Working Experience or Education, Which Is More Important

Working Experience or Education, Which Is More Important
Working Experience or Education, Which Is More Important

Working Experience or Education, Which Is More Important? Bailey:Good morning everyone. Welcome to our debate. The topic of our group is that working experience or education, which is more important? When it comes to the importance between education and working experience, different people have different opinions. Education and working experience are the two main channels for people to acquire knowledge. Both of them play important roles in our daily life. Some people prefer to read books while others insist that working experience is better. Compare the knowledge gained from working experience with the knowledge gained from books, which is better?

Mandy:I think rich working experience is more important than education. As we all know, we need experience to get a job, and we need a job to get experience. A lot of companies claim that they need interviewers who have 3 or 4 years’ experience in a particular field. Why they pay attention to experience? Because it can bring good luck to companies?

Cathy:You can’t really mean that. In my opinion, education is more significant than working experience. My opinions will be list as follows, first, you have to take part in a job interview, the employer put a high value on first impression of a person. But your degree must be showed to the employer. Second, as a college student, there is no doubt that education plays a very important role in the future. If people have a high education level, there are more chances waiting for you.

Bailey:I don’t think you are right. When a person with high education can combine the theory with his working experience, he will succeed. If he just only acquires education but not put it over experience, I think it will be hard for him to adapt a new situation in this changing world.

Sally:I disagree with you totally. If you haven’t got high education in school, you would easily fail to achieve your goal. First, education is the navigator who can lead you to success. Second, education can help people to choose the right development direction.

Mandy:I’m afraid you are wrong here. Just as the story about “A Colt Cross a River”we learnt at primary school. Common saying goes, “The truth comes from practices and experience”. Experience can help you how to make things better. For example, when one wants to learn how to swim, he or she has to learn the experience of a teacher and jump into water instead of holding a swimming book.

Cathy:Maybe you are right that the people who have experience are easier to do things .But if you can also learn from the past stories by reading books, you will benefit from the stories and gain some knowledge. In this way, we won’t do the wrong

things which others did. We can learn things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life.

Bailey:Last but not least, every one needs to work. That is the most significant thing in our life. Even though you can get high grades in paper exams, those numbers can not make you living better in real life. How many high-mark students do not know how to cook? Millions? Billions? I don't know. But I know high education is not to mention high pay.

Sally:My fellow debaters, please allow me to ask that if education isn’t more important, why do you still study in university? What goals do you want to get? Why not get more working experience?

Mandy:We all know that taking the diploma is not the only purpose in university. College is a preview before we into the society. It is good for us to adapt the society. In a word, I still stick to our point that working experience is more important than education.

Cathy:I support that education can improve people’s ability and professional qualities, that is to say education also is possessed of ability and special knowledge. All levels of the above, we insist that in modern society, education is more important than working experience.

Sally:Objectively speaking, as two different opinions, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Which is more important, the answer varies. It depends on the different conditions. Finally, I would like to say that if we really want to acquire something, we had better to learn the knowledge from books and working experience. So we can comprehend something deeper and more systematic.

That’s all. Thanks for your listening!
