




1 提出邀请并简述原因




Dear Tom

Here comes a piece of good news, the Campus Culture Festivalwill be hosted this Friday. Since you have a strong passion for Chinese folk art, it’s a great pleasure for me to invite you to join us to feel the fascination of the weaving art.

The activity is scheduled to last approximately two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall. It covers a wide variety of content. Not only can we appreciate numerous appealing weaving works ranging from chairs to decorations, but also we’ll watch the documentary concerning the history of the weaving art. In addition, some distinguished professors will be invited to deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of the weaving art, during which time you will be definitely gain a better understanding of it. By the way, if you are available, we’l l meet at three sharp outside the school gate.

How I hope you can take my invitation into consideration! Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.

假如你是李华,你的笔友TOM 对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,尤其是编织艺术,他来信向你了解编织艺术的相关情况。请你给他回信并赠书一本,内容要点如下:





Dear Tom,

Learning that you are interested in Chinese folk art, especially the weaving art, I am glad to tell you something about it.

The weaving art enjoys a world-wide reputation for its wonderful skills. It has a long history, dating back to as far as 1000 years .The weaving workers use bamboo and vine plant to produce art, making the weaving works more than extraordinary. Made of bamboo and other various materials, the weaving art is successfully applied to many fields. It can be used as numerous things, ranging from chairs to decorations.

Besides the Chinese knotting, often referred to as “one of the most important weaving in China”, is made of the red silk. When it comes to Chinese knotting, it reminds people of love and best wishes. It also symbolizes good luck and prosperity.





May 20th ,2017 Saturday sunny

Today I was more than excited to participate in an attractive activity,whose theme is Chinese weaving art,making me have a taste of Chinese traditional culture deeply.

This activity was held in my school cultural corridor where I appreciated numerous art works,ranging from chairs to decorations. In addition,what is even more significant was that I was lucky to get an opportunity to learn how to weave Chinese knotting on the spot, during which time I am so enjoyable that I extremely fall in love with the magical work.

As far as I am concerned,not only does such activity make me further feel the beauty of the weaving art,but also it is beneficial to arise people’s aware ness of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture.






Today, Tom, who is an exchange student in our school, came to have a cultural exchange activity, which offered us a good opportunity to learn more about the weaving art.

At first, we showed Tom around our cultural corridor where the art works about the weaving art were exhibited. Then a cultural lecture was held at the lecture hall, where students can have a better understanding of the history of the weaving art. It has a long history dating back to as far as 1000 years .Finally, the art performers used the bamboo to make many things ranging from chairs to decorations, which surprised all the audience.

Through the cultural exchange activity, we further fell the beauty of the weaving art and promote the understanding of the weaving art.



1. 活动目的

2活动内容(了解编织艺术历史1000多年,用竹子作为原料编成椅子,窗帘,装饰品) 3参与人员4活动时间,地点


In order to welcome the campus culture week, an experience activity, is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 9:00am of March 7, whose theme is weaving art. It’s well-known that the weaving art has a long history, dating back to as far as 1000 years. Additionally, the weaving enjoys a world-wide reputation for its wonderful skills. Made of bamboo and various other materials, the weaving art is successfully applied to many fields and is still playing an important part today. It can be used as numerous things such as chairs, curtain and decorations. The activity is organized by Student Union and some relevant guidance teachers. Everyone who is interested is welcome to participate.

The Student Union

January 25,2017





Dear Tom,

Learning that you have a strong fancy for the shared—bikes,I am glad to tell you some relevant information about it.

Currently,the bike—sharing program is popular among people ranging from the old and the young,as a result of which such a bike can be seen here and there.

The shared—bikes come into being for the reason that the shared—bikes solves the last kilometer problem efficiently and makes contribution to reducing air pollution. The more shared-bike we ride,the better environment we have.

So beneficial is the shared-bike that we ought to have a try. I sincerely invite you to ride the shared-bikes with me this weekend. Looking forward to your early reply.





It is a common phenomenon that people, including the elderly people as well as some young people, will gather in the dancing square early in the morning or late in the evening due to the fact that people’s p hysical and mental life develop rapidly.

When it comes to square dance, it is universally acknowledged that it makes a tremendous difference to people’s life. For instance, not only dancing women promote people’s relationship but also it makes contribut ions to people’s health. However, dancing has some disadvantages of its own despite its advantages. When dancing, the dancing women play loud music unconsciously, which gives rise to dissatisfaction.

Personally speaking, I am definitely in favor of such behaviors. By the way, I do hope the dancing women can try their best to regulate the volume of music. Only in this case can we create a harmonious community together.


2018届高考英语作文押题 1.关于高铁 【题目要求】 高铁给人们的出行带来了快捷和方便,请你写一篇短文简单介绍武广高铁。 基本情况: 1. 始建于2005年,2009年12月26日开通运营,干线全长1068公里; 2. 途经湖北、湖南和广东; 3. 列车时速高达350公里/小时,目前世界上最快。 主要优点: 1. 武汉至广州仅需3个小时,比先前减少7个多小时; 2. 高铁列车设施齐全,安全舒适。 美中不足: 1. 票价偏高; 2. 车站离市中心较远。 【优秀范文】 First built in 2005, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,2009. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the following three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong. The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, seven hours less than before. Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it is more humanitarian. However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area. 2.移动支付 【题目要求】


江苏2018高考英语作文热点话题+美文段落 在偏离教材两年之后,2018高考江苏卷作文话题,应该回归教材中的39单元话题,否则,要这套教材有何用?!! 话题1:都地球村了,美国还想跟中国打贸易战? What does a global village mean? Global village: the world viewed as a munity in which distance and isolation have been dramatically reduced by electronic media such as television and the Inter. Today, the Web is often seen as the medium that most closely joins people throughout the globe, allowing anyone with an Inter connection to know what is going on around the world with the click of a mouse -- and to municate with individuals and groups of people in faraway places. 话题2:Facebook信息泄露和个人信息保护 Keeping your passwords, financial, and other personal information safe and protected from outside intruders has long been a priority of your life. First, use "passphrases" rather than "passwords." Your passphrase can be a favorite song lyric, quote from a book, magazine, or movie, or something your kids said last week. Second, don't store passwords with your laptop or mobile device. Third, consciously check and configure app privacy settings. Most apps offer privacy settings for users, enabling you to determine how much and what types of information are shared or stored. Always choose the least amount of data-sharing possible. 话题3:中国古村落的消失。 最近10年失去了90万个村落,世界任何一个民族没有这么快的速度失落它的村落”。Old villages are “museums” for heritage, religion and culture. They are the r___________ of Chinese civilization. The dying out of ancient villages will worsen the moral decline in modern Chinese society. There are three reasons old villages are being wiped from the map: urbanization, natural disasters and a l___________ of labor in the countryside. Cities and villages are not two opposing parties. Urbanization does not necessarily lead to the countryside dying out. There are many examples in European countries of cities and villages co-existing in harmony. Protecting ancient villages does not just mean renovating old houses but also respecting cultural roots and traditions. (改编自英文报纸) 参考答案:roots lack 话题4:暴力催收﹑裸条﹑高利贷……今年以来,以学生作为借款对象的校园贷被推至风口浪尖上 Why it's important to teach kids about money from a young age? The earlier a child learns about money, savings and investment, the better money managers they will bee. Such skills help children to understand the difference between earning, spending and saving, making them better money managers who’re able to budget. It also helps children understand the value of money at an early age and help them make better financial decisions. 话题5:保护方言的意义。


2018高考英语作文真题及满分范文全汇总 【2018·全国Ⅰ卷】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1. 到达时间; 2. 合适的礼物; 3. 餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【满分范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and interesting. Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, like a book or a Chinese knot. What’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food. Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua


2018年高考英语作文全总结及满分作文范例 1.2018年新课标全国卷I 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间; 2.合适的礼物; 3.餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ 【试题分析】 书面表达具有很强的开放性和选择性,给予考生畅所欲言的空间,摆脱单一方法,唯一答案的思维模式,在展示多彩思维活动的同时,真正考查了考生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,让考生感受英语学习的趣味与魅力,突出英语学科的独有特征。 2018年全国卷I书面表达体裁为应用文电子邮件,内容为回复外国朋友Terry的邮件,向其介绍在中国家庭做客方面的相关习俗。要求文中涵盖试题给出的三方面内容要点,即到达时间、合适的礼物和餐桌礼仪。该题型和内容设计紧密联系考生实际,但是,餐桌礼仪这个普通得再普通不过的日常小节反而在生活中被很多中学生忽略了。如果没有跨文化对比凝练出的思维品格和文化素养的意识,学生很难在短时间内写出中国老百姓的餐桌礼仪文化。例如受邀赴宴客人可以准时到达但切忌过早到达。外地客人所带礼物常见为能体现客人当地特色的物品。但注意,传统的中国人收到礼物后一般不会当着客人的面打开。中国餐桌为圆桌,正对门的位置为上座,一般为长者位置。中国人特别尊敬


英语考试作文 历年辽宁高考英语作文题目 2018辽宁高考英语将于2018年6月8日下午开考,今年的英语作文,李华又会给谁写信呢?让我们拭目以待吧。考生们一定要放松心态,要充满自信的去面对高考。高考英语作文预祝考生们考得好成绩。 现在高考还未开始,将历年高考试题及答案及历年作文题整理如下,供考生们参考。 2018高考英语作文写作素材汇总 2018高考英语满分作文范文汇总 2018高考英语作文加分必备:常用50种高级句型 2017高考英语作文汇总地区/科目2017高考英语作文题目新课标I卷2017新课标全国卷1高考英语作文新课标II卷2017新课标全国卷2高考英语作文新课标III卷2017新课标全国卷3高考英语作文北京卷2017北京高考英语作文上海卷2017上海高考英语作文题目天津卷2017天津高考英语作文江苏卷2017江苏高考英语作文浙江卷2017浙江高考英语作文说明:

新课标I卷适用地区:河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建 新课标II卷适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、西藏、陕西、重庆 新课标III适用地区:云南、广西、贵州 请以2017高考当天考试试卷地区划分为准! 48道题测出最适合你报考的大学专业估分选大学 点击查看>>2018高考试题及答案解析 2018年全国高考报名考生人数达到975万人,比去年增加35万人。>>查看详情 官方版请点击>>>【官方版】全国各地2017高考试题标准答案出炉 下载word版请点击>>2017高考试题及答案汇总(word版) 高考网还为考生及家长们准备了高考志愿填报入口、高考录取查询入口,祝福同学们考上理想大学!


2018年英语作文热点 根据往年高考经验,高考英语作文话题一般会与当年的社会热点、民生有关。结合以上这些,我们来看看今年高考作文的预测话题吧! 热点预测一: 新四大发明 1.关于高铁 【题目要求】 高铁给人们的出行带来了快捷和方便,请你写一篇短文简单介绍武广高铁。 基本情况: 1. 始建于2005年,2009年12月26日开通运营,干线全长1068公里; 2. 途经湖北、湖南和广东; 3. 列车时速高达350公里/小时,目前世界上最快。 主要优点: 1. 武汉至广州仅需3个小时,比先前减少7个多小时; 2. 高铁列车设施齐全,安全舒适。 美中不足: 1. 票价偏高; 2. 车站离市中心较远。 【优秀范文】 First built in 2005, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,2009. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the following three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong. The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, seven hours less than before. Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it is more humanitarian. However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area.


●2018年全国卷I 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1. 到达时间; 2. 合适的礼物; 3. 餐桌礼仪。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now, I am writ ing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and interesting. Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, like a book or a Chinese knot. What’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food. Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua ●2018年全国卷II 你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括: 1. 短片内容:学校的发展; 2. 放映时间、地点; 3. 欢迎对短片提出意见。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Notice In order to have a better understanding of our school, an outstanding English short movie about our school will be shown in the library from 2:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th. It is organized by the Student Union. Here are some relevant details about it. To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing Together, which is about the development of our beloved school. As we all expect, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. What’s more, every one of you will be welcome to take part (participate) in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments. The Student Union June 8, 2018●2018年全国卷III 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信询问你校学生体育运动情况。请给他回信,内容包括: 1. 学校的体育场馆; 2. 主要的运动项目; 3. 你喜欢的项目。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Peter,


高考第一天,经历了语文和数学的洗礼,相信大家对高考已经适应很多了。这时候,千万不能放松警惕,从分值上看,高考这场战役你才完成不到一半,接下来是更加严酷的竞争。所以,今天晚上,你不能对综合和英语不管不顾,因为,机会永远都是留给有准备的人。根据今年热点和对往年高考英语作文 的总结分析,leo精心对2018高考英语作文进行了五大押题,这绝对是考 前必看的最好资料,没有之一! 押题(一)汶川地震十周年 假设你是华,汶川地震十周年之际,请你根据所提供图片以“ New Wenchuan,Great Changes"为题,向China Daily写一篇通讯稿,对帮助过的社会各界人土表示感 写作要点 1.介绍汶川十年后的变化 2.为生活在这样的国度而自豪 【优秀参考文】 As the picture shows that ten years ago on May12, a big earthquake struck Wenchuan, causing many houses destroyed and thousands of people losing their lives in a short time. Many more were homeless. It was such a disaster that almost everything was in ruins. Now a decade past, with the help of people from all walks giving a helpful hand ,a new Wenchuan appears in front of us. Piles of tall buildings stand where it used to be ruins. The city looks like a


2018高考英语作文命题三大热点 一. 传统文化 假定你是李华,你校的交换生Tom对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,本周五学校将要举办”校园文化周",请你写一份封电子邮件,邀请Tom去体验编织艺术,内容包括: 1. 提出邀请并简述原因 2. 活动的内容(了解编织艺术的历史:1000多年;观看编织艺术的展览;用竹子编椅子,窗帘,装饰品) 3. 约定与Tom见面的时间和地点 4. 期待对方的回复 Dear Tom, Here comes a piece of good news. TheCampus Culture Festival will be hosted this Friday. Since you have astrong passion for Chinese folk art, it’s a great pleasure for me to invite youto join us to feel the fascination of the weaving art. The activity is scheduled to lastapproximately two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall. It covers awide variety of content. Not only can we appreciate numerous appealing weavingworks ranging from chairs to decorations, but also we’ll watch the documentary concerningthe history of the weaving art. In addition, some distinguished professors willbe invited to deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of


2018年高考英语作文写作指导及范文汇总 各个领域杰出人物:Part one Music and Musicans musical instrument:violin, viola, cello, erhu, piano, guitar, drum, saxophone, fluten. 长笛, clarinet竖笛; 黑管; [乐] 单簧管, harpsichord键盘乐器… types of music: pop, country, classical, traditional Chinese music, rock&roll, jazz, blues, rap, ballad, symphony, musician: band, singer, composer, director, conductor, pianist, choir.唱诗班;合唱队, orchestra管弦乐团… 1.Personal information (Birth place and birthday,Family background Childhood) 个人信息及成长经历place of birth/birthplace be born in出生在…… be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家 was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 have musical talent有音乐天赋; have a gift/talent/genius for sth. 在某方面有天赋; be crazy about喜欢; develop an interest in对……感兴趣;


2018高考英语作文:书面表达话题(兴趣与爱好!) 一、话题单词1.chat n.&v.闲聊;聊天2.choice n.选择3.collect vt.收集,搜集4.dislike vt.不喜爱,厌恶5.enjoyable adj.令人愉快的,有乐趣的6.entertainment n.娱乐7.enthusiastic adj.热情的,热心的8.helpful adj.有益的,有帮助的9.hobby n.爱好10.interest n.兴趣,趣味;利息11.pleasant adj.令人愉快的,舒适的12.please v.请;使人高兴,使人满意13.proper adj.恰当的,合适的14.realize vt.认识到;实现15.relaxation n.放松16.skate v.溜冰17.talent n.天才,天赋18.temporary adj.短暂的,暂时的19.temptation n.引诱;诱惑20.treasure v.珍惜二、话题短语1.be crazy about对……着迷2.be keen on热衷于3.be good at擅长于4.be fond of爱好5.cheer up 感到高兴;感到兴奋6.collect stamps集邮7.climb mountains爬山8.enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事9.go sightseeing观光10.have a taste for对……有兴趣11.play the piano弹钢琴12.play computer games玩电脑游戏13.prefer...to(比起……来)更喜欢14.seek after寻求,追求15.take the dog for a walk遛狗16.take up接受;开始从事;占据17.would love/like to(表示喜欢,愿意)很想;很愿意18.would rather宁愿,宁可三、提分句式1.The


假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪 范文: Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food. Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua 题目: 你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括: 1、短片内容:学校的发展;


2018年高考英语满分作文 1.2018年新课标全国卷I 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间; 2.合适的礼物; 3.餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【试题分析】 书面表达具有很强的开放性和选择性,给予考生畅所欲言的空间,摆脱单一方法,唯一答案的思维模式,在展示多彩思维活动的同时,真正考查了考生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,让考生感受英语学习的趣味与魅力,突出英语学科的独有特征。 2018年全国卷I书面表达体裁为应用文电子邮件,内容为回复外国朋友Terry的邮件,向其介绍在中国家庭做客方面的相关习俗。要求文中涵盖试题给出的三方面内容要点,即到达时间、合适的礼物和餐桌礼仪。该题型和内容设计紧密联系考生实际,但是,餐桌礼仪这个普通得再普通不过的日常小节反而在生活中被很多中学生忽略了。如果没有跨文化对比凝练出的思维品格和文化素养的意识,学生很难在短时间内写出中国老百姓的餐桌礼仪文化。例如受邀赴宴客人可以准时到达但切忌过早到达。外地客人所带礼物常见为能体现客人当地特色的物品。但注意,传统的中国人收到礼物后一般不会当着客人的面打开。中国餐桌为圆桌,正对门的位置为上座,一般为长者位置。中国人特别尊敬长辈,用餐时,需等长辈先动筷子。吃饭时不得发出声响,强调“食不语寝不言”等。中国地域广文化差异也很大,给予思维发散的考生提供


2018高考英语作文五大热点预测 热点预测1:传统文化 传统文化是近几年高考的热点,今年考它的可能性会很大。 预测考题 假定你是李华,你校的交换生Tom对中国的民间艺术很感兴趣,本周五学校将要举办”校园文化周",请你写一份封电子邮件,邀请Tom去体验编织艺术,内容包括: 1.提出邀请并简述原因 2.活动的内容(了解编织艺术的历史:1000多年;观看编织艺术的展览;用竹子编椅子,窗帘,装饰品) 3.约定与Tom见面的时间和地点 4.期待对方的回复 参考范文 Dear Tom, Here comes a piece of good news. The Campus Culture Festival will be hosted this Friday. Since you have a strong passion for Chinese folk art, it’s a great pleasure for me to invite you to join us. The activity is scheduled to last approximately two hours, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the school hall. It covers a wide variety of content. Not only can we appreciate numerous appealing weaving works ranging from chairs to decorations,

but also we’ll watch the documentary concerning the history of the weaving art. In addition, some distinguished professors will be invited to deliver a lecture about how to promote the development of the weaving art, during which time you will be definitely gain a better understanding of it. By the way, if you are available, we’ll meet at three outside the school gate. How I hope you can take my invitation into consideration! Your timely reply will be highly appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 热点预测2:共享单车 共享单车无疑是热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。 预测考题 假设你是李华,你校的新高一交换生TOM对共享单车感到新奇,请你写一份邮件,邀请他去体验共享单车。 内容包括: 1. 现象 2. 共享单车兴起的原因 3. 约TOM周末骑共享单车 参考范文 Dear Tom,


【试题回顾】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪 【解析】 这篇文章看似是告知信,但其实可以使用很多建议信的套路来写。第二段要使用较高级的建议句型;第三段要写出建议信的常见套话。 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In yourlast letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according toour tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help thefamily prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’smore, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises whilechewing food. Hopefully, these suggestionswould be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a greattime. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua


NO.1 2018全国I卷高考英语作文 【试题回顾】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪

【范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according toour tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help thefamily prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’smore, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises whilechewing food. Hopefully, these suggestionswould be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a greattime. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua


2018年高考英语各省满分作文汇总 【2018 全国Ⅰ卷】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1. 到达时间; 2. 合适的礼物; 3. 餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【满分范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend s home. Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and interesting. Besides, you d better bring some gifts, like

a book or a Chinese knot. What s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing food. Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a great time. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 【2018 全国Ⅱ卷】 你受学生会委托为校宣传栏英语天地写一则通知,请大家观看一部英语短片Growing Together,内容包括: 1. 短片内容:的发展; 2. 放映时间、地点; 3. 欢迎对短片提出意见。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
