信用卡是如何改变人们的消费观念的 英语作文

信用卡是如何改变人们的消费观念的 英语作文

How have credit cards changed people's attitude to money

As is acknowledged to all of us, credit card has changed people's pattern of consumption, particularly their attitude towards money. This is what the real life has shown to us. Especially to women, I guess they will be on my side. Recently, I asked some of my classmates about whether they had credit cards and how often they took them. It's no wonder that they almost responded to me that they did use them to consume very often and usually overspent on their credit cards. So I enquired further about how they felt when they shopped by card rather than by cash. They answered that using credit cards made them feel good about the bargain. Because in the past they just saw their banknotes flying into other people's pockets one by one but they could do nothing. Meanwhile they felt terrible about themselves on account of their desire for goods over their love for money. But now, the problem had been solved and everything would be fine. Because they didn't have to have their own eyes to witness all of the course. At least, they wouldn't learn through the complicated feelings, content but anxious. So I guess this is exactly about how credit cards has changed people's attitude to money.


互联网正在改变中国人的消费观念 作者:谭浩俊 据媒体报道,截至11日上午9点52分,天猫“双11”购物狂欢节交易额突破500亿,无线占比72.93%。据了解,去年天猫“双11”突破500亿的时间节点是21时12分。这也意味着,今年“双11”突破500亿的时间整整比去年缩短了一半。 网购从小众走向大众 虽然早就预料到今年的“双11”会比去年更疯狂,但是,当阶段性结果公布以后,还是感到十分惊讶、十分难以令人置信,广大居民购物的狂欢程度,还是远远超出了想象。甚至有人怀疑,这会不会是最后的疯狂。 疯狂之后,最令人担心的问题,无疑还是物流,亦即消费者能否准时拿到所购的商品。不过,这已经不重要。重要的是,从“双11”的狂欢到平时网购业务的不断扩大,已经让我们深刻地感受到,互联网正在改变着中国人的消费习惯,改变着中国人的消费观念。尤其重要的是,新的消费习惯和观念,已经不再是年轻人的“专利”,大量的中老年人也在逐步加入到网购和互联网消费的行列;也不再是城市人的“专利”,大量的农村人也开始学会利用网络来选购自己喜欢的商品。 而网购之所以为各类人群所喜欢,很重要的一个原因,就在于网购商品的结构越来越合理、品种越来越齐全、服务越来越周到,高、中、低档商品,都可以通过网购买到,不同需求的消费者,也都可以通过网购满足需要,且价格要比实体店便宜很多。不仅如此,互联网金融带给消费者的便捷服务,也在从另一个层面改变着中国人的消费与观念。 居民消费习惯和观念在改变 美国等发达国家,居民的消费意识是非常强的、观念也是超前的。美国老太太贷款买房的故事,也一直为中国人所多乐道。正是因为消费意识强、消费观念超前,因此,消费对美国经济的拉动力也非常的强。严格地讲,消费已成为决定美国经济走向的最主要力量。美国经济能够率先复苏,也是居民消费起到了关键作用。正是居民消费的启动,拉动了经济增长,经济增长速度的恢复与加快,带动了就业,就业的好转,又进一步拉动消费,形成消费与经济的良性互动。

珍惜时间的英语作文-Time Is Money

珍惜时间的英语作文:Time Is Money 导语:时间就是金钱,我们不可以浪费时间,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! Time Is Money “Time is money.” This saying means that time is very valuable. But time is more valuable than money. The money we have lost can be gained again, but the time we have wasted cannot be regained. Moreover, sometimes persons can exist without money, but nothing can be done without time, just as no one can live without air. Despite being so valuable, time is often neglected by men. Since time is an invisible thing, men often waste their time unconsciously(无意地). Without anything to do, they may gossip from morning till night. Man can live only at most to about 100 years. It seems fairly long, but in fact it is rather short. We often say “How quickly time flies!” How many things can a man accomplish in such a short period? Hence we should use the valuable time properly to do

英语作文技术改变生活 科技改变生活英语作文

英语作文技术改变生活科技改变生活英语作文 随着科技的进步,科技影响着我哦们生活的方方面面。下面,是为你的英语作文技术改变生活,希望对你有帮助! With the rapid development of the modern science and technology,we are enjoying the convenience which used to be in our dreams.Everybody knows that the cell phones, puters, inter,credit cards,airplanes,subways and so on have brought us a modern life which makes us much more fortable,convenient and relaxed. But gradually,more and more people begin to realize that such kind of easy-going life,perhaps,is doing great harm to our environment and our health as well.Nowadays,we have to admit that we have had many nameless diseases which have been brought by the modern science. You cannot deny the air pollution,land reduction,north pole melting and the animals perishing must have something to do with the pursuing of our human modern life. Therefore,how to protect the environment and the human being itself are being an urgent problem for the whole human being. Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now

【英语作文】健康的生活方式 Healthy Lifestyle

健康的生活方式Healthy Lifestyle In the young generation,their lifestyle is different from the old people's.They like to stay up and join many night activities,then they wake up very late.The new expression of brunch fits them so much,which means the people to have a meal combining with breakfast and lunch.But their health is under threat.Some young people's stomach hurts and can't digest food well.In order to keep healthy,we need to do some exercise and eat food regularly.What's more,the balanced diet is very important,as the saying that an apple a day,keeps the doctor away,so we need to eat properly.The healthy lifestyle makes us live happily. 在年轻一代人中,他们的生活方式不同于老一代人。他们喜欢熬夜,晚参加许多晚上的活动,然后很晚才醒来,早午餐这个新的表达方式很适合他们,也就是说一餐中结合了早餐和午餐。但是他们的健康受到了威胁,一些年轻人胃疼,不能很好地消化食物。为了保持健康,我们需要经常锻炼、吃好。更重要的是,均衡的饮食是非常重要的,俗说一天一个苹果,医生远离我,所以我们需要正确的饮食。健康的生活方式让我们幸福的生活。


关于时间的价值英语作文 时间就是金钱。浪费时间就是浪费金钱。下面是橙子整理的关于时间的英语文章,希望对你有所帮助。 时间的价值篇(一) I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it‘s only one day. There goes a proverb,“Time is money”。 Now I want to say, time is more precious than money,because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return. Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it‘s a pity th at I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late. So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one‘s life. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow! 时间的价值篇(二) A proverb says,"Time is money." But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, 1 / 3


科技改变生活高三英语作文 科技不断地更新换代,正在逐步地改变人类的生活。下面,橙子帮你整理了科技改变生活高三英语作文,希望你喜欢! 科技改变生活高三英语作文篇1 The effect of technology in our day-to-day life can be seen or felt almost everywhere.We use mobile phones for communications,we surf the Internet for information,knowledge and entertainment,and we drive our cars to work or take flights to make business travels.We shall always have faith in ourselves,because mankind has almost unlimited potential for creation and self-improvement. 技术的影响在我们的日常生活中几乎到处都可以看到或感受到的世间。我们使用手机通信,我们上网获取信息,知识和娱乐,和我们开汽车去上班或航班进行商务旅行。我们总是对自己有信心,因为人类几乎无限的潜力创造和自我完善。 科技改变生活高三英语作文篇2 Imagine shopping for clothes online and being able to run your hand across the screen of your computer or smartphone and feel the fabrics. That kind of simulation technology could be available in the next five years, says IBM Vice President Bernie 1 / 5


关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文 关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文1 A Sentence May Change A Man s LifeThere is a sentence going as : a sentence may change a man s life,maybe that is ture. Look at the following sentence,we may get some active idea: Giving up is a kind of intelligence, and defecting is a boon. When you have six apples, don t eat them all, because there is only one six apples taste, if take out five to others, lost five apples on the surface, but actually had five personal friendship and goodwill, later also can get more, others must also have fruit to share with you, you will get an orange, a pear might get six different fruits, different tastes, different colors, six personal friendship, give up is a kind of wisdom.The greatest pleasure of life is through the struggle to get what we want, so there are shortcomings mean that we can progress, can be hard.When a personal life is not short of, he living space are deprived of, if we wake up every morning, to feel what shortcomings today, feel and pursuit, that is a happy thing.Smile -- but not keep for 24 hours, but can keep smile in the face of people. 关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文2 Change My Life Style I like stay late at night and stay in bed late next morning. Usually, I won t go to the bed before one o clock. When my clock alarms the next morning, I have to struggle for a long time to get up. Most of the time, I feel tired before class is over. So sometimes I can t catch with my teacher, because I can t focus my mind. And I don t like vegetable. Mostly I only eat meat. I am a little fat maybe because of that. I realize my life style is unhealthy. I need to change it. I can t sleep so late in the evening and should eat more vegetable. If I change my life style, I can make my life more wonderful. 我喜欢晚睡,第二天早上又喜欢睡懒觉。通常,不到一点我是不会去睡觉的。第二天我的闹钟响的时候,我都要挣扎很久


随着我国居民生活水平的提高和消费观念的变化, 人们消费观念也产生了明显的变化, 我国居民食物消费占消费性支出的比重不断下降,饮料已从昔日的生活奢侈品转为日常的生活必需品。 我国饮料市场发展非常迅速,市场容量不断扩大。饮料市场显示出前所未有的发展潜力。同时,由于饮料行业的进入壁垒并不高,在原有的饮料生产企业不断加大投入,推出新产品的同时,又有新的企业纷纷加入这个行业,饮料市场上的竞争变得异常激烈。 对于我国的饮料企业来说,无论是产品还是营销,高品质仅是企业参与竞争所必须具备的条件,而了解市场,掌握消费者的购买习惯及口感偏好是企业研发新产品、制定营销策略的基础因素。作为消费者,人们所考虑的因素除去饮料最基本的解渴功能,情感和审美的个性化需要开始成为主导。 随着消费者追求健康,天然的意识的不断提高,国内饮料市场对品种的需求也在发生变化,消费者在购买饮料时的考虑因素主要是味道、健康效果、品牌,而且在购买饮料时成分构成及价格也是主要因素。对于一个饮料产品来说,好喝肯定是排在第一位的;与此同时,在目前人们越来越关注健康问题的今天,饮料的健康效果也逐渐受到人们的重视,不仅要喝出美味,也要喝出健康。 对于购买饮品的信息收集途径,大多数人还是通过电视这一传统的广告渠道获取信息,其次店面的宣传单及各类促销活动也是收集信息的主要渠道。自90年代电视普及以来,收听广播的人数有所下降,所以从收音机广播中获取信息的比例下降严重。 下面,将各类饮料消费调查各信息分列如下: 在目前的饮料市场上,矿泉水/纯净水在人们日常所饮用的饮料中所占的比重最大,其次是果汁类饮料和茶饮料,植物蛋白饮料和蔬菜类饮料较少。在碳酸饮料、牛奶类/酸奶类饮料不能满足人们日益丰富的生活需要的今天,我们发现果汁类饮料越来越受人们喜爱,果汁饮料汇集了新鲜水果的精华,融营养、保健为一体,深受消费者喜爱;茶饮料因其更解渴、口味更适宜所占比重越来越大,而矿泉水/纯净水由于既能解渴,且健康卫生、价格便宜这一性价比的优势,成为大多数人的首选,大大高于其它品种。 矿泉水/纯净水饮料在40-49岁人群的选择比例略高于其他年龄段;果汁类

关于时间管理的英语作文 manage time

How to manage time Time treats everyone fairly that we all have 24 hours per day. Some of us are capable to make good use of time while some find it hard to do so. Knowing how to manage them is essential in our life. Take myself as an example. When I was still a senior high student, I was fully occupied with my studies. Therefore, I hardly had spare time to have fun or develop my hobbies. But things were changed after I entered university. I got more free time than ever before. But ironically, I found it difficult to adjust this kind of brand-new school life and there was no such thing called time management on my mind. It was not until the second year that I realized I had wasted my whole year doing nothing. I could have taken up a Spanish course. I could have read ten books about the stories of successful people. I could have applied for a part-time job to earn some working experiences. B ut I didn’t spend my time on any of them. I felt guilty whenever I looked back to the moments that I just sat around doing nothing. It’s said that better late than never. At least I had the consciousness that I should stop wasting my time. Making up my mind is the first step for me to learn to manage my time. Next, I wrote a timetable, setting some targets that I had to finish each day. For instance, on Monday, I must read two pieces of news and review all the lessons that I have learnt on that day. By the way, the daily plan that I made was flexible. If there’s something unexpected that I had to finish first, I would reduce the time for resting or delay my target to the next day. Also, I would try to achieve those targets ahead of time that I planed so that I could reserve some more time to relax or do something out of my plan. At the beginning, it’s kind of difficult to s tick to the plan. But as time went by, having a plan for time in advance became a part of my life. At the same time, I gradually became a well-organized person. Now I’ve grasped the time management skill and I’m able to use my time efficiently.


我的日常生活英语作文5篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 我的日常生活英语作文一:my daily life (357字)i think i am a person who is understand how to make a wonderful living。every morning,i get up early and breath the fresh air to make my body be health,then i read some essay to improve my eq 。i like play taborin ,i always go to park to play taborin with some friends ,when i lose myself in the music ,i always forget the time 。after dinner ,i do some sports like yoga ,it usually let me feel i am in the nature and so relax。that is my daily life。我的日常生活英语作文二:my daily life(502字)i get up at six every day. i dress myself quickly and have breakfast at half past six. after breakfast i

英语作文 科学与人类生活(Science and Human Life)-精品

科学与人类生活(Science and Human Life) 1.科学给人们带来许多好处; 2.科学也给人们带来许多灾难; 3.我们该怎么做? . [范文] Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live fortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables att the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out. However, science and technology have atso brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace... So it\'s urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.


英语作文20个热点话题+满分范文 热点预测1:健康生活 1.网瘾 中国社会近些年一直提倡健康生活方式,但网瘾普遍存在于青少年之中,对其学习和生活都造成了很大不良影响! 题目要求: 假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、损害家庭关系等问题,并提出一些建议。 参考词汇:沉溺于be/become addicted to 网瘾:Internet addiction 优秀范文: Dear Jack, I am glad to hear from you. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you as I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games.

As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. For example your grades may go down and your health will be going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it can also damage the relationship with your family. So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise. I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon. Yours, Li Hua 2.健康生活——拒为低头族 伴随着互联网日益深入人们的生活,低头一族诞生并不断增加,公交车、地铁等公共场合到处都是低头看手机者的身影,手机已经成为低头族身体的一部分。同时,这种生活方式对人们的身体健康造成极大的不良影响,应当引起相当重视。 题目要求: 现在越来越多的人成为低头族(People who can’t help checking their phones all day are known as phubbers. Phubbing trends to involve not only the young people, but also the elderly.),如何引


中国居民的消费观念转变研究论文 【摘要】本文着眼于我国金融危机后的居民消费状况,从我国居民当前的消费观念入手,介绍了当前居民的消费观念,并结合目前的环境对其成因作出了分析,提出了通过转变消费观念以刺激居民消费、促进经济增长的途径。 【关键词】消费观念扩大内需金融危机 2009年,经过不懈的努力,我国实现了保证经济增长的目标,但我们也清楚地认识到单纯依靠投资难以实现经济的持续、稳定增长,消费的滞后,严重影响了我国经济的发展。而我国居民当前的消费状况与其消费观念有着密不可分的联系。 一、现阶段我国居民消费的消费观念 新中国成立后,由于国家经济基础薄弱,物质上长时间处于相对短缺的状态,居民消费受到严重制约,中国社会传统的重积累、倡节约的消费观念没有得到根本改观。随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人们开始逐渐抛弃了自然经济模式下自给自足的消费观念,代之以量入为出、注重消费效益,强调消费带来的精神满足等新型消费观念。特别是20世纪90年代后期以来,住房、通信及电子产品、节假日消费及旅游、文化教育、汽车等逐渐成为市场消费热点,信贷消费、理性消费、个性消费等消费形式也开始在人们的消费行为中发挥重要作用。因此,也就形成了当前中国居民西方消费主义与东方重积累思想并重的有中国特色的消费观念。 二、现阶段消费观念的成因 1.中国传统文化及伦理价值对国内居民消费观念具有深远的影响。我国传统社会商品经济不发达,小农经济是社会的主要经济形式,经济发展和社会生产受自然条件的影响较大。不稳定的生存状态使我们的先人养成了勤俭持家的习惯,进而形成了以节俭为核心的消费观念。在现实生活中,这一习惯转化为人们日常的消费倾向,如重勤俭、轻生活;重储蓄,轻消费,满足于简单的物质供给,轻视甚或羞于精神消费等。此外,中国传统的伦理价值也与西方国家存在着较大的差距。中国的父母认为自己对子女将来的幸福具有无可推卸的责任,宁可自己省吃俭用,也要努力保证子女过上最好的生活,“前人种树,后人乘凉”是大多中国父母的消费心态。因此,国内居民在子女的生活、教育甚至婚嫁等方面的消费上往往不惜血本。这种对伦理亲情的崇尚,也使国人十分注重为子孙积累财富。 2.外部环境变化的冲击是形成当前居民消费观念的主因。消费观念的形成既是民族文化长期积淀的结果,又是社会现实的直接反映。改革开放以后,我国居民的收入得到显著提高,消费水平也日益提升,消费结构也得到了明显改善。随着改革的逐渐深入,职业的“铁饭碗”被打破、公费医疗制度消失、住房商品化提速等现实问题又唤醒了人们的风险意识,特别社会保障制度的滞后及房价的居高不下让越来越多的人感到未来的不确定。虽然信贷消费的理念已被很多人接受,但大多数人的消费观念趋于理性,更认同量力而行、有计划甚至略有盈余的消费方式。 3.受教育程度、收入高低、地域差异等个人因素也在消费观念形成中发挥重要作用。影响居民个人消费观念的因素包括收入、年龄、性别、地域环境、受教育程度等。受教育程度对个人消费观念的影响最大。一般来说,受教育的程度越高,接受新鲜事务的速度越快,在消费

约定的时间 The Time of A Date(高中英语作文)

约定的时间The Time of A Date 高中英语作文 The time of a date has different standard for boys and girls. Girls always like to be late for about ten minutes while boys always reach the destination on time. If the girls are earlier than the boys, then the situation will become awkward, it is not polite to let a girl wait for a boy. But sometimes girls are always late for more than half an hour, which annoys the boys. It is said that if you call a girl to ask her if she is on the way, then she will answer you that she just goes out of the house, the truth is that she is still in the house. Most girls are late for making up for a long time. It is considerate to be late for a date for a few minutes, but it is impolite to be late for much time.约会的时间对男孩和女孩来说有不同的标准。女孩总是喜欢迟到大约十分钟,而男孩总是准时到达目的地。如果女孩比男孩早,那么情形就会变得尴尬,这是不礼貌的,让一个女孩等待一个男孩。但有时女孩总是迟到超过半小时,这让男孩子感到烦恼。据说如果你打电话问一个女孩她是否在路上,然后她会回答你,她已经出门了,事实上,她还在房子里。大多数女孩都因为化妆而迟到。约会迟到几分钟是可以体谅的,但迟到太多时间就是不礼貌的。


关于现代科技与生活的英语作文 导读:本文关于现代科技与生活的英语作文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 Modern technology has had a great influence on people ’ s entertainment choices,making them less creative.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Bearing in mind the likely effects of the modern technology on entertainments on today’ s users are important,because it is an issue that is discussed daily nowadays by people in both the private and public sectors. However, does the modern technology benefits all aspects of human society? Some people may answer to the contrary. As far as I can see,current technology is undermining modern people ’ s creative ability by providing individuals sorted ways of relaxation. The likely effects of modern technology on entertainment for people today are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily in both the private and public sectors. However, does modern technology benefit all aspects of human society? Some people may answer in the negative. As far as I can see,


改革开放以来我国消费理念与心理的演变 摘要:社会消费理念和消费心理的演变既是人民自身心理历程的反映,更是社会变迁的折射。从1978开始,从农村开始的改革迅速席卷到全国各行各业中去了。依据社会经济条件和发展状况的变化,我国人民的消费理念与消费行为也随之发生着重大变化。本文以时间为线索,以消费理念和心理为依据,将改革开放的三十余年划分为较为清晰的三个时代,这三十余年经历了从1978年到80年代末的节俭型消费观变迁到90年代的消费主义出现,再到如今的消费主义和理性消费并存的局面,并分析了造成这种消费观念的经济、社会、文化原因,同时提出了树立健康消费观念的建议。 关键词:改革开放;消费理念;消费心理;演变 The Evolution of China’s Consumption Concept and Consumption Psychology since its Reform and Opening-up Abstract: The evolution of consumption concept and consumption psychology mirrored both people’s mental processes and social change. Reform which first took place in farming occurred in all walks of life since 1978. As economic condition and state of development got change, people’s consumption concept and consumption psychology were likely to change. This paper divided the thirty years since China’s reform and opening-up into three ages with the time clue and the consumption concept and consumption psychology basis. From 1978 to 1990s, people held frugal consumption concept and transformed to consumerism in 1990s. From 2000s on, rational consumption concept appeared and coexist with consumerism. This paper also analyzed reason caused the evolution from aspect of the economic, society and culture, and proposed some suggestions of erecting healthy consumption concept Keywords: reform and opening up; consumption concept; consumer psychology; evolution
