

Chapter 5 Semantics

1. Different Approaches to Meaning

1.1 Meaning as naming

◆The meaning of an expression is what it refers to, or names.

(1) One of your friends Holly, a philosophy major, frequently comes up with language questions for you. Recently, she asked, ―Do George Washington and the first president of the United States mean the same thing?‖ What will you tell her?

Answer: The two expressions have the same referent, but the fact that two expressions refer to the same entity does not necessarily entail that they mean the same.

(2) a. the evening star

b. the morning star.

◆Weaknesses of the approach

1.2 Meaning as concept

◆The meaning of an expression is viewed by some linguistics as the concept or idea associated with it. Any symbol is psychologically associated with a particular concept. So when the word chair is spoken, the concept of chair is called upon in the mind of the speaker or the hearer. According to this view, there is no direct link between symbol and referent, that is, between language and world. The link is via thought, the concepts in our minds.

Relation between Concept and Language

From concept to lexical concepts

Lexical concepts are linguistically encoded concepts. Unlike the sort of mental entities referred to by psychologists as ?concepts‘ that cannot find linguistic expressions, lexical concepts are concepts that have a corresponding linguistic expression, or that can be ―externalized via language‖/coded as linguistic expressions. They constitute the semantic pole/value of lexical items.

Language only covers part of the world of concepts which humans have or may have. Lexical concepts are only part of the conceptual world of the human mind, for we have many more concepts and thoughts than there are linguistic expressions to express them. […] Concepts which structure our world of thought are conceptual categories, i.e., concepts of a set as a whole.

◆Weaknesses of the approach

1.3 Meaning as behavior

This approach was adopted by American linguist L. Bloomfield.

The well-known story of Jill and Jack (See Language: 22-26)

◆The meaning of an expression is the observable behaviors connected with the expression when uttered.

1.4 Meaning as context

(3) I went to the bank yesterday.

◆Context determines meaning of words. Or the meaning of expressions is determined not only by the

literal meaning of the expressions but by the context in which they occur.

◆Two kinds of context are recognized: linguistic context and situational context.

i) linguistic context: the discourse or text that surrounds an expression and helps to determine its

meaning. ―We shall know a word by the company it keeps.‖ (J. R. Firth)

(4) a. loud music

b. loud color

ii) situational context: all the circumstances that are involved when an expression is used/uttered.

◆Fillmore:Frame semantics

The frame idea is this: there are certain schemata or frameworks of concepts or terms which link together as a system, which impose structure or coherence on some aspect of human experience, and which may contain elements which are simultaneously parts of other such frameworks. (Fillmore 1975: 123)

These facts about context and perception are relevant to the theory of language in two ways. First, the meanings of words may, more than we are used to thinking, depend on contexted experiences, that is, the contexts within which we have experienced the objects, properties or feelings that provide the perceptual or experiential basis of our knowledge of the meaning of a word (or phrase, or grammatical category)may be inseparable parts of those experiences. (Fillmore 1976a: 24-25)

Second, the process of interpreting an utterance may depend, more than we are used to thinking, on our perception of the context in which the utterance is produced and our memories of the contexts for earlier experiences with the utterance or its constituent parts.

A particularly important notion, figuring especially in recent work in linguistics, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence, is the notion that goes by such names as ―frame,‖ ―schema,‖ and ―scenario.‖Briefly, the i dea is that people have in memory an inventory of schemata for structuring, classifying, and interpreting experiences.

The concept of frame does not depend on language, but as applied to language processing the notion figures in the following ways. Particular words or speech formulas, or particular grammatical choices, are associated in memory with particular frames, in such a way that exposure to the linguistic form in an appropriate context activates in the perceiver‘s mind the particular frame—activation of the frame, by turn, enhancing access to the other linguistic material that is associated with the same frame.

(1) Greeting frame


Social status: initiator; formality



Linguistic expressions

Good morning!

Hi! John. How are you doing?


Hi, there!







(2) The frame of the commercial event

1) Elements of a prototypical commercial event frame

i) the buyer

ii) the seller

iii) the money

iv) the goods

v) the buyer has the money and agrees to surrender the money for the goods

vi) the seller has the goods and agrees to surrender the goods for the money

The Commercial Event Frame

2) Expressions associated with the commercial event frame

i) Harry bought the puppy (from Smith).

ii) Smith sold the puppy (to Harry).


Any one of the many words like buy, sell, pay, etc. , activates the whole event frame in the mind of the speaker who understands the whole commercial event, even though each of these words highlights or foregrounds only one small section of the frame.




Every memorable experience occurs in a meaningful context and is memorable precisely because the experience has some cognitive schema or frames for interpreting it. This frame identifies the experience as a type and gives structure and coherenc—in short, meaning—to the points and relationships, the objects and events, within the experience.

Individual words are learned within such meaningful contexts, and each word serves to foreground some part of the context. (Fillmore 1976a:29)

Fillmore (1976a:29)

One aspect of a linguistic system […] consists in the ways in which the language users‘ cogni tive and interactional frames are linked up with linguistic material. One way of examining a linguistic system, then, is that of providing an inventory of the frames that have linguistic reflexes, paying attention to the number of frames, to the areas of special elaboration, to the degree to which complex frames have been prepackaged in lexical meaning, to the structure and complexity of the frames, and so on.

1.5 Meaning as conceptualization (cognitive linguistics)

2. Word Meaning

2.1 Sense and reference

Sense and reference are two different, though related, aspects of meaning.

Sense relates to the complex system of relationships that hold between the linguistic elements themselves (mostly the words); it is concerned only with intralinguistic relations. The dictionary is usually concerned with sense relations, those exemplified by the following examples:

(5) a. buy – sell

b. father – son

c. cow – bull

d. pig – piglet

e. hot – cold

f. lion – animal

The sense of a word may be defined as the general meaning or the concept underlying the word. As a first approximation, we can describe this as what we usually think of as contained in a dictionary entry for the word in question. (Riemer 2010)

Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements and the non-linguistic world of experience. It is the essential element of semantics, for semantics is concerned largely with the way we relate our language to our experience.

―We have, then, two kinds of semantics, one that deals with semantic structure and the other that deals with meaning in terms of our experience outside language.‖ (Palmer 1981)

Lyons, John. 1995. Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

指称关系是意义研究中的基本概念之一。然而,长期以来,语言表达的所指对象与语言表达的意义没有得到明确的区分,是德国逻辑学家、数学家弗雷格(1848-1925)首先看到了这样区分的意义。弗雷格最初关心的问题与语言没有什么关系,在他大部分的研究生涯中,他的主要研究目标是要阐明数学的逻辑基础。可是,从大约1891年至1906年之间,他开始对意义的问题产生兴趣,并阐述了意义与所指关系的区别,而随后的哲学和语言学也沿用了这一区分。(Riemer 2010: 90)

[…] reference is one of the fundamental concepts of the study of meaning. However, for a long time the distinction was not explicitly drawn between an expression’s referent (the object to which it refers) and its sense (its general meaning, abstracted from its use to refer). It was the German logician and philosopher of mathematics Gottlob Frege (1848–1925) who first saw the significance of this distinction. Frege’s primary concerns had little to do with language; for much of his career, his main goal was to clarify the logical bases of arithmetic. Between about 1891 and 1906, however, he became interested in questions of meaning, and elaborated the distinction between sense (Sinn) and reference (Bedeutung) that subsequent philosophy and linguistics have inherited.(Riemer 2010: 90)

Sense and reference are not on an equal footing in Frege‘s theory of meaning. For him, sense determines reference. It is the sense of an expression which allows us to know what it refers to. For example, if I know what the word amber can refer to, this is because I have a conception of its sense which allows me to pick out real examples of amber when I am confronted with them. (Riemer 2010: 92)

2.2 Seven types of meaning (See Leech: Semantics: The Study of Meaning)

i) conceptual meaning 概念意义

ii) connotative meaning 内涵意义

iii) social meaning 社会意义

iv) affective meaning 情感意义

v) reflective meaning 反射意义

vi) collocative meaning 搭配意义

vii) thematic meaning 主题意义

◆Conceptual meaning

Conceptual meaning is sometimes referred to as logical meaning, denotative meaning, or cognitive meani ng. It is widely assumed to be the ?central‘ meaning or ?core‘ meaning of a lexical item. Usually conceptual meaning can be studied in terms of contrastive features.

◆Connotative meaning

It is the communicative value that a word conveys by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. It varies according to culture, historical period, and the experience of the individual and can be shared by other communicative systems.

(6) woman: ___

i) capable of speech;

ii) gregarious;

iii) frail; "Frailty, thy name is woman."

iv) prone to tears;

v) irrational;

vi) emotional

(7) 狗:____

i) 猪狗不如

ii) 狗眼看人

iii) 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心

iv) 子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫

v) Love me, love my dog.

vi) Every dog has his day.

vii) CoolDog

(8) 龙: ___


◆What is the ultimate goal of a dictionary?

The ultimate aim of a dictionary is to supply its user with referential meaning/ conceptual meaning. And it is done by relating, via sense relations, a word (whose meaning is unknown) to a word or words whose reference is already understood.

3. Lexical Semantics

3.1 Semantic fields/lexical fields

A semantic field is the organization /grouping of related words and expressions into a system which show their relationship to one another. For example, kinship terms such as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt belong to a semantic field whose relevant features include generation, sex, membership of the father‘s or mother‘s side of the family. They are a set of words with identifiable semantic affinity.

color terms: red, yellow, green ,---

words denoting emotional states: angry, annoyed, depressed, sad, afraid, ---

The absence of a word in a particular place in a semantic field of a language is called a lexical gap.

舅舅,叔叔,伯伯--- uncle

侄儿,侄女--- cousin

3.2 Sense relations between words

3.3 Componential analysis (of lexical meaning)

It is a way used in semantics to analyze words in terms of a series of identifying semantic features or meaning components.

For example, the meaning of the word boy could be analysed using the following features: +HUMAN, -ADULT, + MALE

More examples:







Sticky cases

father: +HUMAN , +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE, ??

stepfather: +HUMAN , +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE, ??

table: ??

desk: ??


i) gives a highly explicit account of the lexical meaning of some words;

ii) shows how certain words are related or differentiated.


i) Can the meaning of a word really be pinned down in terms of a set of semantic features?

Conceptual meaning

associative meaning?

ii) How many semantic features shall we need?

4. Sentence Meaning

The meaning of sentences cannot be determined merely by adding up the meaning of each content word of the sentence.

(9) a. The trainer licked the lion.

b. The lion licked the trainer.

Sentences (9a) and (9b) have different meanings, even though they contain exactly the same words. Clearly adding together the meaning of each word will not produce the full meaning of a sentence.

(10) a. The lion licked the trainer.

b. The trainer was licked by the lion.

At the level of referential meaning/ prepositional meaning, the two sentences describe the same situation.

―Voice is a grammatical category which makes it possible to view the action of a sentence in either of two ways, without change in the facts reported.‖ (Quirk et al. 1985: 159)

But are they completely identical in meaning?

4.1 Meaning as truth conditions

(11) a. George Washington was the first president of the United States.

*b. Thomas Jefferson was the first president of the United States.

Some linguists argue that the meaning of a declarative sentence can be given by stating its truth conditions, that is, the circumstances under which the sentence is true. In simple words, knowing the meaning of a sentence is the same as knowing the conditions under which the sentence is true or false. Such an approach to sentence meaning is summed up as truth-conditional semantics, which clearly draws on formal logic.



A statement about sentence meaning is always based on the formulation as follows:

(12)―X‖= 1 iff p.

(13) “雪是白的”为真iff 雪是白的。

◆Weaknesses of the truth condition approach:

4.2 Sentence Meaning in Terms of Semantic Roles

The situations denoted by (9a) and (9b) suggest that the crucial factor in how sentence meaning is constructed is the role played by each noun phrase in relation to the verb, so some linguists consider it necessary to introduce the notion semantic role of a noun phrase. Semantic role refers to the way in which the referent of the noun phrase contributes to the state, action, or situation described by the sentence. It

characterizes the meaning relationship between a noun phrase and the verb of a sentence.


(14) Peter sliced the bread with a knife.


(15) John likes pancakes.

◆cause &instrument

(16) a. Michael was injured by a flying stone.

b. Michael was injured with a stone.

◆recipient / benefactive /locative / temporal

(17) I gave Yolanda a puppy.

(18) Please leave a message for me.

(19) The southwest had a quake.

(20) She left home the day before yesterday.

(21) *The key and John opened the door.

(22) *The ball broke the window with a hammer.

(23) a. *George fell down the cliff to save her.

b. George killed the snake.

Agent: The ?doer‘ or instigator of the action denoted by the predicate.

Patient: The ?undergoer‘ of the action or event denote d by the predicate.

Theme: The entity that is moved by the action or event denoted by the predicate.

Experiencer: The living entity that experiences the action or event denoted by the predicate.

Goal: The location or entity in the direction of which something moves.

Benefactive: The entity that benefits from the action or event denoted by the predicate.

Source: The location or entity from which something moves

Instrument: The medium by which the action or event denoted by the predicate is carried out.

Locative: The specification of the place where the action or event denoted by the predicate in situated.

(Aarts 1997: 88)

A given noun phrase can have different semantic roles in different sentences.

(24) a. The trainer licked the lion.

b. The lion licked the trainer.

The semantic role of a noun phrase differs from its syntactic role/grammatical relations (as subject, object, etc.).

(25) a. The lion licked the trainer.

b. The trainer was licked by the lion.

The semantic roles of the subject

The most typical semantic role of a subject is that of the AGENTIVE participant: that is, the animate being instigating or causing the happening denoted by the verb. (Quirk et al. 1985: 741)

(26) Margaret is mowing the grass.

(27) The wind blew my hat off.

(28) I love beer.

(29) He resembles his father very much.

(30) My tent sleeps four people.

The semantic roles of the object

The most typical semantic role of the direct object is that of the AFFECTED participant, a participant that undergoes a change of state under the impact of the action performed by the AGENTIVE.

(31) a. He pushed at the table.

b. He pushed the table.

(32) a. John smeared paint on the wall.

b. John smeared the wall with paint.


(33) John has painted a new picture.

4.3 Sense relations between sentences

5. Metaphor and Metonymy


第一章作为语言学一个分支的语义学 语义学的建立以法国学者米歇尔·布勒阿尔1897年7月出版《语义学探索》为标记。 该书1900年翻译为英文“语义学:意义科学的研究(Semantics:Studies in the Science of Meaning)”。 这本专著材料丰富,生动有趣,重点在词义的历史发展方面,兼顾词汇意义和语法意义。 全书共三编:1,讲词义变化的定律,介绍变异、扩散、类推等概念;2,讲如何确定词义,介绍释义、比喻、多义、命名等;3,讲词类、词序、组合规则等,涉及语法意义。 除了语言学的语义学,还有逻辑学的语义学,哲学的语义学,还有心理学家对语义的研究。 a,逻辑学的语义学是对逻辑形式系统中符号解释的研究,又称“纯语义学”,对象并非自然语言的语义。 b,哲学的语义学围绕语义的本质展开涉及世界观的讨论。“语义学”或“语义哲学”又是本世纪前半叶盛行于西方的至今仍有影响的一个哲学流派的名称。 c,心理学家研究语义,主要是想了解人们在信息的发出和接收中的心理过程。 d,语言学的语义学把语义作为语言(乃至言语)的一个组成部分、一个方面进行研究,研究它的性质,内部结构及其变异和发展,语义间的关系等等。 布勒阿尔的书给语义的发展以重要地位,声称研究语义的变化构成了语义学。同时它把语义限制在“词语”的意义上,主要是词义上。这两个特点一直贯穿在他以后半个多世纪的若干代表性著作里。 继布勒阿尔之后,一部有世界影响的语义学专著是两位英国学者奥格登和理查兹合写,1923年出版的《意义的意义》(The Meaning of Meaning)。这两位学者还曾共同创制了后来遭到各种非议的“基本英语”(Basic English).


从认知语言学的角度看一词多义现象 摘要:一词多义指一个词项具有多个相关义项的语言现象。新义项的产生不是随机的, 也不是盲目的, 而是人类认知参与下语言历时变化的结果, 因此认知角度的一词多义研究能够比较清楚地揭示一词多义的根源与本质。新义项以基本义项为核心, 按照辐射型或链接型方式排列, 构成一个词项意义的原型范畴。人们总是从基本义项出发, 主要利用隐喻和转喻思维等方式, 将新义项赋予现有词项, 从而使一词多义现象表现出明显的认知理据性。 关键词: 认知; 一词多义; 范畴化; 隐喻; 转喻 Abstract:Polysemy is the linguistic phenomenon in which a lexical item has more than one related meaning. It is the diachronic result of language development facilitated by human cognition. New meanings, centering on the basic meaning and arranged in a radiant or linear manner, form the prototypical category of a w ord. People tend to attach new meanings to a lexical item by w ay of categorization, metaphor and metonymy, which results in the striking motivational features of polysemy. Key words: cognition, polysemy, categorization, metonymy, metaphor 几乎所有的语言中都存在一个普遍现象, 即一个词可能会承载二种以上的意义, 语言学家将此语言现象称为一词多义现象。通过赋予同一词形以更多的词义来减少词的数量, 它极大地丰富了我们的语言,减轻了人们词汇记忆的负担,是人们进一步认知世界的简便、有效的途径,是优于造词、构词和借词的语言手段。因而,一词多义现象一直成为了语义学研究的热点。传统的理论对于一词多义现象做过众多的研究, 其中主要有: K atz 和Fo rdo r( 1963) 基于组词间的类似性提出的语义成分分析法(semantic feature analysis); 由德国学者J. Trier 提出的词在语义上是互相联系的完整的词汇系统语义场理论以及传统的真值语义分析。传统的语义学理论更多地将它归于历史的、社会的因素。这些固然是词义变化的重要因素, 但它们只是外部因素, 传统的语义学理论终究没有看清词义变化和一词多义的关系, 也未能充分地解释一词多义现象形成的缘由。本文试图从认知语义学的角度运用范畴化的型理论对一词多义现象的形成方式,发展模式以及认知手段进行研究。 1.认知语言学的语义观 认知语言观承认客观世界的现实性及对语言形成的本源作用, 但更强调人的认知的参与作用, 认为语言不能直接反映客观世界, 而是由人对客观世界的认知作用之。所谓“心生而言立” , 其认知模式是: 客观世界—认知加工一概念生成一语言符号(赵艳芳,20 0 1 : 3 5 )。Lakof与Jo h n s o n (1 9 8 0 : 1 9 5 : 1 9 9 9 ) 以及L a k o f (19 8 7 )根据他们提出的体验哲学认为: 人类的认知、概念、意义、推理和语言等均源于对客观外界的感知和经验, “体验哲学和C L (cognitive linguistics ) 认为认知来源于实践, 语言是体验和认知的结果” (王寅, 2 0 0 5 : 1 6 )。认知是和语言不可分的, 认知是语言的基础和发端。语言是由客观世界, 人的认知体验, 社会、文化历时与共时价值观及其语用因素促动形成的、具有动态演绎、延异性质和形态的象征符号系统和精

Semantics 语义学

Semantics 1. What is Semantics? Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科 2.Geoffrey Leech利奇Seven types of meaning7种意义类型: ①Conceptual meaning概念意义 ②Connotative meaning内涵意义 ③Social meaning社会意义 ④Affective meaning 感情意义Associative Meaning联想意义(②——⑥) ⑤Reflected meaning反射意义 ⑥Collocative meaning搭配意义 ⑦Thematic meaning主位意义 3.Conceptual meaning(概念意义)is also called “denotative”(外延义)and it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to.概念意义也叫外延义,它关注词语跟它所指称事物之间的联系 Conceptual meaning is meaning given in the dictionary. 4.Associative meaning (联想意义) is the total of all the meanings a person thinks of when they hear the word Associative meaning is the meaning which a word suggests or implies. 5.Thematic meaning (主位意义) is “what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.”它是由词序和词语重音所决定的 6. The Referential Theory(指称理论): ① The Referential Theory ② The Semantic Triangle ③ Sense and Reference 7.The referential theory指称理论 is the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to.指称论是把词语意义跟它所指称的事物联系起来的理论 8. The semantic triangle语意三角 is the indirect relation between a word and a thing it refers to and it is mediated by concept.语意三角指词和所指事物之间没有直接关系,它们是以概念为中介的 9.Sense (涵义) is a set of properties possessed by a name. 10.Reference (指称) is the symbolic relationship that a linguistic expression has with the concrete object. 11. The sense of an expression is the thought it expresses, while its reference is the object it represents Every word has a sense, but not every word has a reference. 12. Sense Relations涵义关系 ①Synonymy(同义关系) ②Antonymy(反义关系)(Gradable、Complementary、Converse) ③Hyponymy(上下义关系) 13.But total synonymy is rare. They may differ in style, connotations and dialect.

英语语义学 Semantics

Semantics Semantics Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular. Semantics = Theory of Meaning Its goal is to reveal how language are matched with their proper meanings by the speakers of that language. Lexical semantics—the study of word meanings. it deals not only with the meanings of individual words but also the relationship between the meanings of different words. Compositional semantics—is concerned exclusively with the meanings of phrases and sentences. History of Semantics 1893 - French linguist Breal coined ―semantique‖. 1897 – Breal first use it as the science of meaning. 1900 – Its English version came out. 1980s – semantics began to be introduced into China. One of the most famous books on semantics is The Meaning of Meaning(1923). Semantic Triangle 语义三角 Concept(meaning) refers to symbolizes Symbol Thing (word)(referent) stands for The Referential Theory 指称论 Concept (Meaning): the mental image, the abstraction or generalization of objects of the same kind. Referent (Thing): the physical entity or actual object, event, idea or whatever if denoted by a word, phrase or expression. Concept VS. Referent (Thing) A referent may exist in the physical world. The concept is abstracted from the referent and labeled by a word. Sense 语义 Sense is the inherent meaning of the linguistic form independent of situational context. It’s abstract and de-contextualized. Sense Relations Sense relations between words


5. Semantics 5.1 What is semantics? Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning. This definition naturally leads to the question: what is meaning? Meaning is central to the study of communication, but the question of what meaning really is is difficult to answer. Even linguists do not agree among themselves as to what meaning is. And what makes the matter even more complicated is th at philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists all claim a deep interest in the study of meaning, although they differ in their focus of interest. The philosophers are interested in understanding the relations between linguistic expressions and what they refer to in the real world, and in evaluating the truth value of linguistic expressions. The psychologists focus their interest on understanding the workings of the human mind through language. This is why it is not surprising to find ten books all bearing the title "Semantics" but talking about different things. In our discussion, we will limit ourselves to the study of meaning from a linguistic point of view. 5.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning 5.2.1 The naming theory One of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also the most primitive one, was the naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things. The limitations of this theory are obvious. First of all, this theory seems applicable to nouns only, but verbs, adjectives, and adverbs such as "think", "hard", "slowly" are definitely not labels of objects. Besides, within the category of nouns, there are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world at all such as "ghost", "dragon", and "unicorn", and also nouns that do not refer to physical objects, but abstract notions such as "j o y", "im pulse ". 5.2.2 The conceptualist view A more sophisticated and seemingly more plausible view than naming is one that relates words and things through the mediation of concepts of the mind. This conceptualist view has been held by some philosophers and linguists from ancient times. This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to (i.e. , between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind. This is best illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested by Ogden and Richards: THOUGHT/REFERENCE SYMBOL/FORM-REFERENT (直线表示两者之间有直接联系,虚线表示两者之间无直接联系。) In the diagram, the SYMBOL or FORM refers to the linguistic elements (words,


The relationship between semantics and pragmatics As a branch of linguistics, semantics can be simply defined as the study of linguistic meaning, which studies literal, structural or lexical meaning conveyed by words, phrases and sentences. What we concerned with is the denotation of the word, namely the relationship between words , phrases and sentences not the possible connotations. It is context independent, de-contextualized.and it deals with what is said. while pragmatics is a study which can be defined as the analysis of meaning in a particular context, which studies non-literal, implicit meaning. It deals with the relations between language and context that are basic to language understanding. pragmatics is context dependent, contextualized. What we concerned is what is communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. Through the definition of semantics and pragmatics, we can see that semantics and pragmatics both concern the meaning of language. But they research the different sides of language, and they have different study methods. The study objects of semantics is words, phrases and sentences, what we need to know is their meaning, sense , reference and presupposes. Different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. And one word may belong to another word. So we can conclude the words to these relations, Such as synonymy, polysemy, homonymy,hyponymy and antonymy. And when we talk about the sense relations between sentences ,we may think of presupposes. Whether it is right under the presupposes. All those are semantics. It would not change with the


1.Hyponymy________. the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter. the relationship that stands between “flute” and “instrument”. C.Both A and B. D. None 2.We can call the relation between “animal” and “horse” as ______. A.Synonymy B. Polysemy C. Homonymy D. Hyponymy 3.The semantic features of the word “girl” can be expressed as _______. A.+ANIMATE, -HUMAN,+ADULT,+MALE. B.+ANIMATE, +UMAN,-ADULT,+MALE. C.+ANIMATE, -HUMAN,+ADULT,-MALE. D.+ANIMATE, -HUMAN,-ADULT,+MAL E. 4.What is the sentential relationship between “He likes skating.”and “ He likes sports.”? A.Presupposition. B.Entailment. C.Contradiction. D.Hyponymy. 5.According to the predication analysis proposed by the British linguist G. Leech, the predication of the sentence “It is raining.” is a ________. A.No-place predication.


概念: 语言符号的任意性、 任意性:也叫绝对任意性 理据性:也叫相对任意性、可论证性、象似性 从语言发展阶段看:原生阶段具有任意性、派生、合成阶段具有理据性,句法组合具有象似性。从语言系统看:单纯词具有任意性。合成词和句子具有任意性。任意性和理据性都是语言符号的特点。 本义、 一般指词的原始意义或较早的意义,从字面上讲,也就是本来的意思。 引申、 引申大体上可以分成隐喻和换喻两种方式。 引申义 词语由本义引申而成的新义。 语义特征(义素)义素 对义位(义项)进行分解得到的语义区别性特征。 语义场、 语义场实际是以一个共同的意义成分为核心聚集起来的词义的聚合。这些词义相互联系、相互制约,在意义上形成一个“场”。 语义场类型 (1)联想语义场: 上下位义场:同属于一个上位概念的下位概念构成联想语义场。颜色词和亲属词。 部分整体义场 顺序义场 2)反义义场 极性对立义场:非A一定B:大小 互补反义义场:非A即B类:死活 关系反义义场:夫妻 (3)同义义场 生日/诞辰父亲/爸爸 (4)多义义场 语义范畴、 语法范畴: 把同一性质的语法意义综合和概括所形成的语法意义的类别 论元(语义角色、语义格)、题元 跟动词发生语义关系的名词(代词)是题元(theme),根据名词和动词具体的语义关系,每一个题元便获得了一个题元角色(thematic role)。乔姆斯基提到的题元角色主要有以下一些:(1)施事(Agent)

(2)受事(Patient) (3)主事(Theme) (4)经事(Experiencer) (5)与事(Beneficiary) (6)工具(Instrument) (7)处所(Location) (8)目标(Goal) (9)来源(Source) 范畴、 大脑对客观世界进行认知加工,经过加工后的世界是主客观相结合的产物。这种主客观相互作用的认知加工过程就是对事物的分类过程即范畴化过程,结果形成认知范畴。 家族相似性 通常认为某一词类的全体成员一定共有某一分布特征,那么全体成员具有家族相似性。1.以运动会为例,各种比赛项目交叉相似。称为家族相似性。 二、原型 .原型是某类范畴中最好、最典型的成员。跟它最接近的成员最具原型性,反之为边缘成员有以下特点: ①决定范畴内涵的属性机器数目是不确定的。 ②范畴的边界是模糊的③成员的地位成员不平等④原型性更高的成员最大限度地区别于其他范畴的原型成员⑤原型是由完形感知形成的。 原型施事、 原型施事范畴中最好、最典型的成员。有5个特征,分别是:自主性、感知性、使动性、位移性和自立性。 原型受事、 原型受事范畴中最好、最典型的成员。有6个特征,分别是:受动、变化、自立、渐成、关涉、类属。 隐喻 借助具体事物谈较为抽象的事物。基本表达公式:A是B。 转喻 根据两个事物的相关性,以一个代替另一个的现象。也是人类普遍的思维方式。 框架: 为了理解语言中词的意义,首先要有一个概念结构,这个概念结构为词在语言及言语中的存在和使用提供背景和动因。这个概念结构就是语义框架。理解其中一个概念就要激活整个框架和框架内所有元素。 意象图式、


认知语义学的六个基本特征 摘要:本文综述概括了认知语义学的六个基本特征,以期更好地了解认知语言学的理论内涵与理论效力,并运用到实际的语言与认知研究中。它们是:意义即概念化、意义的主要基础是感知、语义成分基于空间和拓扑物体、基本认知模型是意象图式模型、语义是句法的基础并且部分地决定句法、概念具有原型特征。 关键词:认知语义学;基本特征;理论效力 Abstract: The paper reviews the six basic tenets of cognitive semantics in order to better understand what cognitive semantics is and what it can do in the research of language and cognition. The six tenets are: semantics is conceptualization, meaning is perceptively grounded, semantic elements are spatial or topological elements, cognitive models are primarily image-schematic, semantics is the basis for syntax which is at least determined by semantics, concepts show prototypical effects. Key words: cognitive semantics; basic tenets; theoretical power Title: The six basic tenets of cognitive semantics 1. 引言 语义学研究大体可以分为两个传统:客观途径和认知途径。客观途径认为,语言表达式的意义是客观外部世界中的某物,即句法结构向客观世界(包括可能世界)物体的映射,因而常用真值条件来定义。那么,语言的意义与语言使用者没有关系。而认知途径认为,语言表达式的意义即心理实体,是语言构成成分向认知结构的映射。语义与外部世界的关系是次要的,而且只有在认知结构确定下来以后才能确定下来。那么,意义独立于真值。外部世界的作用只有在考察认知结构与它的关系时才被考虑进来。 根据Talmy(2000:5)的论述,认知语义学研究概念内容及其在语言中的组织方式。概念内容不但包括意念(ideational)内容,还包括情感、感知等体验内容。认知语义学作为认知语言学的最重要部分,它的一些基本主张也就是认知语言学的基本主张,可以概括为六个基本特征。下文将分别讨论。 2. 意义即(认知模型中的)概念化 这一命题标志着认知语义学同传统语义学的根本分歧。传统语义学的基本取向是客观主义。客观主义的认知观和语言观可以表述为(Lakoff 1987;163): 客观认知:思想是抽象符号的操作。符号的意义对应于外在世界的实体和范畴。因此,大脑可以表征外部世界,折射(mirror)自然。 客观概念:概念是表达下面两种关系的符号:1)符号与概念系统中的其他概念有关联;2)与客观现实世界或可能世界的实体和范畴相对应。 传统语义学认为,语言的意义总是与可能世界相联系,如命题是可能世界与真值的函数。 认知语义学认为,意义存在于脑海中,即语言的意义是语言表达式向认知或心理实体的映射。这一观点否定了真值条件在确定语言的意义中的首要地位。相反,由于真值是认知结构与世界的关系,那么,语言表达式的真值就是次要的了。 但是,意义即概念化的观点不同于Fodor的思维语理论,虽然他也是用心理实体来表征语言的信息。Fodor的思维语理论指的是,说话人根据一组内在的规则计算语言的推理并形成语言回应。构成思维语的心理实体形成语言,语言的句法结构由一组组递归性规则管辖。事


语义学 一.语义学(Semantics)的定义: 研究语言单位的意义,尤其是词语和句子的意义。 二.词汇意义(Lexical Meaning): 1)意义与指称(sense and reference): 意义与指称是语言研究中的两个术语,它们之间既相互联系,又相互区别。意义(sense)是一系列抽象语义特征的集合,与语境无关,可以在字典中查到。而指称(reference)是语言形式在现实物质世界中所指的事物;它涉及语言形式与非语言的现实世界之间的关系。 意义与指称是意义的两个相关但不同的方面,例如“morning star”和“evening star”的意义虽然不同,但其指称一样,都指代天空中的同一颗星星。 2)外延意义(denotative meaning): 指词语所指称的外部世界的事物、状态、抽象情感。例如:dog(狗)的外延意义是指“一种四肢、有毛、会汪汪叫的哺乳动物”,这种意义在任何国家、任何时代都不会改变。 3)内涵意义(connotative meaning): 指源于语言使用者的个人经历、情感、评价、语境等外部因素的意义。例如dragon一词,在汉语文化中象征着“高贵”、“权利”,但在某些英语国家文化中,其内涵意义则为“残暴”和“邪恶”。 三.意义关系(Sense Relationship): 1)同义关系(Synonymy): 方言同义词(Dialectal synonyms):意义相同但方言有差异的词,例如:autumn(BrE)= fall(ArE)。 文体同义词(Stylistic synonyms):意义相同但在文体上或者正式程度上有差别的词,例如:buy(较为随意)——purchase(较为正式)。 搭配同义词(Collocational synonyms):指意义上相同,但是搭配不相同的词。例如:provide和supply,provide sth. for sb.和supply sth. to sb. 在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的同义词(Synonyms with different emotive or evaluative meaning):意义相同,但在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的词,例如:politician (政客)含贬义色彩,statesmen(政治家)含褒义色彩。 存在语义差异的同义词(Semantically different synonyms):意义大致相同,但存在一些细微差异的词。例如:enough强调“足够”,ample强调“富足”。 2)反义关系(Antonymy): 等级反义词(Gradable antonymy):语义相反但语势可变的词对,其相反的词义并非绝对的而是相对的,两极中间可插入表示中间程度的词,体现了对立意义的层次性。例如:hot和cold这对反义词的界定是相对的,且在hot和cold中还可插入warm,lukewarm,cool 等中间词。 互补反义词(Complementary antonyms):一对反义词中,否定其中一个即肯定另一个。例如:boy —girl。 关系反义词(Relationship antonyms):一对反义词之间并不构成对立或否定关系,而是两实体之间的一种反向关系。例如:医生(doctor)和病人(patient)。


什么是语义学 很多人问我如何在掌握基本的程序语言技能之后进入“语义学”的学习。现在我就简单介绍一下什么是“语义”,然后推荐一本入门的书。这里我说的“语义”主要是针对程序语言,不过自然语言里的语义,其实本质上也是一样的。 一个程序的“语义”通常是由另一个程序决定的,这另一个程序叫做“解释器”(interpreter)。程序只是一个数据结构,通常表示为语法树(abstract syntax tree)或者指令序列。这个数据结构本身其实没有意义,是解释器让它产生了意义。对同一个程序可以有不同的解释,就像上面这幅图,对画面元素的不同解释,可以看到不同的内容(少女或者老妇)。 解释器接受一个“程序”(program),输出一个“值”(value)。用图形的方法表示,解释器看起来就像一个箭头:程序===>值。这个所谓的“值”

可以具有非常广泛的含义。它可能是一个整数,一个字符串,也有可能是更加奇妙的东西。 其实解释器不止存在于计算机中,它是一个很广泛的概念。其中好些你可能还没有意识到。写Python程序,需要Python解释器,它的输入是Python代码,输出是一个Python里面的数据,比如42或者“foo”。CPU其实也是一个解释器,它的输入是以二进制表示的机器指令,输出是一些电信号。人脑也是一个解释器,它的输入是图像或者声音,输出是神经元之间产生的“概念”。如果你了解类型推导系统(type inference),就会发现类型推导的过程也是一个解释器,它的输入是一 个程序,输出是一个“类型”。类型也是一种值,不过它是一种抽象的值。比如,42对应的类型是int,我们说42被抽象为int。 所以“语义学”,基本上就是研究各种解释器。解释器的原理其实很简单,但是结构非常精巧微妙,如果你从复杂的语言入手,恐怕永远也学不会。最好的起步方式是写一个基本的lambda calculus的解释器。lambda calculus只有三种元素,却可以表达所有程序语言的复杂结构。 专门讲语义的书很少,现在推荐一本我觉得深入浅出的:《Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi》。只需要看完前半部分(Part I和II,100来页)就可以了。这书好在什么地方呢?它是从非常简单的布尔表达式(而不是lambda calculus)开始讲解什么是递归定义,什么是解释,什么是Church-Rosser,什么是上下文(evaluation context)。在 让你理解了这种简单语言的语义,有了足够的信心之后,才告诉你更多


语义学与翻译 【摘要】语义学是从哲学和语言学方面研究意义的一门学科。第二次世界大战以后,由于不同学科的相互影响,对语义的研究迅速发展。20世纪20~30年代盛行的逻辑实证主义对以后的语义研究产生了重大影响。以卡纳普为代表的“学院派”语义哲学家认为,现代逻辑的主要任务是对“理想”的语言作语法(句法)的语义描写和分析。所指“理想”语言的语义即联结语言符号和世界可见现实或可感知经验的纽带。在他们看来,自然语言在某种程度上是原始的、模糊的、不精确的和容易混淆的。美国人类语言学家沃夫提出了语言相对论,认为说话者学习和使用的语言决定了说话者的感知和思想框架。到40年代,剑桥学派代表人物g.e.穆尔及l.维特根斯坦又提出了“普通语义学”理论。50年代,美国语言学家哈里斯、乔姆斯基等创立转换-生成语法理论,对自然语言的句法结构提出更深刻的见解。 【关键词】语义学;翻译;转换生成语法理论 一、定义 胡壮麟的《语言学教程》里是这样给语义学定义的“semantics examines how meaning is encoded in a language. it is not only concerned with meanings of words as lexical items, but also with levels of language below the word and above it, e.g. meaning of morphems and sentences. the following are what the key concepts look like: semantic components, denotation of


语义学名词解释(20分左右) 1、系统意义和外指意义:①意义等于系统意义和外指意义之和,以语境为中心, 按照语言内和语言外为标准,可将意义分为系统意义和外指意义。不少学者认为这是语义学研究的最重要原则之一,也是区分语义学和语用学的分水岭。 ②系统意义与语境无关,仅仅涉及语言成分内部之间关系的意义,它是意义 的中心,系统意义包括系统意义关系和系统意义特征。③外指意义表明词语跟语言外部世界关系的意义。 2、命题义:命题义相当于描述义或概念义,是句义的中心所在,它是对客观事 物的一种概括性描述。 3、句义:句义指一个合成表达式的意义,是其组成部分的意义函数。一般来说, 句义是词汇意义和句法意义的结合。 4、话语义:话语义指某个句子在特定情景中所具有的意义。 5、语义特征分析法:语法学所说的某一小类实词的语义特征是指该小类实词所 特有的,能对它所在的句法格式起制约作用的,并足以区分其他小类实词的语义内涵和语义要素。 6、衔接的基本概念:衔接是句法或语义层面上的一种连接。在功能语言学中, 指前后对照的一些代词、副词、冠词等成分,连接起句子中的不同部分或语篇中的各个部分。 7、连贯的基本概念:连贯是语篇组织的主要原则之一,涉及对语言使用者的背 景知识、做出的判断以及持有的假设等内容的研究,特别是如何通过使用语言行为实现连贯的交流。 8、情态:情态是一个语义范畴的概念,表达说话人对所说话内容的态度,也可 以说是肯定或相信的态度。 9、蕴涵的基本概念:蕴涵是指两个命题之间存在的如下关系:一个为真时,另 一个随之必为真,反之不然。词汇和句法结构均可以造成蕴涵。 10、实质蕴涵:①真命题可以被任何命题所蕴涵②假命题可以蕴涵任何命题 11、严格蕴涵:前件和后件有必要性,要求前件和后件有必然性,希望能保证| 从某一个命题出发能必然的推出一个真命题。 12、相关蕴涵:希望能保证|在前提和结论之间具有某种|共同内容或意义关联。 13、衍推:语句P衍推语句q,当且仅当若P为真,可以由P内在的推导出q为 真,记作P=>q 14、衍推序列:①具有衍推关系的语句形式|有序集,我们把这个有序集叫做衍 推序列。②衍推方向|倒置规则:肯定式衍推序列和相应否定式衍推序列的起始项和终极项正好相反。 15、预设的基本概念:预设指的是两个命题之间存在的如下关系:当P为真值时, q必然为真,那么P预设q。 16、信息结构的基本概念:①说话人会对听话人头脑中的相关信息情况进行估算, 然后根据这些估算,把他们的言语进行包装。而信息结构所要解决的问题就是:说话人是如何通过语言结构来进行估算的,或者说|相关信息的估算是如何被语法化的。②信息结构包括:已知信息和新信息。已知信息是指说话人认为听话人已经知道的信息。新信息是指说话人试图表达的附加的或新的信息。 17、主语,谓语:①主语是指|跟作为句子核心的谓词有着严格的选择和配置关
