




Young people attend university. (主谓宾结构)

They can find jobs easily. (主谓宾结构)


1 状语从句(if, when+原因,结果)

If Young people attend university, they can find jobs easily.

2 状语从句(结果,as, because, since+原因)逻辑关系要比较强烈。

Young people can find jobs easily because they acquire skills at university. (要说他们获得技能,才可以上大学)

3 状语从句(原因,so结果)

Young people can acquire skills at university so they can find jobs easily.

4 副词(原因; therefore, as a result, as a consequence, because of this, for this reason,结果)(注:这时候记得,这些词前面要加分号)

Young people can acquire skills at university; therefore, they can find jobs easily.

5 并列句(并列句一般前面是原因,后面是结果,但是因果关系不强烈)

Young people can acquire skills at university and find jobs easily in the future.

6 定语从句在句子前表示原因

Young people who acquire skills at university can find jobs easily in the future.

7 定语从句在句子后表示结果(这时候一定要注意从句的主语是前面句子最后一个单词)

Young people can attent university to acquire skills, which can improve their job prospects.

8 by+something or doing something 表示手段,也就是原因(by+原因,结果)

By acquiring skills at university, young people can find jobs easily in the future.

9 in order to, to表示结果或者目的

Young people attend university in order to find jobs easily in the future.

10 名词性从句(this means that, the consequence is that, this explains why+结果)

Young people have chosen to attend university.This means that they can acquire skills to find jobs easily.



Governments should enforce some laws.

People will not drop litter carelessly.

1 状语从句(if, when)

If the government introduces some laws,people will not drop litter.

2 状语从句(as, because, since)逻辑关系要比较强烈。

People do not drop litter now because governments have enforced some laws to punish such behaviour.

3 状语从句(so)

Governments have passed some laws,so people do not drop litter cnow.

4 副词(therefore, as a result, as a consequence, because of this, for this reason)Governments should introduce some laws;therefore people will not drop litter.

5 并列句(并列句一般前面是原因,后面是结果,但是因果关系不强烈)

Governments can enact some laws and people will not drop litter.

6 定语从句在句子前表示原因

Governments who should lay some laws can avoid people from droping litter carelessly. (不能使用,因为两个句子主语不同)

7 定语从句在句子后表示结果(这时候一定要注意从句的主语是前面句子最后一个单词)Governments can enforce some laws,shich can stop people from droping litter.

8 by+something or doing something 表示手段,也就是原因

By enforcing strict laws, the government can stop people from droping litter.

9 in order to, to表示结果或者目的

Governments have passed some laws in order to prevent people from dropping litter.

10 名词性从句(this means that, the consequence is that, this explains why)

Governments have made some laws.This explains why people have stopped dropping litter.


环球雅思教你雅思阅读人名观点配对做题方法 上海环球雅思 今天,环球雅思阅读老师张萌为大家推荐阅读了一篇关于雅思阅读人名观点配对做题方法,希望对正在备考雅思阅读配对题的烤鸭们有所帮助。环球雅思愿意与你分享每一篇好文章! 人名观点配对一般考察的是某个人的言论,一般这个题的答案在文中就只有两个地方: 1.雅思阅读人名观点配对做题之直接引语 2.雅思阅读人名观点配对做题之宾语从句(sb claim/believe/insist/point out/suggest/discover/find/conclude ) 雅思阅读配对题的人名出现方式: 1. 全称(full name)John Barry 2. 名(first name),不常见 3. 姓(surname)如:Professor Smith 4. He/she (在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代) 雅思阅读人名观点配对做题方法 因此,寻找找人名时,应该将上述四种情况均考虑进去。另外,如果一个人名在一段话中出现N次,也只能算一次。如果一个人名在N段话中出现,就算N次。 该题的答案遍布于全文。因此应该从文章的开头往后依次寻找人名。 该题其实考察的就是这些人所说的几句话,应先从文中找人名,再去找答案。 雅思阅读人名观点配对题举例 以剑桥 4 P53 的人名观点配对题为例。该题共出现五个人:Robert Barton; Marc Bekoff; John Byers; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy; 其中,Robert Barton; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy仅出现一次。Marc Bekoff 在文中出现两次;John Byers出现了三次。 这样,我们先解决出现一次的人名,然后去处理出现两次的人名,最后处理出现三次的人名。 处理出现一次的人名 在这三个出现一次的人名中,Sergio Pellis是在文中第一个出现的人名,现在以此为例进行分析讲解。 环球雅思教你雅思阅读人名观点配对做题方法分析 Sergio Pellis 出现在E段的开头:Earlier this year, Sergio Pellis of Lethbridge University, Canada, reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general. Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for


雅思阅读长难句分析(十二) 雅思阅读长难句一直是雅思阅读中的一个难点,烤鸭们几乎都被折磨过。今天,雅思小编就给大家具体分析一下剑桥真题中出现过的长难句,让烤鸭们掌握分析长难句的分析技巧,攻克雅思阅读长难句,不再是个传说。 1. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (剑4 Test 1 Passage 1) 译文:这些误解不是孤立存在的,而是组成了一个尽管多层面却十分有条理的概念体系,这一点使得该体系本身及其所有组成的观点更加难以攻破,有些观点甚至本身就是错误的,但是也正是这样,它们反而更容易改动。 这个句子主要难在词汇和句子结构上。我们先来学习一下下面几个词汇: 1. multifaceted:多层面的;多才多艺的 2. component: 组成部分的 3. erroneous:错误的 4. robust: 粗鲁的;强健的 5. incorporated:组成的,合并的 我们该来分析一下句子结构:句子主语是These misconceptions,并列谓语do not remain ……but become,其中有not……but 句式,宾语是isolated,incorporated into…… framework。Making作结果状语,which引导限制性定语从句修饰the component ideas。


解析雅思阅读信息配对题 关于雅思阅读当中的配对题,很多学生和老师都已经习惯了称它为matching题。但matching的范畴太过于宽泛,如果刻意细分的话,我们还可以把它分为单词配描述,句子完成题和段落信息配对题三个大类。针对句子完成题(题干往往为complete each sentence with the correct ending)和段落信息配对题(题干往往为which paragraph contains the following information),我将以后另开专题来讲解,本次将重点讲解最传统的配对题型(单词配描述),并根据雅思阅读题干部分将其继续细分为match题(match each XX with the correct statement)和classify题(classify the following features)。 首先强调一下配对题的基本功:定位能力+词汇量积累 我们分别来解释一下。定位,就是拿着给定的主语去文章当中去找到位置。这些主语往往是专有名词,首字母都会大写。这一个步骤看起来很容易,也不需要任何语言能力和技巧,我们经常开玩笑说就算这是一篇法语的文章,这一步也能很快搞掂。但在大班课堂的练习中,我们会发现,有很多同学定位单词耗费时间太多,往往三四个单词就要找两三分钟,无形中给自己增添了很多时间紧迫的压力。而这种办法的唯一破解,就是拿着一些练习题做专项训练,而唯一的技巧在于,match 类(非classify类)的定位词出题顺序与文章中原词的出现顺序是一致的,一项找不到,我们就用夹击法,把前后项都找到,当中的就好找了。 那么为什么强调词汇量的积累呢?因为到了我们配对题的关键破题点,会发现想在原文中找到与选项中一摸一样的单词或句子并不容易,往往会用到近义词转述,比如unable会变成at loss,lay stress on会变成emphasize。这些单词看起来很简单,但能不能意识到他们之间的近义词关系,需要课下多进行“词以类记”的单词强化记忆,单词不求难,但求精准和举一反三。 下面我们先说说match一类题型的做题步骤。 以雅思剑桥真题集5,第91页的题为例: Look at the following people and the list of statements below. Match each person with the correct statement. Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 14-17 on your answer


雅思阅读技巧赵曙明 (华师7分精品班) 一.雅思阅读猜词常用词缀(在我的信箱里) 常用前缀(Pr efixes): a-, an- not, without, hackin ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme 常用词根(Stems): -anthro-, -anthropo- man -metr-, -meter- measure -morph- form -pathy- feeling, suffering 常用后缀(Suffixes): ---phobia , ---mania , scope, ----cide 二.雅思阅读技巧篇 第1节寻找3种语言重现 同其他考试的阅读部分相比,雅思考试阅读部分最大的特点是文章篇幅长。考生要在 一个小时内完成8种类型共计40道题目(这个要求近乎苛刻)。因此,阅读目的就从单纯的“信息获取’’转变成”寻找答案”。在这个过程中,原文涉及的大部分细节内容对于完成题目是无意义的,无需字斟句酌。只有在阅读中准确把握题干的关键词,才能区分哪些字句与题目(答题点)有关。 所谓“关键词’’是指题干中的核心词或者决定答案性质或位置的词。典型的关键词是 句子的主干、人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答 题方法:回原文找关键词。这往往给考生一种印象:只要在题干中划出关键词就一定能找到原词。那么关键词一定会“原型”重现吗?请看下面这道判断题: Example: While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians. 题目: We have known for along time that more species of animals will disappear.(判断题) AA语言重现 关键词在原文中以原词形式出现。AA语言重现在试题中占的比例最大,也是最简单的 一类考法。它以特殊关键词为主,包括人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。 Example: At precisely 4:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993 it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world,and Australians everywhere,not only Sydney-siders,were justifiably proud of the result.But,if Sydney had lost the bid,would the taxpayers of NESW and of Australia have approved of government's spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise? 题目:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games? (简答题) AB语言重现 定义:关键词A在原文中以同义词B的形式出现。AB语言重现题考察考生的单词量,主要凭理解力去定位。 Sea fishing grew rapidly in the decades after the Second World War. Mechanisation increased the fishermen's catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more. 题目: Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War. ( 判断题) 关系重现 定义:所谓“关系重现”是把定位对象从“词”上升到“句子结构”,从而越过生词造成的阅读障碍。这是最关键的一类语言重现,是阅读技巧的完美体现。 例:Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.


9月13日小作文范文及TASK1写作对策 尽管2003年9月开考的写作TASK2几乎全为陈年“腐”题,TASK1却让绝大多数考生措手不及,许多考生反映无从下手。为此特献上这篇9月13日考题TASK1的范文供大家参考。其实,每一篇过程/流程图在题目中均有讲清楚是干什么用的。重要的一点是要会用被动语态,基本句型为:object(图中提供的物品/用具)+is/are+动词过去分词+to do sth. (当然,时态应由图表来确定)其它要点为: 1、努力搞清其工作原理,由题目、图及图表旁解来确定,没搞清原理则匆忙下笔易离题。所以这种题对常识的要求较高,下回若出现“热胀冷缩”(another two scientific principles: expansion and contraction---heat makes something expand while cold makes it contract)那也是考你没商量; 2、描述顺序前后须先确定; 3、图表中的每一件东西均有用,它们都必须出现在你的描述中。多变准确的谓语动词是区分高低分的关键; 4、introduction是需要的,最简方法为restate the topic but never copy it. 无须conclusion,除非字数不够; 5、不必为自己贫乏的动词而苦恼,实在没办法,可将几个常用的动词顶一顶。不就是考个5分6分么,你若看懂13/9的TASK1考题,而且会用put/use/place/come up/come down/get/take等,我就不信你做不到。 ―――广州仲恺雅思培训中心老师赖劲松 --------------------totally 172 words---------------------------------------------------- The diagram describes an outdoor way of acquiring water from nature. (The following device can possibly help you out of trouble for survival after desperately failing to search water in the wild.----不够字数时可用这种描述,即适当加一些个人见解,但要慎用) There are six key components in the diagram: the sun, the stones, two pieces of plastic film, green plants, a plane tree and a container. This process applies two scientific principles to collect water: evaporation and condensation. We can see clearly that water stored in the green plants is evaporated by the heat of the sun to form a certain amount of water vapor, rising to condense on the top sheet of plastic film which functions as a cover. Under the cover, there is a larger sheet of plastic film which is used to encircle the plants in order to trap the heat. Two pieces of plastic film are secured by the plane and stones, and another stone is placed to form a depression in the center of the cover, forming a cone. As a result, the water vapor is collected/condensed and water drops are formed/created at the


1. 【雅思长难句分析】1-5 雅思阅读长难句分析: 1 And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 2 Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of techno logy or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 3 How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and Appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 4 There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the Research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 5 Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s econom directly bound up with the efficiency of its


雅思阅读长句解析——句句有本难念的经 2013-12-03 13:30 类别:雅思阅读来源:enguo 责编:meten 1. The only way that they can preserve their history is to reco unt it as sagas--lege nds han ded dow n from one gen erati on of story-tellers to ano ther. 解读:legends作sagas的同位语,后接被动分词短语做定语。 基本结构:主+定+谓+宾+同位。 翻译:他们保存历史的唯一方法是把历史作为英雄故事讲述--由说书者代代相传。 2.One can tell the difference almost at a glance for the spider always has eight legs and an in sect n ever more tha n six. 解读:主谓宾+原因状语(省略句) an in sect never more than six 应该理解为昆虫只有六条腿而不是昆虫绝不多于六条腿 全句翻译如下: 翻译谁都可以一眼就看出蜘蛛与昆虫不同,蜘蛛都是八条腿,而昆虫最多只有六条。 3. Such inns as there were dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompa nied by bread ofen twelve mon ths old, all washed dow n with coarse wine. 解读:第二个分句中,simply是副词,意为"食物只有…",而accompanied 含被动意思,说明人们把陈面包和乳酪搭配着吃,并不是乳酪自己同面包相配。第二句作者把谓语省略了。 翻译:那里的小旅店通常又肮脏,跳蚤又多.吃的食物仅仅是当地产的乳酪加上存放了 一年之久的面包,大家只能就着下等酒把它们吞下去 4. The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. 解读:这里的paradox并不是说猩猩是自相矛盾的动物,而是指人们对其捉摸不透。 翻译:大猩猩是非洲景观中有点让人捉摸不透的家伙。 5. AII this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago. 解读:句子是一个比较复杂的主从复合长句,应该采用分句法,逆序法来译,先将when 引导的状语从句译,再译出主句。


雅思阅读教案 paragraph headings(段落标题) 在阅读文章的前面给出 list of headings, 一般是 5 到 10 个左右选项,其中含一到两个段落及其标题的例子。要求对题目中给出的段落,根据其内容找出与其相匹配的段落标题。尽管题目说明中提示一个选项可能会适用多个,但正式考试中一般一个选项只能用于一个段落。 ? 段落标题类答题步骤: 1.首先在 list of headings 中划去做为例子的 heading 或 headings ,以免在根据段落内容在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他 headings 的选择。 ? 2.在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。 3.对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 4.如果时间允许,按照文章的段落顺序,对非题目中给出的段落及例子段落进行快速阅读,而对题目中给出并要求找出与其相匹配的段落标题的段落进行精读。找出其中心意思后,再在 list of headings 中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。 ? 5.选出几个可能匹配的题目进行比较(通常两至三个),当然其中只能有一个为正确答案。 ? 6. 对于第一种匹配题型可以将最难的题留在最后进行匹配,不要在较难的题上花费更多的时间,而应选择较易回答的题目进行匹配,最后所剩即为该难题的答案。 ? 7. 要仔细检察答案,特别是第一题型,因为答错一题,就意味着答错两道题。 ? 相应练习:剑四 test3 passage2 剑五 test3 passage3 剑六 test2 passage1 剑六 test3 passage2 剑六 test4 passage1 二、辨别正误题型 (True / false /not given)? 该题型还涉及到:(not given / not mentioned)没有提到,有时还会出现下列提法 accurat / inaccurat 精确/不精确; supported / contradicted 一


雅思考试阅读考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心李珂考试日期 2015年4月30日 Reading Passage 1 Title SSDP Project Question types 填空题判断题选择题 文章内容回顾一个叫Stavos的公司要在地中海地区的一个地方利用geothermal fluid 做一个项目。 题型难度分析1-3填空题 1. mineral extraction 2. desalination 3. grid 本篇文章题型难度较低,是非无判断题、填空题、选择题均具有顺序性原则,只要考生平时注重定位能力的训练,在较短的时间内可以提高这三种题型的做题速度和准确性。 题型技巧分析对于是非无判断题有两点需要提醒:第一,是非无判断题理论上是具有顺序性的题型,因此考生在回文章中扫描定位词时可以按照题目顺序来依次定位。但是是非无判断题的特殊性在于其中有“无”的情况,所以如果考生过于机械的遵循顺序定位的规律,对于答案是NOT GIVEN的题目,有可能会出现需要读完更多内容才能判断出来的情况。所以建议考生在搜索某题的定位词时,可以同时关注后面题目的定位词是否出现。在下一题定位词已经出现而本题定位词或者其同义替换的词仍未找到的情况下,则本题可以判断为NOT GIVEN。第二,考生在判断题目中的定位词时,不必只找唯一的一个词。如果题目中出现了不止一个词可以用于作为定位词,建议考生可以全部找出来,一起定位,因为这样能够准确定位到题目出现的位置的概率会大大提高。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习剑6 Test 2 Passage 1(文章话题相关)剑5 Test 3 Passage 3(题型搭配相关) Reading Passage 2 Title Newly-hatched Birds(新题,回忆较少) Reading Passage 3 Title The Secrets of Persuasion


雅思阅读长难句分析作业(2011-12-23) 1.From a number of recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space. But pictures are more than literal representations. 翻译: In this paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people A.may be interested in studying art. B.can draw outlines of different objects and surface. C.can recognize conventions such as perspective. D.can draw accurately. 1.This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning .To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle. I was taken aback. 翻译:



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


雅思阅读长难句的分类和实例分析从常见的主从复合句、并列复合句和其他特殊句式三个方面分享了这些复杂结构的分析方法,大家可以参考一下,希望能提高大家的备考质量。 一、主从复合句:是指一个句子中有两个或两个以上主谓结构,并且其中一个(或更多)主谓结构作为句子的某些成分。常见的主从复合句有名词性从句(主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、宾语从句)、定语从句和状语从句。给大家举个例子吧: 例:同位语从句+定语从句+状语从句 Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well like us, since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form, quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it. (剑9 Test 1 Passage 2) 句子结构分析:这句话的主干是we make a very conservative assumption that…that…since if…whether…。第一个That引导的从句作assumption的同位语,第二个that引导定语从句修饰a life form,since引导时间状语从句,if引导条件状语从句。 译文:第二,我们保守地假定我们正在搜寻的生命形式和人类非常相似,如果形势完全不同,那么我们可能不会把它看作一种生命形式,更不用说能否与它进行交流了。 二、并列复合句:由两个或两个以上的分句通过一些并列连词(but、and、not only…but also…、neither…nor…、yet、while、so等),构成的复合句。常见的并列复合句可以分为并列关系复合句、转折关系复合句、因果关系复合句和选择关系复合句。给大家举个例子吧: 例:并列关系复合句 The technology for dealing with the hostile saline environment under the sea has been developed in the North Sea oil industry and much is already known about turbine blade design, because of wind power and ship propellers. (剑9 Test 3 Passage 2) 句子结构分析:and连接两个并列句,第一个句子是被动语态,为现在完成时,句子主干是The technology has been developed in the North Sea oil industry 。第二个句子是主系表结构,为一般现在时,句子主干是much is already known about turbine blade design,because of作原因状语。 译文:应对海底恶劣盐渍环境的技术已经在北海油田工业中得以研发,而且得益于对风力发电及船只螺旋桨等技术的积累,人们对涡轮机叶片的设计已经有了很多了解。 三、其他特殊句式:除了上面给大家分享的一些复合句之外,雅思阅读中还会出现一些倒装、省略、强调等特殊句式,同学们备考的时候要注意一下。例子如下: 例1 :强调句式


雅思阅读配对题解题技巧 雅思阅读各大题型中,雅思阅读配对题属于难度较高,失分也较多的一大题型,下面就和大家分享雅思阅读配对题List of Headings4种解题技巧,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读配对题List of Headings4种解题技巧 雅思阅读配对题解题技巧1:查看有没有转折词 雅思阅读中,在通读整个段落之前,我们可以先浏览一遍,看有没有转折词出现,比如but,however,while,though等等,通常,转折词语多位于句首。包含转折词的句子,转折词之前的内容可以不用读,因为它们一般是承上启下的作用,我们的重点可以放在转折词之后的内容。 注意:不是所有转折词都那么明显,有时可能会用别的词语替代,比如refute,Some don’t agree this等等。考生需要多做题,培养对转折词的敏感度和语感。 雅思阅读配对题解题技巧2:不一定要按照顺序阅读*和做题

我们可以先完成阅读篇幅短的部分段落,之后再阅读篇幅长的部分。这样比较省时间,每个段落都有自己的作用和意义,打乱顺序阅读不会影响做题的正确率。 通常,雅思阅读配对题List of Headings题型难度较高,无法在*做定位,需要我们通读全文才能着手去做,所以建议大家做完其他题目再做雅思阅读配对题。 雅思阅读配对题解题技巧3:引证和举例的内容可以先忽略*段落中,出现的引证和举例内容可以先忽略,我们应该把注意力放在引证和举例之前的部分。比如for example, for instance, A is one of the best examples to demonstrate等等。论据的就是用来阐述论点,所以论据前面的论点语句,通常可以用来做段意选择。 雅思阅读配对题解题技巧4:永远不要纠结某个让你受挫的段落 难免有些*段落让我们很苦恼,无法做出答案,建议大家不要因此浪费时间纠结。而是应该做个标记,然后move on,去完成其他题目。等到完成其他题目,其实你也就缩小了可选的范围,加上此时如果还剩余时间,还可以再好好阅读原文,找出最合适的答案。 雅思阅读同义词转换:剑七test3


雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧--Headings(找小标题) Headings(找小标题) 1. 题型要求:文章由若干段话组成,要求给每段话找个小标题。 小标题即指该段话的段落大意,中心思想,主旨。本题型不是让你写出每段话的小标题,而是要求从选项列表(list of headings)中选择。 在现在的考试中,选项的数目往往大大多于文章中段落的数目,有很多干扰选项,假如文章有五段话,选项的数目很可能是十个,甚至十二个。 题目形式:通常会在文中一段话上标出小标题,然后要求为余下段落选择小标题。通常是原文的第一段。 在考试中,该题型A类每次必考一组,共5题左右。有时会考两组,共十题左右。G类不是每次必考,考的时候,一般只考一组,共五题左右。 2. 解题步骤 (1) 先将例子所在的选项从选项列表中划去,同时,不读例子所在的段落。 每个选项最多只能用一次,也就是说,两个段落的小标题不可能是一个选项。这是因为不同段落的主旨肯定是不同的,原文将他们分为不同的段落,就是要分别说不同的内容。 有时,这类题目的要求中有这样一句话:You may use any heading more than once(你可以使用任何小标题超过一次)。这句话纯属误导,也就是说,即使题目的要求中有这句话或类似的话,任何选项也不可能被使用两次以上。 既然每个选项最多只能用一次,所以例子所在的段落已经使用的选项是不会被其它段落使用的,将其划去,以免被其它的段落误选。而且在选其它段落的答案时,可以不看该选项,节省时间。 例子所在的段落已经给出了小标题,所以不必阅读该段落了,以免浪费时间,直接从下一段读起。 (2) 不要先看选项,而要从文章入手,读一段话,做一道题。 如果先看选项,不仅花费的时间很多,而且极易受到干扰选项的误导。所以先不要看选项,而是要先读文章。 读文章的时候,不要一下把文章全读完,而是读一段话,做一道题。假如原文的第一段已作为例子给出,那么,先读第二段,然后到选项列表中找该段话的小标题。然后再读第三段,同样处理,直至完成。这样做,不仅速度快,而且准确率高。 (3)读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇。正确答案常常是主题句的改写。 读每段话时,并不是该段落全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的的主题句。 先读该段话的第一句,然后,与选项列表中大各选项一一对应,确定正确答案,正确选项一般就该句话的改写。如果答案不能确定,应再读该段话的第二句,然后,与选项列表中的各选项一一对应。如果答案还是不能确定,应再读该段话的最后一句,再与选项列表中大各选项一一对应。如果还是找不到正确答案,则就需要阅读整段话了。 根据统计,段落的主题句在第一句的可能性超过50%,段落的主题句在第二句的可能性超过20%,段落的主题句在最后一句的可能性超过20%。也就是说,按照上述方法做这种题型,读完该段话的第一句,就能在选项列表中找出该段话的Heading, 这种可能性超过50%。整段话都需要阅读的可能性不到10%。 (4) 某段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去。 前面已经讲过,每个选项最多用一次,也就是说,不可能两个段落的小标题是一个选项。所以,一段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去,以免被误选为其它段落的小标题。而且在选其它段落的答案时,可以不看选项,节省时间。但某段话的答案不太确定,如第三


小编仔细分析了一下,发现生词多、长难句多、不熟悉解题技巧是考生觉得雅思阅读时间紧张的原因。所以,小编整理了雅思阅读中的15个长难句分析,希望大家可以克服长难句这个壁垒。 1. Ahomeowner can get hurt trying to use the wrong kind of extinguisher on anelectrical fire. 2.Bolenciecwcz was staring at the floor, trying to think, his huge hands rubbingtogether, his face red. 3. Facingthe Atlantic, it is on the northeastern coast of the United States, and most ofthe city is built on islands. 4. He sat infront of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dustyface masking his age. 5. Freedfrom TV, forced to find their activities, they might take a ride together towatch the sunset. 6. Over 800full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining andrenewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses. 7. He hadnever been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time hewas twenty he was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish,Russian, German, France, and English. 8. Thematerials used – copper, stainless steel, concrete and glass- give the buildinga striking beauty. 9. Afterall, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as youchose to look at it. 10. But atleast they would distinguish the organizations entitled to a continuing voicein the dialogue with the research community about the rights of animals inresearch from the organizations that deserve no say. 11.Registering for classes, becoming familiar with the buildings on campus, buyingbooks, adding and dropping classes, and paying fees are confusing for everyone.


雅思备考技巧--复杂句子分析(1) 学会句子分析是提高阅读水平的关键之一。阅读理解文章难的原因之一在于句子结构的复杂。从近年ielts 考试的阅读理解文章上看,可以看出句子的两个特点: (1)句子较长,大多数句子都在20 个词以上,很多句子超过50 个词。 (2)句子结构复杂,结构复杂的简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句、被动句、倒装句、插入语等句型使用频繁,造成同学们理解上的困难,由于这些句型在ielts 阅读的文章中比较普遍,因此考前熟悉它们非常必要。具体而言,按时间要求做完一套阅读题后,要从中挑一些又长有复杂的句子加以分析,学会抓主干。这样,阅读速度和标准率就会提高。句子结构分析的关键之一是抓主干。对于复合句,抓主句;对于主句或比较复杂的简单主语和谓语。抓主干,抓主句的主要意思,而对修饰成分先不特别注意, 这是提高阅读速度的一个重要方法。 大家在看这些句子的中文译文的时候会发现这些译文并没有用标准的书面语言,而是按照英文的结构来翻译的。因此有些翻译会显得生硬,但它与英文原文结构是一样的,这样是为了更有助于同学们理解英文原句的句子结构。 一.结构复杂的简单句 如果句子只包含一个主谓结构,而句子各个成分都只由单词或短语表示,它就是简单句(不管句子是长是短)。有的简单句并不简单,也很长,复杂的简单句包括: (1)分词及分词短语做定语、状语(2)动名词及动名词短语做主语、表语、宾语 (3)不定式及不定式短语做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语(4)形容词短语做后置定语 1.to resolve a dispute means to turn opposing positions into single outcome 中文译文:解决一个冲突意味着把相反的各方变成一个单一的结果。 结构分析:不定式短语to resolve a dispute 做主语,谓语是means,不定式短语to turn opposing a positions into a single outcome 做宾语,其中分词opposing 是positions 的定语。 2.reconciling such interests is not easy 中文译文:调和这种利益是不容易的。 结构分析:动名词短语reconciling such interests 做主语。动名词短语做主语,谓语一般用单数。 3.it involves probing for deeply rooted concerns,devising creative solutions,and making trade-offs and compromises where interests are opposed 中文译文:它涉及到探究深层次的关注,想出有创造性的解决方案,以及当利益矛盾时,做出交易和妥协。 结构分析:这是一个简单句。主语是it,谓语是involves,三个动名词短语做宾语(属于平行结构)。在阅读中经常出现“a and b”或“a or b”的形式,其中a 与b 同义或近义,所以只要认识其中一个词就能 猜测出另一个词的大致意思。例如:trade-off and compromises。 4.the most common procedure for doing this is negotiation,the act of communication intended to reach agreement 中文译文:做这件事最常用的方法是谈判,一种想要达成一致的交流的行为。 结构分析:过去分词短语intended to reach agreement 是the act of communication 的后置定语,the act of communication intended to reach agreement 是的同位语,对negotiation 进行解释。 5.in other words,seeing large pupils gives rise to larger pupils 中文译文:换句话说,看大的瞳孔会引起更大的瞳孔。 结构分析:动名词短语做seeing large pupils 主语。 6 .yet ,a father accepting responsibility for behavior problems is linked with positive outcomes 中文译文:一个为行为问题负责的父亲是和正面的结果相联系的。 结构分析:accepting responsibility for behavior problems 是现在分词短语做father 的后置定语 雅思备考技巧--复杂句子分析(2) 并列句及并列复合句如果句子包含两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,就是并列句。并列句中的分句通常用一个并列连词来连接,最常见的是and 和but。有时,一个并列句中的一个(或更多)分句,可能包含有一个(或更多)从句, 这种句子称为并列复合句。并列复合句句式复杂,是同学们阅读的难点。对付并列句及并列复合句的方法是各个击破。先抓住并列连词and 或but,识别出是并列句后,分别理解并列连词前后的句子。 1.noise generated by traffic on arterial roads and freeways is an increasing problem in australia and there is growing concern among highways authorities in australia about the limitations of some types of noise barriers which have been installed in this country. 在澳大利亚,由主干道和快车道的交通所产生的噪音是一个日益严重的问题。而且澳大利亚的高速公路主管部门
