高一英语人教课标必修2 unit1 cultural relics复习学案

Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics Revision

I .[重点词组] can/could (not) have done,(不)可能做某事, should (not) have done 本(不)应该做某事, needn ’t have done 不必做某事, have/get sth gone 请某人做某事,让某事被做, consider …(to be/as) 认为… consider doing 考虑做… the remaining food 剩下的食物 prove (to be )证明是….

II .单词拼写1. Both their parents were killed in the earthquake, but the children s_____________.

2. There is a beautiful garden over there. Do you know whom it b___________ to?

3. Christmas is coming. People are busy d______________ their houses.

4. The d____________ of Chinese knot(中国节) is so wonderful that it sells well.

5. She lets her son s___________ his own Christmas present.

6. If you want to book a room in a hotel, you should first go to the ___________________(接待) desk.

7. That is a very ________(奇特的) pair of shoes!

8. At midnight I heard something ___________(爆炸) outside.

9. To my surprise, the _______(入口)to the cinema was closed.

10. The rarer it is, the more it is w___________.物以稀为贵。

III. 单选 1. A year later, his friend was appointed as a sales manager, but he ____ a salesman.

A. reminded

B. served

C. worked

D. remained

2. I ’m very grateful for your assistance, and hope that one day I may be able to do something for you ___.

A. in turn

B. in return

C. in case

D. in use

3. We don’t doubt _____ he can do a good job of it.

A. whether

B. that

C. what

D. why

4. Oh, why are you killing your time this way? Can’t you find something ____ doing ?

A formal B. valuable C. worthy D. worth

5. ——Did you visit the Daming Lake today? –No. We __ it, but we spent too much time shopping.

A. must have visited

B. could visit

C. must visit

D. could have visited

IV . 假如你叫李华,5

月11日母亲节那天 你为





注意:1. 词数80—100 个左右2. 日记的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。3. 日记必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句翻译,可以假如适当细节和适当发挥,使其通顺、连贯。

Sunday Rainy

Today is Mother ’s Day. I love Mother so much that I ’ve done many things for her.

In the morning I b______ many flowers with pocket money and put them in the v______. In the afternoon I went to the market to buy v_________ and cooked a simple but d______ dinner for my family. After supper, I gave Mother the card t______ I made myself and said “Happy Mother ’s Day ” to her. Then I told her to pay more a_________ to her health and not to overwork. I also p________ to help her do some housework f______ today on. Hearing the words, Mother was moved to t_________.

Today is a s________ day, warm and meaningful. 上午 你用零花钱给母亲买了些鲜花,放在花瓶内 下午 你去市场买菜,为全家人做了一顿简单可口的饭菜 完饭后 你送给母亲自己制作的贺卡,并祝她节日快乐;告诉母亲要多注意自己的健康,不要过度劳累;你还保证今后会帮助她做一些家务劳动;母亲感动得留下了眼泪


bought vase vegetables delicious that attention promised from tears special
