




Chapter 1



The holder of a manufacturing authorization must manufacture medicinal products so as to ensure that they are fit for their intended use, comply with the requirements of the marketing authorization and do not place patients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy.


The attainment of this quality objective is the responsibility of senior management and requires the participation and commitment by staff in many different departments and at all levels within the company, by the company’s suppliers and by the distributors.


To achieve the quality objective reliably there must be a comprehensively designed and correctly implemented system of Quality Assurance Incorporating Good Manufacturing Practice and thus Quality Control.


It should be fully documented and its effectiveness monitored.


All parts of the Quality Assurance systems should be adequately resourced with competent personnel, and suitable and sufficient premises, equipment and facilities.


There are additional legal responsibilities for the holder of the manufacturing authorization and for the authorised person(s).


1.1. The basic concepts of Quality Assurance, Good Manufacturing Practice and Quality Control are inter-related. They are described here in order to emphasise their relationships and their fundamental importance to the production and control of medicinal products.



1.2. Quality Assurance is a wide ranging concept which covers all matters which individually or collectively influence the quality of a product.

1.2质量保证是一个具有广泛含义的概念,覆盖所有单一的或共同的影响产品质量的事宜It is the sum total of the organised arrangements made with the object of ensuring that medicinal products are of the quality required for their intended use. Quality Assurance therefore incorporates Good Manufacturing Practice plus other factors outside the scope of this Code.


The system of Quality Assurance appropriate for the manufacture of medicinal products should ensure that:


i. medicinal products are designed and developed in a way that takes account of the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Laboratory Practice;


ii. production and control operations are clearly specified and Good Manufacturing Practice adopted;


iii. managerial responsibilities are clearly specified;


iv. arrangements are made for the manufacture, supply and use of the correct starting and packaging materials;


v. all necessary controls on intermediate products, and any other inprocess controls and validations are carried out;


vi. the finished product is correctly processed and checked, according to the defined procedures;


vii. medicinal products are not sold or supplied before an authorised person has certified that each production batch has been produced and controlled in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorization and any other regulations relevant to the production, control and release of medicinal products;



viii. Satisfactory arrangements exist to ensure, as far as possible, that the medicinal products are stored, distributed and subsequently handled so that quality is maintained throughout their shelf life;


ix. there is a procedure for self-inspection and/or quality audit which regularly appraises the effectiveness and applicability of the quality assurance system.



1.3. Good Manufacturing Practice is that part of Quality Assurance which ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as required by the marketing authorization or product specification.


Good Manufacturing Practice is concerned with both production and quality control. The basic requirements of GMP are that:


i. all manufacturing processes are clearly defined, systematically reviewed in the light of experience and shown to be capable of consistently manufacturing medicinal products of the required quality and complying with their specifications:


ii. critical steps of manufacturing processes and significant changes to the process are validated;


iii. all necessary facilities for GMP are provided including:


a. appropriately qualified and trained personnel;适合的有资格以及经过培训人员;

b. adequate premises and space; 充足的设施及空间;

c. suitable equipment and services; 适当的设备并养护;

d. correct materials, containers and labels; 正确的物料,包装容器和标签;

e. approved procedures and instructions; 被批准的程序及指令;

f. suitable storage and transport; 适宜的储存及运输;

iv. instructions and procedures are written in an instructional form in clear and unambiguous language, specifically applicable to the facilities provided;

指令和程序的书写用富于教育性的形式,清清楚楚的语言,特别适用于提供的资源;v. operators are trained to carry out procedures correctly;


vi. records are made, manually an/or by recording instruments, during manufacture which demonstrate that all the steps required by the defined procedures and instructions were in fact taken and that the quantity and quality of the product was as expected. Any significant deviations are fully recorded and investigated;


vii. records of manufacture including distribution which enable the complete history of a batch to be traced, are retained in a comprehensible and accessible form;


viii. the distribution (wholesaling) of the products minimises any risk to their quality;


ix. a system is available to recall any batch of product, from sale or supply;


x. complaints about marketed products are examined, the causes of quality defects investigated and appropriate measures taken in respect of the defective products and to prevent re-occurrence.



1.4. Quality Control is that part of Good Manufacturing Practice which is concerned with sampling, specifications and testing, and with the organization, documentation and release procedures which ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are actually carried out and that materials are not released for use, nor products released for sale or supply, until their quality has been judged to be satisfactory.


The basic requirements of Quality Control are that:质量控制的基本要求有:

i. adequate facilities, trained personnel and approved procedures are available for sampling, inspecting and testing starting materials, packaging materials, intermediate, bulk, and finished products, and where appropriate for monitoring environmental conditions for GMP purposes; 具备充分的工具,培训过的人员,被批准的程序实施取样,检查和检验原料,包装材料,中间体,未包装的及最终产品,并且具有适合于监测GMP要求的环境的条件。

ii. samples of starting materials, packaging materials, intermediate products, bulk products and finished products are taken by personnel and by methods approved by Quality Control;


iii. test methods are validated;检验方法经过验证;

iv. records are made, manually and/or by recording instruments which demonstrate that all the required sampling, inspecting and testing procedures were actually carried out. Any deviations are fully recorded and investigated;


v. the finished products contain active ingredients complying with the qualitative and quantitative composition of the marketing authorization, are of the purity required, and are enclosed within their proper container and correctly labelled;


vi. records are made of the results of inspection and that testing of materials, intermediate, bulk, and finished products is formally assessed against specification. Product assessment includes a review and evaluation of relevant production documentation and an assessment of deviations from specified procedures;

记录下检查的结果,检验的结果,包括对原料,中间体,未完全包装和最终产品根据操作指南的正式评价。产品评价包括对相关产品文档的回顾和评估、偏离指定程序的评价。vii. no batch of product is released for sale or supply prior to certification by an authorised person that it is in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorization;


viii. sufficient reference samples of starting materials and products are retained to permit future examination of the product if necessary and that the product is retained in its final pack unless exceptionally large packs are produced.






2.1. 企业应该有足够的高素质的、有相关工作经验的员工。每个人身上的责任不应该过于集中以致于对(产品)质量造成威胁。

2.2. 企业必须有组织架构图。处于管理岗位上的人员应该有清晰的书面工作描述和实施他们职责所需的相应的权力。应当适度给(上述)那些人授予一定权力。对于负责优质生产实践的相关人员的职责不能模糊界定。




2.5. 生产管理部门的负责人通常有以下职责:







2.6. 质量控制部的负责人一般有如下职责:











2.7. 生产和质量控制部的领导一般有一些共同的,或者共同经历的、与质量相关的责任。这些(责任)包括:













2.8. 企业应该为所有生产区人员或者进入控制范畴(包括技术、维护人员和清洁工),以及可能影响产品质量的其他人员提供培训。

2.9. 除了关于优质生产实践理论上和实际上的基础培训,新招募的员工应该接受与其职责相应的培训。应当给予他们持续的培训,而且对于他们的绩效应当进行定期考核。培训项目应当因地制宜,获得生产部或者质量控制部的负责人同意,(同时)要保存培训纪录。






3. 应当根据企业内部不同的需求建立和实施相应的具体的卫生学项目。这些项目应当包括与健康有关的程序,卫生实践和人员服装。生产和控制区的员工应该深刻理解和严格遵守这些程序。应当通过管理和培训会议上的广泛讨论来促进这些卫生学计划的实施。

2.14. 所有员工都应当在入司前体检。生产人员有责任保证与他们所熟知的产品质量相关的健康条件。在最初的体检之后,如有工作和人员健康需要,还可以进行体检。

2.15. 应当采取措施保证在生产药品时,无人染上传染病或者身体表面有任何伤口。2.16.每一个进入生产区的员工应当穿上与工作相关的防护服。


2.18. 应当避免操作者的手直接接触药品,同样也应避免机器的任何部分直接接触(药品)产品。

2.19. 应当指导员工使用洗手液。




Premises and equipment must be located, designed, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out. Their layout and design must aim to minimise the risk of errors and permit effective cleaning and maintenance in order to avoid cross-contamination, build up of dust or dirt and, in general, any adverse effect on the quality of products.




3.1. Premises should be situated in an environment which, when considered together with measures to protect the manufacture, presents minimal risk of causing contamination of materials or products.


3.2. Premises should be carefully maintained, ensuring that repair and maintenance operations do not present any hazard to the quality of products. They should be cleaned and, where applicable, disinfected according to detailed written procedures.


3.3. Lighting, temperature, humidity and ventilation should be appropriate and such that they do not adversely affect, directly or indirectly, either the medicinal products during their

manufacture and storage, or the accurate functioning of equipment.


3.4. Premises should be designed and equipped so as to afford maximum protection against the entry of insects or other animals.


3.5. Steps should be taken in order to prevent the entry of unauthorised people.Production, storage and quality control areas should not be used as a right of way by personnel who do not work in them.


Production Area 生产区域

3.6. In order to minimise the risk of a serious medical hazard due to crosscontamination, dedicated and self-contained facilities must be available for the production of particular medicinal products, such as highly sensitizing materials (e.g. penicillins) or biological preparations (e.g. from live micro-organisms). The production of certain additional products, such as certain antibiotics, certain hormones, certain cytotoxics, certain highly active drugs and non-medicinal products should not be conducted in the same facilities. For those products, in exceptional cases, the principle of campaign working in the same facilities can be accepted provided that specific precautions are taken and the necessary validations are made. The manufacture of technical poisons, such as pesticides and herbicides, should not be allowed in premises used for the manufacture of medicinal products.


3.7. Premises should preferably be laid out in such a way as to allow the production to take place in areas connected in a logical order corresponding to the sequence of the operations and to the requisite cleanliness levels.


3.8. The adequacy of the working and in-process storage space should permit the orderly and logical positioning of equipment and materials so as to minimize the risk of confusion between different medicinal products or their components, to avoid cross-contamination and to minimise the risk of omission or wrong application of any of the manufacturing or control steps.


3.9. Where starting and primary packaging materials, intermediate or bulk products are exposed to the environment, interior surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings) should be smooth, free from cracks and open joints, and should not shed particulate matter and should permit easy and effective cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection.


3.10. Pipe work, light fittings, ventilation points and other services should be designed and sited to avoid the creation of recesses which are difficult to clean. As far as possible, for maintenance purposes, they should be accessible from outside the manufacturing areas.


3.11. Drains should be of adequate size, and have trapped gullies. Open channels should be avoided where possible, but if necessary, they should be shallow to facilitate cleaning and disinfection.


3.12. Production areas should be effectively ventilated, with air control facilities (including temperature and, where necessary, humidity and filtration) appropriate both to the products handled, to the operations undertaken within them and to the external environment.


3.13. Weighing of starting materials usually should be carried out in a separate weighing room designed for that use.



4. In cases where dust is generated (e.g. during sampling, weighing, mixing and processing operations, packaging of dry products), specific provisions should be taken to avoid cross-contamination and facilitate cleaning.


3.15. Premises for the packaging of medicinal products should be specifically designed and laid out so as to avoid mix-ups or cross-contamination.


3.16. Productions areas should be well lit, particularly where visual on-line controls are carried out.


3.17. In-process controls may be carried out within the production area provided they do not carry any risk for the production.


Storage Areas


3.18. Storage areas should be of sufficient capacity to allow orderly storage of the

various categories of materials and products: starting and packaging materials, intermediate, bulk and finished products, products in quarantine, released,

rejected, returned or recalled.

3.18. 储藏区域应该是具备充足的能力允许有秩序进行各种不同种类的材料和产品储藏:原料和包装材料,中间体,大量的散装板半成品和完成的产品,隔离的产品,发表,拒绝,退回或取消的。

3.19. Storage areas should be designed or adapted to ensure good storage conditions. In particular, they should be clean and dry and maintained within

acceptable temperature limits. Where special storage conditions are required

(e.g. temperature, humidity) these should be provided, checked and monitored.

3.19. 储藏区域应该被设计的或适宜的确保良好的储藏条件。尤其,他们应该是干净的和干燥的并且在仓储区域内应维持一个可接受的温度限制要求。具备特别的储藏条件的地点是必需的(举例来说. 温度,湿度)这些应该被提供,检查而且检测。

3.20. Receiving and dispatch bays should protect materials and products from the

weather. Receptions areas should be designed and equipped to allow containers of incoming materials to be cleaned where necessary before storage.

3.20. 接受和急件分发应该保护材料和产品免于受天气的影响. 接收区域应该被设计而且装备允许收入材料被清理的容器哪里必需的在储藏之前.

3.21. Where quarantine status is ensured by storage in separate areas, these areas

must be clearly marked and their access restricted to authorised personnel.

Any system replacing the physical quarantine should give equivalent security.

3.21. 在隔离状态在分开的区域中被储藏确定的地方,这些区域一定清楚地被作记号而且此区域的进入需经过认可的人员审批。无论任何一个系统区域更换实际的隔离工作应该提供相应的安全措施。

3.22. There should normally be a separate sampling area for starting materials. If

sampling is performed in the storage area, it should be conducted in such a way

as to prevent contamination or cross-contamination.

3.22. 那里应该正常地是一个分开为开始材料抽取样品区域. 如果抽取样品在储藏区域中被运行,它应该以如此的一方式被引导当做避免污染或跨污染.

3.23. Segregated areas should be provided for the storage of rejected, recalled or

returned materials or products.

3.23. 隔离区域应该被提供为拒绝, 取消或被送回的材料或产品的储藏。


4. Highly active materials or products should be stored in safe and secure areas.


4. 具有高度不稳定(活跃)因素的材料或产品应该在冷藏库(保险箱)和安全的区域中储存。

3.25. Printed packaging materials are considered critical to the conformity of the

medicinal products and special attention should be paid to the safe and secure

storage of these materials.

3.25. 印刷包装材料是被认为的适合医学的产品和特别的注意应该被考虑到可靠的而且安全的对这些材料进行储藏.

Quality Control Areas 质量控制区域

3.26. Normally, Quality Control laboratories should be separated from production areas. This is particularly important for laboratories for the control of biologicals, microbiologicals and radioisotopes, which should also be separated from each other.


3.27. Control laboratories should be designed to suit the operations to be carried out in them. Sufficient space should be given to avoid mix-ups and crosscontamination. There should be adequate suitable storage space for samples and records.


3.28. Separate rooms may be necessary to protect sensitive instruments from vibration, electrical interference, humidity, etc.


3.29. Special requirements are needed in laboratories handling particular substances,such as biological or radioactive samples.


Ancillary Areas 辅助区域

3.30. Rest and refreshment rooms should be separate from other areas.


3.31. Facilities for changing clothes, and for washing and toilet purposes should be easily accessible and appropriate for the number of users. Toilets should not directly communicate with production or storage areas.


3.32. Maintenance workshops should as far as possible be separated from production areas. Whenever parts and tools are stored in the production area,they should be kept in rooms or lockers reserved for that use.


3.33. Animal houses should be well isolated from other areas, with separate entrance (animal access) and air handling facilities.



3.34 Manufacturing equipment should be designed , located and maintained to suit its intended purpose.


3.35 Repair and maintenance operations should not present any hazard to the quality of the products.


3.36 Manufacturing equipment should be designed so that it can be easily and thoroughly cleaned . It should be cleaned according to detailed and written procedures and stored only in a clean and dry condition.


3.37 Washing and cleaning equipment should be chosen and used in order not to be a source of contamination .


3.38 Equipment should be installed in such a way as to prevent any risk of error or of contamination.


3.39 Production equipment should not present any hazard to the products . The parts of the production equipment that come into contact with the product must not be reactive, additive or absorptive to such an extent that it will affect the quality of the product and thus present any hazard.


3.40 Balances and measuring equipment of an appropriate range and precision should be available for production and control operations.


3.41 Measuring ,weighing ,recording and control equipment should be calibrated and checked at defined intervals by appropriate methods . Adequate records of such tests should be maintained .


3.42 Fixed pipework should be clearly labeled to indicate the contents and , where applicable ,

the direction of flow.


3.43 Distilled ,deionized and , where appropriate ,other water pipes should be sanitized according to written procedures that detail the action limits for microbiological contamination and the measures to be taken .


3.44 Defective equipment should be removed from production and quality control areas ,or at least be clearly labeled as defective.








Good documentation constitutes an essential part of the quality assurance

system. Clearly written documentation prevents errors from spoken

communication and permits tracing of batch history. Specifications,

Manufacturing Formulae and instructions, procedures, and records must be free from errors and available in writing. The legibility of documents is of paramount importance.




4.1. Specifications describe in detail the requirements with which the products or materials used or obtained during manufacture have to conform. They serve as a basis for quality evaluation.

Manufacturing Formulae, Processing and Packaging Instructions state all the

starting materials used and lay down all processing and packaging operations.

Procedures give directions for performing certain operations e.g. cleaning,

clothing, environmental control, sampling, testing, equipment operations.

Records provide a history of each batch of product, including its distribution,

and also of all other relevant circumstances pertinent for the quality of the final





4.2. Documents should be designed, prepared, reviewed and distributed with care. They should comply with the relevant parts of the manufacturing and marketing authorization dossiers.

4.2 文件应当认真的编写、准备、讨论和分发。他们应当遵从制造业和行销的有关授权的文件。

4.3. Documents should be approved, signed and dated by appropriate and

authorised persons.

4.3 文件应该被适当的和授权的人批准、会签和签署日期。

4.4. Documents should have unambiguous contents; title, nature and purpose

should be clearly stated. They should be laid out in an orderly fashion and be

easy to check. Reproduced documents should be clear and legible. The

reproduction of working documents from master documents must not allow any error to be introduced through the reproduction process.

4.4 文件必须有明确的内容;题目、性质和目的应该清楚的描述。他们应该被放置在有秩序的格式中并且易被检查。升级文件必须清楚和清晰。引自主文件的工作文件在过程中不允许被错误的介绍。

4.5. Documents should be regularly reviewed and kept up-to-date. When a

document has been revised, systems should be operated to prevent inadvertent use of superseded documents.

4.5 文件应该有规律的被讨论和保持最新。当一个文件被修改,操作系统以避免替换文件所带来的疏忽。

4.6. Documents should not be hand-written; although, where documents require the entry of data, these entries may be made in clear, legible, indelible handwriting. Sufficient space should be provided for such entries.

4.6 文件不应该是手写的,但是,文件需要数据的输入,这些输入数据必须是清楚的、易读的和不能消除笔迹的。应该为这些数据输入提供充分的空间。

4.7. Any alteration made to the entry on a document should be signed and dated; the alteration should permit the reading of the original information. Where appropriate, the reason for the alteration should be recorded.

4.7 任何文件内容的变更都必须要经过签名和签署日期。变更应该允许读到最初的信息,记录变更原因。

4.8. The records should be made or completed at the time each action is taken and in such a way that all significant activities concerning the manufacture of medicinal products are traceable. They should be retained for at least one year after the expiry date of the finished product.

4.8 当每一个生产操作实施时,生产记录应该记录。同样,制造药品的重要活动应该是可以追述的。生产记录应该至少保持到产品有效期后1年。

4.9. Data may be recorded by electronic data processing systems, photographic or other reliable means, but detailed procedures relating to the system in use should be available and the accuracy of the records should be checked. If documentation is handled by electronic data processing methods, only authorised persons should be able to enter or modify data in the computer and there should be a record of changes and deletions; access should be restricted by passwords or other means and the result of entry of critical data should be independently checked. Batch records electronically stored should be protected by back-up transfer on magnetic tape, microfilm, paper or other means. It is particularly important that the data are readily available throughout the period of retention,.

4.9 数据可能被电子数据处理系统记录,照相的或其它可靠的方法,但是使用的体系有关的详细的程序必须是有用的,而且记录的精确性应该被检查。如果文件用电子数据处理方法记载,只有授权人有能力进入计算机检测数据,并且这些变更和删减必须记录;入门必须用密码或其它方法进行严格限制,输入数据的结果必须独立的检查。一批电子生产记录可以用磁带、胶片、纸张或其它方法进行备份储存。一些重要的数据应该在保持过程中容易获取。





4.10 There should be appropriately authorised and dated specifications for starting and packaging materials, and finished products; where appropriate, they should be also available for intermediate or bulk products.

4.10 对起始材料、包装材料、最终成品和中间体、待包装产品都应该有授权的和签署日期的规范。

Specifications for starting and packaging materials


4.11. Specifications for starting and primary or printed packaging materials should include, if applicable:

4.11 起始原料和重要的包装材料的说明适用以下内容:

a) a description of the materials, including:


! the designated name and the internal code reference;


! the reference, if any, to a pharmacopoeial monograph;


! the approved suppliers and, if possible, the original producer of the products;


! a specimen of printed materials;


b)directions for sampling and testing or reference to procedures;


c)qualitative and quantitative requirements with acceptance limits;


d)storage conditions and precautions;


e) the maximum period of storage before re-examination.


Specifications for intermediate and bulk products


4.12. Specifications for intermediate and bulk products should be available if these are purchased or dispatched, or if data obtained from intermediate products are used for the evaluation of the finished product. The specifications should be similar to specifications for starting materials or for finished products, as appropriate.


Specifications for finished products


4.13. Specifications for finished products should include:

4.13 最终产品的说明应该包括以下内容:

a)the designated name of the product and the code reference where applicable;


b)the formula or a reference to;


c) a description of the pharmaceutical form and package details;


d)directions for sampling and testing or a reference to procedures;


e)the qualitative and quantitative requirements, with the acceptance limits;


f)the storage conditions and any special handling precautions, where applicable;


g)the shelf-life.




Formally authorised Manufacturing Formula and Processing Instructions should exist for each product and batch size to be manufactured. They are often combined in one document.


4.14. The Manufacturing Formula should include:

4.14 制造流程应该包括以下内容:

a)the name of the product, with a product reference code relating to its specification;


b) a description of the pharmaceutical form, strength of the product and batch size;


c) a list of all starting materials to be used, with the amount of each, described using the

designated name and a reference which is unique to that material; mention should be made of any substance that may disappear in the course of processing;


d) a statement of the expected final yield with the acceptable limits, and of relevant

intermediate yields, where applicable.



5. The Processing Instructions should include:

4.15 处理过程的说明应该包括以下内容:

a) a statement of the processing location and the principal equipment to be used;


b)the methods, or reference to the methods, to be used for preparing the critical equipment

(e.g. cleaning, assembling, calibrating, sterilizing);


c)detailed stepwise processing instructions (e.g. checks on materials,

pretreatments, sequence for adding materials, mixing times, temperatures);


d)the instructions for any in-process controls with their limits;


e) where necessary, the requirements for bulk storage of the products;including the container, labelling and special storage conditions where applicable;


e)any special precautions to be observed.




4.16. There should be formally authorised Packaging Instructions for each product for pack size and type. These should normally include, or have a reference to, the following:

4.16 每一个产品的包装尺寸和类型都应当被正式的授权说明,这些通常包括或者相关的下列内容。

a)name of the product;


b)description of its pharmaceutical form, and strength where applicable;


c) the pack size expressed in terms of the number, weight or volume of the

product in the final container;


d) a complete list of all the packaging materials required for a standard

batch size, including quantities, sizes and types, with the code or reference number relating to the specifications of each packaging material;



鞋业(类)常用术语中英文对照 ---欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店 --https://www.360docs.net/doc/5217646060.html, 目录 第一章:Stage 阶段………………………………P2-P10 第二章技术……………………………P7-P15 第三章鞋型转移……………………………P16-P17 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/5217646060.html,- 1 -

第一章:Stage 阶段 ----欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店https://www.360docs.net/doc/5217646060.html, I.3.1. Two main sections in Dev. Division 开发的两大部分: 1. Development section: explain more in process of new models to make samples in order to introduce market to achieve qty. 开发部分:此部分着重于新型体的样品制作,以便可介绍给客户来争取一定数量的订单。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5217646060.html,mercialization section: explain more in process of technical after it was developed with Fitting test and Wear test to ensure that all products meet consumers’ expectations in terms of Fitting, Comfort and Performance. 技术部分:开发转移到技术部门,此阶段着重于在开发阶段完成试穿测试, 确保产品在试穿/舒适/功能方面可满足客户的要求后进行的技术工作。 I.3.2. Development Stages 开发阶段 I.3.2.1. PPR: Pre Prototype Review 初始线条评估 1st stage to review all sample products Internally by customer ( Marketing,designer,L.O) For performance shoes, we have Fitting and Wear Test Sample to be sent. * The topics of review are : 1. Material 2. Quality 3. Performance 4. Price 5. Color 6. Design 7. Forecast 客人内部(市场销售、设计师、本地客人)对于新鞋型第一阶段之评估。 对于功能性鞋型,我们要寄Fitting test &Wear test试穿样品。 此时检查要点如下: 1、材料 2、品质 3、功能 4、价格 5、颜色 6、设计 7、订单预测 I.3.2.2. PFR:Prototype Final Review 最后线条评估 Final stage to review all sample shoes before introducing the products to the customers. At this time, all key points should be finally decided (Pattern / Design, Color,Price, Material (should be released), etc.). The result of Fitting Test should be considered for PPR meeting as a basic. 在全部新鞋型介绍给客户前之最后检查阶段,此时所有要点均需做出最后确定,如:纸版、设计、颜色、价位、材料(必须是通过了测试)等等。 寄出试样鞋时需附上试穿报告。此时的试穿结果是PPR 会议之基本考量点。 I.3.2.3. SMS1:Salesman Sample 1 销样一 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/5217646060.html,- 2 -


环境保护相关专业术语、名词 、环境管理基本词汇 1.循环经济:是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心, 以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,是对量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统增长模式的根本变革。 2.清洁生产:是指不断采取改进设计、使用清洁的能源和原 料、采用先进的工艺技术与设备、改善管理、综合利用等措施,从源头削减污染,提高资源利用效率,减少或者避免生产、服务和产品使用过程中污染物的产生和排放,以减轻或者消除对人类健康和环境的危害。 3.清洁能源:指消耗后不产生或很少产生污染物的可再生能 源,以及采用清洁能源技术处理后的化石能源(如清洁煤、清洁油)。 4.绿色GDP :指绿色国内生产总值,是对GDP 指标的一种调整,为扣除经济活动中投入的环境成本后的国内生产总值,是用以衡量各国扣除了自然资产(包括资源环境)损失之后的新创造的真实的国民财富总量的核算指标。 5.生态补偿:指通过对损害(或保护)资源环境行为进行收费 或收税(或补偿),提高其行为的成本(或收益),从而激励损害(或保护)行为的主体减少(或增加)因其行为带来的外部不经济性(或外部经济性),来达到保护资源的目的。 5. 生态功能区划:指根据区域生态环境要素、生态环境敏感性与生

态服务功能空间分布规律,将区域划分成不同生态功能区的过程。 6.中水回用:中水这个词出自日本,取介于上水和下水之间的意思,是指生活污水经过处理后,达到规定的水质标准可在一定范围内重复使用的非饮用水。 7.“十五小”企业:指1996 年《国务院关于加强环境保护若干问题的决定》中明令取缔关停的十五种重污染小企业,包括小造纸、小制革、小染料、土炼焦、土炼硫、土炼砷、土炼汞、土炼铅锌、土炼油、土选金、小农药、小电镀、土法生产石棉制品、土法生产放射性制品、小漂染企业等。 8.“新五小”企业:指国家经贸委、国家发改委限期淘汰和关闭的破坏资源、污染环境、产品质量低劣、技术装备落后、不符合安全生产条件的企业,包括小水泥、小火电、小炼油、小煤矿和小钢铁企业等。 9.污染物排放总量控制:指根据一个地区(区域或流域,以下同)的环境特点和自净能力,依据环境质量标准,将污染物排放总量控制在环境承载能力范围之内。 10.排污权交易:指对污染物排放进行管理和控制的一种经济手段,是一种以市场为基础的控制策略。排污申报登记要求向环境中排放污染物的单位和个体工商户,按照国家环境保护行政主管部门的规定,向所在地环境保护行政主管部门的环境监察机构申报正常作业条件下排放污染物的种类、数量、浓度(强度)和与排污情况有关的生产、经营、治污设施 等情况,以及排放污染物有重大改变时及时进行申报的过程。 11.排污收费制度:是我国环境管理的一项基本制度和促进污染防治的一项重要经济政策。 12.排污许可制度:指以污染物排放总量控制为基础,由环境保护


初一地理澳大利亚习题精选 一、选择题 1.有关墨累河的叙述,错误的是() A.源于大分水岭向东注入太平洋 B.是全国最大的河流 C.流经中部平原 D.源于大分水岭,向西南注入印度洋 2.以下说法正确的是() A.澳大利亚是个地广人稠的国家 B.是世界上独占一个大陆的国家 C.位于印度洋与大西洋之间 D.属于北半球的国家 3.下列关于澳大利亚特有动物的说法,正确的是() A.澳大利亚有植物12000种,其中6000种是其他大洲没有的 B.有鸟类650种,350种是特有的 C.全球有袋类动物150种,大部分分布在澳大利亚 D.最着名的是善于游泳的袋鼠和跳远名将鸸鹋 4.关于澳大利亚城市的说法,正确的是() A.首都堪培拉是全国最大的工业中心 B.悉尼是座规划建设的城市,环境优美 C.墨尔本是全国第二大城市 D.西南部的珀斯是全国最大的港口 5.有关澳大利亚养羊的说法,错误的是() A.澳大利亚的绵羊大部分是美利奴羊%集中在中、西、北部粗放牧羊带 C.这里的绵羊是产毛量高的细毛羊 D.因为没有野生大型食肉动物,可以围栏放牧 6.澳大利亚出口的主要农产品是() A.小麦、羊毛 B.羊毛、水稻 C.羊毛、棉花 D.玉米、小麦 7.澳大利亚人口和城市主要分布在() A.东北部地区 B.东南部沿海地区 C.中部地区 D.西部地区

二、填空题: 1.澳大利亚国徽上的两种特有动物是_______和_______。 2.世界上长期孤立状态的大陆除_______大陆外,还有_______大陆。 3.澳大利亚的农牧业十分发达,是世界上_______数和_______出口最多的国家,还是重要的_______、_______出口国。 4.澳大利亚的工矿业,二战后迅速发展起_______业、_______和_______业,现已成为经济支柱产业。 5.全国最大的城市是_______,这里有着名的_______建筑。 二、综合题 1.读澳大利亚人口分布图,回答:澳大利亚人口分布 (1)读图分析澳大利亚人口主要分布在 __________________地区和____________地 区。 (2)从气候条件方面说说看这种分布特 点的原因___________________。 (3)再从对外交通方面说说原因 ______________________。 (4)试从经济发展方面找找原因 ______________________。 2.澳大利亚首都的房屋朝阳的是 ____________,其原因是________________________。学校放暑假在 ____________月,其原因是____________。 3.读澳大利亚地形分布图,回答: (1)____________线穿过中部;西部是____________洋、东部是____________洋,从经度位置来说位于____________半球。面积是世界第____________大国。 (2)西部是低矮的____________,海拔不足____________米;中部是大面积的____________,这里有世界着名的____________盆地,____________丰富,地势最低处在____________湖;东部地形为____________。


从单语语文词典释义的灵活性看英汉双语词典的释义 李红梅 一、单语语文词典释义的灵活性及原因 释义(单语),简言之,就是词典编纂者对每个词目在广泛语言环境的运用中所表现出来的含义,经过综合、分析、概括(包括多义词的分项)后用最简洁的文字把它准确地解释出来。根据词典性质、对象、规模的差异,编者会选择不同的释义风格。粗略翻阅一下《韦氏三版新国际英语词典》( Webster s Third New International Dictionary)、《兰登书屋词典》(Random House Dictionary)和《朗文当代英语词典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),我们可以看出:由于《韦氏三版》是大型综合性词典,针对的读者对象主要是学者;《兰登》是普通语文词典,针对的是一般使用者;而《朗文》是为英语学习者而编的学生词典,它们的释义风格相差很大。且不说不同读者对象的词典,单就两部同是学习词典的《牛津现代英语高级学生词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) 和《朗文当代英语词典》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),我们就可以清楚地看到以下释义方面的不同(以使用较多的牛津1989年版和朗文1987年版为例): 1.两部学生词典释义词难易不同 2.释义详尽程度和区别性特征细节不同 3.义项的确立、分合与排列不同 4.语用标识不同 单语语文词典释义的主观伸缩性或灵活性是有原因的。 1.“语言的本质功能在于它是一种交际工具,创制和使用语言的目的是为了满足人们的交际需要,而且是全社会的交际需要。”(张联荣,1997)因此作为语文词典的释义反映的不一定是一种内涵的认识,而是满足交际需要的语文义,即人对某种事物的一种认识和评价,而不同编者对这种语文义的认识即对特定事物和概念的认识和评价是存在差异性的。这就造成了词典释义的处理带有一定的灵活性和主观性。 2.定义要包括所需要的尽可能多的区别性特征以和其他同类的概念相区分。这是术语学的基本原则。但是这一原则不同程度地适用于普通语文词典。“普通语文词典只需根据词典编纂的目的罗列足够的区别性特征达到精确表达符号的内容即可。”(Svensen,1993)“足够的区别性特征”是一个很模糊的概念,这给词典编纂者很大的活动空间。因此传统的“属+种差”释义方法中“种差”即“区别性特征”的取舍也是带有一定灵活性的。 3.模糊语言学认为:一些词的外延部分不明确,一些词义之间或几个义项之间没有一条泾渭分明的界限,不是非此即彼,而是亦此亦彼。比如“爱”的词义是很模糊的,很多表示深挚的感情都可以用它来表示。词典给这样一些模糊词释义时常带有编者的主观情感和主观认识的差异性。 4.编者要根据读者对象不同而选择释义风格,如学者需要词典编者给出尽量多的信息;学习者需要简单明了的释义。因此词典对某个义项的语义内涵揭示到什么程度和它所涵盖的词汇量及信息范围必须视读者的需要而定。 5.英语还有国别之分,英国与美国在词典编纂方面有观点和手法上的区别。 二、单语语文词典释义灵活性在双语词典中的体现 编纂一部双语词典要有丰富的资料。资料的来源一般有两种:一种是在编纂宗旨和类型确定之后自建第一手语料库;另一种是选择几部具有权威性的单语词典作为参考依据,以其中一部作为蓝本,然后据此加以增删。由于并非所有的编纂者都具备大规模收集第一手资料的条件,多数双语词典是以一部或多部单语词典为蓝本,根据双语词典的特点及双语词典使用者的需求编纂而成。于是单语词典释义的灵活性在双语词典中也得到了体现。 如heinous 一词,不同的英汉双语词典分别解释为。


熟练掌握名目繁多金融术语除了是专业人士的必修课外,在金融渗透、人人参与投资的时代,了解一些常用的金融术语也对普通投资者们大有益处。本文就为你详细列举了一些常用的可中英文对照的金融术语,帮助你了解生活中的金融。 金融 资产组合(Portfolio):指投资者持有的一组资产。一个资产多元化的投资组合 通常会包含股票、债券、货币市场资产、现金以及实物资产如黄金等。 证券投资(Portfolio Investment) :国际收支中、资本帐下的一个项目,反映资 本跨国进行证券投资的情况,与直接投资不同,后者涉及在国外设立公司开展业务,直接参与公司的经营管理。证券投资则一般只是被动地持有股票或债券。 投资组合经理(Portfolio Manager):替投资者管理资产组合的人,通常获授权 在约定规范下自由运用资金。共同基金的投资组合经理负责执行投资策略,将资金投资在各类资产上。 头寸(Positio n):就证券投资而言,头寸是指在一项资产上做多(即拥有)或做空(即借入待还)的数量。 总资产收益率(ROTA):资产收益率是企业净利润与平均资产总额地百分比,也 叫资产回报率(ROA),它是用来衡量每单位资产创造多少净利润的指标。其计 算公式为:资产收益率二净利润/平均资产总额X 100% ;该指标越高,表明企业 资产利用效果越好,说明企业在增加收入和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果,否则相反。 整批交易(Round Lot Trade):指按证券和商品在市场最普遍的交易单位(例如 100股为一单位)进行的交易。 交易回合(Round Turn):指在同一市场上通过对两种证券或合约一买一卖,或 一卖一买的交易两相抵消。通常在计算手续费时会提及交易回合。


环境保护专业术语解读1、黑臭水体: 所谓黑臭是有机污染的一种极端现象,是由于水体缺氧,有机物腐败而造成的一种现象。 黑臭状态是水体的一个极端状态,其本身的特点也与其他状态有很大不同。其理化环境表现为强还原性质,有机无机污染极其严重,水体有异味,已经不适合水生生物生存,水生植被退化甚至灭绝,浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖动物只有少量耐污种存在。食物链断裂,食物网支离破碎,生态系统结构严重失衡,功能严重退化甚至丧失。 2、河长制: 河长制,即由各级党政主要负责人担任“河长”,负责组织领导辖区内河湖的管理和保护工作的一种长效机制。 全面推行河长制,是以保护水资源、防治水污染、改善水环境、修复水生态为主要任务,全面建立省、市、县、乡四级河长体系,构建责任明确、协调有序、监管严格、保护有力的河湖管理保护机制,为维护河湖健康生命、实现河湖功能永续利用提供制度保障。 3、湾长制: “湾长制”是青岛市政府发布的海湾管理保护措施,是青岛在海湾管理保护方面的创新举措。2017年9月14日,青岛在全国率先推行“湾长制”。

“湾长制”以主体功能区规划为基础,以逐级压实地方党委政府海洋生态环境保护主体责任为核心,以构建长效管理机制为主线,以改善海洋生态环境质量、维护海洋生态安全为目标,加快建立健全陆海统筹、河海兼顾、上下联动、协同共治的治理新模式。 4、BOD 生化需氧量(Biochemical Oxygen Demand的缩写) 地面水体中微生物分解有机物的过程消耗水中的溶解氧的量,称生化需氧量,通常记为BOD,常用单位为毫克/升。 COD 化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand的缩写) 水体中能被氧化的物质在规定条件下进行化学氧化过程中所消耗氧化剂的量,常用单位为毫克/升,通常记为COD。 二者的比较:COD的测定不受水质条件限制,测定的时间短。但是COD不能区分可被生物氧化的和难以被生物氧化的有机物,不能表示出微生物所能氧化的有机物量,而且化学氧化剂不仅不能氧化全部有机物,反而会把某些还原性的无机物也氧化了。所以采用BOD 作为有机物污染程度的指标较为合适。在水质条件限制不能做BOD 测定时,可用COD代替。 5悬浮物(通常用SS表示) 指悬浮在水中的固体物质,包括不溶于水中的无机物、有机物及泥砂、黏土、微生物等。水中悬浮物含量是衡量水污染程度的指标之一。悬浮物是造成水浑浊的主要原因。 6、色度 一项感官性指标,各行业都有使用。


澳大利亚首都特区Canberra 新南威尔士州Sydney Albury Armidale Bathurst Broken Hill Cessnock Coffs Harbour Dubbo Gosford Goulburn Grafton Griffith Lake Macquarie Lismore Maitland Newcastle Nowra Orange Port Macquarie

Queanbeyan Tamworth Tweed Heads Wagga Wagga Wollongong Wyong 维多利亚州Melbourne Ararat Benalla Ballarat Bendigo Geelong Mildura Shepparton Swan Hill Wangaratta Warrnambool Wodonga Maryborough 昆士兰州

Bundaberg Cairns Coolangatta Gladstone Gold Coast region Hervey Bay region Ipswich Logan Mackay Maryborough Mount Isa Southport Rockhampton Sunshine Coast region Toowoomba Townsville 西澳大利亚州Perth Albany Broome Bunbury

Fremantle Kalgoorlie Mandurah Port Hedland 南澳大利亚州Adelaide Mt Gambier Merry bridge Port Augusta Port Pirie Port Lincoln Willy ara 塔斯曼尼亚Hobart Berne Devonport Port Arthur Glen nage Launceston


常用术语中英文词典 Raw materials: alumina 铝土 bauxite 铝矿土 log 大圆棒 billet 小圆棒(铝棒) butt 废料(挤压切头) Magnesium 镁 Silicon 硅 Iron 铁 Copper 铜 Manganese 锰 Chromium 铬 extruability 可挤压性 strength-to-weight ratio 强度重量比quenching 淬火 conductivity 可导电性,导电率Equipment: 设备: log conveyor 大圆棒运输机 log furnace 大圆棒加热炉 billet furnace 铝棒加热炉 solvus tempreture 溶线温度 solidus tempreture 固线温度 log shear 圆棒剪 billet transveyor 铝棒运输机 press loader 挤压机托料架机械手ram 挤压杆 dummy block 压饼(挤压垫)container 盛锭筒 container liner 盛锭筒内衬(内套)runout table 输出台 front platen 前板 main cylinder 主缸 Die: 模具: die ring 模套 die 模具 backer 模垫 bolster 前垫 shim (sub-bolster) 后垫 feeder 导流板 pocket(cavity of feeder) 袋式平模hollow die 空心模 semi-hollow die 半空心模 solid die 平模

aperture (pocket) 孔隙 die cap 下模(母模) mandrel 上模(公模) porthole 孔式分流模 pancake 园盘式模 bridge 桥式模 spider 蜘蛛模 horse shoe 马蹄形止口 tool carrier 模座 die bearing 工作带 relief 空刀 die oven 模具加热炉 radiant oven 辐射炉 infrared oven 红处线炉 lead-out table 导出台 quench box 淬火槽 standing-wave cooling 过水槽冷却 mist cooling 水雾冷却 air cooling 风冷 web 桥 port 进料孔 puller 牵引机 transfer belts 传送台 cooling belt 冷却带(台) stretcher 拉直机(调直机) tail head 固定端 power head 活动端 clamps 夹头 crossover belts (拉直机)传送带 staging and saw: 锯切工作台和锯 staging area 锯切工作台 saw 锯 batching belt 配置传送带 saw gauge 锯切定尺台 supervisory control system(SCS) 监视控制系统programmable logic controller(PLC) 可编过程控制器aging oven 时效炉 Process temperature rise 挤压时的上升温度 exit temperature 出口温度 tearing 扯裂 container wall 挤压筒筒壁 shear zone exit temp. measurement 出口温度测量


第一部分计算机算法常用术语中英对照 Data Structures 基本数据结构Dictionaries 字典Priority Queues 堆Graph Data Structures 图Set Data Structures 集合Kd-Trees 线段树Numerical Problems 数值问题Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组Fourier变换Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法Satisfiability 可满足性Determinants and Permanents 行列式Linear Programming 线性规划Matching 匹配Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题Clique 最大团Cryptography 密码Random Number Generation 随机数生成Shortest Path 最短路径recursion递归Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定Searching 查找Sorting 排序Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算Calendrical Calculations 日期 Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Combinatorial Problems 组合问题 Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成 Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成 Generating Graphs 图的生成Job Scheduling 工程安排 Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Network Flow 网络流 Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路 Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Independent Set 独立集 Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘 Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Vertex Cover 点覆盖 Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分 Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色 Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何 Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分 V oronoi Diagrams V oronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询 Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题 Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形 Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题 Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩 DP—Dynamic Programming动态规划Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串String Matching 模式匹配 Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化


铬是一种银白色的坚硬金属,比铁稍轻,有三价和六价化合物。有铬的化合物都有毒性,其中六价铬的毒性最大。铬有致癌作用,铬致癌的部位主要是肺,其次是肝和肾。六价铬对人主要是慢性毒害,通过消化道、呼吸道、皮肤和黏膜侵入人体后主要积聚在肝、肾和内分泌腺中。人和动物喝下含有六价铬的水后,六价铬会被体内许多组织和器官的细胞吸收。人的致死量是5克。但同时,铬也是人体必需的一种微量元素,每天摄取铬的正常范围是0.05微克。眼睛近视和糖尿病就和铬元素缺乏有关。 铬渣是在生产金属铬和铬盐过程中产生的工业废渣,是一种毒性较强的危险废物。在无还原剂时,重铬酸钠的水溶液含有剧毒的含六价铬的重铬酸根。铬渣露天堆放,受雨雪淋浸,所含的六价铬被溶出渗入地下水或进入河流、湖泊中,污染环境。严重污染带内水中六价铬含量可高达每升数十毫克,超过饮用水标准若干倍。六价铬、铬化合物以及铬化合物气溶胶等,能以多种形式危害人畜健康。因此铬渣的堆存场必须采取铺地防渗和加设棚罩。 丰田全球环境?基础设施事业开发部门,以电力、水、交通这些与人们的生活息息相关的基础设施领域的事业及相关商务为核心,积极致力于有利于防止全球变暖和保障能源安全的可再生能源事业及排放权事业,绿色环保车的普及和蓄电用不可或缺的大容量锂离子电池的制造事业以及智能社区的开发等事业。 为实现可持续发展的社会,重要的是要具有长远的眼光,在考虑地球环境的同时,还要认识到,今后为使更多的人能与越来越少的资源共存,寻找其解决方法、制定制度、开发新技术是至关重要的。基于上述认识,我们将在公共性和成长性较高的领域,通过我们的事业,为构建可持续发展的社会做出贡献,同时,致力于确立长期稳定的盈利基础,并不断提升企业价值。 页岩气,是从页岩层中开采出来的天然气,是一种重要的非常规天然气资源。页岩气的形成和富集有着自身独特的特点,往往分布在盆地内厚度较大、分布广的页岩烃源岩地层中。较常规天然气相比,页岩气开发具有开采寿命长和生产周期长的优点,大部分产气页岩分布范围广、厚度大,且普遍含气,这使得页岩气井能够长期地以稳定的速率产气。


澳大利亚主要城市介绍 堪培拉(Canberra) 澳大利亚首都堪培拉坐落于Lake Burley Griffin岸边,是澳大利亚的政治中心。澳洲联邦政府、国会及外国使馆都汇集于此。由于四周森林环绕、绿意盎然,且邻近自然秀丽的乡村,令堪培拉成为优雅的现代化都市,更享有“天然首都”的美誉。 悉尼(Sydney) 洋溢着蓬勃生命力并具有多元文化的悉尼,是高级购物和享用露天美食的天堂,无论历史悠久的景点,还是金黄耀目的海滩,以及阳光充沛的地中海式气候,都极具魅力。悉尼港也是世界少见、景色绝佳的天然海港之一,生活节奏轻松而悠闲。悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府,也是澳洲经济、文化和教育的中心。 墨尔本(Melbourne) 位于美丽的YARRA河畔的维多利亚州首府墨尔本市,是澳大利亚第二大城市。除了墨尔本杯赛马和墨尔本网球公开赛名闻遐迩外,兼容并蓄的丰富景观、有轨电车与林荫交错的大道,精致的维多利亚式建筑物与高耸入云的摩天大楼,也早已脍炙人口。墨尔本也多次被联合国评为最适合人类居住的城市。 布里斯班(Brisbane) 同时具有大都会的繁荣及优雅闲适的生活气息,加上明朗的气候,不负“阳光之州”昆士兰首府的美誉。布里斯本揭开了许多观光胜地的序幕,其中最值得一游的地方当属黄金海岸(Gold Coast)。它有洁白的沙滩、明媚的阳光和冲浪戏水的人群,可说是澳大利亚的假日旅游胜地。 阿德雷德(Adelaide) 南澳大利亚州的首府阿得雷德,是人们享有富裕生活的优美城市。市内可见典雅的维多利亚式及爱德华式建筑物及殖民地时代的房屋,至今仍旧保存完好无缺,甚至包括建筑物的游廊及铁制细工亦然。这里住着一百多万人民,享有地中海式气候、路边咖啡馆、名设计师的精品店及充

经济学最全词典 中英对照

经济学词典 提供经济学词典.向他致敬! Ability-to-pay principle(of taxation)(税收的)支付能力原则按照纳税人支 付能力确定纳税负担的原则。纳税人支付能力依据其收人或财富来衡量。这一原则并不 说明某经济状况较好的人到底该比别人多负担多少。 Absolute advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)绝对优势 A国所具 有的比B国能更加有效地(即单位投入的产出水平比较高等)生产某种商品的能力。这 种优势并不意味着A国必然能将该商品成功地出口到B国。因为B国还可能有一种我们所 说的比较优势或曰比较利益(comparative advantage)。 Accelerator principle 加速原理解释产出率变动同方向地引致投资需求变动的理论。 Actual,cyc1ical,and structual budget 实际预算、周期预算和结构预算实际预算的赤字或盈余指的是某年份实际记录的赤字或盈余。实际预算可划分成结构预算和周期预算。结构预算假定经济在潜在产出水平上运行,并据此测算该经济条件下的政府税入、支出和赤字等指标。周期预算基于所预测的商业周期(及其经济波动)对预算的影 响。 Adaptive expectations 适应性预期见预期(expectations)。Adjustable peg 可调整钉住一种(固定)汇率制度。在该制度下,各国货币对其他货币保持一种固定的或曰“钉住的”汇率。当某些基本因素发生变动、原先汇率失去合理依据的时候,这种汇率便不时地趋于凋整。在1944-1971年期间,世界各主要货币都普 遍实行这种制度,称为“布雷顿森林体系”。 Administered(or inflexible)prices 管理(或非浮动)价格特指某类价格的术语 。按照有关规定,这类价格在某一段时间内、在若干种交易中能够维持不变。(见价格浮动,price flexibility) Adverse selection 逆向选择一种市场不灵。指的是这样一种情况,即那些遭遇风险机会最多的人,最容易决定购买保险。推而广之,逆向选择指的是这样一种情况:就某产品而言,买方和卖方所掌握的信息不同。比如旧车市场。 Aggregate demand 总需求某一时期一个经济所计划或所需要开支的总数。它取决于总 的价格水平,并受到国内投资、净出口、政府开支、消费水平和货币供应等因素的影响。 Aggregate demand(AD)curve 总需求曲线在其他条件不变的情况下,体现一个经济中 人们所愿意购买的商品和服务的总量与该经济的价格总水平之间的关系的曲线。同其他需求曲线一样,总需求曲线背后也存在着一系列重要的经济变量,如政府开支、出口和货币供应,等等。 Aggregate supply 总供给某一时期一个经济中各企业所愿意生产的商品与服务的价


常用保险术语 保险费率 premium rate 单位保险金额应该收取的保险费。 损失 loss 非故意的、非预期的和非计划的经济价值的减少或灭失。通常分为直接损失和间接损失。 损失程度 loss severity 保险标的可能遭受的损失的严重程度。 直接损失 direct loss 由风险事故导致的财产本身的损失。 间接损失 indirect loss 由直接损失引起的额外费用损失、收入损失和责任损失等无形损失。 保险 insurance 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 财产保险 property insurance 以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险。 企业财产保险 commercial property insurance 以单位、团体所有或占有的在指定地点的财产及其有关利益为保险标的的财产保险。 营业中断保险 business interruption insurance 以单位因停产、停业或经营受影响而面临的预期利润的减少及必要的费用支出为保险标的的财产保险。 机器损坏保险 machinery breakdown insurance 以各类已安装完毕并投入运行的机器为保险标的财产保险。 货物运输保险 cargo insurance 以运输途中的货物为保险标的保险。 海上货物运输保险 ocean marine cargo insurance 以通过海上运输方式运输的货物作为保险标的的保险。 陆上货物运输保险 inland transit insurance 以通过陆上运输方式运输的货物为保险标的的保险。


环境保护常用词汇短句中英文对照 世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th) 环境千年——行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 为了地球上的生命—拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas! 为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth 我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home 国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December) 世界水日World Water Day (22 March) 世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March) 世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June ) 国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region 国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City 对水质和空气质量的影响impact on the quality of the water and the air 治理环境污染curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control 海藻mostly in polluted waters) 工业固体废物industrial solid wastes 白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste 有机污染物organic pollutants 城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse 垃圾填埋场refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率rate of deforestation 水土流失water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化soil alkalization 农药残留pesticide residue 水土保持conservation of water and soil 生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture 水资源保护区water resource conservation zone 海水淡化sea water desalinization 保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource 绿化祖国turn the country green 矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas 清洁能源clean energy 汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust 尾气净化器exhaust purifier 无铅汽油lead-free gasoline 天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles 电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 氯氟烃CFCs 温室效应greenhouse effect 厄尔尼诺南徊ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)


衣: Adelaide -穿的上面稍微土一些,City的购物中心Rundle Mall购物环境一般,没有太多可选性,另外没有太多的奢侈品牌专卖店(国际化比较差一些) Canberra -能看到两种风格,一方面是OZ的裤叉背心风格,一方面是较为时尚,但普遍更OZ一些,shoppping也没有太多可选性,不过很多Canberra 人都去Sydney购物,Canberra Center大部分该有的牌子也都有了,老Canberra 的shopping中心以前在Woden,Manuka,现在慢慢向北转移(City,Belconnen)。 Melbourne,Sydney -其实差不太多,Sydney有的Melbourne也都有,不过从个人眼里看,Sydney人还是比猫本人更多一点臭美,也就是对个人形象可能会更再意一点点 食: 猫本和悉尼各有特点,作为食品种类来说,移民更多更杂的悉尼无疑更有优势,在悉尼几乎找的到世界上所有的美食。但猫本的餐饮更有特点,想吃到最地道正宗的希腊,越南,新疆菜无疑要来猫本。但从食品餐饮价格来说,还是悉尼更便宜,整个澳大利亚也应该是悉尼的吃是最便宜的了。 至于Adelaide和Canberra,总体说来餐饮水平差不多,但和猫本悉尼差距较大,Adelaide的餐馆价格还算便宜,但canberra的价格是最贵的,举个寿丝的例子,4个城市同样一盒寿丝卷价钱差不多,但Canberra的寿丝要比其他城市小三分之一。 住: Sydney无疑是最贵的,猫本有趋势在慢慢追上,Canberra次之,最便宜的当然是Adelaide。 Sydney和猫本我就不说了,这里天天看房子的同学一把一把的。我说说Adelaide和首都,Adelaide这个城市有一百万人口,城市建设比较象猫本,就是City很小,但周遍很大,城市依山傍海,一百万在Adelaide能买到非常非常爽的房子,但是Adelaide的收入会低一些,投资不是很理想的地方。 Canberra常住人口仅30万,但因为政府的原因,居民普遍收入都很高,所以这里房子的特点是中价位比较高,但豪宅和低端都很少,拥有2,3套投资房的彼彼皆是,出租回报率很高。南城老区无疑还是最贵的,但北边的Gungahlin
