






A.B.z的实部为1 C.z的虚部为﹣1 D.z的共轭复数为1+i



(A) B)(C)(D)



A. B. C. D.

5. 函数在上为减函数,在上为增函数,则()(A)(B)(C)(D)


6.双曲线(a>0,b>0)的两个焦点为F1、F2,若P为其上一点,且|PF1|=3|PF2|, 则双曲线离心率的取值范围为() A.(1,2) B. C.(3,+) D.


8. 若双曲线y2=4(m>0)的焦距为8,则它的离心率为

A. B. C. D.2











A. B. C. D.

二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.11.设,若f (x)在x=1处的切线与直线垂直,则实数a的值为.




15.已知双曲线的焦点到一条渐近线的距离为,点为坐标原点,则此双曲线的离心率为 .







+y 2=1,


(Ⅱ)求过点P (21,21

)且被P 平分的弦所在直线的方程.




(1)求a 、b 的值;

(2)若对于任意的,都有成立,求c 的取值范围.

19.(本小题满分12分)用长为18 cm 的钢条围成一个长方体形状的框架,要求长方体的长与宽之比为2:1,问该长方体的长、宽、高各为多少时,其体积最大?最大体积是多少?
















11.-112.13. 14.3或5 15.2




∴焦点坐标 (2)

长轴长 (3)



离心率 (6)

(Ⅱ)法一:由题意可知,该直线的斜率存在,……………………………………7分 不妨设所求直线方程为y -21=k (x -21

), 即y =kx +21-21

k . 由k ,1

得(2+4k 2)x 2+4k (1-k )x +(1-k )2-4=0,……………………………………………9分 设直线与椭圆交于A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2)两点,

则x 1+x 2=-2+4k24k (1-k )

=1,…………………………………………………………10分 解之得k =-21

.……………………………………………………………………………11分 ∴直线方程为2x +4y -3=0. …………………………………………………………12分

(Ⅱ)法二:设直线与椭圆交于A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2)两点,

由题意知,所求直线的斜率存在,设为k ,……………………………………………7分 则x 1+x 2=1,y 1+y 2=1. ………………………………………………………………8分 由12122222=1,2得y 12-y 22=-21(x 12-x 22

),……………………………………………9分 ∴x1-x2y1-y2=-21·y1+y2x1+x2=-21,即k =-21,……………………………………………11分 ∴直线方程为y -21=-21(x -21),

即2x +4y -3=0. ………………………………………………………………………12分

18. (本小题满分12分) 解:(1)



























从而最大体积V=V(x)=9×12-6×13(m3),此时长方体的长为2 m,高为1.5 m.

答:当长方体的长为2 m时,宽为1 m,高为1.5 m时,体积最大,最大体积为3 m3。




解:(Ⅰ)由已知得a =2,b =1, 所以c ==.

所以椭圆G 的焦点坐标为(-,0),(,0),………………………………………2分 离心率为e =a c =23

.…………………………………………………………………………4分 (Ⅱ)设l 的方程为y =kx +2,即kx -y +2=0,

由l 与圆x 2

+y 2



解得k =±.…………………………………………………………………………………6分 将y =±x +2代入x 2+4y 2-4=0

得13x 2±16x +12=0. ……………………………………………………………………7分 设A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),

则x 1+x 2=133,x 1x 2=1312

,………………………………………………………………9分 |AB |=2=2

=2 1312=1324


又O 到AB 的距离d =1. …………………………………………………………………12分 ∴S △OAB =21×|AB |×1=1312





∴曲线在处的切线方程为,即; (4)


令或1. ………………………………………………………………6分




当有极大值有极小值. ………………………10分由的简图知,当且仅当





考单招——上高职单招网https://www.360docs.net/doc/5219047582.html, 一、单句填空 1.The boy was so crazy computer games that he played online over ten hours every day. 2.Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that’s she is a strong-willed woman. 3.As a businessman,David is so busy that rarely he have time for his family. 4.By the time I saw the job (advertise) in the newspaper,it was already too late. 5.—This is a good place for a picnic. —Yes,it couldn’t be (good). 6. Jim(watch)a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank. 7.—Wow! Jane,you’re slim again. —Yes,I have been a diet these days. 8.he couldn’t understand was why the number of people eating in his restaurant was decreasing day by day. 9. Please make sure that no details(overlook)before you deliver a speech. 10.I looked up and noticed a snake (wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. 二、语法填空 A:I’ve read a book about personal ideals, 1 concludes that living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. B:I agree.The most important in life is to have a great aim,and the 2 (determine)to attain it.Ideals are like the stars.We never reach them, 3 like mariners,we can chart our course by them. A:At the very beginning,I wanted to be a writer.However,I was not very 4 (confidence)and gave up. B:The only limit to our realization of tomorrow 5 our doubts of today.


山东商务职业学院2014年单独招生综合考试试卷 本试卷分语文、数学、英语三部分,每部分分值皆为80分,总分值为240分。 笔试考试时间为120分钟。 有疑问请咨询QQ:363020494 全天在线,为你服务 语文试卷 一、 积累与运用(本题共6小题,满分18分) 1.下列加点的字的注音完全正确的一项是( ) (3分) A .窗明几.净(j ī) 几.次三番(j ǐ) 没.有(m éi ) 没. 收(m ò) B .倒.买倒卖(d ǎo ) 本末倒.置(d ào ) 称.心(ch èn ) 称. 呼(ch ēng ) C .差.之毫厘(ch ā) 差.使(ch āi ) 铜臭.(x ìu) 乳臭.未干(ch òu ) D .自我反省.(x ǐng ) 省.略(sh ěng ) 着.急(zh áo ) 着. 手(zhu ó) 2.下列词语中,有错别字的一项是( )(3分) A .按部就班 矫揉造作 变本加厉 漠不关心 B .相形见绌 相辅相成 断章取意 出类拔萃 C .蹉跎岁月 富甲一方 破釜沉舟 灯枯油尽 D .故作矜持 人所不齿 充耳不闻 锋芒毕露 3.古诗文默写(3分) ①东风不与周郎便, 。(杜牧《赤壁》) ②浊酒一杯家万里, 。(范仲淹《渔家傲》) ③问君能有几多愁? 。(李煜《虞美人》) 4.依次填入下列各句中横线处的词,最恰当的一组是( )(3分) ①据《2012中国微博年度报告》 ,中国微博用户的井喷式增长将出现于2013年、2014年,市场也将进入成熟期。 ②春节后,争抢农民工——中国劳动力市场这一场没有硝烟的战争,已然从珠三角、长三角局部地区 到包括中、西部在内的全中国。 ③无论是设计创新、服务创新,还是营销创新, 想消费者所想,满足广大顾客的个性化需求,企业才能赢得更多的青睐。 科目 语 文 数 学 英 语 总分 题目 一 二 三 四 总分 一 二 三 四 总分 一 二 三 四 总 分 得分 统分人 复核人 得分 评卷人 姓名_________________专业_______________准考证号__________考场 _______________ 密封线 学生须将答案写在此线以下


2019-2020学年第一学期《政治》期中考试试题 一、单项选择题 (每小题2分,共50分) 1、“烟台苹果、莱阳梨,不如潍坊的萝卜皮。”从这句俗语就不难看出山东潍坊萝卜的名气。与普通萝卜相比,山东潍坊萝卜肉质翠绿,香辣脆甜,多汁味美,深受消费者喜爱。由此可见,潍坊萝卜( ) A. 具有较高的价值 B. 耗费的劳动时间更多 C. 凝结了更多的劳动 D. 具有较高的使用价值 2、电影《哪吒之魔童降世》于2019年7月在我国各大影院上映。小华同学来到西安奥斯卡影城,用微信支付方式支付30元,购得影票一张。此活动中体现出的货币职能与下列哪一项活动中货币职能相同( ) A. 李某缴纳税款400元 B.某款手机的价格是1880元 C. 小李用168元买了一件衬衣 D.某企业支付给小张2000元薪金 3、在同样生产条件下,生产同样一匹布,甲用了5小时,乙用了7小时,丙用了9小时,甲乙丙生产的这匹布的价值量是( ) A.甲>乙>丙 B.一样大 C.甲<乙<丙 D.无法确定 4、在商品生产中,商品的价值量与社会劳动生产率成反比。因此,社会劳动生产率越高,同一劳动在同一时间内创造的单位商品的价值量______,而商品的价值总量________。 A. 越大 越大 B.越小 不变 C. 越小 越小 D.越大 不变 5、某企业生产一件商品的平均劳动耗费为8元,而在市场上该商品只能按6元销售,如果该企业将商品出口到国际市场上,单位商品的价格为1.5美元,汇率为1美元=6.2元人民币,该企业通过出口,每件商品可以获得的利润为( ) A.1.3元 B.3.3元 C.1.8元 D.0.2元 6、2017上半年,我国网购用户达5.16亿人,网购带动了仓储、快递等相关产业的迅速发展。这表明( ) A.消费能带动产业的成长升级 B.消费是生产的最终目的 C.生产为消费创造新动力 D.生产决定消费的质量和水平 7、“送报纸、卖爆米花、推销各种生活用品、做加油工人……”这些最平常的工作是许多亿万富翁的第一份工作。这给就业者的启示是( ) A.就业不能考虑自己的兴趣、专长和条件 B.职业无贵贱之分,要树立职业平等观 C.就业必须从最基层做起,做临时工是成功的基础 D.树立竞争就业观,主动适应市场需要 8、商业银行在我国经济发展中发挥着巨大的作用,它的主体业务是( ) A.吸收存款 B.结算业务 C. 发放贷款 D.债券买卖 9、“不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在同一个篮子里”的投资理念,强调的是重视股票、债券等投资方式的( ) A.流动性 B.灵活性 C. 稳定性 D.风险性 10、中国企业500强中,国有及国有控股企业共有331家,占总数的66.2%,实现净利润1万亿元,占净利润的86.9%。这说明( ) ①国有经济控制国民经济命脉 ②国有经济是国民经济的主体 ③国有经济在国民经济中起主导作用 ④国有经济应该进一步扩大投资领域 A .①② B .②④ C .③④ D .①③ 11、小张的父亲在村里承包了10亩地种优质葡萄,年收入为8万元。小张在某外商独资企业工作,年薪20万元收入,闲余时间炒股获得3万元。材料中获得的收入依次为( ) A.按劳分配 按劳动要素分配 按资本要素分配 B.按劳技术要素分配 按管理要素分配 按资本要素分配 C.按土地要素分配 按劳分配 按资本要素分配 D.按劳动要素分配 按技术要素分配 按资本要素分配 12、财政收入是衡量政府财力的重要指标,政府在社会经济活动中提供公共物品和服务的范围和数量,在很大程度上取决于财政收入的充裕状况。增加财政收入,从根本上应该 ( ) A.提高经济发展水平 B.调整分配政策


湖南商务职业技术学院单招测试题附解析英语 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

一、单句填空 1.The boy was so crazy computer games that he played online over ten hours every day. 2.Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that’s she is a strong-willed woman. 3.As a businessman,David is so busy that rarely he have time for his family. 4.By the time I saw the job (advertise) in the newspaper,it was already too late. 5.—This is a good place for a picnic. —Yes,it couldn’t be (good). 6. Jim(watch)a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank. 7.—Wow! Jane,you’re slim again. —Yes,I have been a diet these days. 8.he couldn’t understand was why the number of people eating in his restaurant was decreasing day by day. 9. Please make sure that no details (overlook)before you deliver a speech. 10.I looked up and noticed a snake (wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. 二、语法填空 A:I’ve read a book about personal ideals, 1 concludes that living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.


一、单句填空 1.The boy was so crazy computer games that he played online over ten hours every day. 2.Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that’s she is a strong-willed woman. 3.As a businessman,David is so busy that rarely he have time for his family. 4.By the time I saw the job (advertise) in the newspaper,it was already too late. 5.—This is a good place for a picnic. —Yes,it couldn’t be (good). 6. Jim(watch)a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank. 7.—Wow! Jane,you’re slim again. —Yes,I have been a diet these days. 8.he couldn’t understand was why the number of people eating in his restaurant was decreasing day by day. 9. Please make sure that no details(overlook)before you deliver a speech. 10.I looked up and noticed a snake (wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. 二、语法填空 A:I’ve read a book about personal ideals, 1 concludes that living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. B:I agree.The most important in life is to have a great aim,and the 2 (determine)to attain it.Ideals are like the stars.We never reach them, 3 like mariners,we can chart our course by them. A:At the very beginning,I wanted to be a writer.However,I was not very 4 (confidence)and gave up. B:The only limit to our realization of tomorrow 5 our doubts of today. A:To be honest,I really love writing.Luckily,I6(publish)some stories in newspapers up to now. B:Congratulations.You should devote yourself 7 realizing your dream.


一、语言文字运用(共24分,其中选择题每小题3 分) 1、下列各项中,加点字注音没有错误的一项是 A.镌刻(juàn)修禊(qì)龟裂(jūn)长歌当哭 (dàng) B.玉醅(pēi)寥寥(liáo)一煞(shā)呼天抢地 (qiāng) C.浸渍(zì)信笺(qiān)狭隘(ài)门衰祚薄 (zuò) D.创痕(chuàng)逶迤(yí)盘桓(yuán)呱呱而泣(gū) 2、下列各项中,没有错别字的一项是 A.震撼缺憾鄙陋没世金榜提名 B.寒暄逶迤熟视无睹劳燕分飞 C.暮霭和蔼偃仰啸歌窝角虚名 D.狼藉慰藉粗制烂造游目骋怀 3、下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是. A.你应该和朋友合作搞这个课题,要知道三人成虎,众志成城。. B.听说儿子今晚要回来,母亲在风雨中茕茕孑立地等待了两个小时。. C.我始终没来得及按照总编的要求修改这个剧本,几年来我一直耿耿于怀, 深感有负他的嘱托。.

D.小李得了冠军,尾巴翘到天上,对朋友竟然也侧目而视。. 4、下列各句中没有语病的一项是. A.经过老主任再三解释,才使他怒气逐渐平息,最后脸上勉强露出一丝笑容。B.虽然经过法庭的多次调解,这两兄弟因为赡养父母而引起的矛盾不但没有得到缓解,反而愈演愈烈。. C.局长嘱咐几个学校的领导,新学期的工作一定要有新的起色。. D.我们要下大决心,花大力气,争取在不久的将来把我国的教育事业达到世界先进水平。 5、阅读下面的文字,请分条概括出“粉丝”的主要特点,要求言简意赅。(4分) 如今的图书出版界,许多当红作家或学者都拥有数量极大的“粉丝”。易中天的粉丝自称为“乙醚”,钱文忠的粉丝自称为“潜艇”,于丹的粉丝自称为“鱼丸”。他们的新书发布和签售受到各自粉丝的追捧,短时间内就能售出二三千本。难怪有人说,今天的大众阅读已成为“粉丝阅读”。 6、在下面横线处,仿照前面画线的句子,各补写两个例子。(4分) 人们从读书学做人。从往哲先贤那里,人们学得他们的品格:从孔子那里学 得仁爱的情怀,从鲁迅那里学得批判的精 神,,


2016 年山东单招 山东商务职业学院 考试模拟题(含解析) 本山东山东商务职业学院单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学!


山东商务职业学院单招 模拟考试准则

2016山东单招 录取原则 1、山东商务职业学院将对报名考生的报名资格进行严格审核,对于报考资格存在弄虚作假或考试作弊的考生,一经查实取消其考试资格,已经录取的考生取消录取资格,已经入学的按照教育部及我院相关规定严肃处理,由此造成的一切后果由考生本人承担。 2、根据考生志愿、招生计划,按文化课总成绩由高到低,择优录取。综合素质测试作为参考,成绩低于60分不予录取。 3、预录取名单上报省招考办审批,并办理相关录取手续。 4、录取名单在学院网站公示3个工作日,接受社会监督。 5、参加单招的考生被山东商务职业学院录取后,与2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试录取的考生享受同等待遇。一经录取,不得参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试。

2016年山东商务职业学院单招模拟题 (考试时间:90分钟满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分): 第1题:What is the best title for the passage? A.My daydream B.My father's son C.My famous father D.My happy family 【正确答案】B 讲解:A我的白日梦 B父亲的儿子 C我的名人爸爸 D我的快乐家庭。根据文章可知选B 第2题:When I was walking along the street, suddenly someone touched _______ shoulder. A. on my B. my C. me in the D. me on the 【正确答案】D 讲解:touch + sb. in/ on/ by +the 身体部位。in表示进去,可用于身体上软的部位,如肚 子,on可用于硬的部位,如头。by可用于抓,如手 第3题:Which of the following is NOT true? A. The writer is now in US. B. American girls love to have white skin. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5219047582.html, students are talented and https://www.360docs.net/doc/5219047582.html, girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan. 【正确答案】B 讲解:A:作者目前在美国。Well, to tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience study here.正确。 B:美国女孩喜欢白皙的皮肤。US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan. 错误。C I also surprised by how hard-working US students are .The kids here are so talented.正确。选B 第4题:Oh, I'm not feeling well in the stomach, I ____ so much fried chicken just now. A. shouldn't eat B. shouldn't have eaten C. mustn't eat 【正确答案】B 讲解:解析:由just now而知,本题谈论过去之事。谈论过去之事,在should或must之后 接不定式的完成式。must表示推测只用于肯定句中,shouldn't have done表说话之前本不应 该做某事,但事实上却做了,含有责备的口气。选B 第5题:A. catching up B. falling behind C. running over D. taking off 【正确答案】A 讲解:【解析】由后句火星距离地球最近,可知在八九月份地球赶上了火星。Catch up with 赶上。Fall behind落后。Run over辗过。 take off起飞。 第6题:thought()


山东商务职业学院单招英语模拟试题含答案解 析 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年山东商务职业学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案解 析) 单项选择(20分) 16. He bought a knife and fork ________.A. to eat B. to eat with C. for eating D. to eat by 17. The little village which lies ___ the railway for 20 miles is ___the great man was born. A. off; where B. at; when C. to; how D. by; why 18. The window which hasn’t been cleaned for at least 3 weeks requires ____. Who’d like to take the job A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 19. Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the ___ that everyone should be treated fairly.A. purpose B. ambition C. principle D. level 20. After the war, that country ___ their defense works in case of the next unexpected attack.A. raised B. strengthened C. increased D. powered 21. Great efforts have been ____to i mprove people’s living conditions in China in the past two years.A. got B. won C. made D. did 22. When he came back with plenty of money, his father ____ three days before. A. had died B. was dead C. died D. had been dead 23. The fire was finally ______ after the building had ______ for two hours. A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fire C. put out; caught fire D. put out; been on fire 24. He did everything he could _______ the old man. A. to save B. save C. saving D saved 25.—Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now— Thank you.__________ A. Of course you can B. If you like C. it’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better 26. Everyone has periods in their lives _____ everything seems very hard.A. when B. where C. which D. that 27. When he heard the news, he hurried home,______ the book ______ on the desk. A. leaving; lying open B. to leave; lying open C. left; lying open D. leaving; lying opened


单招面试最常见的问题及答案 单招,即为单独招生简称。概括而言,就是高职高专层次的自主招生。以下是整理的单招面试最常见的问题及答案,以供大家参考。 单招面试最常见的问题及答案:1、请你自我介绍一下你自己? 回答提示:一般考生回答这个问题过于平常,只说姓名、年龄、家乡。这些在考官老师手中的考试报名表中都有。其实,面试考官老师最希望知道的是艺考生是否适合这个专业,包括:个人的性格、兴趣爱好、动手能力、思想品德等,这些都可以和学习无关,也可以和学习有关,但要突出积极的个性和和对专业的兴趣,说得合情合理老师才会相信。老师很重视一个人的礼貌,求职者要尊重考官,在回答每个问题之后都说一句“谢谢”。 2、你觉得你个性上最大的优点是什么? 回答提示:沉着冷静、条理清楚、立场坚定、顽强向上、乐于助人和关心他人、适应能力和幽默感、乐观和友爱。这个问题编导生只要言之成理即可。可以说一下自己和别人相比最具备优势的优点。 3、说一下你朋友对你的评价? 回答提示:想从侧面了解一下你的性格及与人相处的问题。 回答样本一:我的朋友都说我是一个可以信赖的人。因为,我一旦答应别人的事情,就一定会做到。如果我做不到,我就不会轻易许诺。

回答样本二:我觉的我是一个比较随和的人,与不同的人都可以友好相处。在我与人相处时,我总是能站在别人的角度考虑问题。 4、说说你最大的缺点? 回答提示:这个问题也有可能被考官问到,虽然每个考官的脾气性格不一样,但考官问这个问题,他们的考察目的都是一样的,无论是哪个学校的单招面试中,考官都想要通过这个问题来考察考生的反应能力,或者说灵活处理问题的能力。考官通常不希望听到直接回答的缺点是什么等,如果编导生说自己小心眼、爱忌妒人、非常懒、脾气大、学习效率低,老师肯定不会给你太高的分数。同时绝对不要自作聪明地回答“我最大的缺点是过于追求完美”,有的人以为这样回答会显得自己比较出色,但事实上,他已经岌岌可危了。建议考生遇到这个问题可以说一下不痛不痒的缺点,不要太暴露自己。考官老师喜欢考生从自己的优点说起,中间加一些小缺点,最后再把问题转回到优点上,突出优点的部分,老师喜欢聪明的学生。 关于编导高考面试的技巧、回答考官提问的技巧在最新版的《编导高考培训手册》面试部分有比较全面的介绍。 5、你对我们学校的了解吗? 回答提示:考官问这个问题主要是看一下你对这个学校拥有多大的兴趣。如果一个考生对某个学校很有兴趣,肯定会在考试之前查阅过一些相关的介绍。所以在同学们遇到这个问题的时候,如果确实查阅过学校的信息,可以凭借记忆说一下你对这个大学的印象,如果实在是不了解,那就实事求是的告诉考官:不好意思老师,我只顾着准


2016年山东商务职业学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案解 析) 单项选择(20分) 16. He bought a knife and fork . to eat B. to eat with C. for eating D. to eat by 17. The little village which lies ___ the railway for 20 miles is ___the great man was born. A. off; where B. at; when C. to; how D. by; why 18. The window which hasn’t been cleaned for at least 3 weeks requires ____. Who’d like to take the job A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 19. Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the ___ that everyone should be treated . purpose B. ambition C. principle D. level 20. After the war, that country ___ their defense works in case of the next unexpected . raised B. strengthened C. increased D. powered

21. Great efforts have been ____to i mprove people’s living conditions in China in the past two . got B. won C. made D. did 22. When he came back with plenty of money, his father ____ three days before. A. had died B. was dead C. died D. had been dead 23. The fire was finally ______ after the building had ______ for two hours. A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fire C. put out; caught fire D. put out; been on fire 24. He did everything he could _______ the old man. A. to save B. save C. saving D saved 25.—Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now— Thank A. Of course you can B. If you like C. it’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better 26. Everyone has periods in their lives _____ everything seems very . when B. where C. which D. that


一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分;在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1 .若复数12z =-+,则z2= ( ) A .1322i -+ B .1322i -- C .3122i - D .312i + 2.已知集合A=6|1,1 x x R x ??≥∈??+??,B={x|x2-2x-3<0},那么A ∩(CRB)为 ( ) A .(-1,5) B .(-1,3) C .(-∞,-1) ∪[3,+∞) D .[3,5] 3.与函数lg(1)10x y -=的图象相同的函数是 ( ) A. y = x-1 B. y = 112+-x x C. y = |x-1| D. y =2) 11(--x x 4.若曲线 在点处的切线方程是,则 ( ) A . B . C . D . 5.某个容量为的样本的频率分布直方图如右,则在 区间[4, 5)上的数据的频数为 ( ) A .70 B . C .30 D .0.7 6.设随机变量ξ等可能取值1,2,3,…,n , 如果P (ξ<4)=0.3,那么n 的值为 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .9 D .10 2y x ax b =++(0,)b 10x y -+=1,1a b ==1,1a b =-=1,1a b ==-1,1a b =-=-1000.3

7.函数y = 22 3 (0) 2 3 (02)5 (2)x x x x x x x +≤??-++<≤??-+>?的最大值是 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .8 D .5 8.设a=log54,b=(log53)2,c=log45,则 ( ) A .a < c < b B .b < c < a C .a < b < c D .b < a < c 9.若2()2f x x ax =-+与1)(+=x a x g 在区间(1,2)上都是减函数,则实数a 的取 值范围是 ( ) A .(1,0)(0,1)-U B .(1,0)(0,1]-U C .(0,1) D .]1,0( 10.已知函数3()2x f x +=, 1()f x -是()f x 的反函数,若16mn =(m n R ∈+,),则11()()f m f n --+的值为 ( ) A .2- B .4 C .1 D .10 11.一元二次方程ax2+2x+1=0(a≠0)有一个正根和一个负根的充分不必要条件是 ( ) A .a <0 B .a >0 C .a <-1 D .a >1 12.数列{an}中,a1=15,an+an+1=*16,5n n N +∈,则lim n →∞(a1+a2+…+an ) = ( ) A .25 B .41 C .27 D .425 二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 13.已知函数f (x )和g (x )都是定义在R 上的奇函数,函数F (x ) = a f (x )+bg (x ) +2在区间(0,+∞)上的最大值是5,则F (x )在(-∞,0)上的最小值是 .


考单招——上高职单招网 (考试时间:90分钟满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分): 第1题:Before they go into their houses, Americans must _____. A . take off their shoes B. clean their shoes on the ground C. clean their shoes on the welcome mats D. put on their shoes. 【正确答案】C 讲解:If you go to an American home, please remember to clean your shoes on the mat.选C 第2题:下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是() 7.A.被称作“前四史”的史书是:《史记》《汉书》《三国志》和《后汉书》。B.元曲四大家是:关汉卿、白朴、马致远和郑光祖。C.被鲁迅称为“晚清四大谴责小说”的是:《官场现形记》《儒林外史》《老残游记》和《孽海花》。D.莎士比亚的四大悲剧是:《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《奥赛罗》和《麦克白》。 【正确答案】C 讲解:(无《儒林外史》,应为《二十年目睹之怪现状》) 第3题:Early computer games can't attract many girls because_________.

考单招——上高职单招网 A. they are designed for boys only B. they tell too many scientific stories C. they are not the kind of games girls likeD. they use animals and people 【正确答案】C 讲解:早期电脑游戏不能吸引许多女孩子的原因是Early computer games also attract a number of students to computer science, but those are usually boys. There are a lot of shooting games which most girls don't like. 选C 第4题: A. just B. seldom C. still D. never 【正确答案】C 讲解:副词辨析。A.只是,仅仅;B.很少,不常;C仍旧;D.从来不。联系下文,可知 此处指的是,如今我仍旧送卡片给朋友们。故选C。 第5题:下列词语成语使用正确的一项是() A.中国人民以无所不为的勇气,克服了重重困难,终于赶走了日本侵略者。 B.在将要举行 的决赛中,我国选手实力超群,很有希望染指金牌。C.陕西剪纸粗犷朴实,简练夸张, 同江南一带细致工整的风格相比,可以说是各有千秋。 D.他不过是个初中生,却已经在 报纸上发表了不少作品,可见文学造诣很深。 【正确答案】C 讲解:本题考查词语运用。《无所不为》、《染指》是贬义词,用在A、B语境明显是 错误的。D选项的《造诣》属于大词小用,形容初中生的文学水平有些夸大了。C选项 《各有千秋》是不分伯仲的意思,各有各的特色,平分秋色。 第6题:—What do you think of my composition?—It well a few spelling mistakes. A. reads; except for B. reads; besides C. is read; except for D. is read; besides 【正确答案】A


一、单句填空 boy was so crazy computer games that he played online over ten hours every day.? once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that’s she is a strong-willed woman.? a businessman,David is so busy that rarely he have time for his family.? the time I saw the jo b (advertise) in the newspaper,it was already too late.? 5.—This is a good place for a picnic. —Yes,it couldn’t be (good).? 6. Jim(watch)a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the television went blank.? 7.—Wow! Jane,you’re slim again. —Yes,I have been a diet these days.? 8.he couldn’t understand was why the number of people eating in his restaurant was decreasing day by day.? 9. Please make sure that no details (overlook)before you deliver a speech.? looked up and noticed a snake(wind)its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.? 二、语法填空 A:I’ve read a book about personal ideals, 1 concludes that living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.? B:I most important in life is to have a great aim,and the 2 (determine)to attain are like the never reach them,3like mariners,we can chart our course by them.? A:At the very beginning,I wanted to be a ,I was not very 4 (confidence)and gave up.? B:The only limit to our realization of tomorrow 5 our doubts of today.? A:To be honest,I really love ,I 6 (publish)some stories in newspapers up to now.? B: should devote yourself 7 realizing your dream.? A:’ve also learned it from the book that it’s the ideals 8 have lighted my way,and given me new courage to face life cheerfully.? B:As the old 9 goes,where there’s a will,there’s a ,don’t part with your
