
















★★★育明宋老师解析:北大英语MTI只有笔译一个方向,初试除了思想政治理论是全国统一试卷,剩下的三门专业课,都是北大自主出题,出题的整体方向都偏文学性,特别指出的是,北大英语MTI 和日语的MTI的专业课汉语写作与百科知识,考的是同一张试卷,分为基础知识(100分)和专业知识(50分)两部分,满分150分.


I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.(30scores;30minutes)

1.academy award奥斯卡金像奖

2.Animated movie


4.Avant garde


6.Bermuda Triangle百慕大三角








14.East End伦敦东区



17.《吉尼斯世界记录大全》the Guinness Book of World Records



20.犹大之吻a Judas kiss


22.迷惘的一代The Lost Generation


24.人力资源Human Resources


26.碳酸饮料carbonated beverage

27.荒诞派戏剧absurd theatre


29.中古英语Middle English

30.学士学位bachelor’s degree

II.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively.(120scores;120minutes)

Text l














1-《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham、姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究出版社。

































例1、If stress,depression,anger and other negative feelings can make you more likely to get sick,can the reverse be true?




例2、The mayor of Toledo said in1932:“I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged,hopeless men and women,cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid.It is a spectacle of national degradation.”






例3、On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn,when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together,and throw a gloom over the decline of the year,I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey.There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old piles,and as I passed its threshold,it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity,and losing myself among the shades of former ages.


解析:原文来自19世纪美国作家欧文(Washington Irving)的《西敏寺》。文章用字典雅,注重叙


例4、Someday the minutes will have to come to light.They will show nothing but a dreary sham,a repulsive exercise in diplomatic dodging,shadowboxing and double-talking.


解析:译文多处使用四字格,在体现文化素养的同时,也加强了语言的节奏感和旋律感,读起来铿锵有力。通过这一例子,也可以反观汉译英中遇到的难点,即翻译四字格。对比原文和译文可以发现,英语讲求简洁明了,在译文中很“高深”的词,如“虚与委蛇、装模作样、不知所云”,在原文中只是很简单形象的表达“dodging,shadowboxing and double-taking”。因此汉译英翻译四字格时,在一定程度上可将中文词语简单化。


例5、Louisa(a peasant girl):As you have come to my home,I feel greatly honored.











again and again:屡次三番

face danger fearlessly:临危不惧

decline with all sorts of excuses:推三阻四;百般推辞


天坛the Temple of Heaven

午门Meridian Gate

社稷坛Altar of Land and Grain

保和殿Hall of Preserving Harmony

坤宁殿Palace of Earthly Tranquility

养心殿Hall of Mental Cultivation

长安寺Temple of Eternal Peace

灵光寺Temple of Divine Light

德和殿Temple of Harmonious Virtue

佛香阁Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha

宁寿宫Palace of Peace and Longevity

布达拉宫Potala Palace

皇穹宇Imperial Heavenly Vault

仁寿堂Hall of Benevolence and Longevity

金水桥Golden Water Bridge

居庸关Juyongguan Pass

万寿山Longevity Hill

龙王庙Temple of the Dragon King

城隍庙Temple of the Town God

夫子庙Temple of Confucius

孔府Manor of Confucius’Descendants

人民英雄纪念碑Monument to the People’s Heroes 颐和园Summer Palace

拙政园Humble Administrator’s Garden

圆明园遗址Ruins of Yuanmingyuan

白塔White Dagoba

雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery

雨花台Terrace of the Raining Flowers

独秀峰Peak of Unique Beauty

七星岩Seven Star Crag

九龙壁Nine Dragon Wall

敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang

玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

大清真寺Great Mosque

黄帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum

十三陵Ming Tombs

沧浪亭Pavilion of Surging Waves

寒山寺Hanshan Temple

虎丘山Tiger Hill

灵岩山Divine Cliff Hill

二泉池Erquan Pool

鼋头渚Tortoise Head Garden

长江三峡Three Gorges on the Yangtze

日月潭Sun Moon Lake

瑶琳仙境Yaolin Wonderland

北京21世纪时信教育中心是《中国日报》和新加坡时信集团联合创办的国际化教育机构。Beijing21st Century Times Education Center is a Sino-Singaporean joint venture between Times Education Service in Singapore,an international education institution,and China Daily in Beijing.


The Museum of Industrial History,which officially opened to the public in1978,displays well-chosen exhibits,each of which depicts the technological development of different periods in industrial history.


The Haibin Tourist Service Vocational School is one of China’s first key vocational seniors high schools at the provincial level approved by the Ministry of Education.


Shanghai Securities and Futures College is China’s first institution of higher education which aims exclusively at bringing up investment and management specialists in the field of securities and futures.


Shanghai is a famous port city in Southeast China and in the Far East.Linked with all the places in China and major ports throughout the world,this metropolis is known as a land of attractive resources and magical power and a birthplace of creative minds and gifted talents.


Here on displays are close to100water-color paintings that embrace the creative wisdom of master-hands and boast the magical,bold brush of promising young artists.


With numerous narrow waterways covering the town,Suzhou enjoys a fame as the “Oriental Venice”.


Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum contains8,000life-size figures of terra-cotta warriors and horses buried to protect the emperor after his death.These terra-cotta figures are all unearthed and displayed in the museum for visitors to see.


This garden,which was constructed during the reign of Emperor Jia Jing of the Ming Dynasty,is the largest garden of its kind in Southern China.Its lotus ponds mirror the mansions,halls,tower and pavilions on the edge,offering visitors picturesque views.


Yu Garden,which was originally the private garden of a Sichuan governor in the Ming Dynasty,boasts13scenic sights and the buildings ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings characteristic of the Southern architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.


The Shanghai Museum displays over500pieces of the finest ceramics from the Neolithic times to the end of the Qing Dynasty.


The Ancient Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits127pieces of ancient Chinese stone,clay, pottery and cast-bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty, with the Buddhist sculpture and figurine-modeling art as the main subject.



















2018真题回忆: 翻译硕士英语 * 完型 论文摘要一篇: 主要内容:从耻辱感到罪恶感 考核单词、词组、连接词文章理解 * 阅读四篇 第一篇 围绕一个人文主义作家,讲古典文学创作传统的隐晦和强调神的地位受人文主义影响后的变化 第二篇 缺乏封建传统使得美国工人运动乏力 第三篇 美国国会未能降低赤字,作者对两党的批评 第四篇 翻译起源于对希腊语和拉丁语的教学,这一传统对后来研究的阻碍作用 * 排序五题 茶叶党的文化特征和对宪法的不坚定性 一个已给出,一个多余 * 作文 交际翻译和语义翻译哪个更好 翻译 *词条 1. 举债融资 2. 产能 3. 淡季 4. 京津冀一体化 5. 动车 6. 自媒体 7. 创新示范区 8. 中华民族伟大复兴 9. 宏观政策 10. 供给侧改革 11. 新常态 12. 陪产假 13. 男女平等 14. 打车软件 15. 低头族 16. UNICEF 17. Ganges 18. Think tank 19. Passover 20. The Bastille 21. Glucose

22. Republicanism 23. surrealism 24. procrastination 25. tipping point 26. Chiang Kai-shek 27. Kilimanjaro 28. avant-garde 29. Notre Dame de Paris 30. Academy Reward 英译汉 话题:历法 汉译英 话题:生态文学 百科 1.25个选择(每个一分) 实在记不全,都是参考书里的,西方哲学、翻译理论、翻译项目管理、《中国翻译》上的文章都有考。 记得的有: 下面哪个关于“逻各斯”的说法不对 文化翻译的原则 《弗兰恩斯坦》的作者 傅雷翻译观 第五次科技革命的成果 中国翻译发展的特点 大数据的特点 2. 论述(每个5分) 最后5个选择完还要用300字回答提问 1.《华夏集》的作者、翻译理念、写作背景 2.《钦定本圣经》的修订背景、影响 3.鲁迅和维努狄异化翻译观的异同 4.对等翻译理论是谁提出的,内容? 5.当代中国翻译在海外出版的不足和建议 3.小作文 给日语翻译公司的求职自荐信 4.大作文 共享经济


2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


北大翻硕 (MTI考研复试分数线是多少 本文系统介绍北大翻硕 (MTI考研难度, 北大翻硕 (MTI就业, 北大翻硕 (MTI考研辅导, 北大翻硕 (MTI考研参考书,北大翻硕 (MTI专业课五大方面的问题,凯程北大翻硕 (MTI老师给大家详细讲解。特别申明,以下信息绝对准确,凯程就是王牌的北大翻硕 (MTI考研机构! 北大翻硕 (MTI复试分数线是多少? 2015年北大翻硕 (MTI英语笔译(语言服务管理方向复试分数线是 325,日语口译方向, 日语笔译方向复试分数线是 340。 考生总成绩包括三部分, 即初试成绩、复试成绩和外语听力成绩。总成绩计算方式:总成绩 =[初试权重×初试各门总成绩 /5+复试成绩(换算成百分制×复试权重+外语听力成绩(换算成 3分制 ]。初试成绩所占权重为 60%,复试成绩所占权重为40%。复试形式和考核内容以口试为主。复试主要是对学生综合素质的考核, 包括综合分析能力、专业素质及语言应用能力等。外语听力考试在复试中进行,计入考生总成绩。 考研复试面试不用担心, 凯程老师有系统的专业课内容培训, 日常问题培训, 还要进行三次以上的模拟面试, 确保你能够在面试上游刃有余, 很多老师问题都是我们在模拟面试准备过的。 一、北大翻硕 (MTI考研辅导班有哪些? 对于翻硕 (MTI考研辅导班,业内最有名气的就是凯程。很多辅导班说自己辅导北大翻硕 (MTI,您直接问一句, 北大翻硕 (MTI参考书有哪些,大多数机构瞬间就傻眼了, 或者推脱说我们有专门的专业课老师给学生推荐参考书, 为什么当场答不上来, 因为他们根本就没有辅导过北大翻硕 (MTI考研,更谈不上有翻硕 (MTI的考研辅导资料,考上北大翻硕 (MTI的学生了。


2013同等学力申硕考试英语真题(A卷) 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue one A. It sounds like a flu. B. I also advise resting for a couple of days. C. Boy, when it rains, it pours. Doctor: What has been bothering you? Patient: I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Plus, I’ve been coughing a lot. 1 Doctor: Any stomach pains? Patient: Actually, yes. My stomach’s been upset for a few days. Doctor: 2 . It’s been going around lately. Patient: Anything I can do for it? Doctor: I’ll prescribe some medicines for you to take. 3 . Patient: Does that mean I shouldn’t go to work? Doctor: Only when you feel up to it. You should stay home for at least a day or two. Dialogue Two A. So, what are you going to do with the money? B. You have lots of money. C. How much do I owe you? Joshua: Dad. Allowance day. Can I have my allowance? Father: Oh, I forgot about that. Joshua: You ALWAYS forget. Father: I guess I do. 4 Joshua: Just $13. Father: We ll, I’ m not sure if I have that much. Joshua: Go to bank. 5 Father: Lots of money, uh? Uh, well, I think the bank is closed. Joshua: Then, what about your secret money jar under your bed? Father: Oh, I guess I could do that. 6 Joshua: I ’m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor people, and use the rest to buy books. Father: Well, that sounds greats great, Joshua.


北京大学翻硕 (MTI考研各细分专业的学费总额 有一只表的人知道现在几点了,有两只表的人则无法确定时。凯程北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI老师给大家详细讲解专业课五大问题。凯程就是王牌的北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI考研机构! 一、北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI各细分专业介绍 北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI日语口译专业方向学费总额为 8万元;日语笔译方向学费总额为 5万元 ; 英语笔译(语言服务管理方向学费总额为 8万元。 北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI专业的培养目标是通过对研究生进行系统的教育与训练,使其掌握扎实的双语转换与语言技术实用能力, 获得丰富的语言服务管理经验, 成为符合国家翻译专业资格认证标准, 符合语言服务行业需求的应用型、复合型高级语言服务管理专才, 其专业方向如下: 日语口译方向; 日语笔译方向; 这两个专业的考试科目是一样的: 1. 思想政治理论 2. 翻译硕士 (MTI日语 3. 日语翻译基础 4. 汉语写作与百科知识 英语笔译(语言服务管理方向; 考试科目为: 1. 思想政治理论

2. 翻译硕士 (MTI英语 3. 英语翻译基础 4. 汉语写作与百科知识 二、北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI就业怎么样? 现在国内紧缺的专业翻译人才五大方向为会议口译(广泛应用于外交外事、会晤谈判、商务活动、新闻传媒、培训授课、电视广播、国际仲裁等领域,法庭口译(目前国内这一领域的高级口译人才几乎是空白,商务口译,联络陪同口译(企业、政府机构都有大量的外事接待事务, 联络陪同口译的任务就是在接待、旅游等事务中担任口译工作, 文书翻译 (企业、出版社、翻译公司等机构都需要具备专业素养的文本翻译人才, 这一领域的人才缺口更大。 由此来看,北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI就业前景非常不错,毕业生整体需求还是比较旺盛的。北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI的含金量很大,现在经济贸易的国际化程度越来越高,对翻译的需求也是很大的, 这种专业性人才是非常有市场的, 只要能力够就业很轻松, 工资也很高, 出国的机会也会特别多。 三、北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI难度大不大,跨专业的人考上的多不多 ? 近些年翻译硕士 (MTI很火,尤其是像北京大学这样的著名学校。总体来说,北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI招生量大,考试难度不高, 2015年北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI的招生人数为 60 人,含 35人推免。每年都有大量二本三本学生考取的。根据凯程从北京大学研究生院内部的统计数据得知,北京大学翻译硕士 (MTI的考生中 90%是跨专业考生,在录取的学生中, 基本都是跨专业考的。 在考研复试的时候, 老师更看重跨专业学生的能力,而不是本科背景。其次, 翻译硕士 (MTI考试科目里,百科,翻译及基础本身知识点难度并不大,跨专业的学生完全能够学得懂。即使本科学翻译的同学,专业课也不见得比你强多少(大学学的内容


Part III Reading Comprehension (25 points) Section A Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Sometimes a race is not enough. Sometimes a runner just wants to go further. That’s what happened to Dennis Martin and Brooke Curran. Martin, 68, a retired detective form New York City, took up running after his first wife died. Curran, 46, a philanthropist(慈善家)from Alexandria, started running to get out of the house and collect her thoughts. Both she and Martin got good at running but felt the desire to do more. “The more I trained, the better I got,” Curran said,” but I would cross the finish line with no sense of accomplishment.”Eventually , they worked up to running marathons(马拉松)(and longer races) in other countries, on other countries. Now both have achieved a notable -and increasingly less rate- milestone; running the 26.2-mile race on all seven continents. They are part of a phenomenon that has grown out of the running culture in the past two decades, at the intersection of athleticism and leisure: “runcations,”which combine distance running with travel to exotic places. There trips, as expensive as they are physically challenging ,are a growing and competitive market in the travel industry. “In the beginning, running was enough,” said Steen Albrechtsen, a press manager. The classic marathon was the ultimate goal, then came the super marathons, like London and New York. But when 90,000 people a year can take that challenge, it is no longer e xciting and adventurous .Hence, the search for new adventures began.”“No one could ever have imagined that running would become the lifestyle activity that it is today,”said Thom Gilligan, founder and president of Boston-based Marathon Tours and Travel. Gilligan, who has been in business since 1979, is partly responsible for the seven-continent phenomenon. It started with a casual talk to an interviewer about his company offering trips to every continent except Antarctica. And then in 1995, Marathon fours hosted its first Antarctica Marathon on King George Island. Off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula; 160 runners got to the starting line of a dirt-and ice-trail route via a Russian icebreaker through the Drake Passage. 21. At the beginning, Martin took up running just to . A. meet requirements of his job B. win a running race C. join in a philanthropic activity D. get away from his sadness 22. Martin and Curran are mentioned as good examples of . A. winners in the 26.2-mile race on all seven continents B. people who enjoy long running as a lifestyle activity C. running racers satisfied with their own performance

北京大学翻译硕士 毕业去向

北京语言大学翻译硕士英语笔译考研资料-考研考博一.北京大学翻译硕士考研内容分析 1:251-《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham、 姜桂华著,2000年,外语教学与研究 出版社。 2-《英汉翻译简明教程》庄绎传著, 2002年,外语教学与研究出版社。 3-《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》叶子 南著,2001年,清华大学出版社。 4-《非文学翻译理论与实践》罗进德 主编,2004年,中国对外翻译出版公 司。 5-《非文学翻译》,李长栓著,2009 年9月外语教学与研究出版社出版。 6-《非文学翻译理论与实践》,李长 栓著,中国对外翻译出版公司。 7-《汉语写作与百科知识真题解析》 天津科技翻译出版社 8-《汉语写作与百科知识》天津科技 翻译出版社 9-《翻译硕士英语真题解析》天津科 技翻译出版社 英语翻硕30人左右,日语翻译 硕士20人左右,2年,学生须按 学年交纳学费,学费总额为8万 元。 复试分数线一般在330分左右, 15年分数线340. 育明教育咨询师分析认为,北大 翻译硕士考查题目难度较高,推 荐英语本专业,尤其是重点本科 的英语专业的报考。北大翻硕百 科侧重文学、法律、时政等方面, 自然科学考查的不多,翻译理论 考查的也不多。具体考查侧重 点,考生可以根据育明教育辅导 课程进行学习。 此外,少数民族的考生也可以考 虑这个专业。 二.育明考研考博辅导中心孙老师解析: 关于北京大学翻译硕士英语笔译2016年的招生信息最新总结:

1,2016年北京大学翻译硕士,最高分389,最低分341.从整体招生人数来看,北京大学招生人数和15年相比减少了5人,分数线基本没有变化。育明教育武老师希望17年考研的学生了解最新的信息,更好的去备考。 2,研究生须按学年交纳学费,学费总额拟定为8万元,学费的最终确定将按照国家的相关政策执行。在新生入学报到及第二学年开学注册前分别交纳4万元,届时未交纳或未足额交纳学费者,不能办理入学或注册手续。培养年限:3年,北大的师资力量非常强大,就业形势非常好,武老师希望大学根据自己的实力选择院校。 3,北京大学翻译硕士考研参考书真题都不公布,很多考生觉得无从下手,但是没有参考书并不能阻碍什么。考研,非参加知识竞赛,背书即可。研究生入学考试,考的是语言能力,不是考记忆力。 育明教育考博分校针对北京语言大学翻译硕士专业考研开设的辅导课程有:专业课一对一·全程集训营·视频班·复试保过班·高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在85%以上。育明学校从2006年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。咨询扣扣:二三九八四零八零二三 三.翻译硕士考研资料:(全套) (一)汉语写作与百科知识---天津出版传媒集团 李国正,夏衍教授主编,这本书针对近三年各个翻译硕士院校的真题进行了分析和统计,并总结了历年各个院校翻译硕士考研规律。


专业:翻译硕士 考试科目:英语翻译基础 考生须知 1、本试卷共 4 页。 2、答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题册上无效。 3、答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔,用其它笔作答不给分。 4、考试时间为 3 小时,成绩满分150 分。 Part I. Phrase Translation (30 points, 1 point for each) Section 1 Directions: Translate the following phrases into Chinese: 1. CPPCC 2. UNESCO 3. ASEM 4. China-ASEAN Expo 5. SWOT analysis 6. Global Sourcing 7. Information Asymmetry 8. Shanghai World Expo 9. Innocent Presumption 10. The Civil Law System 11. The Book of Rites 12. Mencius 13. Consecutive Interpreting 14. The House of Commons 15. A Farewell To Arms Section 2

Directions: Translate the following phrases into English: 16. 全国人民代表大会 17. 外交部 18. 会展经济 19. 注册会计师 20. 次贷危机 21. 董事会 22. 中国证监会 23. 廉政公署 24. 暂行规定 25. 有罪推定 26. 佛经翻译 27. 百年老店 28. 论语 29. 三国演义 30. 南方都市报 Part II. Passage Translation (120 points) 31. Translate the following passage into Chinese: (60 points) Population ageing has become a world-wide phenomenon. Moreover, it has not only come to stay but, especially in the developing countries, it will become more felt and acute with the passage of time. Its repercussions are so wide-ranging and manifold that they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society. The growing rate of population ageing poses many challenges which have to be faced realistically. A number of decisions have to be taken with the cooperation of every social institution, be it the State, Non-Governmental Organizations, the community, the family members and last but not least, the older persons themselves. Each has a very important role to play in ensuring a


2017北大翻译硕士各细分专业介绍 翻译硕士专业学位研究生,即MTI(Master of Translation and Interpreting)是为了适应市场经济对应用型高层次专门人才的需求,国务院学位委员会于2007年1月批准设置的一种专业学位。2008年开始招生,2009年面向应届本科毕业生招生。 MTI教育重视实践环节,强调翻译实践能力的培养。翻译硕士专业学位的培养目标为具有专业口笔译能力的高级翻译人才。翻译硕士专业学位获得者应具有较强的语言运用能力、熟练地翻译技能和宽广的知识面,能够胜任不同专业领域所需的高级翻译工作。 全日制MTI招生对象为具有国民教育序列大学本科学历(或本科同等学力)人员,具有良好的双语基础。作为我国专业硕士之一,MTI不仅面向英语专业的考生,同时也鼓励非外语专业毕业生及有口笔译时间经验者报考,其中非外语专业的毕业生更受到报考院校的欢迎。 北大翻译硕士日语口译专业方向学费总额为8万元;日语笔译方向学费总额为5万元;英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向学费总额为8万元。 北大翻译硕士专业的培养目标是通过对研究生进行系统的教育与训练,使其掌握扎实的双语转换与语言技术实用能力,获得丰富的语言服务管理经验,成为符合国家翻译专业资格认证标准,符合语言服务行业需求的应用型、复合型高级语言服务管理专才,其专业方向如下: 日语口译方向; 日语笔译方向; 这两个专业的考试科目是一样的: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士日语 3.日语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向; 考试科目为: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士英语 3.英语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 下面凯程老师给大家详细介绍下北大的翻译硕士专业: 一、北大翻硕研究方向 翻译说以的细分研究方向大体分为笔译和口译。笔译要求在英语和汉语方面同时提高,加强两种语言的运用能力和互译能力。会开设英汉、汉英的翻译课程,同时英文写作和关于中文素养的课程也会同时开设。目的是可以在翻译各种文体的文本时,采用恰当的方法以及准确的用语进行翻译工作。口译在交传和同传方面都会有相应的课程开设,同时进行培训,其中包括视译、带稿同传等各种方式。口译更为注重实战经验,培养过程中,模拟回忆或实际回忆的次数非常多。 二、北大翻译硕士考研难不难


Passage Two According to a study, intellectual activities make people eat more than when just resting. This has shed new light on brain food. This finding might also help explain the obesity epidemic of a society in which people often sit. Researchers split 14 university student volunteers into three groups for a 45-minute session of either relaxing in a sitting position, reading and summarizing a text, or completing a series of memory, attention, and alert tests on the computer. After the sessions, the participants were invited to eat as much as they pleased. Though the study involved a very small number of participants, the results were stark. The students who had done the computer tests downed 253 more calories or 29.4 percent more than the couch potatoes. Those who had summarized a text consumed 203 more calories than the resting group. Blood samples taken before, during, and after revealed that intellectual work cause much bigger fluctuations in glucose (葡萄糖) levels than rest periods, perhaps owing to the stress of thinking. The researchers figure the body reacts to these fluctuations by demanding food to restore glucose-the brain’s fuel. Glucose is converted by the body from carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and is supplied to the brain via the bloodstream. The brain cannot make glucose and so needs a constant supply. Brain cells need twice as much energy as other cells in the body. Without exercise to balance the added intake, however, such “brain food” is probably not smart. Various studies in animals have shown that consuming fewer calories overall leads to sharper brains and longer life, and most researchers agree that the findings apply, in general, to humans. And, of course, eating more can make you fat. “Caloric overcompensation following intell ectual work, combined with the fact that we are less physically active when doing intellectual tasks, could contribute to the obesity epidemic currently observed in industrialized countries,” said lead researcher Jean-Philippe Chaput at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada. “This is a factor that should not be ignored, considering that more and more people hold jobs of an intellectual nature,” the researcher concluded. 37. The passage mainly tells us that . A. consuming fewer calories can lead to sharper brains B. thinking consumed more calories than resting C. resting more can make people fat D. brain cells need more energy than other cells in the body


2017年北京大学翻硕考研好的学习笔记 的整理 人生最高的享受是学佛。人生最大的快乐是念佛。凯程2017年北京大学翻译硕士老师给大家详细讲解专业课五大问题。凯程就是王牌的2017年北京大学翻译硕士考研机构! 一、2017年北京大学翻译硕士考研的复习方法解读 (一)、参考书的阅读方法 (1)目录法:先通读各本参考书的目录,对于知识体系有着初步了解,了解书的内在逻辑结构,然后再去深入研读书的内容。 (2)体系法:为自己所学的知识建立起框架,否则知识内容浩繁,容易遗忘,最好能够闭上眼睛的时候,眼前出现完整的知识体系。 (3)问题法:将自己所学的知识总结成问题写出来,每章的主标题和副标题都是很好的出题素材。尽可能把所有的知识要点都能够整理成问题。 (二)、学习笔记的整理方法 (1)第一遍学习教材的时候,做笔记主要是归纳主要内容,最好可以整理出知识框架记到笔记本上,同时记下重要知识点,如假设条件,公式,结论,缺陷等。记笔记的过程可以强迫自己对所学内容进行整理,并用自己的语言表达出来,有效地加深印象。第一遍学习记笔记的工作量较大可能影响复习进度,但是切记第一遍学习要夯实基础,不能一味地追求速度。第一遍要以稳、细为主,而记笔记能够帮助考生有效地达到以上两个要求。并且在后期逐步脱离教材以后,笔记是一个很方便携带的知识宝典,可以方便随时查阅相关的知识点。 (2)第一遍的学习笔记和书本知识比较相近,且以基本知识点为主。第二遍学习的时候可以结合第一遍的笔记查漏补缺,记下自己生疏的或者是任何觉得重要的知识点。再到后期做题的时候注意记下典型题目和错题。 (3)做笔记要注意分类和编排,便于查询。可以在不同的阶段使用大小合适的不同的笔记本。也可以使用统一的笔记本但是要注意各项内容不要混杂在以前,不利于以后的查阅。同时注意编好页码等序号。另外注意每隔一定时间对于在此期间自己所做的笔记进行相应的复印备份,以防原件丢失。统一的参考书书店可以买到,但是笔记是独一无二的,笔记是整个复习过程的心血所得,一定要好好保管。 二、2017年北京大学翻译硕士复试分数线是多少? 2015年2017年北京大学翻译硕士英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向复试分数线是325,日语口译方向, 日语笔译方向复试分数线是340。 考生总成绩包括三部分,即初试成绩、复试成绩和外语听力成绩。总成绩计算方式:总成绩=[初试权重×初试各门总成绩/5+复试成绩(换算成百分制)×复试权重+外语听力成绩(换算成3分制)]。初试成绩所占权重为60%,复试成绩所占权重为40%。复试形式和考核内容以口试为主。复试主要是对学生综合素质的考核,包括综合分析能力、专业素质及语言应用能力等。外语听力考试在复试中进行,计入考生总成绩。 考研复试面试不用担心,凯程老师有系统的专业课内容培训,日常问题培训,还要进行三次以上的模拟面试,确保你能够在面试上游刃有余,很多老师问题都是我们在模拟面试准备过的。 三、2017年北京大学翻译硕士考研初试参考书是什么


北京大学翻硕考研正确选择辅导机构方 法 人可以有理想,但不可以过度幻想。凯程北京大学翻译硕士老师给大家详细讲解专业课五大问题。凯程就是王牌的北京大学翻译硕士考研机构! 一、北京大学翻译硕士考研辅导班有哪些? 对于翻译硕士考研辅导班,业内最有名气的就是凯程。很多辅导班说自己辅导北京大学翻译硕士,您直接问一句,北京大学翻译硕士参考书有哪些,大多数机构瞬间就傻眼了,或者推脱说我们有专门的专业课老师给学生推荐参考书,为什么当场答不上来,因为他们根本就没有辅导过北京大学翻译硕士考研,更谈不上有翻译硕士的考研辅导资料,考上北京大学翻译硕士的学生了。 在业内,凯程的翻译硕士非常权威,基本上考清华北京大学翻译硕士的同学们都了解凯程,凯程有系统的考研辅导班,及对北京大学翻译硕士深入的理解,在北京大学深厚的人脉,及时的考研信息。凯程近几年有很多学员考取了北京大学翻译硕士,毫无疑问,这个成绩是无人能比拟的。并且,在凯程网站有成功学员的经验视频,其他机构一个都没有。同学们不妨实地考察一下。 二、北京大学翻译硕士各细分专业介绍 北京大学翻译硕士日语口译专业方向学费总额为8万元;日语笔译方向学费总额为5万元;英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向学费总额为8万元。 北京大学翻译硕士专业的培养目标是通过对研究生进行系统的教育与训练,使其掌握扎实的双语转换与语言技术实用能力,获得丰富的语言服务管理经验,成为符合国家翻译专业资格认证标准,符合语言服务行业需求的应用型、复合型高级语言服务管理专才,其专业方向如下: 日语口译方向; 日语笔译方向; 这两个专业的考试科目是一样的: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士日语 3.日语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 英语笔译(语言服务管理)方向; 考试科目为: 1.思想政治理论 2.翻译硕士英语 3.英语翻译基础 4.汉语写作与百科知识 三、北京大学翻译硕士就业怎么样? 现在国内紧缺的专业翻译人才五大方向为会议口译(广泛应用于外交外事、会晤谈判、商务活动、新闻传媒、培训授课、电视广播、国际仲裁等领域),法庭口译(目前国内这一领域的高级口译人才几乎是空白),商务口译,联络陪同口译(企业、政府机构都有大量的


2016年山东大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:72.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too______for someone of his talent and creativity.(分数: 2.00) A.prosaic B.insatiable C.exacting D.enthralling 2.The museum arranged the fossils in______order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.(分数:2.00) A.alphabetical B.chronological C.random D.arbitrary 3.With the evolution of wings, insects were able to______to the far ecological corners, across deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches.(分数:2.00) A.relate B.disperse C.transgress D.revert 4.Having recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective, which has taken Paris and New York by storm, and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia's Barnes collection, London is becoming______in the competition to show blockbuster international art exhibitions.(分数:2.00) A.a trend-setter B.an also-ran C.a world-beater D.a mecca 5.What most______the magazine's critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.(分数:2.00) A.belies B.impedes C.riles D.placates 6.Despite her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and ______in her strict adherence to the letter of the law.(分数:2.00) A.merciful B.uncompromising C.dilatory D.vindictive 7.Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he was______acting in an unconsidered fashion.(分数:2.00) A.chary of B.impervious to C.precipitate in D.hesitant about
