

空中英语教室20051101[A good friend?]1/2

A good friend?

Josh is good friends with his classmates Leah and Care. One day, when Josh and Leah are chatting, Leah shares, ”I feel like I can tell Care anything .She’s such a good listener .She’s one of my best friends!”

A few days later, Josh and Care are studying together . while they’re studying , Care makes several sarcastic comments about Leah.

“I thought you and Leah were good friends ,”Josh says

Care shrug ,”she is ok, but she is not one of my favorite people.”

Josh knows Leah doesn’t share openly with many people, but she trusts Care. And now he know Care may not be worthy of Leah’s trust.

If you were Josh, what would you do ?would you do this?


(the next day , Josh talks to Leah)

Josh: Leah, do you remember when you told me how much you appreciated Care ‘s friendship?

Leah: Yes.

Josh: Well…I don’t think Care sees herself as your close friend.

Leah : I know, she ‘s friend with everyone, but…..

Josh: Actually, I’ve heard her complain about you behind your back.

Leah : What? I have no idea could be so two-faced !

Josh: She doesn’t hate you or anything. But she doesn’t feel like you two really click . You might want to find someone else to confide in .

Leah :Oh

Josh: I’m sorry, Leah. I really hope I haven’t hurt you by tell you this . I just figured that if I were you, I’d want to know.

word bank





空中英语教室20051101[A good friend?]2/2

A Good Friend?

Or would you do this?

Decision 2

(The next day, Josh talks to Cara)

Josh: Cara, I need to talk to you about something. It’s a little awkward for me bring this up, but I think it’s important.

Cara: Sure, Josh. Is something wrong?

Josh: Well, I’m not sure if you realize this, but Leah sees you as one of her closest friends. You’re one of her most trusted confidants.

Cara: I am?

Josh: Yes. She really trusts you.

Cara: Oh. Josh, I feel bad! I didn’t realize she thought of me as such a good friend.

Josh: I know. But I think you should be more careful in how you talk about her. And if you really think you don’t click, maybe you should gently back away from the friendship.

Or would you do this?

Decision 3

(Josh talks to his older brother, Nathan)

Josh: So, Nathan, what do you think I should do ?

Nathan: If I were you, I’d tell Leah that Cara’s not the good friend Leah thinks she is.

Josh: But wouldn’t that just hurt Leah’s feelings?

Nathan: Well, at least Leah would know she shouldn’t be confiding in Cara.

Josh: I guess so. But Leah’s a sweet girl. I really don’t want to hurt her.

Nathan: Then talk to Cara. Maybe she doesn’t realize she’s stabbing Leah in the back. Josh: Nathan, you’re exaggerating. Cara’s not trying to hurt Leah. She just doesn’t like her that much.

Nathan: Then what are you going to do?

Josh: Nothing. If I get involved, I’ll probably only make things worse.

Word Bank:

Confidant (n)知己、密友

Andrea is a great confidant. She's great listener and very trustworthy.

Back away from something (v)从某事物中退出

Sometimes backing away from an argument is better than fighting with a friend.

Stab someone in the back (idiom)在背后中伤某人

Ian and Dana were friends until Dana stabbed Ian in the back.

Exaggerate (v)夸大、言过其实

When Casey said she'd heard the story a million times, she was exaggerating

空中英语教室20051103[John Woo]1/3

John Woo

From humble beginnings to big-time film director

Movie fans in both the East and West recognize John Woo’s name. After all, Woo has directed not only big-name Hollywood movies, but also popular Hong Kong action films. Many consider him to be one of Asia’s best filmmakers. Yet John Woo has come a long way from where he started.

Woo was born in Guangzhou(广州),China, in 1946. His family immigrated to Hong Kong when he was 5. Life there became difficult after Woo’s father came down with tuberculosis and couldn’t work.

John Woo grew up in the slums of Hong Kong. He witnessed a lot of crime and violence in his

neighborhood. To escape his surroundings, he often went to the movie theater. Musicals like The Wizard of Oz really inspired him. They reminded him that life wasn’t just violence and despair. It could be beautiful and happy, as well.

But Woo would still face difficult times. When Woo was just 16, his father died. Because of this, the young man had to leave school and find a job.

Word Bank

Immigrate (v)移民、迁移

Les and his family immigrated to America 30 years ago. They now live in New York.

Come down with something (idiom)染上

John came down with a cold, so he decided to stay in bed and rest.

Witness (v)目击、目睹

The police are hoping that someone who witnessed the crime will report what happened. Despair (n)绝望、失望

Many poor people in the city live a life of despair. They feel there is no hope for them.






空中英语教室20051104[John Woo]2/3

John Woo

From humble beginnings to big-time film director

Road to success

Woo was fascinated with films because of the influence they had on his childhood. In his spare time, he studied filmmaking from books. In 1969, he joined Cathay Studios as a production assistant and s cript supervisor. Then in 1973, he directed his first feature film, The Young Dragons(铁汉柔情). It featured great Kung fu action scenes.

Woo made many more such films in the 1970s. But by the 1980s he suffered burnout. His films weren’t doing very well. Somewhat disappointed, he left filmmaking for a while.

Fortunately, producer/director Tsui Hark(徐克) helped bring Woo back. He provided money for Woo to film A Better Tomorrow in 1986. This film really changed Hong Kong action movies. Woo’s characters wore trench coats and sunglasses. In close-quarters fight scenes, they held a gun in each hand. This style, later dubbed “Gun-fu”, would be copied by many Hollywood directors.

With Chow Yun-Fat(周润发) as his main character, Woo made many such movies. The most famous, The Killer(1989), is sometimes referred to as the “perfect action film.”

word bank:

script: n 剧本

Writer are working on a script for a new Superman movie.

burnout: n 筋疲力尽

Too much stress on the job can quickly lead to burnout

close quarters n 近距离

I don't like living with other people in such close quarters. I prefer having my own space.

dub v 称呼

This truck is dubbed "the monster" because it's so big and noisy









空中英语教室20051105[John Woo]3/3

John Woo

Woo goes to Hollywood

In 1993, Woo found himself in a new land and new culture. Universal Studios asked him to direct the film Hard Target. The transition to American film proved difficult. Woo had to deal with many new rules and production schedules. But Woo once again managed to get people’s attention with his unique style.

In 1997, Woo’s movie Face/Off opened to American audiences. It earned over $100 million, making Woo the first successful Asian director in Hollywood. This paved the way for other Asian directors.

Now Woo wants to get Chow Yun -Fat and Nicolas Cage together in a film called Land of Destiny. It will focus on a Chinese immigrant sold into slavery to work on the American railroads.

What else does he have up his sleeve? “I want to make a movie in China because it’s such a

beautiful country,” Woo said. “There are so many great stories to tell. I’ve always wanted to do The Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义).”

Now that’s something we can all look forward to!

Word Bank

Transition (n)过渡时期

After graduation, my transition from college to work was difficult for me.

Pave the way (idiom)为...铺路

This new research will pave the way for future developments in science.

Slavery (n)奴隶身份;被奴隶役状态

Millions of people still live in slavery today. They are forced to work for

little or no pay.

Up one's sleeve (idiom)心中有打算/或有妙计

John is hard to predict. you never know what he's got up his sleeve.

Face/Off 《变脸》片名







空中英语教室20051107〖Global Warming: A HOT TOPIC〗

The world is getting warmer. But is there anything we can do about it?

Global Warming: A HOT TOPIC

Over 100 years ago, American writer Mark Twain said, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Well, everyone’s still talking about the weather. But now, people really are trying to do something about it. Scientists and world leaders are working to reverse a long-term global climate trend.

It has become clear that the world is slowly warming up. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the earth has warmed by about one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years.

This seemingly slight warming is causing big changes. Glaciers are retreating, and polar ice is getting thinner. If this trend continues, the oceans will rise. This will cause flooding in coastal areas and other problems.

What is less clear is what is causing global warming - and what we can or should do about it.

Some believe the warming is simply part of the world’s natural climate cycle. Earth has always experienced periods of warming and cooling.

Word Bank

Reverse (v) 扭转;彻底改变

Our company has been losing customers. What can we do to reverse this trend? Environmental (adj) 环境的

That factor has caused a lot of environmental damage.

Retreat (v) 退却;后退

As the lake dried out, the water slowly retreated from the shoreline.

Cycle (n) 循环;周期

All animals experience the natural cycle of birth, growth and death.






空中英语教室20051108〖Global Warming: A HOT TOPIC〗

The earth is slowly getting warmer. What is causing the warming, and what to do about it?

Global Warming: A HOT TOPIC

If the warming is natural, then there may be little humans can do to stop it. We may just have to learn to live with warmer temperature.

Many scientists and leaders contend, however, that the warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. This happens when gases in the atmosphere – especially carbon dioxide – trap the sun’s heat. Burning oil and other fuels releases these gases into the atmosphere. Since such human activity is causing the warming, they say, we should change our ways.

We must burn less fuel, they argue, and make whatever burning we do cleaner. That’s the thinking behind the Kyoto Accord. This global treaty seeks to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But not all countries have joined the accord.

Even if the whole world were to cooperate, temperatures could still climb anyway. Then a small change to Mark Twain’s quote might be in order: “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody can do anything about it.”

Word Bank

Contend (v) 声称;争论

Jasper’s lawyer contended that he was nowhere near the scene of crime.

Atmosphere (n) 大气层

The huge fire sent clouds of black smoke into the atmosphere.

Treaty (n) 协议;条约

After fighting for five years, the countries finally signed a peace treaty.

In order (idiom) 适当的;正确的

You passed the university entrance exam? Then congratulations are in order!




他们主张,我们必须减少燃料的使用,并燃烧更为清洁的燃料, 这就是《京都议定书》的倡议。作为全球性的条约,《京都议定书》提倡减少大气层中的温室效应气体。尽管如此,目前加入该议定书的尚不包括所有国家。


空中英语教室20051109〖Exploring The Ocean With ROVs〗

How is modern technology helping ocean exploration?

Exploring The Ocean With ROVs

Water covers more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface. Each year, marine scientists spend countless hours discovering the world under those waters.

Since the 1950s, machines known as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) have helped scientists explore the earth’s oceans. ROVs are equipped with a camera, lights and instruments for testing water. Using a remote control, a scientist can maneuver an ROV to a site deep in the ocean. The camera on the ROV becomes the scientist’s eyes and the instruments the scientist’s hands.

ROVs in high schools

In recent years, people have realized just how invaluable ROVs are to the future of science. That’s why students – tomorrow’s scientists – are learning about these important machines today. In the U.S., some high school students learn hands - on about the machines. The students compete in national competitions to make their own ROVs.

As the students design and construct ROVs, they also learn the science and techenology behind the machines. And most importantly, they learn to appreciate how important ROVs are to the future of ocean research.

Word Bank

Equip (v) 装备;配备

Johnny’s new car is equipped with a TV and DVD player.

Maneuver (v) 操纵

The driver maneuvered his car through narrow alleys to avoid traffic.

Invaluable (adj) 宝贵的;无价的

Katherine knows a lot about relationships. The advice she gave me was invaluable. Construct (v) 制造;建造

Tom constructed a table using some pieces of wood and some nails.

Marine (adj) 海洋的;与海有关的

Josh is a marine scientist. He studies the ocean.






空中英语教室20051110〖The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs〗1/3

Are these jobs fabulous or frightening? Check them out for yourself!

The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs

How would you like to play video games all day – and get paid for it? Would you like to get paid to go shopping – and keep what you buy for free? Some people do!

The world is full of unusual occupations. When we did research for this article, we found jobs that seem absolutely crazy. But for some people, these crazy careers are their dream jobs. In our opinion, these are five of the world’s most unusual jobs. Who knows – one of them might be just what you are looking for!

Professional Shopper

Sometimes called “mystery shoppers,” professional shoppers get to do more than just shop. They eat at restaurants, stay at hotels, or get haircuts. These people are called “mystery shoppers” because they secretly evaluate businesses.

After shopping in a store, they write a report detailing the service at the store. By doing this, professional shoppers help businesses improve their customer service. Professional shoppers need to be responsible and have good writing skills. Their job comes with a special benefit, too. They often get to keep what they buy for free!

Word Bank

Fabulous (adj) 棒极了;绝佳的

My trip to Europe was fabulous. I has a wonderful time.

Occupation (n) 职业;工作

Firefighting is one of the world’s most dangerous occupations.

Detail (v) 详述;详细说明

Please detail your report thoroughly.

Customer service (n) 客户服务

Waiters need excellent customer service skills.






空中英语教室20051111〖The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs〗2/3

Do any of these unusual jobs appeal to you? why or why not?

The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs

Laughter Therapist

Laughter therapists get to laugh for a living. They teach people to laugh more often and find humor in their everyday lives. You might think this job is unnecessary – everyone knows how to laugh, right? But laughter therapists say most people don’t laugh as much as they should.

Laughter relieves stress and strengthens the immune system. In today’s busy world, laughter therapy is becoming a popular way to unwind. People who become laughter therapists often have a background in therapy, coaching or medicine.

Professional Video Game Tester

If you like to play video games, this could be the job of your dreams. Game testers play games to find glitches in the software. They need to be talented players adept at every level. They often play the same game dozens of times to make sure it has no mistakes.

“Most of the times, what I do doesn't feel like a job,” says one game tester. “I love playing games. But when I’m going through the same level for the 20th time, it starts to feel like a job.” Word Bank

Therapist (n) 治疗师

The child doesn’t speak very clearly. He needs to go see a speech therapist.

Unwind (v) 放松身心

After a long day at work, I love to unwind by watching a movie or exercising.

Glitch (n) 技术上的小故障;小毛病

This computer program must have a glitch. It sometimes closes unexpectedly.

Adept (adj) 熟练的;精通的

Ruthie is a very adept chess player. She can beat all the other kids in our class.









空中英语教室20051112〖The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs〗3/3

What other unusual jobs have you heard of?

The Top 5 Most Unusual JOBs

Alligator Wrestler

This job definitely requires a sense of adventure. Alligator Wrestler do just what their job title implies – they wrestle alligators. Crowds watch a wrestler grab an alligator, wrap his arms around the animal, and pry its mouth open. Holding the mouth open, the wrestles then give a brief talk about alligators to the crowd.

You might think such a dangerous job would pay well, but most wrestlers make just US$ 8-12 an hour! Some alligator wrestlers have a background in biology.

Odor Judger

This is a tough job. Odor judgers have to smell some pretty bad odors. Armpits, dirty diapers and used cat litter are a few examples. Odor judgers help to make the products that cover up awful odor. If you have a good sense of smell, and a strong stomach, this job might be for you.

If none of these unusual jobs appeal to you, don’t worry. There are plenty of other unique career opportunities out there. Remember: you don’t need to stay in a job that’s just too normal! Word Bank

Pry (v) 撬开

The door was stuck shut. We had to pry it open.

Biology (n) 生物学

I normally don’t like science, but biology is one of my favorite classes.

Odor (n) 气味

Something really stinks! What is that terrible odor?









空中英语教室20051114〖Sorry About That!〗1/3

Sorry About That!

Nobody’s perfect. But when you make a mistake, know how to apologize

Even if your English isn’t great, your good manners can make a good impression. And even excellent English won’t make up for the damage done by being impolite. To get along well with people, you may have to excuse yourself or apologize at times. Here’s how:

Apologizing for arriving late

Jackie, Leona and Chris are members of a college singing group. They have arranged to meet to plan an upcoming concert. Jackie arrives at the meeting place on time. Leona arrives 20 minutes later.

Leona: Hi, Jackie. I’m so sorry I’m late.

Jackie: Did you get stuck in traffic?

Leona: No. I was in the library and just lost track of the time. Please forgive me

Accepting an apology

Jackie: That’s OK, Leona. No harm done. I spent the time working on one of my own assignments.

Leona: Well, thank you. You’re very gracious. Personally, I hate it when people are late. Uh, have you seen Chris?

Jackie: No, I haven’t. I hope he gets here soon. We have a lot to discuss, and I have to go to class in 35 minutes.

Politely telling someone they’ve made a mistake

Chris finally arrives a few minutes later.

Chris: There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.

Jackie: All over? Why? We’ve been right here all along. At least, I have.

Chris: Right here? But we agreed to meet in the cafeteria!

Leona: Actually, we didn’t, Chris. We met there last time, but it was a little too noisy, remember? Word bank

gracious adj.亲切的, 高尚的, 客气的; 有礼貌的; 通情达理的

He was most gracious to everyone, smiling and thanking them.

cafeteria n.自助餐厅

I run across my good friend in the cafeteria.






杰姬, 利昂娜和克里斯同是学校的歌唱团成员。为即将到来的音乐会他们约好见面准备拟计划。杰姬按时来到了会议地点。利昂娜20分钟后到达的。














空中英语20051116〖Sorry About That!〗3/3

Sorry About That !

Nobody’s perfect. But when you make a mistake, know how to apologize

Apologizing for breaking something

Anita is visiting her Aunt Mabel.

Aunt Mabel: Look at this beautiful little statue I bought on my vacation.

Anita: Oh, it's so cute_and so delicate! Oops! Oh, no! I've broken it.

Aunt Mabel: What a shame.

Anita: Aunt Mabel, I am so sorry! I will pay to have it fixed.

Aunt Mabel: Oh, don't be silly!

Anita: But I broke it!

Making someone feel better after they make a mistake

Aunt Mabel: Never mind, dear. It wasn't all that expensive. And besides, I was planning to give it to you anyway.

Anita: Really? You rea not just saying that to make me feel better?

Aunt Mabel: No, no! Of course, I don't want you to feel bad. But the thing definitely wasn't expensive, and I definitely bought it for you.

Apologizing for not keeping a commitment (later)

Anita: Aunt Mabel, I really should be going.

Aunt Mabel: So soon? I thought you were going to stay for supper this evening.

Anita: I planned to, but I really need to get home. I have a big exam tomorrow,

and Ihaven't studied much yet.

Aunt Mabel: Well, if you really have to...

Anita: I have to. I hate to do this to you on short notice. But perhaps I can visit again on Friday.

I will have more time then.

Aunt Mabel: That should be fine. I 'll see you Friday, then.

Aunita: Right. We can relax and have a good long chat.

Aunt Mabel: I' ll be looking forward to it!

Word Bank

Delicate (adj)精巧的, 精致的, 脆弱的, 微妙的, 灵敏的, Pease be careful with these dishes. They are quite delicate.

On short notice (adv)立刻,马上

If you need help, just call. I can be there on short notice.


Spotlight on Christchurch, New Zealand 1/3

What is there to do at this far corner of the world?

More than you might imagine!

A city with little pollution, a city that is both elegant and laid-back – does such a place exist? Yes, it does. Christchurch, on New Zealand’s South Island, is all these things and more. You will find Christchurch in the region of Canterbury on the South Island.

The British settled Christchurch in 1850. And even today, there are traces of British influence everywhere. The street names come from places in the UK. And of course, Christchurch gets its own name from a city in Southeast England.

Where to visit first?

Spend a day in Christchurch’s downtown area. Try to visit Cathedral Square at lunchtime. During this time, musicians, dancers and other performers often gather to entertain passers-by. The square is also a good place to catch a ride on one of Christchurch’s traditional transports – the tram.

The Avon River weaves past the square. If you’d like, you can go boating on the river or just lounge on the grassy banks. You can also visit Canterbury Museum to learn the history of Canterbury and Christchurch.

Word Bank

Elegant (adj) 雅致的

The bride wore an elegant dress at her wedding.

Trace (n) 痕迹;足迹

You didn’t wipe the table clean. There are still traces of dirt on it.

Passers-by (n) 路人;行人

The beggar asked a passer-by on the street for money.

Lounge (v) 悠闲地消磨时光

We lounges on the sofa and watched TV all day.










Spotlight on Christchurch

New Zealand

The Garden City

Christchurch’s residents are proud of the city’s abundant public parks and gardens. Visit the Botanic Gardens to see a wide array of flowers. You’ll also see trees more than 120 years old! The gardens are internationally well - known. In fact, Christchurch’s parks and gardens have won so many awards the city was dubbed “The Garden City” in 1997.

So if you love flowers, come in New Zealand’s late spring and summer to see the flowers blooming. During this time, even the streets are lined with flowers of all colors!

Exploring Canterbury

Canterbury’s countryside is unspoiled and beautiful. In fact, movie producer / director Peter Jackson filmed much of The Lord of the Rings movies in Canterbury’s beautiful untouched countryside.

Just drive one or two hours from Christchurch in any direction and you’ll find outstanding natural beauty. In the west, you’ll find rivers, lakes and some of the tallest mountains in this part of the world. Drive eastward, and you’ll have sandy ocean beaches and village Akaroa is a must-see.(Typed by Beatles)

Word Bank

Array (n) 许多种东西的陈列;大量

This shop had a wide array of cakes.

Bloom (v) 怒放;盛开

In the spring, roses and other flowers bloom in Mabel’s garden.

Unspoiled (adj) 未受破坏的

This small island has beautiful, unspoiled beaches.

Untouched (adj) 未被开发的

John enjoys hiking in Alaska’s untouched wilderness.











Spotlight on Christchurch

New Zealand

Antarctica in New Zealand?

Next to Christchurch International Airport lies the International Antarctic Center. This museum about Earth’s most southern continent also serves as a research base for Antarctica’s scientists.

Interactive displays teach visitors about this icy continent. All the center’s guides have even lived in Antarctica. They can tell you what it’s really like to live there.

You can also ride an actual Antarctic snowmobile known as a h?gglund. This16-seat vehicle costs US$500,000 and is used by the U.S. and New Zealand research teams in Antarctica.

Famous sheep

One of New Zealand’s most famous exports is its sheep. Each November, Christchurch hosts the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Show. For three days, farmers exhibit their sheep and agricultural products. Besides watching the sheep competitions, you can also listen to local bands and taste local food. Last year’s show attracted over 100,000 visitors.

Christchurch’s residents say their city offers something for everyone. After all, what other city has everything from sheep competitions to Antarctic snowmobiles? Is there something here for you? To find out, make Christchurch your next vacation destination!

Word Bank

Serve as something (v) 作为。。。的用途

My sofa also serves as a bed when I have guests overnight.

Interactive (adj) 互动式的

New interactive language – learning tools make learning English fun.

Agricultural (adj) 农业的;农产的

Wheat and other agricultural products are this country’s main exports.

Exhibit (v) 展示

This artist had exhibited his painting in many famous art galleries.














I serve a especial delicious health food for breakfast on Sunday morning today!


Schoolboy voted in as youngest US mayor

Like, any other American 18-year-old, Michael Sessions will attend high school from 8 am To 3 pm, and after 6 pm he will do his home-work, But from 3 pm to 6 pm he will carry out his new job as the elected Mayor of Hillsdale, Michigan.

Although he was too young to celebrate success over the 51-year-old incumbent by two votes With champagne or any other alcoholic beverage, the youngest elected official in America is determined to discharge his civic duties seriously.

Mr. Sessions, who turned18 in September, ran for mayor on a budget of $700 earned from a summer gob and on a pledge of working to increase Hillsdale’s contingent of full-time firefighters from three to four.

His rival was defeated by an energetic door to door campaign made all the more remarkable because Mr. Sessions was a “write-in” candidate. He was too young to register as a candidate before nominations closed for the printed ballots, so his supporters had to write in his name on election day.

“Obviously the people of Hillsdale took me seriously,” the teenager said. “A lot of older people really enjoyed talking to me. I looked them in the eye. Young people could relate to me.”

He told the reporter. “It’s just a state of trying to believe it especially the 670 people took the time to write my name in. My heart’s racing.

空中英语20051121-Success in creative thinking(1/2)

Success in creative thinking


Learn how to release your mind’s creativity

All of us face problems at school, at work or at home. Unfortunately, we don’t always know how

to solve these problems. Our usual solutions may not work in every situation. That’s why we need to think creatively. We need to be able to find creative solutions.

You may not consider yourself a creative person. But you can still improve your creative thinking patterns, new ideas will emerge. Here are some ways to boost your creativity. Try these tips and see what happens!

Be curious

Think about things that you do or use every day. Don’t take them for granted. Ask, “Why are things done the way they are?” Then think about how they could be done better or differently. Sometimes the best ideas come from combining old ideas or changing them slightly.

Avoid being immediately critical

When you think of a new idea, write it down- and save it. Don’t immediately think, “That idea could never work.” Many inventions came from ideas that seemed impossible at the time. Word bank

Pattern (n) 模式

Jeff eats lunch and then takes a map. That’s his daily pattern.

Emerge (v) 浮现,出现

If you keep asking the right questions, the truth will eventually emerge.

Take something for granted (idiom) 将某事视为理所当然

Don’t take your health for granted. Take good care of your body!

Critical (adj) 批判的,苛刻的

Don’t be so critical of Miranda’s idea. I think it could work.









Language Tips

Take something for granted


Take someone for granted


Pattern (n)(v)模式

Thinking pattern思考模式

A pattern of behavior行为模式

Follow a pattern遵循模式

Follow the some pattern沿用相同的模式


A new management system emerged新的管理制度产生

空中英语20051122-Success in creative thinking(2/2)

Success in creative thinking(2/2)


Ask “what if”

Our thoughts are based in reality. We know what is true-and what isn’t. These thoughts can block creativity. Instead of just accepting what we know is reality, we should ask, “What if things were different?” For example, “what if everyone could attend university?” consequence: there would be a lot more universities. A university diploma wouldn’t be as special. It would be hard to find people to do low-paying jobs, and so on. Asking “what if ”may help you come up with new ideas.


Make time in your day to relax and let your mind relax. Don’t try to focus your thoughts. Just let them go where they will. You may be surprised by the ideas you have.

Take a break

When you are not making any headway with your problem, stop working on it. Instead, do something completely different. Then come back to the problem. You will have a fresh outlook and maybe a new way to solve it.

Try some of these ideas. You may find that being creative isn’t so hard after all!

Word bank

Diploma (n) 文凭

When Steve graduated from the university, he got a diploma.

Come up with something想出(点子、解决方法)

Let me think about the problem. I’m sure I can come up with an answer.

Daydream (v) 作白日梦

Shirley sat in class daydreaming. She didn’t even hear a word her teacher said.

Outlook (n) 见地,观点

Jennifer has a positive outlook on life. She always thinks everything is good.

More information

Make headway 有进展

I’m trying to finish my homework. But I’m got making much headway.

Talk About It questions


What is something that you take for granted? Think of questions you can ask about it.


Think of three "what if" questions and discuss them with a friend.









空中英语20051123-A HOME FOR ALL(1/2)



At best friends animal sanctuary, homeless animals live happily ever after

Someone rescued Modesta the cat from the top of a power pole. Noodles the pig was abandoned by her family when they move away. Buttons the bunny nearly lost his life in a woodpile fire. These three and countless others like them have found a home at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

There abandoned and abused animals can live until someone gives them a home. If no one does, they can stay forever. No animal is turned away. About 1,500 animals live there at any one time. Each one is given a name.

In the early 1980s, a group of animal lovers purchased 3,000 acres outside the town of Kanab, Utah. They named the land Angel Canyon and built Best Friends Animal Sanctuary there. Besides their own 3,000 acres of land, the group leases 30,000 acres of government land. This makes the sanctuary almost twice the size of Hong Kong Island!

Most of the residents are dogs and cats. But horses, pigs, bunnies, birds, goats and other animals also find homes there. Over 200 employees feed and care for animals and work hard to get them adopted.

空中英语教室2015寒假听力原文及答案Day 14

Listening Section I. Pictures 看图辨义 – 26% 每题6.5分 Listen to the questions. Then choose the best answer according to each picture. A. For questions number 1 and 2, please look at picture A. (B) 1. What is happening here? A. Packets are arriving in the mail. B. A sleuth is searching for clues. C. Curiosities are attracting children. D. A publisher is promoting a book. (A) 2. What is the woman probably asking the man? A. Did the murderer use that weapon? B. Will your study be on endorphins? C. Have those helicopters landed yet? D. Can you scroll down a bit further? B. For questions number 3 and 4, please look at picture B. (D) 3. What are these people looking at? A. A local resident. B. A relief effort. C. A good detective. D. A literary work. (D) 4. What is the man probably saying? A. Resist the urge to interact. B. Just examine this proposal. C. Stage fright can be serious. D. It’s by m y favorite author. II. Best Response 最佳回应句 – 32% 每题8分 Choose the best response to each question or statement. (A) 5. Steven is at the controls of that helicopter. A. Does he know how to fly it? B. Which meal is he preparing? C. How is he selling stocks now? D. Is he using the men’s restroom? (D) 6. How did you find out about Andy and Patric ia’s engagement? A. I bought one just like theirs. B. It was on the desk in my room. C. We had it for dinner together. D. They announced it months ago. (B) 7. Has your daughter decided on a career yet? A. Yes , she’s looking for her purse. B. Yes, she’s going to be an accountant. C. No, she has an apartment downtown. D. No, she plays the piano in her free time. (C) 8. The comedian is suffering from stage fright again. A. It’s the scariest talk I’ve ever heard. B. Will the doctor perform an operation? C. He gets nervous before he performs. D. Will it be large enough for the concert? III. Short Conversations 简短会话 – 24% 每题8分 Listen to the conversations. Then answer the questions. (A) 9. W: Did you and your friends throw a party for Mary on her birthday? M: Yes. It was a complete surprise. W: Oh, good. Did she get many presents? M: Quite a few. She was astonished. W: Yes, I imagine she was. Q: What does the man imply about Mary? A. She wasn’t expecting any gifts. B. She’s only about twenty years old. C. She hasn’t felt very well recently. D. She ate more than one piece of cake. (B) 10. W: Has your family lived in this area for many years? M: Oh, yes, for generations. The first ones came here over a century and a half ago. W: Did they have a farm? M: Yes, on a large piece of land not far from here. But that was sold long ago. Q: Who is the man mainly talking about? A. His employees. B. His ancestors. C. His companions. D. His students.

基于多模态理论的高中英语词汇教学探究 文档

基于多模态理论的高中英语词汇教学探究高一开学初,笔者所教班级参加了外研社“优诊学―高中生英语成长诊断学习系统”平台的综合测试和词汇量测试,结果发现词汇量越大的学生在综合测试中表现越突出。英国语言学家 “Without grammar very little can be conveyed;Wilkins曾说: without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”由此可见, 词汇是英语学习的基础,学生词汇量的大小直接影响他们听、说、读、写各方面的能力和表现。但是在访谈和问卷调查中很多学生反映词汇学习主要靠死记硬背,要么背了就忘,要么记住了但不会用,而教师的词汇教学大多很传统而且形式单一。随着信息技术的快速发展和教育改革的不断深入,信息的呈现更加多元化,这就需要教师们与时俱进,改变传统教学理念,寻找多元、高效的教学模式。多模态词汇教学正好可以填补传统词汇教学的不足,让词汇学习变得有趣而高效。 一、多模态的基本概念 多模态教学理论由New London Group在1996年提出,虽然至今只有二十年,它已被广泛运用到语言教学等诸多领域。Gunther Kress和Van Leeuwen(2001)指出:模态是同步实现话语和交 流的符号资源,是人通过视觉、听觉、触觉等感官跟外部环境之间的互动方式。多模态是多种模态的混合体,是通过语言、图像、声音、动作等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现象,

它往往调用两个及以上的感官参与互动。多模态理论的提出让人们意识到意义不仅可以通过语言来传递,还可以通过非语言符号资源(静态和动态)的综合运用来实现。在国内,关于多模态理论的研究开始于二十一世纪初,正处于起步阶段。在多模态理论中,传统被称为副语言的图像、声音、动作等也被提到了重要地位。 二、多模态理论在高中英语词汇教学中的运用 多模态教学的核心就是多元化、多角度、多层次地进行教学活动。高中英语词汇在读音、构成、用法、话题等方面都为多模态教学提供了一定的空间,教师可以根据词汇的不同特点来选择不同的模态进行教学。下面从张德禄的模态分类中选取几种常用的模态进行分析。 (图1) (一)文字的运用 文字对于教学来说是必不可少的。无论是课本、练习,还是教师的教案、板书、PPT等都离不开文字,它既是传统词汇教学的基础,也是多模态词汇教学的基础。多模态下的文字不仅仅是教材、板书、教案中的文字,还可以是网络新闻、歌词、视频字幕等。在多模态英语词汇教学中,教师首先要扩大课外阅读,多累积优质的英语素材,在授课时多提供地道、真实的语境文本帮助学生多维度了解词汇的用法。也可以在教室里设立“English Corner”或者“Word Bank”,不定期张贴一些与重点词汇或者.


空中英語教室自學系列Part I 作者:王鵬順東吳大學語言中心組員 適合對象:適合用「聽」的方式來學習的人。 具備能力:大一程度,能聽懂大家說英語的學習者。 準備工具:空中英語教室Studio Classroom或Advanced彭蒙惠英語雜誌、廣播教學版、筆記本。 預期目標:建立個人學習策略,長期下來可提升寫作能力,加強文法觀念。 自我評鑑:個人累積的筆記內文及冊數越多,進步的機會就越大。 前言 空中英語教室歷史悠久,在媒體還不太發達的時候,許多人是透過電台廣播的方式學習英文,空中英語教室就是老字號的教學節目。最早,一本雜誌內包含了實用(Basic)及進修(Advanced)兩個等級;發展至今,這兩個等級已分為兩本雜誌發行,一本仍然叫做空中英語教室Studio Classroom,另一本則叫做Advanced彭蒙惠英語。儘管如此,這兩種都是很不錯的英語學習雜誌。另外,還有一本雜誌-大家說英語,則較適合國、高中程度的初級學習者。 說明 這份學習單張的主要目的是要幫助學習者,透過「聽」的方式,搭配閱讀雜誌劃記重點,建立屬於自己的學習策略。本文將就下面幾個部分一一說明:收聽前的疑惑、收聽前的準備、收聽時如何做筆記、雜誌內文劃記重點、如何利用所做的筆記。 【收聽前的疑惑】 - 是用「聽」來學,還是要用「聽與看」來學? 每個人有不同的學習風格,一般來講,可分為三種:視覺學習、聽覺學習及觸覺學習。不論是哪一種,瞭解自己擅長的學習方式,才能有效建立個人的學習策略。這三種學習方式,概略敘述如下:

「視覺學習」是最為普遍的使用方式,凡是用到眼睛的,都可以算是視覺學習。有的人特別擅長於視覺學習,也就是說,靠的是圖表或文字的編排方式、整體的相關位置等等來學習或記憶,就好比光靠課堂中的聽講不一定全吸收得進去,但是回家看一遍課本就記住了。屬於視覺學習的人,建議將繁雜的內容做成圖表,或是將內容多「看」幾遍,甚至在背誦英文單字時,可以將一個個的字母想像成一幅幅的圖畫,有助於記憶。 「聽覺學習」著重於對聲音的感受和接受度,若光聽老師上課就吸收了百分之八十的內容,就是適合聽覺學習。擅長聽覺學習的人,不用說,當然是上課的時候要專心「聽」講,或者錄下來反覆聆聽,甚至可以運用各種聲音的想像,將枯燥乏味的文言文編成一首歌,或是將要背誦的重點改成一句順口溜,也就是將傳統的「視覺學習」轉變成自己可以接受的「聽覺學習」。 「觸覺學習」可能是較為陌生的詞,舉凡用到身體各個部位的大小肌肉,都可算是「觸覺學習」。從小,我們就被要求在教室裡要安靜地坐在椅子上,不可以亂動;然而對於某些學生來說,「維持端坐」反而要花掉他們大半的注意力,這時候學習的效果就大打折扣了。因此,若是習慣一邊看書,一邊甩筆、吃口香糖、咬指甲、玩頭髮、抖腳等等,在不妨礙他人的情況下,這些小動作是不應該被禁止的。此外,「觸覺學習」其實還包括了「自己動手做」,最常見的就是學校的實驗課以及在家裡自行拆組用品器具。 也許你會問,既然視覺是最常被使用的方式,是不是不該用「聽」廣播英語來學習英文?仔細想想,雖然是用聽的,可不是完全沒用到視覺喔,還必須搭配閱讀雜誌上的文章、圖片、圖表,才能真正熟習。以看電視上播送的空中英語教室節目而言,學習者必須處理的資訊除了「聽覺」之外,尚需處理大量的視覺資訊,例如臉部表情與肢體語言等,而這些視覺資訊絕對有利於理解。因此,學習目標若是要加強會話能力,收看此類視覺節目會有不錯的效益。 - 聽Basic 或Advanced? 這個問題困擾過許多學習者,以筆者的學習經驗而言,Basic對於初次接觸者來說,可能還是有點難以接受,但若能夠耐心聽完,配合適當的學習策略來進行,難度就會隨著每日的收聽學習而逐漸降低。當你覺得Basic似乎沒有那麼難了,應該也可以慢慢接受Advanced。 那麼答案到底是什麼?筆者認為最好兩個等級都聽。對剛入門的收聽者而言,建議每個等級聽兩次,Basic兩次,Advanced兩次。以這樣的次數持續約一個月後,你就會發現自己慢慢能夠聽懂Basic了,此時再依據個人狀況調整為收聽Basic一次,但Advanced或許還是頗難的,那就繼續維持兩次。到第三個月後,多數人會發現也聽得




2014-06-30 台湾之光:芒果 It's Mango Time!--How much do you know about one of the world's most popular fruits? 关键字:ripe,declare,calorie,vitamin,cultivate,mouthwatering 1 Hello,everyone.My name is Gabe. Welcome to Studio Classroom. 2 I'm Carolyn. 3 4 And I'm Rebecca. 5 And you're not going to regret joining us today for a very fun lesson about "mangoes." 6 7 And what a great way to end the first of our summer months with a delicious fruit. 8 9 It's actually one of my favorite fruits,guys. No way.Me,too. 10 11 Are you kidding?Me three. 12 Really?It can't be all of our favorite fruit,can it? Well,it's definitely up there on my list,and it's all I can think of right now. 13 And mangoes can be enjoyed in so many different ways. 14 15 You're right,and there's a lot to learn about this very popular fruit. 16 Do you have your favorite mango treat with you? You do?Good.Then open your magazine and let's begin. 17 It's Mango Time! 18 19 How much do you know about one of the world's most popular fruits? 20 Some people call mangoes the"king of fruit,"while others just call them delicious! 21 Those who love mangoes anxiously await the first ripe ones of the season. 22 23 And not only do mangoes taste great but they also are good for you! 24 Did you know... *People think mangoes were first cultivated over5,000years ago in India. 25 *The countries of India and the Philippines have declared mango their national 26 27 fruit.


2018年清华大学电子工程系考研复试经验分享【盛世清北】摘要:距离2019年考研结束时间仅有月余,如果能在初试中成功,便意味着你有机会实现人生目标。但这仅仅本阶段的一个成功,想要完成人生中的质的飞跃,还需要在考研复试中脱颖而出,在此,盛世清北为大家准备了考研复试经验分享,希望对大家有所帮助。 复试英语 英语复试的考查形式是什么样的? 英语考查分为笔试、听力、口试三种考查方式。一般院校是三种方式都存在,个别院校是笔试、口试考查,也有的院校是完全的口试考查,难度最高。具体复试怎么考,还需看学校官网发布的复试通知。 复试的英语有笔试与听力,还有口试,难度如何?该如何去准备呢? 难易程度是根据童鞋们自己的基础相对而言的,所以基础不好的童鞋,还需多下功夫复习准备。我们可以咨询下学长学姐,确认下有无听力,考不考即兴话题,要不要翻译专业文章等这些内容。 怎么提高口试成绩? (1)多听英语,四六级的听力也可以重新听以提高英语语感; (2)多收集你所报考专业的英语词汇,储备词汇; (3)准备常考话题,用英语回为什么会选择我们学校?为什么选择这个专业等; (4)多读英语报纸比如《十一世纪》《疯狂英语》《空中英语教室》。 复试的时候英语听力是不是必考的呢? 这个因学校而定,要及时关注你报考的院校出台的考试复试细则,里面会有复试时的各项安排。个别高校会考查听力,面试阶段通常以口语的形式考查。 怎么准备笔试? 参考目标院校指定的复试参考书,未指定的话咨询下学长学姐,实在不知道可以按照初试参考书复习,一般不会考到太难的题目。 怎么更好地完成听力测试? (1)拿到题目后,先对答案进行猜测,做上标记,以减少听材料时阅读选项的时间,有更多时间用于分析和思考; (2)在听不懂的情况下,要根据经验和技巧,用余下的时间进行猜测。

空中英语教室2015寒假听力原文及答案Day 26

Listening Section I. Pictures 看图辨义– 24% 每题6分 Listen to the questions. Then choose the best answer according to each picture. A. For questions number 1 and 2, please look at picture A. (B) 1. Which description matches this picture? A. Two ladies are defrosting a meal. B. A gentleman is serving an entrée. C. Employees are checking sensors. D. An enchilada is being prepared. (A) 2. What is the woman on the left probably saying? A. The meals here are reasonably priced. B. Here’s an appoint ment in my calendar. C. Then try using this slow cooker instead. D. Th ey’re exhausted following that event. B. For questions number 3 and 4, please look at picture B. (A) 3. What have these people done? A. They’ve equipped th emse l ves wi th weapons. B. They’ve ordered another serving of dessert. C. They’ve switched from natural gas to propane. D. They’ve discovered an excellent insecticide. (C) 4. What is the man on the right probably saying? A. Are you dealing with controversial issues? B. Now there’s a terrific example of graffiti. C. Have you hunted small mammals as well? D. They’ll inevitably resign from their jobs. II. Best Response 最佳回应句– 28% 每题7分Choose the best response to each question or statement. (D) 5. Was getting the car washed a hassle this morning? A. Yes, parking is quite easy here. B. Yes, it doesn’t need any repairs. C. No, I seldom let Mom drive it. D. No, it only took a few minutes. (A) 6. Your aunt’s chicken enchiladas are wonderful! A. Yes, I’d love to get her recipe. B. She raises a few turkeys, too. C. They’re her favorite hot drinks. D. I’m glad you like my desserts. (A) 7. Why is there a small welt on your arm? A. A mosquito bit me there. B. I like a nice tan sometimes. C. Hold it up for a few minutes. D. It’s stronger than I realized. (D) 8. The baseball hit Peter hard in the abdomen and then fell into his glove. A. Did he leave it on the bus? B. It should keep his hand warm. C. Which direction did it run? D. That must have been painful. III. Short Conversations 简短会话– 24% 每题8分Listen to the conversations. Then answer the questions. (D) 9. M: What else do we need to buy? W: Steaks for dinner tonight. M: Here’s some, and they aren’t too expensive. W: Yes, but we’d have to defrost these before we cooked them. M: How long would that take? W: Several hours. M: Couldn’t we use our microwave? W: Oh, that’s right. Then it would take less time. Q: What is probably true about the steaks? A. They’re well done. B. They’re grilling. C. They’re imported. D. They’re frozen. (D) 10. W: What are you buying? M: A can of insecticide. I’m going to spray it on some plants in my garden. W: Oh. Have you had a problem with insects? M: Yes, I have. W: But is this insecticide an environmentally safe way to solve the problem? M: Well, I hadn’t thought about that. Q: What does the man want to do? A. Find a better source for seeds. B. Win a prize in a flower contest. C. Sell more fresh vegetables. D. Get rid of troublesome bugs.


IS IT TIME TO LEAVE YOUR JOB? If you see these warning signs, maybe it’s time to quit 空中英语教室-2011-11-01 [Low] 关键词:Resign, depressed, salary, circumstance Hi, everybody. Welcome to Studio Classroom Worldwide. Thanks for joining us. My name is Steve. Is it time to leave your job? Well, that’s the question we’re asking in this month’s CAREERS feature. Now the thought of quitting your job may panic you. After all, your job gives you and your family financial security, you’ve become really goo d at doing that job, and you might even have developed some good relationships with your co-workers. So yes, you might be in a safe and comfortable place right now. But don’t ever ignore the warning signs to leave a job or you will put yourself in distress. Let’s open to page 12 now and learn exactly what some of these warning signs are. Is It Time to Leave Your Job? If you see these warning signs, maybe it’s time to quit. In a bad economy, it might seem strange to consider quitting your job. However, sometimes resigning is the best way for you to move forward. Here are some signs that may point you toward the exit door: 1. Your work environment is not healthy. Stress is part of any job. But sometimes the frustrations of your job can begin to harm you. They can make you sick or depressed. If you hate going to work, it’s time to leave. Hey, everyone. We are so glad you can join us today. My name is Ryan. And my name is Kaylah. Today we are talking about CAREERS. Our article is called: Is It Time to Leave Your Job? Now Ryan, often we talk about getting jobs, so it’s a little odd to talk about leaving a job. Exactly, yeah. We often look at how you can find your new career, but now we’re going to look at whether or not you should leave your current job. So this month we are going to talk about things that you should use to decide if you should leave your job. If you see these warning signs, maybe it’s time to quit. Now”warning signs” usually refer to something that gives you a warning, which makes sense. But they are not going to be actual signs like on the street, maybe traffic signs. There will not be signs like this in your life. So we’re going to look at things that you can take as warning signs, something that you can be looking for in your career and in your life to maybe change your career. Yeah, and these warning signs will often present themselves, or usually pretty easy to see. And we’re going to tell you what some of them are so you can look at your job situation and decide for yourself whether or not you should stay. Well, in a bad economy, it might seem strange to consider quitting your job. And that’s true, Kaylah, right now there is a bad economy. That’s right. The economy refers to the money that is being made and the way the exchange of money between companies and people. So it does seem weird when the economy is not good,


1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you speak up! Finally, you mush be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." a little bit discouraged universal 普通话,国语 Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. 断断续续地 starts, so he failed. tip (about) = advice (on) tip somebody on something tip vt.建议a good piece of advice 不说: a good advice 对...有耐心2. How to Improve Your English p.9. Mack is talking to his friend Don. M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class? D: Not so well, I'm afraid. M: What's the problem? D: I'm not imp roving. Tell me, how come your English is so good? M: Well, uh…I have an American girlfriend. D: Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off.) M: Hey, Come back! I was just kidding! funny farm 疯人院正式:mental asylum improve sth = make a lot of improvement in sth talk to(with) sb about sth vi. talk sb into doing vt.说服 When he gave a speech, we realized that He is a problem student. greeting 招呼语 How are you doing in ...? or: How are you getting along? 近来怎么样? 久违的老朋友还可以说:How are you? or How have you been? Howdy 美国南部招呼语answer: Howdy blind date 相亲,盲目约会 I am afraid (that省略) it is going to rain, so we can't go on a picnic. 我认为...(弱语气) What's the problem (with)? = What's wrong? = What's the matter (with)? goof around 浪费时间,混时间 Aha, that's it. = Aha, I get it. = I understand. kidding = joking 3. The City of Song p.13 Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music concerts is often free of charge. And don't forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys' Choir. No wonder(难怪)people say of music. He is a potbelly. the world over adv. = around the world = 艺术大师,名作曲家 发源地,诞生日


听力个人学习经验总结 我遇到的最大麻烦是听不懂。学了十多年英语,参加了无数次考试,没有一次听力考试真正听懂过,每次都是瞎蒙。到了国外参加入学考试时,老师对我的听力和阅读能力印象异常深刻,一个是乱七八糟,另一个则是异常强悍。没办法谁叫咱是刻苦的中国学生累。 症状:1、听到一个单词无法做出反应,不知道是什么意思。例如,听到education无法联想到教育或相关事物。 2、人物对话听着像是在念咒语,好像没有一个单词是自己认识的,只能通过语气猜测。 3、做听力练习,不论重复多少遍,都听不出来是原文上写得那些内容。例如,听托福段落,无论是10遍还是20遍都无法听清楚,会漏掉无数单词,只能通过偶尔听清楚地几个单词猜测段落大意。 4、可以把英语当成背景音乐,不具有任何语言意义。 5、听的过程中会纠结于某个听不懂的单词,总是在想这个单词到底是什么意思呀,然后忽略了整体内容。 病因:1、生理原因。本人的听力确实有点问题,甚至会有不能辨别自己发出的声音的情况。曾经把am说成arm,因为我认为埃和阿是一个音。see和say不分,很多音都不分就是了。还有轻重音不分,有时候是听不出别人说的,有时候是自己说得听不出来。 2、视觉学习者。只有通过阅读才能记住意思,经年积累的后果就是听力一塌糊涂。 3、中国式英语教学的受害者。一是不会运用。二是只知道有限的单词。英语单词有几十万个,教学大纲上一共有几个大家可以数数看。其实人家也不用很难的词,一般都是拼写不会超过五个字母的词,特别是动词,像是notch, flip, quash, 中国的大学生可能听都没听说过。另外一个中国式英语教学的后果是没有常识,可能连拖鞋怎么说都不知道。 疗法: 1、用耳朵记住听到的声音,然后再记住这个声音的意思。这是我从《交响情人梦》里学到的,Nodame读谱有困难,千秋对Nodame大喊“那就用你引以为傲的耳朵记下来”。尽管俺的耳朵不好使,但是这个方法挺管用,只是工作量挺大,相当于重新学了一遍单词。这个过程必须是在实际的英语环境中,光听某个人单调的朗读单词对我不起作用,记不住。 2、经常复习听到的这些声音,反复让自己的耳朵辨别这些声音。 3、通过疗法1和2扩大词汇量。学习单词的时候,重点学习用法,经常和那些词连用(我说的连用并不仅仅指词组,主要是词语的搭配,例如grand这个词,他们会说grand jury,grand opening等等),名词要注意学习同义词。单独记忆一个单词在听力上是很难有实际意义的。

Let's Talk in English 大家说英语 2005年7月1日-7月9日 课文文本

** Happy Fourth of July 05-07-01 (1) S:Hi,Liz! L:Hi.Wow,Scott,you sure have a lot of American flags! S:That’s right.I’m all ready for the Fourth of July. L:Great!Well,can I have a drink? S:Sure.Would you like to try my Independence Day special? L:Let me guess.Is it red,white and blue? S:It sure is! L:OK.I’ll take two glasses. S:Coming right up! (2) L:So do you have any big plans for Sunday? S:Yes.I’m going to a picnic with Jeff,Mia and some other friends. L:Fun! S:I’m looking forward to it.I can try out my new grill. L:That’s a nice grill. S:Thanks.Hey,would you and Greg like to come to our picnic? L:Thanks,but we already have plans. (3) S:Are you going to the big parade in Tampa? L:No.We’ll be working. S:Your store will be open on the Fourth? L:Yes,We really need the money. S:And I bet lots of people will stop by.
