



The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below:


Ruth 39 11

Jose 32 22

Sue 30 33

John 40 44

The following SAS program is submitted:

data test;

in file' employee';

input employee_ name $ 1-4;

if employee_ name = 'Sue' then input age 7-8;

else input idnum 10-11;


Which one of the following values does the variable AGE contain when the name of the employee is "Sue"?

A. 30

B. 33

C. 40

D. . (missing numeric value)



The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below:


Ruth 39 11

Jose 32 22

Sue 30 33

John 40 44

The following SAS program is submitted:

data test;

in file' employee';

input employee_ name $ 1-4;

if employee_ name = 'Ruthh' then input idnum 10-11;

else input age 7-8;


Which one of the following values does the variable IDNUM contain when the name of the employee is "Ruth"?

A. 11

C. 32

D. . (missing numeric value)

Answer: B



4,13,16,17,20,21(gt 50),22,24,30,31,32,34,35(output变为else output),40(do while (prod le 6)改为(do until(prod gt 6))),42(变为填空,US放在了最前面),46,47,51,53,56,57,60,61,63,65,66(在第一个end后面加了output,求X值),67(if X<10 then X=1改为X=3),69,70(题目改为根据log内容,判断错误内容)


1)The following SAS program is submitted:



by Department


if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0;


if Last.<_insert_code_>;


The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender

within Department.

Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department?

A. Gender _insert_code_ _insert_code_

B. Department

C. Gender Department

D. Department


Answer: A











A. The _ERROR_ variable maintains a count of the

number of data errors in a DATA


B. The _ERROR_ variable is added to the

program data vector and

becomes part of

the data set being created.

C. The _ERROR_ variable can be only used in expressions in the DATA step.














data error


Answer: C

9)The following SAS program is submitted:

value score 1 - 50 = 'Fail'

51 - 100 = 'Pass';


proc report data = nowd;

column exam;

define exam / display format = score.;


The variable EXAM has a value of 50.5.

How will the EXAM variable value be displayed in the REPORT procedure


A. Fail

B. Pass

C. 50.5

D. . (missing numeric value)


19) TheSAS data set WORK.ONE contains a numeric variable named Num and a character variable named Char:


Num Char

--- ----

1 23

3 23

1 77

The following SAS program is submitted:

proc print data=WORK.ONE;

where Num='1'; Num=contain(1); 没contain这个函数


What is output?


Num Char

--- ----

1 23


Num Char

--- ----

1 23

1 77


Num Char

--- ----

1 23

3 23

1 77

D. No output

is generated.

Answer: D (num+char, where statment can not work)

21)Given the SAS data set WORK.PRODUCTS:


Price ProductType

Sales Returns

------ ----- ----------- ----- -------

K12S 95.50 OUTDOOR 15 2

B132S 2.99 CLOTHING 300 10

R18KY2 51.99 EQUIPMENT 25 5

3KL8BY 6.39 OUTDOOR 125 15

DY65DW 5.60 OUTDOOR 45 5

DGTY23 34.55 EQUIPMENT 67 2

The following SAS program is submitted:



if Sales GT 50;

if ProductType

EQ 'OUTDOOR' then output


else if ProductType

EQ 'CLOTHING' then output


else if ProductType

EQ 'EQUIPMENT' then output



How many observations does the WORK.OUTDOOR data set contain?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 6

Answer: B

27.Given the SAS data set WORK.TEMPS:

Day Month


--- ----- ----

1 May 75

15 May 70

15 June 80

3 June 76

2 July 85

14 July 89

The following program is submitted:

proc sort data=WORK.TEMPS;

by descending Month Day by day descending Month; run;

proc print data=WORK.TEMPS;


Which output

Is correct?

33)The following SAS program is submitted:



if Jobcode='Pilot2' then Description='Senior Pilot'; else Description='Unknown';


















B. Unknown

C. Senior Pilot

D. ' ' (missing character value)

Answer: B


x y

5 2

1 3

5 6


if x=5 then output one;

if y lt 5 then output two;

else output other;

How many observations in each dataset?答案是2 for one, 2 for two, 1 for other. 35)given the SAS data set SASDATA.TWO: X Y

-- --

5 2

3 1

5 6

The following SAS program is submitted: data SASUSER.ONE SASUSER.TWO OTHER; set SASDATA.TWO;

if X eq 5 then output


if Y lt 5 then output


else output;


What is the result?


data set SASUSER.ONE has 5 observations

data set SASUSER.TWO has 5 observations data set WORK.OTHER has 3 observations


data set SASUSER.ONE has 2 observations

data set SASUSER.TWO has 2 observations data set WORK.OTHER has 1 observations


data set SASUSER.ONE has 2 observations

data set SASUSER.TWO has 2 observations

data set WORK.OTHER has 5 observations

D. No data sets are output.

The DATA step fails execution due to syntax errors. Answer: A

36)Given the contents of the raw data file 'EMPLOYEE.TXT':


Xing 19 2 2004 ACCT

Bob 5 22 2004 MKTG

Jorge 3 14 2004 EDUC

The following SAS program is submitted:


infile 'EMPLOYEE.TXT';


@1 FirstName $

@15 StartDate

@25 Department



Which SAS informat correctly completes the program?

A. date9.

B. mmddyy10.

C. ddmmyy10.

D. mondayyr10.

Answer: B

42)The following SAS program is submitted:

data WORK.ONE;

Text='US-Austrilia Denmark';



What value will SAS assign to Pos?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 12

Answer: D

填空题,给出find(‘US-Austrilia....', 'US', 'i', 5) 的具体数值,答案是填5 (在8字符里面)44)The following SAS program is submitted:















sets are created?

A. 2 temporary

and 1 permanent

SAS data sets are created

B. 3 temporary

and 2 permanent

SAS data sets are created

C. 2 temporary

and 2 permanent

SAS data sets are created

D. there is an error

and no new data sets are created

Answer: D

46) Given the SAS data set WORK.ONE:

Obs Revenue2007Revenue2008 Revenue2009 Revenue2010

--- ----------- ----------- -----------

1 1.

2 1.6 2.0

The following SAS program is submitted:

data WORK.TWO;


Total=mean(of Rev:);


What value will SAS assign to Total?

A. 3

B. 1.6

C. 4.8

D. The program fails to execute due to errors. Revenue2007 对应的值为 . 计算 . 1.2 1.6 2.0的平均值

选项变成了A. . B. 1.0 C.1.6 D.The program fails to execute due to errors.

Answer: B

52.Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME:

Name EmpID

---- -----

Jill 1864

Jack 2121

Joan 4698

John 5463

Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT:

EmpID Department

----- ----------

2121 Accounting

3567 Finance

4698 Marketing


5463 Accounting

The following program is submitted:

data WORK.ALL;

merge WORK.EMP_NAME(in=Emp_N)


by Empid;

if (Emp_N and not Emp_D) or (Emp_D and not Emp_N);


How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5

52)Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME:

Name EmpID

---- -----

Jill 1864

Jack 2121

Joan 4698

John 5463 注意它变了!Emp_N里面有两个不在Emp_D里,所以最后选3.

Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT:

EmpID Department

----- ----------

2121 Accounting

3567 Finance

4698 Marketing

5463 Accounting

The following program is submitted:

data WORK.ALL;

merge WORK.EMP_NAME(in=Emp_N)


by Empid;

if (Emp_N and not Emp_D) or (Emp_D and not Emp_N);


How many observations(填空)are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5

55.The following SAS program is submitted:




Variable X contains what value?

A. the numeric

value 0

B. the character value "01Jan1960"

C. the date value 01011960

D. the code contains a syntax error and does not execute.

Answer: D

57)Given the SAS data set WORK.ONE:

N BeginDate

- ---------

1 09JAN2010

2 12JAN2010

The following SAS program is submitted:

data WORK.TWO;



format BeginDate date9.;


The data set WORK.TWO is created, where Day would be 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, ... :


N BeginDate Day

- --------- ---

1 09JAN2010 1

2 12JAN2010 4

Which expression successfully completed the program and creates the variable Day?

A. day(BeginDate) 果然变成了输出日期,所以是day()

B. weekday(BeginDate)

C. dayofweek(BeginDate)

D. getday(BeginDate,today())

Answer: B

60)Given the SAS data set WORK.PRODUCTS:


Price ProductType

Sales Returns

------ ----- ----------- ----- -------

K12S 95.50 OUTDOOR 15 2

B132S 2.99 CLOTHING 300 10

R18KY2 51.99 EQUIPMENT 25 5

3KL8BY 6.39 OUTDOOR 125 15

DY65DW 5.60 OUTDOOR 45 5

DGTY23 34.55 EQUIPMENT 67 2

The following SAS program is submitted:

data WORK.REVENUE(drop=Sales Returns Price);

set WORK.PRODUCTS(keep=ProdId Price Sales Returns);



How many variables does the WORK.REVENUE data set contain?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 6

Answer: A

66)The following SAS program is submitted:


do Year=1 to 5;

do Month=1

to 12;

X + 1;






How many observations(填空)are written to the WORK.SALES data set?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 5

D. 60

Answer: B

output的位置不同,答案也不同。我在SAS里跑过,应该是这样的:(1) do var1=1 to 7;

do var2 = 1 to 12;







(2) do var1=1 to 7;

do var2 = 1 to 12;







(3) do var1=1 to 7;

do var2 = 1 to 12;







67) Consider the following data step:

data WORK.NEW;

set WORK.OLD(keep=X);

if X < 10 then X=3;

else if X >= 10 AND X LT 20 then X=2;

else X=1;


In filtering the values of the variable X in data set WORK.OLD, what value new value would be assigned to X if its original value was a missing value?

A. X would get a value of 1.

B. X would get a value of 3.

C. X would retain its original value of missing.

D. This step does not run because of syntax errors.

Answer: A

变成了if X<10 then X=3; else X=1; 所以选3.


1.proc contents data=sasuser._all_ 后面要加个什么语句,才能suppresses the printing of detailed information about each file in the output;


2. put(date, worddate20.)如之前总结的,选put(date, worddate20.)

April 15, 1999


一个data步中有一个label里面是这样的“xxxxx*xxxx*xxxx”,想在真正的label中*变空格,叫你选语句填空.类似“cat*dog”这样的格式,怎样实现将*指定为分隔符,实际输出“cat dog”的形式呢?答案选split=“*”

4.几个有效的dataset name


-test (





SAS data set names can be 1 to 32 characters long, must begin with a letter (A–Z, either uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore (_), and can continue with any combination of

numbers, letters, or underscores. many data sets can be combined when using APPEND statement?


Adds the observations from one SAS data set to the end of another SAS data set. only two data sets can be combined at one time, a BASE data set and a DATA data set.

6.sort by

填空题还有一道是填语句的,我只记得是考的by语句和acsending descending什么的,不难,题目看清哪个变量在前面就行。

7.Error, datalines缺分号

8.option yearcutoff=1920


9.一道题考的是_N_配合if语句选输出 i=1 to 7;

do i=1 to 10;







11.还有一道考了ods pdf,水的一逼,其它选项都没有ods,什么open啦之类的,细心点就行ods html file='HTML-file-pathname'; ods pdf file='PDF-file-pathname';proc print data=sasuser.admit;


ods _all_ close;

ods listing;

One of the features of ODS is that you can produce output in multiple formats concurrently by opening each ODS destination at the beginning of the program.

When you have more than one open ODS destination, you can use the keyword _ALL_ in the ODS CLOSE statement to close all open destinations concurrently.

12.infile xxxxxx missover;

var1 var2

var3 var4

var5 /*注意这里故意漏掉了符号?/dataline是(全是人名地点什么的字符):xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxxxxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxxxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx问你如果后面加一个变量等于error,数据输出是怎样的?我选的那一列是1,0,0,1,因为execute的时候要出错只有第一行和最后一行会出错,当中两行因为missover就不会涉及到那个错误定义的变量吧。不知道这个答案对不对,心里也没底。13.end也考了,不过比较简单,答案选114.input数据的题大概题意是这样的:原始数据heu,afvf,salefsrbtbtf,gg,humanresourceahviu,fvfet,saledatatest;infile′原始数据‘dlm=′,′missover;inputvar110. vat2:10. var3:20.;


You can use the MISSOVER option in an INFILE statement to prevent SAS from reading the next record when missing values are encountered at the end of a record.

26.有work.b,其中变量Char为字符15长。data a;

length Char 20; set b;format Char $15.;

run; 问Char最终在work.a里面的length为多少


25.给一组data 里面有三个variable 是numeric 两个是character

然后问array arrayname{*}= _number_;

这个create了几个new variables







22.考察了libname用法以及libref的规则,我就记得最后在libname test_1 '_SAS_lib_location_', 和libname testdatablabla '_SAS_lib_location_' 里犹豫,后来选test_1是valid name,因为

libref is a shortcut name or a "nickname" for the aggregate storage location where your SAS files are stored. It is any SAS name when you are assigning a new libref. When you are disassociating a libref from a SAS library or when you are listing attributes, specify a libref that was previously assigned.

libref is 1 to 8 characters long, begins with a letter or underscore, and contains only letters, numbers, or underscores


data m;

length a 15

set n;

format a 25.;



我选的是15,因为length a 15,不确定。。

1、一个数据集,告诉你某个变量长度为10,然后先用length定义为15,再用format 设为20,问最终输出的长度

20.我觉得retain考得挺多的,关键记住如果没有specify initial value(就像这样retain test_var), 那么默认为missing.还有就是retain只在complie阶段运行,到了execution阶段就没他什么事了

General form, simple RETAIN statement for initializing accumulator variables:

RETAIN variable initial-value;


Part1:, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 颜炜:2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 2010年1月9日 Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. But others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2010年1月14日 In today's world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry out most on scientific research. To what extend do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages. 2010年1月23日 The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 2010年1月30日 Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 2010年2月6日 Air travel only benefits the richest people, majority people take no advantage from development of airplane. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010年2月11日 Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


第十六章分式知识点和典型例习题 第一讲 分式的运算 【主要公式】1.同分母加减法则:() 0b c b c a a a a ±±=≠ 2.异分母加减法则:() 0,0b d bc da bc da a c a c ac ac ac ±±=±=≠≠; 3.分式的乘法与除法: b d bd a c ac ?=, b c b d bd a d a c ac ÷=?= 4.同底数幂的加减运算法则:实际是合并同类项 5.同底数幂的乘法与除法;a m ● a n =a m+n ; a m ÷ a n =a m -n 6.积的乘方与幂的乘方:(ab)m = a m b n , (a m )n = a mn 7.负指数幂: a -p =1p a a 0=1 8.乘法公式与因式分解:平方差与完全平方式 (a+b)(a-b)= a 2- b 2 ;(a ±b)2= a 2±2ab+b 2 (一)、分式定义及有关题型 题型一:考查分式的定义 【例1】下列代数式中:y x y x y x y x b a b a y x x -++-+--1, ,,21,2 2 π,是分式的有: . 题型二:考查分式有意义的条件 【例2】当x 有何值时,下列分式有意义 (1) 44+-x x (2)2 32+x x (3) 1 22-x (4) 3||6--x x (5)x x 1- 题型三:考查分式的值为0的条件 【例3】当x 取何值时,下列分式的值为0. (1)3 1 +-x x (2) 4 2 ||2--x x (3)653 222----x x x x 题型四:考查分式的值为正、负的条件 【例4】(1)当x 为何值时,分式 x -84 为正; (2)当x 为何值时,分式)1(35-+-x x 为负; (3)当x 为何值时,分式 3 2 +-x x 为非负数.


第一节考试第一阶段话题总结 第一阶段主要是关于个人情况的介绍,考官会问一些具体的问题,内容涉及考生的工作、学习情况,家乡,爱好,以及关于身边的衣食住行等问题。 About yourself 1.What’s your full name? 2.What’s your English name? 3.Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Literally:Lean on a sailing boat to see in the distance Make a good wish that Everything is going smoothly 4.Do you want to change your name? Smoothly & successfully Hometown and cities 1.Where do you come from? / Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? Wuhan, a large-sized city in the middle of china, and it is also a crucial city during revolution period in the history 2.Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people to live in? 3 aspects: @.local delicious food snack street : hot dry noodles , fried bread stick ,stinky tofu shrimp balls ,spicy hot noodles, hot hot hot, hot pot, spring rolls @shopping malls & amusement parks 国广&欢乐谷 @university city, esp.Wc district relatively high education standard 3.What aspects do you like best in your hometown? 4.What aspects do you dislike in your hometown? Larged-sized city large population crowded in the station competetion is fierce In the process of contruction of infrustracture ==road traffic jam 5.What landscapes surround your hometown? In the middle of china it is located in the jianghan plain the long river flows through crossover point of han river—tributary river view a place covered with lakes “city with thousand lakes” ---the east lake next to a basin named SICHUAN basin ---in the west of WH south direction ---old forest SHEN NONGJIA –tourist spot 6.What are the differences between your hometown and Beijing? Capital well-known boast of its long history political center More urbanized well-developed transportantion system\ **On the contrary, less modern , infrustractures are not completed in the middle snacks of north and south abundant choice tedious less stressed 7.What are the characters of local people in your hometown? Friendly and warm-hearted talkative esp. senor citizens


1-5 科技类同不同意题型 Some people think that people who prefer to read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-10 抽象类同不同意题型 The most important thing of people's life is his or her work. Without satisfying career, the life is meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-12 教育类利弊分析题型 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society? 1-19 教育类同不同意题型 Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 2-2 科技类+教育类双边讨论题型 Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion 2-14 工作类双边讨论题型 Some people believe that young people should be free to choose his or her job, while others think that they should be realistic and think about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


第十六章《分式》知识点整理(人教版) 分式的定义:如果A、B表示两个整式,并且B中含有字母,那么式子叫做分式。 分式有意义的条是分母不为零,分式值为零的条分子为零且分母不为零 2分式的基本性质:分式的分子与分母同乘或除以一个不等于0的整式,分式的值不变。 3分式的通分和约分:关键先是分解因式 4分式的运算: 分式乘法法则:分式乘分式,用分子的积作为积的分子,分母的积作为分母。 分式除法法则:分式除以分式,把除式的分子、分母颠倒位置后,与被除式相乘。 分式乘方法则:分式乘方要把分子、分母分别乘方。 分式的加减法则:同分母的分式相加减,分母不变,把

分子相加减。异分母的分式相加减,先通分,变为同分母分式,然后再加减 混合运算:运算顺序和以前一样。能用运算率简算的可用运算率简算。 任何一个不等于零的数的零次幂等于1,即;当n为正整数时, 6正整数指数幂运算性质也可以推广到整数指数幂. (1)同底数的幂的乘法:; (2)幂的乘方:; (3)积的乘方:; (4)同底数的幂的除法:; ()商的乘方:; 7分式方程:含分式,并且分母中含未知数的方程——分式方程。 解分式方程的过程,实质上是将方程两边同乘以一个整式(最简公分母),把分式方程转化为整式方程。 解分式方程时,方程两边同乘以最简公分母时,最简公分母有可能为0,这样就产生了增根,因此分式方程一定要

验根。 解分式方程的步骤:(1)能化简的先化简; 方程两边同乘以最简公分母,化为整式方程; 解整式方程; 验根. 增根应满足两个条:一是其值应使最简公分母为0,二是其值应是去分母后所的整式方程的根。 分式方程检验方法:将整式方程的解带入最简公分母,如果最简公分母的值不为0,则整式方程的解是原分式方程的解;否则,这个解不是原分式方程的解。 列方程应用题的步骤是什么?审;设;列;解;答. 应用题有几种类型;基本公式是什么?基本上有四种:行程问题:基本公式:路程=速度×时间而行程问题中又分相遇问题、追及问题. 数字问题在数字问题中要掌握十进制数的表示法. 工程问题基本公式:工作量=工时×工效. 顺水逆水问题 v顺水=v静水+v水.


Part1:, What is your full name How should i address you Have you got any English name Are there any special meanings about your name Who gave you this name 2.Studies or work Which school are you studying now what is your major Who choose the major for you before you entering your university What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most Why

Do you like the school you are studying at 3.Home Do you live in a house or a flat Please describe the place where you live. How have you decorated your home (or, your room) Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room) ., decorations) What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home) 4.Hometown Where is your hometown (Or, what part of China do you come from) Do you think you'll always live there Where do you live at the moment Do you like your hometown (Why/Why not)


2019年1-6月雅思A类写作机经 2019年1月5号 Task one The chart below shows how four European countries deal with their cities waste in four different ways. Four countries: Netherland,Italy,Spain,UK Four ways:landfill,recycle,biologically treated,burnt Task 2 Some peopl e think the fittest and strongest individuals help to achieve success in sports. Others believe success is much related to mental attitud e. DG 2019年1月12号 Task 1 类型 扇形图 题目 The charts below show the hours male and female workers work a week in government institutions and private companies. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2 There are more new towns nowadays, it is more important to include public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for individuals to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2019年1月17号 Task one The chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a Europe country between 1981 and 2001 Task Two In some countries, peopl e waste a l ot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What d o you think are the reasons? What can be d one to solve this problem? 2019年1月26号 Task One


最新雅思口语热门话题:Work Work 1、What job do you do? 2、What is the nature of that work? 3、Why did you choose to do that job? 4、Is that a popular choice of career in your country? 5、Would you say your job is very important? 6、How do you think your subject will help you in the future? 7、How did you get that job? 8、Is it easy to find work doing your job? 9、Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV? 10、Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs? 11、Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the work itself? 12、Which do you enjoy more, working or studying? 13、What do you like about your work? 14、Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like? 15、What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job? Important: At the moment (2012) in China, there are about 30 different topics being used in Part 1. These topics and questions are in the examiner's question book(topic pool), the examiner is not allowed to make his or her own questions in Part 1 test.


雅思口语话题总结 PART 1 <1> JOB or MAJOR >>Are you working or studying now? >>What is your major?Do you like it?why?plan after graduate? >>Can you describe your daily work(study)? >>Are you satisfied with your current job? >>Do you want to change your job? >>What do you think of your future job? <2> SHOPPING >>What places do you often go shopping? >>What things do you often buy? >>Do the Chinese like to buy something through the internet? >>Who are more tend to do shopping? Man or Woman? Why? >>Describe a shopping center where you often go. >>What kind shop is popular among the young people in China? <3> HOUSEWORK >>Who do major housework in your family? >>Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do? >>What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families? >>What kind of housework do you think it is the most important? >>What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology? <4> FOOD >>What foods do you like or dislike? >>What food can you cook? >> What do you think about eating habits? How to change your eating habits? >> Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past? >>What are the differences between having meals at home and going to restaurant? >>What is your favorite restaurant? Why? >>what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? >>fast food, why choose ;why Chinese people prefer western fast food to Chinese one? Which brand of production is as famous as coke cola & McDonald’s and so on in China? <5> INDUSTRY >>Can you outline the industries in China? >>What is major industry of China? >>What technologies is China lack off? <6> ANIMAL >>Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why? >>How to preserve the animals? >>What animals can people see in China? >>What is the most famous animal in China? >>What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as? <7> SPARE TIME >>Which period of whole day you like most? why? >>What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do? >>Do you think the spare time you have currently is enough? Do you think spare time is important to you? Why? >>How to balance the time for working and entertainment? <8> TRANSPORT & TRAVELLING & CAR >> Have you ever been any other cities in china before? >>do you like to travel? why? >>do you like traveling alone or with other people? who &why? >>What's your favorite transport? >>What kind of new transport will appear in the near future?


第十六章分式 本章小结 小结1 本章概述 本章在已学过的分数的基础上引入了分式的概述,用类比的方法探究分式的基本性质,在熟练掌握分式的基本性质的基础上,会进行分式的约分、通分和分式的加、减、乘、除、乖方运算,会解可化为一元一次方程的分式方程,会检验分式方程的根. 小结2 本章学习重难点 【本章重点】了解分式的概念,会利用分式的基本性质进行约分和通分,会进行简单的分式加、减、乘、除、乘方运算;能够根据具体问题数量关系列出简单的分式方程,会会方程是刻画现实世界的一个有效的数学模型;会解简单的可化为一元一次方程的分式方程. 【本章难点】应用分式方程解决实际问题. 小结3 中考透视 本章内容在中考中主要考查判断分式有无意义,分式值为零的条件的应用,用分式基本性质进行变形,分式运算及分式的化简求值,常与实际问题结合起来命题,题型以解答题为主. 知识网络结构图 分式的概念 分式的概念分式的意义、无意义的条件 分式的值为0的条件 分式的基本性质 分式的基本性质分式的约分 分式的通分 分式的乘法规则 分式的除法规则 分式同分母分式的加减法法则 分式的运算分式的加减法法则 异分母分式的加减法法则 运算性质 负正数指数幂 科学记数法 公式方程的概念 解分式方程的步骤 分式方程分式方程中使最简公分母为0的解 列分式方程应用题的步骤 专题总结及应用 一、识性专题 专题1 分式基本性质的应用 【专题解读】分式的基本性质是分式的化简、计算的主要依据.只有掌握好分式的基本性质,才能更好地解决问题.

例1 化简 (1) 2 610xy x ; (2) 21 xy y x --; 解:(1)2 6233.10255xy x y y x x x x == (2) 2 (1)1(1)(1)1 xy y y x y x x x x --==-+-+. 【解题策略】化简一个分式时,主要是根据分式的基本性质,把分式的分子与分母同时除以它们的公因式,当分式的分子或分母是多项式时,能分解因式的一定要分解因式. 例2 计算2312212422a a a a ???? +÷-?? ---+?? ?? 解:2312212422a a a a ???? +÷-?? ---+?? ?? 3(2)122(2)2(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)3186(2)(2)(2)(2)3. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ????++-=+÷-????+-+-+-+-????++=÷+-+-= 【解题策略】异分母分式相加减,先根据分式的基本性质进行通分,转化为同分母分式,再进行相加减.在通分时,先确定最简公分母,然后将各分式的分子、分母都乘以分母与最简公分母所差的因式.运算的结果应根据分式的基本性质化为最简形式. 专题2 有关求分式值的问题 【专题解读】对于一个分式,如果给出其中字母的值,可以先将分式进行化简,然后将字母的值代入,求出分式的值.但对于分式的求值问题,却没有直接给出其中字母的值,而只是给出其中的字母所满足的条件,这样的问题复杂,需根据其转点采用相应的方法. 例3 已知1 3x x +=,求2421x x x -+的值. 解: 因为0x ≠,所以用2 x 除所求分式的分子、分母. 原式2222 1111 1 1 336 1()21 x x x x = = = = --+ +--. 例4 已知2 2 230x xy y --=,且x y ≠-,求 2 x x y x y --的值. 解: 因为22 230x xy y --=, 所以()(23)0,x y x y +-=

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总 part 1

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总part 1 人物 1. Someone you would like to spend time with 2. An old person you respect 3. a person who is good at his/her job 4. A school friend 5. a teenager 6. a family you are familiar with (not your own) 7. A person you helped 8. a well-known person 地点 1. A tourist attraction 2. Workplace 3. a place with a lot of water 4. a city you visited 5. Cafe or restaurant 6. a place for shopping 7. a garden you’ve been to 物品 1. A book you recently read 2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

3. A photo 4. A good law in China 5. Some interesting news 6. A special gift you gave to another person 7. An organization 8. A show/performance you watched 9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10. A white lie 11. an important letter that you received 12. TV program 13. second foreign language 14. a website 15. handicraft you made 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17. a film you watched recently 18. a magazine you like to read 19. an interesting animal 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you 事件 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding)


历年雅思写作高频题目汇总与分析 雅思写作有题库,又称为机经,在雅思培训界包括对众多雅思考生来说并不是什么新鲜事。话说机经这个概念也是最早从美国研究生考试之一的GRE考试中借鉴过来,并广泛应用到各大出国类考试当中的。即便对于刚刚涉足雅思领域的考生们,在网上下载一份近十多年来的每场雅思考试的作文题目并不是什么困难的事情。每当考试前,众多雅思届的大神们就根据以往所总结的出题规律,对机经范围加以压缩,从而形成小范围的机经预测,所预测的写作题目数量也是从十几道到几十道题目不等。但是,一直以来,这种雅思写作机经的小范围预测对于考生来说,效果并不是很好,甚至有些不尽如人意。仔细分析,其原因有三。首先,机经的数量非常庞大,有几百道题目,就算准备时间再充分的学生,也不可能将每个题目,甚至说大多数的题目都一一进行准备。而就算小范围的预测,往往也是数十道题目。而且,范围越小的预测往往离考试时间越接近。这就说明了在实际操作过程中,考生并没有可能将所有的题目都准备完。而大多数考生面对写作机经的做法更多的是准备一小部分,碰碰运气,看最终能否压中题目。所以,效果自然不好。其次,现在雅思写作的新题数量非常多,所以根据机经来预测题目的可靠度和可信度大打折扣。其实,雅思官方已经意识到了中国学生通过机经来走捷径的形式,所以在考试中加入了很多新题,从而避免对那些没有准备机经的学生造成不公平。最后,很多时候,就算雅思官方用的是旧题,但只要对一些关键词稍作修改,考生所需要写的内容就必须做出适当的改变,否则就会有跑题的危险。比如说广告的影响和广告对孩子的影响肯定不可能是同样的分论点,同样的例子。如果考生一看题目类似,在些许的激动之下,套用了机经范文的内容的话,就会偏题,分数自然会偏低。 那么,在这样的情况下,是不是说整理机经就没有用了?往年的考题对现在的雅思考生来说是不是就没有任何的参考价值了呢?答案当然是否定的。雅思话题基本上已经涵盖了人们生活的方方面面,即使再出新题,也是寻求一个新的角度而已,并不太可能(当然肯定会有)出现完全崭新的话题和题目。那么我们该如何对待旧题呢?仔细的分析历年考题,我们会发现完全相同的题目并不是很多,可以说非常有限。有很多类似的题目,可能在某个点,某个面上有类似的内容,但总有一些内容是不一样的。研究机经的最重要的目的就是将这些题目的相同点找出来,构成我们的高频题目。所谓的新题,其思路也不过是在这些高频题目的思


分式题型易错题难题大 汇总 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

分式单元复习 (一)、分式定义及有关题型 一、分式的概念: 形如 B A (A 、B 是整式,且B 中含有字母,B ≠0)的式子,叫做分式。 概念分析:①必须形如“ B A ”的式子;②A 可以为单项式或多项式,没有其他的限制; ③B 可以为单项式或多项式,但必须含有字母。... 例:下列各式中,是分式的是 ①1+ x 1 ②)(21y x + ③3x ④x m -2 ⑤3-x x ⑥1394y x + ⑦π x 练习:1、下列有理式中是分式的有( ) A 、 m 1 B 、162y x - C 、xy x 7151+- D 、5 7 2、下列各式中,是分式的是 ①x 1 ②)(21y x + ③3x ④x m -2 ⑤3-x x ⑥13 94y x + ⑦πy +5 1、下列各式:()x x x x y x x x 2 225 ,1,2 ,34 ,151+---π其中分式共有( )个。 A 、2 B 、3 C 、4 D 、5 二、有理式:整式和分式统称有理式。

即:? ?????? ?分式 多项式单项式整式有理式 例:把下列各有理式的序号分别填入相应的横线上 ① 2 1x ②)(51y x + ③x -3 ④0 ⑤3a ⑥c ab 12+ ⑦y x +2 整式: ;分式 。 ①分式有意义:分母不为0(0B ≠) ②分式无意义:分母为0(0B =) ③分式值为0:分子为0且分母不为0(???≠=0 B A ) ④分式值为正或大于0:分子分母同号(???>>00B A 或???<<00 B A ) ⑤分式值为负或小于0:分子分母异号(???<>00B A 或???><00 B A ) ⑥分式值为1:分子分母值相等(A=B ) ⑦分式值为-1:分子分母值互为相反数(A+B=0) ⑧分式的值为整数:(分母为分子的约数) 例:当x 时,分式 22 +-x x 有意义;当x 时,2 2-x 有意义。
