材料双语Chapter 3 Structure of Cystalline Metallic Solids

最新-人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料 精品

人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料考核工作是公务员管理的基础工作,是公务员制度的一项重要内容,也是正确评价公务员德才表现和工作实绩,掌握公务员素质状况、实行科学管理的重要手段。 近几年来,我市认真贯彻落实《公务员法》、《公务员考核规定(试行)》,坚持标准,严格程序,规范操作,在构建公务员考核体系,推进公务员考核创新上进行了积极有效的探索和实践,形成了以公务员平时考核、诚信考核、年度考核为主要形式的“三位一体”考核体系,使公务员考核工作在科学化、规范化、法制化方面取得了较大进展,在公务员队伍管理中发挥了重要作用。 一、主要做法考核是一门应用领域的科学,而科学的发展从来就没有顶点。 怎样突破长期以来形成的公务员考核的传统思维定势,主动适应新形势下公务员管理工作的新要求,我们着力在考核的形式和体系上进行了探索,归纳起来主要有以下三个方面。 (一)平时考核强化敬业――从细从实注重平时考核,加大平时考核力度是避免年度考核工作走向虚化、考核功能走向弱化的有效途径。 我市开展公务员平时考核着重抓好公务员的工作业绩、工作态度和敬业精神,强化“三个突出”。 一是突出考核标准,细化考核目标任务。 科学合理地设定好考核内容,制定好考核标准,是做好考核工作的基础。 每年年初各部门都要根据市委、市政府年度重点工作目标任务,结合部门职责将目标任务层层分解到各处室和每个公务员,目标任务分为共性目标和业务目标,共性目标主要包括“政治态度”、“道德品质”、“敬业精神”、“依法行政”、“工作作风”、“廉政勤政”、“遵章守纪”等要素;业务目标主要包括岗位责任目标及衡量标准、完成的时限及质量要求、创新创优目标及产生的效益等要素,所制定的业务目标要求高点定位,将创新放在首位,瞄准全国、全省、全市先进水平。 二是突出考核重点,从实抓好工作实绩的考核。 对公务员工作实绩的考核,我们坚持主管领导负责制,一级考核一级,力求简便、务实、有效。


PROBLEMS 24-1 Maxwell’s Equations 1. Gauss ’ laws for electric fields and for magnetic fields differ due to the lack of magnetic charges. Assume that magnetic monopoles (magnetic charges) exist; denote them by the symbol M . Rewrite Gauss ’ law for magnetic fields, and give the SI units for M . 2. Equations 24-1 through 24-4 apply in a vacuum. Write Maxwell ’s equations for matter instead by using the dielectric constant εr and the relative permeability μr . 24-3 Properties of Electromagnetic Waves 3. A plane electromagnetic wave has a maximum electric field of 3.20?10-4 V/m. Find the maximum magnetic field. 4. If the electric field for a plane electromagnetic wave is given by E x = 0, E y = E 0 cos (kz +ωt ), and E z = 0, what are B and the direction of propagation of the wave? 5. The electric field of a certain plane electromagnetic wave is given by E x = 0, E y = 0, and .cos[()],15z E 2010t-x/c π= with c = 3.0?108 m/s and all quantities in SI units. Write expressions for the components of the magnetic field of the wave. 6. A plane electromagnetic wave of wavelength 1.2 m propagates in the z -direction. The electric field points in the y -direction and has amplitude of 3.0 V/m. Write an expression for the magnetic field, including its amplitude in SI units. Assume that the electric field is at its maximum at z = 0, t = 0. 24-4 Energy Transport and the Poynting V ector 7. A radio station emits a signal with a power of 50 kW. What are the amplitudes of the electric field and magnetic field at distances of 10 km and 1000 km? Assume that the signal far from the antenna is transmitted with equal intensity in all directions. (Real radio stations cannot afford to transmit their energy in this way, and their antennas distribute energy with a high degree of directionality.) 8. The electric field for a given electromagnetic wave has a peak value 50 mV/m. What is the intensity of the wave? 9. Assume that a 100 W light bulb emits light equally in all directions. What are the peak values of the electric and magnetic fields at a distance of 1 m? 10. A laser delivers 103 J of energy in a pulse that lasts 10-9 s. What are the peak electric and magnetic fields for a laser beam of diameter 10-3 m? 11. What is the intensity of a plane traveling electromagnetic wave if B m is 1.0?10-4 T? 12. The maximum electric field at a distance of 10 m from an isotropic point light source is 2.0 V/m. What are (a) the maximum value of the magnetic field and (b) the average intensity of the light there? (c) What is the power of the source? 13. An airplane flying at a distance of 10 km from a radio transmitter receives a signal of intensity 10 μW/m 2. Calculate (a) the amplitude of the electric field at the airplane due to this signal, (b) the amplitude of the magnetic field at the airplane, and (c) the total power of the transmitter, assuming the transmitter to radiate uniformly in all directions. 24-5 Radiation Pressure 14. A plane electromagnetic wave of wavelength 12 μm and an electric field amplitude of 10 V/m impinges on a totally reflecting surface of area 10 cm 2. What is the radiation pressure


Chapter 2 Phonetics & Phonology
(语音学) ? Key points:
1. Phonetic theory 1) Phonetic Transcription 2) Speech Organs & Their Movement 3) Classification of Consonants. 4) Classification of Monophthongs 5) Classification of Diphthongs 2. The Phoneme Theory 1) Phonetic contrast and complement 2) Phonetic similarity 3) Complementary distribution 4) Free variation, minimal pair and minimal set. 5) Supra-segmental Features and Distinctive Feature
Definition of Phonetics
?Prof. Hu Zhuanglin: Phonetics is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making, especially those sounds used in speech and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription
Phonetics (语音学) and Phonemics (音位学)
Linguistics:Basic Course Chapter 3: Phonetics
P h o n e tic s
a n d P h o n e m ic s
Three Branches of Phonetics (语音学分类) 语音学分类) Articulatory Phonetics:


公务员考试经验交流——转帖分享一 我的公务员考试经验 我平时在论坛一般只是潜水看资看资料的,今天再回到论坛来逛逛,突然想把自己的公务员考试经验分享出来,也许对大家有点用。 其实我本人当初并不想考公务员的,一个是我个人有点小文人心思,二个是我们这边有些传言,说考公务员都要有关系,不然准没戏。后来毕业后,工作一直不是很满意,这时候家里就建议我去考公务员,我当时一想,考就考吧,考上固是好事,考不上也就当打发下时间。 就这么着,我就踏上了这条公考之路。 才开始的时候,什么都不懂。当时好像记得还买过一些辅导资料,看了些内容,不过看了之后没有什么印象了,后来就在网上开始闲逛,看了一些公务员网站与论坛,下了很多资料,有什么不懂的就在网上问问,效果具然比自己看辅导书好多了。网上比较好的公务员论坛有QZNN与考试大论坛,QZZn的会员比较活跃,有时有什么行测题不懂,拿到QZZN一问,马上有很多解答回了过来,感觉很好很热情。而考试大论坛的资料比较多,随便进个版块,比如https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b18270786.html,/forum-359-1.html,进去后一片一片的附件,当时人就兴奋了,看到一个就下载一个,到后来弄得我电脑里面N多文件,到现在还有些没看到,所以在这里推荐大家下载资料的时候,要有选择性的下载,不要乱下一通,挑那些有代表性的,及最新的资料,文件下载后要以详细的汉字命名,免得以后搞不清这个文件是什么内容,那个文件是什么内容,一个一个都要打开看一下。 好像扯了半天,还没有扯到正题,呵呵,下面就说下我的复习经验吧。笔试主要是分为行政职业能力测验与申论。以前有一个公共知识基础的,不过后来国家公务员考试已经取消了。 行政职业能力测验搬用考试大纲的说法是主要测查与公务员职业密切相关的、适合通过客观化纸笔测验方式进行考查的基本素质和能力要素,主要包括常识判断、言语理解与表达、判断推理、数量关系和资料分析等内容。 常识判断测查的内容涵盖法律、政治、经济、管理、历史、自然、科技等方面,侧重考查应试者的法律知识运用能力。 行测如果是才接触的人可能觉得开始不是很好做,但是接触多了的话,就会发些其实这块的知识还是很简单的。对于行测,我还是比较注重多做题的,特别是真题,历年国家真题,历年各省真题都行,网上都是有下的,所以大家也不必要跑去书店买了(很贵的,哈哈)。因为真题的话,试题水准都是很高的,你可以严重格按照试题要求的时间去做,就当自己真的在考试一下,几套题下来,就对公务员题型与时间有个大概了解了。而且做多了,很容易把握其中的规律,做题速

《物理双语教学课件》Chapter 18 Capacitance 电容

Chapter18 Capacitance Capacitor is a device you can use to store energy as potential energy in an electric field. Capacitors also have many other uses in our electronic and microelectronic age. They are vital elements in the circuits with which we turn radio and television transmitters and receivers. Microscopic capacitors form the memory banks of computers. 18.1 Capacitance 1.The left figure shows some of the many sizes and shapes of capacitors. The right figure shows the basic elements of any capacitor-two isolated conductors of arbitrary shape. No matter what their geometry, flat or not, we call these conductor plates. 2.The following figure shows a less general but more conventional arrangement, called a parallel-plate capacitor,

英语语言学讲义Chapter4 Syntax

Chapter 4 Syntax Teaching aims 1. Overview of syntax as a system of rules that govern the formation of grammatical sentences. 2. Overview the four phrases of syntactic study in the history 3. Examine the composition of sentences in terms of category and structure 4. Discuss grammatical relations between each noun phrase and the verb in a sentence. 5. Introduce IC analysis and five phrases of generative approach. 4.1 Introduction to syntax Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. Grammatical sentences & Syntactic rule 1) Sentences are structured according to a particular arrangement of words. Well-arranged sentences are considered grammatical sentences. 2) Grammatical sentences are formed following a set of syntactic rules Introduction to syntax According to traditional approach grammar is divided into two parts: morphology and syntax. As a major component of grammar,Syntax is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language. Grammatical & ungrammatical sentences A sentence is considered grammatical when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers. On the other hand, a sentence violates a rule according to which words are organized, then native speakers will judge it to be an impossible sentence of their language. Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. Grammatical sentences & Syntactic rule 1) Sentences are structured according to a particular arrangement of words. Well-arranged sentences are considered grammatical sentences. 2) Grammatical sentences are formed following a set of syntactic rules 4.2 Syntax as s system of rules Discussion: Can we make a dictionary of sentences? Why or why not?


纪检监察工作推动了 开发区质监工作的全面开展 开发区分局是一个不足十人的工作机体,在机构、人员、工作环境等方面都存在着许多特殊性。尽管如此,我局把纪检监察工作时刻抓在手上,以党风建设、廉政建设、行业作风建设推进质监工作的开展,按照市局党组、开发区党工委对纪检监察工作的部署,根据《质监系统党风廉政建设目标责任书》具体要求,我们抓班子,抓队伍、抓党风廉政建设和制度建设,凝心聚力,不断增强干部职工服务意识,提高整体素质和能力,有力的推动了各项工作的开展。几年来,我局曾获得过全市质监系统?年度目标考核优秀单位?、开发区?年度综合考核先进单位?、?全市安全生产工作先进单位?等荣誉称号,历年是全市质监系统?文明窗口?和?特种设备安全工作先进单位?。为了总结经验,鞭策自我,现将我局纪检监察工作汇报如下: 一、抓学习抓教育强化队伍建设 基于对抓学习教育是提高思想境界、提高工作能力的最主要方法的认识,分局每年都制定干部职工政治、业务学习计划,规定学习内容、学习时间和具体要求,用制度的形式确定学习教育工作。 一是积极开展学习教育活动,全面提高干部职工政治素质。 几年来,在市局党组、开发区党工委的统一部署下,先后开展了?深入学习实践科学发展观活动?、?思想、工作、纪律、作

风‘四整顿’活动?,“实践科学发展观争当黄河三角洲开发建设排头兵”活动,开展了?勇于改革创新,奋力攻坚克难?和解放思想大讨论活动,开展了?从我做起,走向文明?主题实践活动和深入基层深入企业的调研活动。在各项活动中,我们把学习贯穿始终,干部职工政治思想觉悟、理想信念不断提高,为打造一流队伍,创造一流业绩奠定了坚实的政治思想基础。 二是加强法律和业务培训,提高队伍综合服务能力。以《宪法》、《行政许可法》为主线,加强了《食品安全法》、《特种设备安全监察条例》、《产品质量法》、《工业产品生产许可证管理条例》等法律法规的学习。通过学习,干部职工法律意识、行政能力、执法水平得到了进一步的提高,为以法行政,规范执法奠定了坚实基础。 三是突出警示和道德教育,努力规范行政行为。警钟常鸣、防微杜渐是我局党风廉政建设的常规做法,组织干部职工每年观看两次?党风廉政建设?专题教育片,先后到东营市人民检察院、胜利油田、东营区人民检察院警示教育基地进行警示教育,在开发区每季度接受一次交通安全教育和观看交通事故实例片。同时,结合对《中国共产党纪律处分条例》、《四大纪律八项要求》、国家总局制定的《质检系统行风建设?十不准?规定》等项规定的学习,人人都撰写心得体会文章,参加了多次本系统和管委会组织的行风建设专题报告会。长期以来,分局职工耐得住艰苦,顶得住压力,抵得住诱惑,管得住小节,不闯?红灯?,远离?红线?,不为利益眼红,不为金钱动心,不做任何影响单位形象、


公务员经验交流发言稿 公务员经验交流发言稿篇一 各位领导、同学们: 下午好!我是来自政法委的周蔚。首先感谢区委组织部、区公务员局和区委党校为我们新进公务员创造一个这么好的平台,向各位领导汇报一下自己进入公务员单位两个月来的感受,与其他新进公务员一起交流分享工作中的点点滴滴。听了前面新进公务员的发言,我也感同身受,受益匪浅。同其他人一样,我深切感到进入公务员队伍以后,就像进入了一个温暖的大家庭。一方面,区委组织部、区公务员局和区委党校为我们精心组织了培训,使我们了解了区情,增长了见识,拓展了能力,另一方面,我所在的政法委领导和老同志们从工作上和生活上给予我无微不至的关怀和帮助,使我尽快适应新环境,尽早渡过磨合期。我想在这样的良好氛围之下,我更应该尽快努力提高自己,尽快适应工作要求。下面我就简单谈谈我今后的打算。 我今天发言的题目是:立足岗位提升自我努力成为综合治理战线的尖兵。 我国正处于矛盾凸显期,社会治安和稳定工作面临着严峻挑战和冲击,我们面临着许多过去不曾遇到的严峻考验,如何让所有的孩子都站在公平的起跑线,共享同一片蓝天,如何让全体为建设中国特色社会主义事业而奋斗的民众共享自己创造的甘甜果实,如何让城市的房奴们走出蜗居走向广夏千万间的安居,如何让作为21世纪初期影响世界最大的事-中国的城市化与保障拆迁人权益和谐相处,我们要做许多过去并不熟悉的探索性,创 新性的事情。作为一名新进的公务员的我,只有一步一个脚印,立足岗位,不断提升自我,践行我许下的诺言,努力成为社会综合治理的尖兵,为社会治安的稳定和社会和谐贡献出自己的力量。具体而言,我觉得应从“大、能、细”上下功夫: 一是要服从一个“大”。 “大”就是工作中要树立大局意识。大局观这个词看似比较空洞,但是我感觉在工作中是非常需要的。比如就我现在所承担的社会治安综合治理工作而言,对在社会矛盾的化解时,选择什么样的工作方式,通过什么样的途径,都应该站在大局角度上。社会综合治理是一个政治性很强的工作。什么话可以说,什么要求可以答应,实际都是需要从我们长宁区甚至整个上海市的大局来考虑。增强大局意识,首先要多看电视多看报,把握时代脉搏,及时领会中央市委区委的精神。 二是培养一个“能”


PROBLEMS_ 18-1 Electrical Potential Energy 1. A 3 μC charge is brought in from infinity and fixed at the origin of a coordinate system. (a) How much work is done? (b) A second charge, of 5 μC, is brought in form infinity and placed 10 cm away from the first charge. How much does the electric field of the first charge do when the second charge is brought in? (c) How much work does the external agent do to bring the second charge in if that charge moves with unchanging kinetic energy? 2. A charge of 4 μC is placed at the point x = 2, y = 3, z = 0 (all distances given in centimeters). Calculate the work done in bring a charge of -8 μC from x =2, y = 15, z = -30 to the point x = 2, y = 12, z = 6, assuming that the charge is moved at a steady speed. 3. Derive an expression for the work required to set up the four-charge configuration of Fig.18-15, assuming the charges are initially infinitely far apart. Let V=0 at infinite. 4. Two point charges are located on the x -axis, e q -=1 at 0=x and e q +=2 at a x =. (a) Find the work that must be done by an external force to bring a third point charge e q +=3 from infinity to a x 2=. (b) Find the total potential energy of the system of three charges. 5. .A particle of positive charge Q is fixed at point P . A second particle of mass m and negative charge –q moves at constant speed in a circle of radius r 1, centered at P . Derive an expression for the work W that must be done by an external agent on the second particle to increase the radius of the circle of motion to r 2. 18-2 Electric Potential 6. Charges +q , -q , +q , and -q are placed on successive corners of a square in the xy -plane. Plot all locations in the xy -plane where the potential is zero. 7. The origin of a coordinate system is at the intersection point of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of an equilateral triangle of sides 10 cm. Calculate the potential at the origin due to three identical charges of 0.8 μC placed at the corners of the triangle. 8. A charge Q is distributed uniformly over the surface of a spherical shell of radius R . How much work is required to move these charges to a shell with half the radius? The charges are again distributed uniformly. 9. Calculate the potential inside and outside a sphere of radius R and charge Q , in which the charge is distributed uniformly throughout the sphere. 10. As a space shuttle moves through the dilute ionized gas of Earth ’s ionosphere, its potential a ++q --q Fig. 18-15 Problem 3.


公务员职业道德经验交流材料与公务接待交流材料汇 编 公务员职业道德经验交流材料 将忠于故国作为公事员职业道德建立的魂魄。公事员是国度和当局的代表,在群众眼里就是国度和当局的化身。作为一名公事员要将忠于故国内化于心,外在反映一直是最广阔人民基本好处的忠厚代表者和维护者,处处把国度和人民的好处放在高于一切、重于一切的地位上,对峙以本人的悉数任务为国立功、为民造福,对峙权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋。 将效劳人民作为公事员职业道德建立的根底。一心一意为人民效劳的主旨和内在是“以报酬本,在朝为民”,作为公事员要一直以担任的立场看待任务,对党担任、对人民担任、对事业担任、对本人担任,盲目把党和人民的事业放在首位,关怀庶民冷暖疾苦,体察群众所思所盼,顾惜岗亭、保重人格,把心思和精神放到谋开展、促调和上,多办人民群众得益受惠的功德实事,让广阔人民群众共享变革开展的效果。 将恪尽职守作为公事员职业道德建立的基本。准确的政绩观,表现在政绩的内容上,应该是为党、为人民,而不是为一己之私;在发明政绩的路子上,应该是保全大局、兢兢业业,而不是脚踏两船,摆花架子。认仔细真看待每一件事,踏扎实适用好每一天,起劲在本人的岗亭上干出一流的任务业绩,让公事员精力在分歧的岗亭上熠熠生辉。


公司法和商法(双语)讲义 第7章Corporate and Business Law Chapter 7

7 Consideration 1 Definitions 1.1 It is the element of value in the agreement. 1.2 Both parties must bring something of value to the agreement. 1.3 E.g. A sells B a car for £1. A and B are both providing value. 1.4 ‘An act or forbearance of one party o r the promise thereof is the price for which the promise of the other is bought and the promise thus given for value is enforceable’: Dunlop v Selfridge. 2 Rules of consideration Overview RULES OF CONSIDERATION Executed Executory Past 2.1 Must be provided by both parties (unless in the form of deed). 2.2 (a) May be executed: an act in return for a promise. (b) Executory: a promise given for a promise. (c) Must not be in the past: Re McArdle. An exception is where there is an implied promise to pay : Lampleigh v Braithwait.


公务员管理科工作经验交流材料 公务员管理科工作经验交流材料 我们公务员管理科主要负责《公务员法》的实施和事业单位人事制度改革的推进,事关全市公务员和事业单位工作人员的切身利益,一直以来受到广泛关注。一年来,我们着力提高政策在宣传、贯彻、执行过程中的透明度,注重规范工作程序、提升服务水平,高质量完成了科室担负的各项工作任务,取得了较好的工作效果。 一、坚持原则,做政策界限的坚守者 我们科室工作所涉及的政策规定基本都是“刚性”规定,符合政策的事,不办好就是失职,不符合政策的事,办了就是违纪违规甚至违法。所以,严格把好政策关是我们开展一切工作的前提。由于我们始终坚持原则,在工作中难免出现有的单位或个人认为我们“太死板”、“不好商量”、“不通人情”的情况。但是,我们始终坚守底线,严格按政策办事,并耐心做好政策宣传解释工作,最大限度地争取他们的理解。

特别是公务员招录和事业单位人员公开招聘工作,公众关注度高,社会影响大。我们严格依照《公务员法》和《事业单位公开招聘人员暂行规定》,坚持“公开、平等、竞争、择优”的原则,严把公务员和事业单位人员的“入口关”。公务员招录实行全省四级联考,事业单位人员招录主要由我们负责组织。在招录工作中,我们通过把好编制职数关、方案制定关、资格审查关、组织程序关、命题保密关、考试评分关、信息公示关“七关”,公平公正地反映每名参考人员的真实成绩,有效杜绝“暗箱操作”。有时在资格审查或考试过程中,也有亲朋好友打招呼的情况,有的是报考条件没有达到要求,有的是要求在面试时予以关照,我们都坚决予以回绝,同时耐心地做好解释说服工作,让他们清楚,招考实施方案中对报考条件和纪律要求都有明确规定,不管是谁,也不能放宽报考条件,放松纪律要求,影响整个招考工作的公平公正。由于我们坚持“一视同仁”,工作有底气,也减少了相应的工作压力。201X年,我们参加全省四级联考共招录公务员37人,为全市5个部门公开招聘事业单位专业技术人员229人。 二、秉持公正,做程序规范的执行员 严格执行工作程序、完善领导审批制度是我们做好各项工作所遵循的基本原则。工作中无论是上级发文还是会议精神,总是第一时间送领导签阅或向领导汇报,科室的每项工作在领导审批后再进行办理,多一道程序,就多一道规范,我们工作中就会少走弯路,少犯错误。在当今信息化时代,媒体、公众往往对我们所从事的工作更加关注,面对媒体和社会监督,我们时刻都有“如


人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料 人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料 人事局创新公务员管理考核工作经验交流材料 考核工作是公务员管理的基础工作,是公务员制度的一项重要内容,也是正确评价公务员德才表现和工作实绩,掌握公务员素质状况、实行科学管理的重要手段。近几年来,我市认真贯彻落实《公务员法》、《公务员考核规定(试行)》,坚持标准,严格程序,规范操作,在构建公务员考核体系,推进公务员考核创新上进行了积极有效的探索和实践,形成了以公务员平时考核、诚信考核、年度考核为主要形式的“三位一体”考核体系,使公务员考核工作在科学化、规范化、法制化方面取得了较大进展,在公务员队伍管理中发挥了重要作用。 一、主要做法 考核是一门应用领域的科学,而科学的发展从来就没有顶点。怎样突破长期以来形成的公务员考核的传统思维定势,主动适应新形势下公务员管理工作的新要求,我们着力在考核的形式和体系上进行了探索,归纳起来主要有以下三个方面。(一)平时考核强化敬业――从细从实 注重平时考核,加大平时考核力度是避免年度考核工作走向虚化、考核功能走向弱化的有效途径。我市开展公务员平时考核着重抓好公务员的工作业绩、工作态度和敬业精神,强化“三个突出”。一是突出考核标准,细化考核目标任务。科学合理地设定好考核内容,制定好考核标准,是做好考核工作的基础。每年年初各部门都要根据市委、市政府年度重点工作目标任务,结合部门职责将目标任务层层分解到各处室和每个公务员,目标任务分为共性目标和业务目标,共性目标主要包括“政治态度”、“道德品质”、“敬业精神”、“依法行政”、“工作作风”、“廉政勤政”、“遵章守纪”等要素;业务目标主要包括岗位责任目标及衡量标准、完成的时限及质量要求、创新创优目标及产生的效益等要素,所制定的业务目标要求高点定位,将创新放在首位,瞄准全国、全省、全市先进水平。二是突出考核重点,从实抓好工作实绩的考核。对公务员工作实绩的考核,我们坚持主管领导负责制,一级考核一级,力求简便、务实、有效。注重《考核记实手册》的作用,每个公务员每周必须在《考核记实手册》上进行记实,内容主要包括工作项目、工作任务的进展和完成情况、未完成的原因、工作表现等,要求抓住重点,记载有价值的工作内容。每月由处室进行月度工作总结讲评,每季由主管领导对所属公务员共性目标执行情况和业务目标完成情况进行考核,分析不足和问题,提出希望和要求。三是突出考核成效,从严抓好考核结果的使用。考核结果的有效使用不仅有利于形成正确的导向,推动各项工作的开展,而且能够鼓励先进,鞭策后进,激励公务员争先创优的积极性。我们在严格执行好上级有关规定的基础上,积极拓宽考核结果使用渠道,创新考核激励机制,在实施公务员“阳光工资”后,我们及时制定出台了《关于认真做好市级机关公务员平时绩效考核,规范公务员津贴补贴发放工作的试行意见》,将地方津补贴(工作津贴的40%部分)和公务员平时绩效考核结果严格挂钩,规定对公务员平时绩效考核被确定为“一般”、“较差”等次的,分别扣除20%和50%的津补贴;对公务员受到处分,出现迟到早退、病假、事假、旷工等情形的也都要相应扣除个人津补贴。通过这些刚性措施,有效解决了公务员平时绩效考核无抓手、难推进的突出问题,增强了公务员平时工作的责任感,激发了公务员爱岗敬业的工作热情。

国际商务谈判(英文)教案讲义 chapter 1 International Business Negotiation

国际商务谈判 International Business Negotiation A negotiation is a meeting or a series of meetings in which the parties need each other’s agreement to reach a specific objective. The fundamental principles of negotiation 1. Negotiation is an element of human behavior. 2. Negotiation takes place only over issues that are negotiable. 3. Negotiation takes place only between people who have the same interest. 4. Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving. 5. Negotiation takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent. Chapter 1 Negotiation motives and key terminology 谈判动机与关键词语Negotiation谈判 Conflicts冲突 Stakes利益 Case study: Matsushita Electric Corporation 松下电器公司———————————————————————————————————— NEGOTIATION谈判 A successful negotiation must satisfy at least the following conditions: 1. The outcome of negotiation is a result of mutual giving and taking. One sided concession or compromise can not be called a successful negotiation. 2. Negotiations happen due to the existence of conflicts, however, no negotiations can proceed smoothly and come to a satisfactory solution without collaboration between the participants. 3. Negotiation is a behavioral process, not a game; in a good negotiation, everybody wins something. Success isn’t winning everything; it’s winning enough. CONFLICTS冲突 The definition of conflicts states three points: 1. Parties in conflicts are interdependent, which means there remains a kind of relationship developed by interrelated interests and concerns. There would be no conflict if two parties were not interrelated and had nothing to do with each other.
