Component Adaptation Specification and Verification

Component Adaptation Specification and Verification
Component Adaptation Specification and Verification

Component Adaptation:Speci?cation and


In`e s Mouakher,Arnaud Lanoix and Jeanine Souqui`e res

LORIA–CNRS–Universit′e Nancy2

Campus scienti?que

F-54506Vandoeuvre-L`e s-Nancy


Abstract—In a component-based software devel-opment,components are considered as black boxes. They are only described by their interfaces expressing their visible behaviors.They must be connected in an appropriate way,through required and provided interfaces.To guarantee interoperability of com-ponents,we must consider each connection of a required interface with another provided interface. In the best cases,a provided interface–after some renaming–constitutes an implementation of the required interface.In the general cases,to construct a working system out of components,adapters have to be de?ned.They connect the required operations and attributes to the required ones.The interoperability between a required interface and provided interfaces through an adapter is guaranteed by the use of the B formal method with its underlying concept of re?nement,and its powerful tool support,the B prover.


The idea underlying the paradigm of component orientation[1],[2]is to develop software systems not from scratch but by assembling pre-fabricated parts,as it is common in other engineering dis-ciplines.As in object orientation,components are encapsulated,and their services are only accessible via interfaces and their operations.To really exploit the idea of component orientation,it must be possible to acquire components developed by third parties and assemble them in such a way that the desired behavior of the system to be implemented is achieved.A component is a unit of composition with contractually speci?ed interfaces and explicit dependencies.An interface describes the services offered or required by a component without dis-closing the component implementation.It is the only access to the informations of a component. The offered services by a component are described by a provided interface and the needed services are described by a required interface.

The success of applying the component based approach depends on the interoperability of the connected components.The interoperability can be de?ned as the ability of two or more entities to communicate and cooperate despite differences in their implementation language,their execution en-vironment,or their model abstraction[3],[4].The interoperability of two components concerns the compatibility between the required interface of one of the considered components with the provided interface of the other one.More precisely,three levels of interoperability have to be considered.The syntactic level covers static aspects of components interoperability.It concerns the interface signature: each attribute of the required interface must have a counterpart in the provided interface,but not neces-sarily vice versa;for each operation of the required interface,there exists an operation of the provided interface,such as their signatures are compatible. The semantic level covers the behavioral aspects of components interoperability.The protocol level deals with the allowed sequences of method calls that a component expects.

The speci?cation of interfaces plays an impor-tant role in the veri?cation of their compatibility. Most current interface modeling languages(IDLs), used in several component oriented platforms like JavaBeans[5],[6],CORBA[7],or COM[8],are limited for expressing signature(operation names, types,parameters)informations.They provide an insuf?cient information about component behav-iors.Hence,one cannot insure trust in component based systems.

The availability of formal languages and tool support for specifying these interfaces is necessary in order to verify the interoperability of compo-nents.The idea to de?ne component interfaces using B has been introduced in an earlier paper [9].The semantics of the component services can be easily modeled by the B formalism.The use of the B re?nement[10]to prove that two components are compatible at the signature and semantics levels has been explored in[11].

In this paper we focus on the generation of

Fig.1.A partial view of the architecture of the access control system

adapters that realize the matching between two

or more existing components speci?ed by their

required and provided interfaces[12].In fact,the

need of adapters was recognized in the late nineties

with a particular focus on automated adapter gener-

ation[13].As a consequence,the expressive power

of interface description techniques was limited as

one had to ensure the decidability of the inclusion

problem,which is necessary to perform automated

interoperability checks;one could only generate

adapters for speci?c classes of interoperability.

In our approach,we are not concerned only

with speci?c classes of interoperability but with

adapters in general.We propose to specify inter-

faces in terms of UML2.0diagrams[14].These

diagrams are then automatically transformed into

B speci?cations[15],[16].A model of a correct

adapter is speci?ed in B.The veri?cation of the

interoperability is automatically done by the B

prover:the B model of the adapter is a re?nement

of the B model of the required interface using

provided components.This veri?cation process is

done at the signature,semantic and protocol levels.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In

Section II,we give an overview of our component-

based development speci?cation with the spec-

i?cation of the component interfaces.We then

propose the de?nition of adapters in Section III

and the veri?cation of the interoperability between

the connected components.The case study of a

simple access control system serves to illustrate our

proposition.We discuss related work in Section IV.

The paper?nishes with some concluding remarks

in Section V.



Our goal is to provide an approach for

component-based software development that pays

special attention to the question of how the in-

teroperability between different components can

be,ponents are speci?ed as black

boxes,so that component consumers can deploy

them without knowing their internal details.Hence,

component interface speci?cations play an impor-

tant role,as interfaces are the only access points

to a component.In this framework,adaptation

between two components is a hard problem which

has to be seen in an abstract way.We propose a

methodology for specifying the required adaptation

between two or more existing components by in-

troducing a third component called Adapter.This

new component is in charge,when possible,of me-

diating the interactions of the different components

so that they can successfully interoperate.

The overall architecture of the system is ex-

pressed by a UML 2.0composite structure di-

agram[14].Such diagrams contain named rect-

angles corresponding to the components of the,ponents are connected by means of

interfaces which may be required or provided.

Required interfaces explicit context dependencies

of a component and are denoted using the“socket”

notation whereas provided interfaces explain which

functionalities the considered component provides

and are denoted using the“lollipop”notation.

Figure1presents a partial view of the archi-

tecture of the access control system where the

access of authorized persons to a building is to

be controlled.Persons have at their disposal access

cards with identi?cation information stored on it.

There are two turnstiles,one at the entrance to

the building,and one at the exit.At the entrance,

there is also a card reader as well as a red and

a green light.In the sequel,we will focus on the

interaction between the Controller and the Lights

components.The given requirement says that if

the access is authorized,a green light is turned

on,whereas,if the access is refused,a red light is

turned on.More precisely,the green and the red

lights cannot be turned on at the same time.The

Controller component has several interfaces;one

of its requested interface is related to the Lights

component,namely RI Lights.The Lights compo-

nent has only one interface which is provided to a

controller component,namely PI Lights.

An intermediate component named Adapter has

to be introduced:it is in charge to implement

the links between the required interface of the

Controller component and the provided interface of

an existing Lights component.

A.Specifying Components

For each component of the architecture,a spec-i?cation of each interface has to be set up[11].

A component interface speci?cation consists of a data model described by a class diagram with its different attributes and operations.The usage protocol of the interface is modeled by a Protocol State Machine(PSM);for each operation,its pre-

and post-conditions are speci?ed.

Fig. 2.The component Controller with its interface RI Lights and its associated PSM

1)The Controller Component:With respect to its interaction with a Lights component,the Con-troller component

requires an interface RI Lights as presented Figure2.A PSM is associated to this interface to specify its externally visible behavior, i.e.its usage protocol.Safety constraints on the required interface can be added by the way of an invariant expressed by an OCL annotation. Different components corresponding to the be-havior of the Lights component used in Figure1are available in the component library.Let us consider two of them,one called MultiLights corresponding to a component with the possibility of choosing its color and a second one called SingleLight which is a simple light.

Fig. 3.The MultiLights component with its interface PI MLights and its associated PSM

2)The MultiLights Component:The available MultiLights component offers,by the way of its provided interface called PI MLights,the next func-tionalities:the light can be turned on and turned off.When the light is turned off,one can choose the light color from four prede?ned colors:blue, green,red and yellow.The UML speci?cation of this component is given Figure3,i.e.its provided interface,PI MLights,and its associated PSM. Fig. 4.The SingleLight component with its interface PI SLight and its associated PSM

3)The SingleLight component:Another compo-nent named SingleLight is available in the compo-nent library.It corresponds to a simple light which can only be turned on and turned off.Figure4gives its UML speci?cation,i.e.its provided interface PI SLight and its associated PSM.

B.Derivation of UML Interface Speci?cations to B

UML 2.0proposes expressive graphical no-tations to specify components and their inter-faces.Nevertheless,it does not provide a suitable framework neither to support formal veri?cations nor to check the interoperability.The B formal method[10]supports an incremental development process,using re?nement.Assembly clauses are also available[17],[18].B methodology is based on proofs of invariance and re?nement:the proof obligations are generated automatically(and often discharged)by support tools such as AtelierB[19] or B4free[20],an academic version of AtelierB. Inspired from the derivation rules from UML1.X class diagrams and state diagrams to B speci?cations[15],[16],we automatically translate the UML 2.0interfaces and their associated PSMs into B speci?cations for checking their interoperability.Intuitively:

?a B model is derived from the interface,

?a set containing the“control”states of the associated PSM is added to the B model,?each transition of the PSM is formalized by a

B operation:pre-and post-conditions from a

transition become preconditions and substitu-tions into the B model,

?new preconditions(and substitutions)about the“control”states are incorporated into each

B operation to model the PSM.


RI Lights


RI Lights STATES={Off,GreenOn,RedOn}


lightG,lightR,lr state




lr state∈RI Lights STATES∧




lightG,lightR,lr state:=FALSE,FALSE,Off


on green=

PRE lightG=FALSE∧lr state=Off

THEN lightG:=TRUE lr state:=GreenOn


off green=

PRE lr state=GreenOn

THEN lightG:=FALSE lr state:=Off


on red=

PRE lightR=FALSE∧lr state=Off

THEN lightR:=TRUE lr state:=RedOn


off red=

PRE lr state=RedOn

THEN lightR:=FALSE lr state:=Off



Fig.5.B Models of the interface RI Lights Figures5,6and7give the B model of the three component interfaces previously speci?ed with UML.



We must now prove that the controller can be connected either with the MultiLights component or with two versions of the SingleLight compo-nent.A process of proving interoperability between components using the B re?nement is described in [11].We can show that the interface PI MLights of the MultiLights component is not a B re?nement of the RI Lights interface of the Controller component, because we have no direct matchings between their interface operations.The re?nement proof fails,showing that the two components cannot be directly connected.

As speci?ed in Figure1,we introduce an adapter,i.e.a piece of code that takes place be-tween the both considered components and com-pensates for the difference between their interfaces. Intuitively,this adapter proposes a way to connect provided operations and attributes to the required


PI MLights


ML Color={Blue,Green,Red,Yellow};

PI MLights STATES={ML Off,ML On}


color,ml state


color∈ML Color∧

ml state∈PI MLights STATES


color,ml state:=ML Blue,ML Off



PRE new=color∧ml state=ML Off

THEN color:=new



PRE ml state=ML Off

THEN ml state:=ML On



PRE ml state=ML On

THEN ml state:=ML Off



Fig.6.B Models of the interface PI MLights


PI SLight


PI SLight STATES={Stop,Start}


sl state


sl state∈PI SLight STATES


sl state:=Stop



PRE sl state=Stop

THEN sl state:=Start



PRE sl state=Start

THEN sl state:=Stop



Fig.7.B Models of the interface PI SLight ones.Let us consider two components,one with a requested interface RI and the other with a provided interface PI.We de?ne an adapter between these two components as a new component that realizes or implements the required interface RI,using the provided interface PI.

In order to verify the interoperability between RI and PI,we propose to specify the adapter as a B model.As shown in Figure8,the B model Adapter1

1)REFINES the B model of the required

interface:the adapter is an“implementation”

of the required interface and

2)INCLUDES the B model of the provided

interface.The adapter uses“correctly”the

operations of the provided interface to im-

plement the required interface.

Fig.8.An Adapter between Controller and MultiMLights components

The B speci?cation of this adapter is composed of two main parts:

?The INV ARIANT clause describes the links between the attributes of both required and provided interfaces(linking invariant).

For each required variable,the adapter must specify how to obtain it in terms of the pro-vided variables.The adapter must also express the links between the control states of both corresponding PSMs.

?The OPERATIONS clause is composed of all the operations of the required interface.

The body of each operation is de?ned by the call of some operations of the provided interface linked together by a small part of code.

The use of the B method and its re?nement mechanism allows us to verify that the proposed adapter is a“correct”re?nement of the B model of the required interface RI,at the three levels of interoperability:

?the syntactic level is veri?ed by the linking invariant concerning the attributes and by the correspondence of operations between the re-quired interface and the adapter model,?the semantic level is checked in terms of the B re?nement:for each operation of the

B adapter model,its precondition must im-

ply,under its invariant,the precondition of the corresponding operation of the required model;the application of its substitutions must preserve the linking invariant,

?the protocol constraints expressed by PSMs

have been transformed into preconditions and substitutions of the B operations.The proto-col level is taken into account by behavioral constraints during the proof of the re?nement. It is to be noticed that behavioral and protocol constraints expressed in the provided interface and translated into the corresponding B speci?cation are also taken into account.When an operation of the provided interface speci?cation is used into the adapter speci?cation(this is possible by the use of the B includes clause),its precondition is veri?ed. REFINEMENT



RI Lights


PI MLights



∧ml state=ML On)


∧ml state=ML On)



ml state=ML Off)


off green=



on green=

IF color=Green



LET col BE col=Green

IN change(col);on



off red=



on red=

IF color=Red



LET col BE col=Red

IN change(col);on




Fig.9.B Model of Adapter1between Controller and MultiLights Components

A.An Adapter for the MultiLights Component

As presented Figure8,this adapter uses the provided interface PI MLights implemented by the

Fig.10.Architecture of the system when using the SingleLight component

MultiLights component in order to realize the re-quired interface RI Lights of the Controller com-ponent.The B speci?cation of Adapter1is given Figure9.

?its invariant expresses the required interface attributes lightG and lightR in terms of the provided attributes color and ml state.It is to be noticed that lr state does not corre-spond to an interface attribute.As previously explained,it has been introduced to express the control states,

?the OPERATIONS clause expresses how each required operation is implemented in terms of the provided operations.For example, the operation on green()is de?ned by the choice of the suitable color before turning on the light;the sequential operation calls is expressed in B by a“;”statement and the choice,by an“if...then...else...”statement.

B.An Adapter for the SingleLight Component Using the SingleLight component to realize the required interface RI Lights of the Controller com-ponent is not immediate.The needed functionalities implies two colors for the lights,even if they are not on at the same time.As the SingleLight component provides only one light of one color,the adapter will use two instances of this component, namely PI Green::PI SLight and PI Red::PI SLight, to answer the required needs.The architecture of the system using two SingleLight components is presented Figure10.It is the same as the general schema presented at the beginning of Section III, with the use of two provided interfaces.

The B speci?cation of Adapter2is given Fig-ure11:it includes two instances P I Green and P I Red of the B model of PI SLight.Once we have made the choice of using two different in-stances of this component,the de?nition of the link is immediate.The required attributes lightG and lightR and the operations are directly expressed in terms of the operations of the two instances of PI SLight.




RI Lights


PI Green.PI SLight,

PI Red.PI SLight



bool(PI state=Start)


bool(PI state=Start)


on green=

BEGIN PI Green.start


off green=

BEGIN PI Green.stop


on red=

BEGIN PI Red.start


off red=

BEGIN PI Red.stop



Fig.11.B Model of Adapter2between Controller and two instances of SingleLight

C.Veri?cation of the interoperability

We use the B4free tool[21]to verify that Adapter1and Adapter2re?ne the required in-terface RI Lights.The veri?cation results are as follows:

?B4free generates14obvious proof obligations for the B model of Adapter1.All these proof obligations were proven automatically,

?B4free generates4obvious proof obligations for the B model of Adapter2.All these proof obligations were proven automatically. According to these results,we conclude that Adapter1re?nes RI Lights using the MultiLights component and Adapter2re?nes RI Lights us-ing two instances of the SingleLight component. Consequently,each adapter we have considered implements the requested interface in terms of services provided by the corresponding component. The interoperability is veri?ed at the signature, semantic and protocol levels.


The main drawback of component-based soft-ware engineering is the high cost of components deployment.This cost comes from the veri?cation of the components interoperability and from the necessary de?nition of adapters.

In[22],[23],Zaremenski and Wing propose an interesting approach to compare two software components.It determines whether one required

component can be substituted for another.They use formal speci?cations to model the behavior of components and exploit the Larch prover to verify the speci?cation matching of components.

In[24]a subset of the polyadicπ-calculus is used to deal with the components interoperability, only at the protocol level.π-calculus is a very well suited language for describing component interac-tions.The main limitation of this approach is the low-level description of the used language and its minimalistic semantic.In[25],[26],protocols are speci?ed using a temporal logic based approach, which leads to a rich speci?cation for component interfaces.

Henzinger and Alfaro[27]propose an approach allowing the veri?cation of interfaces interoper-ability based on automata and game theories:this approach is well suited for checking the interface compatibility at the protocol level.

Several proposals for component adaptation have already been made.Some practice-oriented studies have been devoted to analyze different issues when one is faced to the adaptation of a third-party com-ponent[28].A formal foundation to the notions of interoperability and component adaptation was set up in[13].Component behavior speci?cations are given by?nite state machines which are well known and supports simple and ef?cient veri?ca-tion techniques for the protocol compatibility. Braccalia and al[29],[30]specify an adapter as a set of correspondences between methods and pa-rameters of the required and provided components. The adapter is formalized as a set of properties expressed inπ-calculus.From this speci?cation and from both interfaces,they generate a concrete implementable adapter.

Reussner and Schmit present adapters in the context of concurrent systems.They consider only a certain class of protocol interoperability problems and generate adapters for bridging component pro-tocol incompatibilities,using interface described by ?nite parameterized state machines[31],[32],[33]. Our proposition takes bene?ts from object ori-ented notations:components are described using high-level UML2.0interfaces and their protocol state machines;it also takes bene?ts from formal methods and their existing support tools,using existing derivation rules from UML diagrams to B speci?cations:we propose an adapter de?ned as a B speci?cation and the interoperability veri?-cation is supported at the signature,semantic and protocol levels in the same framework using the B re?nement.


To construct a working system out of compo-nents,adapters have to be de?ned.These adapters implement a required interface in terms of some provided interfaces.We have proposed a model of adapters expressed in the B formal method allowing to de?ne rigorously the interoperability between components and to check it with support tools:an adapter is a correct re?nement of the B model of the required interface using existing pro-vided components.The interoperability is veri?ed at the signature,semantic and protocol levels. We want also to take into account more complex adapters.Generally,an adapter may use some pro-vided interfaces offered by different components to realize some other required interfaces by others components.We are currently exploring different kinds of adapters in terms of speci?cation matching [23].We are working on alternative versions of compatibility and their mappings to re?nement in B,in order to give patterns for the corresponding adapters in the same framework.


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翻译理论整理汇总 翻译腔(translationeses)是在译文中留有源语言特征等翻译痕迹的现象,严重的翻译腔使译文读起来不够通顺。出现翻译腔有时是很难免的。形成翻译腔有以下几个原因:1)英汉语言本身的不同,包括句型结构等,在翻译时如果不能做到自由转换就会有种不是地道目标语的感觉。2)英汉文化的不同,不同的文化背景下,单词或习语有时会出现偏差甚至零对等(zero-correspondence)。有时只讲词对词的反应就会出现翻译腔。3)译者自身水平。奈达的功能对等就要求译者注重译文对读者的影响,好的译文让读者感觉是母语的写作、实现功能的对等。Venuti主张同化和异化的结合,通过同化让读者获得相识的反应,通过异化使读者领略异国语言和文化。译者应该提高自己翻译水平,在翻译策略上实现功能对等,从而尽量避免翻译腔的出现。 1. 中国的翻译理论家 严复、茅盾、鲁迅、朱光潜、傅雷、钱钟书 1)严复 信、达、雅——faithfulness、expressiveness、elegance/gracefulness 2)茅盾 他也主张“直译”,反对“意译”,他认为汉语确实存在语言组织上欠严密的不足,有必要吸引印欧语系的句法形态。但是矛盾与鲁迅观点同中有异,他认为“直译”并不是“字对字”,一个不多,一个不少。因为中西文法结构截然不同,纯粹的“字对字”是不可能的。 3)鲁迅 鲁迅的“宁信而不顺”是“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然是力求易解,一则保存着原作风姿”,这是鲁迅的基本思想。针对当年那种“牛头不对马嘴”的胡译、乱译以及所谓“与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信”的说法(梁秋实),提出了“宁信而不顺”这一原则,主张直译,以照顾输入新表现法和保持原作的风貌。他还认为,翻译一要“移情”、“益志”,译文要有“异国情调”,二要“输入新的表现法”,以改进中文的文法,在当时主要表现为改进白话文。必须强调的是,鲁迅其实是主张翻译要通顺,又要忠实的。只是二者不可兼得的情况下,“宁信而不顺”。 4)林语堂 他是在中国议学史上第一个最明确地将现代语言学和心理学作为翻译理论的“学理剖析”的基础的。了解翻译的三条标准:忠实、通顺和美。 5)朱光潜 他的翻译标准是:第一,不违背作者的意思;第二,要使读者在肯用心了解时能够了解。 6)傅雷的“神似说”(spirit alikeness) 傅雷对翻译有两个比喻,一是“以效果而言,翻译应该像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似”。二是就手法而言“以甲国文字传达乙国文字所包含的那些特点,必须像伯乐相马,要得其精而忘其粗,在其内而忘其外”。 7)钱钟书的“化境”说(sublimation) 所谓“化境”(sublimation),是指原作在译文中就像“投胎转世”,躯体换了一个,但精魄依然故我。换句话说,译本对原作应该忠实得读起来不像译本,因为作品在原文里绝不会读起来想翻译出的东西的:“文学翻译的最高理想可以说是‘化’,把作品从一国文字转换成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入于‘化境’”。 2. 国外的翻译理论家 1)John Dryden Metaphrase(逐词译), turning an author word by word, and line by line, from one language into another. Paraphrase(释译), or translation with latitude, where the author's words are not so strictly followed but his sense.


翻译方法 作为翻译实践和翻译理论中一个重要 的研究对象, 言表达形式的方法和策略,是翻译过程中译 者必需进行选择的一系列具体的操作步骤。 多年来,有关翻译方法的讨论大致围绕着 “直译”方法还是“意译”方法的话题展开。 多数研究者和译者认为翻译是翻译原文的 内容意义,而不是语言形式,提倡采取某种 “意译”的方法。也有一些学者认为语言之 间存在不可逾越的障碍,因此,翻译应该倾 向于尽量使用“直译”的方法。根据 Newmark(1988:45)的观点,翻译方法可以分为两大类型:以原语为主的方法和以译语为主的方法。在这两大类型中,又可以根据不同的语言转换处理方式,进一步细分出不同种类的具体翻译方法,如:

图3-1翻译方法的种类。摘自Newmark 1988:45 在本章中,我们将简要介绍这些不同类型的翻译方法,并结合翻译实践活动的性质和特点,阐释影响译者选择不同翻译方法的因素。 3.1以原语为主的翻译方法 图3-1中左边的四种翻译方法,从形式上完全一对一地逐字翻译到注重意义的语义翻译,均在不同程度上强调原文内容及其语言表达方式在译文中的再现。下面我们按照自上而下的顺序,分别简要介绍这四种翻译方法。 3.1.1逐字翻译 逐字翻译(word-for-word translation)指译文字词和原文字词一对一对应的翻译,

例如: (1)How old are you? A.怎么老是你? B.你多大年纪? (2)橱窗里摆着的是什么东西? A.Shop window in displayed is what thing? B.What?s that in the shop window? (3)好是很好,可是买这么多扇子干什么呀? A.Good is very good, but buy so many fans do what? B.That?s all well and good, but what are you buying so many fans for? (4)回国以后送给朋友。做得多精细呀! A.Return country after present friends made how delicate! B.I?ll give them to my friends when I go home. Aren?t they delicately made? Passengers up and down the boat be careful.


绝对翻译absolute translation 摘要翻译 abstract translation 滥译 abusive translation 可接受性 acceptibility 准确accuracy 译者行动 translatorial action 充分性 adequacy 改编 adaptation 调整 adjustment 美学诗体翻译aesthetic-poetic translation 经纪人agent 类同形式 analogical form 分析 analysis 感染型文本 applied focused-texts 应用翻译研究 applied translation studies 古词废词 archaism 元译素 architranseme 关于范围的翻译理论 area-restricted theories of translation 听觉媒介型文本 audio-medial texts 委托 commission 自动翻译 automatic translation 自立幅度 autonomy spectrum

自译 autotranslation 逆转换 back-transformation 关于范围的翻译理论 back-translation 双边传译 bilateral interpreting 双语语料库 bilingual corporal 双文本 bi-text 空位 blank spaces 无韵体翻译 blank verse translation 借用 borrowing 仿造 calque 机助翻译 MAT 范畴转换 category shift 词类转换 class shift 贴近翻译 close translation 连贯 coherence 委托 commission 传意负荷 communication load 传意翻译 communicative translation 社群传译 community interpreting 对换 commutation 可比语料库 comparable corpora 补偿compensation


翻译技巧 由于汉英两种语言在词法、句法上的差异,翻译并不是简单的一对一复制,而是根据具体情况,灵活地运用翻译技巧坐车必要的调整和改变,使译文最大程度地再现原文的意义,又使它符合译语的表达习惯。 翻译技巧大体分为八类。它们是:加注(annotation)、释义(paraphrase)、增词(amplification)、减词(omission)、转换(shift of perspective)、归化(adaptation)、切分(division)和合并(combination)。 1.加注 由于汉英文化的不同,英语中某些词义在汉语中根本不存在,形成词义上的空缺。在这种情况下,常常采用加注法来弥补空缺。加注可分为音译加注和直译加注两种。 音译加注指音译后附加解释性注释。注释可长可短,可以在文中注释,也可采用脚注。 Cartoon 卡通片 Hamburger 汉堡包 Benz 奔驰车 Hippie 嬉皮士(20世纪60年代出现在美国的青年颓废派一员,喜群居,蓄长发,穿奇装异服) El Nino 厄尔尼诺(现象)(指严重影响全球气候的太平洋热带海域的大风及海水的大规模移动) Saint Valentine’s Day 圣瓦伦丁节情人节,2月14日) 1.Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regiment; and how much more this poor old nervous victim? 按照这样的养生之道,别说这可怜的老太太了,就连健康女神哈奇亚本 人也会生病。 2.You look like Al-Capone in that suit. 你穿上那套衣服,看上去就像个流氓阿尔·卡彭。


功能翻译术语 Acceptibility 可接受性 Adaptation 改编;编译 Adequacy 在功能翻译理论中,“合适”(德语:Adaquatheit)用以形容译本对翻译纲要所规定的交际目的而言的合适性。它是与翻译行为过程有关的动 态概念。 Adjustment 调整 Agent 经纪人 Appeal-focused Texts 感染型文本(德文Appellbetonte Texte) Appellative Function 感染性功能(德语为Appellfunktion):使用言语或非言语交际符号,以使接受者作出一定的答复或反应。也称为“使役功能”或“意动功能”。可进一步分为:说明、劝诱、命令、教学、广告等功能。 感染功能的效果取决于接受者的敏感性、应激性、经验视野和知识水平。Appellative Texts 感染型文本 Assignment 任务:委托给译者的职责,包括工作条件(时间、薪酬等)、原文和(更理想的情况是包括)翻译纲要。 Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介文本(德文Audio-mediale TextP) Brief 纲要:用于定义翻译行为所服务的交际目的。理想的翻译纲要明示或暗示以下信息:译文的预期功能、读者、传播媒介、出版时间和地点,必要的话,还包括创作译文或出版译文的动机。 Coherence 连贯(德文Koharenz) Commission 委托(德文Auftrag) Communication Load 传意负荷(又名Information Load[信息负荷]) Communicative Translation 交际翻译 Compensation 补偿 Contextual Consistency 语境一致[性] Conventions 常规:为人们所默认但不具强制约束力的行为规范,基于常识或建立在“期待”之上,即人们对特定场合中对于应该如何做的“期待”。 常规见于:常见文本类型或语篇体裁、一般的文体常规、习惯度量法、翻译传统等。 Correspondence 对应 Covert Translation 隐型翻译 Cultural Approach 文化途径 Cultural Borrowing 文化借用 Cultural Translation 文化翻译 Cultural Transplantation 文化移植 Cultural Transposition 文化移位 Culture Specificity 文化专属性:翻译时比较的两种文化中,文化专属现象(其形式或职能)只在于其一。但文化专属现象并非只限于一种特定文化之中。Cultureme 文化素:A文化中被本族成员认为有意义的一种社会现象。较之与B文化中对应的社会现象,即可发现其为A文化所专属。 Decision-making,Translation as 翻译即抉择 Documentary Translation 纪实性翻译:翻译类型的一种,旨在以译语重建源语


术语翻译贡献者Absolute Translation绝对翻译古阿德克(Gouadec) Abstract Translation摘要翻译古阿德克(Gouadec) Abusive translation滥译路易斯(Lewis)Acceptability可接受性托利(Toury) Accuracy准确 Adaptation改编 Adequacy充分性 Adjustment调整 Analogical Form类同形式霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Analysis分析奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber)Applied Translation Studies应用翻译研究霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Architranseme (ATR)元译素范·路文兹瓦特(van Leuven-Zwart)Autonomy Spectrum自立幅度罗斯(Rose) Autotranslation自译波波维奇(Popovic) Back Translation回译 Bilateral interpreting双边传译凯斯(Keith)Class Shift词类转换韩礼德(Halliday)Close Translation贴近翻译纽马克(Newmark)Communicative Translation传意翻译;交际翻译纽马克(Newmark)Community interpreting社群传译 Compensation补偿赫维(Hervey) Competence能力托利(Toury)Componential Analysis语义成分分析奈达(Nida)Comprehensive theory综合理论

Lost in Adadaptation翻译

Lost in Ad-adaptation 水土不服的广告标语 Pepsi Generation will bring your ancestors back from the dead. At least, that’s what the ads claimed in China. 百事在中国的广告语是:与百事世代一起活着。 But this wasn’t a one-time accident. There’s the often-told (maybe untrue) story of how the Chevy Nova’s sales in Latin America were miserable—no va, it turns out in Spanish means “won’t go.” In all cross-cultural, cross-linguistic mar keting, you’ve got to be careful. Some of the world’s best-known brands have tasted the bitter humiliation of poor slogan translations—especially in China. Not only are foreign marketers dealing with the fundamental cultural differences, but also two very different linguistic milieus. Here, brand and ad translation have become arts in their own right. 但这不仅是唯一的错误。有一个关于雪弗莱汽车的故事经常被人们提起(可能是谣言)。由于雪弗莱的广告标语no va,译成西班牙语后意思是“不走。”导致雪弗莱在拉丁美洲销量凄惨。在所有跨文化,跨语言的市场上,你必须要谨慎。一些世界知名品牌都经历过了广告翻译的痛苦与屈辱—尤其是在中国。外国商人需要处理的不只是基本的文化差异,还有两种截然不同的语言环境。此时,在各个领域中,品牌和广告标语的翻译成为了一门艺术。 The popular French megastore Carrefour is known in Chinese as Jia Le Fu (家乐福). Not only is it a nice sonic approximation of the original name, but it also makes for good Chinese marketing: “Family, Happy, Good Fortune.”The name might not draw many custome rs in the US or France, but in China, it’s a hit. Unlike their Western counterparts, who prefer to think of themselves as individuals, Chinese consumers are attracted to things like family, harmony and stability. 倍受欢迎的法国购物广场Carrefour在汉语中以家乐福而闻名。因为它的译名不仅发音接近于原始名字,而且有“家庭,幸福,好运”的含义,有助于它在中国市场的推广。在美国或者法国可能不会有这么多的顾客被这个名字所吸引,但是在中国却大受欢迎。原因在于,西方人更倾向以个体为形式考虑自己,而与西方不同的是,中国消费者更容易受到像家庭,和谐稳定这类词语的影响。 Chinese is based on symbols and their meanings, while English is based on letters and sounds. This is why translating something like Coca-Cola into Chinese can be so difficult. While Coca-cola works as a brand name across the world, in China there was a problem. There were hundreds of different characters—with the same sounds, but very different meanings—that could have been used to spell out the name. The characters originally used to market the soda were chosen haphazardly. The first translation that appeared? “Bite the wax tadpole.” The next try was “Wax-flattened mare.” Neither were very appetizing. 中文是以符号及其所表达的含义为基础,而英语是以字母和发音为基础。这就解


英语阅读与翻译核心词汇(A) absurdly [Eb5sE:dli] ad. 荒谬地, 悖理地, 愚蠢地【认知】本词的核心含义为“一种从存在主义出发的文 【认知】本词的核心含义为“一种从存在主义出发的文学或哲学观点,指“人生无意义”,“人世无理性”等” abundance n. 1.[sing]大量,多,丰富,充足2.富有;富裕 【例句】Peasants share meals of autumn ~ with us. 农民们和我们一起吃秋收之后的丰盛饭菜。【认知】前缀为“a-”的变体;“-und-”含义是“在波浪中游荡,溢出”。如“redundant”与其同源。 accommodation] n.1.住处;膳宿2.调和;(社会不同集团之间的)迁就通融 【例句】comfortable overnight ~s for visitors 招待来客过夜的舒适住处。The steamer has berthing ~s for 1500 passengers. 这艘轮船有1500个旅客的铺位。【认知】前缀为“a-”;“mod”意为“措施,测量;方式”(强调方便,精确性)。 acknowledges v. 1.承认(某一事实的存在),承认…的权威(或主张)2.对…作出反应,答谢 【认知】本词词根为“know”(知道,认知)。 acquisition n. 1.取得,获得,习得2.兼并,合并 【例句】The children progressed in the ~ of basic skills.孩子们在掌握基本技术方面取得了进步。 acquisitive a. 1.想获得的, 有获得可能性的, 可学到的2.有贪欲的 adaptability n. (~ to)适应性 adaptation n. (~ to)1.适应2.改编, 改写本 【例句】The films’s director had skillfully overcome the difficulties of adaptation. 那部电影的导演已经巧妙地克服了改编的困难。 adhere v. (~ to) 1.粘附,附着2.遵守,坚持;固执3.追随,依附,拥护 【例句】paper adhering to the wall 墙上贴着的纸


Adaptation 归化 Alienation 异化 domestication/adaptation or foreignization / alienation Allusion translation 典故翻译 Amplification 增译 Author centered translation 原作者为中心的翻译 Author's invisibility 作者之隐形 Background text 背景资料 Back-translation 回译 Chinese translation studies 中国翻译学 Chinglish 中式英语 Chinese English Communicative translation 交际翻译(而这里所说的交际翻译却完完全全地以目的语读者或接受者为导向) 语义翻译和交际翻译是英国翻译家纽马克翻译理论的两种基本策略。语义翻译法具有绝对意义,交际翻译法具有相对意义。交际翻译法集归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。 Computer-aided translation (CAT), computer-assisted 计算机辅助翻译 Context 语境 Co-translation 合伙翻译 Creative treason 创造性叛逆法国文学社会学家罗伯特埃斯卡皮 (RobertEscapie) Criticism on translation 翻译批评 Cultural blending 文化融合 Cultural difference 文化差异 Cultural factor 文化因素 Cultural filtering 文化过滤 Cultural turn 文化转向 Deconstruction 解构主义法国哲学家德里达提出,或译为“结构分解”,是后结构主义提出的一种批评方法。是解构主义者德里达的一个术语。“解构”概念源于海德格尔《存在与时间》中的“destruction”一词,原意为分解、消解、拆解、揭示等,德里达在这个基础上补充了“消除”、“反积淀”、“问题化”等意思。 Domestication 归化 Dynamic equivalence 动态对等美国著名语言学家、翻译理论家尤金.奈达 Elegance 雅


A b s o l u t e t r a n s l a t i o n绝对翻译古阿德克(G o u a d e c) Abstracttranslation摘要翻译古阿德克(Gouadec) Abusivetranslation滥译路易斯(Lewis) Acceptability可接受性托利(Toury) Accuracy准确 Adaptation改编 Adequacy充分性 Adjustment调整 Analogicalform类同形式霍尔姆斯(Holmes) Analysis分析奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber) Appliedtranslationstudies应用翻译研究霍尔姆斯(Holmes) Architranseme(ATR)元译素范·路文兹瓦特(vanLeuven-Zwart) AutonomySpectrum自立幅度罗斯(Rose) Autotranslation自译波波维奇(Popovic) Backtranslation回译 Classshift词类转换韩礼德(Halliday) Closetranslation贴近翻译纽马克(Newmark) Communicativetranslation传意翻译;交际翻译纽马克(Newmark) Communityinterpreting社群传译 Compensation补偿赫维(Hervey) Competence能力托利(Toury) Componentialanalysis语义成分分析奈达(Nida) Comprehensivetheory综合理论 Conferenceinterpreting会议传译 Consecutiveinterpreting接续传译 Contextualconsistency语境一致奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber) Conventions常规诺德(Nord) Corpora语料库 Correspondence对应 Courtinterpreting法庭传译 Coverttranslation隐型翻译豪斯(House)] Creativetransposition创造性移位雅可布逊 Creativetreason创造性叛逆罗伯特·埃斯卡皮(RobertEscarpi) Deconstruction解构主义德里达(Derrida) Descriptivetranslationstudies描写性翻译研究霍尔姆斯(Holmes) Diagrammatictranslation图表翻译古阿德克(Gouadec) Differance分延德里达(Derrida) Documentarytranslation文献型翻译诺德(Nord) Domesticatingtranslation归化翻译韦努狄(Venuti) Dynamicequivalence动态对等奈达(Nida) Dynamicfidelity动态忠信比克曼(Beekman)与卡洛(Callow) Effortmodels用功模式贾尔(Gile)


翻概期末复习资料 A.名词解释:20个考2分,30~80词 1.Translation: The term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the product(the text that has been translated) or the process(the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating). 2. Translation Studies : Translation studies is an academic interdiscipline(n.跨学科,多种学科)dealing with the systematic study of the theory, description and application of translation, interpreting, and localization(地方化). The term Translation Studies was coined by the American scholar Jame s S. Holmes in his paper “The name and nature of translation studies”, which is considered a foundational statement for the discipline. 3.Features of Discourse: Features of a discourse include cohesion and coherence. The ties that bind a text together are often referred to under the heading of cohesion while coherence is unity in a text or discourse, which makes sense because its elements do not contradict each other?s presuppositions. Simply, coherence is natural or reasonable connection in thoughts. 4.Semantic Translation (Newmark): Semantic translation, where the translator attempts, within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL, to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original. It tends to be more complex, more awkward, more detailed and it remains within the original culture and language as much as possible.,municative translation (Newmark): Communicative translation, where the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the Target Language readers as was produced by the original on the SL readers. It is likely to be smoother, simpler, cleaner, more direct, more conventional, using hold-all terms in difficult passages. 6.Paraphrase (Dryden): translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view by the translator, so as never to be lost, but his words are not so strictly followed as his sense; this involves changing whole phrases and more or less corresponds to faithful or sense-for-sense translation. 7.Tytler’s three general laws of translation: Firstly, the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. Secondly, the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. Thirdly, the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

unit 4-10 课文翻译参考

Unit 4 The Cultural Patterning of Space 1. 不同的文化对空间有着不同的感觉。西方许多国家对空间的意识是基于对物体在空间的感觉,而不是对空间本身的感觉。西方人对形状和维度的感觉,就是空间是一种光线、颜色、视觉和触觉的领域。本杰明·沃尔夫在他的经典著作《语言、思维和现实》中,就用下面的解释来说明西方人为什么会以这种方式来感觉空间。西方的思维和语言主要源于以拉丁语为母语的古罗马文化,而这是一种基于实际和经验的体系。一般来说,西方文化已经采用古罗马人的思维模式,把客观“实体”视为主观或者内在经验的基础。一直到这种在知性上不成熟的古罗马文化受到希腊文化抽象思维的影响的时候,拉丁语才发展出一套意义重大的词汇—抽象的非空间术语。但是空间意识和具体化的古罗马—拉丁成分已经在西方思维和语言模式中保存了下来,尽管也继承了希腊人的抽象思维和表达能力。 2. 然而,有些文化语言系统朝着相反的方向发展,就是从一套抽象、主观的词汇发展到一套更为具体的(concrete)词汇。例如,Whorf 告诉我们,在霍皮语中,“心”这个字,是一个具体的术语,可它是在先有了“思维”和“记忆”这种抽象术语之后才形成的。同样地,尽管在西方人,特别是美国人看来,客观的、有形的(tangible)“实体”一定要先于主观的或者内在经验,但实际上,许多亚洲和非欧洲文化把内在经验看成是对有形的实体感觉的基础。因此,虽然美国人被教导在空间中感知物体的排列和做出反应,会认为除非空间中充满物体,否则就是“被浪费了”,而日本人却被训练为对空间本身赋予意义,对“空旷”的空间赋予价值。例如,在许多日本艺术中,像绘画、园林设计、插花艺术等,布局的主要特性是日本人称之为美的精髓的“素雅”。一幅画包罗万象,而不是留有空间,这体现不出美的精髓(essence of beauty)。日本艺人常常画笔一刷(one brush stroke),就呈现出一片天空;或者用一条简单的轮廓线条(simple contour line)绘出远处的一座山峰——这就是素雅。然而,在西方人的眼中,画中的大片“空旷”的空间使画显得还缺了点什么东西。 3. 不仅仅是东西方在空间模式上存有差异。当我们观察西方不同文化中城市规划的时候,还体会各种各样跨文化空间的感觉。例如,在美国,城市的布局通常是沿着一个网格展开,轴心一般是南北向和东西向。街道和建筑物按顺序编号。当然这种安排对美国人来说是完美的。当美国人在像巴黎这样的城市漫步时,他们往往会迷路。因为巴黎的街道是从中央辐射(radiating from centers)开来的。此外,巴黎的街道是命名的而不是按序编号的,而且常常不用经过几个街区,街名就变换了。美国人对当地人如何能够到处行走大为疑惑,而巴黎人却显得行动自如。霍尔在《无声的语言》一书中认为:法国城市空间布局的特点仅仅是反映法国文化特征中中央集权的一个方面。因此巴黎是法国的中心,法国政府和教育系统高度集中。在法国人的办公室里,最重要人物的办公桌就摆在其中央。 4. 空间文化模式的另一个方面涉及到空间的各种功能。在美国的中产阶层,特定的空间是为特定的活动而设计的。任何活动,一旦跨越其特定空间,人们立刻就会觉得不合事宜。相比之下,在日本就不是那么回事了。墙壁可以移动,房间使用的目的白天和晚上是不一样的。在印度,又是另一种空间使用的文化模式。印度的公共和私人场所在功能上均有优劣的概念。在印度的城市、乡村、甚至是家庭里,某些场所因为所从事的活动和使用这些场所的人的缘故而被认定是肮脏(polluted)或者卑劣(inferior)的。印度的空间是给隔离开来的(be segregated),以便社会等级高的和等级低的、男的和女的、世俗和神圣的(secular & sacred)活动都分隔开来进行。这种模式沿用了几千年,在印度古城挖掘(uncover)出来的考古证据就说明了这一点。即便在现代的印度,这种空间模式仍旧相当的清晰和顽固,哪怕是在公交车上也要把妇女使用的空间隔离开来。如Chandigarh 是印度的一座由法国建筑师设计的现


翻译术语: Acceptability 可接受性 Accuracy 准确 Adaptation 改编 Adequacy 充分[性] Adjustment 调整 Aesthetic-Poetic Translation 美学诗体翻译 Agent 经纪人 A. I. I. C 国际会议口译联合会 Analogical Form 类同形式 Analysis 分析 Appeal-focused Texts 感染型问题本 Applied Translation Studies 应用翻译研究 Archaism/Archaicism 古词;废词 Architranseme (ATR) 元译素 Area-restricted Theories of Translation 关于范围的翻译理论Audio-medial Texts 听觉媒介型文本 Auftrag 委托 Autonomy Spectrum 自立幅度 Autotranslation/Self Translation 自译 Babel, Tower of 巴别塔 Back-transformation 逆转换 Bilingual Corporal 双语语料库 Bi-text 双文本 Blank Spaces 空位 Blank Verse Translation 无韵体翻译Borrowing 借用 Calque/Loan Translation 仿造 CAT (Computer-aided Translation/ Computer-assisted Translation) 计算机辅助翻译 Category Shift 范畴转换 Class Shift 词类转换 Close Translation 贴近翻译 Coherence 连贯 Commission 委托 Communication Load 传意负荷(又名Information Load 信息负荷)Commutation 对换 Compensation 补偿 Competence 能力 Componential Analysis成分分析 Concordance 一致性 Comprehensive Theory 综合理论 Constitutive Translational Conventions 建构性翻译常规 Content-derivative Form 派生内容的形式(又名Organic Form [有机形式])Content-focused Texts 重内容文本 Contextual consistency 语境一致 Controlled Language 受控语言 Conventions 常规 Corpora 语料[库](单数为Corpus) Correspondence 对应 Correspondences, Hierarchy of 对应层级 Court Interpreting 法庭传译


IPCC:the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 政府间气候变化小组: three Working Groups reports: 三个工作小组报告 Synthesis report 综合报告 Glaciers 冰川 Precipitation 降雨 Abnormal weather tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean regions 热带、亚热带和地中海地区cyclones 气旋,龙卷风 meteorological terms 气象词汇 submergence 淹没 coral reefs 珊瑚礁, tundra 永冻土,boreal forest 北部森林 inertia 惯性 mitigation 减缓 the Arctic region 北极地区 the Antarctic region 南极地区 ice cap 冰帽 ice sheet 冰原 mass-balance of glacier 冰川的物料平衡/量 ripple effect 波纹效应 chain effect 连锁反应 low-carbon economy 低碳经济 assessment 评估 vulnerable areas concentration, carbon dioxide 二氧化碳浓度 ppm carbon dioxide equivalent 二氧化碳当量 North Hemisphere 北半球 water scarcity, food security, epidemic 缺水、缺食、流行病 scenario 情况,情景 social check & balance 社会制约与平衡 legislation , jurisdiction and executive 立法、司法和行政 mega-delta 大三角地区,巨型三角洲地区 adapt to, adaptation frequency and severity 频率和严重性 polar areas 北极地区 on the verge of extinction 灭绝 Immune: 免疫 Reduction of emissions 减排 Interim target 中期目标 Renewable energy: 可再生能源 Geothermal:地热能 Ratify 批准 KP Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书 Carbon emissions and Efficiency benchmark:碳排放能效对标Deforestation:滥砍滥伐 Clean coal technology 清洁煤炭技术
