


abacus abandon abashed

abate abbreviate abbreviation abdicate abdication abdomen aberrant aberration





abjure abnegate abnormal abominate aboveboard abrade

abraded abrasion' abrasive


abridge abrogate abruptly abscission abscond absentmindedness absolete absolute absolutely absolution absolve absorb absorbed absorbent absorption abstain abstemious abstention abstinence abstract abstraction abstractness abstruse absurd absurdity abundance abundant abuse

abut abysmal abyss academic academician academy accede accelerate accelerating acceleration accentuate acceptable acceptance

accessible accessory accidental acclaim acclaimed accolade accommodate accommodating accommodation accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord accountability accountant accrete accretion accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accurately accusation accuse accused accuser accustomed acerbic achieve achievement acidity acknowledge acknowledgment acolyte

acorn acquaintance acquainted acquiesce acquiescence acquiescent acquire acquisition acquisitiveness acquittal acrimonious acrimony acrobat


activate actuality

acuity acumen

acute adamant

adapt adaptability adaptable adaptation adaptive addiction addition additional additive address v adduce

adept adequacy adequate adequately

adhere adherence adherent adhesion adhesive adjacent adjourn adjudication adjudicator adjunct adjust adjusted adjustment adjutant adminish administer administration administrator admirable admiration admire admirer admiring admissible admonish admonishment admonitory adolescent adopt adoratio n adore

adorn adorned adornment adroit adroitly adroitness adulate adulation adulterate adulterated adulteration adumbrate advance v advanced advantage advantageous adventure adventurous adversary adverse adversity advertise advocacy advocate


aesthete aesthetic aesthetically aesthetics affability



affectation affected

affection 1 affectionate affiliate



affirm affirmation



affliction affluence

affluent affordable

affront affronted agenda agent aggrandize aggravate aggravating aggravation aggregate aggression aggressive aggrieved agile agility agitate agitated agitation agnostic agog agony agrarian agreeable agronomist agronomy ail aimless aircraft airtight aisle alacrity alarmed albeit alchemy alcohol alcove alert alertness algebra alias alibi


alienated alienation





all-consuming allegation


allegiance allenged




allocate allowance






allusive allusiveness



aloofness alphabet alphabetical

alter 1 altered

alternate alternative




altruistic aluminum

amalgam amalgamate amalgamated amateur ambidextrous ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambivalence ambivalent amble ambushed ameliorate amelioration amenable amend amendment amiability amiable amicable

amity amnesia amnesty amorphous amorphousness amortize amphibian amphibious amplification amplified amplifier amplify amulet

amuse amused amusement amusing anachronism anachronistic anagram analgesia analgesic analogous analogue analysis analytical anarchist anarchy anathema anatomical ancestor ancestry anchor anecdotal anecdote anemia anesthetic anguish angular angularity anhydrous animate animated animatedly animation animosity annals annexation annihilate annihilation annotate annotated annotation announce announced announcement annoy

annoyance annoyed annoying anodized anomalous anomaly anonymity anonymous antagonism antagonistic antagonize Antarctic antecedent antedate

antenna antennae

anthem anthology anthropologist antibiotic antibiotics antibody


anticipate anticipated anticipation anticipatory anticlimax antidote

antigen antihistamine antipathy 1 antiquated antique antiseptic antithesis antithetical antitoxic

anvil anxiety anxiousness aorta apathetic apathy apex aphorism aphoristic aplomb apocrypha apocryphal apolitical apologist apologize apology apostasy apostate apostrophe apostrophes appalling apparatus apparent apparition appeal appealing appearance appease appeasement appeasing appendix appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause applicability applicable applicant application

apposite apposition appraisal appraise appreciable appreciate appreciated appreciation apprehended apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprise approach 1 approbation appropriate appropriateness appropriating appropriation approval

approve approximately approximation apropos





aqueduct arabesque



arbitrarily arbitrariness arbitrary

arbitrate arbitration arbitrator arboreal arboretum arcane

arch archaeological archaeology archaic archaism archetypally archetype architect archive archivist





arena argumentation argumentative argumentativeness aria


aridness aristocracy armada



aromatic arouse

arrange arrangement array


arresting arrhythmic arrogance arrogant arsenal


arsonist artery artfulness articulate articulation artifact artifice artificial artisan artistic artistry artless artlessness ascend ascendancy ascent ascertain ascetic asceticism ascribe aseptic asperity aspersion aspiration assail assassination assault assay assemble assent assert assertion assertive assertiveness assess assessment assiduous assignment assimilate assimilated

assist assistance associate association assorted assuage

assume 1 assumed assumption 1 assurance


assured assuredness asterisk

asthma astonished astonishing astonishment astound astounding astringent astrologer astrology astronomer astronomical astronomy


asylum asymmetrical asymptomatic asynchronous atherosclerosis athlete


athletics atmospheric atonal atonement



attach attachment


attendant attentive attenuate attenuated attenuation



attorney attractive attribute attribution

attune audacious audacity



audition augment



auspices auspicious austere

austerity authentic authenticate authenticated authenticity authoritarian authoritative authoritativeness authority 1 authorization authorize autobiographical autobiography autocracy autocrat automatically autonomously autonomy auxiliary availability available avalanche avaricious avenge







avoid avoidable avoidance avow awareness awash


awe-inspiring awkward awkwardly awkwardness awl


axiom axiomatic



babble backdrop backwaters

bacteria bacterium badge badger badinage baffle



bale baleful balk ballad ballast ballet balloon balloting ballroom balm balmy banal banality band bandage bane banish banister bankrupt bankruptcy banner banquet banter barge bark barren barricade barrier barrrage barter base baseball basement baseness bashfulness bask


baton battalion bauxite bazaar beacon bead



beater beetle befriend befriended befuddlement beget begger begrudge beholder belabor belch beleaguer belie believability believable belittle bellicose belligerence belligerent belligerently bench

bend benediction benefactor beneficent

beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolence benevolent benign

bent bequeath berate bereft


beset besiege bespeak bestow betray betrayal bettor bewail bewilder bewildering bias biased bibliographer bibliography bicker bifurcate bigot

bile bilingual


bin biographer biography biped bishop

bit bitterness bizarre blackmail blade blame bland blandishment blandness blank blanket blasphemy blatancy blatant blatantly blaze bleach bleak bleeding blemish blend blessing blighted blindness blink

bliss blissful blithe blithely blizzard block blockade blockage blooming blossom blotch blouse blowhard blueprint bluffing blundering blunt

blunted blur

blush bluster boast boastful boastfully bodyguard boggle bogus boisterous bold boldness bolster

bolt bolted bombast bombastic bond bondage bonus bookcase boom boon

boor boorish boorishness boost border bore boredom boring botany bother boulder boundary bounded boundless bouquet bout


bowl boycott brace bracelet bracket brag braggart braid braided braiding brake branch brand

brat bravado bravery bravura brawl brazen brazenly breach breadth breakthrough breeder brevity bricklayer brief n brilliance brilliant brilliantly brimming brisk bristle brittle brittleness broach broaden

brocade brochure broker bromide



brook v browbeat bruised


brush brushwork brusque


brutality bubble










bulletin bullfight


bungle bungler


buoyant burdensome bureaucracy bureaucratic bureaucratization burgeon burgeoning burglar burgle burial burlesque burnish burst

bust bustling butcher butterfly buttress bygone byline bypass byproduct bystander byzantine cabinet cacophony cad

cadet cadge caffeine cajole cajolery calamity calcification calcify calcium calculable calculate calculated calculation calculus calendar calf calibrate calipers calligraphy callous

calloused callow calming calmness calorie calorimeter calumnious camaraderie cameo camouflage campaign canal

canary candid candidacy candidate candle candor candy cannibalism canny

canon canonical canopy

cant cantankerous canvas canvass canyon capability capable capacity cape capillary capitulate capitulation caprice capricious capriciousness capsule caption captious captiously captivate capture carapace carbohydrate carbonated carcinogen cardboard cardinal cardiologist carefree careless carelessly carelessness caress caret

cargo caricature carnival carp carpenter carrion

cart cartographer cartoon cartoonist carve cashier


caste castigate castigation castle cataclysmic catalog catalyst

catalytic catalyze catastrophe catastrophic categorical category cater caterpillar catharsis cathedral cattle caucus caulk causality caustic cauterize cautious cavalry caven cavern


cease ceiling celebrate celebrated celebrity cell


cello cellular cement censor censorious censorship censure census centralization centrifuge centurion ceramic

cereal ceremonious ceremoniousness ceremony


certainty certification certitude cessation


chagrin challenge 1 challenger challenging champion championship chandelier changeability channel





chapel characteristic characteristics characterization characterize charade charisma charismatic charitable







chase chassis chaste chastise chastisement chastity


chatter chatterbox chauvinist chauvinistic check checkbook cheerful cheerfulness chef

cherish cherished cherry cherubic chevron chew chicanery chick chimera chimney chimpanzee china chipmunk chisel chivalrous chlorine choir

choke chomp chorale chord choreographer choreography chorus

chromatic chromosome

chronic chronological chronology chrysanthemum chuckle


churlish churlishness







circulation circumference circumlocution circumscribe circumspect circumspection circumstance circumstantial circumstantiality circumvent circumvented circumvention




claim 20次clairvoyance







clarity 1 clash


classic classics classification classify clause


clay cleanliness cleanse cleavage cleave cleaver clemency cleverness cliche clientele


climax climber




clip cloistered


cloture cloudburst cloudiness clout

cloying clumsily clumsy

coach coagulant coagulation coalesce coalesced coarse coarsen coarseness coastline coax

cob cocoon coda


code codification codify coerce coercion coercive coeval coexistence cogent cogitate cognitive cognizance cognizant cohabit coherence coherent coherently cohesive coincide coincidence coincident coincidental coincidentally colander

cold-blooded collaboration collaborative collaborator

collage collapse collapsing collar

collate collateral colleague collect collection collective collector collide collision colloquial colloquialism collusion colon colonization colonize colony coloration colorless colorlessness colossus coltish column coma combat combatant combative combativeness combination combine combustible combustion comedienne comedy comeliness comely comet



comma command commander commemorate commence commencement commend commendable commensurate comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commingle commiseration commission commitment committed commodious commodity commonplace commonsensical commotion communicable communicate communication community commuter compact companion comparability comparable comparatively comparison compass

compassion compassionate compatibility compatible compatriot compel compelling compendium compensate compensating compensation compete competence competent competition competitive competitiveness compile complacence complacency complacent complain complaisance complaisant complement complementary completeness complex complexity compliance compliant complicate complicated complication compliment complimentary comply component compose composed composer composition compost composure compound comprehend comprehended comprehensibility comprehensible comprehensive comprehensively compress compression compressor compromise 1 computation compute comradeship concatenate concave

conceal 1 concealed concealment concede

conceit conceited conceivable conceive conceived concentrate concentrated concentration concept conception conceptual concern concerned concert

concerted concerto concession conciliate conciliation conciliatory concise conciseness concision conclude conclusion conclusive concord concrete concur concurrence condemn condemnation condemned condensation condense condensed conder condescension conditional condone condor conducive conduct conductor cone confection confederacy confer conference confess confide confidence confident confidential confidentiality configuration confine

confined confinement confirm 1 confirmation confirmed confiscate conflate

conflict 1 confluence conform conformism conformist conformity


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● a pivotal figure 关键人物 pivotal adj 枢纽的、关键的 ● a premium price 高价 premium n 保险金、a 高价的 a range of 一系列 rang from sth. to sth. (v) abandon 抛弃,放纵,纵欲 abandonment n abbreviate 缩写 abrasion 磨损 abstract 抽象的,概要(n) absurd 荒谬的 abundance none abundant 丰富 accelerate 积累 access 接触,靠近 have access to 能够接触到accessible 可以接触的acclaimed 受欢迎的 accommodate 食宿commodity 商品accommodating好客的乐于助人的accommodate (sb.)for the night an accommodating person 爽快人, 好人accompany v accordion手风琴accord 和谐、一致accumulatev 堆积cumulus积云 accustomed 习惯 ●acquaintance n 熟悉,熟人 quaint a 古怪,新奇的 a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交 I have no acquaintance with this book. 我不熟悉这本书。 acronym 大写字母缩略词 acute 尖锐的,急性的(病) chronic 慢性的 ●adapt 习惯 adopt采纳adaptable 可适应的 adaptation 习惯 additive n 添加剂/a 附加的addictive上瘾的adept a /n熟练的/老手 adjacent 毗邻的 adjoining 毗邻的 adjust v 调节just“ 正确” adjustment 调整 adobe n 土培房abode 住房 adopt v收养,采纳 adorn 装饰 adornment n advent n 来到adventure with the advent of … adverse adj相反的 adversely 负面的 adversity n 不幸、灾难 adversary 对手 advocate n/v 支持拥护 ●aesthetic adj美学的 esthetic 感觉的 anaesthetic n 麻醉剂 ana(无)+ aesthetically ●affect 影响/ 感动/假装 1.He was deeply affected by my words. 他听了我的话很受感动。 2.He affected not to hear me affected 装模作样 affiliate with 与。。。联合 afflict 折磨 conflict 冲突 inflict 施以,加害 affluenta富有的 ●aggravating a 一再恶化的 aggravate v 加重使恶化 gravity n 重力


智课网TOEFL备考资料 俞敏洪:100个句子记完的7000个托福单词 托福8000词汇怎么背?新东方俞敏洪老师从100套托福真题中提炼而出的100个经典句子,教你从100个句子记完的7000个托福单词…… 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。


俞敏洪TOEFL词汇串讲(文本) A a pivotal figure(关键)人物pivot枢纽轴心关键premium n.保险金奖金a.高级的,高价的 a premium student优秀学生a~price昂贵价格高价 a range of一系列的东西(有顺序)range from sth.to sth.从...到...范围,排列不等 abandon抛弃,放纵abandonment n. abbreviate v.缩短,缩写ab再brev短abbreviation n. abrasion n.磨损ras摩擦ab去掉 abstract(ab-去掉,stract拉)a.抽象的n.概要提纲 absurd a.荒谬的不合理的 abundance(und-波浪)n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚'undulate/fluctuate 波动 accelerate(celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长 Ab ac ag等加在同辅音字母前有‘一再加强’之意celerity速度decelerate v.减速 Acess接触靠近通路途径 have access to能够接触,靠近you have access to the library accessible a.可靠近的 acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎称赞acclaimed a.受人欢迎的 词根claim喊出来 accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应供应供给容纳(commod-方便commodity商品 accommodating a.乐于助人的 accompany v.陪伴,伴奏accompanist伴奏者accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏company公司伙伴accord v.和谐一致(-ion琴)accordion手风琴 accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积cumulous积云的accustom v.使习惯get accustomed to sth.海关custom关税tariff acquaintance n.熟悉,认识quaint a.奇异不凡的acronym(acry-高,-nym词)n.首字母缩略词用大写字母表示的缩略词 acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病 Acu尖尖锐-chron时间 adapt v.适应环境改编adaptable能适应的adaptation适应,改写本ad做apt能力适应 addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的addict(dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷 additive(add-加)添加剂,附加的 adept a.老练的熟练的擅长的 adjoining/adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的jac靠近临近 adjust(just-正确)v.调整,校准使适应于adjustment n.adobe n.土坯(房),泥砖印第安人造房原料 abode n.住所,住房 adopt(opt-选择)v.收养,采纳adoption n. adornment(orn-饰)n.装饰装饰品ornamentation饰品装饰advent n.来到来临adventure n.冒险with the advent of21 century 随着21世纪的到来 adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的不幸的~wind逆风~influence 不利影响adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境adversary n.对手,敌手 advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者)voc喊 esthetic a.感觉的anesthetic(an-无)a.麻醉的aesthetic a.美感的,美学的 affect v.影响,假装severe strom adversely affect our study affected a.装模作样的受到影响的affection n.友爱,友情affectation n.假装 affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加filiale子公司filial子女的,孝顺的 afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨conflict n.冲突 affluent(flu-流动感冒)a.富有的,丰富的n支流agravating(grav-重)a.一再恶化的加重的恶化的gravity重力gravitation万有引力 aggregate(greg-团体,是group的变体)v.总计aggregation n.集合总计gregarious a.群居的,社交的 agitation n.激动,煽动焦虑ag做动一般考心神不定之意agitate v.鼓动 akin(-kin亲情血缘关系)~to和...相近,关系密切alchemy(chem-化学)n.炼金术(化学的前身)chemistry化学 alder赤杨树older老人坐在赤杨树下 sloth树懒懒惰 algae n.海藻(alga的复数)algal a. alien n.外国人(的)alien ate v.疏远 all but+a.==almost几乎 +n.==all except除...之外所有的 all inclusive无所不包的inclusive包含的包括的allocate(loc-地方)v.分配(财富)分派 alloy n.合金 ally n.联盟,盟军 alternate v.交替alternative a.二中选一的n替换物取舍抉择 altitude(-alt高)n.高度exalt晋升,赞扬


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


本文适用对象:刚刚接触GMAT的新手,看过本文对GMAT备考资料有一个较为全面的了解;已经复习GMAT一段时间的朋友,帮您对手中的一些资料进行取舍! 第一部分、GMAT资料推荐及点评(分9类) 一、GMAT考试方法指导方面的资料 1、《Kaplan HighScore》 2、《Princeton Verbal Workout》:一本不错的入门书,在ChaseDream下载区有下载。 3、《GMAT Info. Bulletin》:网上免费索取https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html,,对复习没什么用,但上面有全美和其他各国要GMAT成绩的所有学校、项目的名称和代号(必备) 4、《GMAT800揭密》:郑清山著 二、GMAT真题资料推荐 1、《新东方教材》包括:阅读、逻辑、语法、数学——国内GMAT考试笔考真题、孙远绿皮作文宝典。 2、《The Official Guide for GMAT Review》:ETS出版的GMAT备考资料,请高度重视题目的解释。看看书上的说法: (1) More than 1400 GMAT Questions with Answer Explained by Test Authors (2) Actual Essay Topics, Sample Responses, and Scoring Information (3) Comprehensive Math Review (4) Test-taking Tips and Strategies (5) Test Tutorials 三、GMAT模考软件推荐 1、《kaplan2002&kaplan2004》:Kaplan是美国著名的考试培训机构,国内的朋友对KAPLAN是的认识是通过他的著名模考软件开始的。网友们普遍反映kaplan的摸考要比真实考试要难,甚至有朋友说,真实成绩=模考成绩+100分,事实证明,此规律对一些朋友生效,而对于很多朋友无效,所以不可尽信,当做鼓励自己信心的一个公式吧。 2、《Princeton2002/2004》:据说是与真实考试成绩最为接近的模考软件。 3、《ETS GMAT POWERPREP 3》:PP3的界面与真实考试的界面完全相同,用来观察、适应题目的出现方式(字体大小,每行字数[特别是阅读行数的差异]、滚动条[注:highgmat、highgre与真实机考界面不完全不同]等)。


● a pivotal figure pivotal adj 枢纽的、关键的 ● a premium price premium n 保险金、a 高价的 a range of abandon abandonment abbreviate abrasion abrase abstract absurd abundance abundant accelerate access have access to accessible acclaimed 受欢迎的 accommodate commodity accommodating accommodate (sb.)for the night an accommodating person 爽快人, 好人accompany v accordion accord 和谐、一致 accumulate v 堆积 accustomed ●acquaintance n quaint a a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交 I have no acquaintance with this book. 我不熟悉这本书。 acronym acute chronic ●adapt adopt adaptable adaptation additive n 添加剂/a 附加的addictive adept a /n熟练的/老手 adjacent adjoining adjust v 调节 just“正确” adjustment adobe n adopt v adorn adornment advent n adventure adverse adj adversely adversity n 不幸、灾难 advocate n/v ●aesthetic adj esthetic 感觉的 anaesthetic n 麻醉剂 ana(无)+ a esthetically ●affect 影响/ 感动/假装 1. He was deeply affected by my words. 他听了我的话很受感动。 2. He affected not to hear me affiliate with afflict conflict inflict affluent a ●aggravating a aggravate v 加重使恶化 gravity n 重力 ●aggregate v gre在汇总 aggregation agitation akin to


俞敏洪词汇串讲(文本) a pivotal figure (关键)人物pivot['piv?t]轴心 premium ['prim??m] n.保险金a.高级的,高价的 a premium student 优秀学生a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序) a range from sth. to sth. 从...到...范围,排列不等 abandon 抛弃,放纵abandonment n.abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写abbreviation n.abrasion [?'bre??n] n.磨损abstract['?bstr?kt] (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的n.概要absurd [?b's?d] a.荒谬的abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚' undulate/fluctuate ['fl?kt?u,et] 波动accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长celerity[s?'l?r?t?]速度decelerate v.减速celebrate ['s?l?,bret] [词典释义] vt. 1. 庆祝2. 举行(宗教仪式);主持(圣餐等) 3. 颂扬,赞美 have access to 能够接触,靠近 you have access to the library accessible [?k's?s?b!] a.可靠近的 acclaim[?'klem] v.欢呼,欢迎acclaimed a.受人欢迎的 accommodate[?'kɑm?,det]v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应(commod- 方便commodity [k?'mɑd?t?]商品accommodating [?'kɑm?,det??] a.乐于助人的 accompany [?'k?mp?n?] v.陪伴,伴奏accompanist 伴奏者accompaniment [?'k?mp?n?m?nt] n.陪伴物,伴奏accord [?'k?rd]v.和谐一致(-ion琴)accordion [?'k?rd??n]手风琴accumulate[?'kjumj?,let] (cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积cumulus ['kjumjul?s]积云accustom [?'k?st?m] v.使习惯get accustomed to sth. custom ['k?st?m] 海关 tariff ['t?r?f] 关税acquaintance [?'kwent?ns] n.熟悉,认识 acronym ['?kr?na?m] (acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词 acute[?'kjut] a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic ['krɑon?k]慢性病adapt [?'d?pt]v.适应环境 adaptable [?'d?pt?b!] 能适应的adaptation [,?d?p'te??n] 适应,改写本 addictive [?'d?kt?v]a.(吸毒)上瘾的addict [?'d?kt] (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷 additive ['?d?t?v] (add-加)添加剂,附加的adept [?'d?pt]a.老练的\有技巧的,娴熟的 adjoining [?'d???n??]/ adjacent [?'d?es?nt] a.邻近的,毗邻的 adjust [?'d??st] (just-正确)v.调整,校准adjustment [?'d??stm?nt] n. adobe[?'d?ubi] n.土坯,印第安人造房原料abode:[?'b?ud] n.住所,住房 adopt [?'d?pt] (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳adoption [?'d?p??n] n. adornment:[?'d?:nm?nt] (orn-饰)n. 装饰adorn英音:[?'d?:n]装饰 ornamentation [,?rn?m?n'te??n] 饰品advent :['?dv?nt]n.来到 adventure:[?d'vent??] n.冒险with the advent of 21 century:['sent?uri]随着21世纪的到来 adverse:['?dv?:s] (-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的~wind 逆风~ influence 不利影响adversity [?d'v?s?t?] n.灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary ['?dv?,s?r?] n.对手,敌手 adversely [?d'v?sl?] 敌对地2. 不利地3. 逆向地 advocate ['?dv?k?t] v./n.支持,拥护(者) esthetic [?s'θ?t?k] a.感觉的anesthetic [,?n?s'θ?t?k] (an-无)a.麻醉的 aesthetic [?s'θ?t?k] a.美感的,美学的affect v.影响,假装 severe strom adversely affect our study affected a.装模作样的 severe [s?'v?r] [词典释义] a. 1. 严重的;剧烈的;凛冽的2. 严厉的;苛刻的[(+with/on/upon)] 3. 严格的;严...[网络释义] severe 1.严厉的, 剧烈的, 严重的2.严苛的;严格的;严重的3. affection n.友爱,友情affectation [,?faik'te??n] n.假装 affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加filiale 子公司filial ['f?lj?l] 子女的,孝顺的affiliate [?'f?l?,et] [词典释义] vt. 1. 使紧密联系[H][(+with)] 2. 接纳...为成员(或分支机构);使隶属于[H][(+...vi. 1. 发生联系,参加[(+to/with)] afflict [?'fl?kt] (flict-打击)v.折磨conflict n.冲突affluent(flu-流动) a.富有的,丰富的 aggravate ['?gr?,vet] [词典释义] vt. 1. 加重;增剧;使恶化2. 【口】激怒;使恼火


Word List 1 abandon accuracy adolescence abbreviate accurate adopt abnormal accuse adorn abolition accustom advanced abort acid advent abound acknowledge adventure abrasion acoustic adverse abreast acquaint advertise abrupt acquire advocate absence acting aerial absolutely action aerobic absorb activity aesthetic abstract acute affection absurd adapt affirm abundant additional afflict academy additive afford accelerate address agency access adequate aggregate accessible adhere aggressive accessory adhesive agreeable acclaim adjacent airborne accommodate adjunct alarm accompany adjust accomplish administer accomplished admire accord admission account admit accumulate adobe Word List 2 alchemist amuse approach alert amusement appropriate alga analogy approve algebra analysis approximate alien analyze aquarium alkali anatomy aquatic allay ancestor arbitrary allegory anchor archaeology allergy ancient architect alleviate angle arid allocation animation arithmetic alloy announce arrange alphabet annoyed array alter annual articulate alternate anthropology artifact alternative antibiotic artificial altitude anticipate artisan aluminum antique artistic alumnus apartment ascending amass apparent ascribe amateur appeal aspect amid appetite assemble amino applaud assert ammonia applicable assign amnesia applicant associate amount appointment ample appreciate amplify apprentice


a pivotal figure premium a premium student a range of abandon abbreviate abrasion abstract absurd abundance accelerate have access to accessible acclaim accommodate accommodating accompany accord accumulate accustom acquaintance acronym acute adapt addictive additive adept adjoining/adjacent adjust adobe abode adopt adornment advent adverse advocate anesthetic affect affected affectation affiliate afflict affluent aggravating aggregate agitation akin to alchemy alder sloth algae alien all but all inclusive allocate alloy ally alternate altitude latitude aluminium ambiance amenable amiable amplify ancestor annihilate annual anomaly anonymous antibiotics antiquate apart from appeal appealing apprentice approach aptly aquatic arch archaeology archipelago architect arduous arena arid armature aromatic array arthritis arthrosis artificial artisan as a rule as a rough thumb as far as as such ascend ascribe to aspriring assemble assert associate assorted assume assure assurance astounding astute at inerval at one session at the cutting age of atomization attach attain attire attribute auditorium auger automated/automatic available aviation avocational aware awkward backdrop ballet balmy barb barge bark barn bare barrier barter basement be characterized by be taken aback be up to beak beam bequest besiege bestow bias bitterness bizarre blanket blast blazing bleak blend bless block blossom blues bluff blunt boslter boom boon boost bored boundary bow breach breeze brilliant briny briskly brittle bronze bubble buckle buggy bulk bundle burdensome burgeon burrow bust bustle by a of by far cab cabinet cactus(pl.) caliberation campaign cannibalism canopy canyon capability capacity carapace carbonhydric cardiac cargo


keep短语 keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物) keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内 keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 keep off 远离,避开,让开 keep up 保持(不低落),继续 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 分享给你的朋友吧: i贴吧 新浪微博 腾讯微博 QQ空间 人人网 豆瓣 MSN 对我有帮助 47回答时间:2009-3-19 00:41 | 我来评论| 检举 向TA求助回答者:朋友faith | 五级 擅长领域:教育/科学外语学习英语考试英语翻译 参加的活动:暂时没有参加的活动 相关内容 2010-12-25 关于“等等”的所有词组,或者“keep”的所有词组,总结一下,还要例句... 2009-4-2 谁能帮我总结下hold的词组2007-8-23 谁能帮我总结一下初中的同意词组.急!!!2008-3-8 谁能帮我总结一下初中三年英语的词组啊? 12 2010-1-14 谁能帮我总结下日语中关于“気”

的词组和短语,把那些常用的列出来7 更多关于keep短语的问题>> 查看同主题问题:总结keep 词组 等待您来回答del1回答英语的五大句型中的主谓宾双宾系表宾补的性词,比如主语大多有...del0回答谁有俞敏洪托福词汇串讲文本啊,发给我好吗,邮箱mountain9018@yahoo....del1回答介休市河津市汾阳市原平市潞城市smi-smi理财投资公司,有什么内幕?del1回答初二英语怎样做你最喜欢的食物del1回答潍坊有没有俞敏洪的新东方分校啊?拜托了del2回答20请问哪位好心人有俞敏洪《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法》配套的mp3 文件...del1回答求5篇初二英语日记!!!急急急急,del0回答有从吕梁去天津的学生吗?望结伴,互相照应!大家知道自己身边有的希...更多等待您来回答的问题>>没有感兴趣的问题?试试换一批 其他回答共4条 keep [ki:p] vt. & vi. & link v. (使)保持; (使)继续 Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 vi. (食品)保持新鲜 The fish won't keep long; we must eat it now. 这鱼无法保存很久, 我们必须现在就把它吃掉。 vt. 保有, 保存, 保留 Why didn't Daddy let me keep the ten dollars? 爸爸为什么不让我留下这十美元? 阻止, 防止, 耽搁 What kept you? 什么事耽误了你? 履行, 遵守 She kept her promise. 她遵守了诺言。 1. Keep at it! 别松劲! 来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html, 2. Keep from moisture! 切勿受潮! 切勿受潮! 来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html, 3. Keep her steady! 照直走! 来源:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html, 4. Keep it clean!


首先,托福单词(词汇)书,把一本书背下来背好了就够了,没必要背第二本,有人说如果我都背了,是不是就更好,词汇就难不倒我了?理论上来说肯定是这样的,不过实际的情况是,当你开始背第二本的时候,你更多的是在做复习,时间花了一倍,提升了也就一成不到,把每本词汇书都背了,那是那种要当词汇王子的人该干的事,如果有这个时间,还不如去把张艳老师的托福听力结构法学会了,掌握了一个好的方法,那分可不是涨一星半点,不过如果时间实在富裕的,可以背了打基础的,再背一下突击类型的当强化记忆用,也还算是可取的;综上所述的结论就是,没必要准备很多全部去背,选一本足以;另外,虽然这些词汇书可以分出老托福和新托福,但从总体上来说,并不是翻天覆地的区别。总而言之还是那句话,词汇书里面的单词差别并没有我们想象的那么大,因此,其实背其中任何一本单词书都是可以的。 那市面上的书不少,怎么去选择呢?我们给每本书,通过单词量等几个方面的维度做了一个综合的评分,大家根据自己的特性去挑选一本吧; 另外,现在市面上除了常见的那几本书以外,还有一些手机上能背的网页或APP工具也是可以选择的,作为辅助工具,小编就比较喜欢在路上走路就可以听的MP3版托福词汇,可以把走路、坐公交、运动的时间充分利用起来,每天心里可以踏实多了; 书名: 1:《TOEFL词汇》 别称:王玉梅托福词汇(绿宝书) 作者:王玉梅 词汇量:5396 简介:书将所有词汇分成40个WORD LIST,并根据每个单词在历年中所有考过的词性及中文意思,给出释义、同义词及该词在真题中出现的频率。 音频版:推荐张艳老师的MP3版 适合度:时间充裕、想打好基础 下载地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html,/s/1ntX9fL3 密码:5egv 2:《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法》 别称:《俞敏洪托福词汇》(红宝书) 作者:俞敏洪 词汇量:8000 简介:新东方掌门人俞敏洪老师的经典之作此书以词根、词缀记忆法为主体,辅以联想记忆、谐音记忆及单词拆分等多种记忆方法,帮助考生轻松记忆托福词汇。书中全部单词采取“正序”编排,精选TOEFL考试的2,700多个核心词汇以及近3,000个衍生词、形近词和同根词,并收录了500个TOEFL考试常考到的短语。 音频版:无 适合度:时间充裕、想打好基础 下载地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18447886.html,/s/1ntX9fL3 密码:5egv 3:《TOEFL核心词汇21天突破》 别称:《李笑来的21天》 作者:李笑来 词汇量:2140 简介:TOEFL核心词2140个,TOEFL常考熟词僻义,TOEFL常考词组搭配,TOEFL逆向分类词汇,TOEFL常
