

Unit 3








【教学时间】( 1 学时)

【教学手段】录音机, PPT


(一)作业互阅大课堂8A unit3 第一课时练习

(二)感情调节 Show some pictures about some places of interest. Ask :How can we visit them in a day? Enjoy a video about the World Park.



(1)自学内容: the passage.


A. Students read the passage, then answer que stions.

1.Who writes the email ?

2.Where did they visit?

B. Students try to find some new words that they don’t understand, discuss

and learn in groups.

C. Finish Part B1 on Page33. Then check the answers in groups.

知者加速:Can you make some sentences with some of the new words?

2. 自学过程(快速自学后,开始加速者,出示信息沟通牌、按自学方法进行)


(1)自学内容: Understan d the main idea of the passage.


Read the passage carefully, then try to find Linda’s different feeli ngs during the trip. (4 words) Discuss in groups.


(1)自学内容:Enjoy a passage and read a fter the tape.


A. Listen to the tape , try to follow it.

B. Read the passage one para by one para according to PPT, finish the exercises.

C. Finish Part B2&B3 , check answers in groups.


Why do people like travelling?




1. 寻找教学缺憾:

2. 新旧内容连网: 通过已学知识学习生词;作业布置为下节课做好准备。


最小作业量 1.熟读文章。




成都外国语学校20168— 2019学年度上期期末考试 初一英语试题 听力命题人:听力审题人: 笔试命题人:笔试审题人: Listening Part 听力部分(30 marks) I. Listen carefully and choose the right phonemes or words you hear. Each will be read only once. (5 marks) 选择所听到的单词或者音标词,每个单词只读一遍。 1. A. /la?t/ B./leit/ C./nait/ D./'le?z?/ 2. A. no B. leave C. now D. name 3. A. who B. whose C. white D. what 4. A. dirty B. desk C. dad D. duster 5. A. the B. they C. there D. these II. Listen to each sentence carefully and choose the correct response. Each sentence will be read only once. (5 marks) 听句子或问题,选择相应的回答,每个句子只念一遍。 6. A. There are 7 days in a week. B. They are 7 days. C. It’s Monday. D. It’s in December. 7. A. I am fine, thank you. B. I am eleven years old. C. My name is Jimmy. D. It’s very pretty. 8. A. I go to school on foot. B. I go to school on Sunday. C. I go to school once a week. D. I go to school by car. 9. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It isn’t long. It’s short. D. It’s short 10. A. I am in Italy. B. I am Italian. C. I was born in 2004. D. I am good at Italian. III. Listen to the five short dialogues carefully and choose the correct answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. (5 marks) 听五段对话,选择相应问题的答案。每段对话念两遍。 1 / 10


(时间:120分钟总分:120分) 第一部分听力(每小题1分,共20分) Ⅰ关键词语选择(每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到五个句子,请从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. litter B. little C. least 2. A. basketball B. snowball C. football 3. A. ready B. read C. reading 4. A. clothes B. close C. gloves 5. A. far away B. passed away C. by the way Ⅱ短对话理解。(每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请在每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 6. Where are they? A. At home. B. In the hospital. C. In the classroom. 7. Where is the woman going? A. To the factory. B. To the store. C. To the hospital. 8. Who made a telephone call half an hour ago? A. Tom’s friend. B. Tom. C. Tom’s uncle. 9. Which place should the woman get off? A. At Third Street. B. At Fourth Street. C. At Fifth Street. 10. What are they talking about? A. A basketball game. B. A volleyball game. C. A football game. Ⅲ长对话理解。(每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到两段对话,请在每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答11—12小题。 11. The party will begin at ______. A. 5:30 B. 6:30 C. 7:30 12. Helen went to see her ______. 中学八年级英语试卷第1页(共10页) A. father B. grandpa C. grandma 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。 13. How far is the bank from here? A. Less than five kilometers. B. Five kilometers. C. More than five


八年级学生学情分析 王永霞 一、八年级三班学情现状: 没有尖子生,中等生及中等偏下学生是全班学生的主力军,差生比例占全班比例在30%以上。因此当前要下大力气培养尖子生,树立榜样作用。重视中游学生,调动他们的积极性,不仅教会他们知识,更要提高他们的能力。带动下游学生,减少差生,善于发现他们身上的闪光点,予以表扬,增强其自信心,鼓励他们在原有的基础上不断进步。 二、教学措施 (一)、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展奠定基础 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的空间。 3、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的问题,并自主的解决问题。 (二)、关注学生情感,创造民主、和谐的课堂气氛。 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,保护他们的学习积极性。

2、把英语教学与情感有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生相互学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。 3、关注学习有困难学生和性格内向学生,尽可能为他们创造讲话机会。 (三)、加强对学生学习策略的指导,让他们学会学习。 1、积极创造条件,让学生通过预习、课堂展示等,从而实现学习目标。 2、引导学生在学习过程中,进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学习策略。 八年级英语期中学情分析 王永霞 本次期中试卷结构合理,直接采用中考试卷结构模式,与中考接轨,既注重对基础知识、基本技能的考查,又注重对综合运用英语语言知识的能力和阅读写作能力的测查。同时,试题能根据课程标准把握重点、难点;知识点覆盖全面。本次考试,我所教班级的均分分别为和,优秀率为﹪和27﹪,最高分为94,最低分只有9分。 从这次考试来看,两极分化十分明显,个别的语法知识的掌握还不够牢固,尤其是个别题目反复做过几次也没能把握好,阅读理解能力和书面表达能力比较弱。具体来说: 1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。 2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。 3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。 4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。 另外,学生懒,不愿背单词、词组和句型,不愿做题,抄袭现象严重。上课时注意力易分散,上课效率不高,课后也不能及时复习巩固,做题时不能正确运用。另外,教师方面也存在一定的问题。如没能充分调动学生的积极性;没有培养好学生的学习习惯;针对性


2013-2014学年深圳南山区外国语学校第一学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷 笔试部分 一、单词连线(5%) 16. retired A. a thing that somebody has done successfully 17.fillet B. Persuading or forcing somebody to do something 18. snatch C. A small cut of fish 19. achievement D. having stopped working ,usually after the age of 60 20.pressure E.to take or get something quickly 二、选择填空(15%) i .根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或者相近并能代替的选项。 21. My grandma had no formal education, but she could read and write. A. go to school B. went to school C. di dn’t go to school D. Had no school 22. You must learn how to relax when you feel stressed. A. happy B. worried C. upset D. anxious and tired 23. Tom is a clever boy, he does well in maths. A. is good at B. is good for C. work hard at D. get good grades 24. Fresh fruits contain a variety of nutrients. A. some B. a few C. many kinds of D. a kind of 25. As a teenager, you should listen to your parents’ or teachers’ advice. A. ideas B. agree C. suggestions D. architect ii.根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 26. There _____ a football match next week in our school. A. is B. is going to be C. has D. are 27. It’s raining outside, let’s go _____ the room. A. into B. across C. over D. through 28. —_____I use your pen? —Yes, of course you______. A. Should; can B. Can; should C. Could; can D. Must ; could 29. —Are these books_______? — No,_______are Bill’s .


2019-2019 学年度第二学期期中学业质量监测试题 八年级英语 2019.04 第一部分选择题(80 分) 一、听力部分(共20 小题;每小题1 分,计20 分) A. 听下面10 段对话。每段对话后有1 道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍) 2. Which Disney character does Simon like best? A. B. C. 3. What type of book does the girl want to borrow? A. B. C. 4. How did the boy’s mother go to school when she was young? A. B. C. 5. What does the man think of the book? A. Boring. B. Touching. C. Interesting. 6. Why does the woman do with the computer after work? A. To watch films. B. To play games. C. To search information. 7. How soon will the train start off? A. In 15 minutes. B. In 50 minutes. C. In 25 minutes. 8. When is the best time to visit Chicago? A. All year around. B. Spring and summer. C. Spring, summer and autumn. 9. What do we know about Tom? A. He always gets nervous. B. He is a great speaker. C. He hasn't prepared well. 10. Where are they talking? A. On the playground. B. At the museum. C. In the bookstore. B. 听下面3 段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍) 听一段对话,回答第11~12 小题。 11. What’s the news about? A. A new company. B. A new computer. C. A new job. 12. How often does Peter use computer for his work? A. Once a day. B. Twice a week. C. Five times a week. 第 1 页


八年级学情分析范文教案学情分析写八年级英语教案如何填写学情分析 1、学生年龄特点分析 包括所在年龄阶段的学生长于形象思维还是抽象思维;乐于发言还是开始羞涩保守;喜欢跟老师合作还是开始抵触老师;不同年龄学生注意的深度、广度和持久性也不同。这些特点可以通过学习一些发展心理学的简单知识来分析,也可以凭借经验和观察来灵活把握。 还有不同年龄学生的感兴趣特的话题不同,教师一方面要尽量结合学生兴趣开展教学,又要适当引导不能一味屈尊或者迁就学生的不良兴趣。 2、学生已有知识经验分析 针对本节课或本单元的教学内容,确定学生需要掌握哪些知识、具备哪些生活经验,然后分析学生是否具备这些知识经验。可以通过单元测验、摸底考察、问卷等较为正式的方式,也可以采取抽查或提问等非正式的方式。

如果发现学生知识经验不足,一方面可以采取必要的补救措施,另一方面可以适当调整教学难度和教学方法。 3、学生学习能力和学习风格分析 分析不同班级学生理解掌握新知识的能力如何、学习新的操作技能的能力如何。据此设计教学任务的深度、难度和广度。经验丰富、能力较强的老师还可以进一步分析本班学生中学习能力突出的尖子生和学习能力较弱的学习困难学生,并因材施教、采取变通灵活的教学策略。 4、学生学习风格分析 当然,切忌单纯为了学情分析而去分析学生或者将学情分析孤立于教学设计之外,学情分析是系统教学设计的有机组成部分,并与教学设计的其他部分存在极为紧密的互动关系。 学情分析是教-学目标设定的基础,没有学情分析的教学目标往往是空中楼阁;因为只有真正了解学生的已有知识经验和心理认知特点,才能确定其在不同领域、不同学科和不同学习活动中的最近发展区,而从知识技能能力等方面来阐述最近发展区就是教-学目标。


2012—2013学年度上学期 武汉实验外国语学校初中一年级期中考试 英语试题 卷面分值:100分考试时间:90分钟 Part One I. Listening 听力部分(1*40) A. Listen to the sentences and choose the right answers. Each sentence will be read only once. 1. A. It’s my. B. It’s Lilly’s. C. It’s over there. 2. A. She is fine. B. She is reading. C. She is a doctor. 3. A. Every morning. B. At home. C. On foot. 4. A. On the third floor. B. It’s very bright. C. I like it. 5. A. It’s red. B. Mary buys it. C. It’s Mary’s. 6. A. By bus. B. With Kate. C. It’s fine. 7. A. It’s all right. B. Thank you. C. Sure. 8. A. At the school gate. B. New York. C. Tomorrow morning. 9. A. Table tennis. B. Go hiking. C. Math. 10. A. You’d better not. B. Never mind. C. It depends. B. Listen to the short dialogues and choose the right answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. 11. What is the time now? A.2:15. B. 2:20. C. 2:30. 12. What number does the woman want to dial? A.25660839. B. 25450839. C. 24430829. 13. Where does the dialogue happen? A. In the library. B. At the airport. C. At the station. 14. How did the woman feel then? A.She felt very sad. B. She felt very tired. C. She felt very angry. 15. What does the woman mean? A. She lives in London. B. She doesn’t like London. C. She likes London. 16. Why is Maria moving? A. Because she needs a quiet place. B. Because she likes to listen to the songs. C. Because she finds a new job. 17. What will Tom do tomorrow? A. He will go fishing with his friend. B. He will go to school. C. He will help his mum. 18. Where are they talking? A. In a bookstore. B. In a hotel. C. In a park. 19. What will the man do? A. He will turn down the TV. B. He will turn up the TV. C. He will go to sleep. 20. Wha t’s Jack’s favorite subject? A. Chinese. B. Math. C. History. C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. Listen to Dialogue A and answer the questions from No.21 to No.23. 21. How is James new job? A. It’s boring. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s good. 22. Where is Rita from? A. America. B. Britain. C. China. 23. What does Tom do? A. Secretary. B. Manager. C. Managing director. Listen to Dialogue B and answer the questions from No.24 to No.26. 24. Where did the woman fall down? A. On the stairs. B. From the bike. C. On the wet floor. 25. What is the matter with the woman? A. Her left leg hurts. B. Her right leg hurts. C. Both of her legs hurt. 26. How will they go to see the doctor? A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot. Listen to Dialogue C and answer the questions from No.27 to No.30. 27. What happened to the man? A. He lost his ticket. B. He left his bag on a taxi. C. He called the police. 28. What did the man lost? A. His ID card and cell phone. B. His ID card and some money. C. His ID card and cell phone and some money. 29. What’s the number of the taxi? A. A38902. B. B38902. C. A39802. 30. Which of the following is NOT true according to the dialogue? A. The man found his bag. B. The man is very worried. C. The woman won’t call him later. D. Listen to the passage and choose the right answers. The passage will be read twice. 31. Thanksgiving Day is on __________. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday 32. Where does Jim Oldham come from? A. Nashville, Tennessee. B. Tucson, Arizona. C. Baltimore, Maryland. 33. How old was Jim Oldham when he had a Thanksgiving together with his family? A. 2-year-old. B. 12-year-old . C. 20-year-old. 34. Ann Ginge r’s family ____________ spend Thanksgiving together. A. seldom B. never C. usually 35. According to Ann Ginger, who won in the turkey cook-off? A. Her son. B. Herself. C. Her husband. Now please turn to Part II and finish the spot dictation.


madeofdingshangtuwen 2016-2017学年度第一学期第一次月考 参考答案 1-5 EFCBA 6-10 BBCCA 11-15 DCADB 16-20 ACAAB 21-25 DBCDC 26-30 CBABC 31-35 ABBCC 36-40 CAABB 41-45 BBABD 46-50 ABABB 51. day 52. do 53. swimming 54. in 55. weather 56. winter 57.too 58. hot 59. go 60.friendly 61. difference 62. well, better 63.likes 64.clean 65.better 66. How often 67. didn’t read 68.more expensive than 69. three times 70. Where, go 71.talented in 72.That’s why 73.How was 74.at least two 75.Ninety percent of 书面表达:略 听力材料: 1.The girl with long hair is my good friend Alice. 2.My sister is as tall as me. 3.I like actors who can make me laugh. 4.The boy is much heavier than the girl. 5.Linda likes singing and dancing. 6.W:Did you have a good time yesterday? M:Yes. I went to see a movie. 7.M:Mary,did you buy anything in Beijing? W:Yes. I bought something for my sister,but nothing for my brother or myself. 8.M:Do you often eat junk food,Ann? W:No,I never eat it. 9.W:When do you usually get up,Bill? M:At 6:00 a.m. I usually go to bed at 9:00 p.m. 10.W:Is that boy Mike? M:No,he's Jack. Mike is taller than him. Common Progress Please Criticize


龙盘湖国际学校校园英语口语100句 课堂用语 1.Hello/Hi/ What’s up? 2.How’s your day? (用于一天结束后的询问) 3.How’s it going? 4. How are you? 5. Pretty good/Just fine/Not too bad/Same as ever. 很好/不错/还行/老样子 6. How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样 It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy. 晴天/阴天/雨天 7.See you later./tomorrow.回头见/明天见 8.Take care, bye.保重 9.Not bad - good - very good –great –excellent –brilliant –terrific –fantastic –amazing(程度从低到高)不错-好-很好-很棒-好极了-杰出的-太妙了-简直不可思议-惊艳 10. Chinese语文English英语French法语Korean韩语Politics政治History历史Economics经济Geography地理Physics物理Chemistry化学Biology生物Maths数学Calculus微积分Computer Science计算机科学Music音乐Fine Arts美术P.E.体育 11. Your behavior is disturbing the others and making it difficult for me to do my job.你的行为影响了别人,使我难以开展工作。 12. I can see that you worked really hard我能感觉到你学习非常努力。 13. I like the way you answered the question, but you had difficulty with the middle part.我欣赏你回答问题的方式,但是你的答案还是有点问题。 14. Don't worry, you got a few wrong but I see your improvement.没关系,有点小问题,但是我看到了你的进步。 15. You're getting better every day!你每天都在进步! 16. Let’s start class. = It’s time for class. 上课 17. Next, please.请下一个。 18. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗? 19. Let ‘s review what we learned yesterday.我们复习一下昨天所学的内容。 20. Can you follow me? /Am I clear? 听懂了吗? 21. Please look at the blackboard/picture/slide. 请看黑板/图片/幻灯片。 22. Say/Read after me, please. 请跟我说/读。 23. Practice in pairs/ groups, please. 请按两人一组/小组练习。 24. Put up your hands, please. 请举手。 Hands down, please. 请放下手。 25. demonstration class公开课/观摩课教学


八年级英语期中考试分析 黄文 本次期中考试,卷面总分是100分,难易程度稍偏难了些,学生有些知识点掌握不准确,做题欠思考,没有解题技巧,所以学生考得不是很好。从这次考试成绩,问题主要出现在以下几个方面: 1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。 2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。 3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。 4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。 另外,学生懒,不愿背单词、词组和句型,不愿做题,抄袭现象严重。上课时注意力易分散,上课效率不高,课后也不能及时复习巩固,做题时不能正确运用。另外,教师方面也存在一定的问题。如没能充分调动学生的积极性;没有培养好学生的学习习惯;针对性较差,训练不到位;检查力度不够。 针对此次考试所反映出来的现状,在今后的教学中,不仅要抓住基础知识、还要培养与提高学生的阅读能力和写作能力。具体如下: 1.在进行单词和词组教学时,首先让学生读准音,然后反复读单词和词组,并找出同义词、反义词、类似用法的词一记。 2.在进行句型时,以小组合作等方式举一反三,反复练习课堂上学习的句型。 3.每个单元后都有一篇阅读。在阅读教学中,设计一些问题,通

过学生自渎文章找出其答案,在整体上感知文章内容。而且讲解文章时,注意生词在句中的运用、注意文章里出现的词组,注意对关键句子的理解。针对学生阅读能力差的问题,让学生每周阅读英语短文并做笔记。 4.不会用英文写作文是绝大多数学生的通病。作文是由句子构成,一个正确的句子需要用正确的句型、正确的词组,正确的时态构成。写好作文,没有诀窍,只有多写。多练。 总的来说,要从各个方面努力,加强工作,找出不足与欠缺,并及时改正,就一定能提高学生的英语成绩。


2018~2019学年四川成都外国语学校初一上学期期中英 语试卷成都外国语中学一、语音辨识(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1. A.shop https://www.360docs.net/doc/641064143.html,e C.long (1) A.clever B.letter C.evening (2) A.this B.thick C.that (3) A.black https://www.360docs.net/doc/641064143.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/641064143.html,zy (4) A.pencils B.caps C.books (5) 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 2. A.a; an B.an; a C.a; a There is old woman at the door and there is young girl near him. 3. A.with; to B.with; for C.不填; with The man two boxes is a milkman. One of the boxes is Sandy's sister. 4. A.I; me; You B.me; I; Your C.me; I; You —Look at . What am ? — are a policeman. 5.—Excuse me, Jack. are my ? —Oh, the white cups.

A.Which; cup B.What; cups C.Which; cups 6. A.How many; They are B.How many; There are C.How much; They are — meals are there in a day? —There are three meals in a day. breakfast, lunch and supper. 7. A.Who's; boy B.Whose; boy C.Who's; one — that boy? —Which ? —The boy at the locker. 8. A.a white new B.a new blue C.an orange new My schoolbag is very old. Let's go and buy schoolbag in the shop. 9. A.Are; they are. B.Is; it isn't C.Are; they aren't — Miss Williams's umbrellas black and yellow? —No, . 10.A.How is the schoolboy B.Is he a thin boy C.Is the schoolboy thin — ? —He isn't a thin boy. He is a fat boy. 11.A.It's all right B.All right C.That's all right —Give me that football please, Billy. — , Mr. May. 三、完形填空(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 12.I'm a student at Sunshine Middle School. 1 school is very beautiful. The playground is very big. We often chat (聊天)with each other or play sports on the playground after class.


Unit 7Topic1 根据中文和英文提示词写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词需全都用上,词数在60—80之间。 假如你叫刘辉,是仁爱国际学校的学生。美食节过后,你和同学们积极清理现场,捡废纸,拾塑料瓶,再卖到回收中心,然后给贫困地区儿童捐款。 提示词语:废纸waste paper;塑料瓶plastic bottle;回收中心 a recycling center;捐钱donate the money;贫困地区poor areas 参考范文:My name is Liu Hui. I’m a student in Ren’ai International School. I know some children in poor areas need money for school. So my friends and I decided to collect waste paper and plastic bottles after the food festival. After we cleaned the playground of our school, we sold all the waste paper and plastic bottles to a recycling center, and then donated the money to the children in poor areas. Although we felt very tired on that day, we were very happy! Unit 7Topic2 昨天是母亲节,你为妈妈做了一道水果沙拉。根据参考词汇,用英语写一篇短文,叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程。词数在80个左右。 1. Wash different fruits and peel(剥皮); 2. Cut them and mix them up(混合); 3. Add salad, cream and stir(搅拌) 参考范文: Mother’s Day Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I made a dish of fruit salad for my mom. First, I took an apple, a pear, some purple grapes, an orange and some bananas. Then I washed and peeled them. After that I cut them into small pieces and put them on the plate, and then I added some sugar, a little salad and some cream. The last thing I did was to stir and mix them up. I put the purple grapes around the plate, and my fruit salad looked more beautiful. After I finished my fruit salad, I put it on the table and sang some songs to my mom. My mom felt so happy, and I was very happy, too. Unit7Topic3 汤姆和迈克常到学校附近的三家快餐店吃饭,他们做了一个调查,结果如下。 请根据表格中所提供的信息写一篇短文,词数在60—80之间。 提示词语:lower, than, better, the highest, the most friendly … 参考范文: Tom and Mike did a survey among three restaurants. This is what they told us. The price of the hamburger in Ham is lower than that in Billy, but its quality is better than Billy’s. And Ham’s service isn’t as friendly as Billy’s. The price of the hamburger in Pizza is the highest, but its quality is the best and the service is the most friendly of the three. Unit7 Jean为了保持苗条的身材而节食,每天只吃少量的蔬菜和水果。最近她的身体状况不佳,时常觉得头痛和疲劳。请以生活老师Miss Lee 的名义,给她写一封80词左右的信,谈谈合理饮食和健康的关系。 提示词:节食(on a diet)均衡饮食(balance diet)有规律地(regularly)Restaurants Price Quality Service Ham $1.5/hamburger better not friendly Billy $2/hamburger good friendly Pizza $10/hamburger best more friendly


七年级英语学情分析 学生基本情况分析: 对小学升入初中的初一学生来说,经历了三年基本的小学英语学习后,对英语的基本知识有了一个大概的了解。 1、农村学生与城市学生在英语学习中存在很严重的差距,而且这种差距在进入初中阶段后越来越大,随着学科的增加,知识量的加大,农村学生对教材的不适应,中小学的教材在教学重点上有所区别,以知识的广度和深度为主,培养学生学习应用为主,学习对自己有用的知识,各科的知识压力大,所以学生的在短时间内很难转变小学生那种学习方法。 2、农村的生源基础相对较薄弱。多年来,由于各种因素,和城区的学生比较存在很大差距。 3、由于学生学习成绩基础不是很理想,所以目前很难在短时间内提高他们的英语学习能力,语言的表达能力欠加。由于没有养成好的学习习惯,所以分析题的难度不是很难都难以解决,所以学生学习缺少热情。 二、思想状况分析: 通过观察了解,发现大部分学生的学习目的性明确。学习积极性高,能主动的学习,有70%的同学有上进心,但主动性不够,需要老师的引导,但也有10%左右的学生学习目的不明确,一天贪玩好耍,不能积极主动的完成学业,甚至不能完成老师布置的作业,大部分学生正处在生长发育的高峰期,一方面他们对因青春期生理、心理急剧变化而产生的丰富而深刻的感受和体验,有诸多成长的烦恼;另一方面面对沉重的学习、升学压力和开放的社会环境带来的各种刺激和诱惑,难免不知所措。渴望与他人交流,存在早恋心理;生理上进入迅速生长发育时期,心理上进入一个错综复杂,充满矛盾的时期,加上家庭因素影响,极易形成烦躁、逆反心理;由于生活空虚,缺少爱、缺少交流,零花钱作祟,容易沉迷于网络;……他们有广泛的爱好和兴趣,如篮球、台球等各种兴趣。有80%的学生心理素质较稳定,思想健康,人格健全,性格开朗,能和老师沟通。能按照老师的要求完成学习任务;有10%左右的学生情绪波动大,容易激动,怕吃苦,不愿劳动,甚至个别的还有耍“小皇帝”脾气的。 (三)、学习状况分析: 七年级是一个产生剧烈变化的时期,更是一个危险的时期,也是一个爬坡的时期,是一个分水岭。 第一类:学习有一定的基础和很浓厚的兴趣.学生成绩稳定 第二类:基础差,但热情高,方法不当
