课文译文 B4 Unit 4 Text A


















新视野大学英语2第三版unit8 textA课文翻译.doc

Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice 动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择 1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury — circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research. 1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。这些谣言刺痛了我,因为我从来没想到自己是一个邪恶的人。我成为一位儿科医生,因为我爱孩子,也因为我的最大愿望是让他们保持健康。在医学院学习和住院医生实习时,我看到了许多儿童死于癌症和受伤流血——虽然对此医学正取得很大进步,但远非完善。更重要的是,我还看到孩子们能保持健康得益于医学的进步,如婴儿呼吸支持器,功效强大的新药物和外科手术技术及整个器官移植领域的发展。我希望孩子们健康快乐,这促使我从事医学研究。 2 My accusers have twisted the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil. They claim that I have no moral compass, that I torture innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement, and that my experiments have no relevance to medicine. Meanwhile, an uncaring public barely watches, convinced that the issue has no significance, and publicity-conscious senators and politicians increasingly give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists. 2 控诉我的人把真相歪曲成一则神话,并把我描写成恶魔。他们声称我没有道德界限,我折磨那些无辜动物的唯一目的就是为了自己的职业升迁,而我的实验根本与医药毫不相关。与此同时,无动于衷的公众几乎不闻不问,相信这个议题毫无意义,而具有宣传意识的参议员和政治家们却对动物权利活动家的游说不断作出让步。 3We,in medical research,have also been unbelievably uncaring.We have allowed the most extr eme animal rights protesters to creep in and frame the issue as one of"animal fraud"and hatred. We have persisted in our belief that a knowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public health.Perhaps we have been mistaken in not responding to the emoti onal tone of the argument.Perhaps we should have responded to those sad slogans and posters of animals by waving equally sad posters of children dying of cancer or external wounds. 3我们这些从事医学研究的人也显得令人难以置信的冷漠。我们允许最极端的动物权利活动家渐渐侵入,任凭他们把此类研究诬陷为“动物欺诈”和对动物的仇恨。我们一直坚信,有知识的公众会赞同动物研究对公众健康的重要性。也许我们的错误是没有对这场争论的感性基调作出反应。也许我们早应该挥动着儿童死于癌症或外伤的同样令人伤心的海报,来回应那些关于动物受害的伤感标语及海报。 4In the animal rights forum,much is made of the volume of pain these animals experience in the name of medical science.Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is evidence of our ev il and cruel nature.A more reasonable argument,however,can be advanced in our defense.Life i


UNIT 4 What Is Happiness? 1、The right to pursue happiness is issued to Americans with their birth certificates, but no one seems quite which way it ran. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift seemed to being well deceived.” The felic i ty of being “a fool among knaves.” For Swift say society as Vanity Fair, the land of false goals. 自从呱呱坠地,美国人就被赋予了追求幸福的权利,但似乎没人确信幸福究竟在哪里。正如它发给我们狩猎证,却不给我们提供猎物。乔纳森?斯威福特似乎持此观点,他抨击幸福的想法是“鬼迷心窍的上当,”是“骗子堆中的傻瓜”的自鸣得意。因为他视社会为虚妄目标聚集的名利场。 2、It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to heaven when we possess enough. 当然用傻子、骗子这样的字眼来形容是不合美国的人的风俗习惯的,然后我们似乎确实沉溺于用金钱购买幸福的想法:只要有足够的钱,我们百年后就能上天堂。 3、And at the same time the forces of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising is one of our major


UNIT3 追梦 ——亚历克斯·哈利1)很多年轻人告诉我,他们想当作家。我总是鼓励这些人,但我也会解释,“当作家”和写作是有区别的。在多数情况下,这些人是在梦想名利,而不是在打字机前独自度过漫长的时间。我对他们说,“你得渴望写作,而不是渴望当作家。” 2)孤独、冷清、低薪,这就是写作的现实写照。幸运之神会眷顾一些作家,但数以千计的人心中的渴望永远无法满足。就算是成功者,大多也曾长期无人问津、穷困潦倒,包括我。 3)我离开工作了20年的美国海岸警备队成为一名自由作家时,前途一片渺茫。唯一拥有的是一个儿时的朋友乔治,他跟我在田纳西州的亨宁一起长大。乔治在格林尼治村公寓看门,他在那里帮我找了间腾出来的储藏室。那儿很冷,又没有卫生间,可是我不在乎。我马上买了一部二手的打

字机,感觉就像一个真正的作家了。 4)然而,过了一年左右还没有时来运转,我开始怀疑自己。作品很难卖出去,我只能勉强维持生计,但我知道,我渴望写作,多少年来我一直梦想着写作。我不要像有些人一样,临死时还想,“假如……”我要坚持不懈地试验着我的梦,哪怕衣食无着,害怕失败,也决不放弃。这是希望的阴影地带,每个有梦的人都必须学会在那里安居。 5) 我接到一个电话,我的一生从此改变。不是经纪人或编辑打来要和我签一份大额合同。刚好相反,这个电话像海妖的歌声,诱使我放弃梦想。打电话的是海岸警备队的一个老熟人,警备队现在设在旧金山。他借过一些钱给我,不时提起这件事。“我什么时候才能拿回那15块钱啊,亚历克斯?”他揶揄道。 6)“等我下次卖了稿子吧。” 7)他说,“我有个更好的主意。我们这里要新招一个公共信息助理,年薪六千。想

综合教程课文翻译awoman can learn anything a man canunittexta

Unit 6 Woman, Half the Sky Carolyn Turk works in a profession that has traditionally been a career for men. Here she talks about how she came to do so and how her success just goes to show that a woman can learn anything a man can. 卡洛琳特克从事的职业传统上一直是男人们的天下。在本文,她谈到自己是如何干上这一行的,并通过她的成功表明男人们能学会的事女人们也能做到。 Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can Carolyn Turk 男人学得会的,女人也学得会 卡罗琳·特克1 When I was a kid, everything in my bedroom was pink. I have two sisters and we had a complete miniature kitchen, a herd of My Little Ponies and several Barbie and Ken dolls. We didn't have any toy trucks, G. I. Joes or basketballs. We did have a Wiffle-ball set, but you would have been hard-pressed to find it in our playroom. Tomboys we weren't.


Unit 4 (Para. 1) In the last few centuries, marriage has been connected to romantic love.This kind of package deal is not easy to maintain and indeed many people fail while trying to do so. Nevertheless, most people still pursue this deal. This is another type of paradox associated with marriage. 在过去的几个世纪里,婚姻总是和浪漫的爱情联系起来。这一揽子交易可不容易维护,的确,很多人在试图将婚姻和浪漫的爱情结合起来时失败了。不过,许多人仍然追求婚姻。这是和婚姻相关的另一种自相矛盾的情况。 (Para. 2)Some of the main difficulties of this package deal are the following: (a) in modern society, marriage is no longer unique in fulfilling tasks such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation,(b) long-term romantic relationships are problematic in that they lack significant changes, which are so meaningful to emotions in general and love in particular, and (c) the greater flexibility of romantic boundaries in modern society make it harder to maintain strict emotional connections and constraints, such as those recommended in marriage. 要实现这一揽子交易,有如下几点主要的困难:1. 在现代社会,婚姻已不是实现像抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况等任务的惟一形式。2. 长期的浪漫关系的问题在于他们缺乏重大变化,而变化对于普遍意义的情感特别是爱情具有重要意义。3.浪漫的界线在现代社会中更加灵活,这就使得那些在婚姻关系中建议的严格的情感联系和限制难以维持。 (Para. 3a) In modern society, most of the penalties for dissolving a marriage have been removed and many of the incentives that marriage offers can be obtained in other social frameworks. 现代社会中,大多数由于结束婚姻关系所受的惩罚已被取消,而婚姻关系提供的许多奖励也能通过其他社会结构获得。 The choice of staying within a marriage depends, therefore, more on the issue of love than on those traditionally unique advantages of marriage, such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation. 因此,选择继续留在婚姻中更多的是由于爱情而不是婚姻关系具有的那些传统的独特的优势,例如抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况。 (Para. 3b) If a person feels that her present marital relationship prevents her from experiencing genuine love (and from personal development and satisfaction), there is little incentive for her to stay in the marriage. The fact that most divorce cases now cite a lack of love as the reason for seeking to end the marriage indicates the greater importance that love has in contemporary marriages. 如果一个人觉得她目前的婚姻不能使她体验真挚的爱情,以及她的个人发展和内心满足,她就不太有维持婚姻关系的动机了。许多离婚案件现在会用缺少爱情作


U8 Further Reading 论工作 伯特兰·罗素 工作会带来幸福, 还是招致不幸, 这是一个值得讨论的问题。 当然,有惹人烦恼的工作,而且过量的工作总是让人头疼的。 但是,在我看来,只要工作不超量,对大多数人来说,无所事事比最乏味的工作更让人痛苦。 工作可以分为不同类别,有的工作纯粹是为了解除烦闷,有的工作可以带来最大的乐趣,这都因工作性质和工作者的能力而异。 大部分人不得不做的大部分工作本身并没有什么意思,即便如此,此类工作仍有很大好处。 首先,这些工作占用了一天中的大量时间,因此不必为决定自己这天该干什么发愁。 如果可以自由安排自己的时间,大部分人会心中茫然,找不到什么令自己愉悦的事情去做。 并且一旦决定做某件事情,他们心里总觉得可能有别的事情会让自己更舒心。 当今的文明并未达到使人们能非常聪明地安排闲暇时间的程度,目前还很少有人能做到这一点。 除了那些有着超常创造力的人,大部分人都乐意在一天中的每个时段都有人指点自己该做什么,只要这种指点不要过分地让人不愉快。 很多闲得无聊的富人,虽然从繁忙的工作中解放了出来,然而付出的代价却是要承受难以言传的沉闷乏味, 有时,他们去非洲狩猎,或者周游世界,来寻找解脱,但这种刺激是有限的,特别是当你不再年轻时。 所以更加明智的富有男人像穷人一样卖力地工作,但贵妇将大多数时间都消磨于数不清的鸡毛蒜皮的小事上,自己还以为在是在做什么惊天动地的大事。 所以人还是需要工作的,首先工作可以摒除沉闷, 因为一个人在做单调却有必要的事情时尽管会感到乏味,但这同整日无所事事的无聊相比根本算不了什么。 工作还带来另一种好处, 即当节假日到来时,会感到特别惬意。 假如一个人没有因工作过于劳累以致损耗精力,那么他在闲暇时会比一般人有更高的热情。 大部分有偿工作和一些无偿工作的第二个好处是:可以提供成功的机会以实现自己的理想。 在大部分工作中, 成功与否是以收入来衡量的。尽管我们所处的资本社会在不断发展,这仍是不可避免的。 只有在衡量最好的工作时, 人们才不会套用这个合乎常情的标准了。 人们渴望增加收入, 渴望成功, 也渴望得到高收入所能带来的舒适享受。 不管工作多么无聊,只要它能够树立声望,不管是举世闻名,还是仅在自己小圈子里,人们都愿意忍受。

Unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit4 无子女家庭:违背十万年来的繁衍规律 课文翻译: 二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,没有孩子。上次凯茜娘家有人问:“你们打算什么时候要孩子,组成一个家庭呢?”她答道:“我们已经是个家庭啦!” 凯茜与韦恩属于决定不要孩子的年轻已婚夫妇群体,其人数正在日益增长。最近一项调查显示在过去的五年中,年龄在25至29岁之间妇女不愿生养的百分比几乎翻了一番,在18至24岁的已婚妇女中几乎增至三倍。在这个似乎大胆反抗生物性和社会性的决定后面隐藏着什么原因呢? 或许最能公开坦陈心曲的无子女夫妇是《婴儿陷阱》一书的作者:埃伦,派克,其夫威廉,一位广告总经理兼全国不生养夫妇协会主席。派克夫妇认为他们和协会均无意反对生儿育女,不过是反对不管人们是否愿意和需要孩子就迫使人们传宗接代的社会压力。 “这是一种生活方式的选择,”埃伦说,“我们选择自由和自愿,清净和闲暇。这也是一个朝哪个方向付出努力的问题——在你自己的小家庭之内或在一个大的社团之中。这一代人面临有关地球生命延续的严重问题以及生命质量的问题。我们的孙辈也许将购票去观赏最后一批红杉或排队去获取氧气配给。有人抱怨在回到有五个孩子的家途中被交通堵塞困住好几个小时,但是他们不能将孩子与交通堵塞联系起来。在一个受到人口过剩一系列后果威胁的世界上,我们正在参与一项事业使膝下无子的生活模式为社会所接受并受世人尊重。太多的孩子作为一种文化强制的后果而呱呱坠地,离婚和虐待儿童的相关统计充分揭露了这一结果。” 埃伦的丈夫补充说:“每位朋友、亲戚、同事不停地给你施加压力,劝你要孩子,说什么‘发现你生活中失去的东西’。好多好多人很晚才发现,所谓他们失去的东西其实是他们完全不适合做的事情。” 埃伦还说:“从抱第一个洋娃娃开始,大到欣赏电视肥皂剧,成年后参加鸡尾酒会,无形之中,总有一种压力要你为人父母。但是让我们来看看养育失败的比率吧,或许天下父母应该视为像当医生一样的专门职业。有些人擅长此道,他们应当生养孩子;有些人一窍不通,他们应该认为他们还有其他的选择。” 专业观察家同意这一看法:很多人生养孩子没有正当的理由,有时候则完全没有理由。男人常常稀里糊涂就当上了父亲,根本就没有作出审慎的选择;对许多妇女来说,怀孕能够成为一种方式来逃避不可解决的冲突,譬如,迅速获得名分,或改进自己的不良形象,以及满足童年时代未曾得到的关注和关爱的需要。 我与许多人类行为领域的专家交谈,探讨为什么那么多年轻夫妇决定不要孩子,他们的看法也是众说纷纭。一位家庭治疗专家把不要孩子的决定描写为“对当今世界形势基本的本能反应”,暗示像动物群居本能那样的东西正在起作用,来应对人口过剩、城市拥挤、环境污染与核战争危险。群居本能促使妇女感到繁殖人口有违心愿,并指引她们去寻找在家庭生活之外实现自我价值的新方式。 不止一位精神病医生暗示,凡是不愿生育的人有都自恋癖——觉得自己心甘情愿迫不得已,为照顾别人与受人照顾这个互相对立的内心冲突自圆其说。有位精神病医生说:“这些人不能容忍照顾孩子的想法,他们没有多余的爱分享给孩子,”并补充道,“你们这是对亘古以来人类繁衍生生不息的离经叛道。”他的另一位同事插话说:“情有可原嘛,我们谁不想为我们的欠缺找理由? 且不论他

最新新视野大学英语综合教程3 课文及课文翻译Unit4教程文件

Work in corporate America 1 It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to "go to work and make a living". The problem is that they cannot visualize what work is in corporate America. 2 Not so long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was going to make something or fix something. The parent could take his offspring to his place of business and let him watch while he repaired a buggy or built a table. 3 When a child asked, "What kind of work do you do, Daddy?" his father could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with, such as "I fix steam engines" or "I make horse collars". 4 Well, a few fathers still fix steam engines and build tables, but most do not. Nowadays, most fathers sit in glass buildings doing things that are absolutely incomprehensible to children. The answers they give when asked, "What kind of work do you do, Daddy?" are likely to be utterly mystifying to a child. 5 "I sell space." "I do market research." "I am a data processor." "I am in public relations." "I am a systems analyst." Such explanations must seem nonsense to a child. How can he possibly envision anyone analyzing a system or researching a market? 6 Even grown men who do market research have trouble visualizing what a public relations man does with his day, and it is a safe bet that the average systems analyst is as baffled about what a space salesman does at the shop as the average space salesman is about the tools needed to analyze a system. 7 In the common everyday job, nothing is made any more. Things are now made by machines. Very little is repaired. The machines that make things make them in such a fashion that they will quickly fall apart in such a way that repairs will be prohibitively expensive. Thus the buyer is encouraged to throw the thing away and buy a new one. In effect, the machines are making junk. 8 The handful of people remotely associated with these machines can, of course, tell their inquisitive children "Daddy makes junk". Most of the workforce, however, is too remote from junk production to sense any contribution to the industry. What do these people do? 9 Consider the typical 12-story glass building in the typical American city. Nothing is being made in this building and nothing is being repaired, including


Unit 1 Sources of Energy 参考译文课文A 石油 1 油,和煤一样,存在于沉积岩中,而且可能由死去很长时间的生物有机体形成。含有石油的岩石几乎都来源于海洋,所以形成石油的有机物一定是海洋生物,而不是树木。 2 石油,并不是来自于逐渐积聚的木质物质,而可能是来自于逐渐积聚的海洋生物的脂肪物质。比如浮游生物:大量浮游在海水表层的单细胞生物。 3 有机物的脂肪物质主要由碳氢原子组成,因此并不需要太多的化学变化就可以形成石油。生物有机体只需在缺氧的条件下沉积到海湾浅水处的淤泥里。其脂肪不是分解腐烂,而是逐渐积聚,并在深层的淤泥里圈闭起来,进而经过细微的原子重组,最终形成石油。 4 油比水轻,呈液态,会经由上方覆盖的孔隙性岩石向上渗透,在地球上有些地区到达表层,古人将这些表层石油称为沥青、柏油或异庚烷。在古代和中世纪,这些石油油苗常被看作药品而不是燃料。 5 当然,表层的油苗数量很少。而石油油藏上方有时覆盖的是非孔隙性岩石。石油向上渗透抵达该岩石,然后在岩石下方逐渐积聚形成油层。若在上方的岩石上钻个孔,石油就可以通过该孔向上迁移。有时压力过大,石油会向高空喷出。1859 年在宾夕法尼亚州,由埃德温·德雷克成功打出第一口井。 6 如果可以发现一个合适的地点(勘探人员已经识别出地下可能圈闭有石油的地层结构),那么就很容易抽取这一液体燃料,这要比派人到地下把大块的固体煤炭砍成小块要容易得多。而且一旦获得石油,可以通过地上管道运输,而不必像煤一样,由运货车经过繁重的装卸任务来运输。 7 石油便于抽取,易于运输,促进了石油的应用。石油可以蒸馏成不同的馏分,每种馏分均由特定大小的分子组成,分子越小,该馏分就越容易蒸发。 8 到1 9 世纪下半叶,最重要的石油馏分是由中等大小的分子构成的煤油,它不易蒸发,被用于照明。9 然而,到19 世纪末人们研制出了内燃机。内燃机是通过在汽缸里将空气与可燃气体混合,产生爆炸来提供动力的。最便利的可燃气体是汽油——石油的又一馏分,由小分子构成,容易蒸发。10 这种内燃机与蒸汽机相比,机身小巧,可以瞬间启动;而蒸汽机需要一定时间,等待储水加热到沸点。11 随着各种带有内燃机的汽车、卡车、公共汽车、飞机等交通工具的使用,对于石油的需求激增。房屋不再用煤,而用燃烧燃料供热;轮船开始使用石油;电力也由燃油提供的能量来供给。12 在1900 年,来自石油的能量只是煤的4%,二战后,由石油的各种不同馏分提供的能量已经超过煤所供给的能量,而现在石油成为推动世界科技发展的主要燃料。13 石油相对于煤的便利却被另一个事实所抵消:地球上石油的数量比煤少得多。(这不足为奇,因为地球上形成石油的脂肪物质,要比形成煤的木质物质少得多。)14 还有另一种复杂情况,即石油的分布不如煤的分布均匀。世界上的主要能源消耗国有足够的煤,却严重缺乏石油。美国有世界石油总储量的10%,数十年来一直是主要石油生产国。现在亦是如此,但是美国大量消耗石油产品,使之成为石油进口国,对于这一重要资源不得不日益依赖其他国家。俄罗斯石油储量和美国相近,但消耗的少,因而可以成为石油出口国。15 地球上已知的石油储备约有3/5 集中在阿拉伯国家。例如,位于波斯湾岬角处的科威特,面积只有麻省那么大,人口只有50 万,却拥有世界已知石油储量的1/5。16 由石油引发的政治问题已经变得至关重要。 Unit 2 Social Science 参考译文课文A 求职面试新趋势 今天的求职者不得不经受当代面试技巧的考验 1 如果你最后一次参加求职面试是在五年或更长时间以前,那么当你重新进入就业市场时,你一定会大吃一惊。求职面试已经不再是舒适温馨的炉边闲谈了;当然,倒也不会走向另一个极端,成为为了检验你应对压力的能力而进行的令人生畏的询问。这些传统的方法已经象英式茶具车和两小时午餐休息一样过时了。 2 精明的现代企业已经明白,雇员选择不当是要付出代价的,因此,面试已经成为多层面,半科学化式的挑选程序的一部分,并且越来越可能由经过高级心理技术培训的经理人员来进行。面试还在加入高科技的内容:不久以后,求职者就会看到,面试小组中至少有一名成员是通过视频会议技术在外地甚至在海外参与面试的。 3 然而,有一点是没有变的。那就是,如果没有同未来的老板面对面接触过,你是很难得到工作的,75%的公司在雇佣每个部门的雇员时都采用面试。还有同样数量的公司认为,在选择雇员的所


Unit4 1.The crisis of global poverty has, at long last, been accorded a high priority on the international agenda. This propitious development has sparked a flurry of discussion and research concerning the means for eradicating this debilitating condition from human life. Yet as renewed pledges for action pour in from governments, as long-held theories and conventional approaches fail to quell long-held prejudices, conflicts, and exploitation, a feeling of rudderlessness looms over the global enterprise of poverty eradication. At the same time, a palpable optimism emerges from the attention and momentum generated by the search for solutions to this worldwide challenge. 2.The mechanisms of poverty eradication have long been defined in primarily material terms. Indeed, the central pillar of the international community’s poverty alleviation efforts has been the transfer of financial resources. Approximately $2.3 trillion have been spent on foreign aid over the last five decades.[1] Tragically, the aid, far from ushering in greater self-sufficiency, has often had a detrimental effect on recipient communities: increased dependency on foreign assistance, subservience to externally dictated priorities, misappropriation of funds and decreased pressure for governance reform. In a resolute push for change, the United Nations has sought to expand the mechanisms for assistance and to galvanize support for poverty alleviation through its Millennium Development Goals.[2] 消除贫困的机制,很久以来主要是用物质的术语界定的。事实上,国际社会努力缓解贫困的主要手段是调配资金。在刚刚过去的五十年里,大约2.3万亿美元花在了外援上1。可悲的是,这些援助不但未能帮助受援群体增强自立的能力,反而常常带给受援群体负面影响——增加了他们对外援的依赖、总是屈从于来自外部的指示、挪用资金、减低了政府自身改革的动力。为了坚决推进变革,联合国通过其制定的《千年发展目标》寻求扩展援助的机制,加大对扶贫的支持力度。 3.It is now increasingly acknowledged that such conditions as the marginalization of girls and women,[3] poor governance,[4] ethnic and religious antipathy,[5] environmental degradation[6] and unemployment[7] constitute formidable obstacles to the progress and development of communities. These evidence a deeper crisis—one rooted in the values and attitudes that shape relationships at all levels of society. Viewed from this perspective, poverty can be described as the absence of those ethical, social and material resources needed to develop the moral, intellectual and social capacities of individuals, communities and institutions. Moral reasoning, group decision-making and freedom from racism, for example, are all essential tools for poverty alleviation. Such capacities must shape individual thinking as well as institutional arrangements and policy-making. To be clear, the goal at hand is not only to remove the ills of poverty but to engage the masses of humanity in the construction of a just global order. 4.Individuals and institutions must work in tandem to take up this task. One of the goals of poverty alleviation, then, centers on the individual: he must be helped to reclaim his dignity and sense of self-worth, must be encouraged to gain confidence to improve his condition and strive to realize his potential. Beyond the achievement of personal well-being, he must be nurtured to become a source of social good—of peace, happiness and advantage to those around him. It is at the level of service to others that our humanity achieves its highest expression. The second goal centers on institutions: at every level of society, they must serve as channels through which the talents and energies of individuals can be harnessed in service to humanity. Resources that help to develop this individual and institutional capacity represent a true source of wealth to the community. 5.Much like the physical principles that govern the material world, the social world, too, is governed by moral principles, which underlie the functioning of an ordered society. Principles such as gender equality,[8] trustworthiness,[9] access to education, human rights and freedom of religion,[10] for example, tend to correlate positively with measures of socioeconomic well-being and stability. The interrelatedness of challenges stemming from poverty calls for the articulation of principles capable of guiding analysis, decision-making and the


Unit 4 A View of Mountains Jonathan Schell 1.On August 9, 1945, the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Yosuke Yamahata, a photographer serving in the Japanese army, was dispatched to the destroyed city. The hundred or so pictures he took the next day constitute the fullest photographic record of nuclear destruction in existence. Hiroshima, destroyed three days earlier, had largely escaped the camera’s lens in the first day after the bombing. It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically -and, as it happens, with a great and simple artistry – the effects on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after it had been used. Some of Yamahata’s pictures show corpses charred in the peculiar way in which a nuclear fireball chars its victims. They have been burned by light –technically speaking, by the “thermal pulse” -and their bodies are often branded with the patterns of their clothes, whose colors absorb light in different degrees. One photograph shows a horse twisted under the cart it had been pulling. Another shows a heap of something that once had been a human being hanging over a ledge into a ditch. A third shows a girl who has somehow survived unwounded standing in the open mouth of a bomb shelter and smiling an unearthly smile, shocking us with the sight of ordinary life, which otherwise seems to have been left behind for good in the scenes we are witnessing. Stretching into the distance on all sides are fields of rubble dotted with fires, and, in the background, a view of mountains. We can see the mountains because the city is gone. That absence, even more than wreckage, contains the heart of the matter. The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared. 2.It took a few seconds for the United States to destroy Nagasaki with the world’s second atomic bomb, but it took fifty years for Yamahata’s pictures of the event to make the journey back from Nagasaki to the United States. They were shown for the first time in this country in 1995, at the International Center for Photography in New York. Arriving a half-century late, they are still news. The photographs display the fate of a single city, but their meaning is universal, since, in our age of nuclear arms, what happened to Nagasaki can, in a flash, happen to any city in the world. In the photographs, Nagasaki comes into its own. Nagasaki has always been in the shadow of Hiroshima, as if the human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in
