留守老人 英语作文

留守老人 英语作文
留守老人 英语作文

Recently, the phenomenon of the rising left-behind elderly has aroused people’s concern. 近来,留守老人数量增长这一现象引起了人们的注意

The large number of the rear elderly was formed in rural areas result from aging of population brought by family planning and urbanization in China. 随着人口老龄化时期的到来和我国城镇化进程的加快,形成了一个庞大的农村留守老人群体。

A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are worth for our concern. 最对于这一现象,最近的一项分析表明三个情况需要引起我们的注意

Some people hold the opinion that it is our duty to do something to change for this situation,一些人认为,这是我们的责任去做一些改变去面对这一现状

Primarily,the key to solving the problem of the staying old is to balance the development between rural and urban areas。首先,城乡均衡发展是解决农村留守老人的关键。

What’s more,The aim is how to get the rear elderly' s burden unloaded in rural areas, to spare their later years in safety, and to realize aging in healthy,再次,如何使农村留守老人的正当权益得到保障,让农村留守老人卸下重担,安度晚年,实现健康老龄化。

Besides,sons and daughters should spare their time with their parents

as a reward for grow them up,made parents feel good。


From my point of view,I think that If we do not know the basic circumstance of the "left-behind elderly" in the rural areas,we cannot make decision efficiently for this problem.我认为,若是我们不知道留守老人问题循环出现的根源,我们很难解决这一问题

Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that the rising left-behind elderly is worth paying attention to. 对于上述的现状,我认为有必要做一些事去改变关注这些事。

It is everyone’s responsibility to make effort to solve the problem. Only in this way,这是我们的责任去以这种方式来改变这一现状


关爱空巢老人心得 导读:【关爱空巢老人心得_范文1】 前几天,父亲因身上出疱疹住进医院,那天二姐打电话说父亲腿疼,小便尿不出。她陪着上医院检查,原来是出疱疹引起的。疱疹从大腿一直到膝盖弯处都是,有的已经破了。医生说这麽严重怎么才来看,父亲说;“刚开始不知道是什么,以为起的小疙瘩没在意。”大 夫让住院,可有没有床位,只有特殊病床要几百元一天,父亲嫌贵不住,我说床费我拿他也不住。无奈只好每天早晚来医院打点滴,还得做理疗,还开点药清洗。二姐说:“因为疱疹起的地方,父亲不好意思让我们女儿弄,只好让弟弟晚上下班后帮他用药清洗。” 折腾了两天后,二姐又打来电话说:“父亲始终小便不出,今天大夫给下的导尿管,这样行走不便只得住院了,让我问问有没有病床。”联系之后告诉说现在只有4百元一天的高间了。我说那也得住,我急急忙忙赶过去后,父亲已经安排在病房里,条件特别好,外面一间像客厅,有沙发、冰箱、微波炉、电视像宾馆一样。里间一张大床,卫生间挺大,可以洗澡,也有电视。父亲说:“行啊,就当住宾馆了”。 住了四天后,父亲就又张罗要出院,说床费太贵,这时导尿管也撤了,他非得出院,也只好顺从他出了院。 没几天,弟妹又打来电话说父亲又住院了,还是小便不出,这次下导尿管遭老了罪了。我赶紧到医院,父亲靠在那不能动,我说他:‘说不让你出院,你非得出院,又得遭次罪。”父亲像个做错事的孩

子,嘟囔着床费不是太高了吗。我说:“这次你可得好利索了再出院,现在床位多紧张,老找人也不是回事呀。” 接下来的日子,每天去看父亲,晚上给他送饭,每次见到他吃的特别香的样子,心里特别酸。一想到八十多岁的人了,自己独守着一座空房,每天自己糊弄的吃一口饭,心里就会增添一种莫名的怅惘。虽然有儿有女,可他们都有自己的家庭和事业,也只能是空余时间看看他,帮助他干点家务,也帮他找过保姆,可是都不如意,不是人家不愿意干,就是我们不如意,还是他自己一个人的时候多。 自从十年前母亲去世后,父亲就自己一个人过,虽然身体还算硬朗,平时也很少生病,但面对空房总觉得特孤独。父亲经常说:“我一个人一天就像个哑巴一样,没有人说话,没有人来往。人老了都是这个样子,死了也就是一夜间的事。”听了父亲的话,我心里堵得慌,鼻子酸得像灌了醋直往下流。 看到那些守着空巢的风烛残年的老人,看到我那日渐衰弱的白发父亲,我的压抑的情感无处表达。我更不敢想象这种凄凉的.空巢景象还会持续多长时间。虽然他们不缺吃不缺穿,可精神上却感到特别的空虚和寂寞。有时我也在想,等我们老了的时候,会不会也像今天老人那样守着一座大房子,过着凄冷而孤独的生活。其实我们现在已经也是这样了,孩子结婚也有了自己的家庭,我们也是只剩下两人,只不过我们现在身体还好,每天还要忙碌生意,所以还没感到孤独。现在的老人好在子女还多些,有事的时候,兄弟姐妹可以一起忙活。


空巢老人的英语作文 篇一:空巢老人 Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or guardians may feel when one or more of their children leave home; it is more common in women. The marriage of a child can lead to similar feelings, with the role and influence of the parents often becoming less important compared to the new spouse. A strong maternal or paternal bond between the parent and child can make the condition worse. The role of the parent while the child is still living with them is more hands-on and immediate than is possible when they have moved out, particularly if the distance means that visits are difficult. Empty nest syndrome has become more prevalent in modern times,


看图写作文:空巢老人 The picture shows us a poignant picture about a drunk lonely old woman..A old woman who child is not around felt very lonely,no one spoke with her,no one will accompany her for dinner.she could only say it to myself in the mirror,and relying on alcohol to dispel loneliness.Sad as it seems,we can naturally associate it with a new word “Empty nesters”.In today’s society,many young people to work,the parents to stay at home alone,don’t greet them long time. "Filial piety" is in one thousand to keep the relationship of family social moral principles in China, is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The famous "24 filial piety figure" was widely circulated,However, people today seem to have to abandon it. Many parents are always busy with work as an excuse to let parents stay at home alone, just to give physical care,totally oblivious to a parent's daily life. Young people to live, go out to work is inevitable.B ut at least remember that often greet parents, the parents, after all, already old, children are not around, life is inevitable there will be a lot of inconvenience.What parents want is not much, just your a few words of greetings, or go home for dinner. Parents spend much effort put children brought up, who stayed up all night to accompany with sick children at the bedside, and now children are reluctant to empty out a meal time to give them. If your parents is healthy in your side, then give them a little more love, let them feel your care.


关爱空巢老人 公益广告策划 广告主题:关爱空巢老人,常回家看看广告目的: 1. 提高中青年人对父母的关注意识。 2. 由于现在社会独身子女居多,在孩子出去上学或工作以后,家中空巢老人倍感孤独,无人照料,倡导大家关爱老人,避免发生子欲养而亲不待的悲剧。 3. 引起前社会的警醒和关注。背景简介: 由于与子女和亲人的距离,他们精神上无所依靠,缺乏关怀与照料,要独自地承担疾病与各种危险的代价。他们有时候就像一座孤岛,稍不留意,生活就将沉入海底。 目前,我国65岁及以上的农村留守老人近2000万,以农村劳动力输出最为集中的

安徽、河南、湖南、江西和四川五省为多。一项针对安徽省16个市、41个县969人的调查发现,农村留守老人抑郁症状的检出率为37.6%。其原因包括:老年人与外界的接触减少,导致老人孤独感增强;生活无法自理而需依赖他人,易使患者心理负担过重。如产生焦虑、内疚、自卑感、无价值感、绝望感而出现焦虑情绪。 另一组数据更是让人触目惊心。在我国的自杀人群中,55岁以上的占人群的36%,其中农村老人自杀率是世界平均水平的4至5倍。 广告目标对象: 1.广大公众 2.相关政府部门 3.对解决这种状况有帮助的相关社会组织使用场合 使用场合: 1. 电视、广播、报刊、新闻事件等各方面媒体传播

2. 网络传播 3.户外传播 实施方案: 电视广告: 1. 镜头一:医院产房内随着一声响亮的哭声,婴儿出生了,抱着婴儿的年轻夫妇幸福地微笑着。(镜头慢慢推进到父母脸上的笑容) 2. 镜头二:转眼上学了,站在家门口的母亲翘首望着归家的孩童,孩子幸福地扑进母亲的怀抱。(镜头特写扑进母亲怀抱的一瞬间) 3. 镜头三:给录取通知书一张特写,孩子被XX大学录取了。父母送孩子去上大学,看到孩子迅速地融入环境。父亲:孩子长大了。母亲:是啊,心里高兴啊!父亲:以后不用你我们天天操心啦……(运用剪辑从拿到通知书将镜头切换到上学) 4. 镜头四:在大红的喜字映衬下,两位新人甜蜜地微笑着,而二老却在偷偷地抹着眼


How to Care for the Elderly By an eHow Contributor Print this article There are many things to consider when caring for the elderly, from finances to health concerns. Add to that mental and emotional issues you will both be facing- and caring for the elderly can seem like an insurmountable task. Don't be discouraged though because caring for the elderly can also be one of the most gratifying times in your life. Read on to learn more. Related Searches: Elderly PeopleElderly Services Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Physical Considerations 1 Get informed about physical illnesses by researching, talking to the doctor and talking to the elderly person. Know what to expect, what medications are needed and what possible side effects may occur. Talk to the doctor about getting home health nurses to help care for them during periods of sickness. Nurses aides may be available to help take care of the daily needs of bathing and dressing. Check with your county senior services agency to find out what services are offered. 2 Keep all medical information together, such as test results, names and phone numbers of doctors, appointment dates, social security number, Medicare cards and insurance papers. Make a chart of medications if the elderly person is taking a lot of them; a chart will keep track of what medication has been taken and the time. 3 Check the home for safety and easy access. If the elderly person is using a walker, make sure throw rugs are secure and take care there are no obstacles to trip over. Install safety railings if necessary. If the elderly person is in a wheelchair, make sure they have help getting in and out of the chair. Doorways may need to be widened and ramps installed for wheelchair access. Emotional and Mental Considerations 1 Keep the brain active by playing word games, doing crossword puzzles or quizzes. Teach the elderly to access the internet and help them find an area of interest to them. Ask them to help you with a pet project or to write out their family history. Keep the elderly engaged in every day life for good mental health. 2 Be understanding when the elderly person seems to be stubborn about something. Put yourself in their position; they've given up their independence and must now rely on you for care. Any little thing that they can hold on to helps them feel more independent. When you understand why they are being so stubborn, it's much easier to handle and you'll have much less stress.


关爱空巢老人社会实践报告范文2篇 爱暖夕阳,青春在志愿中飞扬。为培养大学生参与社会调查的实践能力,践行暑期“三下乡”的志愿精神,7月7日,信阳师院物电学院成立多支调查小组,开展了以“关爱空巢老人,践行青年志愿精神”为主题的暑期“三下乡”社会实践调查活动。 首先,调查组在指导老师洪亮的带领下奔赴浉河区清塘乡董家河村进行实地调察,搜集空巢老人相关资料并拜访空巢老人。该村村委会的工作人员向队员们介绍了政府对老年人的扶助政策以及该村特有的空巢老人扶持政策,并将村里空巢老人的具体现状作了详细的介绍。通过对村委会工作人员的访谈以及他们提供的相关资料,志愿者们获取了关于该村老年人的生活现状、福利状况以及地方有关部门制定的一些解决对策等方面的相关信息。村委会的工作人员对志愿者的实践活动给予充分的肯定,在赞扬该院大学生的实践服务精神之余,他还就此次调查活动提出了一些指导性建议。 随后,调查组成员分两组实地走拜访了该村空巢老人,对老人的家庭情况、收入情况、健康状况等问题进行了调查。志愿者们还和老人们话起了家常,75岁的王大爷听力有些障碍,志愿者们十分耐心地与王大爷进行了交谈。志愿者左炎春告诉记者:“随着社会老龄化程度的加深,空巢老人越来越多,已经成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。希望通过我们的调查分析,引起有关部门的重视。同时,也希望我们可以为老人们的生活带来些许快乐。”

在此次社会实践活动中,志愿者们严格遵守学校三下乡纪律,坚持社会工作的博爱、尊重、助人自助的精神价值理念,把所学的社会工作专业知识运用到调查实践中,展示了师院学子良好的精神风貌,受到了地方群众的热情接待和高度赞扬。据悉,在未来几天里,他们还将开展关爱老人的回访工作,再次返回董家河村,将大众的心意转达给“空巢老人”. 关爱空巢老人社会实践报告范文篇二 随着社会的进步与发展,随着人们思想意识的改变,越来越多的年轻人选择外出打工创业,这自然会活跃地方经济,带动社会发展。然而与此同时也造成了空巢老人和留守儿童这一特殊群体的存在。而我们作为21实际的大学生,应利用社会实践,为社会承担责任,主动去关爱这两个特殊群体。在学校里我自愿加入留守儿童协会去帮助我们需要帮助的留守儿童们,而这次的暑期实践活动当中能够更好的表达出当代大学生的精神风貌。团队在实践的十天时间里,以志愿服务-社会调查-宣传三者结合的方式,去了解、呼吁、关爱这两个特殊群体。在实践过程中不管是烈日炎炎,还是不期而至的大雨,什么都克服了,以实际行动诠释了“责任”二字。 【关键词】 空巢老人留守儿童社会调查志愿服务责任 【引言】 此次社会实践的参加者是我的初中同学,现在都是来自不同的地方不同的学校,我与我的团队成员们在为期十天的社会实践中,


关爱老人的活动总结三篇 关爱老人的活动总结篇一 为进一步解决空巢老人的养老问题,加快养老服务事业发展,推进我社区精神文明建设,结合深入开展“迎全运、讲文明、树新风、促和谐”全民行动,在全社区范围内持续开展了“关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动”,共组织志愿者21名,服务空巢老人13个。现将开展关爱空巢老人志愿服务活动总结如下: 一、定期走访,为空巢老人提供生活服务和精神服务 社区各委主任对空巢老人进行走访慰问,询问他们的生活状况、子女外出工作情况等,及时了解和解决空巢老人的紧急需求,陪同老人聊天解闷,提供精神慰籍和心理抚慰,增进与老年人之间的交流与沟通,并赠送了一些生活用品和食品给老人,嘱咐老人要注意饮食,保重身体。此外,还鼓励老人多参加社区活动以及专为老人开展的系列活动,保持乐观向上的良好心态,享受老年生活。 为了让空巢老人在平时生活中更注重饮食健康,科学合理地控制食用盐和食用油的摄入量,预防三高疾病,社区向空巢老人陆续免费发放控盐勺、限油壶、量油尺共13个,并组织20名志愿者专程上门为老人详细介绍正确使用方法。为此,老人都纷纷对社区以及志愿者的关爱和帮扶表示由衷的感谢。 二、开展体检活动,为空巢老人提供健康服务 为保障老人的身心健康,社区定期为空巢老人举办免费的身体检查活动,使老人生病能够得到及时医疗和照顾。社区组织了空巢老人

进行免费的白内障排查,通过验视力、散瞳等形式检查老人的视力情况,为下阶段的手术治疗提前做好准备。7月下旬,社区会同铁西区人民医院对空巢老人进行免费的体检,得到了社区老人的广泛赞同。 三、宣传引导,扎实推进关爱空巢老人志愿服务活动 社区全面铺开关爱空巢老人志愿服务工作,大量收集关爱服务情况的文字、图片、视频等,通过对帮扶对象进行跟踪报道,加大对关爱空巢老人工作重大意义的宣传,广泛宣传无私奉献、关爱老人的感人事迹,号召广大市民向志愿者学习,积极参与关爱空巢老人志愿服务行动。 随着社会人口老龄化程度越来越高社区老年人越来越多如何关爱老人尤其是空巢老人,让老人的晚年生活过得幸福、快乐一直是我社区工作的重点。为此,我们广泛开展关爱空巢老人志愿服务活动,积极为空巢老人排忧解难和提供心灵关爱的温暖,营造家庭幸福生活的良好氛围,在全社会培育“老吾老以及人之老”的道德风尚。 关爱老人的活动总结篇二 我社区逐渐步入老年人社区,空巢老人问题越来越突出,根据社区实际情况,社区妇联决定开展“关爱空巢老人让爱扬帆远播”的活动。 社区妇联十分重视本次活动,专门成立“关爱空巢老人服务小组”来负责本次活动。组长由社区书记祁柱均担任,负责整个活动的统筹规划。副组长由妇联主任祁丽云担任,负责活动的全面工作。服务小组的成员由计生服务组成员、团委志愿服务队队员和社区办工作人员


社会如何关爱残疾人关爱残疾人的英语作文 How to take care of the disabled people? Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we they need to our help. We should not look down upon can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people! 残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学习。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。 Nowadays, young men look so busy and independent in modern socie ty that they will never feel free to live with their parents. They mo ve out and mind their own business every day. On usual days, they wou ld not like to take their time to visit their parents with the excuse s of busyness. On some festival days, they probably share a little ti me to drop in their parents or even just send some presents but don't show up personally like what the cartoon above illustrates. They thi nk that presents can represent their love, however, to the parents, w ho overcame a lot of difficulties to bring them up, those stuff are f ar away from what they really hope for。 With the rapid pace of economic development, our old parents fee l more and more lonely and unhappy. However busy we may be, we should spend more time talking with them and accompanying them, because the


下雨天帮助摔倒的老人帮助摔倒老人英语作文 范文 帮助摔倒老人这一社会话题在英语作文中可谓是热点,若是你遇到这种话题,你知道范文吗?下面是WTT给大家带来帮助摔倒老人英语作文,供大家参阅! 帮助摔倒老人英语作文篇 1 This afternoon when i was crossing the street after school,I saw an old woman with a heavy basket fell over herself.One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more.She groaned on the ground with pain.I was hesitating if i should go to help while a kind cleaner rushed to her.He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. 今天下午放学后,我过马路时看到一个提着重篮子的老妇人摔倒了。她的一条腿摔坏了,动不了。她躺在地上痛苦地呻吟

着。正在我犹豫要不要过去帮忙的时候,一个清洁工抛向了她。他把她扶了起来,并送她去了最近的医院。 帮助摔倒老人英语作文篇 2 It seems like a silly question, anyone in sane would give a hand to the elderly who fell.But in China, this question is being tricky.Many news report that there are some old people not just fell, they do it on https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e4954833.html,ually, they walk on a crowdy street, and pretend to faint or just lay down on the ground, intend to accuse the one who es to help as a perpetrator and blackmail him/her for the treatment fee.Many people have fell for that and had to pay as there is no witness to prove their innocence.As for these negative news, people is afraid to help those old people in need, that makes some of them who are in real trouble could not get help in time.I once asked one of my friends: “Why the old peopl e turn bad? If you see one in the street, would you help?” He said: “It is not the old people turn bad, it is the bad people turn old.I


关爱空巢老人社会实践报告 老年是我们每个人都会经历的阶段,然而这个曾为社会和家庭作出巨大付出的群体,总是被我们所遗忘。关注今天的老人,关爱明天的自己。以下是XX 收集的关于《关爱空巢老人社会实践报告》的文章,欢迎阅读了解! 有人说:“进门一盏灯,出门一把锁。”这是许多空巢老人的写照。可我却想说:“只要有爱,即使巢空了,她们的心也不会空。” XX年3月14日,在星海湾街道化物所社区挂职锻炼了三周后,我去探望了社区里的空巢老人——吕世舫奶奶。这位83岁的老奶奶,有着爱笑的好性格。刚一进门,她就热情地拉着我们到沙发上坐着。我们陪她聊天,听着她的笑,品着她的幸福。 吕奶奶有两儿一女,其中姑娘因为要陪读孙女去了万里之外美国,而她的大儿子虽然在国内工作,但因工作繁忙,老人长期以来一直独居。83年的时光,在她的脸上留下了痕迹,却永远带不走她的好心态。 不长不短的几个小时里,她和我们聊着她的生活。虽然一直一个人居住,但是社区丰富的活动却让她并不寂寞。 每个晴朗的早上,她都坐着两站地的公交,去星海公园耍剑。大概锻炼两个小时左右,又乘车回到家里。除外,她还是社区太极扇舞蹈团的负责人,因为社区的大力支持,每周她都带领着一群姐妹在社区提供的舞蹈室打打太极扇,希望可以强身健体,也收获着迟暮之年的珍贵友情。她笑着对我们说:“人老了,一个人,多的是时间,可是我却不让自己闲下来想其他的事情,我的每一天都很充实。”我们惊叹于她身体的硬朗,更佩服她心态的年轻。 吕奶奶说,天气热的时候,她们几位空巢老人会在楼前支一桌麻将,好姐妹谈笑间打磨着一个人的时光。她又带着我们看了楼前的月季地,春天一到,她便开始耕地种花,用缤纷多彩的月季迎接岁岁年年的到来。 儿女不在身边,老伴也早自己而去。对于一位已经年过80的女人,只有自己才了解这其中的辛苦和寂寞。但是,或许是我们想象中空巢老人孤独的形象


最美志愿者事迹材料七篇 【篇一】 xx,女,汉族,出生于xx年8月,是一名中共党员,xx年7月大学毕业后就职于广安市前锋区前锋镇人民政府,现任前锋镇团委书记。自xx年第一次穿上志愿者红衣以来,她一直是同龄人中的志愿服务先行者。 十年志愿路,她一直是志愿精神的践行者 xx年,她十四岁,在前锋中学读初中二年级。为迎接邓小平同志100周年诞辰,学校准备在前锋火车站开展学雷锋志愿服务活动,为老、弱、病、残、孕的重点旅客提供爱心帮助。那是她参加的第一次志愿服务活动,头顶烈日手提重物汗如雨下笑容满面,是她记忆中最鲜活的场景。 xx年,她就读的初三(一)班一名家境贫寒的男同学在上学途中遭遇车祸,小腿骨折。热心的她便向全校同学组织募捐,并带头捐款。 xx年,奥运火炬传递到广安。她和数百名同学一起,深夜两点从校园出发,步行一个多小时到邓小平故居助力奥运火炬传递。 xx年,在成都市西南交通大学读书的她,在校青年志愿者协会的带领下已经是一名正式的志愿者。一次偶然机会,她知道

了成都有一所特殊教育学校,里面的孩子都是聋哑人。她决定走入这个没有声音的世界,传递爱和温暖。她组织了一支大学生志愿者队伍,带着玩具和学习用具,定期到成都市特殊教育学校和孩子们玩耍、交流。 文明引导、旧物(图书)捐献、环保节能行动、偏远山区调研、特殊群体和困难群体关爱帮扶……十年间,她从未离开过志愿者行列。校园、车站、广场、旅游景区、商业大街、山间小路,都有她的红色身影。十年坚持,她赢来了老师同学的赞誉,她带动了许许多多志同道合的同学、朋友投身志愿服务活动,她们开展了不计其数的志愿服务活动,足迹遍布3座城市4所学校多个农村小院。 面对工作压力,她仍然坚持做志愿精神的传递者 xx年,她大学本科毕业,回到家乡广安发展。乡镇的工作跟她读书时的想象并不一样,繁琐耗时占用精力,还有各种各样学生时代不曾遇到过的困境与挑战。工作任务重压力大,占用了她太多精力,坚持做一名志愿者不是一件轻松的事情,但她没有放弃,反而觉得在工作之余多参加志愿服务活动是一件快乐的事情,因为不同的志愿服务活动需要扮演不同的角色,收获不同的感动,能反过来减轻自己的工作压力。 她做过留守儿童的知心姐姐。xx年,她组织了一支由在职


Caring about old people: urgent and necessary With the development of modern society, many social issues concerned about old people lost their security in supporting themselves have been revealed comprehensively in our daily life, due to severer phenomenon, ignorance from family、absence of social pension insurance system and lack of enough attention from the whole society have been linked to those realities. So, how to find some effective methods to solve the problems of the elder have significant meaning in sharing the economy benefit. First of all, family should pay more attention and share more mental care for the elder. China has a long history of giving the honor to parents and caring about the old people, visit our parents frequently with full attention and behave in a polite way will provide mental care to the old people. So, enhance the education of supporting and loving old people would form a person with right attitude in dealing with old people, at the same time, the whole society would form a more proper atmosphere in how to treat the elder, which is full of patience, caring and positive attitude. On the other hand, accelerate the construction of pension insurance system can provide old people security with reliable income when people reach the legal retired age. Insurance system of old people are including following policy: one is pension insurance system which can make sure that old people get paid when they retired, and another is social security, which would guarantee the elder a basic living ability. Concern about some advanced experience, social organization of supporting the elder can be more effective in helping old people, especially the elder without a family, such as public nursing house and supportive fund to elder, etc. To those old people who


最新的关爱空巢老人感想五篇 关爱空巢老人感想(一) 随着我国人口老龄化不断增长的趋势日益明显,关爱空巢老人越来越成为人们关注的话题,出现在空巢老人中的问题也日渐突出。关爱空巢老人的精神生活和物质生活,对营造文明和谐的社会环境和人际关系、推动社会和谐发展有重要的意义。 我社区逐渐步入老年人社区,空巢老人问题越来越突出,根据社区实际情况,社区妇联决定开展”关爱空巢老人让爱扬帆远播”的活动。 社区妇联十分重视本次活动,专门成立”关爱空巢老人服务小组”来负责本次活动。组长由社区书记祁柱均担任,负责整个活动的统筹规划。副组长由妇联主任祁丽云担任,负责活动的全面工作。 服务小组的成员由计生服务组成员、团委志愿服务队队员和社区办工作人员组成,负责各项工作的具体实施。在成立服务小组后,我们立即开展社区空巢老人的调查,在各居民小组的配合下,对社区存在的空巢老人作登记存档,作为日后开展工作的材料。 4月20日,服务小组的队员到超市选购了大米、食用油和新鲜水果。我们逐一到空巢老人家进行探访。老人们对我们的到来感到非常开心,连连表示感谢。我们陪着老人们聊天,听他们讲过去的历史,听他们诉说自己内心的空虚,听他们反映生活的困难,听他们感谢当

今美好的生活……在聊到兴致高时,老人们手舞足蹈,甚是可爱。 我们跟老人们谈现今的民生政策,跟他们聊社会趣闻,对他们进行心理疏导,帮助他们解开心结,快乐生活。他们表示,儿女不在身旁确实多了许多的牵挂和寂寞,不过儿女们也有自己的难处,自己也不能给儿女添烦恼。只希望儿女们多给家里打电话,多回家看看、坐坐。服务组的成员把老人们的心愿记下了,在接下来的工作中会作进一步的沟通,一方面我们加强与老人子女的联系,让他们明白老人的心声,一方面组织社工、志愿者定期到老人家中探访。 为了让广大老年人生活的充实、快乐,社区妇联将定期在组织老年人活动,除了开展慰问活动还会举行各类的文体活动,如老年人文化周末等等。社区妇联将尽自己的一份力量,为空巢老人带去一份快乐,献上一份孝心,送上一份关怀,让他们感到温暖。 我社区不断探索解决关爱空巢老人问题,积极发挥各个部门的力量,共同关注空巢老人,既弘扬了中华民族尊老爱幼、助人为乐的美德,也让我们从中学会了感恩,学会了奉献爱。我们将会将这种服务精神一直发扬下去。 关爱空巢老人感想(二) “老吾老以及人之老”,尊老、爱老、助老,自古以来就是中华民族的传统美德。随着社会经济的不断发展,以及人口老龄化的不断加快,我国出现了一个特殊的群体——”空巢老人”。关爱今天的老年人,就是关爱明天的自己。关爱老年人是我们每一个社会成员义不容辞的责任!在此,我们特向广大市民提出一下倡议:


英语作文写作翻译:关于关爱老人 As the saying goes, filial piety is the most important in all virtues. To respect the elderly is the Chinese traditional virtue. To respect the elderly is also the progress of human science development. If human have proper thoughts, the society can develop healthily. To care the elders is not only for a child and a family, but also for a society and a country. So this problem has become a hot issue. 俗话说,百善孝为先。尊敬老人是中华民族的传统美德。尊敬老 人是人类科学发展的进步。如果人们思想准确,社会才能够健康发展。照顾老人不但是为了孩子和家庭,也是为了社会和国家。所以这个问 题已经成为一个热点问题。 As children, they should take care of the elderly in material and spirit. For example, they ought to go back home often to see their parents and accompany them. As the government, they should perfect the legal, because the system is far from perfect. What’s more, the government should provide assistance for the elderly. 作为孩子,他们应该在物质和精神上照顾老人的。例如,他们应 该常回家看看父母,陪陪他们。作为政府,因为制度的不完善,他们 应该完善法律。更重要的是,政府应该为老人提供援助。
