










An Outline of Allianz Dazhong Life Insurance Company Limited in 2001

Allianz Dazhong Life Insurance Co., Ltd., a joint venture company of Allianz AG of Germany and Dazhong Insurance Co., Ltd. of China, established and registered in Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China. It received the official approval of the People’s Bank of China on October 20th, 1998 with a registered capital of RMB 200 million.

320 公司版?安联大众?综述

Allianz AG, founded in 1890, is the most specialized and largest leading composite insurance group in the world. Its headquarter is based in Munich. The group is now presented in more than 70 countries and regions through its branches and institutions around the globe. More than 180,000 employees offer insurance services in all aspects to 60 million clients worldwide, including life insurance, non-life insurance and all line of reinsurance. Meanwhile, as one of the top ten institutional investors in the world, Allianz Group also manages asset on behalf of its insurance clients and institutional investors. The financial solidity of Allianz Group is reflected in the highest A++ rating by U.S. insurance rating agency –A.M.Best, and AA+ rating assigned by Standard & Poor. This fully improves Allianz’s strong financial strength, good reputation, stable operation and perfect service. Allianz Group ranked as the worldwide 25th largest company in the 2001 Fortune Top 500.

Dazhong Insurance Company Limited of China is a commercial insurer with more 24 shareholders, who are all strongly capitalized large and medium sized enterprises with profitable operations. Through 7 years of diligent hard work, Dazhong Insurance Company Limited of China has achieved outstanding business success and great influence with over 20% annual premium increasing rate in recent years. Dazhong has set up more than 10 branches and subsidiaries in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces to constantly develop its business in the triangle area of Yangtze River. Dazhong Insurance Co. covers many important constructions, Ltd. such as Water Diversion project of the Upper Stream of Huangpu River, Shi Dongkou Electricity Factory, the Gas Field of Ping Lake of East Sea, the 2nd Bridge of Yangtze River, Shanghai International Convention Center and Shanghai Stadium.

Allianz Dazhong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. has the competitive advantage based on the combination of the security and know-how of the Allianz Group and the fresh and vital experience of Dazhong Insurance Co., Ltd. of China in local insurance market. From the official opening on Jan 25th1999, Allianz Dazhong has devoted to provide sincere and high-quality service to the clients. Based on its value of as ‘Customer Driven, Service Oriented, Highly Reliable’Allianz Dazhong wants to bring peacefulness, happiness and safety to every family in Shanghai.

In 2001, Allianz Dazhong achieved the total premium income at 55 million RMB, which is 110% of the year target and double the amount of Year 2000. Within 3 years, Allianz Dazhong has more than 30 products selling in the marketing including pension product, investment product, scholarship product, health insurance and accident insurance product to provide the people with complete insurance coverage and more investment channels. Lianzhong Flexible Friend Participating Annuity Insurance, Lianzhong Juvenile Health Insurance Package and Lianzhong Woman Health Insurance Package are newly launched in 2001. They are well designed to meet the needs of market and welcome by clients. Allianz Dazhong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. was approved by CIRC at the beginning of 2001 to increase the investment ratio of MSF (Mutual Securities Fund) to 15% of the gross asset at the end of last year. The Management of Allianz Dazhong regards this as a reward to the company’s good investment results.

Allianz Dazhong has also received a great success in its publicity and name awareness promotion in 2001. Allianz Dazhong sponsored the Shenhua Match Preview Magazine in 2001 Season and also became the sole insurer of all Shenhua football players and coaches. This sponsorship and cooperation undoubtedly helped to increase insurance awareness among Shanghai citizens, a goal that Allianz Dazhong has been actively pursuing since the start of its operation. And Allianz Dazhong actively participated in the 2nd Shanghai International Insurance Exhibition in December, which got good reflect from the public too.

The long-term objective of Allianz Dazhong is to continuously participate in the development of the Chinese life insurance market by giving its full support on the enlightenment and awareness of the people towards the necessity of private old-age care and life insurance coverage, thus contributing to the welfare and ongoing development of the Chinese society.

As a ‘Customer Driven, Service Oriented, Highly Reliable’life insurance company with advanced management model and faithful attitude, Allianz Dazhong Life Insurance Co. Ltd. will rely on its well-trained staff and agents to promote the professional standards and service quality of Shanghai insurance market to a new level.






现金及银行存款 116.61 88.86 贷款


投资 65.5 62.06 减:投资风险准备 0.15

存出保证金 40.01 40.01 应收保费 1.65 0.25 应收款项 2.02 3.09 减:坏帐准备



固定资产 10.64 13.83 其它资产 9.90 8.13 资产总额 246.18 216.23 负债

未到期责任准备金 1.99 1.08 人身险责任准备金 68.15 23.31 长期责任准备金 0.05 0.05 未决赔款准备金 0.02 0.06 存入分保准备金


应付分保帐款 0.14 0.14 其他应付帐款 2.71 2.15 其他负债 13.00 2.68 负债合计 86.06 29.47 所有者权益

实收资本 200.00 200.00 资本公积 16.19 15.52 盈余公积

保险保障基金 0.07 0.03 未分配利润 -56.14 -28.79 所有者权益合计 160.12 186.76 负债及所有者权益 246.18 216.23


保费收入 55.30 27.31 分保业务收入 0.44 0.23 其他业务收入

转回未到期责任准备金 1.08 0.19 转回人身险责任准备金 23.31 3.15 转回长期责任准备金 0.05 0

转回未决赔款准备金 0.06 0.03


赔款支出 0.46 0.04 退保金及给付 0.41 0.05 分保业务支出 1.31

手续费支出 0.01

佣金支出 5.66 3.73 费用及其他支出 36.63 30.93 提存未到期责任准备金 1.99 1.08 提存人身险责任准备金 68.14 23.31 提存长期责任准备金 0.05 0.05 提存未决赔款准备金 0.02 0.06 提存保险保障基金 0.04 0.02 营业税金及附加 3.74 0.53 营业利润–38.22 -29.20 加:投资收益 11.23 9.41 营业外收入 0.02 0.01 减:营业外支出 0.01


利润总额 -26.98 -19.78 减:所得税

净利润–26.98 -19.78

322 公司版?安联大众?统计

公司版?安联大众?大事记 323

○ 3月,安联大众人寿保险有限公司与上海申花足球俱乐部有限公司在申花足球总会签订了赞助协议。安联大众在2001年甲A 赛季中,赞助赛事预览杂志《申花风云录》。与此同时,包括40名运动员和教练,及30名工作人员在内的俱乐部的所有成员,以个人名义投保安联大众的人身意外保险和医疗险,总保额达1400万元。

○ 为了进一步开拓保险市场,同时为代理人提供专业的培训和全方位的支持,经上海保监会批准,安联大众人寿保险有限公司于4月28日在金山石化地区开设了公司的第四个寿险营业员管理处。

○ 4月,安联大众人寿保险有限公司获准将其投资证券投资基金的比例提高到上年末资产的15%。据了解,此次被批准的只有安联大众一家,这无疑是中国保险监督管理委员会对该公司前一阶段投资业绩的认可。

○ 11月1日至2日,德国安联集团董事会主席舒尔特·诺勒博士对上海进行了短暂的访问。在沪期间,舒尔特·诺勒博士拜会了中国保险监督管理委员会上海办公室邓雄汉副主任,双方就中国保险市场现状和发展深入地交换了意见。

○ 12月12日至15日,中国入世后第一个保险业盛会——第二届上海国际保险业展览会暨保险国际论坛在上海国际会议中心举行。在中国保险业大幅对外开放的背景下,20余家中外保险业巨头云集一堂。作为参展公司之一,安联大众人寿保险有限公司积极参加了本次展览会。在总面积达108平方米的展区内,安联大众和安联保险上海代表处,大众保险股份有限公司一起搭建了风格鲜明的展台。通过展板,宣传资料和多媒体等手段多方位地介绍了三家公司的发展现状、产品特色和社会活动。


○ 4月,联众锦绣前程分红年金保险获保监会同意备案。此产品为客户提供了非常灵活的“满期年金选择”,并首次引入了“年金推迟”概念。

○ 六一节前夕,安联大众人寿保险有限公司推出的“联众亲亲宝贝少儿医疗保险计划”。该计划特有“乖乖宝贝型”和“淘气小子型”两种方案,确保每个投保的孩子都能得到最适当的保障。

○ 7月,公司又推出了“联众护花使者女性分红医疗保险计划”,为女性在罹患女性疾病时提供了一种用于治疗和康复的经济支持。除了保障最常见、对女性危害最大的女性疾病外,“联众护花使者”还为女性手术提供保障,是目前上海保险市场上独一无二的,堪称最完备的女性保障计划。

○ 9月,安联大众再推出新型医疗保险

“联众附加住院费用医疗保险A 、B 类”,专为减少医保后个人的自负额而设计,保费低廉而且无须体检,深受消费者欢迎。

○ 7月,安联大众在上海50家书店内推出免费书卡。全套书卡共6张,设计上一改安联大众一贯严肃沉稳的风格,以一种轻松而有深意的画面诠释了安联大众的公司形象。同时,公司还与贝塔思曼书社合作,同图书介绍一起派送安联大众的书卡。

○ 8月初,在上海医疗保险培训中心及安联上海代表处的协助下,安联大众人寿保险有限公司为上海市多家大型医院的院长举办了‘现代企业模拟经营管理培训’,以增强医院管理者管理能力,迎接市场经济对医院的挑战。这是继去年安联大众出资建立保险医学研究基金后,对上海医疗保险培训中心的又一次支持。

○ 2001年的中秋佳节正值国庆,又逢上海旅游节。9月22日,公司在静安公园前举办了一个主题为“爱护家人,先让安联大众保护您”的大型中秋宣传活动,不但增强了在上海市民中的知名度,同时也向大众展示了公司文化并传达了安联大众关心大众生活,爱护每个家庭的理念。
