Honeywell UNISIM R390 英文说明书教程

I t d ti t th U iSi D i i t f

Introduction to the UniSim Design interface.


In the Basis Environment, you will…

Select an appropriate property package

Create a component list

Export the Fluid Package(Prop Pkg and Comp List)for use later Export the Fluid Package (Prop. Pkg and Comp. List) for use later.

In the Simulation Environment, you will…

Create streams

Perform stream analysis

Work with stream flash calculations

Work with stream flash calculations

Attach stream utilities

Customize the workbook

Vi th t i USD E i t

Via the two main USD Environments

Basis Environment Flowsheet Environment

Process Simulation

Wh t i f ti d d t t?

What information do we need to enter?


Thermodynamic Information

A list of all the components that are needed.

Selection of an appropriate model.

Could be an EOS(PR or SRK)or an Activity Model(NTRL or Could be an EOS (PR or SRK) or an Activity Model (NTRL or


P I f i

Process Information

Feed stream conditions. (T, P, Flow, Composition)


Unit operation information.

What unit operations are needed?

UniSim Design Architecture g

m e n t

e n t



E n v i r o n B a s i s i r o n m Hypo Components Components

Property Package


Property Package

FLUID PACKAGE Hypo Components



Property Package


n n t


Special type f O ti


u l a t i o o n m e SUB FLOWSHEET COL SUB FLWSHT Column -Operation

of Operation Operations

SUB FLOWSHEET S i m E n v i r Streams Operations SUB FLOWSHEET Simultaneous




Streams Operations

SUB FLOWSHEET Each Sub flowsheet has its own “Environment”

Streams Operations

UniSim Design


USD Key Features

Calculates Bi-Directionally

Calculates as much as it can, as soon as it can

Primary Interface Elements

Primary Interface Elements PFD


Obj P Vi

Object Property Views

Tips for working in the Basis Environment

E Fl id P k d t li t d t k

Every Fluid Package needs a component list and a property package.

The Peng-Robinson EOS has been optimized for use with most “Oil & Gas” applications in UniSim Design.

It is very important the right property package is chosen. The accuracy of the model depends on this choice.

The “Master” component list is a superset of all components in the other p p p

lists. It can not be selected as the component list for use in a fluid package.

Fluid Packages can be exported and shared with colleagues.

Degrees of Freedom in UniSim Design

F t l t f th fi“t t”i bl b ifi d(P T H For streams, only two of the five “state” variables can be specified. (P, T, H,

S, or VF).

Normally, the user will specify T-P, T-VF, or P-VF.

For dewpoint calculations, Set the VF = 1, and enter T or P. UniSim Design will calculate the other parameters based on the thermo model that has been chosen.

Likewise, the bubble point can be found by setting the VF to 0.

Never specify more than one type of flow.

Mole Mass Liquid Volume@std cond or Std Ideal Liquid Volume Mole, Mass, Liquid Volume @ std. cond. or Std. Ideal Liquid Volume

Tips for adding streams and operations

Th f th d f ddi bj t

There are four methods for adding objects Flowsheet Menu, F11 or F12, Object Palette, Workbook

Streams can also be added by typing their name into the connections page y yp g p g for a unit operation.

Use this option carefully as a simple typo will result in a undesired result.

To connect objects, use the drop-down lists or the PFD attach mode. Hold down the Ctrl key to access this mode.

Utilities in UniSim Design

Th t i t f Utiliti i U iSi D i

There are two main types of Utilities in UniSim Design:

Stream Utilities


Operation Utilities

Stream utilities are attached to streams and include items like: envelopes, property tables, hydrate, etc.

Operation utilities are attached to operations and include:tray sizing vessel Operation utilities are attached to operations and include: tray sizing, vessel

sizing, and pipe sizing.

There are other utilities that do not attach to either streams or operations.

These include the property balance utility and the optimization utilities.

These include the property balance utility and the optimization utilities


电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点和技巧。 (参考教材P202-210) 1 概述 电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括: 前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。 其中,基本功能和使用指南是主体部分。 一些简单易用的电器、电子产品,其说明书也相对简略。电器、电子产品说明书译文的预期功能主要是提供商品特点和使用信息,通过让译语用户了解产品的性能、特点、用途、使用和保管等方面,促使其完成购买行为。 2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点 特点概括起来包括: 准确性(accuracy)、 简明性(conciseness)、 客观性(objectivity)等。 2.1 准确性 电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。在英译过程中,必须

把信息内容如实准确地翻译出来,显化原文隐含的信息,消除歧义。一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语: 镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、 三角架(tripod)、 数码变焦(digital zoom)、 快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 2.2 简明性 简明性特点表现为: (1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。 (2)常用缩略形式。例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display) 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED; 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成CPU; 自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF; 手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF 2.3 客观性 电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。这些内容带有描述说明的性质,客观而不带有感情色彩。例如:原文:紧急退出功能键可让使用者在电源故障时,以手动方式打开


产品说明书英文版V HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】


This manual applies to the following models: 3UA Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 3UB Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 8U Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal ) 8U-S Multiview CONTROLER( Optional Front Panal ) 12U Multiview CONTROLER LED Very-large Dot Matrix Screen Multiview CONTROLER ( K Series ) Monitoring Multiview CONTROLER ( N Series ) 3D Multiview CONTROLER ( 3D Series ) 4K Multiview CONTROLER (4k Series ) IMPORTANT NOTICE The company reserves the right to update the manual according to improvement of products without any prior notice. In the process of using, if any content in this manual is inconsistent with actual products or there is any further question during use, please contact document information department of our company. Please read this manual carefully before using the CONTROLER and properly file it after reading for future reference. Pictures are for reference only, subject to our available products. Please pay close attention to those with the Icon of in the article.


1.1安全图标说明人身危险警告的重要注意事项1.2一般安全措施一般预防措施1.操作员必须遵守安全操作规则并遵守所有相关的工作安全要求和规定。 2.如果以下任何陈述不符合适用法规,则以更严格的陈述为准。 3.安装,操作,维护和维修工作只能由经过培训的授权专业人员执行。 4.压缩机产生的空气不被认为具有呼吸质量。为了使压缩空气达到呼吸质量,必须根据适用的法律和标准对压缩空气进行充分净化。 5.在进行任何维护,修理,调整或任何其他非常规检查之前,请先停止压缩机,按紧急停机按钮,切断电源,并给压缩机降压。此外,必须打开并锁定电源隔离开关。 6.不要玩压缩空气。请不要让空气接触您的皮肤或将气流引导至人。请勿使用压缩空气对衣服进行除尘。使用压缩空气清洁设备时,请小心并戴防护眼镜。 7.用户有责任将设备维持在安全的工作状态。如果零件和附件不适合安全操作,则应将其更换。 8.禁止在压缩机外壳的顶板上站立或行走。1.3安装时的安全注意事项。因忽视这些注意事项或不遵守安装,操作,维护和修理所需的正常警告和注意事项(即使未指定)而造成的任何损坏或伤害,制造商概不负责。安装期间的注意事项1.只能根据适用的安全法规,使用适当的设备来抬起

机器。抬起之前,必须安全固定松动的零件或旋转的零件。提起重物时,禁止将其悬吊或停留在危险区域中。提升加速度和减速度必须保持在安全范围内。在高海拔或起重设备区域工作时,必须戴好安全帽。2.将机器放置在空气尽可能凉爽和清洁的环境中。如有必要,安装吸油管。不要阻塞进气口。必须采取措施尽可能减少进气中的水分。3.在连接管道之前,必须清除所有盲板法兰,塞子,盖子和干燥剂袋。6 2991 7092 20说明手册4.空气软管的尺寸必须正确并且适合在工作压力下使用。请勿使用磨损,损坏或旧的软管。支管和连接的尺寸必须正确,并且适合在工作压力下使用。5.吸入的空气中不得包含会引起内部火灾或爆炸的可燃气体,蒸气和颗粒(例如油漆溶剂)。6.安排进气口,以防止吸入操作员穿着的宽松衣服。7.确保从压缩机到后冷却器或空气网络的排气管在加热时能自由膨胀,并且不靠近易燃物或与易燃物接触。8.不得对排气门施加外力;连接管不得扭曲或变形。9.如果安装了遥控器,则必须清楚地标记机器以指示危险:机器是远程控制的,可能会启动而不会发出警报。在进行维护或修理之前,操作员必须确保关闭机器,并且隔离开关处于打开和锁定状态。为了进一步确保安全,打开远程控


Spiral chute 1、product description Spiral chute is integrated spiral separator, spiral chute, shaker, centrifugal concentration machine characteristics of the equipment, mining, mineral processing is the best equipment, especially the seaside, riverside, sand beach, the stream of placer mining is more ideal. The product has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple installation, covers an area of small, simple operation, stable ore beneficiation, clear, large processing capacity, high efficiency enrichment ratio high, high recovery rate, reliable operation characteristics. Have weight light, moisture-proof, rust-proof, corrosion resistance, of the feeding quantity and concentration, particle size, quality of volatility adaptability is strong, no noise. 2、Separation principle Spiral chute is a membrane flow gravity separation equipment, the selection principle is the use of useful minerals and gangue in proportion, particle size, shape differences, in rotating inclined flow by gravity, centrifugal force, hydrodynamic pressure and friction force with different groove face, realize the useful minerals and gangue stratification, branch tape sorting. Heavy, coarse granularity, fast sedimentation of particles gradually moved towards the spiral groove inner edge, the proportion of small, fine particle size, particle sedimentation slow gradually moved to the spiral groove edge, gradually banding, culminating in the spiral groove end by cutting ore tank is respectively connected out, to realize separation. 3、Application The sorting equipment for grain size mm fine iron ore, titanium ore, chromite,


产品说明书范文英文版 电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英) 便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics 使用说明书User’s Manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验 产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获 取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用 本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机, 如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容 有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice. 一、产品概述 General Information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响, 适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐


阿特拉斯空压机控制面板操作说明 1--启动按钮 (此按钮可用来启动压缩机。指示灯(8)点亮,表示EⅡ电脑控制器正在运行。) 2—显示屏 (显示有关压缩机的工作状况,保养及故障信息) 3—滚动键 (此键可用向上或向下滚动显示屏) 4--制表位键TAB (按此键,可以选择水平箭头标示的参数,只能修改后面有水平箭头的参数.) 5—功能键 (功能键可以用来控制和设定压缩机) 6--电源指示灯 (指明已接通电源) 7—综合报警指示灯(如果存在报警,保养报警,则该指示灯会亮起)

8—自动运行指示灯(指明电脑控制器正在自动运行) 9---停机按钮(按下此按钮,可以停止运行压缩机.(8)会熄灭。在卸载情况下运行30秒后,压缩机将停止运行) S3—紧急停机按钮(按此按钮,可以在紧急情况下立即停止压缩机,排除故障后拔出按钮以解除锁定。) 开机前 1、检查油位。油位指针必须指在绿色区域的上部或高于该区域。 2、如果空气过滤器保养指示器的彩色部分完全显示出来,更换空气过滤器芯,参考使用说明书复位保养指示器和保养报警时钟。 开机 1、合上电源。检查电源指示灯(6)是否点亮。 2、打开空气出气阀。 3、关闭冷凝液排污阀。 4、按开机按钮I。空压机开始运行,自动运行指示灯(8)点亮,开机后10秒,空压机开始加载运行。 在运行中 1、经常检查油位,在加载中,指针必须位于绿色区域。 2、如果指示灯(8)点亮,电脑控制器正自动控制压缩机的加载,卸载,停机和重新启动。 3、经常检查显示屏(2):空压机的运行状态通过图标显示 在显示屏上。 4、如果报警指示灯(7)点亮或闪烁,请排除故障,参考使用说明书。如果需保养,停机并执行保养措施,参考使用说明书。 停机 1、按停机按钮O。指示灯(8)熄灭。空压机大约卸载运行30秒后停机。 2、在紧急情况下停机,按控制面板旁的红色紧急停机按钮,报警指示灯(7)闪烁。在重新开机前拨出按钮并按重新设置键解除锁定。 3、关闭空气出气阀并切断电源。


1 显示屏-键 1 典型显示图 显示器有四行:1 前三行:——显示屏显示传感器的名称和实际的读数。 ——测量值的单位和传感器的实际读数。 ——关于空压机运行的信息(空压机停机,等等),保养要求(比如油过滤 器和空气过滤器)或者是故障信息(比如故障停机)

2滚动键(↑↓):——这些滚动键标有垂直的箭头,允许滚动显示屏。 ——只要在显示屏的最右边的位置上有一个指向下面的箭头,其对 应的滚动键就可以用来查阅下面的内容 3 表格键( = ):该键标有两个水平箭头,允许操作者选择标有水平箭头的参数。只有 后面跟着指向右面的箭头的参数才可以修改, 3功能键(F1/F2/F3):——用于查阅或编制设定值, ——复位电机过载,故障停机或保养信息,或紧急停机, ——查看电脑控制器收集到的所有参数, ——(F1/F2/F3)所对应的功能根据显示的菜单变化而变化,它们的 实际功能显示在显示屏的底部,刚好在相应的功能键的上面。最常用的功能中英文对应如下: Automatically Loaded 自动加载 Automatic Operation 自行运行 matically Loaded 自动卸载 Locally controlled 本地控制 Remote controlled 遥控控制 Manual Operation 手动运行 Manual Unloaded 手动卸载 Unioad 卸载 Running hours 运行时间 Loading hours 加载时间 Main Screen 主显示屏 Shutdown 故障停机 Compressor Outlet 压缩机排气口 Show More 更多 Add 增加指令用来增加空压机的自动启动/停机(日期) Back 返回指令返回到的选择或菜单 Cancel 取消当设定参数有误时.用来取消已设定的数 dleete 删除用来删除空压机的自动启动/停机时间 Help 帮助帮助寻找Atlas Copco的内部地址 Limits 上下限显示允许设定的上下极限数据 Load 负载手动操作空压机负载 Main screen 回到主目录从任一画面回到主目录 Menu 菜单 Modify 修改修改设定参数 Status Data 状态参数 Shutdown 故障停机 Shutdown Warning 故障停机报警 Motor overload 电机过载 Running Hours 运行时间 Program 编写输入将新的设定数据编写输入 Reset 重新设定重新设定计时器及信息,定时器或复位 Rtrn 回归回归到前一页或前一目录 Maximum 最大值 Shutdown Maximum 故障停机最大设置值 Reset 复位


便携式多媒体音响 portable multimedia acoustics 使用说明书 user’s manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机,如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 一、产品概述 general information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响,适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐带来的轻松,为您的电脑、数码音乐播放器、手机等视听产品提供超值完美的音质。 二、功能特点 function overview 【mp3播放】直接播放tf卡及u盘mp3文件。 [mp3 player] enable directly playing mp3 files in tf memory card and u disk. 【fm收音机】fm数字立体声收音机,电台记忆播放。(可选机型,功能以实物为准) [fm radio] a fm digital stereo radio; enable mnemonic radio channel playing. 【外挂耳机】本机配置标准耳机插孔,可选配耳机聆听音乐。 [ext earphone] a standard earphone jack included; enable listening with earphone. 【断点记忆】自动记忆上次退出时的曲目播放。 [memory function] memorize the item played last time automatically. 【可充锂电】内置可充电锂电池,环保、节约、实用。 [chargeable battery] chargeable battery included; environmental, economical and functional. 三、播放音乐操作operation 四、产品的按键、插孔功能定义(以实物为准) definition of button and jack (real object be taken as final) 1、 :长按开机/关机,播放/暂停。在fm模式可以选择已被 保存的电台。 long press for power on/off, short press for play/pause. in fm mold, protected radio channel can be chosen. 2、 :短按上一曲,选择上一个收音电台,长按调节音量减 小。short press for last item or last channel, long press for turning down the volume. 3、 :短按下一曲,选择下一个收音电台,长按调节音量增 大。short press for next item or next channel, long press for turning up the volume. 4、 :模式转换键,短按转为usb/sd卡模式,再短按为 line in(aux音频输入模式),在fm收音模式,长按为自动搜台并记忆保存电台。 mode shift button: short press and shift to usb/sd mode, once more to line in (aux audio input mode); in fm mode, long press stands for automatic search and memorizing the radio channel. 5、


200 阿特拉斯*科普柯固定式空气压7 GA55 - GA75 - GA55 W - GA75 W 奉Elektro nikon II 总驕 變訓愿 使用说明书 44 2920 1464 02 No. 2920 Reg Elektro ni ko n I I 2920 1461 Ox 1464 02 0C/2000 / 38 / 988 JL 特阿婷取条*輯普KU 權札林陈介? 优同覗轉轟 备注: 帝机 -GA90C - GA90C

*取乐 ■ fu 匕明H 同t 了 压畑 I* 尸:>j A f O f-4- ■构J. 崎用才 Fiq il 專规* 杆 In f 务 Jri-U .廉?d i. ct jJ <> 4春 ?A [JL £ 車 ★昨 M 舸 内客 1 ........................................ 1.1 ....................................................................... 1.1.1 ................................................................ 3 3.5 . .... ......... ...25 3 3.6...;..,..... .26 4 3.7 ........... ...' .................................. .. ..26 5 6 4 命 ....... ...27 o 8 4.1................ ..27 8 4.2 ............. ..27 8 4.3 ............. (29) 8 4.3.1 Atlas Copco ........... i ........... .............. . .29 8 4.3.2.. .29 8 4.4 ......... . .■L ?W ?K .I W :>I ......... ..29 8 4.5....“....... ...■ ......................................... ...30 9 4.6 ............... ..30 10 10 5 .................. 馭理..書...... ..30 10 5.1......- ......... ................................................ .30 14 5.2 ........... ..30 14 5.3 .......... ;..... ..30 14 14 6 ............. ....... ■...■.…■;...■.... :. J .31 14 7 (32) 7.1 ................ ..32 15 7.2 .......... ...32 15 B L 7.3 ..33 16 7.3.1 ’ GA55/GA55W .....^ ..................... ...33 18 7.3.2 GA75/GA75W ......^ ............... ...33 18 7.3.3 GA90C/GA90CW .....彳....... ...34 18 7.3.4.. ............ .34 19 7.4..,:........ .................. ..34 19 7.5.............■.. - .34 20 7.5.1.. ...■_■.■■..■■ ................................. ..34 21 7.5.2.. - (35) 7.5.3 GA55/GA55 W W orkplace ........................... ...35 21 7.5.4 GA55/GA55 W W orkplace FF ...................... ...35 21 7.5.5 GA75/GA75 W W orkplace ........................... ...36 21 7.5.6 GA75/GA75 W W orkplace FF ...................... ...36 21 7.5.7 GA90C/GA90C W W orkplace ......................... .37 21 7.5.8 GA90C/GA90C W W orkplace FF .... (37) 22 7.6 ......... :..... ...... (38) 22 23 8 ?L :... . ..39 24 24 25


MKIV 控制器操作说明 停车按钮 启动按钮 显示器 上下滚动键 制表键 通电指示灯 故障报警指示灯 自动控制运行灯 功能键 报警 运行 电源 紧急停车按钮 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S2 1 2 3 S2 $ 9 8 11 10 7 12 6 9

1显示屏-键 1典型显示图 显示器有四行:i前三行:一一显示屏显示传感器的名称和实际的读数。――测量值的单位和传感器的实际读 数。


2滚动键(TJ):这些滚动键标有垂直的箭头,允许滚动显示屏。 ——只要在显示屏的最右边的位置上有一个指向下面的箭头,其对 应的滚动键就可以用来查阅下面的内容 3 表格键( = ):该键标有两个水平箭头,允许操作者选择标有水平箭头的参数。只有后面跟 着指向右面的箭头的参数才可以修改, 3 功能键(F1/F2/F3):——用于查阅或编制设定值, ——复位电机过载,故障停机或保养信息,或紧急停机, ——查看 电脑控制器收集到的所有参数, ――(F1/F2/F3)所对应的功能根据显示的菜单变化而变化,它们的实际功能显示在显示屏的底部,刚好在相应的功能键的上面。最常用的功能中英文对应如下:Automatically Loaded自动加载 Automatic Operation自行运行 matically Loaded自动卸载 Locally controlled本地控制 Remote controlled遥控控制 Manual Operation手动运行 Manual Unloaded手动卸载 Unioad卸载 Running hours运行时间 Loading hours加载时间 Main Screen主显示屏 Shutdown故障停机 Compressor Outlet压缩机排气口 Show More更多 Add增加指令用来增加空压机的自动启动/停机(日期) Back返回指令返回到的选择或菜单 Cancel取消当设定参数有误时.用来取消已设定的数 dleete删除用来删除空压机的自动启动/停机时间 Help帮助帮助寻找Atlas Copco的内部地址 Limits上下限显示允许设定的上下极限数据 Load负载手动操作空压机负载 Main screen回到主目录从任一画面回到主目录 Menu菜单 Modify修改修改设定参数 Status Data状态参数 Shutdown故障停机 Shutdown Warning故障停机报警 Motor overload电机过载 Running Hours运行时间 Program编写输入将新的设定数据编写输入 Reset重新设定重新设定计时器及信息,定时器或复位 Rtrn回归回归到前一页或前一目录 Maximum最大值 Shutdown Maximum故障停机最大设置值 Reset复位


spiral chute 1、 product description spiral chute is integrated spiral separator, spiral chute, shaker, centrifugal concentration machine characteristics of the equipment, mining, mineral processing is the best equipment, especially the seaside, riverside, sand beach, the stream of placer mining is more ideal. the product has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple installation, covers an area of small, simple operation, stable ore beneficiation, clear, large processing capacity, high efficiency enrichment ratio high, high recovery rate, reliable operation characteristics. have weight light, moisture-proof, rust-proof, corrosion resistance, of the feeding quantity and concentration, particle size, quality of volatility adaptability is strong, no noise. 2、 separation principle spiral chute is a membrane flow gravity separation equipment, the selection principle is the use of useful minerals and gangue in proportion, particle size, shape differences, in rotating inclined flow by gravity, centrifugal force, hydrodynamic pressure and friction force with different groove face, realize the useful minerals and gangue stratification, branch tape sorting. heavy, coarse granularity, fast sedimentation of particles gradually moved towards the spiral groove inner edge, the proportion of small, fine particle size, particle sedimentation slow gradually moved to the spiral groove edge, gradually banding, culminating in the spiral groove end by cutting ore tank is respectively connected out, to realize separation. 3、 application the sorting equipment for grain size 0.3--0.02 mm fine iron ore, titanium ore, chromite, pyrite, zircon, monazite, rutile , phosphorus ore, tungsten, tin, b mine of tantalum niobium ore with the difference of specific gravity, and other non-ferrous metals, rare metals and non-metallic mineral. the sorting process with a stable, easy to control, to allow changes to the mineral concentration range, high enrichment, high recovery rate, small occupation area, little water consumption, simple structure, no need of power, large processing quantity, simple installation, convenient operation, small investment, quick advantages. 4、the method of use the spiral chute is erected, calibrated vertical line, with metal or wood fixed in position, by the sand pump will ore to spiral top two inlet, adding supplemental water, mineral ore concentration regulation paddle, paddle down naturally from high swirl, in rotating inclined flow produces a kind of inertial centrifugal force, with ore proportion, particle size, shape differences, swirl through the action of gravity and centrifugal force, will be mine and sand separating, concentrate into the concentrate pipe connected with a hopper, tailings into tailing bucket a pipeline is connected to a sand pool, then the pump discharge, finished processing the whole process. 5、structure and technical parameter 6、installation spiral chute installation procedures and requirements: 1) first check the glass steel spiral slice quality (especially the work surface


MKIV控制器操作说明1 停车按钮 2启动按钮 3 显示器 4 上下滚动键 5 制表键 6 通电指示灯 7 故障 报警指示灯 8 自 动控制运行灯 9 功能键 10 报警 11 运行

1 显示屏-键 1 典型显示图 显示器有四行:1 前三行: ——显示屏显示传感器的名称和实际的读数。 ——测量值的单位和传感器的实际读数。 ——关于空压机运行的信息(空压机停机,等等),保养要求(比如油过滤器和空气过滤器)或者是故障信息(比如故障停机)

2滚动键(↑↓):——这些滚动键标有垂直的箭头,允许滚动显示屏。 ——只要在显示屏的最右边的位置上有一个指向下面的箭头,其 对应的滚动键就可以用来查阅下面的内容 3 表格键 ( = ):该键标有两个水平箭头,允许操作者选择标有水平箭头的参数。只 有后面跟着指向右面的箭头的参数才可以修改, 3功能键(F1/F2/F3):——用于查阅或编制设定值, ——复位电机过载,故障停机或保养信息,或紧急停机, ——查看电脑控制器收集到的所有参数, ——(F1/F2/F3)所对应的功能根据显示的菜单变化而变化,它 们的实际功能显示在显示屏的底部,刚好在相应的功能键的上 面。 最常用的功能中英文对应如下: Automatically Loaded 自动加载 Automatic Operation 自行运行 matically Loaded 自动卸载 Locally controlled 本地控制 Remote controlled 遥控控制 Manual Operation 手动运行 Manual Unloaded 手动卸载 Unioad 卸载 Running hours 运行时间 Loading hours 加载时间 Main Screen 主显示屏 Shutdown 故障停机 Compressor Outlet 压缩机排气口 Show More 更多 Add 增加指令用来增加空压机的自动启动/停机(日期) Back 返回指令返回到的选择或菜单 Cancel 取消当设定参数有误时.用来取消已设定的数 dleete 删除用来删除空压机的自动启动/停机时间 Help 帮助帮助寻找Atlas Copco的内部地址 Limits 上下限显示允许设定的上下极限数据 Load 负载手动操作空压机负载 Main screen 回到主目录从任一画面回到主目录 Menu 菜单 Modify 修改修改设定参数 Status Data 状态参数 Shutdown 故障停机 Shutdown Warning 故障停机报警 Motor overload 电机过载 Running Hours 运行时间 Program 编写输入将新的设定数据编写输入 Reset 重新设定重新设定计时器及信息,定时器或复位 Rtrn 回归回归到前一页或前一目录 Maximum 最大值


深圳市慧拓鑫科技有限公司 Shenzhen Hui Tuo Xin Technology Co., Ltd. 产品资料 Product information 1、TOP电源防雷箱系列(TOP Power lightning protection box series) 产品介绍Product introduction TOP电源防雷箱系列依据IEC标准设计,8/20波形最大通流容量20KA-100KA,能对电源系统的浪涌电压进行有效的钳制,电源B、C、D级产品均具备。 TOP Power lightning protection box series is designed according to IEC

standard, 8/20 wave maximum flow capacity of 20KA-100KA, to power system voltage surge effectively clamped, power supply B, C, D products have. TOP电源防雷箱配系列具备测试指示灯功能,能有效的指示防雷箱工作电源、浪涌防护状态,并可选备雷击计数、远程遥信监测功能。 TOP Power lightning protection box series Have a test indicator function,Can effectively indicate the lightning protection box power supply、Surge protection status And optional lightning counting、Remote remote monitoring function ★电涌保护器失效报警功能/相零反接及接地不良报警 ★(Surge protection device failure alarm function / Phase zero reverse connection and grounding alarm) ★雷击计数显示、电源指示功能(可选) ★ Lightning counting display,Power indicator function(Optional) ★电浪保护器远程监测功能(失效) ★ Remote monitoring function(Failure) ★残压低、响应时间快 ★ Residual depression and Fast response time ★安装设计人性化、结构严谨 ★ Installation design of humanity and Strict structure ★工作环境温度适应性强 ★ Working environment temperature adaptability
