

使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性作者:Nabil F. Grace, George Abel-Sayed, Wael F. Ragheb












为了研制这种材料,考虑了各种不同纤维的混杂。多于一种纤维材料的混杂是许多材料科学研究的兴趣所在。他们的工作多数集中于结合两种纤维以提高每种材料单独工作时的力学特性并且降低成本。这已经在几本出版物中报道过,例如Bunsel和Harris(1974),Philips(1976),Manders和Bader(1981),Chow和Kelly(1980),以及Fukuda和Chow(1978)。做为一种能够克服FRP 加固棒延性不足问题的工具,混杂吸引了结构工程师。Nanni,Henneke和Okamoto(1994)研究了用编织芳香尼龙纤维绕在钢筋核心的短棒。Tamuzs和Tepfors报道了关于使用碳和芳香阻尼纤维进行组合而成的混合纤维棒的试验调查。Somboonsong,Frank和Harris(1998)研制了一种用编织芳香尼龙纤维缠绕在碳纤维核心的混合FRP加固棒。Harris,somboonsong和Frank(1998)使用这些棒对混凝土梁进行加固,以得到用常规钢筋进行加固的混凝土梁的普通荷载-挠度特性。




松弛(应变增加而混合材料的荷载却并未增加)。余下的延伸大(HE)的纤维被分配承担所有的荷载直到破坏。延伸小的纤维破坏时的应变值体现了混合材料屈服应变值,而延伸大的纤维破坏时的应变值体现的是极限应变值。延伸小的纤维破坏时对应的荷载体现的是屈服荷载值,而延伸大的纤维承担的最大荷载体现的是极限荷载值。超高模量碳纤维(1号碳)被用做延伸小的纤维,它应有尽可能低的应变,但不得小于钢筋的屈服应变(60级钢筋大约为0.2%)。另一方面,E型玻璃纤维被用做延伸大的纤维,应能提供尽可能高的应变而产生高延性指标(破坏时的变形和屈服时的变形的比例)。高模量碳纤维(2号碳)被选做了延伸中等(ME)纤维,它使在延伸小的纤维破坏后发生应变松弛时荷载的降低最小化,并且能够提供从延伸小的纤维向延伸大的纤维逐渐传递荷载的途径。基于这种思想,生产了一种单向织物,并进行了测试,将它在拉伸时的性能和理论预测的承载性能做了对比。理论上的性能建立在混合物规则上,根据这种规则,混合物的轴向刚度是将各组成部分的相对刚度进行总合计算得到的。这种织物的生产过程是,将不同的纤维做为相邻的纱线结合起来,并将它们用环氧树脂注入模具中。图2就是一个生产样品的照片。编织而成的玻璃纤维片布置在试样的两端,以消除测试中固定端的应力集中。试样厚2mm (0.08in),宽25.4mm(1in),在拉伸时根据美国材料实验协会D3039规范进行测试。四个测试样品的平均荷载-应变曲线见图3,上面还有理论预测的曲线。应该注意到直到应变值达到0.35%,荷载-应变性能都是线性的,这时延伸小的纤维开始破坏。在这一点上应变增长的速率高于荷载。当应变值达到0.90%时,中等延伸的纤维开始破坏,导致应变有附加的增长,直到由于延伸大的纤维破坏带来试样的彻底破坏。可以测试到屈服荷载(荷载-应变曲线上性能去不再为线性的第一点)为0.46kN/mm(2.6kips/in),极限荷载为0.78kN/mm(4.4kips/in)。



一共浇筑了13根钢筋混凝土梁,横截面尺寸为152×254mm(6×10in),长2744mm(108in)。梁的受弯钢筋由底部的两根5号(16mm)受拉钢筋和顶部的两根3号(9.5mm)的受压钢筋组成。为防止发生剪切破坏,使用162mm 长的3号钢筋扎成闭合镫形对梁的抗剪进行进一步的加固。有5根梁浇筑时角

部做成半径25mm(1in)的圆角,从而易于加固材料的安置。图4显示了梁的尺度、钢筋详图、支座和加载点的位置。使用的钢筋为60等级,屈服强度415MPa (800psi)。





在梁的底部和两侧喷砂以使其表面粗糙。然后使用丙酮除去污物对梁进行清洁。采用两种加固构造:1)只在梁底面布置加固材料(A组梁);2)除对梁底部外,在梁两侧各伸长152mm(16in),大概能覆盖住梁的受弯拉伸部分(B 组梁)。加固材料沿梁长度布置在中心,长达 2.24m(88in)。环氧在对梁进行测试前要进行两周的养护。对研制中的混合织物(H-体系)加固的梁,制备了两根,并对各种构造进行测试来证实结果。表4对梁的检测进行了汇总。













的研制中的混合织物。它在荷载为113.9kN(25.6kips)时屈服,在130.8kN (29.4kips)的极限荷载下由于织物剥落而导致彻底破坏之前体现出的延性指数为2.13。值得注意的是,尽管最终破坏是由于织物的剥落,但这是在取得了令人满意的延性之后发生的。从图10(b)中可见当梁屈服时的应变为0.35%。图10(c)是梁破坏时的照片。





















ASTM D 3039, 2000, “Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials,” Annual Book of ASTM Standards, V. 15.03, pp. 106-118.

Bunsell, A. R., and Harris, B., 1974, “Hybrid Carbon and Glass Fibre Composites,” Composites, V. 5, pp. 157-164.

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附录表1 复合纤维的力学特性

表2 加固材料的特性

表3 环氧粘结材料特性

表4 试验梁的汇总

表5 试验结果汇总


Title no:99-S71

Strengthening of Concrete Beams Using Innovative Ductile Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Fabric

By Nabil F. Grace, George Abel-Sayed, Wael F. Ragheb


An innovative, uniaxial ductile fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) fabric has been researched, developed, and manufactured (in the Structural Testing Center at Lawrence Technological University) for strengthening structures. The fabric is a hybrid of two types of carbon fibers and one type of glass fiber, and has been designed to provide a pseudo-ductile behavior with a low yield-equivalent strain value in tension. The effectiveness and ductility of the developed fabric has been investigated by strengthening and testing eight concrete beams under flexural load. Similar beams strengthened with currently available uniaxial carbon fiber sheets, fabrics, and plates were also tested to compare their behavior with those strengthened with the developed fabric. The fabric has been designed so that it has the potential to yield simultaneously with the steel reinforcement of strengthened beams and hence, a ductile plateau similar to that for the nonstrengthened beams can be achieved. The beams strengthened with the developed fabric exhibited higher yield loads and achieved higher ductility indexes than those strengthened with the currently available carbon fiber strengthening systems. The developed fabric shows a more effective contribution to the strengthening mechanism. keyword:Concrete, ductility, textile fiber reinforcement, distortion


The use of externally bonded fibcr-rcinforccd polymer (FRP) sheets and strips has recently been established as an effective tool for rehabilitating and strengthening reinforced concrete structures. Several experimental investigations have been reported on the behavior of concrete beams strengthened for flexure using externally bonded FRP plates, sheets, or fabrics. Saadatmancsh and Ehsani (1991) examined the behavior of concrete beams strengthened for flexure using glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) plates. Ritchie ct al. (1991) tested reinforced concrete beams strengthened for flexure using GFRP. carbon fibcr-rcinforccd polymer (CFRP). and G/CFRP plates. Grace et al. (1999) and Trian- tafillou (1992) studied the behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened for flexure using CFRP sheets. Norris. Saadatmancsh. and Fhsani (1997) investigated the behavior of concrete beams strengthened using CFRP unidirectional sheets and CFRP woven fabrics. In all of these investigations, the strengthened beams showed higher ultimate loads compared to the nonstrcngthcncd ones. One of the drawbacks experienced by most of these strengthened beams was a considerable loss in beam ductility. An examination of the load- deflection behavior of the beams, however, showed that the majority of the gained increase in load was experienced after the yield of the steel reinforcement. In other words, a significant increase in ultimate load was experienced without much increase in yield load. Hence, a significant increase in service level loads could hardly be gained. Apart from the condition of the concrete element before strengthening, the steel reinforcement contributes significantly to the flcxural response of the strengthened beam. Unfortunately, available FRP strengthening

materials have a behavior that is different from steel. Although FRP materials have high strengths, most of them stretch to relatively high strain values before providing their full strength. Because steel has a relatively low yield strain value when compared with the ultimate strains of most of the FRP materials, the contribution of both the steel and the strengthening FRP materials differ with the deformation of the strengthened element. As a result, steel reinforcement may yield before the strengthened element gains any measurable load increase. Some designers place a greater FRP cross section, which generally increases the cost of the strengthening, to provide a measurable contribution. even when deformations arc limited (before the yield of steel). Debonding of the strengthening material from the surface of the concrete, however, is more likely to happen in these cases due to higher stress concentrations. Debonding is one of the nondesired brittle failures involved with this technique of strengthening. Although using some special low-strain fibers such as ultra-high-modulus carbon fibers may appear to be a solution, it would result in brittle failures due to the failure of fibers. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new pseudo-ductile FRP fabric that has a low strain at yield so that it has the potential to yield simultaneously with the steel reinforcement, yet provide the desired strengthening level. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE

FRPs have been increasingly used as materials for rehabilitating and strengthening reinforced concrete structures. Currently available FRP materials, however, lack the ductility and have dissimilar behaviors to steel reinforcement. As a result, the strengthened beams may exhibit a reduced ductility, lack the desired strengthening level, or both. This study presents an innovative pseudo-ductile FRP strengthening fabric. The fabric provides measurably higher yield loads for the strengthened beams and helps to avoid the loss of ductility that is common with the use of currently available FRP. DEVELOPMENT OF HYBRID FABRIC To overcome the drawbacks mentioned previously, a ductile FRP material with low yield strain value is needed.

ACI Structural Journal, V. 99, No. 5, September-October 2002.

MS No. 01-349 received October 23, 2001, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright €) 2002, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, includ-ing the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the July-August 2003ACl Structural Journal if received by March 1, 2003.

ACI StructuralJournal/September-October 2002

ACI member Nabil F. Grace is a professor and Chair of the Structural Testing Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Mich. He is a member of ACI Committee 440, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343, Concrete Bridge Design. His research interests include the use of fiber-reinforced polymer in reinforced and pre stressed concrete structures.

George Abdel-Sayed is Professor Emeritus in

the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. His research interests include soil-structure interaction.

Wael F. Ragheb is a research assistant in the

Department of Civil Engineering at Lawrence Technological University. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Table 1—Mechanical properties of composite fibers*

* Composite properties are based on 60% fiber volume fraction.

Literature review on


To develop this material, hybridization for

different fibers was considered. Hybridization of more than one type of fibrous materials was the interest of many materials science researchers. Most of their work was concerned with combining two types of fibers to enhance the mechanical properties of either type acting alone and to reduce the cost. This has been reported in several publications such as Bunsell and Harris (1974), Philips (1976), Manders and Bader (1981), Chow and Kelly (1980), and Fukuda and Chow (1981). Hybridization interested structural engineers as a tool to overcome the problem of a lack of ductility in FRF reinforcing bars. Nanni, Henneke, and Okamoto (1994) studied bars of braided aramid fibers around a steel core. Tamuzs and Tcpfcrs (1995) reported experimental investigations for hybrid fiber bars using different combinations of carbon and aramid fibers. Somboonsong, Frank, and Harris (1998) developed a hybrid FRP reinforcing bar using braided aramid fibers around a carbon fiber core. Harris, Somboonsong, and Frank (1998) used these bars in reinforcing concrete beams to achieve the general load- deflection behavior of concrete beams reinforced with conventional steel.

Design concept and materials To generate ductility, a hybridization technique of different types of fibers has been implemented. Three fibers have been selected with a different magnitude of elongations at failure. Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curves in tension for the selected composite fibers, and Table 1 shows their mechanical properties.

The technique is based on combining these fibers together and controlling the mixture ratio so that when they arc loaded together in tension, the fibers with the lowest elongation (LE) fail first, allowing a strain relaxation (an increase in strain without an increase in load for the hybrid). The remaining high-elongation (HE) fibers are proportioned to sustain the total load up to failure. The strain value at failure of the LE fibers presents the value of the yield-equivalent strain of the hybrid, while the HE fiber strain at failure presents the value of ultimate strain. The load corresponding to failure of LE fibers presents the yield-equivalent load value, and the maximum load carried by the HE fibers is the ultimate load value. Ultra-high-modulus carbon fibers (Carbon No.

1) have been used as LE fibers to have as low a strain as possible, but not less than the yield strain of steel (approximately 0.2% for Grade 60 steel). On the other hand. E-glass fibers were used as HE fibers to provide as high a strain as possible to produce a high-ductility index (the ratio between deformation at failure and deformation at yield). High-modulus carbon fibers (Carbon No. 2) were selected as medium-elongation (ME) fibers to minimize the possible load drop during the strain relaxation that occurs after failure of the LE fibers, and also to provide a gradual load transition from the LE fibers to the HE fibers. Based on this concept, a uniaxial fabric was fabricated and tested to compare its behavior in tension with the theoretical predicted loading behavior. The theoretical behavior is based on the rule of mixtures, in which the axial stiffness of the hybrid is calculated by a summation of the relative stiffness of each of its components. The fabric was manufactured by combining different fibers as adjacent yarns and impregnating them inside a mold by an epoxy resin. Figure 2 shows a photo of one of the fabricated samples. Woven glass fiber tabs were provided at both ends of the test coupons to eliminate stress concentrations at end fixtures during testing. The coupons had a thickness of 2 mm (0.08 in.) and a width of 25.4 mm

ACI StructuralJournal/September-October 2002

(1 in.) and were tested in tension according to ASTM D 3039 specifications. The average load-strain curve for four tested samples is shown in Fig. 3 together with the theoretical prediction. It should be noted that the behavior is linear up to a strain of 0.35%, when the LE fibers started to fail. At this point, the strain increased at a faster rate than the load. When the strain reached 0.90t h e ME fibers started to fail, resulting in an additional increase in strain without a significant increase in load, up to the total failure of the coupon by failure of the HE fibers. A yield-equivalent load (the first point on the load-strain curve where the behavior becomes nonlinear) of 0.46 kN/mm

width (2.6 kips/in.) and an ultimate load of 0.78 kN/mm (4.4 kips/in.) arc observed.


Beam detail s

Thirteen reinforced concrete beams with cross-sectional dimensions of 152 x 254 mm (6x10 in.) and lengths of 2744 mm (108 in.) were cast. The flexure reinforcement of the beams consisted of two No. 5(16 mm) tension bars near the bottom, and two No. 3 (9.5 mm) compression

bars near the top. To avoid shear failure, the beams were over- reinforced for shear with No. 3 (9.5 mm) closed stirrups spaced at 102 mm (4.0 in.). Five beams were formed with rounded corners of 25 mm (1 in.) radius to facilitate the installation of the strengthening material on their sides and bottom faces without stress concentrations. Figure 4 shows the beam dimensions, reinforcement details, support locations, and location of loading points. The

steel used was Grade 60 with a yield strength of 415 MPa (60.000 psi), while the concrete compressive strength at the time of testing the beams was 55.2 MPa (8000 psi).

Strengthening materials

The developed hybrid fabric was used lo strengthen eight beams. Two different thicknesses of fabric were used. The first (H-systcm, t = 1.0 mm) had a thickness of 1.0 mm (0.04 in.), and the second (H-systcm, / = 1.5 mm) had a thickncss of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.). Four other beams were strengthened with three currently available carbon fiber strengthening materials: 1) a uniaxial carbon fiber sheet with an ultimate load of 0.34 kN/mm (1.95 kips/in.);


项目成本控制 一、引言 项目是企业形象的窗口和效益的源泉。随着市场竞争日趋激烈,工程质量、文明施工要求不断提高,材料价格波动起伏,以及其他种种不确定因素的影响,使得项目运作处于较为严峻的环境之中。由此可见项目的成本控制是贯穿在工程建设自招投标阶段直到竣工验收的全过程,它是企业全面成本管理的重要环节,必须在组织和控制措施上给于高度的重视,以期达到提高企业经济效益的目的。 二、概述 工程施工项目成本控制,指在项目成本在成本发生和形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物资资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以达到保证企业生产经营效益的目的。 三、施工企业成本控制原则 施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。 3.1 成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。 3.2 全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续 进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。 3.3 动态控制原则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确


PA VEMENT PROBLEMS CAUSED BY COLLAPSIBLE SUBGRADES By Sandra L. Houston,1 Associate Member, ASCE (Reviewed by the Highway Division) ABSTRACT: Problem subgrade materials consisting of collapsible soils are com- mon in arid environments, which have climatic conditions and depositional and weathering processes favorable to their formation. Included herein is a discussion of predictive techniques that use commonly available laboratory equipment and testing methods for obtaining reliable estimates of the volume change for these problem soils. A method for predicting relevant stresses and corresponding collapse strains for typical pavement subgrades is presented. Relatively simple methods of evaluating potential volume change, based on results of familiar laboratory tests, are used. INTRODUCTION When a soil is given free access to water, it may decrease in volume, increase in volume, or do nothing. A soil that increases in volume is called a swelling or expansive soil, and a soil that decreases in volume is called a collapsible soil. The amount of volume change that occurs depends on the soil type and structure, the initial soil density, the imposed stress state, and the degree and extent of wetting. Subgrade materials comprised of soils that change volume upon wetting have caused distress to highways since the be- ginning of the professional practice and have cost many millions of dollars in roadway repairs. The prediction of the volume changes that may occur in the field is the first step in making an economic decision for dealing with these problem subgrade materials. Each project will have different design considerations, economic con- straints, and risk factors that will have to be taken into account. However, with a reliable method for making volume change predictions, the best design relative to the subgrade soils becomes a matter of economic comparison, and a much more rational design approach may be made. For example, typical techniques for dealing with expansive clays include: (1) In situ treatments with substances such as lime, cement, or fly-ash; (2) seepage barriers and/ or drainage systems; or (3) a computing of the serviceability loss and a mod- ification of the design to "accept" the anticipated expansion. In order to make the most economical decision, the amount of volume change (especially non- uniform volume change) must be accurately estimated, and the degree of road roughness evaluated from these data. Similarly, alternative design techniques are available for any roadway problem. The emphasis here will be placed on presenting economical and simple methods for: (1) Determining whether the subgrade materials are collapsible; and (2) estimating the amount of volume change that is likely to occur in the 'Asst. Prof., Ctr. for Advanced Res. in Transp., Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ 85287. Note. Discussion open until April 1, 1989. To extend the closing date one month,


转型衰退时期的土木工程研究 Sergios Lambropoulosa[1], John-Paris Pantouvakisb, Marina Marinellic 摘要 最近的全球经济和金融危机导致许多国家的经济陷入衰退,特别是在欧盟的周边。这些国家目前面临的民用建筑基础设施的公共投资和私人投资显著收缩,导致在民事特别是在民用建筑方向的失业。因此,在所有国家在经济衰退的专业发展对于土木工程应届毕业生来说是努力和资历的不相称的研究,因为他们很少有机会在实践中积累经验和知识,这些逐渐成为过时的经验和知识。在这种情况下,对于技术性大学在国家经济衰退的计划和实施的土木工程研究大纲的一个实质性的改革势在必行。目的是使毕业生拓宽他们的专业活动的范围,提高他们的就业能力。 在本文中,提出了土木工程研究课程的不断扩大,特别是在发展的光毕业生的潜在的项目,计划和投资组合管理。在这个方向上,一个全面的文献回顾,包括ASCE体为第二十一世纪,IPMA的能力的基础知识,建议在其他:显著增加所提供的模块和项目管理在战略管理中添加新的模块,领导行为,配送管理,组织和环境等;提供足够的专业训练五年的大学的研究;并由专业机构促进应届大学生认证。建议通过改革教学大纲为土木工程研究目前由国家技术提供了例证雅典大学。 1引言 土木工程研究(CES)蓬勃发展,是在第二次世界大战后。土木工程师的出现最初是由重建被摧毁的巨大需求所致,目的是更多和更好的社会追求。但是很快,这种演变一个长期的趋势,因为政府为了努力实现经济发展,采取了全世界的凯恩斯主义的理论,即公共基础设施投资作为动力。首先积极的结果导致公民为了更好的生活条件(住房,旅游等)和增加私人投资基础设施而创造机会。这些现象再国家的发展中尤为为明显。虽然前景并不明朗(例如,世界石油危机在70年代),在80年代领先的国家采用新自由主义经济的方法(如里根经济政策),这是最近的金融危机及金融危机造成的后果(即收缩的基础设施投资,在技术部门的高失业率),消除发展前途无限的误区。 技术教育的大学所认可的大量研究土木工程部。旧学校拓展专业并且新的学校建成,并招收许多学生。由于高的职业声望,薪酬,吸引高质量的学校的学生。在工程量的增加和科学技术的发展,导致到极强的专业性,无论是在研究还是工作当中。结构工程师,液压工程师,交通工程师等,都属于土木工程。试图在不同的国家采用专业性的权利,不同的解决方案,,从一个统一的大学学历和广泛的专业化的一般职业许可证。这个问题在许多其他行业成为关键。国际专业协会的专家和机构所确定的国家性检查机构,经过考试后,他们证明不仅是行业的新来者,而且专家通过时间来确定进展情况。尽管在很多情况下,这些证书虽然没有国家接受,他们赞赏和公认的世界。 在试图改革大学研究(不仅在土木工程)更接近市场需求的过程中,欧盟确定了1999博洛尼亚宣言,它引入了一个二能级系统。第一级度(例如,一个三年的学士)是进入


专业资料 学院: 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Structural Systems to resist (用外文写) Lateral loads 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 抗侧向荷载的结构体系 常用的结构体系 若已测出荷载量达数千万磅重,那么在高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。确实,较好的高层建筑普遍具有构思简单、表现明晰的特点。 这并不是说没有进行宏观构思的余地。实际上,正是因为有了这种宏观的构思,新奇的高层建筑体系才得以发展,可能更重要的是:几年以前才出现的一些新概念在今天的技术中已经变得平常了。 如果忽略一些与建筑材料密切相关的概念不谈,高层建筑里最为常用的结构体系便可分为如下几类: 1.抗弯矩框架。 2.支撑框架,包括偏心支撑框架。 3.剪力墙,包括钢板剪力墙。 4.筒中框架。 5.筒中筒结构。 6.核心交互结构。 7. 框格体系或束筒体系。 特别是由于最近趋向于更复杂的建筑形式,同时也需要增加刚度以抵抗几力和地震力,大多数高层建筑都具有由框架、支撑构架、剪力墙和相关体系相结合而构成的体系。而且,就较高的建筑物而言,大多数都是由交互式构件组成三维陈列。 将这些构件结合起来的方法正是高层建筑设计方法的本质。其结合方式需要在考虑环境、功能和费用后再发展,以便提供促使建筑发展达到新高度的有效结构。这并

不是说富于想象力的结构设计就能够创造出伟大建筑。正相反,有许多例优美的建筑仅得到结构工程师适当的支持就被创造出来了,然而,如果没有天赋甚厚的建筑师的创造力的指导,那么,得以发展的就只能是好的结构,并非是伟大的建筑。无论如何,要想创造出高层建筑真正非凡的设计,两者都需要最好的。 虽然在文献中通常可以见到有关这七种体系的全面性讨论,但是在这里还值得进一步讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论中。 抗弯矩框架 抗弯矩框架也许是低,中高度的建筑中常用的体系,它具有线性水平构件和垂直构件在接头处基本刚接之特点。这种框架用作独立的体系,或者和其他体系结合起来使用,以便提供所需要水平荷载抵抗力。对于较高的高层建筑,可能会发现该本系不宜作为独立体系,这是因为在侧向力的作用下难以调动足够的刚度。 我们可以利用STRESS,STRUDL 或者其他大量合适的计算机程序进行结构分析。所谓的门架法分析或悬臂法分析在当今的技术中无一席之地,由于柱梁节点固有柔性,并且由于初步设计应该力求突出体系的弱点,所以在初析中使用框架的中心距尺寸设计是司空惯的。当然,在设计的后期阶段,实际地评价结点的变形很有必要。 支撑框架 支撑框架实际上刚度比抗弯矩框架强,在高层建筑中也得到更广泛的应用。这种体系以其结点处铰接或则接的线性水平构件、垂直构件和斜撑构件而具特色,它通常与其他体系共同用于较高的建筑,并且作为一种独立的体系用在低、中高度的建筑中。


姓名: 学号: 10447425 X X 大学 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (2014届) 外文题目Developments in excavation bracing systems 译文题目开挖工程支撑体系的发展 外文出处Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 31 (2012) 107–116 学生XXX 学院XXXX 专业班级XXXXX 校内指导教师XXX 专业技术职务XXXXX 校外指导老师专业技术职务 二○一三年十二月

开挖工程支撑体系的发展 1.引言 几乎所有土木工程建设项目(如建筑物,道路,隧道,桥梁,污水处理厂,管道,下水道)都涉及泥土挖掘的一些工程量。往往由于由相邻的结构,特性线,或使用权空间的限制,必须要一个土地固定系统,以允许土壤被挖掘到所需的深度。历史上,许多挖掘支撑系统已经开发出来。其中,现在比较常见的几种方法是:板桩,钻孔桩墙,泥浆墙。 土地固定系统的选择是由技术性能要求和施工可行性(例如手段,方法)决定的,包括执行的可靠性,而成本考虑了这些之后,其他问题也得到解决。通常环境后果(用于处理废泥浆和钻井液如监管要求)也非常被关注(邱阳、1998)。 土地固定系统通常是建设项目的较大的一个组成部分。如果不能按时完成项目,将极大地影响总成本。通常首先建造支撑,在许多情况下,临时支撑系统是用于支持在挖掘以允许进行不断施工,直到永久系统被构造。临时系统可以被去除或留在原处。 打桩时,因撞击或振动它们可能会被赶入到位。在一般情况下,振动是最昂贵的方法,但只适合于松散颗粒材料,土壤中具有较高电阻(例如,通过鹅卵石)的不能使用。采用打入桩系统通常是中间的成本和适合于软沉积物(包括粘性和非粘性),只要该矿床是免费的鹅卵石或更大的岩石。 通常,垂直元素(例如桩)的前安装挖掘工程和水平元件(如内部支撑或绑回)被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,从而限制了跨距长度,以便减少在垂直开发弯矩元素。在填充情况下,桩可先设置,从在斜坡的底部其嵌入悬挑起来,安装作为填充进步水平元素(如搭背或土钉)。如果滞后是用来保持垂直元素之间的土壤中,它被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,或之前以填补位置。 吉尔- 马丁等人(2010)提供了一个数值计算程序,以获取圆形桩承受轴向载荷和统一标志(如悬臂桩)的单轴弯矩的最佳纵筋。他们开发的两种优化流程:用一个或两个直径为纵向钢筋。优化增强模式允许大量减少的设计要求钢筋的用量,这些减少纵向钢筋可达到50%相对传统的,均匀分布的加固方案。 加固桩集中纵向钢筋最佳的位置在受拉区。除了节约钢筋,所述非对称加强钢筋图案提高抗弯刚度,通过增加转动惯量的转化部分的时刻。这种增加的刚性可能会在一段时间内增加的变形与蠕变相关的费用。评估相对于传统的非对称加强桩的优点,对称,钢筋桩被服务的条件下全面测试来完成的,这种试验是为了验证结构的可行性和取得的变形的原位测量。 基于现场试验中,用于优化的加强图案的优点浇铸钻出孔(CIDH)在巴塞罗那的


( 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 外文文献及翻译 题 目: About Buiding on the Structure Design 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-4班 指导教师:

英文原文: Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing Abstract The crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing Foreword Concrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete be subjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the


土木工程毕业设计外文文献翻译修订版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

外文文献翻译 Reinforced Concrete (来自《土木工程英语》) Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including the United States and Canada, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction. The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction, and the economy of reinforced concrete compared to other forms of construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, buildings of all sorts underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships. Reinforced concrete structures may be cast-in-place concrete, constructed in their final location, or they may be precast concrete produced in a factory and erected at the construction site. Concrete structures may be severe and functional in design, or the shape and layout and be whimsical and artistic. Few other building materials off the architect and engineer such versatility and scope. Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. As a result, cracks develop whenever loads, or restrained shrinkage of temperature changes, give rise to tensile stresses in excess of the tensile strength of the concrete. In


学校 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号: xxxxx 姓名: xxx 所在系别: xxxxx 专业班级: xxx 指导教师: xxxx 原文标题: Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing 2012年月日 .

建筑施工混凝土裂缝的预防与处理1 摘要 混凝土的裂缝问题是一个普遍存在而又难于解决的工程实际问题,本文对混凝土工程中常见的一些裂缝问题进行了探讨分析,并针对具体情况提出了一些预防、处理措施。 关键词:混凝土裂缝预防处理 前言 混凝土是一种由砂石骨料、水泥、水及其他外加材料混合而形成的非均质脆性材料。由于混凝土施工和本身变形、约束等一系列问题,硬化成型的混凝土中存在着众多的微孔隙、气穴和微裂缝,正是由于这些初始缺陷的存在才使混凝土呈现出一些非均质的特性。微裂缝通常是一种无害裂缝,对混凝土的承重、防渗及其他一些使用功能不产生危害。但是在混凝土受到荷载、温差等作用之后,微裂缝就会不断的扩展和连通,最终形成我们肉眼可见的宏观裂缝,也就是混凝土工程中常说的裂缝。 混凝土建筑和构件通常都是带缝工作的,由于裂缝的存在和发展通常会使内部的钢筋等材料产生腐蚀,降低钢筋混凝土材料的承载能力、耐久性及抗渗能力,影响建筑物的外观、使用寿命,严重者将会威胁到人们的生命和财产安全。很多工程的失事都是由于裂缝的不稳定发展所致。近代科学研究和大量的混凝土工程实践证明,在混凝土工程中裂缝问题是不可避免的,在一定的范围内也是可以接受的,只是要采取有效的措施将其危害程度控制在一定的范围之内。钢筋混凝土规范也明确规定:有些结构在所处的不同条件下,允许存在一定宽度的裂缝。但在施工中应尽量采取有效措施控制裂缝产生,使结构尽可能不出现裂缝或尽量减少裂缝的数量和宽度,尤其要尽量避免有害裂缝的出现,从而确保工程质量。 混凝土裂缝产生的原因很多,有变形引起的裂缝:如温度变化、收缩、膨胀、不均匀沉陷等原因引起的裂缝;有外载作用引起的裂缝;有养护环境不当和化学作用引起的裂缝等等。在实际工程中要区别对待,根据实际情况解决问题。 混凝土工程中常见裂缝及预防: 1.干缩裂缝及预防 干缩裂缝多出现在混凝土养护结束后的一段时间或是混凝土浇筑完毕后的一周左右。水泥浆中水分的蒸发会产生干缩,且这种收缩是不可逆的。干缩裂缝的产生主要是由于混凝土内外水分蒸发程度不同而导致变形不同的结果:混凝土受外部条件的影响,表面水分损失过快,变形较大,内部湿度变化较小变形较小,较大的表面干缩变形受到混凝土内部约束,产生较大拉应力而产生裂缝。相对湿度越低,水泥浆体干缩越大,干缩裂缝越易产 1原文出处及作者:《加拿大土木工程学报》


7 Rigid-Frame Structures A rigid-frame high-rise structure typically comprises parallel or orthogonally arranged bents consisting of columns and girders with moment resistant joints. Resistance to horizontal loading is provided by the bending resistance of the columns, girders, and joints. The continuity of the frame also contributes to resisting gravity loading, by reducing the moments in the girders. The advantages of a rigid frame are the simplicity and convenience of its rectangular form.Its unobstructed arrangement, clear of bracing members and structural walls, allows freedom internally for the layout and externally for the fenestration. Rig id frames are considered economical for buildings of up to' about 25 stories, above which their drift resistance is costly to control. If, however, a rigid frame is combined with shear walls or cores, the resulting structure is very much stiffer so that its height potential may extend up to 50 stories or more. A flat plate structure is very similar to a rigid frame, but with slabs replacing the girders As with a rigid frame, horizontal and vertical loadings are resisted in a flat plate structure by the flexural continuity between the vertical and horizontal components. As highly redundant structures, rigid frames are designed initially on the basis of approximate analyses, after which more rigorous analyses and checks can be made. The procedure may typically inc lude the following stages: 1. Estimation of gravity load forces in girders and columns by approximate method. 2. Preliminary estimate of member sizes based on gravity load forces with arbitrary increase in sizes to allow for horizontal loading. 3. Approximate allocation of horizontal loading to bents and preliminary analysis of member forces in bents. 4. Check on drift and adjustment of member sizes if necessary. 5. Check on strength of members for worst combination of gravity and horizontal loading, and adjustment of member sizes if necessary. 6. Computer analysis of total structure for more accurate check on member strengths and drift, with further adjustment of sizes where required. This stage may include the second-order P-Delta effects of gravity loading on the member forces and drift.. 7. Detailed design of members and connections.


PROJECTCOSTCONTROL INTRODUCTION project a corporate image window and effectiveness of the source. With increasingly fierce market competition, the quality of work and the construction of civilizations rising material prices fluctuations. uncertainties and other factors, make the project operational in a relatively tough environment. So the cost of control is through the building of the project since the bidding phase of acceptance until the completion of the entire process, It is a comprehensive enterprise cost management an important part, we must organize and control measures in height to the attention with a view to improving the economic efficiency of enterprises to achieve the purpose. 2, outlining the construction project cost control, the cost of the project refers to the cost and process of formation occurred, on the production and operation of the amount of human resources, material resources and expenses, guidance, supervision, regulation and restrictions, in a timely manner to prevent, detect and correct errors in order to control costs in all project costs within the intended target. to guarantee the production and operation of enterprises benefits. 4, the construction cost control measures cost control measures. Reduce the cost of construction projects means, we should not only increase revenue is also reducing expenditure, or both also increase savings. Cutting expenditure is not only revenue, or revenue not only to cut expenditure, it is impossible to achieve the aim of reducing costs, at least there is no ideal lower cost effective.


附录:中英文翻译 英文部分: LOADS Loads that act on structures are usually classified as dead loads or live loads are fixed in location and constant in magnitude throughout the life of the the self-weight of a structure is the most important part of the structure and the unit weight of the density varies from about 90 to 120 pcf (14 to 19 KN/m)for lightweight concrete,and is about 145 pcf (23 KN/m)for normal calculating the dead load of structural concrete,usually a 5 pcf (1 KN/m)increment is included with the weight of the concrete to account for the presence of the reinforcement. Live loads are loads such as occupancy,snow,wind,or traffic loads,or seismic may be either fully or partially in place,or not present at may also change in location. Althought it is the responsibility of the engineer to calculate dead loads,live loads are usually specified by local,regional,or national codes and sources are the publications of the American National Standards Institute,the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and,for wind loads,the recommendations of the ASCE Task Committee on Wind Forces. Specified live the loads usually include some allowance for overload,and may include measures such as posting of maximum loads will not be is oftern important to distinguish between the


学号: 10447425 X X 大学 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (2014届) 外文题目 Developments in excavation bracing systems 译文题目开挖工程支撑体系的发展 外文出处 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 31 (2012) 107–116 学生 XXX 学院 XXXX 专业班级 XXXXX 校内指导教师 XXX 专业技术职务 XXXXX 校外指导老师专业技术职务 二○一三年十二月

开挖工程支撑体系的发展 1.引言 几乎所有土木工程建设项目(如建筑物,道路,隧道,桥梁,污水处理厂,管道,下水道)都涉及泥土挖掘的一些工程量。往往由于由相邻的结构,特性线,或使用权空间的限制,必须要一个土地固定系统,以允许土壤被挖掘到所需的深度。历史上,许多挖掘支撑系统已经开发出来。其中,现在比较常见的几种方法是:板桩,钻孔桩墙,泥浆墙。 土地固定系统的选择是由技术性能要求和施工可行性(例如手段,方法)决定的,包括执行的可靠性,而成本考虑了这些之后,其他问题也得到解决。通常环境后果(用于处理废泥浆和钻井液如监管要求)也非常被关注(邱阳、1998)。 土地固定系统通常是建设项目的较大的一个组成部分。如果不能按时完成项目,将极大地影响总成本。通常首先建造支撑,在许多情况下,临时支撑系统是用于支持在挖掘以允许进行不断施工,直到永久系统被构造。临时系统可以被去除或留在原处。 打桩时,因撞击或振动它们可能会被赶入到位。在一般情况下,振动是最昂贵的方法,但只适合于松散颗粒材料,土壤中具有较高电阻(例如,通过鹅卵石)的不能使用。采用打入桩系统通常是中间的成本和适合于软沉积物(包括粘性和非粘性),只要该矿床是免费的鹅卵石或更大的岩石。 通常,垂直元素(例如桩)的前安装挖掘工程和水平元件(如内部支撑或绑回)被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,从而限制了跨距长度,以便减少在垂直开发弯矩元素。在填充情况下,桩可先设置,从在斜坡的底部其嵌入悬挑起来,安装作为填充进步水平元素(如搭背或土钉)。如果滞后是用来保持垂直元素之间的土壤中,它被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,或之前以填补位置。 吉尔- 马丁等人(2010)提供了一个数值计算程序,以获取圆形桩承受轴向载荷和统一标志(如悬臂桩)的单轴弯矩的最佳纵筋。他们开发的两种优化流程:用一个或两个直径为纵向钢筋。优化增强模式允许大量减少的设计要求钢筋的用量,这些减少纵向钢筋可达到50%相对传统的,均匀分布的加固方案。 加固桩集中纵向钢筋最佳的位置在受拉区。除了节约钢筋,所述非对称加强钢筋图案提高抗弯刚度,通过增加转动惯量的转化部分的时刻。这种增加的刚性可能会在一段时间内增加的变形与蠕变相关的费用。评估相对于传统的非对称加强桩的优点,对称,钢筋桩被服务的条件下全面测试来完成的,这种试验是为了验证结构的可行性和取得的变形的原位测量。 基于现场试验中,用于优化的加强图案的优点浇铸钻出孔(CIDH)在巴塞罗那的几个非对称加强桩的施工过程中观察到混凝土桩沿与测得的变形的结果在常规和描述优化桩。实验证据表明,非对称地增强桩变形比观察到在常规增强那些小。两桩类型(对称和非对称)具有相同的直径,并设计为抵抗基于极限强度设计相同的弯曲力矩;离散杆的尺寸和使用的条全数字的,导致类似的名义抗弯强度。
