

Study on long-distance migration of small brown planthoppers

Laodelphax striatellus in China using next‐generation sequencing

Wenjing Zheng1*, Zhiqiang Li2,Jiaming Zhao1, Yanzhi Zhang3, Changhua Wang3, Xiaochun Lu1*, Fuyu


1 The Crop Molecular Improving Laboratory, Liaoning Innovation Center of the Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China.

2 Liaoning Plant Protection Institute of the Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China.

3 Liaoning Rice Research Institute of the Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China.

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BACKGROUND: The small brown planthopper (L. striatellus) is a wide-spread insect pest of rice in East Asia. Previous studies have shown the long-distance migrations undertaken by L. striatellus, but did not provide molecular evidence to support this.

RESULTS: Long-distance immigration occurred in the northeast coastal rice growing region of China. Using the SALF-seq technique, sequence data for 2.7Gb of an abruptly increased population and 13 L. striatellus local populations from a range of regions in China that have serious rice stripe disease were obtained. A total of 2572 SNPs and 37 Indels were detected and the genotypes of many polymorphism sites were heterozygous in every sample, which indicated that there were rich genetic differences among the populations and the migration of insect pests accelerated the gene flow and increased the heterozygosity of L. striatellus populations. The genetic distance and the polymorphism markers among different populations showed that the abruptly increased population in Liaoning Province is close to several populations that from Jiangsu Province and Shandong Province.

CONCLUSION: The vector that caused rice stripe disease in the northeast of China was an immigrant population; however the population may be formed from several groups from different areas, such as Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces.

Key words: The small brown planthopper; Laodelphax striatellus;migration; SALF-seq; SNP

Email:zwj27@,(WZ); luxiaochun2000@, (XL); laassfy@, (FS) Introduction

The small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallén (Homoptera: Delphacide), is a wide-spread insect pest of rice (Oryza sativa) that causes rice stripe disease by transmitting Rice stripe virus (RSV) in East Asia.1 Heavy infestation has occurred in China2, Japan3-6 and South Korea.7-9 Laodelphax striatellus (L. striatellus) and the viral disease that they transmit are difficult to control, especially in the regions where the damage are mainly caused by immigrant populations.8L. striatellus can cross water and international boarders to form new populations. In western Japan, a large trap catches of L. striatellus with high viruliferous rates

have been recorded on a windy day in early June 2008, and subsequently, rice stripe disease spreaded in those regions.5 The migration source has been estimated to be Jiangsu Province of China, via backward trajectory analysis and insecticide susceptibility test.5 Responding to the mass migration identified in Japan, South Korean scientists set up a monitoring network of 13 net traps for L. striatellus along their western coast in May 2009.4 A mass immigration event was detected from May 30 to June 1, 2009.4 In 2011 in Taean, Gunsan and Buan Counties, South Korean, and Taean in 2012 a similar migration event was detected.Based on the backward trajectory analysis, a possible migration source for these case was found to be Jiangsu Province of China. 4 According to surface weather maps for the times when these migration events occurred, there were low-pressure systems over Bohai Sea in 2009 and 2011, and a high pressure system over the southern Yellow Sea in 2012 that may have caused southwesterly winds to carry the insects to South Korea.4 In addition to the overseas migration, L. striatellus can undertake domestic migration. During the wheat harvesting season, migrant populations of L. striatellus can be found in the provinces that neighbor Jiangsu Province.10 In Shandong Province a large population of L. striatellus was observed using a light trap late at night on the 7 June, 2009, and backward trajectories showed that a possible migrant source was northern Jiangsu Province. In addition, forward trajectories were studied on the 15 June 2010 and they showed a destination of Hebei and Liaoning Provinces.10

Genetic polymorphism among different L. striatellus populations has been studied.11-15 There is debate as to whether L. striatellus populations have significant differences and if the population structure is significantly affected by migration. Using an allozyme polymorphism, the geographic differences among 11 L. striatellus populations from Japan and Taiwan were investigated. The results indicated that significant differences could be found among the tested populations; the long-range dispersal of L. striatellus did not have a large effect on its population structure of L. striatellus due to irregular migration.12 Nevertheless mitochondrial DNA sequences and RAPD analysis showed that there was less differentiation among planthoppers populations from different geographical regions.11,13,15 The genome-sequencing of L. striatellus has not been completed yet, and markers are limited for polymorphism identification. Therefore, sequence data to analyze the differences among different L.

striatellus populations is necessary. With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, more and more genomes have been successfully sequenced by low-cost sequencing technologies such as SLAF-seq (specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing). The SLAF-seq was developed on the basis of high-throughput sequencing technology, which allows researchers to design an experiment via bioinformatics for fragments of a specific length from the constructed SLAF-seq library.16 SLAF-seq technology has many advantages, such as high throughput, low cost, high accuracy and short cycle. It is possible to directly perform polymorphism analysis and molecular marker development from the sequence data provided by SLAF-seq. The use of SLAF-seq has been reported for genetic mapping, linkage mapping, polymorphism analysis, system evolution and germ plasma resource identification.17-20In this paper, the SLAF-seq technology was used for the first time to seek the molecular evidence of the insects’ migration. The use of SLAF-seq to verify the migration of L. striatellus will enable this technique to be used in future studies.

There were severe rice stripe disease infections along the northeast coast of China between 2006 and 2009. To analyze the source of the virus vectors, we used SLAF-seq technique to sequence 14 L. striatellus populations from different regions of China. By comparing the genetic distance and the number of polymorphism markers, we analyzed the geographic homology of L. striatellus from different regions and sought the molecular evidence of L. striatellus migration.

Materials and Methods

L. striatellus populations

A total of 14 samples of L. striatellus were collected from the test plots of agricultural extension stations in 13 cities, where rice stripe disease has been very serious since 2006. All the samples of L. striatellus were adults. Details of the samples and the collections locations are given in Table 1. An extensive field survey combined with trapping by mesh bags was used for sample collection, and obtained an average of 25 samples per locality. To prevent over-representation of siblings from each locality, each insect was collected from a location at least 1 m from the neighboring one. All the samples were preserved and stored at -80 ℃ in the Crop Molecular Improving Laboratory, Liaoning Academy of Agriculture Sciences (Shenyang).

Rice variety

Liaojing 9, a susceptible rice variety to L. striatellus and RSV, was cultivated to investigate population density of L. striatellus and incidence of rice stripe disease at Dagushan town of Donggang city, Liaoning Province, China from 2006 to 2013. The seeds were sown on the 15 April, and the seedlings were transplanted on the 20 May.

Population dynamics of L. striatellus

There were 10 plots in the test field. Every plot consisted of three rows that were three-meters-long, and the plant spacing was 13.3×33.3 cm. No pesticides were used during the entire growth period. In early June from 2006 to 2013, when the abruptly increased population of L. striatellus was found, the population density of L. striatellus was investigated with the field sampling method.21 The middle row in each plot was sampled by trapping with a mesh bag (30×50cm). Hand-beating caused the L. striatellus to fall into the mesh bags and they were counted on the spot. The number of L. striatellus per meter square was considered to be the population density, which was calculated by taking the average value of ten plots. When the population density of the overwintering L. striatellus generation was investigated, we calculated the number of L. striatellus per meter square by collecting insects on rice stubbles on the 1 April to the 7 April.

Detecting of the incidence of rice stripe disease

Field trials were conducted in randomized complete blocks with three replicates. Every plot consisted of four rows that were four-meters-long, and the plant spacing was 16.7×30 cm. No pesticides were used during the entire growth period. The seeds were sown on the 15 April, and the seedlings were transplanted on the 20 May from 2006 to 2013. The incidence of rice stripe disease was evaluated about 30 days after transplanting. The incidence of rice stripe disease (DI) was calculated according to the disease severity as follows.22

DI = Number of hills with rice stripe disease

×100% Number of the total hills

Detecting RSV-carrying rates of L. striatellus

The L. striatellus samples were collected in early June from 2006 to 2013, and the percentage of virus-containing L. striatellus in the fields was estimated by ELISA analysis.23

Genomic DNA Extraction

The CTAB method 24was used to extract genomic DNA from the L. striatellus samples. DNA quality and concentration were measured by 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis, and adjustments were made for a final DNA concentration of 100 n g.μl -1.

Genomic DNA Digestion

Genomic DNA (500 ng) were incubated at 37℃ with 0.6U SacI (New England Biolabs (NEB), T4 DNA ligase (NEB), ATP (NEB) and SacI adapters. Restriction-ligation reactions were heat-inactivated at 65℃ and then digested in an additional reaction with the restriction enzyme MseI at 37℃.

SLAF library construction and high-throughput sequencing

Initially, a SLAF pre-design experiment was undertaken in which the training data was used to evaluate the enzymes and restriction fragments. To maintain the sequence depth uniformity of different fragments, a tight length range was selected (about 30,50 bp) and a pilot PCR amplification was performed to check the RRL features in this target length range, which would ordinarily include fragments with similar amplification features on the gel. The pre-design step was repeated to generate a new scheme each time the gel showed non-specific amplified bands.We constructed the SLAF library using the pre-designed scheme. Then, pair-end sequencing was performed according to the selected SLAFs using an Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform (Illumina, Inc; San Diego, CA, U.S.). SNP genotyping and evaluation were then performed.

Sequence Analysis

All SLAF pair-end reads with clear index information were clustered based on sequence similarity. To reduce computing requirements, identical reads were merged together, and then sequence similarity was detected using one-to-one alignment by BLAST .25


Dynamic monitoring of L. striatellus and incidences of rice stripe disease from 2006 to 2013 in Donggang city of Liaoning Province

As shown in Figure 1, the over-wintering L. striatellus population on rice stubbles and that moved to rice were small and stable from 2006 to 2013, However, the L. striatellus population increased significantly in early of June each year, especially in 2006 and 2009

when the number of insects per meter square could reach up to 600 and 800, respectively, which means that almost 25 to 35 small brown planthoppers could be found on a rice hill. In the abruptly increased L. striatellus populations between 2006 and 2009, the rate of viruliferous individuals was between 10 and 17 % (Figure 2), and decreased in the years after this. In 2013, the viruliferous rate had fallen to 3 %. The rice stripe disease followed the fluctuation of the L. striatellus population and its viruliferous rate in early June, in that it was very serious in 2006 and 2009. The incidence of the disease reached 25 % in 2006, but decreased to 10 % in 2008, and then peaked in 2009 at 30 %. In the next four years the L. striatellus population fell as did the viruliferous rate and incidence of rice stripe disease. In 2013, the incidence of rice stripe disease had fallen to 4 % in Donggang city in the northeast of China. Taken together, the incidence of rice stripe disease in Liaoning province seemed to change with the size of the L. striatellus population in early June instead of the over-winter population, which suggested that the disease may not be caused by the local L. striatellus population.

SLAF-seq data statistics and genetic diversity analysis on 14 L. striatellus populations

In 2013, we collected the abruptly increased population in Donggang city and 13 over-winter adult populations of L. striatellus from six provinces where rice stripe disease was severe. Fourteen DNA libraries were sequenced using the SLAF-seq technique, and generated 3,377,827 sequence reads, with each read 80 bp. In all the libraries the GC % was around 40 % (Table 2). Based on the GC content, repetitive sequences and gene characters, the L. striatellus DNA sequences were analyzed and 10396 tags with depth larger than eight were screened. For the L. striatellus populations, out of all the tags identified, 2607 were polymorphic SLAF markers. The 10396 SLAF markers could be divided into five types, and the amount and percentage of each type was shown in Table 3. From Table 3 it can be seen that almost a quarter of the SLAF tags were polymorphic among the different populations of L. striatellus. In total 2572 SNP and 35 Indel markers were identified, which is on average three SNPs for every 1000 bases.

The polymorphic nucleotides from each library were assembled separately. Many heterozygous polymorphic nucleotides were found in every tested sample (Figure 3). Three genotypes locus were identified and called B, D, H and V respectively (Figure 3). Two

genotypes locus were identified and called K, M, R, S and Y (Figure 3). The percentages of three types of base mutations (Figure 3B, D, H and V) in the 14 populations were all lower than the types of base mutations made up of K, M, R, S and Y (Table 4), and there were no significant differences between the percentage of transition (Figure 3 S, Y) and transversion (Figure 3 K, M, R). Further analysis on the sequencing data revealed that heterozygous loci account for more than 15 % of all the polymorphism base sequence in all 14 populations of L. striatellus (Table 4), especially for am, the sample from Jining city of Shandong Province, where the number increased dramatically to 43.4 %. The result suggested that all the L. striatellus populations were mixed groups, especially the am population.

Genetic differences and genetic distances among 14 populations of L. striatellus

The genetic distances from pairwise comparison among the populations were calculated using the Kimura 2-parameter method26 and they are shown in Table 5. The mean pairwise sequence difference among the populations was 0.087, and it ranged from 0.031 to 0.135; however, the geographical distances were not correlated with the genetic distances. As shown in Table 5(below the diagonal), the genetic distance between the overwinter population (aj) and the abruptly increased population (ak) in Liaoning was 0.083, which is bigger than the genetic distance between ak and ab (0.060), ak and ad (0.063), ak and am (0.069), ak and ae(0.070), or ak and ah (0.070).

The genetic distances between the samples and ak or aj were clearly different. For example, between aj and aa, the genetic distance was 0.101, while the value between ak and aa was 0.077. In another example, between aj and ah, the genetic distance was 0.118, and the genetics distance between ak and ah was 0.070. It was observed that between ak and aj there were 62 polymorphism markers, however, there were less than 50 between ak and various other samples from Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces (Table 5 above the diagonal). Therefore, the genetic analysis indicated that there was a significant difference between ak and aj, which was consistent with the results of the biological investigation (Figure1). These data suggested that ak and aj are two totally different populations and that the main vector causing rice stripe disease in Liaoning Province is the immigrant insects rather than the local over-wintering ones.

Phylogenetic trees of 14 L. striatellus populations

Neighbor-Joining method27 and Minimum Evolution method28 were used to group the L. striatellus populations and to construct the dendograms (Figure 4 A and B). A similar structure was generated from both dendograms and they suggested that the abruptly increased population of L. striatellus (ak) had the closest relationship with L. striatellus population in Lianyungang city (ad) instead of the aj, and the over-winter population (aj) of Liaoning had the closest relationship with the insects in Weihai city of Shandong Province (af).However, the supporting data for all the branches were less than 50, except for al and am. If we consider the cut off value for the tree to be 50, and then al and am were clustered to a category, but the 12 remaining populations could not be clustered according to the distribution area of different L. striatellus populations (Figure 4 C), which indicated that the common features of the L. striatellus populations may not be significant enough for them to cluster according to the DNA sequence.


Sequence polymorphism and population genetic diversity of L. striatellus population in China are rich but the sequence alignment result was not suitable for classification of different geographical populations.

Extensive studies on the genetic differences among L. striatellus populations from different regions have been conducted and there is a debate as to whether the differences can provide a theoretical basis for geographical division.11-15 No conclusive conclusions have been drawn as to whether different L. striatellus populations are significantly different and whether their structure is affected by migration. In the present study, more than 2500 SNPs were detected between 14 populations of L. striatellus, and a quarter of the SLAF markers were polymorphic, which suggests that the observed genetic diversity of L. striatellus in China is rich. However, low genetic diversity has been indicated by a range of studies in the mitochondrial CO and CO genes.12, 13, 15 One reason might be the genome of mitochondria is evolutionarily conserved in L. striatellus; another possibility is that more diversity would be detected with high-throughput sequencing technology. Species with high levels of genetic variability seems healthy because they have the ability to respond to environmental changes. 29-31 In this work, the high rate of heterozygenity in every population suggested that migration of insect pests accelerated the gene flow and genetic evolution,

which may attribute L. striatellus to adapt their environment.This work found a considerable number of differences among the 14 L. striatellus populations, but when plotted on the condensed tree they were shown to be low. If the cut off value for the condensed tree was set to 50, then al and am were clustered in one branch and the 12 remaining populations were not clustered according to the area distribution of different L. striatellus populations. This result is not consistent with an allozyme study.12 Due to the L. striatellus samples in this test being collected from the regions where rice stripe disease was serious and the vector’s migration was active, it was possible that the gene exchange caused the high rate of heterozygenity in the populations, which resulted in sequence alignments that are not suitable for the classification of different geographical populations of L. striatellus.

Migration of L. striatellus did not have strong effect on the over-winter population size, but caused significant changes to genetic structure of L. striatellus populations. Donggang city in Liaoning Province is located at the edge of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China. The weather is humid and the number of frost-free days can reach 170. Such weather conditions meet the needs of L. striatellus to hibernate. This study found that the over-winter L. striatellus population from 2006 to 2013 remained below 20 per m2, while in early June (migration time) this increased up to 800. These results indicated that the outbreak of the rice stripe disease in Donggang city was not caused by the over-winter L. striatellus population. Based on the dynamic monitoring data, the migration of L. striatellus did not influence the size of over-winter population, which might be associated with the stability of the over-wintering sites used by L. striatellus. In Liaoning Province, the over-winter fields did not have any green plant material, which meant that sites used by L. striatellus to over-winter were very similar and stable between years, and therefore the over-winter populations were stable between years. Despite this, the genetic structure of the over-winter L. striatellus populations changed significantly between years due to the difference between aj and ak, which might be related to the different sources of the immigrant populations from year to year.

Taken together, the migration of L. striatellus did not have a strong effect on the size of the over-winter population, but the immigration of insects caused significant changes in the genetic structure of L. striatellus and the size of the population abruptly increased.

Immigrant L. striatellus populations in northeast of China may mainly come from Jiangsu province and Shandong Provinces.

As shown in the molecular phylogenetic trees of the 14 L. striatellus populations, ak was most closely related to ad, so it can be inferred that the 2013 abrupt population in Donggang city of Liaoning Province mainly came from Lianyungang city of Jiangsu Province. The af population was the one that was most closely related to aj (Figure 4A).As aj was formed from the immigration population of 2012, it can be presumed that the source of the immigrant population in 2012 was Weihai city of Shandong Province (af). Similar results could be observed from the genetic distances analysis. In this study, the genetic distances were calculated by the Kimura 2-parameter method according to the sequence polymorphisms of 14 DNA pools, and the data indicated that the genetic distances of the immigrant population (ak) were closer to Zhenjiang city, Nantong city and Lianyungang city (ab, ac and ad) of Jiangsu Province as well as Qingdao city, Dongying city of Shandong Province (ae and ah). Therefore, the two methods of data analysis indicated that the most likely sources for the abruptly increased L. striatellus population in Liaoning Province were some regions from Jiangsu Province and Shandong Province. It has been reported that the migratory insects are directed by large-scale wind systems during the long-distance travel transport of migrants. During this process, the air current could collect greater numbers of insects as it followed its path32. Considering the complicated heterogeneity of ak and the migration route from south to north, the immigrant population in Liaoning Province was considered to be a mixed group from several regions. Although much have been known about the immigration event of L. striatellus in Liaoning province, further research is necessary to determine the detailed route of the migration.

Application of SLAF-seq technique in migration studies is suitable for future use

To record the features of planthopper migration, many methods have been proposed, such as light-trap network,33 trap catching,34radar observation,35 insecticide resistance identification36 and trace element content.37 With the rapid developments in biotechnology, molecular markers have been used to verify the pest migration and track the migratory paths; however, these molecular markers are limited by the amount of data and available polymorphisms. Sufficient data for comparisons between populations of L. striatellus can be provided by the

high-throughput sequencing SLAF-seq technique used in this work. Its use would enable the design of multiple molecular markers to distinguish different L. striatellus populations by PCR and electrophoresis.

Author contributions statement

Conceived and designed the experiments: Fuyu Sun, Xiaochun Lu and Wenjing Zheng. Performed the experiments: Zhiqiang Li, Jiaming Zhao, Yanzhi Zhang, Changhua Wang and Wenjing Zheng. Analyzed the data: Wenjing Zheng , Zhiqing Li and Jiaming Zhao. Wrote the manuscript: Wenjing Zheng, Fuyu Sun and Xiaochun Lu.


We are grateful to many experts for supplying much important information about the small brown planthoppers and some enthusiastic help during our field surveys. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31301636 and 31471770).


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37 Peng Q, Tang QY, Wu JL, Miao QL, Cheng JA, Determining the geographic origin of the

brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, using trace element content. Insect Sci 19: 21-29 (2012).

Figure1 The dynamic monitoring of the small brown planthppers in Donggang city of Liaoning Province from 2006 to 2013

Figure 2 The viruliferous rate of L. striatellus and the incidence of rice stripe disease from 2006 to 2013 in Donggang city of Liaoning Province

Figure3. Part of nucleotide polymorphism of 14 L. striatellus populations The letters in the first column (aa to an) showed L. striatellus samples from 14 regions. “.”=Identical ; “-”=Indel; B=T, C or G; D=A, T or G; H=A, T or C;V=A, C or G; W=A or T;S=C or G;K=T or G

Figure4. Phylogenetic trees of L.striatellus based on sequence variation of partial DNA sequences. A: Neighbor Joining (NJ) tree; B: Minimum Evolution (ME) tree; C: NJ tree that was cut off the value of condensed tree less than 50. The optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 0.53 is shown. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (500 replicates) is shown next to the branches. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances infer the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary distances were computed using the Kimura 2-parameter method. (Units:number of base substitutions per site). 14 nucleotide sequences were analyzed. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA5 (Tamura et al. 2011).


(三)阅读下面选文,完成14-17题。(11分) 候鸟的迁徙 余夫 1) 每年春天和秋天,人类会惊奇地仰望着天上那些成群结队、遮天蔽日而又神秘莫测的旅客--候鸟。经过亿万年的自然进化,候鸟形成了每年在繁殖地与越冬地之间沿相对固定的路线往返迁徙的独特习 性。全世界9000多种鸟类中,超过三分之一的鸟都是候鸟,每年迁 徙的候鸟数量可达100亿只以上。 2) 同一季节,随着纬度的改变,气温会产生梯度性的变化,特别是 北半球的大块土地在冬季被冰雪封盖,欧亚大陆和北美洲的许多鸟类不得不越过赤道,飞到南半球越冬。正因为这个原因,大多数候鸟的 迁徙路线都呈南北方向,在北半球尤其明显。 3) 人们用多种方法观测候鸟的飞行路线,如望远镜观察、雷达探测、给鸟涂颜料和环志等,其中被世界各国普遍采用的是环志法。环志法是将金属或塑料做成脚环(或颈环、翅环),刻上环志国家、单位和 编码,将环固定在候鸟的腿部(或其他部位),做好记录,将鸟放飞后,期望通过再次观测到它或回收脚环,这样能更好地了解被环志的鸟儿迁徙的时间、路线等数据。随着卫星应用技术的发展,科学家也 在探索在大型候鸟身上安装小型无线电信号发射器,通过定向接收机接收信号来观测候鸟的行踪。

4) 经过长期监测,鸟类学家认为全世界候鸟迁徙路线主要有以下几条:东亚-澳大利亚、中亚-印度、西亚-东非、黑海-地中海、大西洋-美洲、密西西比-美洲和太平洋-美洲。这些迁徙路线就如一条条“高速公路”,任由鸟儿们飞来飞去,前往各自的目的地。 5) 在迁徙的过程中,鸟类展示了非凡的智慧。硫磺鹀是美国东部随处可见的一种鸣禽,每年秋季,它们都会飞行3800千米,到达越冬地--墨西哥南部、巴拿马等地。让人惊奇的是,它们是以星星为标记 进行迁徙的。具体用来判断方位的是北极星中心约35°以内的北方天空,也就是说,在这个区域的大熊座、小熊座、天龙座、仙女座、 仙后座等都是它们的路标,其卓越的导航本领让科学家惊叹不已。白颊林莺,从加拿大迁往南美洲时需要面对飞行路线的选择:如果沿着美国海岸南下,经墨西哥、中美洲再到南美洲,就会减少死亡的可能,但路途遥远。然而,这些小鸟的选择是直接勇敢的飞越大西洋,并有规律地停留在大西洋和加勒比海的某些岛屿上休息。另外,白颊林莺还会选择好的天气和合适的风向,以使旅途更舒适,真是有勇有谋。6) 对候鸟来说,迁徙并不像人们想象的那样有乐趣。它们在迁徙途中要遇到许多想象不到的困难:飞过大洋、翻越高山、穿越云层、迎 着暴风雨、遭遇天敌,还有被人类捕食的危险,,比如从英国出发的 家燕,首先飞越英吉利海峡,穿过法国的比利牛斯山脉,跨过地中海,途经撒哈拉沙漠,再抗击热带风暴的袭击,抵达刚果的雨林,最后到 达南非。经过超过10000千米、长达4个月的旅程,只有大约一半的成年个体能够存活下来。这是多么悲壮的旅程啊!


秘密花园英文读后感【精选】 读完秘密的花园这本书大家是不是有很多感慨呢?下面是为大家收集的关于秘密花园英文读后感,希望能够帮到大家! 秘密花园英文读后感1These days I read a book called secret garden . As early as a child I read the book of the animated version, it has vivid characters and the story has been so warm, I can not forget. Pick up these days, I finally had that book, revisit childhood memories. This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has become a lively , open and clever girls process. During the period , she has known Diken and Colin. Colin was a disabled ,but he has finally overcome difficulties and seen the sunshine again with the help and encouragement of Mary and Diken . That lets me feel Mary is a nice girl , because she can correct mistakes, she is also eager to help people . When she knows Colin is a disabled , she didnt laugh at him , and comforts him on the contrary ,did things for him , and shared happiness and sadness with him. Diken is a kind-hearted boy , because he went to give food to Colin when Colin had rehabilitation , he certainly is also a lively and active child. But Colin is completely different with him , Colin always gets angry, if he feel not satisfactory will be furious.But he also has merit. He is a persistent child , insists walking every day.


马云韩国英语演讲稿 篇一:马云韩国英语演讲稿 the next bill gates bill gates said, “ the next bill gates is mayun.”forbes in america valued him as a person who has a short and thin figure as napoleon, but also great aspirations the same as napoleon. today i want to share with you something about how mayun succeeded and i hope his example not only benefits but all of you! another important thing is just do it. and stick on it whatever others say! if you have a good idea, just do it! never found yourself going along the original route , despite how many good ideas you had proposed last ’t follow others. i think is also a very important lesson myun has given me. he didn’t followed google to be a instrument, nor did he does like tengxun or sina, to amuse the youth. he determined to help something really practical to his netizen. the last but not the least,


候鸟的迁徙 ①每年春天和秋天,人类会惊奇地仰望着天上那些成群结队、遮天蔽日而又神秘莫测的旅客 --候鸟。经过亿万年的自然进化,候鸟形成了每年在繁殖地与越冬地之间沿相对固定的路线 往返迁徙的独特习性。全世界9000多种鸟类中,超过三分之一的鸟都是候鸟,每年迁徙的 候鸟数量可达100亿只以上。 ②同一季节,随着纬度的改变,气温会产生梯度性的变化,特别是北半球的大块土地在冬季 被冰雪封盖,欧亚大陆和北美洲的许多鸟类不得不越过赤道,飞到南半球越冬。正因为这个原因,大多数候鸟的迁徙路线都呈南北方向,在北半球尤其明显。 ③人们用多种方法观测候鸟的飞行路线,如望远镜观察、雷达探测、给鸟涂颜料和环志等, 其中被世界各国普遍采用的是环志法。环志法是将金属或塑料做成脚环(或颈环、翅环),刻上环志国家、单位和编码,将环固定在候鸟的腿部(或其他部位),做好记录,将鸟放飞后,期望通过再次观测到它或回收脚环,这样能更好地了解被环志的鸟儿迁徙的时间、路线等数据。随着卫星应用技术的发展,科学家也在探索在大型候鸟身上安装小型无线电信号发 射器,通过定向接收机接收信号来观测候鸟的行踪。 ④经过长期监测,鸟类学家认为全世界候鸟迁徙路线主要有以下几条:东亚-澳大利亚、中亚-印度、西亚-东非、黑海-地中海、大西洋-美洲、密西西比-美洲和太平洋-美洲。这些迁徙路线就如一条条“高速公路”,任由鸟儿们飞来飞去,前往各自的目的地。 ⑤在迁徙的过程中,鸟类展示了非凡的智慧。硫磺鹀是美国东部随处可见的一种鸣禽,每年秋季,它们都会飞行3800千米,到达越冬地--墨西哥南部、巴拿马等地。让人惊奇的是, 它们是以星星为标记进行迁徙的。具体用来判断方位的是北极星中心约35°以内的北方天空,也就是说,在这个区域的大熊座、小熊座、天龙座、仙女座、仙后座等都是它们的路标,其卓越的导航本领让科学家惊叹不已。白颊林莺,从加拿大迁往南美洲时需要面对飞行路线 的选择:如果沿着美国海岸南下,经墨西哥、中美洲再到南美洲,就会减少死亡的可能,但 路途遥远。然而,这些小鸟的选择是直接勇敢的飞越大西洋,并有规律地停留在大西洋和加 勒比海的某些岛屿上休息。另外,白颊林莺还会选择好的天气和合适的风向,以使旅途更舒适,真是有勇有谋。 ⑥对候鸟来说,迁徙并不像人们想象的那样有乐趣。它们在迁徙途中要遇到许多想象不到的 困难:飞过大洋、翻越高山、穿越云层、迎着暴风雨、遭遇天敌,还有被人类捕食的危险…… 比如从英国出发的家燕,首先飞越英吉利海峡,穿过法国的比利牛斯山脉,跨过地中海,途经撒哈拉沙漠,再抗击热带风暴的袭击,抵达刚果的雨林,最后到达南非。经过超过10000


白粉虱防治技术 白粉虱又名小白蛾子。属同翅目粉虱科。是一种世界性害虫,我国各地均有发生,是菜地、田地、温室、大棚内种植作物的重要害虫。 在北方温室一年发生10余代,冬季在室外不可以存活。成虫寿命较长,每雌可产卵300余粒,成虫有趋嫩性,在嫩叶上产卵。卵以卵柄从气孔插入叶片组织中,与寄主植物保持水分平衡,极不易脱落。若虫在叶背面为害,3天内可以活动,当口器刺入叶组织后开始固定为害。成虫有趋嫩性,在植株顶部嫩叶产卵。 白粉虱繁殖适温为18―21℃。春季随秧苗移植或温室通风移入露地。 一、白粉虱防治困难的原因 1.繁殖场所多,使白粉虱一年四季均有足够的食料和繁殖场所。 2.每代发育时间随温度升高面缩短,18℃时需31.5天一代;24℃时需24.7天;27℃时需22.8天。24℃时各虫态发育历期为:卵期7天,1龄期5天,2 龄期2天,3龄期3天,伪蛹期8天。棚室平均气温19℃时,完成一代为30天左右,繁殖数量呈指数增长,在农业害虫中是罕见的。 3.寄主植物有200余种。蔬菜作物中主要为害瓜类作物;茄科作物、十字花科作物、豆科作物,以及莴苣、菊芋、马铃薯、苋菜等多种作物。 4.具有较特殊的生活习性。白粉虱成虫可以短距离飞翔,随着植株生长,成虫也不断地向上部叶片转移,在植株上各虫态即形成一定规律。最上部的嫩叶,以成虫和初产的淡黄色卵为最多,稍下部的叶片多为黑色卵,再下部多为初龄若虫,再下为中老龄若虫,最下部则以蛹为多。由于各种虫态自上而下交情分布,这就给防治上带来一定的困难。 二、白粉虱的防治对策 1.轮作例茬在白粉虱发生猖獗的地区,应选择芹菜、茼蒿、芜姜、菠菜、油菜、蒜苗等白粉虱不喜食而又耐低温的蔬莱,既免受此虫为害,又可有效地防止向棚室蔓延。 2.播种前将前茬作物的残株败叶及杂草清理到田外深埋或烧毁。 3.播种蔬菜前使用烟熏剂闭棚熏杀害虫,可用敌敌畏乳油加硫黄粉和木屑点燃熏蒸。苗床上或温室大棚放风口设置避虫网,防止外来虫源迁入。 4.冬春季,结合置黄板在温室内张挂反光幕,既可驱避白粉虱,又可增加菜株上的光照。 5.生物防治当温内白粉虱成虫平均每株有0.5~1头时,释放人工繁殖的丽蚜小蜂,每株释放丽蚜小蜂成虫或黑蛹3~5头,每隔10天左右放1次,共释放3~4次。控制白粉虱效果良好。也可人工释放草蛉,1头草蛉一生平均能捕食白粉虱幼虫172.6头。有条件地区也可用粉虱壳孢菌防治白粉虱。 6.白粉虱危害初期,可用10%吡虫啉2000倍液,或18%阿维菌素2000倍液,或25%扑虱灵2000倍液,或30%啶虫脒喷雾,隔5~7天用上述农药交替喷雾,合理用药合理用药包括选用适宜农药种类、浓度、应用时间及方法等在白粉虱发生初期及时用药,即每株平均有成虫2~3头时进行,尤其应掌握在“点片”发生阶段 除选用对路药剂外,喷药时间最好早晨露水未干时进行,中、下午由于白粉虱翅膀干燥,便于飞翔,不易喷到身体上。


Feeling after reading “The Secret Garden ” In this winter holiday, I read a few English story books.One of them is my favourite. It is “The Secret Garden”. This story content is very wonderful , let every person have feeling very much after reading it. The general situation of the story is: Mary was a very spoiled and selfish child. But when she was only nine years old, her parents died from a disease.Mary was sent to England to live with her reclusive uncle, Archibald Craven, at Misselthwaite Manor. Mary wanders the desolate moor until one day she chances upon the door of a secret garden. At the same time, she also find a sickly and tyrannical boy—her cousin, Colin. She also makes a friend with a peasant boy named Dicken. When Mary and Dicken know Colin is a disable, they didn’t laugh at him, but comfort him on the contrary, did things for him, and shared happiness and sadness with him. They got together to find the key of the secret garden. During the journey, we can see the changes about the Mary. She understands the warm and cold about the world, resurges the garden, and helps Colin stand up again. Meanwhile, Mary starts to accept others’ advices. During this time, Mary changes her bad temper into good temper. And her uncle also changed, when he feels the warm love from his son and Mary, the snow that covered his heart continuously melt. The word Colin said at last makes me touched :Father,I’m strong now. I want to be an athlete some day. I’m going to live forever! This story is filled with the passion and enthusiasm to life. The book tells us something about attitude to life. Dear friends


马云哥伦比亚英文演讲稿 篇一:马云哥伦比亚大学演讲稿(英文) 篇二:马云哥伦比亚商学院演讲文稿+翻译 Ma Yun's lecture in Columbia Business School (00:00-12:36) Thank you, professor. It’s my great honor to be here. So when I listen to the introduction, I’m a little bit confused whether it’s talking to the most powerful people, influential people. And first let me introduce myself. I’m 100% made in China, and I learn my English by myself when I was a kid from most of the American tourists when they visited my city called Hangzhou. So in the early 1970s, when a lot of foreign visitors visited the city, so every morning I got up early and become the tour guide for them for 9 years. Three guy, they told me English and I show them around. And I learn about the language; I learn the culture. And I learn how to think differently because everything I learn from my schools when I was a kid was different from the things I learn from foreign tourists. Cause my father and my school teachers told me that China was the richest country in


鸟类迁徙为何呈V字队形? 来源:中国科技网-科技日报2014年10月17日00:32 [导读]鸟类迁徙的航向到群体动力学,长久以来一直是个谜。 原标题:鸟类迁徙为何呈V字队形? 飞行中的秃鹮总是小心地观察其周围同伴的飞行动作,并随时调整自己以利用上升气流,确保在长途迁徙中最大限度地节约体力。

苏格兰格雷纳的八哥鸟群 进入十月,又到了鸟类迁徒的高峰期。 “鸟类能摆脱飞行路线的束缚吗?”美国民谣音乐人鲍勃·迪伦问道。在迪伦的歌词中,这只是一个比喻,指的是失去的爱情。但这句话对鸟类来说确实没错。由于鸟类迁徙的复杂性,从迁徙的航向到群体的动力学,长久以来一直是一个谜。猜测众多,却没有一个明确的答案。当然,作为大量趋同进化例子中的一个,昆虫和哺乳动物也进化出了飞行能力。但鸟类的飞行能力却让人尤为着迷而又感到困惑。 “近五六十年,关于鸟类如何形成V字队形的纯理论文章大量涌现。”在伦敦皇家兽医学院(London’s Royal Veterinary College,简称RVC)研究鸟类飞行的史蒂文·波图加尔(Steven Portugal)博士说道。“但是最基本的细节却很难获得,而且数据也不完整。从前,人们利用照片和视频获得数据,但那些并不能提供足够的精确度,如果人和鸟飞行在同一平面,拍出的照片和视频会使高度失真,还会丢失信息。这种方式仅能提供飞行的截图,而不是动态影像。” 当研究解释了最大的问题之一——鸟类为什么及如何呈V字队形迁徙之后,秃鹮登上了今年1月16日《自然》杂志的封面。 追踪 内置全球定位系统 荷马和亚里士多德都对鸟类的迁徙做了详细的记录,但人类对于鸟类飞行能力的兴趣甚至可以追溯到很久以前。如果你仔细研究过史前人类的神话传说,你就会发现,只要人类能看见鸟儿的地方,就会有关于鸟类如何飞行以及飞行原因的解释。在当今时代,关于解释鸟类结群飞行及呈V字形飞行、迁徙的理论比比皆是,但最终答案却几乎没有。随着创新技术的使用,对八哥和秃鹮迁徙飞行的新研究显示,复杂的飞行动力学以及原先被认为是不可能存在于鸟类身上的基

The secret garden秘密花园好书推荐英文版

"The secret garden "was written by American writer Frances hodgson Burnett .This book tells a story of an Indian girl whose parents died for cholera,then she moved to England to live with her uncle ,one day,Mary heard that there was a secret garden which was locked by her uncle for 10 years and nobody has came into that garden before.Because of her curiosity,she found the key which was deeply buried in the ground and opened the door of the garden.Mary found that his uncle has a paralytic son,but he shut him in the house all day long.Mary took her cousin into the garden.the power of nature let her cousin stood up again.Finally ,both Mary and her cousin regained their happiness . This is a book of classic ,I believe that most of you should have read this book,it has become a bestseller when it was just published ,later,it has been revise and has been made into films and plays for countless times .The secret garden is a accepted classic,if you haven't read this book,and you are interested in the story,I would glad to lend you this book.


秘密花园英语读后感 秘密花园英语读后感 To tell the truth, "secret garden" is a good book, no wonder the JK Rowling said: Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good. "Secret Garden" is the U.S. writer Frances. Burnett's works. I have read the "Little Princess" is also her writing. So I am very interested in her works. Edison has said so: good book is the author left to the human gift. This how a good book in that kind of a story? Pofu story to a mysterious and legendary ancient manor of color as the background, through a day in lost both parents in the small Yuanduchongyang Mary, came to Britain from India took its Gufu - Zhuang Yuanzhu by a series of incredible Erwenmudu Mysterious incident, and reveals the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history. The author is extremely clever idea of art, so that the whole story, Central interlocking, twists and turns of tension, suspense ups and downs, she also delicate psychological description, the book's characters to life, Huzhiyuchu……However, we feel the novel is moving And sometimes


以下这篇英文演讲稿是马云在上市路演的演讲稿全文(附中文翻译),由应届毕业生演 讲稿站整理提供。 大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。 , ' ac a, d a d c a a a baba 。 年前,在我的公寓里,18位创始人有了一个梦。这个梦想就是,在某一天我们能够创 立一个为成千上万小企业主服务的公司。这个梦想,从始至终都没有改变过,让天下没有难 做的生意。 15 a a , 18 d a a ad ad a , a da ca b d a a , a ca a b . da , a a a d b a 。 在阿里巴巴,我们为一些小的生意人奋斗,和他们的客户在不懈努力。其实,我们的目 标非常简单:能够帮助商家和客户找到彼此,并按照他们独特的需求方式来开展服务。我们 帮助这些小生意人成长,创造出前所未有的工作机会,开拓出崭新的市场。 a a baba, , a b a d a d c . , c , c a a d c d ac a d c d c b a d a a b d . c a , c a b a d a , a a b b 。 如今,年过去了。我们再中国已经成了一个家喻户晓的名。现在,我们也已经准备好 让全世界来认识我们。 da , 15 a a d. ’ ca a d a b a d a c a.a d , a ad d 。 稍后,您将听到我们公司商业上经营的细节。不过,首先让我带您开启一段走遍中国的 旅程,让我们透过一些真实的人们以及他们的真事,看看阿里巴巴对他们产生了什么影响。 a d a b a . b a a a d c a, a , a a a baba a ac 。 我深感荣幸,能和你们分享这些故事,能为您展示阿里巴巴的精神与核心。 a d a a a a d a baba。 让我感到更加自豪的是,我们能够点燃创新、创造机会、造福客户、并且能给创业者圆


秘密花园读后感英文版 秘密花园读后感英文版(一) “we’re alike, you and me,”ben weatherstaff told mary. “we’re not pretty to look at, and we both are very disagreeable.” poor mary! she was only a ten-year-old little girl. no one wants her, and no one loves her. after her parents died of disease, she had been sent from india to yorkshire in england, and lived in her uncle’s family. that is an old house, and very big. although there were hundreds of rooms, most of them were locked. mary felt unpleasant and depressive living there. everyday her life was boring and lonely. with the exception of ben weatherstaff, an old gardener, no one talked to her. she lost her temper now and then, and, she, as ben weatherstaff said, was ugly. she had thin angry face and thin yellow hair. there was a secret garden in her uncle’s home. it is said that the key of the lock of that garden gate was lost. so almost 10 years, except robins, no one went to that garden. mary became more and more curious. finally she


白飞虱防治技术 Hessen was revised in January 2021

白粉虱成灾,咋办有效彻底消灭白粉虱的特效药看这里 白粉虱又名小白蛾子,属刺吸性害虫,是一种世界性害虫。 它的寄主范围广泛,在保护地、露地均易发生此害虫。 温室中一年发生10多代,世代重叠。各地多种作物也均发生较为普遍如蔬菜、花卉、果树、药材、烟草等都能受其所害,且危害程度呈逐年上升趋势,防治难度大。 另外再加上近年来随着施药的增多,其抗性也在逐渐增强,变得更加顽固和难治了。 发生规律 全年有两个关键的时期: (1)春季,发生于温室茬口,时间在4月中—5月下; (2)秋季,发生于温室、冷棚、露地等所有设施,时间在7月底—9月下,温室会一直发生到11月底。 ? 危害 一般成虫、若虫均喜欢群集在植物叶片背面,以刺吸式口器允吸植物汁液,使被害叶片褪绿、黄化、萎蔫,甚至全株枯死。成虫会排泄,排泄物会严重地影响果实的果面或叶面等,引起煤烟病等病害的发生。而且它还会传播很多病毒,引起其他病害的发生。1.药剂用的太频繁等,其抗性增强。 2.繁殖量大且快。 像温室里每年可发生10多代。每代发育时间随温度升高便缩短,18℃时需天一代;24℃时需天;27℃时需天。24℃时各虫态发育历期为:卵期7天,1龄期5天,2龄期2天,3龄期3天,伪蛹期8天。 棚室平均气温19℃时,完成一代为30天左右,每雌虫的产卵数多达3000~4000粒,1代后种群数量可增长140~150倍,繁殖数量呈指数增长,在农业害虫中是罕见的。 ? 3.繁殖寄居场所多 温室露地都是它的理想居住地,使得白粉虱一年四季均有足够的食料和繁殖场所。 ?


【鸟类迁徙的节律性】 鸟类迁徙行为具有明显的节律性。 (一)鸟类迁徙的生理节律 鸟类迁徙是一个漫长而有危险的旅程,长期自然历史的变迁形成了迁徙鸟每年呈现周期性的生理变化,神经调节和能量的存储均具节律性变动。 1、鸟类迁徙前的能量存储变动节律 鸟类迁徙期间的能量消耗完全依赖于体内以脂肪形式储存的能量,所以,鸟类在迁徙之前要积聚脂肪,以保证迁徙时的能量消耗。飞越沙漠和海洋的迁徙鸟类,由于途中无法获取食物,必须不停歇的一次完成整个迁徙,故而需要存储的脂肪更多。而其它大多数迁徙鸟类则可以中途降落到适宜的地点取食,并以很快的速度重新积聚已经耗损掉的脂肪,以便继续他们的旅程。 2、鸟类迁徙前的神经内分泌变动节律 鸟类迁徙所涉及的一系列活动是受神经内分泌系统控制的。随着日照的延长,通过松果腺的作用,由脑下垂体分泌两种激素,即皮质酮和催乳素。这两种激素的综合作用,使鸟类完成了一系列的生理准备,包括生殖腺发育、脂肪积累以及定向能力的增强等。 (二)鸟类迁徙的时间规律 1、鸟类迁徙的年节律 鸟类迁徙通常是一年两次,即春季由越冬地迁往营巢地,秋季由营巢地迁往越冬地。其迁徙日期因种而异,同时也受环境因子(营养等)的制约。迁到营巢地的日期与良好的生态条件来临的日期有关,每种鸟迁来和迁去的日期也有一定出入,一般来说,春季迁来营巢地较早的鸟,迁离的时间较早,迁来晚的鸟,迁离的时间也较晚。 2、鸟类迁徙的日节律 在鸟类迁徙的过程中,不同种鸟类不仅在年节律上有变化,在一日之间也有变化。一般有昼间迁徙和夜间迁徙以及昼夜迁徙等不同类型。各类型迁徙都有起始时间、高潮时间、结束时间的变化规律。食虫鸟类迁徙的时间大多是在夜晚,而大多数猛禽则是在白天进行迁徙。 (三)鸟类迁徙的性别、年龄节律 鸟类不仅不同种间有不同的迁徙节律,即使在同一种不同年龄或性别的鸟中相互也有不同。鸟类迁徙时,并非同一种鸟同时飞回或飞离出生地。首先是“先头部队”先飞,经过一段时间后,主群(基本群)开始迁飞,最后为迟到者(或掉队者)。这三群鸟的数量分配,随着种类和年份不同而有所差异,有的年份大部分鸟都紧跟着“先头部队”到来,有的则在其后很长时间到达。


儿童英语小说:秘密花园内容简介 【内容简介】 美国女作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特的《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden),是一百年来畅销不衰的经典儿童小说,它被一代代 孩子持续重复阅读,是很多人童年时代记忆最深刻的一本书,并在中 国有多个图书版本。剧情介绍:性情古怪孤僻的小姑娘玛丽在印度的 一次霍乱中失去父母,后被送到她姑夫克拉文勋爵在苏格兰的庄园。 庄园里有一座锁住的秘密花园,玛丽在一个花坛来里找到了被埋藏的 花园门的钥匙。她的姑妈是从花园的玫瑰树上掉下来摔死的,为此克 拉文吩咐永远将花园门锁上。玛丽在房子里发现克拉文的儿子柯林, 他因病魔缠身而不能行动,玛丽持续秘密地看望柯林。又和乡村男孩 狄肯一起开拓秘密花园。后来,柯林在玛丽和狄肯的陪伴下开始坐轮 椅去秘密花园游玩。夏天到了。梅德洛克太太仍限定柯林只能呆在房 间里。同时她将玛丽锁在别的房间里。后来,在玛丽的祷告之下,克 拉文回家了。他赶快去了秘密花园里,孩子正在捉迷藏。克拉文勋爵 和儿子重逢,玛丽也已成为他家庭的一员。 【作者信息】 弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett,1849年11月24至1924年10月29日),美国女作家。她生于英国曼彻斯特市,1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。1873年与伯内特博士(Dr. S.M. Bumett)结婚,育有二子。 伯内特的父亲早逝,家境贫寒,她从18岁开始在杂志上发表故事,贴补家用。伯内特的第一本畅销书是28岁时出版的《劳瑞家的那闺女》(That Lass O’Lowries),取材于幼年她在英国煤矿的生活。但伯 内特闻名于世的,是她的儿童文学作品。1886年她发表了小说《小少 爷方特罗伊》,写一个美国小男孩成为英国伯爵继承人的故事。“方 特罗伊”从此成为英语词汇,指“过度盛装打扮的小孩”。这本书让 伯内特成为当时最畅销、最富有的流行作家之一。此书和1905年发表


白粉虱成灾,咋办?有效彻底消灭白粉虱的特效药看这里 白粉虱又名小白蛾子,属刺吸性害虫,是一种世界性害虫。 它的寄主范围广泛,在保护地、露地均易发生此害虫。 温室中一年发生10多代,世代重叠。各地多种作物也均发生较为普遍如蔬菜、花卉、果树、药材、烟草等都能受其所害,且危害程度呈逐年上升趋势,防治难度大。 另外再加上近年来随着施药的增多,其抗性也在逐渐增强,变得更加顽固和难治了。 发生规律 全年有两个关键的时期: (1)春季,发生于温室茬口,时间在4月中—5月下; (2)秋季,发生于温室、冷棚、露地等所有设施,时间在7月底—9月下,温室会一直发生到11月底。 危害 一般成虫、若虫均喜欢群集在植物叶片背面,以刺吸式口器允吸植物汁液,使被害叶片褪绿、黄化、萎蔫,甚至全株枯死。成虫会排泄,排泄物会严重地影响果实的果面或叶面等,引起煤烟病等病害的发生。而且它还会传播很多病毒,引起其他病害的发生。1.药剂用的太频繁等,其抗性增强。 2.繁殖量大且快。 像温室里每年可发生10多代。每代发育时间随温度升高便缩短,18℃时需31.5天一代;24℃时需24.7天;27℃时需22.8天。24℃时各虫态发育历期为:卵期7天,1龄期5天,2龄期2天,3龄期3天,伪蛹期8天。 棚室平均气温19℃时,完成一代为30天左右,每雌虫的产卵数多达3000~4000粒,1代后种群数量可增长140~150倍,繁殖数量呈指数增长,在农业害虫中是罕见的。

3.繁殖寄居场所多 温室露地都是它的理想居住地,使得白粉虱一年四季均有足够的食料和繁殖场所。 4.它的四个虫态同时分布 白粉虱成虫可以短距离飞翔,且体表布蜡于植株上部嫩叶背面,并在嫩叶上产卵。 随着植株生长,成虫也不断地向上部叶片转移,在植株上各虫态即形成一定规律:最上部的嫩叶,以成虫和初产的淡黄色卵为最多,稍下部的叶片多为黑色卵,再下部多为初龄若虫,再下为中老龄若虫,最下部则以蛹为多。 植株上虫态较杂,不好防治。一般药只能杀死成虫,很难杀死卵和幼虫,用药次数赶不上繁殖速度,导致比较难治。 5.人们防治意识淡薄,重治轻防 蔬菜定植后,嫩叶梢是粉虱类害虫取食的最佳食物,有些菜农朋友对使用防虫网意识淡薄,有洞不补,有缝隙关不严,甚至还有定植后,蔬菜开始生长,发现粉虱后再去使用防虫网,这样对防治粉虱效果极差。 6.药剂选择问题 有些药剂只杀成虫不杀虫卵,导致虫卵孵化后成虫不断;也有些药剂只杀虫卵而不杀成虫,导致成虫不断产卵,卵孵化后成虫不断。 比如我们平时使用的药剂,吡虫啉、啶虫脒、烯啶虫胺、吡蚜酮、噻虫嗪等,这些药剂都是治成虫的,打完药之后会死一大片成虫,但对于其它三个虫态卵、若虫和蛹来说,没有很好的作用。所以过段时间还会有成虫危害。 防治对策 1.轮作倒茬 在白粉虱发生猖撅的地区,棚室秋冬茬或棚室周围的露天蔬菜种类应选芹菜、筒篙、菠菜、油菜、蒜苗等白粉虱不喜食而又耐低温的蔬菜,既免受危害又可防止向棚室蔓延。


《秘密花园》读后感5篇范文精选 《秘密花园》讲述:一场瘟疫,让乖戾的小女孩玛丽变成了孤儿。所以,她被送到姑 父的庄园里生活。那个庄园很古怪:有上百间被锁起来的房间,有被锁在房间里的歇斯底 里的科林,还有被埋起来的神秘花园的钥匙,还有被隐藏起来的园门以及沉睡了十年的花园……而这些东西,随着故事的展开,全都被玛丽逐一发现了。以下是小编整理的读后感 范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 假期里,我读了《秘密花园》这本书,它让我感触颇深,也让我受益匪浅。 《秘密花园》的一个小主人公玛丽,是个相貌平平、脾气倔强、人见人厌的小姑娘。 在她9岁时,一场瘟疫使她成了孤儿,被姑夫克拉文先生收养。克拉文先生有一座大庄园,一次偶然,玛丽发现了庄园中被封闭了10年的花园的钥匙,并在一只旅鸫的指路下找到 了花园,把它作为自我的秘密花园。 之后,她还认识了狄肯,一个神奇的男孩。他帮玛丽救活了秘密花园,而玛丽那颗幼 小的心灵也像花园一样恢复了生机。同样的,故事的另外一个主人公柯林――克拉文先生 的儿子――一个从未用双脚走过路、又有大少爷脾气的厌世的男孩,在狄肯和玛丽的帮忙 和开导下,一点点开朗起来,开始理解外面的世界,开始学着走路,并且他做到了。故事 的最终,一切都好了起来,一切都充满了欢乐与阳光。 在一切都好起来后,柯林说,这是魔力,魔力使他站了起来,魔力就在他们的身边。 的确,魔力就在他们身边,在每个人身边。这种魔力,是狄肯的魔力,是花园的魔力,是 新鲜空气的魔力,是大自然的魔力。这种魔力,充满了生机与期望,它让玛丽改掉了倔脾气,成为了一个可爱的女孩;它让柯林站了起来,和所有健康的男孩一样奔跑。 那么,在现实生活中,有没有这种魔力呢答案是肯定的,只要你还活着,只要你还有 生活的期望,这种魔力就在你身边。它是生机,是活力,是期望,就像努力生长的绿色植 物一样。我想称它为――生命的魔力。生命的魔力,是每一个人、每一个动物、每一株植 物都有的,就这样源源不断地散发着,感染着所有人,仿佛太阳散发着光和热。这种魔力,同样也会给予人昂扬向上的力量,使人充满生命力和活力,甚至,让奇迹发生。 让我们永远永远地坚持并施展这生命的魔力,让完美与奇迹在身边绽放! 在今年的暑假中,我前后读了《小王子》《失落的一角》《秘密花园》。其中我最喜欢的是《秘密花园》。《秘密花园》的主人公玛丽伦诺克斯和一位说约克腔的男孩子:迪康,和一位气势凌人的“小王爷”:科林。成了好朋友,而这一切都是因为它们的秘密花园。

候鸟的迁徙阅读理解 练习

候鸟的迁徙 余夫 1) 每年春天和秋天,人类会惊奇地仰望着天上那些成群结队、遮天蔽日而又神秘莫测的旅客--候鸟。经过亿万年的自然进化,候鸟形成了每年在繁殖地与越冬地之间沿相对固定的路线往返迁徙的独特习性。全世界9000多种鸟类中,超过三分之一的鸟都是候鸟,每年迁徙的候鸟数量可达100亿只以上。 2) 同一季节,随着纬度的改变,气温会产生梯度性的变化,特别是北半球的大块土地在冬季被冰雪封盖,欧亚大陆和北美洲的许多鸟类不得不越过赤道,飞到南半球越冬。正因为这个原因,大多数候鸟的迁徙路线都呈南北方向,在北半球尤其明显。 3) 人们用多种方法观测候鸟的飞行路线,如望远镜观察、雷达探测、给鸟涂颜料和环志等,其中被世界各国普遍采用的是环志法。环志法是将金属或塑料做成脚环(或颈环、翅环),刻上环志国家、单位和编码,将环固定在候鸟的腿部(或其他部位),做好记录,将鸟放飞后,期望通过再次观测到它或回收脚环,这样能更好地了解被环志的鸟儿迁徙的时间、路线等数据。随着卫星应用技术的发展,科学家也在探索在大型候鸟身上安装小型无线电信号发射器,通过定向接收机接收信号来观测候鸟的行踪。 4) 经过长期监测,鸟类学家认为全世界候鸟迁徙路线主要有以下几条:东亚-澳大利亚、中亚-印度、西亚-东非、黑海-地中海、大西洋-美洲、密西西比-美洲和太平洋-美洲。这些迁徙路线就如一条条“高速公路”,任由鸟儿们飞来飞去,前往各自的目的地。 5) 在迁徙的过程中,鸟类展示了非凡的智慧。硫磺鹀是美国东部随处可见的一种鸣禽,每年秋季,它们都会飞行3800千米,到达越冬地--墨西哥南部、巴拿马等地。让人惊奇的是,它们是以星星为标记进行迁徙的。具体用来判断方位的是北极星中心约35°以内的北方天空,也就是说,在这个区域的大熊座、小熊座、天龙座、仙女座、仙后座等都是它们的路标,其卓越的导航本领让科学家惊叹不已。白颊林莺,从加拿大迁往南美洲时需要面对飞行路线的选择:如果沿着美国海岸南下,经墨西哥、中美洲再到南美洲,就会减少死亡的可能,但路途遥远。然而,这些小鸟的选择是直接勇敢的飞越大西洋,并有规律地停留在大西洋和加勒比海的某些岛屿上休息。另外,白颊林莺还会选择好的天气和合适的风向,以使旅途更舒适,真是有勇有谋。 6) 对候鸟来说,迁徙并不像人们想象的那样有乐趣。它们在迁徙途中要遇到许多想象不到的困难:飞过大洋、翻越高山、穿越云层、迎着暴风雨、遭遇天敌,还有被人类捕食的危险……比如从英国出发的家燕,首先飞越英吉利海峡,穿过法国的比利牛斯山脉,跨过地中海,途经撒哈拉沙漠,再抗击热带风暴的袭击,抵达刚果的雨林,最后到达南非。经过超过10000千米、长达4个月的旅程,只有大约一半的成年个体能够存活下来。这是多么悲壮的旅程啊! 7) 迁徙无疑是候鸟生活中最大的“冒险事业”,每年都会有无数的候鸟永远无法到达它们的目的地。但是,它们仍然会沿着一定的路线,春来秋往,从不失信。迁徙对候鸟来说,是使命,是责任,是一种承诺。(选自《百科知识》,有改动) 14、根据选文内容填空。(3分) 选文2—— 6段从候鸟迁徙的原因、候鸟迁徙的观测、__A____、___B____、___C____五个方面依次介绍了候鸟迁徙的知识。 15、选文第6段主要使用了哪种说明方法?有何作用?(3分) ___________________________________________ I6.选出下列对选文理解不正确的一项。() (2分) A、选文中“高速公路”“冒险事业”等词,使说明显得生动而有情趣;而“大多数候鸟迁徙的路线呈南北方向”中“大多数”一词则体现了文章语言的准确性。
