic variance explained by the QTL in two experiments.Abbreviations of traits are given in Table1

The consistency across experiments of epistatic interac-tions was low.The interaction between the markers bnlg2086on chromosome 1(bin 1.04)and umc1115on chromosome 10(bin 10.04),both of which had a signi?-cant negative additive main effect on PHT in one of the WWM experiments and in one of the WSM experiments,was signi?cant in the former (P \0.01),but not in the latter (P \0.1)experiment.The concurrence of the same parent’s alleles at both loci explained a reduction in plant height by not more than half the average of the corre-sponding additive main effects.

Furthermore,some evidence for epistatic interactions between the neighbouring markers umc1122and umc1128on chromosome 1(bin 1.07)on the one hand and the neighbouring markers umc48a and asg52a on chromosome 8(bin 8.06)on the other hand was observed for MFLW and ASI in two different experiments.The presence of the same parent’s alleles at both loci delayed MFLW (in WSM)but shortened ASI (in WWM)by about half the corresponding additive main effects.Although not signi?cant (P \0.1),these interactions are worthwhile to be mentioned,because they occurred between markers that are located in genomic

regions of particular importance in this study,as shown by the results of the different joint QTL analyses.


Effects of drought stress on leaf water potential

The water status of maize leaves decreases quite slowly in response to decreasing soil water content.Xylem nitrate concentration,xylem ABA and stomatal conductance respond faster to progressing drought stress than leaf water status (Bahrun et al.2002).Bahrun et al.(2002)reported that the relative leaf water potential (i.e.leaf water potential under WS/leaf water potential under WW)is correlated with relative soil moisture de?cit (i.e.the dif-ference between soil moisture de?cit under WW and under WS).Up to relative soil moisture de?cits of about 60%,the former remains close to 1,but increases drastically at rel-ative soil moisture de?cits below 70%.The leaf water potential under WW remained relatively constant at a value of -100kPa in that https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,paring the average


Fig.4Segments of the genome where the LOD surpasses the signi?cance threshold for different mapping procedures:joint QTLs (a )per environment,(b )per treatment and (c )across all experiments.The higher the LOD the darker the area.Horizontal lines indicate the

support intervals where the LOD at the peak position decreases by half.The dots indicate stable QTLs with a non-signi?cant QTL 9E interaction.Abbreviations of traits are given in Table 1

water potential of both parental lines in the present study with the results by Bahrun et al.(2002),one can deduce that the relative soil water de?cit had reached about80%at the time of the measurement.Although CML444had constitutively higher relative contents of chlorophyll in the leaves,lower levels of senescence under stress(R.Mess-mer et al.,in preparation)and a higher yield potential,its leaf water potential was signi?cantly lower under stress, compared to SC-Malawi.This is well in line with the observation that CML444is lacking physiological drought-tolerance mechanisms(see below).However,it cannot be taken for granted that the plants of SC-Malawi were completely unstressed.The water potential of leaves at lower positions on the stem might have been considerably lower than that of the second leaf from the tassel.Cochard (2002)reported that water potentials within maize plants tend to equilibrate at a value close to-1.6MPa,which is far below the values observed for CML444and SC-Malawi.

Clusters of QTLs

The four regions in bins1.08,2.06,3.04–05and4.09,with stable QTLs controlling MFLW in two or three environ-ments,together with the high heritability of MFLW sug-gested the presence of genes,which in?uence the time to ?owering in response to various environmental conditions. The position of these QTLs coincided with consensus loci for the time to?owering identi?ed by Chardon et al.(2004), as far as this can be deduced from aligning both maps with the IBM22005Neighbors Map available on MaizeGDB (Lawrence et al.2008)by means of common molecular markers.The coincidence suggested that the position of the ?owering-related genes underlying these QTLs is consistent across different genetic backgrounds.The ASI depended more on the time to female?owering than on the time to male?owering(data not shown),as is usually the case (Edmeades et al.2000).Several authors reported QTLs for ASI under drought(Agrama and Moussa1996;Ribaut et al. 1996;Hao et al.2008)or low nitrogen(Agrama et al.1999; Ribaut et al.2007).Ribaut et al.(1996)identi?ed a major QTL for ASI in a region on chromosome6(bin6.05) involved in the expression of ASI in other studies as well (e.g.Veldboom and Lee1996).In contrast,Hao et al.(2008) reported two clusters of QTLs for ASI on chromosomes1 (bins1.03–05)and9(bins9.02–04).Our major QTL for ASI was located in bin1.07and did not coincide with any of those clusters.It seems,therefore,that the position of QTLs controlling ASI is less consistent across genetic back-grounds than the position of QTLs controlling MFLW. However,this comparison of the QTLs for ASI across studies is less detailed than the comparison of QTLs for ?owering time by Chardon et al.(2004).

As demonstrated by previous studies(Bolan?os and Ed-meades1996;Ribaut et al.1997)we also found that a short ASI is genetically linked to high grain productivity under WS conditions and that ASI is an important secondary trait for grain yield under drought and other stresses(Edmeades et al.2000).Co-locating QTLs for both traits are likely due to close genetic linkage or pleiotropy.The QTL for ASI on chromosome8(bin8.06)co-located with a QTL for GY as well as for PHT under well-watered conditions in Mexico (WWM).However,there was no co-location between the major QTL for ASI(bin1.07)and QTLs for GY.Vargas et al.(2006)also noticed a lack of closely linked or pleiotropic QTLs for grain yield and ASI on chromosome 1,but detected a close coincidence of QTLs for both traits on chromosomes8and10.The QTL for ASI on chromo-some8,identi?ed by Vargas et al.(2006),showed signif-icant QTL9E interactions,which were explained by differences in precipitation during?owering between experiments,as revealed by a factorial regression analysis, which included several environmental co-variables.

Bin8.06harboured relevant QTLs in several other studies as well,for example,QTLs for grain yield and kernel weight in temperate maize under cool and wet conditions(Austin and Lee1998)as well as QTLs for grain yield under water-limited conditions(Tuberosa et al. 2002b).Sibov et al.(2003)identi?ed a QTL for GY in tropical maize based on data from?ve experiments.Ribaut et al.(1997)reported a QTL for GY under normal irriga-tion in a tropical maize population segregating for drought tolerance.When the same population was evaluated under low-nitrogen conditions(at a different location),bin8.06 also harboured a QTL for GY as well as for ASI(Ribaut et al.2007).Therefore,bin8.06seems to be important for the genetic control of grain yield of distinct genetic material.

The two QTL clusters on chromosome1,however,were more dominant than the other clusters,suggesting the presence of?owering-related genes in bins1.07–08and genes,which substantially control the distribution of assimilates in the plant in bin1.04.The ID1gene is an attractive positional candidate gene for the QTL for MFLW in bin1.08.The phenotype resulting from the id1mutation described by Colasanti et al.(1998)was not found,but a rearrangement,similar to id1-N2286A(http://www. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,,Lawrence et al.2008),might occur in the RIL population.This rearrangement requires short-day conditions for the initiation of?owering and is associated with extended growth and short internodes on the upper part of the stem.The rearrangement might,therefore,be responsible for the phenotype of SC-Malawi,which is also characterized by more leaves and shorter internodes on the upper part of the plant,in contrast to CML444.The lack of signi?cant genetic effects in bin1.08on MFLW in

Zimbabwe suggested that location-speci?c environmental factors,such as photoperiod or irradiance,activated the gene in Mexico.

QTLs for PHT and/or grain yield near the centromere on chromosome1are common in maize(Agrama and Moussa 1996;Ribaut et al.1997;Austin and Lee1998;Sari-Gorla et al.1999;Sibov et al.2003;Moreau et al.2004;Lima et al.2006;Hao et al.2008).However,to the best of our knowledge,a mutually exclusive expression of QTLs for both traits within environments has never been observed. Moreover,there is evidence that the adjacent bins1.03and 1.06deserve special attention in drought-stressed maize,as they also play a role in the metabolism of abscisic acid and in the control of root growth(Tuberosa et al.2002a).

Stability of QTLs across trials

Through stepwise joint mapping we successfully identi?ed the major QTLs with additive effects on the target traits in the RIL population in response to various environmental conditions.The results of the single-experiment QTL analysis did not always provide a good prediction of the positions,effects and stability of QTLs controlling the target traits,as was also found by Malosetti et al.(2008).

The genetic effects across years within environments were quite stable;80%of the environment-speci?c QTLs did not show signi?cant QTL9E interactions.However, the proportion of QTLs with signi?cant QTL9E inter-actions was higher in the treatment-speci?c analyses combining data of Mexico and Zimbabwe and highest in the global analysis across all experiments.The joint anal-ysis per environment revealed the co-location of QTLs across environments for MFLW(four positions)and for ASI,HKFW and PHT(one position each)but not for GY and KNO.Similarly,the joint analysis per treatment revealed the co-location of QTLs in the WS and WW treatments for MFLW and PHT(two positions each)and for ASI and HKFW(one position each)but again not for GY and KNO.

The joint analysis per treatment showed an increase in the QTL9E interactions at signi?cant QTLs as well as a decrease in the number of co-locating QTLs for a given trait in both water regimes in relation to the total number of QTLs identi?ed.It is concluded that,in contrast to the QTLs for GY and KNO,those for MFLW,ASI and PHT were fairly stable across years under the same water regime at a given location,with co-locating QTLs in two,three and sometimes four environments.However,the stability of QTLs was considerably lower,when data were combined across water regimes.These?ndings are supported by several QTL studies of tropical and temperate maize.Ri-baut et al.(1996)found that almost all QTLs for ASI were consistent across the drought trials(same location,different years).The co-location of QTLs for?owering parameters and ASI across water regimes was also identi?ed,but to a lesser degree.In contrast,the QTLs for grain yield and yield components were not stable across water regimes (Ribaut et al.1997).Austin and Lee(1998)found incon-sistency in the position of QTLs for yield when comparing a favourable cropping season with a cool and wet cropping season,whereas the QTLs for morphological traits were more consistent in both years.Lima et al.(2006)found similar results:The expression of most QTLs for grain yield and about50%of the QTLs for plant height changed across environments,whereby the environments,de?ned as combinations of locations and cropping seasons,did not impose a pre-de?ned stress.Furthermore,most of the QTLs for grain yield and yield components,which were identi?ed by Lu et al.(2006),differed in the water-stress and well-watered treatments.Vargas et al.(2006)showed the pos-sibilities of factorial regression for mapping QTLs and for dissecting QTL9E interactions in terms of environmental co-variables by using data,some of which were analyzed by Ribaut et al.(1996,1997).Both environment-speci?c and stable QTLs for grain yield were detected,but they were less stable than the QTLs for ASI,which were usually consistent across the eight environments.

The QTLs for ASI in the present study differed from those reported in other studies;almost all the QTLs per environment as well as in the WS treatment were stable, but there was little co-location of QTLs across environ-ments and treatments(with the exception of bin1.07). Vargas et al.(2006)concluded that pyramiding favourable alleles for ASI at signi?cant loci could improve the grain yield of maize in a broad set of environments,including optimal and water-limited as well as low nitrogen condi-tions.Similarly,it is advisable to address the major QTL for ASI on chromosome1in a marker-assisted breeding programme with CML444and SC-Malawi;however, because of the distinct morphology of both lines(cf.below) this must be complemented by additional clusters of QTLs, as mentioned above.


The reduced proportion of phenotypic variance accounted for by the detected QTLs,compared to the heritability of the respective traits,suggests signi?cant levels of digenic epistasis(Li et al.2008).This is in agreement with other reports,according to which epistasis makes a substantial contribution to the genetic control of quantitative traits (Frankel and Schork1996;Zeng et al.2005).Here,only 30%of the single-experiment QTLs presented signi?cant binary epistatic interactions.They do not explain the entire difference between the proportion of phenotypic variance accounted for by the QTLs and the heritability of the

different traits.Following the approach developed by Li et al.(2007),a genome-wide scan for digenic epistasis will be conducted on the same data set to better understand epistatic effects in this population.

Morphology of drought tolerance

As mentioned in‘‘Materials and methods’’,the plant architecture of both parental lines differs considerably.The strong vigour of CML444,a largely improved line with high yields under optimal conditions,masked the lack of physiological mechanisms conferring drought tolerance. Due to these mechanisms,CML444maintained a shorter ASI and produced higher yields than SC-Malawi in almost all the environments,despite the positive(unfavourable) additive effect of its allele at the major QTL for ASI in bin 1.07.However,CML444contributed favourable alleles to four of the six clusters of QTLs described above(bin1.04, 5.01,7.04and8.06).

The plants were less vigorous in the environments in Mexico,as indicated by the greater reduction in yield in WSM compared to WWM as well as by the lower average yield under both water regimes,in contrast to Zimbabwe. Consequently,secondary traits such as the ASI were more important in Mexico.This was revealed by larger segre-gations,a higher number of detected QTLs as well as by higher correlations between ASI and GY.At the same time, the limited adaptation of SC-Malawi to the Mexican environments affected its vegetative growth.The segrega-tion of PHT was greater and the number of detected QTLs for PHT increased drastically.Even the genetic control of HKFW,the most consistent trait across environments at the phenotypic level,was affected.The number of QTLs for HKFW was much higher in WSM than in the other three environments.In addition,the allele of CML444was responsible for a decrease in HKFW at50%of the QTLs detected for this trait in WSM,whereas negative additivity was not observed in any other environment.It is concluded that the evaluation of plants in environments,to which they are not fully adapted,accentuates genetic differences among lines,increases phenotypic segregation and enhan-ces the power of the detection of QTLs for secondary traits because the plants are less vigorous.

Root system

Although there is reason to expect that the lines that perform best in drought environments have an extensive and deep root system,recurrent selection in tropical maize populations has actually led to a reduction of root biomass.Inbred lines with poor early root development have higher yields under drought than inbred lines with vigorous early development of roots(Bruce et al.2002).The relationship between root traits and drought tolerance of maize is still unclear.This is largely due to the fact that more research has been devoted to improving the redirection of scarce assimilates to the ear (Edmeades et al.1999).However,although selection has decreased root biomass,the root system may have reached deeper soil layers,while the lateral branching of roots in the topsoil was reduced.Consistent with this hypothesis is the ?nding that the QTL root-ABA1on the maize chromosome2 affects both the extent of root branching and grain yield under water stress(Landi et al.2007).

The vigour of CML444might be related to an ef?cient root system.To test this hypothesis some experiments were conducted under controlled conditions.The roots of CML444were deeper than those of SC-Malawi when the plants were grown in80-cm-long sand columns until the 5-leaf stage.Moreover,CML444produced signi?cantly more roots between50and80cm and extracted more water below40cm than SC-Malawi,irrespective of water availability(Hund et al.2008).CML444also had longer axile roots,essential for the wide vertical(and horizontal) distribution of the root system,than SC-Malawi at the8-leaf stage in containers with1m of soil(Hund et al.2008). These apparently constitutive differences in the root system may also be expressed in the?eld and may be of advantage for CML444,a modern improved cultivar.It is assumed that phenotypic selection for better performance under drought stress and well-watered conditions has modi?ed the root morphology compared to older lines like SC-Malawi.Therefore,as indicated above,the plant vigour of CML444seems to be related more to changes in plant morphology than to changes in physiology.The constitu-tive ability to avoid dehydration under stress,such as by a better-adapted root system,which enables the extraction of water from deep soil layers,and shorter plants with upright leaves explain the better performance of CML444under drought conditions(in particular in Zimbabwe).At the same time,however,this line does not possess strong mechanisms for drought tolerance,as demonstrated by the large reductions in grain yield under drought,compared to WW conditions.Ribaut et al.(2008)proposed that sus-tained progress in breeding for drought tolerance in tropical maize will probably entail the selection of plants with a smaller leaf area(especially on the upper part of the plant), short and thick stems,small tassels,erect leaves and delayed senescence.Less important traits or traits,for which selection is impractical,include a smaller root bio-mass and a deep root system with little branching of lateral roots in the upper part of the soil.

Breeding for drought tolerance

The genetic structure of populations,from which inbred lines are derived,determines the extent of heterosis that

can be achieved in inter-inbred hybrids.The probability of obtaining a hybrid of tropical maize,which yields30–50% more than the mean of all hybrids under drought stress,was three to six times higher when the inbred lines were selected from stress-tolerant source populations rather than from conventionally selected populations(Betra′n et al. 2003).Therefore,it is very important for breeders to select drought-tolerant inbred lines per se and to understand the genetic mechanisms underlying the performance of?xed material,as in this study.

Because of limited resources or limited access to?eld facilities for the screening of plants under drought stress, selection for drought tolerance has often been conducted in rain-fed nurseries,which are occasionally prone to drought. Under these circumstances,large populations were grown at high planting densities to simulate drought stress,and inbred lines with stable yields were recycled(Bruce et al. 2002).Our results clearly demonstrate the limitations of that approach and indicate that ef?cient selection must be conducted under water-limited conditions because the genetic control of key traits in this population under WS differs from that under WW conditions.This is con?rmed by the large decrease in the stability of QTLs when com-bining phenotypic data across water regimes,whereby the QTL9E interaction was signi?cant for94%of the QTLs. Correspondingly,Agrama et al.(1999)concluded from the relatively inconsistent position of QTLs for yield under high-and low-nitrogen availabilities that improving toler-ance to low nitrogen by marker-assisted selection will be most ef?cient when QTLs for grain yield are identi?ed under low nitrogen.Moreover,Ribaut et al.(2007)found a similar genetic basis of ASI(and to a lesser extent for the number of ears per plant)under drought and low nitrogen. Their results explain the increased tolerance to low nitro-gen stress of tropical maize selected for drought tolerance and emphasize the relevance of selecting under stress conditions.


The QTLs identi?ed in this population of RILs were quite stable across years and locations under a given water regime.Clusters of QTLs for different traits were identi-?ed,with the favourable alleles mostly coming from CML444.CML444performed better than SC-Malawi because of improved constitutive traits,conferring high plant vigour across water regimes.The combination of favourable alleles for dehydration avoidance(CML444) and some favourable alleles for dehydration tolerance(SC-Malawi)mean that the most tolerant RILs in this popula-tion are attractive for use as new breeding material.A marker-assisted selection experiment has been initiated with this population and will focus mainly on the clusters of QTLs identi?ed through the joint analysis per water regime(on chromosomes1,3and5for WS;on chromo-somes1and8for WW)and the joint analysis across water regimes(on chromosome1).Finally,the instability of QTLs across water regimes con?rmed the importance of selection under drought conditions to achieve signi?cant gains in drought tolerance and emphasizes the limited output of QTL analyses when phenotypic data from dif-ferent water regimes are combined.However,QTLs iden-ti?ed in joint analyses across treatments(e.g.on chromosome1in this study)are also very important, because they contribute to the broad adaptation of plants. Acknowledgments We are grateful to E.Huerta for her expert assistance in constructing the linkage map,to the CIMMYT?eld workers in Mexico and in Zimbabwe and to S.Pastrana for excellent management of the experiments in Mexico.We are also grateful to the anonymous reviewers and to M.Scho¨nberg for helpfully reviewing the manuscript.This work was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation(SDC)and the North–South Centre(formerly the Swiss Centre for International Agriculture ZIL)of ETH Zurich.


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中国股市大事记(1984.11—2009.12) 序言 本大事记是为写作小说《沪吉诃德和深桑丘——戏说中国股市二十多年》做准备而编。从最初的股市——静安柜台市场到2009年是23年。如果从上海交易所成立的1990年开始算是19年。 我参看了网友“悠悠白云”收藏的帖子《中国大陆股市17年大事记》1,但是找不到作者。笔者也看过网上转载的张志雄的《中国股市17年》2以及其他一些文章。在定稿之前,我看到了阿奎的《喧哗与骚动——新中国股市二十年》3。该书史实较为详尽,我参考阿奎的书为本大事记添加了一些内容(一千多字)。小说中前几节内容(1988-1991)的写作也参看了阿奎的书。本人在此向以上作者致谢。本大事记还包含关于法人股市场、柜台市场、H股市场、次贷危机等内容。各种恶性事件也是本大事记重点,笔者希望本大事记是到目前为止恶性事件最全的大事记。技术上,笔者将前后关联的事件尽可能地放在一处叙述。另外,笔者还提供了《沪深股市走势图1990.5—2009.5》(参看封底),同时减少了行情的文字叙述。希望本文有助于读者对中国股市的认识和理解,欢迎读者批评指正。 1991年及之前 (1) 1984年11月14日,上海飞乐音响公司“小飞乐”股票发行。小飞乐是改革开放后我国公开发行的第一只股票。1986年11月,邓小平接见美国纽约证券交易所董事长约翰·范尔林,赠送了一张飞乐音响的股票。虽然有报道说深宝安和北京天桥成立股份制企业更早,但是发行股票,小飞乐在先。 1 行情和政策叙述较多,忽略了一些重大事件,比如德隆事件。见https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,/blog/static/ 3063229520089972310607/。 2 分析讨论有深度,作者经历的事件突出,但是作为大事记,内容缺很多。离股市较远的铁本事件反倒被重点讨论。见https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=57&id=163747和https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,/ viewthread.php? tid=226761&page=1&authorid=59936。 3 阿奎. 喧华与骚动——新中国股市二十年[M]. 北京:中信出版社,2008。


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2008年世界经济大事记 2009-01-10 14版:新财经周刊·世界经济 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ●次贷危机引发金融危机 始于2007年夏季的美国次贷危机逐渐演化为国际金融危机,多家美欧金融巨头遭受重创。其中,美国华尔街第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟被迫在9月15日申请破产保护。曾在华尔街呼风唤雨的五大投资银行,或破产或被兼并或被迫转型,在危机中无一幸免。另有多家大型金融机构,如英国诺森罗克银行,美国的房利美、房地美、AIG被政府接管。 ●冰岛濒临破产 由于受到金融危机的冲击,9月底以来,冰岛出现严重金融动荡,冰岛克朗随之大幅度贬值。冰岛政府被迫接管国内三大银行,不少冰岛银行的外国储户损失惨重。 ●发达经济体陷入衰退 2008年二、三季度,美国、欧元区、英国、日本等发达经济体GDP连续出现负增长,从技术上来说已经陷入经济衰退。国际货币基金组织(IMF)已将2008、2009两年全球经济增长预期分别大幅下调至3.7%和2.2%;世界银行则预计2009年全球经济增长率仅为0.9%。 ●国际峰会出招应对危机 为应对蔓延全球的金融危机,各大经济体间连续召开国际峰会。11月15日,二十国集团(G20)领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会在华盛顿闭幕。峰会发表宣言指出,市场原则、开放的贸易和投资体系,得到有效监管的金融市场是确保经济发展、就业和减贫的基本因素。峰会还就应对当前世界面临的金融和经济问题的近期和长期措施达成行动计划。 ●各国出台金融救助及经济刺激计划 为应对金融危机引发的经济衰退,全球各大经济体频频降息以增加流动性。其中,美联储已将联邦基金利率降至历史最低点———0至0.25%区间;欧洲央行将利率下调至2.5%;日本央行降息至0.1%。此外,美、英、德、法、日等发达经济体纷纷出台大规模金融救助及经济刺激计划,其中美国推出的金融救助计划规模高达7000亿美元。 ●全球股市动荡 不管是发达国家股市还是新兴市场股市,都遭遇了有史以来最惨烈的跌势。摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)全球指数显示,2008年全球股市累计下跌42%,超过29万亿美元人间蒸发,相当于全球股市自2003年以来的所有累积获利(MSCI全球指数追踪23个发达


二ΟΟΟ年 1月,推出了“太极拳健康工程”。其一是在5月份发起并确定每年5月在全国各地开展“太极拳健身月”活动,由此引发国际武联筹备会执委会在马来西亚开会决定,每年5月为“世界太极拳健身月”活动。其二是在2000年3月将在海南省三亚市举办“首届世界太极拳健康大会”。现积极筹备中。 3月,全国武术训练竞赛工作会议在青岛市召开。总结了6年来武术训练、竞赛工作中所取得的成绩和不足;分析了新形势下武术发展方向及所面临的问题;明确了现阶段竞技武术改革发展方向。 3月,中国武术“散打王”争霸赛在京拉开序幕。“散打王”争霸赛是武术竞赛体制改革和走向市场的重要一步。 5月,首次召开“全国武术界思想政治工作研讨会”。强化思想政治工作,加强武德教育等六项自律关系。 11月,第5届亚洲武术锦标赛在越南河内举行。 11月20至24日,第四次全国武术工作会议

和中国武术协会换届改选大会在安徽省合肥 市召开,来自全国各省、自治区、直辖市,各行业体协,各直属体院的武术主管领导和武术协会代表130多人参加了会议。中国武术协会换届选举产生了新一届中国武术协会委员117人,常委25人,副主席17人,李杰连任主席,严建昌连任秘书长。会议表彰了在过去四年中成绩突出的十佳运动员、十佳教练员和十佳裁判员,还表彰了在武术管理和科研工作中成绩突出的单位。会议期间,讨论《2001-2010武术发展规划》、《武术体系框架》和《中国武术协会会员管理办法》等文件。 二ΟΟ一年 3月21日,届世界太极拳健康大会在海南省三亚市举行,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李岚清,国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇分别给大会发来贺信和贺辞。来自世界近二十个国家和地区的3000多名太极拳爱好者进行学习 交流活动。 7月26至29日,第一届亚洲青少年武术锦标赛在越南河内举行,来自中国、越南、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、中国台北、中国香


广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 - 百度文库 百度文库 搜索文档或关键词 普通分享 > 广东省学位英语历年真题及答案 VIP专享文档 2020-05-09 66页 用App免费查看 I. 会话技能15道15分15分钟 II. 阅读理解20道40分40分钟 III. 词汇和语法40道20分25分钟 IV. 完形填空10道10分10分钟 V . 短文写作100~120个词15分30分钟 考试总时间:120分钟 2011年广东学位英语考试试题及答案 PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ____ children as Coca Cola. A) for B) with C) to D) in 2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the ____ from the shop. A) receipt B) trust C) render D) tale 3. The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your ____ in college. A) intelligence B) policy C) performance D) statement 4. Professor Smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A) detective B) president C) manager D) director 5. We do not have a ____ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 数学(文史类) 第一部分(共50分) 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分) 1. 设全集为R , 函数()1f x x =-的定义域为M , 则C M R 为 (A) (-∞,1) (B) (1, + ∞) (C) (,1]-∞ (D) [1,)+∞ 2. 已知向量 (1,),(,2)a m b m ==, 若a //b , 则实数m 等于 (A) 2- (B) 2 (C) 2-或2 (D) 0 3. 设a , b , c 均为不等于1的正实数, 则下列等式中恒成立的是 (A) · log log log a c c b a b = (B) · log lo log g a a a b a b = (C) ()log g o lo g a a a b c bc = (D) ()log g og o l l a a a b b c c +=+ 4. 根据下列算法语句, 当输入x 为60时, 输出y 的值为 (A) 25 (B) 30 (C) 31 (D) 61 5. 对一批产品的长度(单位: mm )进行抽样检测, 下图喂检测结果的频率分布直方图. 根据标准, 产品长度在区间[20,25)上的为一等品, 在区间[15,20)和区间[25,30)上的为二等品, 在区间[10,15)和[30,35)上的为三等品. 用频率估计概率, 现从该批产品中随机抽取一件, 则其为二等品的概率为 (A) 0.09 (B) 0.20 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.45 6. 设z 是复数, 则下列命题中的假命题是 (A) 若20z ≥, 则z 是实数 (B) 若20z <, 则z 是虚数 (C) 若z 是虚数, 则20z ≥ (D) 若z 是纯虚数, 则20z < 7. 若点(x ,y )位于曲线y = |x |与y = 2所围成的封闭区域, 则2x -y 的最小值为 (A) -6 (B) -2 (C) 0 (D) 2 8. 已知点M (a ,b )在圆221:O x y +=外, 则直线ax + by = 1与圆O 的位置关系是 输入x If x ≤50 Then y = 0.5 * x Else y = 25 + 0.6*(x -50) End If 输出y

广东省学士学位英语历年真题 附答案

2009年广东学士学位英语历年真题考试附答案 Paper One 试卷一90 minutes Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal? Jackie: ___________. A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, please 2. Mori: It’s a plea sure to meet you here. Kaco: __________. A. Pleased to meet you, too B. Thank you so much C. I didn’t expect to see you here D. You’re too hospitable 3. Williams: Excuse me. I’m looking for a present for my son. I have no idea what to get him, Can you help me? Sales girl: ____________. A. Of course I can


2012年国际金融危机大事记 1月2日 西班牙财政大臣金多斯表示,西班牙2011年预算赤字占国内生产总值(GDP)的比率超过了8%,高于此前政府宣布低于8%的预期;同样高于前任政府设定的6.0%的目标。 1月3日 希腊政府发言人警告称,如果希腊未能与欧盟、IMF和私人投资者就第二轮1300亿欧元援助达成协议,希腊可能被迫离开欧元区。 新加坡贸工部公布的数据显示,2011年第四季度新加坡国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长3.6%,经季节调整后按年率计算环比下滑4.9%,显示新加坡经济正在面临增长考验。 印尼总统苏西洛宣布,印尼2011年第四季度经济增长6.5%,由于前三个季度也保持6.5%的经济增速,印尼去年完成经济增长6.5%的目标。 美联储在议息会议纪要中披露,将开始发布对2012年底和未来数年的利率预测。此举标志着,这家全球最重要央行的货币政策管理方式将发生重大转变。 1月4日 德国经济研究所公布的最新预测报告称,德国经济2012年初将短暂陷入衰退,但年中将出现反弹,全年可能实现0.6%的增长,到2013年将实现2.2%的较快增长。 标普表示,自从该机构2011年12月将15个欧元区成员国主权信用评级列入负面观察名单以来,更多债券发行面临违约风险。多种迹象显示,欧元区各项风险指标正在恶化。 1月5日 西班牙副首相德圣玛丽亚表示,西班牙社会保障系统2011年赤字达6.68亿欧元,相当于该国国内生产总值的0.06%。这是自1998年以来西班牙社会保障系统账户首次出现赤字。 1月6日 欧盟委员会发布的报告显示,去年12月份,反映经济信心的欧元区经济敏感指数连续第10个月下滑。 惠誉宣布,将匈牙利长期外币和本币发行人违约评级分别由BBB-和BBB降至BB+和BBB-,长期发行人违约评级展望为负面;将匈牙利短期发行人违约评级由F3下调至B,并将该国国家上限评级由A-下调至BBB。 丹麦公布了担任2012年上半年欧盟轮值主席国的行动纲领,表示将团结欧盟成员国,共同积极应对当前的债务危机。 1月9日 欧盟委员会发布公告表示,欧委会成功发行了30亿欧元的30年期国债。这些国债是欧

2009年 中国互联网发展大事记

1. 2009年1月5日,国务院新闻办公室、工业和信息化部、公安部、文化部、工商行政管理总局、广播电影电视总局、新闻出版总署七部委在北京召开电视电话会议,部署在全国开展整治互联网低俗之风专项行动。 2. 2009年1月6日,由中国互联网协会主办的首届中国网民文化节正式启动,内容涵盖与互联网相关的科技、运动、时尚、文化、动漫等领域。在这次大会上,9月14日被票选为网民节日期。 3. 2009年1月7日,工业和信息化部为中国移动通信集团、中国电信集团公司和中国联合网络通信有限公司发放3张第三代移动通信(3G)牌照。 4. 2009年2月28日,在十一届全国人大二次会议和全国政协十一届二次会议召开前夕,国务院总理温家宝与网友在线交流并接受中国政府网、新华网联合专访。 5. 2009年5月19日,工业和信息化部下发了《关于计算机预装绿色上网过滤软件的通知》。 6. 2009年5月19日21时起,由于https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a4802611.html,网站的域名解析系统受到网络攻击出现故障,导致电信运营企业的递归域名解析服务器收到大量异常请求而引发拥塞,造成江苏、安徽、广西、海南、甘肃、浙江等6省部分互联网用户的服务受到影响。5月20日凌晨1时20分,受影响地区的互联网服务基本恢复正常。 7. 2009年6月26日,文化部、商务部联合下发《关于网络游戏虚拟货币交易管理工作》的通知。规定同一企业不能同时经营虚拟货币的发行与交易,并且虚拟货币不得用于购买实物。 8. 2009年8月7日,国务院总理温家宝在无锡微纳传感网工程技术研发中心视察,提出要尽快建立中国的传感信息中心(“感知中国”中心)。11月3日,温家宝总理发表了题为《让科技引领中国可持续发展》的讲话,指示要着力突破传感网、物联网的关键技术。 9. 从2009年下半年起,新浪网、搜狐网、网易网、人民网等门户网站纷纷开启或测试微博功能。微博客吸引了社会名人、娱乐明星、企业机构和众多网民加入,成为2009年热点互联网应用之一。 10. 2009年8月18日,文化部下发《关于加强和改进网络音乐内容审查工作的通知》。规定“经营单位经营网络音乐产品,须报文化部进行内容审查或备案。” 11. 2009年8月26日,由中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)承办的第28届亚太网络信息中心(APNIC)开放政策会议在北京召开。这是APNIC会议首次在中国大陆召开。 12. 2009年9月7日,中央机构编制委员会办公室印发《中央编办对文化部、广电总局、新闻出版总署《“三定”规定》中有关动漫、网络游戏和文化市场综合执法的部分条文的解释》。规定:“文化部负责动漫和网络游戏相关产业规划、产业基地、项目建设、会展交易和市场监管。国家广播电影电视总局负责对影视动漫和网络视听中的动漫节目进行管理。国家新闻出版总署负责在出版环节对动漫进行管理,对游戏出版物的网上出版发行进行前置审批。”


2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版) Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet. C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three George: Did you hear about the robbery? Johnny: No, I didn't hear about it.


中学综合素质文化素养考点:世界历史上的 重大事件 外国历史上的重大事件 ◇约公元前至18世纪略 ◇1773年12月16日,波士顿倾茶事件;1774年9月,费城召开第一届大陆会议,号召北美人民联合起来,抵抗英军镇压;1775年4月19 日,“莱克星顿的枪声”标志着北美独立战争开始;1775年5月,第二届大陆会议召开,改编大陆军,推选华盛顿为总司令,大陆会议成为北美人民反英的最高权力机构;1776年7月4日,大陆会议通过杰弗逊等人起草的《独立宣言》,宣告美国独立;1777年,萨拉托加大捷;1781年10月,英军在约克镇投降,北美独立战争基本结束。 ◇1782年,詹姆斯?瓦特发明万能蒸汽机,推动工业革命步伐,开辟“蒸汽时代”。 ◇1783年,美英签订《巴黎和约》,英国承认美国独立。 ◇1787年5--9月,费城召开制宪会议,制定《合众国宪法》,确立美国三权分立的联邦体制。 ◇1789年5月,法国三级会议在凡尔赛宫开幕,成为法国革命的导火线;1789年7月14日,巴黎人民攻占巴士底狱,法国资产阶级革命开始,君主立宪派掌握国家政权,颁布了《人权宣言》和之后的1791年宪法,开始实行君主立宪政体。1792年,吉伦特派上台,建立法兰西第一共和国,处死国王;1793年,雅各宾派上台;1799年,拿破仑发动雾月政变;1804年,拿破仑称帝,建立法兰西第一帝国(拿破仑帝国),颁布《民法典》;1815 年,拿破仑帝国崩溃,历时26年的法国大革命结束。 ◇19世纪早期,圣西门、傅立叶、欧文创立空想社会主义。 ◇1814年,史蒂芬孙制造了第一台蒸汽机车。 ◇1848年,德国三月革命,为资本主义发展创造条件;《共产党宣言》在伦敦发表,标志着科学社会主义的诞生。 ◇19世纪中叶,英国建成以纺织、煤炭、钢铁、机械为核心的现代工业体系,工业革命基本完成,成为“世界工厂”。在英国工业革命的影响下,法、美、德等欧洲国家也迈上了工业化的道路。同时,工业革命中产生资本家与工人两大阶级,阶级斗争激烈。城市化进程加快。


2013年陕西高考数学试题及答案(文科) 一、选择题 1. 设全集为R ,函数f(x)=1-x 的定义域为M ,则?M 为( ) A .(-∞,1) B .(1,+∞) C .(-∞,1] D .[1,+∞) 1.B [解析] M ={x|1-x ≥0}={x|x ≤1},故?M = (1,+∞). 2. 已知向量a =(1,m),b =(m ,2),若a ∥b ,则实数m 等于( ) A .- 2 B. 2 C .-2或 2 D .0 2.C [解析] 因为a ∥b ,且a =(1,m),b =(m ,2),可得1m =m 2,解得m =2或- 2. 3. 设a ,b ,c 均为不等于1的正实数,则下列等式中恒成立的是( ) A .log a b ·log c b =log c a B .log a b ·log c a =log c b C .log a (bc)=log a b ·log a c D .log a (b +c)=log a b +log a c 3.B [解析] 利用对数的运算性质可知C ,D 是错误的.再利用对数运算性质log a b ·log c b ≠log c a.又因为log a b ·log c a =lg b lg a ×lg a lg c =lg b lg c =log c b ,故选B. 4. 根据下列算法语句,当输入x 为60时,输出y 的值为( ) 输入x ; If x ≤50 Then y =0.5*x Else y =25+0.6*(x -50) End If 输出y. A .25 B .30 C .31 D .61 4.C [解析] 算法语言给出的是分段函数y =? ????0.5x ,x ≤50, 25+0.6(x -50),x>50,输入x =60 时,y =25+0.6(60-50)=31. 5., 对一批产品的长度(单位:毫米)进行抽样检测,图1-1为检测结果的频率分布直方图.根据标准,产品长度在区间[20,25)上为一等品,在区间[15,20)和[25,30)上为二等品,在区间[10,15)和[30,35]上为三等品.用频率估计概率,现从该批产品中随机抽取1件,则其为二等品的概率是( ) 图1-1 A .0.09 B .0.20 C .0.25 D .0.45 5.D [解析] 利用统计图表可知在区间[25,30)上的频率为:1-(0.02+0.04+0.06+0.03)×5=0.25,在区间[15,20)上的频率为:0.04×5=0.2,故所抽产品为二等品的概率为

学位英语考试真题答案 完整版

2015年11月1日学位英语考试真题答案(完整版)Part ⅠDialogue completion (10 points) Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college? Mike: Yes. __1__ Tom: What college do you go to? Mike: I go to Pasadena City College. Tom: Do you like it? Mike: Oh, yes. __2__ Tom: why do you like it? Mike: Because it has great teachers. Tom: __3__ Mike: I like all my classmates, too. Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__ A. It’s not expensive! B. You bet.

C. I think I do. D. what else? Dialogue Two Speaker A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood. Speaker B: __5__ How recently? Speaker A: Just last week. Speaker B: What kinds of things have you been doing out there? Speaker A: __6__ Speaker B: why not? Speaker A: I don't know what to do. Speaker B: There're all sort of things to do. Speaker A: __7__ Speaker B: Shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach. Speaker A: That sounds great. A. I haven't been doing much. B. Really? C. How are you doing? D. Like what? Dialogue Three


世界重大事件对中国历史进程的影响 整体史观认为,人类社会发展的历史就是人类社会横向、整体发展的历史,重视交往、强调友好交往在人类历史发展进程中的作用。这里所说的整体史观,一是全球史观,二是要把政治文明、物质文明、思想文化、科学技术的发展有机地融合为一体。本专题试图从整体史观的角度探讨世界重大事件对中国历史进程的影响。 世界重大事件对中国历史进程的影响 一、知识结构 新航路的开辟对中国的影响 三次工业革命对中国的影响 两次世界大战对中国的影响 国际共产主义运动的发展对中国的影响 二、重点突破 1、新航路的开辟对中国的影响 14至16世纪由西班牙和葡萄牙王室开辟的新航路,加强了各民族、各地区经济文化的交流,加速了西欧资本的原始积累,也使中国明清时期对外关系呈现出许多新的特点:美洲的外来高产农作物传入中国;西欧开始对华的殖民侵略;中国实施闭关锁国政策;开始了西学东渐的历程。 2、三次工业革命对中国的影响 (1)第一次:1840年,率先完成工业革命的英国为了将中国变成它的商品市场和原料产地,发动了侵略中国的鸦片战争,强迫清政府签订了不平等条约,中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会;列强的商品输出客观上瓦解了中国的自然经济,促进了中国民族资本主义的产生和民族资产阶级的诞生;列强的侵略破坏了中国领土主权的完整,妨害了中国社会经济的发展,阶级矛盾和民族矛盾的激化,引发了波澜壮阔的太平天国运动;为了抵抗列强的侵略,维护清朝的封建统治,开明地主阶级开始开眼看世界,洋务派掀起了“师夷长技以自强”的洋务运动。 (2)第二次:1870年前后开始的第二次工业革命,促进了垄断组织的产生,主要的资本主义国家纷纷向帝国主义过渡。它们加紧资本输出和分割世界,掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮,中华民族危机空前严重,中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会;列强的资本输出进一步瓦解了中国的自然经济,客观上促进了民族资本主义的发展,民族资产阶级挽救民族危亡的运动高涨,进行了资产阶级革命和改革; (3)第三次:20世纪四五十年代开始的第三次工业革命推动了世界经济格局的调整,科技的发展使世界各国经济联系进一步增强,发达国家利用科技的优势控制发展中国家,进一步拉大了发达国家和发展中国家的经济差距,中国作为当今世界最大的发展中国家,在现代化的进程中,既有机遇,更面临着挑战。 3、两次世界大战对中国的影响 (1)第一次世界大战:一战爆发后,帝国主义放松了对华的经济侵略,客观上促进了民族资本主义的进一步发展,促使无产阶级队伍的壮大,为中国革命从旧民革向新民革过渡,为中国共产党的成立奠定了阶级基础,一战结束后,帝国主义卷土重来,民族资本主义工业日益萎缩。巴黎和会上,操纵会议的帝国主义国家不顾中国作为一战战胜国的现实,将德国在山东的一切权利转让给日本,引发了五四爱国运动,华盛顿会议上,帝国主义国家签订了《九国公约》,使中国重新回复到帝国主义共同支配的局面,引发了国民大革命运动。 (2)第二次世界大战:随着世界各国人民和法西斯矛盾的激化,中苏美英等26国于1942年成立了世界反法西斯同盟,中国的抗日战争成为世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分,为世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出了贡献,中国的抗日战争也得到了国际社会的援助。抗日战争是


2014年陕西高考文科数学试题(文) 一.选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合 则M N =( ) .[0,1]A .[0,1)B .(0,1]C .(0,1)D 2.函数()cos(2)6 f x x π =- 的最小正周期是( ) . 2 A π .B π .2C π .4D π 3.已知复数 Z = 2 - 1,则Z .z 的值为( ) A.5 B.5 C.3 D.3 4.根据右边框图,对大于2的整数N ,得出数列的通项公式是( ) .2n Aa n = .2(1)n B a n =- .2n n C a = 1.2n n D a -= 5.将边长为1的正方形以其一边所在的直线为旋转轴旋转一周,所得集合体的侧面积是( ) A.4π B.8π C.2π D.π 6.从正方形四个顶点及其中心这5个点中,任取2个点,则这2个点的距离不小于该正方形边长的概率为 1.5A 2.5B 3.5C 4 .5 D 7.下列函数中,满足“()()()f x y f x f y +=”的单调递增函数是( ) (A )()12 f x x = (B )()3f x x = (C )()12x f x ?? = ??? (D )()3x f x = 8.原命题为“若12,z z 互为共轭复数,则12z z =”,关于逆命题,否命题,逆否命题真假性的判断依次如下, 正确的是( ) (A )真,假,真 (B )假,假,真 (C )真,真,假 (D )假,假,假9.某公司10位员工的月工资(单位:元)为x 1,x 2,''',x 10 ,其均值和方差分别为x 和s 2,若从下月起每位员工的月工资增加100元,则这个10位员工下月工资的均值和方差分别为( ) (A )x ,s 2+1002 (B )x +100, s 2+1002 (C ) x ,s 2 (D )x +100, s 2 10.如图,修建一条公路需要一段环湖弯曲路段与两条直道为某三次函数图像的一部分,则该函数的解析式为( ) (A )x x x y --=232121 (B )x x x y 321 2123-+= (C )x x y -= 341 (D )x x x y 22 1 4123-+= 二、填空题:把答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分). 11.抛物线y2=4x 的准线方程为___________. 12.已知,lg ,24a x a ==则x =________. 13. 设2 0π θ< <,向量()()1cos cos 2sin ,,,θθθb a =,若b a //,则=θtan _______. 14.已知f (x )= x x +1,x ≥0, f 1(x)=f(x),f n+1(x)=f(f n (x)),n ∈N +, 则f 2014(x)的表达式为 __________.


世界金融发展史年表 公元前 3000-1122年:在中国贝成为支付手段 1500-1122年:中国开始铸造铜贝。 1154-1122年:传说中国商纣王厚赋税,实鹿台之钱。 1122年:中国周克商,散鹿台之钱。 7世纪:中国早期空首布出现。 7世纪:地中海盆地出现最初的钱币。(首先在吕底亚。继而在埃奥尼业与亚哥斯)。 6世纪:希腊出现德拉克马(根据城邦不同,或4.36克或6 29克白银);波斯出现德利 克(x 41克黄金)与米底亚的希克勒,1德利克相当20希克勒。希腊第一批私人银行 出现。 524年:中国周景王铸大钱。 4世纪:最初的货币理论:柏拉图,亚里士多德。马其顿人统一了希腊与波斯货币。希腊第一批公共银行出现。 3世纪:第一座罗马铸币工场于公元前269年在卡皮托利山开办;与铜币阿斯(重量逐步由12盎司降到1盎司)同时出现奥莱玉斯(10 Q1黄金)与德尼安(4.55克银,后降到3 90克)。奥莱玉斯相当25德尼安或250阿斯。 248年:安息铸银铜币。 221年:秦始皇统一中国货币,推行半两钱,黄金以镒为单位。 119年:中国发行白金和皮币。 118年:中国汉行五珠钱。 114年:中国汉颁布告缗令。 公元后 7年:王莽进行第一次货币改革。227年:波斯萨珊王朝铸金银币。 3世纪:罗马帝国境内,硬币荒引起经济紧缩,物价上涨。 325年:尼撒主教会议禁止神职人员从事有息放款。 4世纪:301年,戴克里先发布“最高值法令”; 312年,君士坦丁进行货币改革:新铸金币(索利都斯奥莱土斯,重4 55克,其后 成为比尚斯苏又称贝桑)与银币(半西里克,重1.30克,其后又复名德尼安)。 6世纪 在东罗马帝国查士丁尼皇帝时期开始确定利率为3.6—12%。 621年:中国唐高祖废五珠钱,铸开元通宝。 7世纪:阿拉伯人着手铸造蒂纳尔(仿贝桑金币)。 8世纪:781年,查理大帝进行货币改革,制定银本位制,1镑相当于1斤白银;1镑相等于20苏或240德尼安。 789年 在西方帝国(查理帝国)查理大帝把禁止有息放款扩大到在俗教土范围。 9世纪:中国开始使用纸币(飞钱)。


2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 文科数学(必修+选修Ⅰ)(陕西卷) 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.设不等式2 0x x -≤的解集为M ,函数()ln(1||)f x x =-的定义域为N ,则M N ?为(A ) (A )[0,1) (B )(0,1) (C )[0,1] (D )(-1,0] 2.若tan 2α=,则2sin cos sin 2cos αα αα-+的值为 (B) (A )0 (B) 34 (C)1 (D) 5 4 3.函数()24(4)f x x x = -≥的反函数为 (D) (A ) 121()4(0)2f x x x -= +≥ (B) 121()4(2)2f x x x -=+≥ (C ) 121()2(0)2f x x x -= +≥ (D) 121()2(2)2f x x x -=+≥ 4.过原点且倾斜角为60?的直线被圆学 22 40x y y +-=所截得的弦长为 (D) (A 3 (B )2 (C 6 (D )3 5.某单位共有老、中、青职工430人,其中青年职工160人,中年职工人数是老年职工人数的 2倍。为了解职工身体状况,现采用分层抽样方法进行调查,在抽取的样本中有青年职工32人,则该样本中的老年职工人数为 (B) (A )9 (B )18 (C )27 (D) 36 6.若 2009 2009 012009(12) ()x a a x a x x R -=+++∈L ,则200912 2200922 2a a a +++L 的值为 (C) (A )2 (B )0 (C )1- (D) 2- 7.” 0m n >>”是”方程 22 1mx ny +=表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆”的 (C ) (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件 (D) 既不充分也不必要条件 8.在ABC ?中,M 是BC 的中点,AM=1,点P 在AM 上且满足学2AP PM =uu u r uuu r ,则科网()AP PB PC ?+uu u r uu r uu u r 等于 (A )


2009年是让人们难以忘怀的一年。在21世纪头一个十年即将结束之际,国际金融危机的加剧引发了世界经济的大动荡。中国与国际社会一道,沉着应对各项困难和挑战,在舒缓金融危机等方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。岁末年初,人们总不忘对过去的一年进行回顾和总结。回顾是为了纪念,纪念这一年中国与世界金融业取得的重要进展;回顾是为了反思,反思金融业存在的问题与不足;回顾更是为了超越,希望全球能尽快走出金融危机的阴影。为此,中国金融杂志社与中国社会科学院金融研究所联合评选出了“2009年中国金融十件大事”及“2009年国际金融十件大事”。 2009年中国金融十件大事 ■中国金融杂志社中国社会科学院金融研究所 1.适度宽松货币政策成功实施 2009年,为应对金融危机,我国实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策。中国人民银行审时度势,认真贯彻适度宽松的货币政策,在2009年主要取得了以下成就:一是保证了货币信贷总量满足经济发展需求。二是优化了信贷结构。加强对信贷投向的监测和指导,加大对“三农”、中小企业等薄弱环节的金融支持,切实解决一些企业融资难问题。严格控制对高耗能、高污染和产能过剩行业企业的贷款。三是进一步理顺货币政策传导机制,保证资金渠道畅通。 适度宽松的货币政策对于中国深化改革,改善民生,克服国际金融危机的不利影响,促进经济回暖起到了至关重要的作用。 2.中国积极呼吁和推进国际货币体系改革 国际金融危机的爆发并在全球范围内迅速蔓延,反映出当前国际货币体系的内在缺陷和系统性风险。2009年,中国在国际货币体系改革问题上频频发出强音。4月2日,在伦敦举行的二十国集团(G20)领导人第二次金融峰会上,国家主席胡锦涛提出应抓紧落实华盛顿峰会重要共识,坚持全面性、均衡性、渐进性、实效性的原则,推动国际金融秩序不断朝公平、公正、包容、有序方向发展,并就改革国际金融体系提出六点建议,受到与会各方高度重视。6月16日,胡锦涛主席在“金砖四国”领导人会晤时指出,“金砖四国”应致力于推动国际金融体系改革,推动完善国际货币体系。9月25日,在匹兹堡二十国集团领导人第三次金融峰会上,胡锦涛主席再次提出要坚定不移推进国际金融体系改革。 国务院总理温家宝也多次提出应积极推进国际货币体系改革。2月2日,在英国剑桥大学发表演讲时,温家宝总理表示,世界各国应对国际货币金融体系进行必要的改革,建立公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序。10月14日,
