
Received :2018-09-18;Revised :2018-11-28. *Corresponding author.E-mail :xiaoq @,.

The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21471131)and College Students Technology Innovation Plan of Zhejiang Province (XinMiao Talent Plan )(2017R 404017).国家自然科学基金(21471131)和浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗人才计划)(2017R 404017)项目资助CO 2在三聚氰胺酚醛纤维上的吸附分离

周智慧,金 灿,张豪益,梁晓蕾,张富民,肖 强*

(浙江师范大学 先进催化材料 教育部重点实验室,浙江金华 321004)

摘 要:以三聚氰胺二间苯三酚和甲醛为原料,通过水热缩聚反应合成了三聚氰胺酚醛纤维(PMF ),考察了温度对PMF 合成的影响三以扫描电子显微镜(SEM )二透射电子显微镜(TEM )二N 2吸脱附和傅里叶变换红外(FT-IR )光谱等表征了PMF 的形貌和结构,并采用体积法测定不同温度下CO 2和N 2在PMF 上的单组分吸附平衡等温线三结果表明,在393K 下合成的PMF 具有较大的比表面积(64m 2/g )和较高的CO 2吸附量(1.83mmol /g ,298K 二118kPa )三穿透柱实验表明,在298K 二200-600kPa ,CO 2-N 2混合气在PMF 上均可实现有效分离三将PMF 在873K 下,N 2二H 2及水蒸气等多种气氛中进行后处理,其比表面积和微孔孔容均显著增加,其中,在15%H 2O 气氛中处理后,样品CO 2吸附量提高至2.83mmol /g (298K 二118kPa )三关键词:三聚氰胺;纳米纤维;CO 2吸附;穿透柱;富氮纳米炭纤维

中图分类号:O 613 文献标识码:A

CO 2adsorption and separation on phloroglucinol-melamine -formaldehyde polymeric nanofibers

ZHOU Zhi-hui ,JIN Can ,ZHANG Hao-yi ,LIANG Xiao-lei ,ZHANG Fu-min ,XIAO Qiang *(Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Advanced Catalysis Materials ,Zhejiang Normal University ,Jinhua 321004,China )

Abstract :Phloroglucinol-melamine-formaldehyde polymeric nanofibers (PMF )were hydrothermally synthesized by a polycondensation method using melamine ,phloroglucinol and formaldehyde as starting materials.The effect of temperature on the PMF synthesis was investigated.The morphology and structure of the as-synthesized PMF were characterized by the scanning electron microscope (SEM ),transmission electron microscope (TEM ),N 2adsorption-desorption and Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR )etc.Pure gas adsorption equilibrium isotherms of CO 2and N 2were determined by the volumetric method.The PMF sample synthesized at 393K presented a higher specific surface area (64m 2/g )and a higher adsorption capacity of CO 2(1.83mmol /g @118kPa ,298K ).Breakthrough column experiments indicated that efficient separation of CO 2-N 2mixtures could be achieved on the PMF at 298K and various pressures ranging from 200to 600kPa.After the PMF was thermally treated at 873K in various atmospheres such as N 2,H 2,water vapor ,etc.,it was found that the specific surface area and micropore volume were greatly increased.Among the posttreated PMF samples ,the one treated in 15%H 2O stream showed an improved CO 2adsorption amount up to 2.83mmol /g at 298K and 118kPa.Key words :melamine ;nanofiber ;CO 2adsorption ;breakthrough column ;nitrogen-rich carbon nanofiber 研究高效CO 2吸附材料对于CO 2捕集与分离二

实现碳资源循环利用具有重要意义[1],迄今已有较多CO 2吸附剂被报道,例如:Li 基高温CO 2吸收

剂[2]二活性炭[3-5]二分子筛[6]二介孔SiO 2[7]二胺基功能化介孔材料(AFMs )[8-11]二金属有机骨架材料(MOFs )[12-14]及多孔有机聚合物(POPs )[15-18]等三胺基多孔材料是近年来报道较多的一类CO 2吸附

材料,借助于胺基对CO 2的高亲和力,胺基多孔材

料显示了良好的CO 2吸附性能[19,20]三Schwab 等[21]报道了以三聚氰胺(密胺)和苯二甲醛同系物为原料,通过Schiff 碱反应制得密胺基微孔聚合物材料(MB-MOPs )三得益于其丰富的微孔结构和高含量的胺基,MB-MOPs 表现出良好的CO 2吸附性能[22,23]三但三聚氰胺和对苯二甲醛的Schiff 碱缩合反应需要在惰性气氛中通过溶剂回流进行,这限

制了MB-MOPs 的合成及应用三第47卷第2期2019年2月燃 料 化 学 学 报Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology Vol.47No.2Feb.2019

