高考 数词

高考 数词
高考 数词






千以上的数字,先从后向前数,每三位用一个“,”隔开,第一个“,”表示thousand千,第二个表示million百万,第三个表示billion亿,然后一节节再用几百几十几的方法表示。在这类数词中hundred, thousand, million, billion等词一般都用单数形式。


1)在表示具体数目或several修饰时,hundred,thousand,million,billion等用单数;在表示“数百”“数千”“数百万”等不确定数目时,在hundreds,thousands,millions,billions 等后接“of+名词复数.

five thousand students 五千个学生several hundred year's ago几百年前

thousands of metres 数千米




two dozen pencils两打铅笔

two score of pencils四十支铅笔

dozens of people=scores of people许多人

③当后面的名词前有"these",“those",“them"," us"等词时, dozen后应加"of "。

a dozen of these people

two dozen of them

three score and ten people中不加of(七十人)




the two hundredth the eighteenth

I like the film very much, so I want to see it a second time.


1. 分数由基数词和序数词合成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母的序数词要用复数,表示几又几分之几,用and连接


1/3:one(a)third 2/3:two thirds three-sevenths:七分之三


①1/2:one(a)half 1/4:one(a)quarter/one(a)fourth 3/4:three quarters

②分子与分母之间加in或out of,分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词

one in ten:十分之一five in eight:八分之五

one out of ten:十分之一five out of eight:八分之五

2. 百分数的表示法


twenty percent=20%百分之二十。


分数/百分数+of +限定词+名词/代词,其谓语动词与of后的名词在人称和数上保持一致Two-thirds of the money was spent on food.

About seventy percent of the earth surface is covered by water.

3. 小数的表示法


9.65表示为nine point six five

218.39表示为two hundred and eighteen point three nine


62.62读作sixty-two point six two 0.04 读作zero point zero four




第一号No.1 第三中学No 3 Middle School


①对于一些小序号可有序数词也可用基数词表达,形式分别为:the +序数词+名词;名词+基数词。

第一次世界大战the First World War或World War One


501号房间Room 501 538路公共汽车Bus 538

人民路153号153 Renmin Road

③可用a / the + number + 基数词+ 名词。

一辆五路公共汽车 a No.5 bus 那辆8路公共汽车the No.8 bus

2. 大约数的表示方法

1)用less than、under、below、almost、nearly、up to 等来表示小于或接近某数目。

He is good at English, so he can finish the paper in less than two hours.

2)用more than、over、above、beyond、or more等来表示超过或多于某个数目。

Peking University has a history of more than 100 years.

3)用or、or so、about、around、some、more or less等表示在某一数目左右。

About 50 people were present at that time.

4)用to、from …to…、between …and表示介于两数词。

His salary rises from 20 dollars a week to 35 dollars a week.

3. 钟点、日期、年龄的表达式


正读法10:20:ten twenty 倒读法9:30:half past nine(九点半)

7:05:five past seven(七点过五分) 8:50:ten to nine (八点五十;差十分是九点)

表示整点8:00:eight o'clock (sharp)


①年代用基数词,在某年要用介词in:He was born in l983.他出生于1983年。


It happened in January,2009.这事发生在2009年1月。


英国说法:顺序为先日后月:4(th)May(五月四日:the fourth of May)

美国说法:顺序为先月后日:May 4(th)(五月四日:May the fourth)


The meeting will be held on March 9(th).

We'll leave for Shanghai on 8th June.

④年月日同时出现时,年代位于最后,其前加逗号:Mary was born on January 1st,1990.

⑤表示“在几十年代”用in+the+逢十的数词复数:in the 1990s/1990’s


①用基数词表示年龄。The baby is one year old.

②表示“在某人的几十岁”时,可用介词in+ one’s+整十位数的复数形式:

She is still in her twenties.她才二十几岁。

但表示十多岁时用:in one’s teens


a boy of nine,a boy of nine years old,a boy of nine years of age,a nine-year-old boy

③用在习语中。in twos and threes三三两两地

4. 倍数的表达方式


①A+be+倍数+as+形容词/副词(原级)+ as+B

This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵的三倍高。

His father is twice as old as he. 他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。

②A+be+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B或by + 倍数用在比较级之后

The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。They produced more products in 2009 than those in 2008 by twice. 2009年产品是2008的两倍。

③倍数用在表示度量名词前,其基本结构为:倍数+ the + size / length / weight …+ of + 表示比较对象的名词,也可用于倍数+ what引导的从句中

This room is three times the size of that one.这房间是那房间的三倍大。

The college is twice what it was 5 years ago.这个学院是5年前的两倍。



1. 265 is ____________.

A.two hundreds and sixty – five

B.two hundred and sixty – five

C.two and sixty – five

D.two hundreds sixty five

2. ______ , there will be _______ on the streets, taking part in the celebration.

A.October1; millions people

B.In October first; millions people

C.On October the first; millions of people

D.On October one; million people

3. He has been here for _______.

A.one and a half months

B.one and the half months

C.one and a half month

D.one and a half of month

4. The red shoes cost ___________.

A.one pound and a half of pound

B.one and a half pound

C.one pound and a half

D.one pound and half a pound

5. This took place in ______.

A. a 1030’s

B. 1930s

C. the 1930s’

D. the 1930s

6. The hero of the story is an artist in his ______.

A. thirtieth

B. thirty

C. thirty’s

D. thirties

7. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A.as twice many

B.as many twice

C.twice as many

D.twice many as

8. This river is _____ that one.

A.as three times long as

B.the third time as

C.three times the length of

D.three times longer

9. We arrived in London on _____.

A.June seventeen

B.June the seventeen

C.The seventeenth of June

D.seventeenth of June

10. We are to take up (开始学习) ______ to day.

A.the Eleventh Lesson

B.Eleventh Lesson

C.The Lesson Eleven

D.Lesson the Eleven

11. We are going to learn ________ next week.

A.Lesson Twelve

B.Lesson Twelfth

C.Twelfth Lesson

D.The Lesson Twelfth

12. _______ were blown down in the storm.

A.Score of tree

B.Scores of trees

C.Score of trees

D.Scores of tree

13. He sold _____ of the magazine this afternoon.

A.three dozen copy

B.three dozens copy

C.three dozen copies

D.three dozens copies

14. The librarian asked him to return the book _______.

A.in one day or two

B.for one or two days

C.within one day or two days

D.in a day or two

15. We heard that he could swim ______ under the water.

A.one minute or two

B.one or two minutes

C.two minutes or one

D.two or one minute

16. Two _____ died of cold last winter.

A.hundreds old people

B.hundred old people

C.hundreds old peoples

D.hundred old peoples

17. --“How many chairs are there in the room?”--“_______”

A.Are four

B.Are five chairs there

C.There’s one

D.There’s a chair

19. He is a student of _______.

A.Class First

B.the Class One

C.Class One

D.First Class

20. About ______ of the workers in the steel workers are young people.

A.third – fifths

B.three – fifths

C.three – fives

D.three –


21. “The______ Night” is a well – known play by Shakespeare.





22. Oct.1,1989 is ______ anniversary (周年纪念) of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

A.the forth

B.the fourtieth

C.the fortieth


23. One – fourth of an hour is ______.

A.25. minutes

B.15 minute

C.30 minutes

D.a quarter

24. Three – fourths of the surface of the earth ______ sea.

A. is

B. are


D. has been

25. About eleven percent of the population in the United States _____ black.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. will be

26. Several ______ ago, our country was covered by thick forestes.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/523639769.html,lion of year

https://www.360docs.net/doc/523639769.html,lion year

https://www.360docs.net/doc/523639769.html,lions years

https://www.360docs.net/doc/523639769.html,lions of years

27. There were seven ______ Negroes working on the farm.


B.hundred of

C.hundreds of


28. A new ____ building will be completed soon.

A.twenty –storey’s

B.twenty –storeys’

C.twenty –stories

D.twenty –storeyed

29. My grandpa is studying Japanese, though he is ______.

A.in his eighty

B.over eighty

C.more than eighties

D.in eighties

30. Are there seats for us ____?

A. the third

B. three

C. third

D. the three

31. I suppose you’ll have to do it a ______ time.

A. three

B. the third

C. third

D. three

32. Have you ever been to that ______ book- store?

A.a second – hand

B.two – hand

C.the second – hand

D.second – hand

33. Beijing is ____ largest city in China.

A. the second

B. a second

C. second

D. the two

34. This is a ____ factory.

A.five – hundred – worker

B.five – hundred – workers

C.five – hundreds – workers

D.five – hundred –worker’s

35. My son’s birthday is in ______ time.

A.three – weeds

B.three week’s


D.three weeks’

36. He made a _____ table.

A.four leg’s

B.four – leg

C.four – legged

D.four –leggs

37. I don’t know _______ number of his house is.

A. how much

B. how many

C. how

D. what

38. ______ is five times four?

A.How much

B.How many



39. If you want to go to the post office, take _______.

A.Bus Number the Six

B.Bus Number Six

C.Number Six Bus

D.Six Number Bus

40. I’ve seen it _______.

A.hundred times

B.hundreds of time

C.hundreds of times

D.hundred of times

41. 1/18 written in English is ________.

A.one – eighteens

B.one – eighteenth

C.eighteenths – one

D.one- eighteenths

42. There are ______ students in our class.





43. Choose the wrong one:

A.a four – hour trip

B.two five – year plan

C.a four – act play

D.a million – pound note

44. Choose the wrong one:

A.every two days

B.every second days

C.every few days

D.every other day

45. ______ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.


B.A great many

C.A large number of

D.A great deal of

46. We’ve ______ of time to do the work.

A. very much

B. enough

C. great deal

D. plenty

47. Squirrels have _____ secret food for the winter. They hide ______ nuts inside trees.

A.lots of ; plenty of

B.a large number of; many

C.a large amount of ; a great deal of

D.quantities of ; much

48. You can’t have him go to the party with you. He has ______ things to do.

A. good many

B. a lot

C. many a

D. a good many

49. I’ve acquired (获得) ______ knowledge from this reference book.



C.a great number of

D.lot of

50. He has been waiting for his mother for _______.

A. an hour and a half

B. one and a half hour

C. one and half an hour

D. one and half hours



6~10 DCCCA

11~15 ABCDB

16~20 BCACB

21~25 CCDAB

26~30 DDDBB

31~35 CDAAD

36~40 CDABC

41~45 BDBBD

46~50 DADAA
