

译林3B Unit 5 朗读材料一、拼读下列单词:

1. nine books 九本书

2. four desks 四张书桌

3. seven pencils 七支铅笔

4. ten rulers 十把直尺

5. five chairs 五把椅子

6. six windows 六扇窗户

7. eight birds 八只鸟

8. how old 几岁

9. How lovely ! 多么可爱啊!

10. You’re right. 你是对的。

11. You’re out. 你出局了。12. This is for you. 这是给你的。

13. Here you are. 给你。

14. Make a wish. 许个愿吧。

15. It’s time for....是....的时候了。

16. turn round and round 转圈圈

17. fall to the ground 摔倒在地上

18. be late 迟到

19. be late for class 上课迟到

20. What about you? / How about you?


21. would like 想要


1. A: Look ! (看!)B: How lovely !(多么可爱啊!)

2. A: How old are you ?(你多大?)

B: I’m nine. What about you?(我九岁。你呢?)

A: I’m ten. (我十岁。)/ Me, too. (我也是。)

B: Oh, I see. (哦,我知道了。)

3. A: How old is Helen?(海伦多大?)B: She’s eight. (她八岁。)

4. A: How old is Tim ? (蒂姆多大?)B: He’s two. (他两岁。)

5. A: Look at the cake. (看那个蛋糕。)

B: What a nice cake ! (多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!)

6.I want a robot. = I would like a robot. (我想要一个机器人。)

7.It’s time for the cake . (该吃蛋糕了。)

8.Don’t fall to the ground. (不要摔倒在地上。)

9.Don’t be late again. (不要再迟到了。)

10.Don’t be late for class again. (上课不要再迟到了。)

11.Time for class, but you’re late. (该上课了,但是你迟到了。)


口试短文朗读材料 Passage One Peter is an American boy in our class. He is tall and handsome. He has a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown and curly. He likes music. He likes to play football. He is on our school football team. He can speak s ome Chinese, but he can’t write it. We help him with his Chinese. He helps us with our English. We are good friends. Passage Two It is a fine Wednesday morning. The sky is blue and the sun is bright. There are a lot of foreign people at Lido Hotel. They are wearing hats, sunglasses and light clothes because it is hot. They are going to the Great Wall. These people come from different countries-America, England, France, Japan, Australia and many other countries. Some of them speak French. Some speak Japanese. The others speak English. There are three Chinese girls looking after them. Each of them speaks a foreign language-English, French or Japanese. They are very friendly and helpful. Passage Three It is Friday evening. An American woman, Mrs Brown, asks two of her good friends to her home for dinner. She finds there is not much food in the fridge, so she drives to Mr Hunt’s shop. She wants to buy a lot of things. Mr Hunt is glad to see her. He asks her what she wants. She has a shopping list in her hand. Now look at the list of things Mrs Brown wants to buy. Make up a dialogue between Mrs Brown and Mr Hunt. Use dollars and cents when talking about the prices. Write it down in your exercise book. Passage Four


When God Created Fathers When the good Lord was creating fathers, He started with a tall frame. A female angel nearby said, “What kind of father is that? If you are going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put the father up so high? He will be able to shoot marbles(弹子游戏) without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping(弯腰).” And God smiled and said, “Yes, but if I make him child size, who would chil dren have to look up to?” And when God made a father?s hands,they were large and sinewy. And the angel shook her head sadly and said, “Do you know what you?re doing? Large hands are clumsy. They can?t manage diaper pins别针, small buttons, rubber bands橡皮筋on pony tails马尾, or even remove splinters碎片caused by baseball b ats.” God smiled and said, “I know, but they are large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day, yet small enou gh to cup a child?s face.” Then God molded long slim legs and broad shoulders. The angel nearly had a heart attack. “Boy, this is the end of the we ek, all right,” she clucked. “Do you realize You just made a father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?” God smiled and said, “A mother need s a lap大腿. A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sledge雪橇, balance a boy on a bicycle or hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus.” God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever seen when the angel could contain he rself no longer. “That?s not fair. Do you honestly think those large boats are going to get out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?” And God smiled and said, “They?ll work. You?ll see. They?ll support a small child who wants to …ride a horse to Banbury Cross? or scare off mice at the summer cabin, or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill.” God worked through the night, giving the father few words, but a firm authoritative voice; eyes that see everything, but remain calm and


英语口语朗读材料 1.I’m a Chinese boy. My name is Li Hong. I’m very happy to know that I’ll stay in your house for the English Summer Camp. I’d like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. I’m fifteen years old. I have a happy family with three people. I’m studying in No. 1 Middle School. We learn eight subjects. I’m interested in all of them. I like reading and playing the piano. I also like English very much, but my English is not good enough. I think maybe you can help me with my English. I hope to meet you soon.(自我介绍) 2.It was Sunday, and the weather was sunny. I went to the countryside with my friends. There were green fields everywhere. We could see farmers working busily in the fields. Some children were playing under the trees. Suddenly, we saw a group of ducks enjoying themselves in the river. So we ran over happily, but the ducks were frightened by the noise of us and hurried off. We all laughed. We were having a wonderful time and didn’t go home until very late.(过去经历) What a wonderful day we had! 3.What is my favorite teacher like?


普通话水平考试常规朗读材料作品46号 作品46号节选自王蒙《喜悦》 高兴,这是一种具体的被看得到摸得着的事物所唤起的情绪.它是心理的,更是生理的.它容易来也容易去,谁也不应该对它视而不见失之交臂,谁也不应该总是做那些使自己不高兴也使旁人不高兴的事.让我们说一件最容易做也最令人高兴的事吧,尊重你自己,也尊重别人,这是每一个人的权利,我还要说这是每一个人的义务. 快乐,它是一种富有概括性的生存状态,工作状态.它几乎是先验的,它来自生命本身的活力,来自宇宙, 地球和人间的吸引,它是世界的丰富, 绚丽, 阔大, 悠久的体现.快乐还是一种力量,是埋在地下的根脉.消灭一个人的快乐比挖掘掉一棵大树的根要难得多. 欢欣,这是一种青春的, 诗意的情感.它来自面向着未来伸开双臂奔跑的冲力,它来自一种轻松而又神秘,朦胧而又隐秘的激动,它是激情即将到来的预兆,它又是大雨过后的比下雨还要美妙得多也久远得多的回味…… 喜悦,它是一种带有形而上色彩的修养和境界.与其说它是一种情绪,不如说它是一种智慧, 一种超拔, 一种悲天悯人的宽容和理解,一种饱经沧桑的充实和自信,一种光明的理性,-种坚定//的成熟,一种战胜了烦恼和庸俗的清明澄澈.它是一潭清水,它是一抹朝霞,它是无边的平原,它是沉默的地平线,多一点儿,再多一点儿喜悦吧,它是翅膀,也是归巢.它是一杯美酒,也是一朵永远开不败的莲花. 语音提示:1. 我们wǒmen 2. 快乐kuàilè3. 绚丽xuànlì4. 根脉gēnmài 5. 挖掘wājué 6. 即将jíjiāng 7. 形而上xíng ér shàng 8. 与其

yǔqí 9. 悲天悯人bēitiān-mǐnrén10. 澄澈chéngchè


英语口语比赛七年级组朗读材料一: 课内材料: My school life Hi!i’m HuBin, a student of Class 1,Grade 7. At school, ,my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me .My school life is very interesting. I like it very much. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I study Chinese, English, politics, art, history, geography, biology and some other subjects. English is my favorite subject, and I often speak English with my classmates. I also like P.E. and music. But I don’t like math very much . I think it’s a little difficult and boring. What do you think? After school, I often play basketball with my classmates. It’s my favorite outdoor activity. Sometimes I swim in the swimming pool. Sometimes I draw pictures with my friends in the park. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I go to the school library. Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about yours? Can you tell me something about it? 课外材料: In many English homes, people eat four meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥), eggs and bread. English people drink tea or coffee(咖啡) at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about at half past seven. First, they have soup(汤), then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle(中间) of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and all these meals are very simple(简单). 英语口语比赛七年级组朗读材料二: 课内材料: My home This is my home. There is a small garden in the center of the yard. And there are many beautiful flowers in the garden. But there aren’t any trees. At the back of the yard, there is a nice house. There are three bedrooms, a large living room and a study in it. I loving playing on the computer in the study. Near the house, there is an apple tree. Some birds are singing in the tree. On the left of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dining room. Our bathroom is on the right of the yard. Can you see a small car next to the bathroom? That’s my father’s. Now my mother is cooking in the kitchen. My father and I are watching TV in the living room. I love my home very much. 课外材料: Only Mother’s Love is true love. She gives you everything all her life. When you are a baby, mother looks after you carefully . In your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right away to look after you. When you are growing up, she feels happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold


These Things Shall Never Die 这些美好不会消逝 By --Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯 The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的, That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的, The impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的, The dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的; The longing after something's lost, 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, The spirit's yearning cry, 使灵魂深切地呼喊着的, The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- These things can never die. 这些美好不会消逝。 The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手, A brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的时候, A kindly word in grief's dark hour 伤恸、困难的时候,一句亲切的话 That proves a friend indeed ; 就足以证明朋友的真心; The plea for mercy softly breathed, 轻声地乞求怜悯, When justice threatens nigh, 在审判临近的时候, The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一种伤感-- These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。 Let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情 Must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做; Lose not a chance to waken love- 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机----- Be firm,and just ,and true; 为人要坚定,正直,忠诚;


初三英语听说课 Part 1口语输入练习 一短文朗读(先两人对话练习,再四人一组相互采访) 1. R: Excuse me; I’m a reporter from Chinese Teenager magazine. May I ask you some questions? I: Yes, please. 2. R: Could you please introduce yourself? I: My name is Susan. I’m a 14-year-old junior high school student in Changsha. 3. R: What are your good habits? I: I have a lot of good habits. I always exercise and I read books every day. Also, I often drink juice and I seldom stay up late. 4. R: How about the bad habits? I: I usually watch TV for more than two hours a day. My parents are not very happy because I seldom help with housework and I never go to the dentist for teeth cleaning. Because I’m afraid. 模板替换练习 1. R: Excuse me; I’m a reporter from Chinese Teenager magazine. May I ask you some questions? I: Yes, please. / Sure. / Certainly. / Go ahead. 2. R: Could you please introduce yourself? / Can you tell me something about you? I: My name is ___________. I’m a ________-year-old junior high school student in Changsha. 3. R: What are your good habits? I: I have a lot of good habits. I always _______. Also, I often _____ and I seldom ___________________. 4. R: How about the bad habits? I: I usually _____________________, and I sometimes ___________________________________________. 参考短语 Good habits:I often/ always …I am used to doing… 1. exercise/ do sports to keep healthy 2. eat vegetable and fruit every day 3. do housework for parents 4. read masterpiece to get knowledge 5. save money/ water/ electricity/ energy 6. give seats to the old 7. turn off the light when I leave the room 8. hand in homework on time Bad habits:I sometimes/ usually…I get used to doing… 1. waste food/ money/ water/ electricity 2. eat junk food/ fast food 3. throw rubbish everywhere 4. stay up late 5. spend too much time on computer/ TV 6. copy the homework 7. sleep in class 8. make my room messy/ dirty 二口语表达(两人一组,以梦想为话题) A: What do you like to do in your spare time? B: I like dancing and I want to be a dancer. A: Why? B: Because it is great to dance for people and I want to make people happy. A: Who is your favorite dancer? B: My favorite dancer is Yang Liping, and I want to be as popular as she is when I grow up. A: How about your future plans? B: I hope to become a famous dancer and travel around the world in the future. 模板替换练习 A: What do you like to do in your spare time? B: I like _____ and I want to be ________. A: Why? B: Because it is great to _____ and I want to ______________. A: Who is your favorite __________?


普通话考试朗读材料:神秘的无底洞 地球上是否真的存在“无底洞”?按说地球是圆的,由地壳、地幔和地核三层组成,真正的“无底洞”是不应存在的,我们所看到的各种山洞、残品、裂缝,甚至火山口也都只是地壳浅部的一种现象。然而中国一些古籍却多次提到海外有个深奥莫测的无底洞。事实上地球上确实有这样一个“无底洞”。 它位于希腊亚各斯古城的海滨。由于濒临大海,大涨潮时,汹涌的海水便会排山倒海般地涌入洞中,形成一股湍湍的急流。据测,每天注入洞内的海水量达三万多吨。奇怪的是,如此大量的海水灌入洞中,却从来没有把洞灌满。曾有人怀疑,这个“无底洞”会不会就像石灰岩地区的漏斗、竖井、落水洞一类的地形。然而从十二世纪三十年代以来,人们就做了多种努力企图寻找它的出口,却都是枉费心机。 为了揭开这个秘密,一九五八年美国地理学会派出一支考察队,他们把一种经久不变的带色染料溶解在海水中,观察染料是如何随着海水一起沉下去。接着又察看了附近海面以及岛上的各条河、湖,满怀希望地寻找这种带颜色的水,结果令人失望。难道是海水量太大把有色水稀释得太淡,以致无法发现? 至今谁也不知道为什么这里的海水会没完没了地“漏”下去,这个“无底洞”的出口又在哪里,每天大师的海水究竟都流到哪里去了? 普通话考试朗读材料:散步 我们在田野散步:我,我的母亲,我的妻子和儿子。 母亲本不愿出来的。她老了,身体不好,走远一点儿就觉得很累。我说,正因为如此,才应该多走走。母亲信服地点点头,便去拿外套。她现在很听我的话,就像我小时候很听她的话一样。 这南方初春的田野,大块小块的新绿随意地铺着,有的浓,有的淡,树上的嫩芽也密了,田里的冬水也咕咕地起着水泡。这一切都使人想着一样东西--生命。 我和母亲走在前面,我的妻子和儿子走在后面。小家伙突然叫起来:“前面是妈妈和儿子,后面也是妈妈和儿子。”我们都笑了。


英语2口语考试材料 2012-2013-1 英语2口语考试材料第一部分:课文朗读,5篇。 1. Food and Culture (Unit 6) 2. Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully (Unit 7) 3. Consumer Behavior of the Youth (Unit 9) 4. Shopping (Unit 9) 5. The Secrets of Good Health (Unit 10) 第二部分:句子翻译,均选自课内学习单元的课后练习。 Unit 1 Love 1.他走得慢是因为腿有毛病。He walks slowly because of his bad leg. 2.他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3.他确保同样的错误今后不再发生。He saw to it that the same mistake didn’t happen again. 4.现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。 Now that they’ve got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine. 5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。 Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys. 6.在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。 I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. Unit 2 Communication Problem 7.昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。 I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out. 8.事物的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定的。


小学英语诗歌朗诵材料 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。 by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do What does the bee do 蜜蜂做些什么Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do 父亲做些什么Bring home money. 把钱带回家。 And what does Mother do 母亲做些什么Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do婴儿做些什么 Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧What have you brought for me 你给我带来什么 Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚,Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。(Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的, Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风(Part I) Who has seen the wind 谁曾见过风的面貌Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind 谁曾见过风的面孔Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际, The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。~by C. G. Rossetti 另一首诗人的风之歌 O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止 Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 In April, 四月里, Come he will, 它就来了, In May, 五月里, Sing all day, 整天吟唱多逍遥, In June, 六月里, Change his tune, 它在改变曲调, In July, 七月里, Prepare to fly, 准备飞翔, In August, 八月里, Go he must! 它就得离去了! ~by Mother Goose's Nursery Rhyme 【6】COLORS颜色 What is pink A rose is pink 什么是粉红色

2019中考英语听力 口语考试训练1(含听力材料、解析)

2019中考英语听力+口语考试训练1(含听力材料、解析) (浙江专用) 本部分共有五小节.第一、第二节是听力题,第一节听五个短单句,第二节听一段短文,完成五个小题.第三节是篇章朗读,考察学生旳口语(朗读能力).第四至第五节是口语题,根据朗读提示,学生口头回答问题.注意:请认真看要求、听录音,并在规定时间内按要求或指令完成任务. 第一节:听对话,选图片.(每小题1分,满分5分) 现在请听5段小对话.每段对话后有一个小题,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合对话内容旳图片.每段对话仅读一遍. 1. How was the weather that day? 2. Which animal does the girl want to see first? 3. Which subject does the girl like best? 4. What do the girl and the boy see in the sky? 5. What is Maria going to be when she grows up? 第二节:听录音,完成信息记录表.(每小题2分,满分10分) 现在听一段录音材料,请根据内容从每题旳A、B、C三个选项中选择正确旳选项,完成信息记录表.录音播放两遍.

7. A. New Year party B. Birthday party C. Welcome party 8. A. Sunday afternoon B. Saturday afternoon C. Friday afternoon 9. A. Restaurant B. Park C. Classroom 10. A. CDs B. Camera C. Food 第三节:篇章朗读.(满分2分) 请用规范旳英语语音语调朗读下面一段英语文本: Students in my class have different plans for the coming New Year. Most students say they are going to work harder at their lessons. Lots of students are going to do more sports to keep fit. Some are going to learn a new language. Many boys are going to join the school basketball club. Some girls want to become members of the school volleyball team. Some say they will eat more healthy food. A few students plan to go to Australia or America for vacation. 第四节:根据情景或要点提示回答问题.(每小题1分,满分5分) 在这一节里,请根据所给情景用英语回答五个问题.每个问题问两遍.在每个提问后,你都有15秒钟旳时间回答问题. 请看下面旳情景提示: 你要和父母去杭州度假,打算坐火车去,在杭州住三天. 第12题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第13题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第14题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第15题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第16题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第五节:说话.(满分3分) 请根据话题好要点提示用英语在1分钟内说一段话(至少3句).现在你有2分钟旳准备时间. 请看下面旳话题和提示: 17. 话题:爱好 要点提示: 1)Jim旳哥哥喜欢游泳. 2)Jim喜欢…… 3)他认为…….


普通话水平考试常规朗读材料作品49号 作品49号节选自夏衍《野草》 有这样一个故事. 有人问:世界上什么东西的气力回答纷纭得很,有的说”象”,有的说”狮”,有人开玩笑似的说:是”金刚”,金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道. 结果,这一切答案完全不对,世界上气力的,是植物的种子.一粒种子所可以显现出来的力,简直是超越一切. 人的头盖骨,结合得非常致密与坚固,生理学家和解剖学者用尽了一切的方法,要把它完整地分出来,都没有这种力气.后来忽然有人发明了一个方法,就是把一些植物的种子放在要剖析的头盖骨里,给它以温度与湿度,使它发芽.一发芽,这些种子便以可怕的力量,将一切机械力所不能分开的骨骼,完整地分开了.植物种子的力量之大,如此如此. 这,也许特殊了一点儿,常人不容易理解.那么,你看见过笋的成长吗你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一棵小草的生长吗它为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志,不管上面的石块如何重,石与石之间如何狭,它必定要曲曲折折地,但是顽强不屈地透到地面上来.它的根往土壤钻,它的芽往地面挺,这是一种不可抗拒的力,阻止它的石块,结果也被它掀翻,一粒种子的力量之大,//如此如此. 没有一个人将小草叫做”大力士”,但是它的力量之大,的确是世界无比.这种力是一般人看不见的生命力.只要生命存在,这种力就要显现.上面的石块,丝毫不足以阻挡.因为它是一种”长期抗战”的力;有弹性,能屈能伸的力;有韧性,不达目的不止的力. 语音提示:1. 故事gùshi 2. 什么shénme 3. 东西dōngxi4. 似的

shìde 5. 种子zhǒngzi 6. 结合jiéhé 7. 解剖jiěpōu 8. 剖析pōuxī 9. 骨骼gǔgé10. 特殊tèshū 11. 瓦砾wǎlì 12. 曲曲折折qūqū-zhézhé13. 结果jiéguǒ 14. 掀翻xiānfān 15. 的确díquè16. 因为yīnwèi 17. 目的mùdì


2017年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(新) Everybody thinks I have a real gift for painting. However, I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I was playing with some paint as usual in Ms Lou’s art lesson. I mixed the paint with water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I blew harder. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture! “That’s a very good picture, Sandy.”Ms Luo encouraged me to keep trying. Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints. 2(新) Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in Harbin. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and beautiful. My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. We also make snowmen and use carrots for their noses. They look funny. Winter is great! 3(新) My farther has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. My father has always been kind and helpful. He has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love. 4 Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent floods. We must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.
