


Richard Anderson,

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

Objective :

A position in application or help desk department with a focus on usability in the Pittsburgh PA area.

Education :

University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA

Master of Science in Information, 2000.

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Specialization

GPA 4.00 / 4.00

Member of Michigan Ohio Computer-Human Interaction (MOCHI) chapter

Member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA

Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Engineering, 1994

Minor in Management Information Systems

Magna Cum Laude, GPA 3.83 / 4.00

National Merit Scholar

Member of T au Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society

Member of Golden Key National Honor Society

Relevant Experience :

Hubbard and Assoc, LLP Pittsburgh, PA

Software Support Specialist, 2/1995 – 7/1999

Implemented new software and upgraded existing software on 17 Novell Netware servers and on individual workstations

Automated the installation of software to 1200 end-user PCs via DOS batch files, Symantec Basic scripting, and Novell Application Launcher snapshot


Provided second level support to internal Help Desk to resolve user concerns with specific applications, including Windows 95, Microsoft Office,

GroupWise, and numerous industry specific applications

Identified and implemented technologies and methods of using existing technology to help users work more efficiently, including:

Creating/revising macros and spreadsheets in Quattro Pro, Excel, and VBA programming

Developing procedures and training users in electronic data transfer between applications

Wrote articles for and reviewed the Techie Tips, Tricks And News newsletter

Prepared documentation and training materials, coordinated technology related training

Participated in conversion of 1200 PCs from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95

Assisted in deploying Help Desk, including software selection and development of procedures Worked on the Help Desk to provide support for software,

printing, and network access issues

Academic Computing Services, University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA Consultant/Monitor, 9/1993 - 12/1994

Provided personal assistance to students on IBM and Macintosh computers

Maintained computing facilities and managed printers

Verizon Development Engineering , Pittsburgh, PA.

Student Technician/Professional Trainee, Technical Services, Quality and Systems, 5/1993 - 8/1993

Training and help desk for over 500 people.

Helped establish an inventory database to track computer equipment

Train new hire secretaries in Word97, iManage, Legal MacPac, Softwise MacroSuite, CompareRite, CMS Time; train summer associates; in-coming new attorneys. Involved in the training and rollout of Outlook 2000.

Skills :

Computer Skills:

Windows XP, 2000, 98, 95, NT Microsoft Office

Word 2002, 2000, 97, 7.0, 6.0

WordPerfect 9.0


Docs Open


Softwise MacroSuite

Legal MacPac


Ability and desire to learn new technologies quickly

Usability Skills:

User Needs Assessment

User Centered, Participatory Design

Competitive Analysis

Cognitive Modeling

Heuristic Evaluation

Usability Testing

Interface Prototyping and Testing

T ask and GOMS Analysis

Usability Testing

Survey Development and Analysis

Content Analysis

Card Sorting

Relevant Coursework :

Evaluation of Systems and Services

Responsible for highly skilled training and floor support for diverse groups of people (legal secretaries, word processors, attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff) in a variety of software applications with the aim to present software in such a way that persons thrive during transitions and conversions. Worked with clients as project lead trainer to resolve on-site training related issues. Assisted with documentation. Training Consultant/Help Desk

IT User Support Specialist

Supported a conversion roll-out from Word 6.0 and Docs Open to Word97 and iManage via Help Desk and floor

Analyzed problems and sent technicians as needed. Gave up-to-date information to people regarding software and hardware changes. Entered

Help Desk requests through Top of Mind, a user support application. Ran

administrative applications when needed.

Digital Librarianship

Explored concepts relating to digital libraries, through working for the Internet Public Library, including researching user reference questions and creating and evaluating online materials.

Database Application Design

Covered aspects of database design, use, and implementation. For group project,

Designed and developed a database system for a personal video database

Implemented the database in Microsoft Access, using SQL and Visual Basic for Applications

Visual Basic

Introduced Visual Basic application development language.

Java Programming I and II

Explored concepts of object-oriented programming and GUI development in Java.

One Credit Toolkit Courses and Workshops

Macromedia Director, Advanced html, SGML/XML, Usability Methods, Perl workshop

Further Information :

Samples of coursework available online. Letters of recommendation available upon request.

Also learn how to create letter of recommendation. For more help on resume writing you can read our section on resume help page.


Kenly Peterson,

4567, North 34 Street.

Boston, MA 04509,

(656)-676 7990.

Objective: sercahing for computer help desk operator job in a reputed company in order to utilize the skills and experience for the expansion of the organization.

Professional Skill Summery:

Able to do work at a time on computer.

Capable to communicate with user and solve their problems as fast as possible.

Have good knowledge of hardware and networking so able to solve problem related to this.

Excellent in database creation by using SQL and Microsoft Access.

Computer Skills:

Have good knowledge in desktop operating system.

Excellent in SQL, MS Access.

Good in MS Word, Power Point etc.

Experience Details:

Post : As Computer Help Desk Operator

Company : PVGR and Assoc., Denmark.

From 2000 till present date

Responsibilities handled are summarized as below :

Handled over 500 PC's of user by giving different services.

Adapted new technologies to increase working speed of users.

Attended seminars of specialist which help in improve the thinking ability to solve the different problems.

Maintained strong relationship with end-users.

Educational Qualification:

Completed Master of Science from Boston University in 1997.

Completed Bachelor of Science from Denmark University in 1994.

Completed Microsoft certification courses to increase technical knowledge.


留学生回国求职简历精品范文 简历和写求职信一样,资料不要密密麻麻地堆在一起,项目与项目之间应有一定的空位相隔。 留学生回国求职简历精品范文篇一 男 27岁天津人 学历:硕士及以上 工作年限:无经验 期望薪资: 8000-120XX元 工作地点:北京 - 不限 求职意向:外汇/基金/国债经理 | 融资经理 | 其他金融/银行职位 | 投资/理财顾问 | 证券经理 工作经验(工作了2年10个月,做了2份工作) 北京中瑞诚会计师事务所 工作时间:20XX年4月至 20XX年10月[6个月] 职位名称:审计助理 工作内容:参加审计类工作,填写装订底稿、凭证、代理记账、代理报税,参加三公经费检查等项目。 立信会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) 工作时间:20XX年10月至今[2年4个月] 职位名称:审计员

工作内容:20XX年度与20XX年度主要参与了多家大型资产管理公司和国企公司的审计业务,如:华融资产管理公司大检查以及股权转让的项目、七星集团、中软安人、新三板森博、新三板苏州新能膜、新三板新生力、长江电工年审项目、重庆青山年审项目、华中药业年审及经济责任项目、兵器工业208所经济责任项目。20XX年参与的中软冠群和新能膜成功上市新三板。并于 20XX年年会中整个部门团队被评委优秀团队。 教育经历 20XX年12月毕业 Bangor university accounting and finance 20XX年9月毕业 Teesside University Business finance 20XX年6月毕业中国人民大学 HND项目国际金融 语言技能 英语:一般 证书奖项 证书名称:助理理财规划师颁发时间:20XX年11月颁发机构:中国人民大学 自我描述 作为一名海归,虽然之前实习过,但是仍对于助理这一从最底层打杂工作充满了各种不泄,认为这些都是些很简单的东西,就是所谓的眼高手低的毛病。然而确实有些东西或事物在实际操作中与想象存在着很大的区别。这就是工作经验存在差距。作为


英语法学双学士毕业生简历表格文档Resume form for double Bachelor of English law gradua tes

英语法学双学士毕业生简历表格文档 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 照片 性别:女民族:汉族 目前所在地:广州政治面貌:共青团员 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:23岁 联系电话:电子邮箱: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:应届毕业生 应聘职位:全部证券/金融/投资/银行教育工作年限: 1 职称:无职称

求职类型:全职可到职时间:随时 月薪要求:3000-6000元希望工作地区:广州工作经历: 2017-07 - 2017-09 xx省xx 英语培训机 构教师 工作描述:帮助来补习的学生来提高在英语方面的知识,在英语的听、说、读、写方面加强。 2017-01 - 2017-05 xx省xx百货销售助理 工作描述:销售公司的产品,让顾客放心的去买公司产品。 教育背景 毕业院校:xx大学 最高学历:本科毕业时间:2017-06 所学专业一:英语所学专业二:法学 专业描述:英语法学双学士毕业生简历表格由精品信息网整理!

英语:具备英语语言、英语阅读、英语写作、英语口语和英语翻译等方面基本理论,基本知识和基本技能,了解主要英语国家和西方国家的国情和文化,掌握较为广泛的科学文化知识。 法学:法理学、中国法制史、宪法、行政法与行政诉讼法、民法、商法、知识产权法、经济法、刑法、民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、国际法、国际私法、国际经济法 语言水平 英语:优秀国语水平:优秀 日语:一般粤语水平: 获得证书 2017-06 大学英语四级成绩:(487) 2017-09 国家计算机二级证书成绩:(及格) 2017-12 大学英语六级成绩:(498)英语法学双学士毕业生简历表格由精品信息网整理! 个人评价


英语求职简历范文 Name: Sex: Male Birthdate: September, 30, 1986 Height: 174 cm Marital Status: Unmarried Phone:*********** E-mail:11178755@https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html, Career Objective To work as a guide with Hangzhou International Travel Service. Work Experience 2020-Present Served as a guide for foreigners at Folk Custom and Culture Village in Shenzhen. Responsible for explaining China's various folk customs and cultures to foreign visitors. 2020-2020 Acted as a guide for foreigners at Splendid China in Shenzhen. Showed foreign toursits to all the miniature tourist attractions. 2008-2009

Worked as a guide for Hangzhou International Travel Service. Responsibilities included arranging, coordinating tourist activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment. Educational Background 2004-2008 Majored in Tourism at Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages for Tourism. Courses completed: Tourist Economics, Tourist Marketing, Toursit Psychology, Tourist Culture, Tourist Etiquette Study, Guiding Methods and Techniques, Vocational Ethics of Tourism, Chinese Cuisine, Tourist Attractions in China, Tourist Law, etc. Foreign Languages:Fluent English and adequate Japanese. Technical Qualification:Received a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate in 2008


小学英语教师个人简历模板 基本信息 姓名: 性别:女 出生年月:1987-12-29 民族:汉族 学历:大专 现居住地:河北省-石家庄市 工作年限: 到岗时间:随时 身高:167cm 联系电话: 求职意向 应聘类型:全职 应聘职位:教师,教学·教务管理人员,幼儿教育,班主任 应聘行业:不限 期望工作地区:石家庄市 期望月薪:面议 自我评价 本人在校期间,曾担任本系学生会办公室主任一职,并获优秀学 生干部,省级三好学生,优秀团员,预备党员等荣誉,且在寒暑假期间,

曾做过兼职,有较丰富的工作经验。本人沉着冷静,细心,具有较强 的适合水平和交际组织水平,有较强的责任心,积极进步,乐于助人,办事效率高,较强的创新意识和团队精神。有一定的实践经验和办事 水平。 工作经历 光华英语培训学校2009-6至2009-8:小学英语教师 所在部门:小学部 工作描述:担任小学部的英语教师,课程主要有剑桥少儿英语, 在工作中积极乐观,善于同学生交流,并有较好的业绩。 北方大厦2009-2至2009-4:前台接待员 所在部门:前台 工作描述:检查并处理前一天的工作情况(08:30~09:00),查 看交班记录,了解未完成的工作事项,检查夜审报表情况,检查各种 报表的分送登记,查看夜班钥匙清点记录和有无过夜的留言信息,分 析房间误差原因,查阅有无超越权限的房价签字等。最近任职公司名 称保密 2008-7至2008-9:文员 所在部门:行政后勤 工作描述:文员;负责组织安排各类会议,撰写会议纪要。负责文 字的处理,档案的保管。文件的外文翻译等工作。在工作中作出了一 定的成绩。 中兴旅行社2008-1至2008-2:计调员 所在部门:计调部


最新教师个人简历表格大全 人基本信息 姓名:性别:男 出生日期:1976-02-18 民族:汉 户籍:中国湖北省身高:174cm 婚姻状况:已婚体重:65kg 政治面貌:党员学历:本科 毕业时间:1999-06-30 毕业院校:黄冈师范学院 身份证:422127********* 专业:物理学类物理教育现有职称:中级第二专业:无 现住地点:湖北省 求职意向 应聘职位类型:物理教师求职类型:全职 月薪要求:4000元(RMB) 具体职位一:高中物理教师 具体职位二:具体职位三: 具体职位四:具体职位五: 希望工作地区:不限不限其他工作地区: 相关工作经历及特长 人才类型:普通求职相关工作时间:8年 外语语种:英语外语水平:良好

其它外语语种:无其它外语水平:无 普通话水平:标准计算机水平:良好 教育/培训经历 工作经验 工作技能 职业目标 自我介绍 本人1999年7月毕业于黄冈师范学院(专科毕业,现已取得函授本 科文凭),分配至高中从事物理教学工作,自参加工作以来,我在教 学上兢兢业业,极积探索各种教学方法,教学业绩一直稳居年级第一。参加工作近八年,我当了六年的班主任,并在班级管理工作上积累了 丰富的管理经验,我所带的班,纪律和学习风气每年都是全校的,学 习成绩也总是稳居年级第一。除此以外,在教学中,我勤于思考,即 时总结教学中的经验,并乐于将这些经验形成文字,所以,近几年我 在各种报刋发表了多篇试题和文章,见后面附表。另外,我还在年级 组分管教学工作,在年级管理方面我也有一定经验。 在过去的八年中,我送走了三届高三毕业生,经过这几年教学的锤炼,我已经成长为一名十分成熟的高中物理教师,我各方面素质十分全面,讲课、实验、带课外活动小组、自制教具、写作教学论文、高考试题 研究、课题研究、班级管理、教学管理等,样样都是能手。和其他同 行相比,我觉得我有以下优点:一、工作勤奋,对待工作,我兢兢业业,任劳任怨,数年如一日,绝不会出现“三天打鱼两天晒网”的情


海外留学生个人简历 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Interests: Designing and developing scalable Internet based software solutions. Especially interested in building mission-critical middle-tier and backend systems. Education: M.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA B.S. in Computer Sciences from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA Synopsis: 2+ years of project leadership experience and 5+ years of commercial software design and development experience. 6+ years of Object-Oriented, multi-threaded, software development experience using Java and C/C++ for both PC and embedded environments. Extensive Internet based software development experience using various Internet technologies. Proficient in the following languages and environments: Languages/Databases: C++, C, Java, Perl, SQL, Assembly, JSP, GSP, XML, Oracle, Sybase etc. Operating Systems: Unix, Windows, Various Real-time operating systems. Microprocessors: Intel x86 based, Motorola 68332, Power PC (MPC 823). Network and Protocol: Sockets, TCP/IP, HTTP-1.0/1.1. Tools and SDK's: Apache1.3+ servers and modules, Win-32API, Win-CE and PalmOS-SDK. Experience: https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html,, Seattle, WA (Aug 99 - Present) Currently building middle-tier and backend components for https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html, using Java and XML.


个人简历自我介绍英文 份好的英文自我介绍,会增加你在外企的求职成功机会,下面是WTT收集整理的英文个人简历自我介绍,希望能帮到你。 英文个人简历自我介绍 1.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit. https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html,pleted all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning. 3.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and:organizational capability. 4.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature . 5.Fluent in oral English, with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese. 6.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like AutoCAD, Photoshop, CorelDraw and Dreamweaver. 1.为人谦和友善,做事态度认真,有强烈的责任感和良好的团队精神。


英文个人简历的表格 简历是求职者敲开企业大门的扣门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思规划具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是我拾掇的英文个人简历的表格,以供咱们参看。 英文个人简历的表格一: Name: Current residence: Shenzhen Household membership of Origin: Hainan Marital status: Single Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: Multimedia Design Work Experience: 1 Job type: Full-time Arrived to date: one week Salary requirements: Negotiable I hope the working area: Shenzhen Work Experience Company Name: Shenzhen Advertising Co., Ltd. Beginning and ending date :20xx-11 to 20xx-05 Company Type: Other

Industry: Advertising / Media Positions: Design Assistant Job Description: Responsible for landscaping tenders, reimbursement templates to create, update, making reimbursement of new templates for projects invoice billing, settlement, submittals, contract tracking, expense reimbursement, engineering documents prepared for the archives, other things work assigned by the leadership and so on. Educational Background Graduated: Haikou College of Economics Highest Level of Education: College Graduation date :20xx -06-01 By Major: Computer multimedia technology Ability to work and other expertise Working capacity: strong organizational skills, coordination, patience and resilience and can be well coordinated handle emergencies. Specialties: Proficient Photoshop, Corel DRAW, there are Flash, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, CAD, 3DMAX, MAYA, premiere and other professional skills Self-evaluation I work very seriously responsible, there are certain


2017年英语专业个人简历表格 姓名:xx 女士身份证:511024198401104*** 照片 民族:汉目前所在地:深圳 年龄: 22 岁户口所在地:四川省 婚姻状况:未婚 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:全职 应聘职位: 业务员/业务代表、英语翻译、对外贸易 工作年限: 2 职称:高级 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:深圳 个人工作经历: 2017、10-2017、8 东莞凌嘉高科技有限公司船务读书 教育背景 毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学 最高学历:大专毕业日期:2017-07 所学专业一:外语所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 17-7 广东外语外贸大学商务英语毕业证、六级

语言能力 外语:英语外语水平:六级 国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长 i am active, optimistic , associable, energetic , responsible , ambitious , independent and creative so on and . as my major in business english and the two year work experiences that made me more stronger , give me more confidence to challenge my future , i can handle the processes of custom , credit , insurance , shipment independently. have the competence in management ,to explore marking and trade in/export field, communicate with foreigner fluently , proficiently in using computer , to understand the simple japanese . skillful in communication ,friendly with the relationship of human . i’d very much appreciate the chance to give me, i will work hard to repay the company which will be give me the job chance, actions speak louder than words!any time is at my convenience to go to work。


个人简历表格英文 篇一:【免费】英文个人简历(表格版) 篇二:英文版个人简历模板 curriculumVitae name:****** Gender:male Race:Han dateofBirth:may28,1977 Politicalaffiliation:Partymember address: internationalSchool,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710038Telephone:**********(fixedtelephone) **********(cellphone) Hobbies: Education: 20XX—20XXTaiyuanno.5SeniorSchool,ShanxiProvince20XX---20XXX i’anJiaotongUniversity,ShaanxiProvincemajor:appliedEnglish Language: chineseandEnglish(bothfluentinListening,speaking,readingandwriting) maincourses:

intensiveReading,ExtensiveReading,SpokenEnglish,Englishlistening,Engl ishGrammar,Englishwriting,Translation awardsandScholarships: 20XX“ExcellentLeaguemember”,JiaotongUniversity; (:个人简历表格英文)20XX“nationalinspirationalScholarship”,JiaotongUni versityotherTrain ing: Qualifications: ProfessionalExperience: 20XXTutorforajuniormiddleschoolstudent; SellerofEnglishweekly 20XXmemberofaideducationgroupatcollege 篇三:史上最正宗英文个人简历resume范文模板 第一种格式 StanBeltzman 572FirstStreet?Brooklyn,nY11215?s.beltzman@https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html,?718-555-4328 Education:PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,nJ degreeExpected:m.S.incommunications,June2005 classRank:Top10percent EditorofcommunicationsJournal Universityofwisconsin,madison,wi B.a.inPoliticalScience,may20XX


一篇留学生英文个人简历范文 education 200X - 200X HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 2001. Member of Small Business Entrepreneurship Club and HBS Volunteers. Selected by faculty to tutor students. 199X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DC Masters of Science degree, magna cum laude, in Computer Science. 198X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NC Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. experience Product Marketing Associate (what have you done)Researched, designed, and proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database products. ? (Result)Surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry analysts to determine key success factors.? 199X - 199X INVESTMENT BANK NEW YORK, NY Financial Analyst (what have you done)Developed valuation analyses, performed due diligence, prepared offering memoranda, and analyzed strategic issues for companies in various industries. ? (Result )Represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of specialty coffee chain.? 199X - 199X MANUFACTURING COMPANY MADISON, WI Special Assistant to the Vice President (what have you done)Assumed project management duties for rapidly growing manufacturer and marketer of high-quality children’s books, toys, and clothing. ? (Result)? 199X - 199X CONSULTING COMPANY BOSTON, MA Business Analyst Served on consulting client service teams. Diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusions, and presented recommendations to senior client management. ? ? internship summer 1989 HEALTH CARE COMPANY NEWARK, NJ Intern. Title (what have you done) Managed customer support programs. community Consult Boston Children’s Museum to improve performance of retail operations. Cambridge, MA 02138-6213 (617) 441-3999


英语专业个人简历表格范本 这里是一篇英语专业个人简历表格,本人学习领悟能力强,思维开放灵活,能够适应先进的管理理念和模式;擅长沟通,有良好的人际关系,社交开拓能力和团队合作精神,接下来让我们一起来看看吧~ 姓名,xxx 国籍,中国 目前所在地,广州民族,汉族 户口所在地,山西身材,174 cm 60 kg 婚姻状况,未婚年龄,25 岁 培训认证, 诚信徽章, 人才类型,普通求职 应聘职位,贸易类:外贸人员外语类翻译服装/纺织/皮革/制鞋类 工作年限,1职称,无职称 求职类型,全职可到职-随时 月薪要求,1500--XX希望工作地区,广州广州广州 个人工作经历,XX年7-7月在山东烟台市万利盛外贸公司外贸人员合同满一年 XX年8月-1月在西安银富进出口有限公司经理助理,兼翻译 毕业院校,西安翻译学院 activities, searching for Communists. Meanwhile, the Japanese army combs in partitioned repeatedly and systematically "cleaning up", built the town line and survey 最高学历,大专毕业-XX-07-01

所学专业一,英语所学专业二,国际贸易 受教育培训经历, 西安翻译学院英语 cet-4 西安翻译学院英语 cet-6 外语,英语一般 国语水平,一般粤语水平,一般 a翻译资料,根据美国客户要求的信息,翻译并制作中文样品单 b与客户沟通,追踪资材调材料,检查材质和颜色等,若有问题及时与国内外供货商沟通和协调 c计算成本,根据客户报价和图纸选择材料,按英文样品单资讯用excel配合成本部计算成本和利润 本人学习领悟能力强,思维开放灵活,能够适应先进的管理理念和模式;擅长沟通,有良好的人际关系,社交开拓能力和团队合作精神;作风踏实认真,积极主动,能够全身心投入工作;具有迎接挑战的勇气和热情,能承受工作压力,自信开朗,渴望成功! 好了,这篇英语专业个人简历表格的精彩内容就给大家介绍到这里了。希望大家继续关注我们的网站! 工程造价管理专业的简历表格例文 activities, searching for Communists. Meanwhile, the Japanese army combs in partitioned repeatedly and systematically "cleaning up", built the town line and survey 护理个人简历表格样本 activities, searching for Communists. Meanwhile, the Japanese army combs in partitioned repeatedly and systematically "cleaning3 / 3 up", built the town line and survey


英文个人简历范本 Name: Melvin Gender: Male Date of Birth: May, 1982 Citizenship: Junan county, Linyi, Shandong Major: English (B.A) ⊿Objective Assistant of your office or the manager; Interpreter of company or organization which concerns international business; College or vocational university‘s teacher.⊿Education Background September 2002 to July 2006, Shandong University of Architecture September 1998 to July 2002, Linyi No.1 Middle School ⊿Main Skills About English Have past the Test for English Major -4; fluent oral English, and good pronunciation. Major target: ESP of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business. About German Have learned about 200 hours of Hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. Can do basic reading and writing. About Chinese Have got the Certificate of Chinese, the score is 86.2 About Computer Have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software; Good sense of Visual Foxpro language.Intersted in web page design, and had mastered the MACROMEDIA, which including Dreamweaver,Flash and Firework. Skilled in Microsoft Office, including FrontPage. ⊿Work Experience Have part time job in Shanghai Yaru Consulting Co.Ltd during 2004 and 2005 summer holiday. Did the market research for Shandong Shiguang Boiler Co.Ltd (shanghai branch) in shanghai. Experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students. Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life. ⊿Activities From 2003.10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of Foreign Language Department. From 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the Network Department and Publicity Department of the Students Union. ⊿Awards & Honors In the year of 2004, awarded the In the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school. In the year of 2003, won the ⊿Interests Have intensive interest in traveling, photographing; Reading,esp.on business, economy and computer. ⊿Self-uation Strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork. Can learn new things well


英语专业个人简历模板 英语专业个人简历 千图网 求职意向:英语翻译 生日:1989.05.07 现居:江苏南通市 电话:8888XXXXXX 邮箱:XXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/555133420.html, 教育背景 EDUCATION 工作经验 WORK EXPERIENCE 专业技能 SKILLS 自我评价 ABOUT ME 2012.09 - 2016.06 XX 大学 商业英语/ 本科 主修课程:英语语音,英语语法, 商务英语精读, 商务英语泛读, 商务英语听力, 商务英语口语, 商务英语写作, 国际贸易理论, 语言技能:英语CET6、粤语 专业技能:熟悉Web 、iOS 和Android 开发,精通数据库、C++及Java 办公技能:熟练使用Office 办公软件、Axure RP 、Visio 2014.05 - 2015.05 XX 实业有限公司 生产文员 工作描述: ? 处理新闻笔译,在新闻上传后30-60分钟间自行概括摘要并翻译,内容涵盖金融,食品,医疗,博彩,时尚,保险等,主要为港澳新闻(多为汉译英,少量英译汉) 负责与客户沟通翻译要求并根据反馈及时作出调整 ? 就职期间汉译英35万字,英译汉2万字左右 ? 就职期间翻译质量无任何投诉,帮助确保98%的客户续签服务合同; ? 处理新闻笔译,在新闻上传后30-60分钟间自行概括摘要并翻译,内容涵盖金融,食品,医疗,博彩,时尚,保险等,主要为港澳新闻(多为汉译英,少量英译汉) 工作积极认真,细心负责,熟练运用办公自动化软件,善于在工作中提出问题、发现问题、解决问 题,有较强的分析能力;勤奋好学,踏实肯干,动手能力强,认真负责,有很强的社会责任感;坚毅不拔,吃苦耐劳,喜欢和勇于迎接新挑战。


XX英语个人简历模板 以下是出guo的xx英语个人简历模板,供您参考,请点击出guo(/jianli/)查看。 Personal Information Name: Wang Bin Sex: Male Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Address: Room301, Dormitory20, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730000, China Telephone: +86-931-8912xxx; +86-136931xxxx E-mail: job.sohu. Education 9/xx - present Lanzhou University Candidate for Master in Economics in June, xx Major in Corporate Finance, School of Economics Ranked 2/45 in class, Core GPA: 3.3/4 9/xx - 6/xx Lanzhou University Bachelor in Economics Awarded National Excellent Undergraduate Student Scholarship Experience 7/ - 11/xx Summer Team: Expand Job Channels for Students

Got in touch with 10 panies, visited 4 panies and found their talent demands Made agreements with 4 panies that they would recruit graduates in Lanzhou University 10/xx – 1/xx Volunteer Teacher for the Hongshan School in Lanzhou Taught the course of English for the rural workers ’children in the school Academic Capability Fluent in English. CET-6 : 85.5; TOEFL ( IBT ) : 98; GRE: 1380 Graded 2 of Gansu Computer Rank Examination for University Students Be Proficient in Office Automation ( Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint ) and Web Surfing Publications The Influence of Economic Densities of City Propers on the Infrastructure Investment by Local Governments published in Science and Engineering Research, xx, 2 目前所在:天河区年龄: 21 户口所在:云浮国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族
