




The Relationship between Russia and Rest of Europe

What is the relationship between Russia and rest of Europe, how the Crimea situation changed it?

Russia and European Union relationship developed magnanimously through enhancement and focus of Russia mission to EU. The main fundamental areas of concern that Russia-EU conceptualized significantly is the enactment of cooperation legal agreement which stipulated appropriately on the most viable framework of relationship. Moreover, policy is another critical aspect that enhanced ultimate relationship between Russia-EU. The nature of this concept is that, it prompted to capitalization of key aspects entailing the common space which promoted appropriate relationship. Education, security and economy facilitation is the main core factors enhanced under this relationship approach. Additionally, international cooperation is the most fundamental relationship between Russia-EU. Critical issues entailing international concerns definitely were articulated by the EU and Russia (Shevt s ova, Lilii a and Andrew Wood pg. 98).

The Crimea situation definitely changed the existing relationship between Russia and European Union adversely to a thorny state. Russia federation breached the negotiation

agreement which articulated for common space and legal basis agreement of cooperation (Melton pg. 23).

The Russian federal state invaded into Ukraine territories illegally causing destabilization and aggression through Russia troops. This definitely caused immediate sections and suspension of the core cooperation agreement negotiated by the European Unions.

Annexation of Crimea affected Russia economically due to trade ban, before the Crimea war, Russian products sold greatly in European leading to realization of marginal profits. Moreover, EU freeze most assets belong to Russians forcing the Russian government to retaliate which is definitely not healthy (Wilson and Andrew pg. 34).

Additionally, legal act preventing Russia from EU capital market definitely influenced the mutual existing relationship between Russia and EU. The rate of investment in Russia according to this approach can definitely affect the growth of the economy negatively due to failure of financial banking support(Valdez and Jonathan pg. 78).

How the European Union would be in the future? Will it fall apart?

The future of European Union definitely is progressive. EU is growing and progressing drastically, new members are joining the union due to it is fundamental viable objectives and goals for its members. At the moment, EU member state is 27 with more than half a billion inhabitants. Diversification is the most important aspect of development in productivity.

Security is one of the main key relevant approach through EU has articulated appropriately. The EU member state are protected and safeguarded by the NATO troops against invaders, this conceptualization of approach definitely ascertain and project EU towards achieving undisputable security force in the near future (James et al pg. 122).

Economic stability and equality is the future core strategic plan which EU is dynamically

objecting through conceptualization of free trade and capitalization of similar currency. This approach definitely enhances industrial development through specialization and avoids manipulation of consumers by monopolistic organization.

European identity is the most future perspective critically articulated aspect by the European members, policies which definitely motivate and provide favorable economic environment are stipulated in order to protect borders against invasion. Security plays the most integral role economic development as it influences investors (Marais and Lochner pg. 45).

Social welfare is EU future reality, citizens of the member states conceptualize on the resource available at the member states influencing diversification. Through this perspective, social institutions are fundamentally utilized by citizens across the member state promoting viable integration. Moreover, human right advocacy is the main future objective of the EU. According to this approach, legal policies which protect individual fundamental right are implemented in order to enhance safety free trade on member citizens (Dangerfield and Martin pg.630-670).


Dangerfield, Martin. "The Visegra d Group in the Expanded European Union: from Preaccession to Postaccession Cooperation." East European Politics & Societies. 22.3 (2008): 630-667.


James, Harold, Mario Draghi, and Jaime Caruana. Making the European Monetary Union.

Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: Harvard University Press, 2012. Print. Marais, Lochner. "Struggling in the Shade of Globalisation : Economic Trends and Responses in the Free State Since the 1990s." South African Geographical Journal = Suid-Afrikaanse Geografiese Tydskrif. 88.1 (2006). Print.

Melton, Jr R. E. Beyond the Warsaw Pact: Russian Foreign Policy in East Central Europe. Ft.

Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center, 1992. Internet resource.

Shevt s ova, Lilii a, and Andrew Wood. Change or Decay: Russia's Dilemma and the West's Response. Washington, D.C: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2011. Internet resource.

Valdez, Jonathan C. Internationalism and the Ideology of Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe.

Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Print.

Wilson, Andrew. The Crimean Tatars: A Situation Report on the Crimean Tatars for International Alert. London: International Alert, 1994. Print.
