博士英语作业What can be done about the problem of student stress in Chinese universities

What can be done about the problem of student stress

in Chinese universities?

Nowadays in china, more and more students in Chinese university face severe challenges about the problem of student stress due to oversupply of undergraduate and graduate students. Consequently, undergraduate and graduate students, suffering from poor employment opportunities when they finish their bachelor or doctoral programs, feel stress associated with the uncertainty of their career choice and future prospects.

Solutions suggested for reducing distress in college students include "stress inoculation" -- for example, informing students in advance of what difficulties they might face and encouraging them to develop their own strategies to achieve personal goals. From the perspective of the school, the teacher should not only teach knowledge and skills in textbooks but also guide them to set up the correct outlook on life and values. For students themselves, they should be aware of that Rome was not built in a day, nothing is impossible if they set up their mind to achieve his goal. What they need to do now is to make themselves busy, to arrange each day better, rather than feel anxious about their future every day.

Other suggestions include improving campus mental

health services and organizing peer counseling and self-help groups. Colleges and universities should make their students know that stress is

any situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a person. It is normal that they feel anxious when they under the control of high pressure. Once they need mental health service, they can ask for help with ease from peer counseling and self-help groups.

In conclusion, there are still a lot of things can be done about the problem of student stress in Chinese university despite the increasing tendency of the pressure in Chinese university students. With the improvement of the social institution, the external environment of the college students will get better and better. I hope that students in Chinese university have a relatively easy life in college and learn more knowledge in the future.
