The year in cardiology 2015 arrhythmias and device therapy

The year in cardiology 2015 arrhythmias and device therapy
The year in cardiology 2015 arrhythmias and device therapy


The year in cardiology 2015:arrhythmias and device therapy

Jan Steffel 1,Pierre Jais 2,and Gerhard Hindricks 3*


Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit,Department of Cardiology,University Hospital Zurich,Zu ¨rich,Switzerland;2Ho

?pital Haut-l’e ′ve ?que,Departments of Cardiology and Radiology,Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU)de Bordeaux &LIRYC Institute,Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU),Bordeaux,France;and 3Department of Electrophysiology,University of Leipzig—Heart Center,Leipzig 04289,Germany

Received 26October 2015;revised 18November 2015;accepted 10December 2015;online publish-ahead-of-print 3January 2016


The year 2015was once more ?lled with exciting and important no-vel developments in the ?eld of invasive electrophysiology and im-plantable cardiac devices.These include technical innovation,novel molecular and cellular insights,and presentation of large rando-mized clinical trials as well as important ‘real-world’registries.In addition,several new guidelines surfaced in 2015,including those for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias and prevention of sud-den cardiac death.It is virtually impossible to cover all novel devel-opments that would merit discussion in this type of overview;as a result,the authors had to make a selection,focusing on several im-portant developments with direct implications for daily clinical practice.

Cardiac arrhythmias and catheter ablation

Atrial ?brillation

Catheter ablation of atrial ?brillation (AF)remained in focus of clin-ical studies and large-scale trials.The use of force-sensing ablation catheter technologies seems to improve the induction of durable at-rial lesions and was shown to signi?cantly reduce AF recurrence rate after catheter ablation in a meta-analysis mainly made of non-randomized trials.1This technology will become standard for AF catheter ablation in the future.A word of caution:there is growing evidence that more extensive ablation in the atria does not per se improve the rhythm outcome after AF catheter ablation.The Mini-max Trial compared two ablation strategies for pulmonary vein iso-lation (PVI)in 234patients who underwent catheter ablation of paroxysmal AF:circumferential antral PVI alone (‘minimal’)vs.PVI with intravenous ridge ablation to achieve individual PVI (‘maximal’).After a mean follow-up of 17+8months,freedom from AF after limited ‘minimal’ablation was not worse compared with more

extensive ‘maximal’ablation (70vs.62%;P ?0.25).2Previous data indicated that adenosine-guided detection of dormant pulmonary vein re-conduction and subsequent re-isolation of the veins can be successfully applied to improve outcome of AF catheter abla-tion.3However,a much bigger randomized trial published in Euro-pean Heart Journal now questioned the usefulness of adenosine testing:in the Japanese UNDER anti-tachycardia pacing (ATP)Trial,2113patients were randomized to either adenosine challenge or control and no difference in AF recurrence rate was shown at 1year.4The reasons for the contradictory results reported from these two multi-centre,randomized trials are unclear at present and deserve further investigation.Treatment with anti-arrhythmic drugs after catheter ablation was shown to reduce the AF recur-rence 90days after catheter ablation in the EAST AF trial,however,at 1year there was no difference in arrhythmia recurrence between treatment and control group.5These results are quite in line with the data of the AmioCat Trial.6In AmioCat patients were rando-mized to amiodarone or placebo for 8weeks after AF catheter ablation.While amiodarone treatment reduced hospitalizations and cardioversions in the 3-month post-ablation blanking period,there was no difference in AF recurrence rate at 6-month follow-up (39vs.,48%;P ?0.18).Thus,anti-arrhythmic drugs may prevent early AF recurrences after ablation but may not promote a better atrial re-modelling resulting in a higher sinus rhythm rate during follow-up.The 5-year follow-up data of the MANTRA-PAF Trial were reported during the ESC Congress in London:MANTRA-PAF evaluated the comparative effects of ?rst-line radiofrequency cath-eter ablation of AF with anti-arrhythmic drug therapy.At 2-year follow-up,there was no difference in cumulative AF burden between the ablation and anti-arrhythmic drug group,while the burden of AF was signi?cantly lower in the ablation group (90th per-centile,9vs.18%;P ?0.007).7However,at 5-year follow-up,there was a signi?cantly higher rate of AF-free patients in the ablation compared the anti-arrhythmic drug treatment group (86vs.71%;P ?0.001).Also,AF burden was lower in the ablation


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*Corresponding author.Tel:+493418651410,Fax:+493418651460, ;

Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.All rights reserved.&The Author 2016.For permissions please email:journals.permissions@,.

European Heart Journal (2016)37,587–593doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehv725

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with the drug group (P ?0.003).Interestingly,the effects on quality of life were similar in both groups.These data indicate that the rhythm bene?t resulting from catheter ablation may increase over time;however,it is important to understand that MANTRA-PAF was too small to evaluate any effect of ablation or anti-arrhythmic drugs on hard outcome parameters such as stroke and/or mortality.These questions will be open until data from the EAST Trial (end-point:composite of death,stroke,and heart failure)and CABANA Trial (endpoint:composite of death,serious bleeding,disabling stroke,and cardiac arrest)are available.8,9Persistent AF ablation strategy has never been mature enough for a consensus to emerge,neither in the past nor in 2015.Rotor ablation using contact phase

mapping has been questioned,10and CAFE

′ablation is not speci?c enough to be convincing as demonstrated by a large meta-analysis.11In contrast,lifestyle modi?cation such as weight loss is remarkably effective in reducing AF burden (10%loss translates into a six-fold AF burden reduction)and in inducing reverse remodelling on left atrial size and left ventricular septal thickness.12

Stroke prevention

Due to the results from large-scale clinical trials,the non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs)are the preferred treat-ment for stroke prevention in non-valvular AF,as re?ected in cur-rent ESC guidelines.13As the fourth NOAC,edoxaban has been approved in 2015in many countries including the USA,Switzerland,and Europe based on the results of the ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48trial.14During the year 2015,several subgroup analyses of the large NOAC trials have surfaced,including bleeding management and outcome with apixaban,15the management of rivaroxaban around catheter ablation for AF (VENTURE-AF),16and the outcome of amiodarone co-medication in patients receiving edoxaban,17to name just a few.Virtually,all subgroups of the large NOAC trials indicate a consist-ent bene?t and safety of these drugs compared with warfarin,fur-ther underlining their overall superiority.This is supported by important real-world data (including those from a prospective regis-try with rivaroxaban,XANTUS)18indicating ef?cacy and safety,which is in line with that observed in the randomized clinical trials.Arguably,the most exciting novelty in the ?eld of NOACs comes from the development of speci?c reversal agents (‘antidotes’).In a Phase 1study in healthy men,the monoclonal antibody idarucizu-mab (speci?c for dabigatran)was well tolerated with no unexpected or clinically relevant safety concerns,and was associated with imme-diate,complete,and sustained reversal of dabigatran-induced antic-oagulation.19Moreover,in a Phase 3study,idarucizumab was demonstrated to effectively and immediately reverse the anticoagu-lant effect of dabigatran in patients presenting with serious bleeding or requiring an urgent procedure.20As a result,the US Food and Drug Administration has approved the drug in October 2015;the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use of the European Medicines Agency has also recently issued a positive opinion,and approval is expected by the end of this year or early 2016.Import-antly,idarucizumab is ineffective against Xa-inhibitors;instead,dif-ferent directly acting antidotes are being developed,including andexanet alfa and PER977.First results are also positive with these agents,and larger-scale clinical trials are anticipated within the year 2016.While these drugs clearly represent an important addition to our portfolio,many aspects in the practical use remain to be

determined,including the type of patients and conditions requiring reversal and the time of reinstitution of anticoagulation.These and other issues are elegantly described in the 2015updated version of the European Heart Rhythm Association practical guide,21following the great success of its ?rst version published in 2013.22

Will catheter ablation of AF have an impact on stroke risk?Novel data from a large Danish registry suggest a very low risk of stroke for patients after catheter ablation.23However,these data do require validation in a prospective randomized trial before clinical practice for oral anticoagulation after catheter ablation may be changed.24

Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death

Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT)is one of the fast-est growing ?elds in interventional electrophysiology 25;the import-ance of diagnosing and correctly triaging VTs,particularly those easily amenable to catheter ablation (Figure 1),is a challenge faced by cardiologists on a regular basis.Multiple important studies have been reported within the last 12months documenting the import-ance and increased utilization of VT ablation.Despite several remarkable technical and technological improvements and innova-tions such as use of image integration,26novel ablation electro-des,27,28force-sensing technologies,29or ultra-high density mapping,30the relatively high recurrence rate of any VT after cath-eter ablation in patients with VT and structural heart disease re-mains a key challenge.As evident from recent multi-centre data,non-inducibility of any VT at the end of the ablation is probably the best endpoint for the procedure and should be targeted.31In addition,non-inducibility when supported by elimination of abnor-mal potentials may also have an impact on survival as well.32,33Most fascinating is the report of successful ‘ablation’of Brugada syndrome.The idea to treat Brugada patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with an interventional ablation procedure is further advanced by a recent report from Brugada et al .34In their series,13patients under-went epicardial mapping and right ventricular abnormal electro-grams were identi?ed in all of them.Catheter ablation normalized the ECG and abolished pre-existing typical ECG changes induced by ?ecainide.However,despite all enthusiasm,it is unclear whether or not these ablation effects have an impact on spontaneous VT/ventricular ?brillation (VF)and/or risk of sudden cardiac death.The new ESC Guidelines for the treatment of ventricular arrhyth-mias and prevention of sudden cardiac death were presented during the ESC congress in London.35These guidelines provide up-to-date state-of-the-art summary of current knowledge and best practice treatment in this ?eld.

Cardiac electronic devices

Leadless pacemakers

One of the main trends for cardiac devices in the year 2015was the continued movement towards the abandonment of intravascular leads.After an initially tedious start,leadless single-chamber pace-makers have ?nally arrived in daily clinical practice.Early results from the 140patients receiving the Medtronic MICRA leadless pacemaker system demonstrated a favourable ef?cacy and safety pro?le.36During a mean follow-up of 1.9+1.8months (i.e.

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covering primarily the perioperative and early postoperative peri-od),no unanticipated serious adverse device events were observed,including no device dislodgement and only one pericardial effusion without tamponade (resulting in prolonged hospitalization).Of note,the latter occurred in a patient in whom the device needed to be repeatedly repositioned (18×).In the majority of patients (81%),however,the device was properly placed with no or only one repositioning.During follow-up,electrical values including pa-cing thresholds,impedance,and sensing remained stable and favour-able,resulting in an anticipated battery longevity of 12.6years (range

8.6–14.4).36As a result of these ?ndings,the MICRA system re-ceived CE mark in the summer of 2015,followed by careful rollout to selected centres and operators after undergoing comprehensive in vivo and ex vivo training.These positive initial results were mirrored in a larger group of 725patients,of whom 719(99.2%)underwent successful implantation.37Electrical values (threshold,sensing,and impedance)were favourable in 292of 297patients with paired 6-month data.There were 28major complications in 25of 725pa-tients [4.0%,including 11(1.9%)traumatic cardiac perforation or ef-fusion and 1death (0.1%)].These numbers compared


Figure 1Twelve-lead electrocardiogram morphology of different sites of origin in idiopathic ventricular tachycardia.RVOT,right ventricular

out?ow tract;RCC,right coronary cusp;R–L com,right–left coronary cusp commissure;LCC,left coronary cusp;AMC,aortomitral continuity;TV,tricuspid annulus;MV,mitral annulus;APM,anterior PAP;PPM,posterior PAP;LPF,left posterior fascicle;LAF,left anterior fascicle;GCV,greater cardiac vein;AIV,anterior inter-ventricular vein.Reproduced from Tanawuttiwat et al .,reprinted with kind permission from Tanawuttiwat et al.25

The year in arrhythmias


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with historic controls undergoing transvenous pacemaker implant-ation.Importantly,no device dislodgements were observed.37Re-sults of the second available single-chamber transcatheter pacing system,the Nanostim (St Jude Medical),were equally presented and published this year.38In the ?rst 526patients undergoing im-plantation,the system was successfully implanted in 504(95.8%).Of the 300patients who completed 6-month follow-up,the primary ef?cacy outcome (acceptable electrical values)was reached in 90%.Of the total cohort of 526patients,serious device-related adverse events occurred in 6.5%of patients,including cardiac tamponade in 5(1.0%),device dislodgement in 6(in 1.5%),and device migration during implantation owing to inadequate ?xation in 2patients (0.4%).Further experience with both leadless pacing systems will show how they compare in even larger populations and in daily clin-ical practice.

Patients with a typical single-chamber pacemaker indication currently represent the primary population for leadless pacers,i.e.permanent AF with symptomatic bradycardia and/or AV block.Future studies and real-world experience will show how these device behave long term (including the novel rate-adaptive sensor system);?rst personal experiences are encouraging.The develop-ment for more advanced systems is ongoing,including dual-chamber pacemakers,cardiac resynchronization therapy,and communication with the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter de?brillator (ICD).

Implantable cardioverter de?brillator therapy and implant-based telemonitoring

Implantable cardioverter de?brillator testing is no longer necessary during routine and uncomplicated ICD implantation:in the Nordic ICD Trial,1077patients were randomly assigned to ?rst time ICD implantation with (n ?540)or without (n ?537)testing of de?bril-lation threshold.39De?brillation ef?cacy was not different between both groups during follow-up.Similarly,in the SIMPLE trial of 2500patients,routine de?brillation testing did not result in a reduction in arrhythmic deaths during a mean follow-up of 3.1years.40

Almost all pacemakers and de?brillators that are currently avail-able have the technical option for remote monitoring.41Previous

results from randomized clinical trials and analysis from big data sets indicated that these technologies may have bene?cial effects when applied appropriately.42However,recent data from the Op-tilink HF Trial reported at the ESC Congress in London showed dis-appointing results:the trial randomized 1002patients with heart failure and an indication for ICD implantation to remote automated pulmonary congestion alert ‘on’(n ?505)or ‘off’(n ?497).After 18months of follow-up,there was no signi?cant difference between groups in primary endpoint,which was a composite of all-cause death and cardiovascular hospitalizations.More promising data are derived from the follow-up report of the CHAMPION Trial that as-sessed the ef?cacy of automatic pulmonary pressure measurement in heart failure patients to guide and optimize heart failure therapy.43The superiority of the treatment group over the control group pre-viously reported was maintained for an additional 13months to the end of the Randomized Access Period with a signi?cant reduction of heart failure-related hospitalizations by 33%and of all-cause hospi-talizations by 16%.Second,the good results in the treatment group were maintained during an Open Access Period of another 12months,during which no increase in hospitalizations was observed.Most importantly,heart failure-related hospitalizations and all-cause hospitalizations in the former control group were reduced signi?cantly by 48and 21%,respectively,after pulmonary artery pressure information became available to guide therapy dur-ing the Open Access Period.Thus,implant-based remote telemoni-toring seems highly promising to support heart failure therapy and it will be just a matter of time when haemodynamic sensors will be combined with pacemakers,de?brillators,and cardiac resynchroni-zation devices.

Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter de?brillators

Ever since its approval in 2009,the subcutaneous ICD (S-ICD)system has increasingly gained attention and attraction.Indeed,its complete lack of intravascularly placed electrodes is potentially associated with a substantial reduction in morbidity (and mortality)due to lead complications associated with currently used ‘classical’transvenous ICD systems.In 2015,the new generation EMBLEM

Figure 2Wearable cardioverter de?brillator.Model of a wearable cardioverter de?brillator (images courtesy of J.S.,reprinted with kind per-mission and patient consent).

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cated a decreasing risk of complications,suboptimal programming, and(to a lesser degree)inadequate shock deliveries with increasing experience and volume.46In addition,the same registries demon-strated a high ef?cacy for the termination of VT and VF,with 90.1%of events(100/111)terminated with one shock and98.5% (109/111)terminated within the available?ve shocks.47As a result of these favourable data,the use of the S-ICD has,for the?rst time, been incorporated into the guidelines for the prevention of sudden cardiac death as a IIa indication[level of evidence(LoE)C]as an al-ternative to standard ICD for patients without an indication for bradycardia pacing,cardiac resynchronization,or ATP.35Also,the S-ICD may be considered(IIb,LoE C)in patients with dif?cult ven-ous access,after the transvenous ICD removal for infections or in young patients with a long-term indication for ICD therapy.35In-deed,the lack of possibility to deliver ATP or bradycardia pacing re-mains the most important shortcoming of current S-ICD devices. Combination of the S-ICD with leadless pacers clearly would be one of the most obvious possible solution to this problem.How-ever,with evidence-based programming(high-rate or long-duration detection zones),the overall amount of delivered ATP will likely be decreasing as a result of both spontaneous VT termination and VTs occurring below the detection limit.A prospective,randomized trial (PRAETORIAN)comparing currently available transvenous and subcutaneous ICDs(i.e.without the possibility of ATP)has been initiated and is currently ongoing.

Wearable cardioverter de?brillator

Also for the?rst time,the new2015guidelines for the prevention of sudden cardiac death give recommendations for the use of the wearable cardioverter de?brillator(WCD;Figure2).With a class IIa recommendation(LoE C),WCD be considered for a limited time period for patients with reduced EF who are at risk of sudden arrhythmic death,but who currently cannot receive an ICD,includ-ing patients post-lead removal for infection,patients with active myocarditis,and patients with arrhythmias in the early post-myocardial infarction phase.35In the absence of a randomized clin-ical trial,this recommendation was based mainly on large registries such as the recently published prospective registry of patients using the wearable de?brillator(WEARIT-II),which followed2000recipi-ents of the WCD with a median wear time for90days.48In this registry,a total of120sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias(VT/ VF)were observed in41patients.Of these patients,54%received appropriate WCD shocks,while only10patients(0.5%)received in-appropriate WCD therapy.

Importantly,at the end of the individual time frame of WCD use, an ICD was implanted in only840patients(42%),with an improve-ment in EF being the most frequent reason for withholding ICD im-plantation.Given the potential cost saved for de novo ICD implantation as well as(potentially)associated follow-up cost and cost of complications,this strategy may in addition also turn out cost-effective,but comprehensive analyses in this regard are cur-rently lacking.ical practice.Ongoing con?rmation and expansion of these data

with experience from the real world will be crucial to substantiate

their ef?cacy and safety in the‘real world’.Coverage of all of the ex-

citing developments in one concise review is impossible;as such, various methods and technologies had to be omitted for the time being,including some preliminary results on the use of multi-site

pacing and comparisons of point-by-point vs.single shot ablation.

If the rate and quality of innovation persists,undoubtedly the year

2016will equally be a successful one in the?eld of arrhythmias.


G.H.and J.S.drafted the manuscript,and G.H.,J.S.,P.J.made critical revision of the manuscript for key intellectual content.

Con?ict of interest:J.S.has received consultant and/or speaker

fees from Amgen,Astra-Zeneca,Atricure,Bayer,Biosense Webster,Biotronik,Boehringer-Ingelheim,Boston Scienti?c,

Bristol-Myers Squibb,Cook Medical,Daiichi Sankyo,Medtronic,

P?zer,Sano?-Aventis,Sorin,St Jude Medical,and co-director von CorXL.He reports grant support through his institu-

tion from Bayer Healthcare,Biosense Webster,Biotronik,Boston

Scienti?c,Daiichi Sankyo,Medtronic,and St Jude Medical.G.H.

has received research grants from Biotronik,Boston Scienti?c,and

St Jude Medical through the University Leipzig/Heart Center.P.J. reports consultancy honoraria and lecture fees from Biosense Webster,St.Jude Medical,and Boston Scienti?c;he reports stock options for Cardio Insight.


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引言 随着生活节奏的日益加快,人们的时间观也越来越重,同时对电子钟表、日历的需求也随之提高。因此,研究实用电子时钟及其扩展使用,有着非常现实的意义,具有很大的实用价值。 本系统程序由主程序、中断服务函数和多个子函数构成。主函数主要完成各子函数和中断函数的初始化。定时中断函数主要完成时钟芯片的定时扫描及键盘扫描。时钟芯片的读写函数主要是将时间、日历信息读出来,并把要修改具体值写入时钟芯片内部。 系统的硬件设计和电路原理 电路设计框图 系统硬件概述 本电路是由AT89S52单片机为控制核心,具有在线编程功能、低功耗、能在3V的超低压工作。时钟电路由DS1302提供,它是一种高性能、低功耗、带RAM的实时时钟电路,它可以对年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒进行计时,工作电压为2.5V~5.5V。采用三线接口和CPU进行同步通信,并可采用突发方式一次传送多个字节的时钟信号或RAM数据。DS1302内部有一个31×8的用于临时性存放数据的RAM寄存器。可产生年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,具有使用寿命长、精度高和低功耗等特点,同时具有掉电自动保存功能。 主控制模块 单片机主控制模块的设计 AT89S52单片机为40引脚双列直插芯片,有四个I/O口P0,P1,P2,P3,MCS-51单片机共有4个8位的I/O口(P0、P1、P2、P3),每一条I/O线都能独立地作输出或输入。 时钟电路模块 时钟电路模块的设计 DS1302的引脚排列如图3所示,其中Vcc1为后备电源,Vcc2为主电源。在主电源关闭的情况下,也能保持时钟的连续运行。DS1302由Vcc1或Vcc2两者中的较大者供电。当Vcc2大于Vcc1+0.2V时,Vcc2给DS1302供电;当Vcc2小于Vcc1时,DS1302由Vcc1供电。X1和X2是振荡源,外接32.768KHz晶振。RST是复位/片选线,通过把RST输入驱动置高电平来启动所有的数据传送。RST输入有两种功能:首先,RST接通控制逻辑,允许地址/命令序列送入移位寄存器;其次,RST提供终止单字节或多字节数据的传送手段。


课程设计(论文) 题目名称多功能电子万年历课程设计 课程名称单片机原理及应用 2012年6月18 日

摘要 本设计基于AT89C51单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。系统以AT89C51单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。万年历采用直观的数字显示,可以在LED上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。 关键词:AT89C51;电子万年历; DS1302

目录 1 绪论 (1) 1.1课题研究的背景 (1) 1.2课题的研究目的与意义 (1) 1.3课题解决的主要内容 (1) 2 系统的总体设计 (1) 2.1系统方案构思 (2) 2.2系统硬件框图 (2) 3 系统硬件的设计 (3) 3.1.1 器件的选用 (3) 3.1.2 AT89C51单片机 (3) 3.1.3单片机的选择 (6) 3.1.4 显示电路 (7) 3.1.5 ds1302时钟电路 (11) 4 系统软件的设计 (14) 4.1 算法设计、流程图、主程序 (14) 4.2 从1302读取日期和时间程序 (15) 5 系统仿真 (16) 5.1仿真环境PROTEUS (16) 5.2用PROTEUS ISIS对电子万年历的硬件电路设计 (16) 5.3用PROTEUS ISIS进行电子万年历的仿真测试 (20) 结论 (23) 致谢 (24) 参考文献 (25) 附录 (26) 附录1 (26)


课程论文论文题目基于单片机的电子万年历设计 课程名称单片机原理及接口技术 专业年级 2014级自动化3班 学生姓名孙宏远贾腾飞 学号 2016年12 月3 日

摘要: 本文介绍了基于AT89C51单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。系统以AT89C51单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。万年历采用直观的数字显示,可以在LED上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。。 关键词:AT89C51单片机,DS1602时钟芯片,LCD1602显示屏。串口通信。 一:引言 本设计的基于单片机控制的电子万年历,具有年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒的显示等功能,实现过程就是由主控制发送信息给DS1302时钟芯片再由时钟芯片反馈给单片机,再由主控制器传送给LCD1602显示屏显示信息。并且可以在键盘设置模块输入修改时间,当键盘设置时间、日期时,单片机主控制根据输入信息,通过串口通信传送给DS1302时钟芯片,DS1302芯片读取当前新信息产生反馈传送给单片机,然后单片机根据控制最后输送显示信息到LCD1602液晶显示屏模块上显示。 二:硬件设计: 2.0.硬件的设计总框图 2.1 DS1032时钟电路 DS1302的引脚排列,其中Vcc1为后备电源,VCC2为主电源。在主电源关闭的情况下,也能保持时钟的连续运行。DS1302由Vcc1或Vcc2两者中的较大者供电。当Vcc2大于Vcc1+0.2V时,Vcc2给DS1302供电。当Vcc2小于Vcc1时,DS1302由Vcc1供电。X1和X2是振荡源,外接32.768kHz晶振。芯片如图。 DS1302的内部主要由移位寄存器、指令和控制逻辑、振荡分频电路、实时时钟以及RAM组成。每次操作时,必须首先把CE置为高电平。再把提供地址和命令信息的8位装入移位寄存器。数据在SCLK的上升沿串行输入。无论是读周期还是写周期发生,也无论传送方式是单字节还是多字节,开始8位将指定内部何处被进行访问。在开始 8个时钟周期把含有地址信息的命令字装入移位寄存器之后。紧随其后的时钟在读操作时输出数据。 2.2 LCD1602与AT89C52的引脚接线 LCD1602采用总线式与单片机相连,AT89c52的P1口直接与液晶模块的数据总线D0~D7相连;P2 口的0,1,2脚分别与液晶模块的RS、RW、E脚相连。滑动变阻器用于调整液晶显示的亮度。电路如图


. . .. . . 单片机应用系统设计 课题:基于AT89C51单片机的多功能电子万年 历的设计 姓名: 班级: 学号: 指导老师: 日期: .. .专

目录 一.绪言 (3) 二.系统总体方案设计 (3) 三.硬件系统设计: (4) 四.系统软件设计 (5) 五.设计总结 (8) 六.参考文献 (8) 七.附录 (9)

一.绪论 随着电子技术的迅速发展,特别是随大规模集成电路出现,给人类生活带来了根本性的改变。由其是单片机技术的应用产品已经走进了千家万户。电子万年历的出现给人们的生活带来的诸多方便。 本文首先描述系统硬件工作原理,并附以系统结构框图加以说明,着重介绍了本系统所应用的各硬件接口技术和各个接口模块的功能及工作过程,其次,详细阐述了程序的各个模块和实现过程。 万年历是采用数字电路实现对.时,分,秒.数字显示的计时装置,广泛用于个人家庭,车站, 码头办公室等公共场所,成为人们日常生活中不可少的必需品,由于数字集成电路的发展和石英晶体振荡器的广泛应用,使得数字钟的精度,远远超过老式钟表, 钟表的数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大扩展了钟表原先的报时功能。诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、自动起闭路灯、定时开关烘箱、通断动力设备、甚至各种定时电气的自动启用等,但是所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究万年历及扩大其应用,有着非常现实的意义。 本系统采用了以广泛使用的单片机技术为核心,软硬件结合,使硬件部分大为简化,提高了系统稳定性,并采用LED显示电路、键盘电路,使人机交互简便易行。 二.系统总体方案设计 1.系统设计硬件框图 2.实现的基本原理 在本实验中,我引用了DS1302的时,分,秒功能,当时计数字24时通过74LS164给


重庆三峡学院 课程设计报告书题目:基于可调的电子万年历与温度显示 学院(系): 年级专业: 学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 教师职称: 完成日期年月日

目录 摘要 (3) 第一章引言 (4) 1.1 设计任务 (4) 1.2 设计目的 (4) 1.3 设计思路 (4) 1.3.1 方案论证 (4) 1.3.2 芯片的选择 (5) 1.3.3 显示模块选择方案和论证 (5) 1.3.4 时钟信号的选择方案和论证 (5) 1.3.5 最终方案 (6) 第二章硬件系统的设计 2.1原理图设计 (6) 2.2温度感应电路 (7) 2.3 复位电路部分 (7) 2.4液晶显示电路 (7) 2.5时钟信号电路 (8) 2.6 AT89C52原理及说明 (8) 2.6.1引脚功能 (9) 第三章软件系统的设计. 3.1系统程序流程图 (9) 3.2系统具体程序代码 (10) 第四章系统调试 (23) 4.1 软件调试 (23) 4.2 硬件调试 (23) 第五章设计心得 (23) 元件清单表 (24) 致谢 (24) 参考文献 (24)

基于可调式电子万年历与温度显示的设计 重庆三峡学院应用技术学院 5人 摘要:本文介绍了一种基于单片机的可调的电子万年历和温度显示。该设计主要由五个模块组成:微处理器(单片机),温度传感器,控制调节按键,实时时钟模块及显示模块。温传感器器主要由DS18B20来完成,它负责把采集到的温度传给单片机。实时时钟模块主要由DS1302构成,它负责产生始终数据送给单片机,微处理器芯片AT89C52来完成DS18B20,DS1302,按键传来的数据进行处理,并送与显示模块(LCD1602)进行显示。 该系统的电路简单,所用的元件较少,成本低,且测量精度和可靠性较高。可以测量-55°到+125°的温度和显示年,月,日,星期,时,分,秒,并且可通过按键调节时间。 关键词单片机;万年历;温度;AT89C52;LCD1602,DS1302,DS18B20


课程论文 论文题目基于单片机的电子万年历设计 课程名称单片机原理及接口技术 专业年级2014级自动化3班 学生姓名孙宏远贾腾飞 学号 2014485420144848 2016年12 月3 日

摘要: 本文介绍了基于AT89C51单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。系统以AT89C51单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。万年历采用直观的数字显示,可以在LED上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。。 关键词:AT89C51单片机,DS1602时钟芯片,LCD1602显示屏。串口通信。一:引言 本设计的基于单片机控制的电子万年历,具有年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒的显示等功能,实现过程就是由主控制发送信息给DS1302时钟芯片再由时钟芯片反馈给单片机,再由主控制器传送给LCD1602显示屏显示信息。并且可以在键盘设置模块输入修改时间,当键盘设置时间、日期时,单片机主控制根据输入信息,通过串口通信传送给DS1302时钟芯片,DS1302芯片读取当前新信息产生反馈传送给单片机,然后单片机根据控制最后输送显示信息到LCD1602液晶显示屏模块上显示。 二:硬件设计: 2.0.硬件的设计总框图 2.1 DS1032时钟电路 DS1302的引脚排列,其中Vcc1为后备电源,VCC2为主电源。在主电源关闭的情况下,也能保持时钟的连续运行。DS1302由Vcc1或Vcc2两者中的较大者供电。当Vcc2大于Vcc1+0.2V时,Vcc2给DS1302供电。当Vcc2小于Vcc1时,DS1302由Vcc1供电。X1和X2是振荡源,外接32.768kHz晶振。芯片如图。 DS1302的内部主要由移位寄存器、指令和控制逻辑、振荡分频电路、实时时钟以及RAM组成。每次操作时,必须首先把CE置为高电平。再把提供地址和命令信息的8位装入移位寄存器。数据在SCLK的上升沿串行输入。无论是读周期还是写周期发生,也无论传送方式是单字节还是多字节,开始8位将指定内部何处被进行访问。在开始 8个时钟周期把含有地址信息的命令字装入移位寄存


Tianjin University of Technology and Education 课程设计 学院:电子工程学院 班级:应电1211班 学生姓名:马登桂(01) 张婵(20) 李春鹏(22) 指导教师:马宁梁彩凤 2015年7月

天津职业技术师范大学 应电专业课程设计任务书 电子工程学院应电1211 班学生: 课程设计课题: 一、课程设计工作日自 2015 年 7 月 6 日至 2015 年 7 月 24日 二、同组学生: 三、课程设计任务要求: 要求全班同学每3人一组自由分组,每组在下列题目中任选2题,完成电路设计仿真、硬件焊接以及软件的编程与调试(统一采用AT89系列单片机): 题目1:基于单片机的多功能计算器设计题目(显示设备采用1602液晶模块) 基本要求:以4×4键盘作为输入,通过软件设计实现加减乘除计算功能,并显示; 扩展功能:进一步实现乘方、开方、对数、阶乘等科学计算功能。 题目2:基于单片机的电子万年历设计(显示设备采用1602液晶模块) 基本要求:通过软件设计实现年月日时间显示及时间设定等功能; 扩展要求:进一步实现定时闹钟功能。 题目3:基于单片机的温度采集显示电路设计(显示设备采用4位数码管) 基本要求:实现用DS18B20采集温度,并实时显示; 扩展要求:进一步实现预设温度告警功能。 指导教师:梁彩凤、马宁


1基于单片机的电子万年历设计 1.1设计任务 基本要求:通过软件设计实现年月日时间显示及时间设定等功能; 扩展要求:进一步实现定时闹钟功能。 1.2 设计方案 1.2.1总体方框图 图1.1总体方框图 1.2.2整体功能说明: 本论文一主要研究基于单片机的万年历设计。当程序执行后,LCD显示即时时间、年月日、星期、温度。设置3个操作键:K1:设置键;K2:上调键;K3:下调键。本设计的主要内容:1、了解单片机技术的发展现状,熟悉万年历各模块的工作原理;2、选择适当的芯片和元器件,确定系统电路,绘制电路原理图,尤其是各接口电路;3、熟悉单片机使用方法和C语言的编程规则,编写出相应模块的应用程序;4、分别在各自的模块中调试出对应的功能,在Proteus软件上进行仿真。 1.3电路设计与分析


广东交通职业技术 学院 大学生电子创新设计大赛参赛题目:多用万年历 参赛级别:高职组 学生学院:交通信息学院_ 参赛队员:吴伟杰谢铭敏吕平

目录 摘要 (3) 第一章作品设计 (4) 第一节、方案论证和比较 (4) 第二节、作品硬件设计 (5) 1、作品硬件框图 (5) 2、设计总电路图 (6) 3、AT89S52主控模块 (7) 4、实时时钟模块 (9) 5、语音模块 (10) 6、液晶显示模块 (11) 7、18B20温度测量模块 (12) 8、无线编码发射与无线接收译码模块 (13) 9、收音机模块 (15) 第三节、系统软件设计 (16) 1、液晶显示模块 (18) 2、语音模块 (18) 3、18B20温度传感测温模块 (18) 4、实时时钟模块 (18) 5、阴阳历转换模块 (19) 第四节、Protues软件仿真 (19) 第二章作品功能与特色 (21) 第一节、作品功能与相关操作介绍 (21) 1、能显示当前年、月、日、时、分、秒及星期并提示是否为阳历闰年。 (21) 2、显示阴历月、日,在显示阴历时间时能标明是否为闰月; (21) 3、显示当前温度; (22) 4、可调整显示日期和时间; (22) 5、可设置定时闹钟提示。 (22) 6、能够进行整点和半点语音报时; (23) 7、能用语音提示任意时刻的时间、温度、公历日期、农历日期。 (23) 8、能在掉电的情况下保存用户之前的所有设置; (23) 9、具有日程管理与音乐提示功能 (23) 10、能够实现录音、留言功能; (24) 11、能够无线控制相关操作并实现窃听 (24) 12、能够实现秒表计时 (24) 13、能够实现收音功能 (25) 第二节、作品特色 (26) 第三节、个别功能指标 (26) 第三章设计问题总结 (27) 附录A 作品实物图 (29) 附录B 页面显示图 (30)


毕业设计开题报告 1.结合毕业设计课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,撰写2000字左右的文献综述: 文献综述 一、本课题研究背景 单片机从20世纪70年代末出现后,以其卓越的性能,得到了广泛的应用,已经深入到各个领域。单片机芯片本身是按工业测控环境要求设计的,分为民用、工业品、军品,其中工业品和军品具有较强的适合恶劣环境的能力[1]。由于单片机本身就是一个计算机系统,因此,只要在单片机的外围适当加一些必要的扩展电路及通道接口,就可有构成各种应用系统,如控制系统、数据采集系统、自动控制系统、自动测试系统、检测监视系统、智能仪表、功能模块等[2]。单片机的应用领域十分广泛,自20世纪80年代以来,单片机的应用已经深入到工业、农业、国防、科研、机关、教育、商业以及家电、生活、娱乐、玩具等各个领域中。单片机应该在检测、控制领域中,具有以下特点:1)小巧灵活、成本化、易于产品化。2)可靠性好,适用范围广[3]。 近年来,电子钟已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的物品,广泛用于个人家庭以及车站、码头、剧院、办公室等公共场所,给人们的生活、学习、工作、娱乐带来了极大的方便。随着技术的发展,人们已不再满足于钟表原先简单的计时功能,希望出现一些新的功能,诸如日历的显示、闹钟的应用等,以带来更大的方便,而所有这些,又都是以数字化的电子时钟为基础的。因此,研究实用电子时钟及其扩展应用,有着非常现实的意义,具有很大的实用价值[4]。 由于数字集成电路技术的发展和采用了先进的石英技术,现代电子钟具有走时准确、性能稳定、制作维修简单等优点,弥补了传统钟表的许多不足之处[5]。我们利用单片机技术设计制作的电子万年历, 可以很方便的由软件编程进行功能的调整和改进,使其在能够准确显示年、月、日、时间、星期的同时,还能具有很多其他的功能[6]。如设定闹钟、语音报时、阴阳历的转换、二十四节气的显示等,有一定的新颖性和实用性,同时体积小、携带方便,使用也更为方便,具有技术更新周期短、成本低、开放灵活等优点,具备一定的市场前景。这里要介绍的就是一款可满足使用者特殊要求,输出方式灵活、计时准确、性能稳定、维护方便的实用电子万年历[7]。


第一章绪论 1.1 设计背景 从改革开放开始,电子工业已成为科技创新的重要领域,我国的电子产业也在新世纪开始高速发展,无论是产业结构,产业规模和技术水平都有了十分明显的进步和提升,而且电子产品在各个领域都有开创性的发展,使我们的生活变得更加智能化,为我国经济的发展做出了杰出的贡献。其中,单片机的大规模使用为我们的生活创造了极大的便利,可以说无时无刻不在影响着我们的生活。何为单片机,单片机全名为单片微控制器,它的结构组成就是将微型计算机的基本功能部件全都集成在一个半导体芯片上。尽管仅仅是一个芯片,但从单片机的构成和功能的角度来看充分具备一个计算机系统的中央处理功能。最重要的优点是,单片机体积小巧,可以任意嵌入到任何符合条件的应用系统中作为中央处理器进行指挥决策,是系统实现完全的智能化。当今世界,单片机已经无时无刻不在我们生活的周边存在,各类电子产品几乎都以单片机作为主控核心,通过单片机的控制使之更加智能快速,使我们的生活更加舒畅和方便。正是随着日常周边科学技术的进步,人们对待生活用品的要求也在逐步提高,时钟亦是如此,从古至今,人们对时间的概念就非常重视,从日晷到摆钟,经历了百年的发展,如今,人们对时钟的要求不仅仅是能够知道时间,还需要能够知道日期,星期,节气,天气情况等等,以便于满足人们对生活的各种需要,由此电子万年历就诞生了,正是因为电子万年历功能的多样性,使它在应用在各种场合,人们对它的需求量也就却来越大,电子万年历的发展空间也越来越广阔,成为了一项重要的产业。 1.2设计的目的及意义 中国从古至今就有重视时间的好传统,农民通过日照和鸡叫开始一天的劳作,商人通过古老的计时工具来确认是否应该开门迎客,学士知道时间后则开始一天的读书学习,这种传统一直绵延至今。当今社会,人们的生活节奏飞快,在工作中讲究快速和效率,需要在最短的时间内完成最合理的工作要求,所以人们通常需要在最短的时间内了解到最丰富的信息,人们不满足于只能看到此时此刻的时间信息,还需要了解过去和未来几天内的时间情况,包括农历,天气,湿度等等。而电子万年历不同于普通的时钟,它在显示时间的同时也能同步显示出年月份,


一、电子万年历简介 (1) 二、电子万年历的工作原理 (1) 三、多功能电子万年历各功能模块实现 (3) 3.1时钟问题 (3) 3.2电子万年历的控制系统 (5) 3.3主控制模块maincontrol (6) 3.4时间及其设置模块time_auto_and_set (7) 3.3时间显示动态位选模块time_disp_select (12) 3.4显示模块disp_data_mux (13) 3.5秒表模块stopwatch (14) 3.6日期显示与设置模块date_main (15) 3.7闹钟模块alarmclock (17) 3.8分频模块fdiv (18) 四、附录 (20) 附录一电子万年历系统的Verilog HDL语言程序 (20) 一、电子万年历简介 钟表的数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大大地扩展了钟表原先的报时功能,诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、定时启闭路灯等。所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究电子万年历及扩大其应用,有非常现实的意义。数字钟是一种用数字电路技术实现时、分、秒计时的装置,与机械式时钟相比具有更高的准确性和直观性,且无机械装置,具有更长的使用寿命,因此得到了广泛的使用。电子万年历从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路,其中包括了组合逻辑电路和时序电路。本次所设计的电子万年历能显示日期、星期、时间,具有闹钟功能。二、电子万年历的工作原理

◆功能键用来选择不同的工作模式: 时间正常显示功能、时间调整与显示、秒表功能、闹钟设置与查看、日期显示、日期调整与设置。 ◆调整键1:主要用于闹钟设置、日期显示与调整、秒表、时间调 整与设置中的位置选择按钮,与功能键配合使用。 ●2号键功能模式,即时间调整与设置时,用作时、分、秒的移 位,按一下,将会实现“时-分-秒”的依次移位,便于在特定位 置进行调整; ●4号键功能模式,即闹钟设置与查看时,同样用作时、分、秒 的移位,按一下,将会实现“时-分-秒”的依次移位,便于在特 定位置进行调整; ●6号键功能模式,即日期调整与设置时,用作月、日的移位, 按一下,将会实现“月-日”的依次移位,便于在特定位置进行 调整。


摘要 本文介绍了基于STC89C52单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。本设计由数据显示模块、温度采集模块、时间处理模块和调整设置模块四个模块组成。系统以STC89C52单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。温度采集选用DS18B20芯片,万年历采用直观的数字显示,数据显示采用1602A液晶显示模块,可以在LCD上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。 关键字:万年历温度计液晶显示

ABSTRACT This paper introduces the based on STC89C52 multi-function electronic calendar of the hardware structure and software and hardware design method. This design by data display module, temperature acquisition module, time processing module and set module four modules. With STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer system for the controller to serial clock calendar chip DS1302 record calendar and time, it can be to date and time, minutes and seconds for the time, also has a leap year compensation and other functions. Temperature gathering choose DS18B20 chip, calendar by using object digital display, data showed that the 1602 A liquid crystal display module, can be in the LCD shows at the same time year, month, day, Sunday, when, minutes and seconds, still have time calibration etc. Function. This calendar has read the convenient, direct display, functional diversity, simple circuit, low cost, and many other advantages, has a broad market prospect. Key words:Perpetual Calendar thermometer LCD display


河南机电高等专科学校毕业设计论文 论文题目:电子万年历 系部:自动控制系 专业:计算机控制技术 班级:2007级03班 学生姓名:张钰 学号:071413318 指导教师:徐海刚 2010年 4月 15 日

目录 摘要 (3) 绪论 (5) 第1章设计要求与方案论证 (7) 1.1 引言 (7) 1.2 功能要求 (7) 1.3方案论证 (7) 第2章系统硬件电路设计 (11) 2.1 电路设计 (11) 2.2 系统硬件概述 (15) 2.3主要单元电路的设计 (15) 第3章系统的软件设计 (22) 3.1程序设计 (22) 3.2程序设计流程图 (22) 第4章结束语 (24) 参考文献 (26) 附录(程序清单) (27)

摘要 随着社会、科技的发展,人类得知时间,从观太阳、摆钟到现在电子钟,不断研究、创新。为了在观测时间的同时,能够了解其它与人类密切相关的信息,比如温度、星期、日期等,电子万年历诞生了,它集时间、日期、星期和温度功能于一身,具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁等诸多优点,符合电 子仪器仪表的发展趋势,具有广阔的市场前景。 该电子万年历主要采用AT89C51单片机作为主控核心,由DS1302时钟芯片提供时钟、LED动态扫描显示屏显示。AT89C51单片机是由Atmel 公司推出的,功耗小,电压可选用4~6V电压供电;DS1302时钟芯片是美国DALLAS公司推出的具有涓细电流充电功能的低功耗实时时钟芯片,它可以对年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能,而且DS1302的使用寿命长,误差小;数字显示是采用的LED液晶显示屏来显示,可以同时显示年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒和温度等信息。此外,该电子万年历还具有时间校准等功能。 关键词:时钟电路;时钟芯片DS1302;LED动态扫描;单片机 AT89C51;MAX7219;


摘要 摘要 本文介绍了基于STC89C52单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。本设计由数据显示模块、温度采集模块、时间处理模块和调整设置模块四个模块组成。系统以STC89C52单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。温度采集选用DS18B20芯片,万年历采用直观的数字显示,数据显示采用1602A液晶显示模块,可以在LCD上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。 关键字:万年历温度计液晶显示

ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper introduces the based on STC89C52 multi-function electronic calendar of the hardware structure and software and hardware design method. This design by data display module, temperature acquisition module, time processing module and set module four modules. With STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer system for the controller to serial clock calendar chip DS1302 record calendar and time, it can be to date and time, minutes and seconds for the time, also has a leap year compensation and other functions. Temperature gathering choose DS18B20 chip, calendar by using object digital display, data showed that the 1602 A liquid crystal display module, can be in the LCD shows at the same time year, month, day, Sunday, when, minutes and seconds, still have time calibration etc. Function. This calendar has read the convenient, direct display, functional diversity, simple circuit, low cost, and many other advantages, has a broad market prospect. Key words:Perpetual Calendar thermometer LCD display


目录 一、多功能电子万年历及FPGA简介 (1) 1.1电子万年历的发展 (1) 1.2 FPGA简介 (1) 1.3 电子万年历的工作原理 (2) 二、多功能电子万年历各功能模块实现 (4) 2.1 时钟问题 (4) 2.1.1 全局时钟 (4) 2.1.2 门控时钟 (4) 2.1.3 多级逻辑时钟 (5) 2.1.4 波动式时钟 (5) 2.2 电子万年历的控制系统 (6) 2.3 主控制模块 maincontrol (7) 2.4 时间及其设置模块 time_auto_and_set (8) 2.2.1 时间模块 timepiece_main (8) 2.2.2 时间设置模块 timeset (9) 2.2.3 时间数据与时间设置数据多路选择模块 time_mux (11) 2.3 时间显示动态位选模块 time_disp_select (13) 2.4 显示模块 disp_data_mux (14) 2.5 秒表模块 stopwatch (15) 2.6 日期显示与设置模块 date_main (16) 2.6.1 日期自动工作模块 autodate (16) 2.6.2 日期设置模块 setdate (17) 2.7 闹钟模块alarmclock (17) 2.8 分频模块 fdiv (19) 2.9 顶层模块图 (20) 三、附录 (22) 电子万年历系统的Verilog HDL语言程序设计部分代码 (22) 3.1主控制模块 (22) 3.2秒自动计时子模块 (24) 3.3时间自动工作控制 (24) 3.4时间数据与时间设置数据多路选择模块 (25) 3.5时间及其设置模块 (26) 3.6时间显示动态位选模块 (27) 3.7秒表模块 (28) 3.8分频模块 (28) 参考文献 (30)


湖南文理学院 芙蓉学院 课程设计报告 课程名称:专业课程课程设计 专业班级:芙蓉通信1101班学号(13)学生姓名:叶紫 指导教师:戴正科 完成时间:2014年6月17日 报告成绩:

目录 一、设计要求 (1) 二、设计的内容及目的 (1) 三、设计方案 (1) 3.1 FPGA简介 (1) 3.2 FPGA的工作原理 (1) 3.3 电子万年历的工作原理 (2) 3.4 时钟万年历的设计方案选择与比较 (3) 3.5 时钟万年历的控制系统 (4) 四、系统设计 (5) 4.1 电子万年历的八个模块 (5) 1 主控制模块 maincontrol (5) 2 时间及其设置模块 time_auto_and_set (5) 3 时间显示动态位选模块 time_disp_select (9) 4 显示模块 disp_data_mux (10) 5 秒表模块 stopwatch (11) 6 日期显示与设置模块 date_main (11) 7 闹钟模块alarmclock (12) 8 分频模块 fdiv (13) 4.2 顶层模块 (14) 五、系统仿真与调试 (16) 1 主控制模块 maincontrol (16) 2 时间及其设置模块 time_auto_and_set (16) 3 时间显示动态位选模块 time_disp_select (17) 4 显示模块 disp_data_mux (18) 5 秒表模块 stopwatch (18) 6 日期显示与设置模块 date_main (18) 7 闹钟模块alarmclock (19) 8 分频模块 fdiv (19) 参考文献 (21) 附录 (22)


摘要:本文介绍了基于AT89S52单片机的多功能电子万年历的硬件结构和软硬件设计方法。本设计由数据显示模块、温度采集模块、时间处理模块和调整设置模块四个模块组成。系统以AT89S52单片机为控制器,以串行时钟日历芯片DS1302记录日历和时间,它可以对年、月、日、时、分、秒进行计时,还具有闰年补偿等多种功能。温度采集选用DS18B20芯片,万年历采用直观的数字显示,数据显示采用1602液晶显示模块,可以在LCD1602上同时显示年、月、日、周日、时、分、秒,还具有时间校准等功能。此万年历具有读取方便、显示直观、功能多样、电路简洁、成本低廉等诸多优点,具有广阔的市场前景。 关键字:单片机AT89S52 时钟芯片DS1302 温度传感器DS18B20 1602液晶显示器

前言 随着科技的快速发展,时间的流逝,从观太阳、摆钟到现在电子钟,人类不断研究,不断创新纪录。目前,单片机技术的应用产品已经走进了千家万户。电子万年历的出现给人们的生活带来了诸多方便。随着微电子技术的高速发展,单片机在国民经济的个人领域得到了广泛的运用。单片机以体积小、功能全、性价比高等诸多优点,在工业控制、家用电器、通信设备、信息处理、尖端武器等各种测控领域的应用中独占鳌头,单片机开发技术已成为电子信息、电气、通信、自动化、机电一体化等专业技术人员必须掌握的技术。 单片机单芯片的微小体积和低的成本,可广泛地嵌入到如玩具、家用电器、机器人、仪器仪表、汽车电子系统、工业控制单元、办公自动化设备、金融电子系统、舰船、个人信息终端及通讯产品中,成为现代电子系统中最重要的智能化工具,于是基于单片机的醒目而时尚的电子版万年历顺应而生。基于单片机的电子万年历结合了时钟和日历的功能,将其二者融为一体,在显示时间的同时还能显示日期和年、月,它主要是通过单片机来读取时钟芯片的时间、日期,然后送给显示设备显示出来。而电子万年历作为电子类小设计不仅是市场上的宠儿,也是是单片机实验中一个很常用的题目。因为它的有很好的开放性和可发挥性,因此对作者的要求比较高,不仅考察了对单片机的掌握能力更加强调了对单片机扩展的应用。而且在操作的设计上要力求简洁,功能上尽量齐全,显示界面也要出色。数字显示的日历钟已经越来越流行,特别是适合在家庭居室、办公室、大厅、会议室、车站和广场等使用,壁挂式LED数码管显示的日历钟逐渐受到人们的欢迎。LED数字显示的日历钟显示清晰直观、走时准确、可以进行夜视,并且还可以扩展出多种功能。


毕业设计中期报告 题目名称:基于FPGA的万年历设计 院系名称:电气学院 班级:应电 学号:0832100589 学生:梁启超 指导教师:金凤 2011年06月 目录 一、多功能电子万年历及FPGA简介 (1) 1.1电子万年历的发展 (1) 1.2 FPGA简介 (1) 1.3 电子万年历的工作原理 (2) 二、多功能电子万年历各功能模块实现 (4) 2.1 时钟问题 (4)

2.1.1 全局时钟 (4) 2.1.2 门控时钟 (4) 2.1.3 多级逻辑时钟 (5) 2.1.4 波动式时钟 (5) 2.2 电子万年历的控制系统 (6) 2.3 主控制模块 maincontrol (7) 2.4 时间及其设置模块 time_auto_and_set (8) 2.2.1 时间模块 timepiece_main (8) 2.2.2 时间设置模块 timeset (9) 2.2.3 时间数据与时间设置数据多路选择模块 time_mux (11) 2.3 时间显示动态位选模块 time_disp_select (13) 2.4 显示模块 disp_data_mux (14) 2.5 秒表模块 stopwatch (15) 2.6 日期显示与设置模块 date_main (16) 2.6.1 日期自动工作模块 autodate (17) 2.6.2 日期设置模块 setdate (17) 2.7 闹钟模块alarmclock (18) 2.8 分频模块 fdiv (19) 2.9 顶层模块图 (21) 三、附录 (23) 电子万年历系统的Verilog HDL语言程序设计部分代码 (23) 3.1主控制模块 (23) 3.2秒自动计时子模块 (25) 3.3时间自动工作控制 (25) 3.4时间数据与时间设置数据多路选择模块 (26) 3.5时间及其设置模块 (27) 3.6时间显示动态位选模块 (28) 3.7秒表模块 (29) 3.8分频模块 (29) 参考文献 (31) 1 引言 1.1 选题意义 钟表的数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大扩展了钟表原先的报时功能,诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、定时启闭路灯等。所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究电子万年历及扩大其应用,有非常现实的意义。数字钟是一种用数字电路技术实现时、分、秒计时的装置,与机械式时钟相比具有更高的准确性和直观性,且无机械装置,具有更长的使用寿命,因此得到了广泛的使用。电子万年历从原理上讲是一种典


《EDA技术实用教程》 设计报告 题目:智能电子万年历 学院:电子信息与电气工程学院 专业:电子信息工程 班级: 姓名: 学号:

一、多功能电子万年历及FPGA简介 1.1电子万年历的发展 钟表的数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大大地扩展了钟表原先的报时功能,诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、定时启闭路灯等。所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究电子万年历及扩大其应用,有非常现实的意义。数字钟是一种用数字电路技术实现时、分、秒计时的装置,与机械式时钟相比具有更高的准确性和直观性,且无机械装置,具有更长的使用寿命,因此得到了广泛的使用。电子万年历从原理上讲是一种典型的数字电路,其中包括了组合逻辑电路和时序电路。 因此,我们此次设计与制做电子万年历就是为了了解数字钟的原理,从而学会制作数字钟。而且通过万年历的制作进一步了解各种在制作中用到的中小规模集成电路的作用及使用方法,且由于电子万年历包括组合逻辑电路和时序电路,通过它可以进一步学习与掌握各种组合逻辑电路与时序电路的原理与使用方法。 1.2FPGA简介 PLD/FPGA是近几年集成电路中发展最快的产品。由于PLD性能的高速发展以及设计人员自身能力的提高,可编程逻辑器件供应商将进一步扩大可编程芯片的领地,将复杂的专用芯片挤向高端和超复杂应用。据IC Insights的数据显示,PLD市场从1999年的29亿美元增长到去年的56亿美元,几乎翻了一番。Matas预计这种高速增长局面以后很难出现,但可编程逻辑器件依然是集成电路中最具活力和

前途的产业。 复杂可编程逻辑器件。可编程逻辑器件的两种主要类型是现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和复杂可编程逻辑(CPLD)。在这两类可编程逻辑器件中,FPGA提供了最高的逻辑密度、最丰富的特性和最高的性能。现在最新的FPGA器件,如Xilinx Virtex"系列中的部分器件,可提供八百万"系统门"(相对逻辑密度)。这些先进的器件还提供诸如内建的硬连线处理器(如IBM Power PC)、大容量存储器、时钟管理系统等特性,并支持多种最新的超快速器件至器件 (device-to-device)信号技术。FPGA被应用于范围广泛的应用中,从数据处理和存储,以及到仪器仪表、电信和数字信号处理等。
