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日本留学专业一览 赴日留学选择一个适合自己,有发展前途的专业不仅能成功实现留学目标,更能为以后的工作锦上添花。专家介绍,日本大学专业设置非常广泛,以注重应用学科而闻名,在信息通讯、计算机应用、电子、汽车制造、造船、纺织、经济学、商学、环保、多媒体设计、游戏编程、生命科学、航空海运、美容美发等等位于国际一流水准。 目前在日本还有以下专业非常热门: 互联网自动化系 就业去向:网页制作、网络管理、PC通信以及网络动画设计领域、程序开发等与电脑有关的公司、金融单位、政府机关、普通企业等。 网络商务学系 该专业是在变化丰富的互联网时代产生的,主要是分析网络商务的技术和市场要素,培养开发网络商务的高级人才,同时通过在虚拟空间中的商务的往来进行网络商务技术的研究。 就业去向:程序开发、电子商务、网络维护、数据库管理、信息技术顾问、公共机关、政府部门、研究所等电子部门。 休闲运动系 就业去向:各种运动中心的指导员、有氧健身师、社会体育工作者、水上救生员、警察公务员、社会福利机关及社会体育中心工作者等。 多媒体传播系 就业去向:信息通讯领域、通讯软件开发、提供数据库、影像声音信息技术的开发相关的企业及研究院、与网络以及通讯网相关的企业。 媒体传播领域 就业去向:制作CD-ROM、出版及印刷、广播公司、有线广播局、制作影像、大型活动的策划。 大部分人都希望能够选择一些日本技术实力强的.专业,这样在毕业后就能够拥有更强的就业竞争力和更好的就业前景。从近年科技发展的趋势来看,可以选择的最佳专业还是IT 行业和工科专业。近几年日本在IT、机械制造、汽车制造等方面走在世界前列,拥有着国际一流的技术实力,而这几个专业也是国际上较为热门的专业。选择这几类专业后,可以到世界上其他很多的国家就业,选择面相当广泛。


Book one Unit 6 Animal Intelligence Text A The first time: The first period: I. Preview: 1. Let the students be familiar with some important words and phrases in Text A, which will enable them to better understand the text: controversy, encounter, convince, suspicious, blank, relieve, figure out, assess, inaccessible, release, deceive and wipe out. 2. Ask the students to search for some information about animal intelligence through Internet or the Encyclopedia while keeping the question in mind that whether animals do have intelligence and what kind of presentation they may show. 3. Read Text A in general and paragraph 5&6 in Text B. II. Check the homework left last time when the fifth unit was finished. III. Introductory remarks (T s’ words): In unit 5, we’ve talked about romance. Of course, it’s about the romance of us human beings. But, do we believe that animals will also fall in love? In this unit, Text B, we have examples showing that animals do have certain affections to the one of the same kind but the opposite sex. As we’ve read paragraphs 5&6 in Text B, the point has been proved in someway. Well, from the stories, we see that animals really have their own way of thinking. But, what animals really think? Do they have intelligence as we do? IV. Check the preview work through discussion: 1. What’s the meaning of intelligence? And, what about animal intelligence? →Intelligence refers to the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing. It also means mental ability. As for animal intelligence, it involves such factors as the ability to learn, to solve new problems, or to create novel solut ions to familiar problems and reasoning. The last one means that some animals have the ability to benefit from the experiences of others. That’s what we can find in the third story in Text A, that Towan is clever to do the similar trick as Melati. 2. Ask Ss to tell some interesting stories concerning animals’ presentation of intelligence. Here are also two samples. →Story one: My parents once raised a dog named Doudou. One day, my father left his coat behind in the scallion field. Doudou stayed beside the coat until my father returned to the scallion field and looked for his coat. Then, he went home happily together with my father. Story two: Once in Y unnan Province, a boa saved the son of his master from a river. Ts may list some other animal behaviors to arouse the Ss’ interests: E.g.: Bees communicate a food source to other members of the hive by means of various “dancing”. Some other species can communicate by sight, taste or odor, electrical impulse (fish), or touch, and many animals have more than one system. Conclusion: From all above, we find that animals do display intelligence in some areas. Let’s read the text and find more examples of animal intelligence. V. Global reading tasks.


日本留学冷门专业就业热 高考一结束,如何填报志愿无疑是考生和家长最关心的事情。这几年,考生和家长在填报志愿的时候,都不约而同地选择了一个关键词:热门专业。一些社会上看似热门的专业都不约而同地进入考生和家长的视野。在这里提醒考生和家长:不要被热门专业迷住志愿填报的视线。实际上,一些看似热门的专业反而就业冷清,而一些貌似冷门的专业反而是就业的大热门。 福祉学专业: 日本有“银发之国”之称是当今世界老龄化程度最高、最快的国家之一。早在1970年就开始进入老年化社会,现在5个人当中就有一位老人。日本于2000年在世界上首推养老护理保险制度,实施十年来基本解决了老年人和年轻人的后顾之忧。目前日本的养老产业已经发展的相当完善,与日本福祉教育是分不开的,日本的`很多大学中都开设了福祉课程,为将来的福祉发展培养了很多人才,由于同属东方文化,在养老服务领域,日本更有诸多经验值得深入学习和借鉴。 就业前景:福利院、社会福利机构、学校、公务员、心理咨询机构。100%就业 推荐院校:东京福祉大学 东京福祉大学从2005年至今,多次由于毕业生就业率日本第一而被每日新闻和读卖新闻报道!学校每年社会福祉士、精神保健福祉士国家考试大学合格数一直位居全国第一位,第二位。学校目前有三个校区,分别位于东京都池袋,距离东京一个半小时路程的群马县伊势崎市,和名古屋市中心。大学学部有教育学部(教育学科),社会福祉学部(社会福祉学科,保育儿童学科),心理学部(心理学科)等,大学院有心理学研究科(临床心理学专攻),社会福祉学研究科(社会福祉学专攻,儿童学专攻),教育学研究科(教育学专攻)等。 航空学科: 日本不仅在科技方面非常发达,在服务业方面也很让人钦佩,很多去过日本的人都对日本的服务赞不绝口,从日本学校毕业的相关人员在就业中也格外受到亲睐。 就业前景:地勤人员、客室乘务员、机场人员100%就业 推荐院校:ECC国际外语专门学校 目标资格 · 实用英语技能检定2级以上 · TOEIC(托业)600分以上 · AXESS实用检定 · 服务接待检定准一级以上 · 中文检定 · 韩语能力检定等 艺术家学科: 众所周知日本的艺术方面世界领先,不仅是艺术设计,日本的艺人也非常受人欢迎,日本美容师课程在日本也非常受欢迎,通过日本美容师的巧手打造出来的事物会有一种不可思议的魔力,紧紧地抓住人的心。 就业前景:模特、造型师、美容顾问、彩妆师、婚礼企划顾问、时尚顾问。100%就业推荐院校:ECC艺术家专门学校 整体造型课程、模特儿·艺人课程、美容科、美发彩妆艺术课程、美容顾问课程、指甲彩绘课程、美容保养课程、婚礼企划课程、特殊化妆艺术课程、时尚顾问课程

上外大学英语综合教程一答案Unit 5 How to Be True to Yourself

上外大学英语综合教程一答案 Unit 5 How to Be True to Yourself Key to the Exercises Text comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. 1. Integrity means having one's own norms and rules of judging what is right and what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. 2. Integrity is rare at present. 3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and material were used and located during an operation. 4. When you are right, you should insist. 5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looks and status. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。 2. 他们本能地明白:为人正直就意味着具有个人道德和伦理的标准,那就是决不迁就权宜之计,也不为眼前的形势所左右。 3. 那些缺乏真正的根本价值观的人依赖于外因——自己的长相或地位——以获得良好的自我感觉。 4. 为人正直就意味着凡事都因其正确而为之,并非仅仅是为了赶时髦或趋炎附势。 II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. That psychiatrist, who had talked about his patients in public, was charged with violating professional ethics. 2. Hanging on the walls of the classroom are some famous sayings, which inspire and urge people to exert themselves. 3. All kinds of commodities are available. Nothing is in short supply. 4. We all trust the president of the board of directors, who is a man of absolute integrity. 5. Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for. 6. The defendant couldn't account for the fact that the money was found in his house. 7. When I saw that he was right, I had to back down. 8. She has been appointed sales manager, for she is both clever and diligent. 9. One of the biggest challenges faced by the present government is that of creating more jobs. 10. The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold. Dictation In order to learn to be one’s true self, / it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge / of what has been said and done in the world; / critically to inquire into it; / carefully to consider it; / clearly to analyze it; / and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn, / but when you once learn a thing, / you must never give it up /


日本留学热门的专业和主要留学城市 ,选择一个自己的喜欢的热门专业真的很重,那么,日本这些最热门的专业有没有你喜爱的?下面为大家做详细介绍一下。下面是我为大家带来的,日本留学热门的专业和主要留学城市,希望能够帮助到大家。 一、专业 环境专业 日本非常注重环境的治理,随着各种各样的环境问题的出现,以及人们对保护自然意识地不断加强,从制定完善的法律和行政体系到广泛宣传教育,有效的遏制了环境的恶化。 就业方向:环境资源咨询公司、政府的环境规划部门、环境工程师推荐院校:名古屋大学、京都大学、东京海洋大学、东京农工大学、东京农业大学 经济专业 日本是一个资源匮乏的国家,近90%的资源都依靠进口。 而近年来,日本企业大举进军国内市场,以及中日合资企业的大量出现,都给经济学的学生们提供了广大的就业机会。 随着中日之间经济交流的日益增多,经济专业的就业前景变得十分广阔。 无论是银行、对外贸易等方向还是市场营销、保险业都是有未来的专业。 就业方向:市场营销、对外贸易、管理等 推荐院校:东京大学、京都大学、一桥大学、早稻田大学、东北大学汽车专业 提起日本汽车,很多人都会想起丰田,本田,日产等大牌汽车制造商。

毋庸置疑的是,日本的汽车在全世界范围内是发售量最大的。 日本汽车耗油低、质量好、外形深受大家喜爱。当今在世界的任何国家几乎都可以看到日本汽车的身影。 就业方向:汽车设计、汽车制造、新能源汽车 推荐院校:丰田工业大学、东京工业大学,东北大学,九州大学,名古屋大学 传媒专业 日本是一个大众传媒十分发达的国家,其各项指标不仅在亚洲处于摇摇领先地位,就是在国际上也是屈指可数的。 每年20%的人才需求增长、30%的薪资增长,使传媒专业成为国内高校的报考大热门。 日本是亚太地区的资讯中心,高等院校的大众传媒专业实力强劲,专业方向涉及数字电视、多媒体、广告学等新兴传媒领域。 就业方向:媒体机构(电视台、电台、网站、杂志)、广告公司、从事编导、记者、主持、后期影视制作、策划等。 推荐院校:早稻田大学、筑波大学、同志社大学、上智大学、立教大学。 动漫专业 日本的动漫确实是领先于全世界,是日本文化输出的重大产业与先锋,近六成的动漫产出于日本。 目前,日本开设动漫专业的已有大约15所大学。反观中国的动漫市场正处于稳步发展阶段,专业人才稀缺,就业前景是很好的。 就业方向:网络动漫、网络游戏等 推荐院校:武藏野美术大学、东京艺术大学、东京造型大学、好莱坞数字多媒体大学、多摩美术大学、京都精华大学


2016上海外国语大学英语翻硕考研-近义词辨析 词语辨析一: ascribe,attribute,contribute,owe"归因于..." ascribe和attribute差别不大,都可以解释为"(中性)把...归因于,(褒义)把...归功于,(贬义)把...归咎于",也可以解释为"把...归属于,认为...归属于...",基本可以互换 contribute(to)有助于,促成... owe(to)把...归功于(褒义) 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes____to the increase of cancers. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li____his success to his mother. A.owns B.ruins C.owes D.roars 3.We____Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work. A.subject B.attribute C.owing D.refer 4.The discover of America is usually____to Columbus. A.ascribed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not____one's error to objective conditions. A.apply B.owe C.contribute D.ascribe 6.I___it to you that I finished my work in time. A.owe B.contribute C.award D.give 7.The exchange of goodwill missions greatly____to a better understanding between the two countries. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 8.This poem is____to Homer. A.owed B.ascribed C.contributed D. belong 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes__C__to the increase of cancers.医学研究表明人们普遍吸烟导致癌症患者人数增加. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li__C__his success to his mother.李教授把他的成功归功于他母亲. A.owns B.ruins(破坏) C.owes/ascribe/attribute D.roars(吼叫) 3.We__B__Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work.我们把爱迪生的成就归因于他的聪明才智和辛勤工作. A.subject to服从 B.attribute/ascribe C.owing to由于 D.refer to参阅,涉及 4.The discover of America is usually__A__to Columbus.美洲大陆的发现通常被归功于哥伦布. A.ascribed/attributed/owed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not__D__one's error to objective conditions.一个人不应把自己的错误归咎于客观条件.


Unit 2 “Future”, is a puzzling word for all the people in this world, including the scientists and the common. What will the world be like in five hundred year’s time? A thousand years’ time? Or more? Some people are pessimistic, and fear that things can only get wore because people may be slaves of the developed science and technology. Others are optimistic, looking forward to a better world and a happy life with the development of science and technology. In this Unit, we are given two texts about “smart cars”, a kind of intelligent products that bring so much convenience to people in the future. Then let’s come to Unit2 and learn something about “smart cars” in about 7 classes. . Objectives in Unit 2: ⒈words and phrases: alert application capability convert correlate decrease(increase) drastically eliminate expansion prototype manufacturing in the air take control of get/be stuck in turn(sth.) into/become a reality appropriate implement outline permanent thereby at the start of by means of in cooperation with ⒉structure: ①double prepositions ②V. + it +adj. + to do ③“” (present or past) is used as adjective to modify noun. ⒊ learn some techniques in expository writing(definition, quote, a mixture of facts and opinions, etc.) 4. writing: how to write a resume ( need explaining in detail)--- for homework to introduce next unit. For the first period: (1st,2nd class) have a revision of Unit 1 and come to Unit 2(words and phrases) Text A Smart Cars ⅠSOME QUESTIONS for group discussion: (30 minutes) ①What will the world be like in the future? (worse or better) What aspect do you think in the world will change most? —Worse: destroyed by the people themselves, war, depend excessively on advanced science and technology to become lazy, indifferent, lack love between people and people, the Judge Day. —Better: make good use of science and technology to improve the world, a world garden, a society like Communist Society, happy life, share —Aspect: people’s life ,( way of thinking, custom) ②With the development of science and technology, what will happen to cars? What can be called “smart cars”? —In the film “007”, a “smart car ” is described. It was a transportation for Bond and the name was “the vanish”. It was a car of “adopted camouflage. Ti ny


留学日本七大热门专业一览 1、商学管理类 此类学科包含金融、贸易、流通,管理等现代社会企业完备的经济知识及管理基础,很多人为了学习松下幸之助、本田宗一郎等一代奇才缔造的商业管理模式踏上了求学之路。就职以大企业为主,英语要求高。 代表院校:一桥大学(被誉为“亚洲的哈佛”)、庆应义塾大学、东京大学、大阪大学、京都大学等 2、艺术设计类 以常见的动漫设计和服装设计为主优势学科。世界60%的动漫作品出自日本,大师云集。动漫产业占GDP20%。有动漫方向的研究生课程。在大学里,学生不仅要学习绘画,还会接触到媒体论、产业论和表现论等相关知识。设计与市场开发相结合已经成为日本动漫产业高度发达的根基。 代表院校:京都精华大学、东京工艺大学、宝冢造型艺术大学等。 3、服装设计类 日本在服装设计领域引领亚洲风潮,在国际上也享有很高的声誉。三宅一生、高田贤三、川久保玲都是蜚声国际的大师,对中国的时尚界也影响颇深。日本文化服装学院虽然是一所专门类学校,却是世界三大着名服装院校之一,从基本功的训练,到成衣制作,每个环节教育成就了服装设计的梦想。 代表院校:文化女子大学、武藏野美术大学、东京造型艺术大学等。 4、法经类 此类学科为掌握法律政治的思想方法,培养实践性的思考能力,通过经济学的学习,理解现代经济问题的本质,了解政策变化及应对。包含法律、经济及综合政策、会计等学科。这是日本的传统优势学科,就职广泛。 代表院校:早稻田大学、中央大学、东京大学、庆应义塾等。 5、文学教育类 此类学科包含中、日、英、美等国文学、社会学、文化遗产保护、教育学、心理学等等探知人类心灵及行为奥秘的课程,及作为教师工作所需考取的资格证书。是日本传统学科。文教一类多见于综合型院校及教育类大学。就业也以高校和教育行业为先。


赴日留学如何确定专业 对于想,但是又不想去很远地方的同学,日本留学就是最好的选择之一。有个很重要的点就是选择专业,那么去日本留学如何确定自己的专业呢?下面我就来介绍一下。 日本的专业分类: 人文科学、社会科学、理学、工学、农学、保健、商船、家政、教育、艺术等。 人文科学:文学、史学、哲学等。 社会科学:法学政治学、商学经济学、社会学等。 理学:数学、物理学、化学、生物、地理、及其他理科类专业。 工学:机械工学、电气通信工学、土木建筑工学、应用化学、应用理学、原子力学、矿山学、金属工学、纤维工学、船舶工学、航空工学、经营工学、工艺学等。 农学:农学、农艺化学、农业工学、农业经济学、林学、林产学、兽医畜产学、水产学等。 保健:医学、齿学、药学、看护学等。 商船:航海、机关学、原子动力学、运送工学、海洋机械管理学等。 家政:家政学、食物学、服装学、居住学、儿童学等。 教育:教育学、小学校、中学校、高中学校、特别教育、盲学校、中等教育学校、教养学校、幼稚园、体育学校等。 艺术:美术、设计、音乐等。 首先要确定自己对以上哪一类专业感兴趣,其中要注意文理分类。如果你是理科类那么可以选择一些文科专业。但如果你是文科的学生跨专业基本就不可能了。对于一些敏感专业大家一定要注意,如教育类、医学类

很多国家对留学生都不招生的。虽然日本大学简章中写明招收留学生。但录取率非常低,因此一定要绕开这些敏感专业。 其次对于热门专业一定要为自己留条后路。很多专业只在日本热门,但在国内已达到饱和状态。放弃这样的专业,因为你不能确定自己以后在日本工作还是回国工作。因此要尽量选择在日本热门,在国内有发展前景的专业,如动漫专业、IT专业、商船等。这些专业国内正在起步,相信不久的将来一定会火一把。 最后选择学校,选择学校一定不要追求学校的知名度。要针对专业选择学校,如果你足够优秀可以报考日本前十的学校。如果你自身情况一般,那么就要看一些排名靠后一点,但以本专业为优势专业的学校。赴日留学,不要对自已有过高的要求。只要时刻学习,提升自身的各科成绩,如英语托福成绩,日语成绩等,那么要考一个好大学就非常容易了。 小贴士: 去日本考大学的学生,可以先读语言学校。有老师对你进行相应的升学指导。 读研究生的学生,一般日本前十的大学都需要英语托福成绩达到85以上,文科日语N1以上。理科日语N2以上。 申请研究生时,在校的平时成绩很重要。如果你现在还是大学在读,那么最好保证你的绩点,不要以为及格就万事大吉。

上外大学英语综合教程一答案Unit 2 The Fun They Had

上外大学英语综合教程一 Unit 2 The Fun They Had Key to the Exercises Text Comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. 1.Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over. 2.The mechanical teacher worked out the mark very quickly. 3.Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school than others/loftily. 4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teach and how to teach so as to meet the different needs of different pupils. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的爷爷告诉他,过去的故事都是印刷在纸上的。 2.他们翻阅那些旧得泛黄,皱巴巴的书页,阅读那些一动不动的单词真是好玩极了。那些 单词并没有象我们平时看到的那样在屏幕上滚动。 3.这个机器老师一直在接二连三地让她做些地理测验,但她越做越糟糕。结果她的母亲伤 心地摇摇头,请来了县视察员。 4.玛吉希望他无法将机器重新组装起来,但他还是成功了。过了个把小时,机器又好了, 硕大的黑色机器,奇丑无比,有个大大的屏幕,所有的课程和问题全都显示在上面。 II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets. 1.Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4518491445.html,puters are one of the most useful teaching aids, for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen. 4.Zhang Li’s mother fell ill suddenly the day befor e yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately. 5.He failed in the college entrance examination last year, but he did not feel disappointed. Instead, he continued to study hard, passed the examination successfully and became a student in a famous university this year. 6.There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly. 7.In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirements of our work. 8.With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss. 9.Although she is only 8 years old, the little is already very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud of her. 10.All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is strange?


2021日本留学热门专业盘点 【导语】日本地方虽然小,但却是一个名校聚集的国家。这些年来,去日本留学的学生络绎不绝。下面是分享的2021日本留学热门专业盘点。欢迎阅读参考! 2021日本留学热门专业盘点 1、电子信息类 相关专业:电子信息工程、通信工程、信息对抗技术、信息工程、信息与计算科学等。 本专业培养具备电子技术和信息系统的基础知识,能从事各类电子设备和信息系统的研究、设计、制造、应用和开发的高等工程技术人才。 2、生物技术类 相关专业:生物技术、生物工程、生物资源科学等。 本专业培养具备生命科学的基本理论和较系统的生物技术的基本理论、基本知识、基本技能,能在科研机构或高等学校从事科学研究或教学工作. 能在工业、医药、食品、农、林、牧、渔、环保、园林等行业的企业、事业和行政管理部门从事与生物技术有关的应用研究、技术开发、生产管理和行政管理等工作的高级专门人才。 3、现代医药类 相关专业:药物制剂、制药工程、生物医学工程、中药学等。 医药行业是按国际标准划分的15类国际化产业之一,被称为"永不衰落的朝阳产业"。它包括医药工业和医药商业,其中医药工业按原材料来分,又可分为化学制药业、中药业、生物制药业及医疗器械业。 4、汽车类 相关专业:车辆工程专业、汽车服务工程、热能与动力工程、工

业设计等。 随着未来混动纯电不断的研发和普及,汽车类专业人才一直都是炙手可热的"抢手货",汽车行业中的复合型人才将成为竞争焦点。此外,热能与动力工程、工业设计等相关专业人才需求也将持续看涨。 5、物流类 相关专业:物流管理、现代物流等。 物流产业是相比较下算作新产业,仅有20多年的历史。20世纪80年代以来,随着经济全球化的持续发展、科学技术水平不断提高以及专业化分工的进一步深化。 现如今的物流更不用说了,是互联网世界中尤为重要的一环! 6、新材料类 相关专业:高分子材料与工程、复合材料与工程、再生资源科学与技术、稀土工程等。 新材料的应用范围非常广泛,发展前景十分广阔,其研发水平及产业化规模已成为衡量一个国家经济发展、科技进步和国防实力的重要标志。 7、环境能源类 相关专业:环境科学、环境工程、能源与环境系统工程、资源环境与科学等。 开发利用可再生能源成为世界能源可持续发展战略的重要组成部分,政府的政策支持、社会的认可以及中国丰富的可再生资源,使得我国新能源产业发展前景十分广阔。 8、管理类 相关专业:工商管理类、人力资源管理、工程管理等。 而据我国近三年的统计资料显示,外方代理人正以每年500%以上的速度递增,目前在不少大城市已形成一个职业阶层。不管是外企还是国企,高层管理人员的价值越来越看涨。所以,尽管企业管理专业的学生刚毕业的时候可能做的并不是管理的工作,但是过几年之后,有管理专业背景的人将会成为抢手货。


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary 1.and in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.360docs.net/doc/4518491445.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. 1.7.was violating8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.At 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze

1.hold back 2.tedious 3.scanned 4.recall 5.vivid 6.off and on 7.turn out/in 8.career 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true
