ACT真题 56A 数学加解析

ACT真题 56A 数学加解析
ACT真题 56A 数学加解析

ACT 0556A - MATH TEST SECTION 2 Answers Problem #1

The only answer that is true statement is A – Maria has car insurance, because Maria is a licensed driver who lives in Ohio and it is stated clearly that all drivers who live in Ohio have car insurance.

Answer B is not true (the given fact in the box is that Antonio does not live in Ohio and that does not mean that Antonio does not have car insurance)

Answer C is also not true (the given fact in the box is Catherine has car insurance and this does not mean that Catherine lives in Ohio)

Answer D is not true (the given fact in the box is Tai has car insurance and this does not mean that Catherine lives in Ohio)

Answer E is not true (the given fact in the box is Jorge lives in Maine and from that you can’t conclude that Jorge does not have a driver’s license)


Problem #2

If x = – 3, what is the value of (x2 – 1) / (x + 1) ?

There is couple of ways to do the problem –

# 1 - the easy way will be to recognize that (x2 – 1) is same as

(x2 – 12) and can be written as (x + 1) ( x – 1) and therefore (x2 – 1) / (x + 1) can be

# 2 way is to substitute for x with – 3 in (x2 2

Or 8 / -2 = - 4


Problem #3

The problem is to take off 18% for taxes etc., from $320. Couple of ways to do this problem.

#1 is to find what 18% of $ 320 is and then subtract that from $320. 18% is same as 18/100 or 0.18


Problem #4


Since XY = XZ, the measure of angle ? Y = ? Z = 500 , therefore ? X = 180 – 100 = 800

Problem #5

Since each circle is 3 inches in diameter, you can place 2 more circles in each row, shown by the arrows or a total of 12 circles in the 9 x 12 paper. To get 50 circles, then you will need at least five 9 x 12 papers, because 4 papers will get you 4 x 12 = 48 circles and to get 2 more circles to make 50, you will need one more paper.


Problem #6

Left right

Given that B is positive, the value of A is < B or less than B. This is the only information you can conclude. Answer H

There is not enough information given to determine if A is negative or positive or between 0 and B. You know for sure A is not greater than B. Therefore answers F, G, J and K are incorrect.


Problem #7

Or 2x = – 11 + 10 or 2x = – 1 or x = – ? or Answer E


Problem #8

The problem is to find a factor of the polynomial (x2 – x – 20)

One of the ways to find the factors is to find factors of – 20 that will give a result of –1 when they are added. The –1 is because that is the coefficient of the middle term – x.

For example – 20 = – 10 x 2, but when added – 10 + 2 = – 8, so this is not the factors.

– 20 = – 5 x 4, now when they are added – 5 + 4 = – 1 and therefore the factors we are looking for are – 5 and + 4

This means that the factors for polynomial (x2 – x – 20) are (x – 5) and (x + 4). Looking at the answers, only F is what we are looking for.


Problem #9

A line in the (x, y) coordinate plane is parallel to the x-axis and 7 units above it. Which of the answers is an equation of this line?



The line is parallel to x-axis, so the slope ‘m’ is zero in the standard equation for line y = mx + c.

If m is 0 then the equation becomes y = c, where c is the y-intercept, which is given as 7.

Therefore the equation that fits this line is y = 7 or Answer A


Problem #10

(6p + 15 q) / 10


Problem #11

The airplane was 27 feet in length and 41 feet in wingspan length. For a 1/20 scale model, the length of



Problem #12

Ann ate 4 slices of pizza, Bill ate 3, and Carl ate 2 and half of the pizza plus 1 slice is left over. How many pieces in total were there?

You can set up an equation in terms of x, which is the total number of slices from this information.

4 + 3 + 2 + (1 + ? x) = x, where the term in the parenthesis is what is left over and the 4, 3, and 2 are the number of slices eaten.

Or 10 + ? x = x or (subtracting ? x from both sides) will give 10 = ? x or (multiply both sides by 2) will result in 20 = x or there were a total of 20 slices to start with. You can check the answer by taking 4 + 3 +2 or 9 slices that were eaten to get 11 slices left over which is equal to ? of the total number of 20 plus 1.


Problem #13

The cost to ship is $80 and the cost increased by 60% when the company moved to a new location. What is the new cost to ship?

There is couple of ways to do this (in one step or couple of steps depending on the level of understanding of the student – again fewer the steps, better is your time management.)

#1 – one step method is to multiply $80 by 1.60 (because 60% is 0.60 in fraction or 60/100 and you are adding to 1 (because $80 is 100% to start with or 100/100 = 1) to get 1.60

$80 x 1.60 = $128 or Answer G

#2 – two step method – first find what 60% of $80 is and then add that to $80 to get the new cost.

$80 x 0.60 = $48.

New cost = $80 + $48 = $ 128 or Answer D



Problem #1418

10 feet

15 feet

5 ft 10 feet



There couple of ways to get the area of the figure:

#1 is by imagining the 15 x 18 feet rectangle and subtracting the 5 x 10 piece cut out or subtracted.

Or 15 ft X 18 ft = 270 square ft and subtracting 5 ft X 10 ft or 50 square ft = 270 – 50 = 220 sq ft

# 2 method is to imagine 2 rectangles from the drawing, one with 15 ft X 8 ft and adding the second rectangle area 10 ft X 10 ft = 120 + 100 = 220 square ft

Either way to get the number of paint quart can for this, you will need a minimum of 3 quarts, because each quart can will be used for each 100 square ft area. You actually need 2 full quarts plus 1/5 th of the third can.


Problem #15

If x = – 4, then the value of 3 x2 – 15 x = 3 (– 4)2 – 15 (– 4) = 3 X 16 + 60 = 48 + 60 = 108 ANSWER – E

Problem #16



Problem is to find value of angle BCD or angle C

Line AB is parallel to line DC. Use the parallel line intersects basics, drawn by the line with arrows Since Angle ABC = 800, then angle ABG = 180 – 80 = 1000

Angle ABG = Angle BCD, because of the intersecting parallel lines = 1000


(This is the fewer steps way to solve. )

Problem #17

(6a3 – 5ac2 + 14c) – (8c – 3a3 – 2ac2)

Open the parenthesis and group the similar terms to add or subtract.

6a3 – 5ac2 + 14c – 8c + 3a3 + 2ac2 = 9a3 – 3ac2 + 6c or Answer D


Problem #18

If f(x) = 3x2 + 5x – 5, then f (-2) = ?

Substititute x with – 2

3 (-2)2 + 5 (-2) – 5 = 3(4) – 10 – 5 = 12 – 10 – 5 = -3 or Anaswer J


Problem #19

3 tires at the regular price and then the 4th tire is free. What is the % discount off the regular price. There are couple of ways to do this. # 1 is the easy way, by assuming the cost of the original tire prices is $100 each. So when you spend $300 for 3 tires, you get a free tire or $300 for

4 tires. The cost of each tire will be $300/4 = $ 75. So a $ 100 tire, you are buying for $ 7

5 or a $25 discount on a $100 original price or a 25% discount. Anaswer C

#2 method – Assume the original cost of each tire is x, then 4 tires would have costed 4x, but you are only paying 3x or you are getting 1x discount on 4x. To calculate the % discount is to find what 1x to 4x is equivalent to ?% to 100.

1 x ?% 1 x (100)

Or = or = ?% or ?% = 25

4x 100 4 x


Problem #20

You tossed a head/tail coin 10 times recording H for heads and T for tails. You recorded for the 10 tosses T H H H H T H H H H. What is the probability that the head side will land up on the next or 11th toss? This is a trick probability problem. For a coin each toss, no matter how many times you have tossed, the probability of a Head or tail is alaways 1 out of 2 chances or ? or 50%. So the Answer is J.


Problem #21

This is a another trick problem in permutaions and combinations. There are 26 letters, but the first letter cannot be O. The 2 letters (25 letters are possible without letter O for the first letter and 26 letters for the 2nd letter), is followed by 2 digits from 0 to 9 (or 10 possible digits for the 3rd and 4th numbers), and the letters amd digits can be repeated. The combinations are product of all possible numbers of letters or digits or 25 X 26 X 10 X 10 or Answer C


Problem #22

The length of the rectangle is 6 inches longer than its width and the perimeter is 48 inches. What is the width in inches?

This type of problem is easy to solve using x for the width. This means the length is x + 6 inches. The perimeter of a rectangle is 2 x length + 2 width.

Or 2x + 2( x+6) = 48 or 2x + 2x + 12 = 48 or 4x + 12 = 48. Subtract 12 from both sides or take 12 to the other and solve for x.

4x = 36 or x = 36/4 = 9.


Problem #23

The slope of the line PQ is rise over run or (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1), where x and y are coordinates of any 2 selected points on the graph for line PQ. Each grid line is ? . For example point P coordinates are (0, 2) and point Q is (3/2 , 3).

Slope = (3 – 2) / ( (3/2) – 0 ) = 1 / (3/2) = 2/3


Problem #24 Find < CZE = ? B C







Since the lines intersect at point Z, the opposite angles are equal. For example < FZE = < BZC = 520 < AZB = < EZD = 240

Problem #25

15mm 40mm

Easy way solve this is to look at the triangles AYB and DXC, both are equal in size and that leaves the rectangle BYDX. The area of the triangle is ? base X height and the area of the rectangle is length X width.

(Keep in mind that each grid division is 5 mm (millimeters). For example AY = 3 X 5 = 15 mm,

YB = 4 X 5 = 20 mm, YD = 8 X 5 = 40mm.

Area of triangle AYB = ? (AY) (YB) = ? (15) (20) = 150 square mm

Area of triangle DXC is the same as triangle AYB = 150 square mm

Area of rectangle BYDX = Length YD X Width YB= 40 X 20 = 800 square mm

? AYB + Area of ?


Problem #26

Another tricky problem. Given d = - 5 t2 + 18 t + 8, where d is the distance from the above the ground and t is the time of flight in seconds. The distance d = 0 in this equation because the projectile has hit the ground.

Therefore 0 = - 5 t2 + 18 t + 8 or multiplying both sides by –1 will give

5t2 - 18 t – 8 = 0. t is the common factor. So you can write this as

t ( 5t – 18) – 8 = 0 or taking 8 to the other side or adding 8 to both sides, you get

t(5t – 18) = 8. You can guess what ‘t’ has to be on the left side to get 8 on the right side of the equation. For t equal to 1, 2, or 3 won’t work. Try t = 4, it will work. 4 (5x4 – 18) = 4 (20 – 18) = 8 ANSWER – H

Problem #27

One of the method is to find the distance AB (base of the ? ABC) and distance AC (height of the ? ABC. Then use the area formula for the ? ABC = ? (base) (height)

Distance AB = (x2 – x1) = 1 – (-2) = 3 and distance AC = (y2 – y1) = 1 – (-3) = 4.

Therefore area of ? ABC = ? (3) (4) = 6

- ( - 3 a3 )2 = ? First solve what is in the parenthesis = (- 3 a3) (- 3 a3) = 9 a6 or - ( - 3 a3 )2 = - (9 a6)


Problem #29

120 is 5/12 th of what number? Let the number be N.

5 12



The owner wants to double the area of a rectangular dance floor that is 8 ft x 10 ft. The owner increases the 8 ft width by 2 ft. What must be the length to get double the area?

The original area = length x width = 10 ft x 8 ft = 80 square ft

Double the area will be 160 square ft. Let L be the new length we are trying to find

Or L (8 + 2) = 160 or 10 L = 160 or L = 16 ft or the length must be increased from 10 ft to 16 ft or by 6 ft ANSWER – C

Problem #34




Given tan θ = 2 / √ 77 , then Sin θ = ?

Tan θ = opposite side / adjacent side = AB/BC or AB = 2 and BC = √ 77

Since triangle ABC is a right triangle, hypotenuse AC = √ (√ 77 )2 + 22 = √ 77 + 4 = √ 81 = 9

Sin θ = opp side / hyp = AB / AC = 2 / 9


Problem #35

What is the slope of the line parallel to x + 2y = 6 or 2y = – x + 6 or y = – ? x + 3 (the equation is rewritten in the standard equation for a straight line y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the


Therefore for y = – ? x + 3, the slope = – ? and any line parallel to this line will also have the same slope.


Problem #36

Given that A = P ( 1 + rt), find r = ?

Divide both sides by P or crossmultiply to take P to the left side

A / P = 1 + rt

Subtract 1 from both sides or take 1 to the left side

(A/P) – 1 = rt

To get r = ?, divide both sides by t crossmultiply to take ‘t’ to the left side

A 1 A – P

r = [(A/P) – 1] / t = – =

Pt t Pt

(Taking Pt as the common denominator looking at the answer G matches)


Charles paid ? as much as Tanya for the gift that cost $ 24. How much was Tanya’s contribution. Assume Tanya paid x and so Charles paid ? x and x + ? x = 24 or


–1 to both sides, – x > 4 or x < – 4 (by switching sides)


Sin A = 3 / 7 = opposite side / hypotenuse = BC / AB and the problem is to find what distance AB is

3 / 7 = 1

4 /AB or AB = 14 ( 7/3) = 98 / 3 or Answer J

(you can cross multiply or multiply both sides by (7/3) and AB to solve this depending on how you are used to solving problems. Cross multiplication is usually the simplest way to solve problems like this in fewer steps and avoid errors. When you cross multiply the numbers or factors is moved to the opposite side cross – moving a numerator from one side to the other side goes to the denominator, moving a denominator from one side to the other side it goes to the numerator – this is the same thing as multiplying and dividing both sides, but cross multiplication or division is done in single step.

For example in this problem take 7 from left side denominator to numerator on the right side, take 3 to the denominator on the right side, AB is taken cross to the numerator on the left side)

Problem #41

One way to solve the problem is to look at the graph points for x and y values and plug them in the equations to pick the answer. At first glance answers D and E can be eliminated because for x = 0, it gives y = +6 and y has to be – 6 for x = 0. Answers A, B, and C can give the value of – 6 for x = 0. Let us try to find which will give y = 0 when x = 3 and y = 0 when x = - 2.

When x = 3, only A can give a value of y = 0. So B and C are not the correct ones. Verify the answer A with x = - 2, and A gives y = 0.


Problem #42

The average of 5 integers is 4

Subtract 3 from 20 to get 17 as the total for the remaining 4 integers

Therefore the average of the 4 integers is 17 / 4 = 4 ?


Problem #43

If one of the solution to x2 - kx – 8 = 0 is x = - k , then what are the possible values of k?

(- k )2 – k (- k) – 8 = 0 or k2 + k2 – 8 = 0 or 2 k2 - 8 = 0

Or 2 k2 = 8 or k2√ 4 or k = + 2 or k = - 2


Problem #44

This does not mean T1 is congruent to T3, can mean that T1 that T3 is similar to T2. So Answer J is the best choice.


The piece is 1 ? in X 1 ? in X 6 ft in length. The 6 foot length side is the one he is cutting 1 ? piece to make the cubic block to get 1 ? x 1 ? x 1 ? in block and he loses 1/8 th inch for each cut, except for the first and last cut at the end.

First convert 6 ft length to inches or 6 x 12 = 96 inches

You can look at it that each cut has to be (1 ? + 1/8 ) or 3/2 + 1/8 = 13/8 in cut in length

(Taking 8 as the common denominator and adding what is in the parenthesis, is how it ended up as 13/8 in for each cut.)

Now calculate how many 13/8 in cut can be done in 96 in length or 96 / (13/8)

Or = (96 x 8) / 13 = 43 and 9/13 or 44 when looking at the answer choices and taking into account that the first and the last cut does not lose 1/8 th inch.


Problem #46

What is the value of k for which the lines y = kx + 1 and y = x – 2 intersect at the point (4,2) in the standard (x, y) coordinate plane?

For the point (4, 2), substitute x = 4 and y = 2 in equation y = kx + 1, to find k, the slope

2 = k (4) + 2 or k = ?

(Now you can verify that it meets the 2nd equation y = x – 2 by substituting for x = 4 and y = 2 and it does.)


Problem #47

For a rectangle in a (x,y) coordinate the equation for the line one side is y = ? x – 2 , which of the equations in the answers will represent the adjacent side of this rectangle.

The adjacent side will be perpendicular to the above line and should have a slope of reciprocal of the above line and a negative (opposite to the positive slope of the given line) or a slope of – 4/3 . The only answer that has this is E


Problem #48

Positive integers of factors of 30 are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, and 30 or 8 positive integers are factors of 30. ANSWER – J

Problem #49

A little tricky problem, but easy if you recognize what the question is. ABCD is a rectangle and the question is about it being a square (should imagine it as shown on the right side square). In the square all triangles has to be congruent. So the answer is that triangle ABE must be congruent to triangle ADE for

2 pencils and one pen costs $0.55 or 55 cents

1 pencil and

2 pens costs $0.95 or 95 cents. (It will be easier to solve as cents rather than decimal $s)

Let x be the cost of a pencil and y be the cost of a pen and you can set up 2 equations from the above information and then solve the simultaneous equations to get the value of x and y.

From the first info, you can write an equation as 2 x + y = 55 (Equation # 1)

From the second info, you can write an equation 1 x + 2 y = 95 (Equation # 2)

Multiply the first equation by 2 on both sides

Now subtract equation #2 from this

(To subtract multiply equation# 2 by –1 on both sides and then add the 2 equations. The term 2y will cancel out each other) to get 3x = 110 –95 = 15 or x = 15/3 = 5 cents. So the pencil cost 5 cents each. Now that you know what x is (5 ), take any one of the equations and substitute for x to get y

Equation # 2 for example, x + 2y = 95 or 5 + 2y = 95 or 2y = 95 –5 = 90 or y = 90 / 2 or y = 45 cents

So the pen costs 45 cents each and the pencil cost 5 cents each.

Now the question is what is the cost of one pencil and one pen or = 5 + 45 = 50 cents or $0.50 ANSWER – H

Problem #51

The imaginary number i is defined as i2 = - 1. What is i + i2 + i3 + …… + i49 equal to

Another tricky problem, but it is easy once you see how to break it down to solving it. Since we know that i2 = - 1, we can rewrite this as

i + (-1) + i ( i2 ) + ( i2 ) ( i2 ) + …… + i ( i48 ) Now you can see that the even terms alternate in values of –1 and + 1 or cancel each other. The odd terms except the first term alternate in values as – i and + i and also cancel each other. This leaves only the first term i and the answer is A


Problem #52

For 0 < x < π / 2, then if sin x > 0 and cos x < 0, what are the possible values of x ?

Sin x is > 0 and at the same time Cos x < 0 when x > π / 2 and x < π


Problem #53

What is the largest circle to fit a rectangle of 6 cm by 8 cm? It is easy to see that the maximum diameter of the circle can only be 6 cm or a radius of 3 cm. So the area = π (3)2 = 9 π

The circle has to be within a square inside the rectangle and 6 cm is the smallest

possible side, within the rectangle of 6 cm by 8 cm.


Problem #54

The circle is of radius 6 inches. So, the perimeter of this circle is 2 π r = 12 π

Now the piece is an arc of 1 / 12 th or = 12 π / 12 = π


Problem #55

Answers A, B, D, and E fits the criteria to have the same terminal side as angle AOC. The only one that does not have the same terminal side is 680 or Answer C.

(-320 is one, 400 is 360 + 40, 760 is 360 + 360 + 40, 1120 is 360 + 360 + 360 + 40 and are terminal to angle AOC)


Problem #56

The plane travels 8 hours at a speed of x mph and for 7 hours at 325 mph, to find the average speed for both trips is to find the total distance traveled and divide by the total number of hours.

8 x + 7 (325) is the total miles and 15 hours is the total time. This has to equal to 15 (350) as it is given that the average speed for the entire trip is 350 mph

or 8x + 7 (325) = 15 (350) or Answer K


Problem #57


The area of the quadrilateral ABCD = area of the rectangle BCDG + the area of the triangle AGD

The area of the quadrilateral DCFE = area of the rectangle DCFH + the area of the triangle DHE

AG = AB – DC = 5 – 2 = 3, using right triangle AGD, then GD = √ 52 - 32 = √ 25 – 9 = √ 16 = 4

EH = EF – FH = 7 – 2 = 5, using the right triangle DEH, DH = √132 - 52 = √ 169 – 25 = √144 = 12 The area of the quadrilateral ABCD = area of the rectangle BCDG + the area of the triangle AGD

= GD x DC + ? (GD)(AG) = 4 x 2 + ? (4)(3) = 14

The area of the quadrilateral DCFE = area of the rectangle DCFH + the area of the triangle DHE

= DC x DH + ? (DH)(EH) = 2 x 12 + ? (12)(5) = 54

Therefore the ratio of area of the quadrilateral ABCD to area of the quadrilateral DCFE = 14: 54 or 7:27 ANSWER – D

Given that line p and q cross somewhere on the left of line r (as shown by the line with arrows. This means that line p and q are not parallel and the angles a and b must be > 900 , which means that

a +

b > 180 or Answer K


Problem #59

For what value of ‘a’ will a circle centered at (2, - 3 ) pass through points (1, a) and (a, 3)

a = 3 will satisfy the info given





Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding —the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation. Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. "All men are created equal." We've heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country's founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children — the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children — disabled or not — to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs. 59. In paragrah 2, the author cites the example of the leading actor on the stage to show that ________. [A] the growth of exceptional children has much to do with their family and the society [B] exceptional children are more influenced by their families than normal children are [C] exceptional children are the key interest of the family and society [D] the needs of the society weigh much heavier than the needs of the exceptional children 60. The reason that the exceptional children receive so much concern in education is that ________. [A] they are expected to be leaders of the society [B] they might become a burden of the society [C] they should fully develop their potentials [D] disabled children deserve special consideration 61. This passage mainly deals with ________. [A] the differences of children in their learning capabilities [B] the definition of exceptional children in modern society [C] the special educational programs for exceptional children [D] the necessity of adapting education to exceptional children 62. From this passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children ________. [A] is now enjoying legal support [B] disagrees with the tradition of the country [C] was clearly stated by the country's founders [D] will exert great influence over court decisions 重点词汇: denote (v.表示)即de+note,de-向下,note 记录,“记录下来”→表示。Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best and by the best means.“明智”指的是以最好的方法追求最好的结果。 难句解析: ①Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences. ▲第一个短句结构很简单,第二句中For these children to develop to their full adult potential是一个表示目的的状语,也可以看成是一个从主句their education must be adapted to those differences后面提前了的介词结构。 △第一个短句中exceptional一词我们从文章后面的叙述中可以知道它不是我们一般理解的“杰出的,出类拔萃的”,而应指“反常的,有缺陷的”,其实此处的exceptional是一种“身有残疾”的委婉表达法;significant应理解为“重要的,关键的”,而第二句的develop to their full adult potential的develop是一个不及物动词,意为“发展,养成”,而potential是一个名词,意为“潜能”;be adapted to的意思是“被调整,适应”。 ②While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. ▲此句由一个while引导的让步状语从句the leading actor on the stage captures our attention和一个主句构成。 △要理解本句,重点是看到它是一个类比,把残疾儿童比喻为舞台上的主要角色,而他们的家庭和社会环境被比喻为配角和戏剧的布景。在考研的阅读理解中,当我们碰到作者使用各种比喻和类比时,最重要的一点就是要弄清其用比喻来说明的对象。 ③And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding — the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.



Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense A. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple,on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music,which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished. B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay. C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?“This is


英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析(三) When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be―even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right―it can hardly be classed as Literature. This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress. We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will. Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river—and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.” This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed? 19. This passage is mainly____. [A]a survey of new approaches to art [B]a review of Futurist poetry [C]about merits of the Futurist movement [D]about laws and requirements of literature 20. When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to_____. [A]determine its purposes [B]ignore its flaws [C]follow the new fashions [D]accept the principles 21. Futurists claim that we must____. [A]increase the production of literature [B]use poetry to relieve modern stress [C]develop new modes of expression [D]avoid using adjectives and verbs 22. The author believes that Futurist poetry is____. [A]based on reasonable principles [B]new and acceptable to ordinary people [C]indicative of basic change in human nature


2019年11月4日雅思阅读机经真题答案及解析 一、考试概述: 本次考试的文章两篇新题一篇旧题,第一篇描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究了古代人的生存方式,第二篇是讲了利用心理学对课堂行为实行研究,第三篇是讲非语言交流的,人类除了用语言交流,其他手势、行为等的非语言形式也很重要 二、具体题目分析 Passage 1: 题目:Human Remain in Green Sahara 题型:判断题4 +简答题3+填空题6 新旧水准:旧题 文章大意:描述了两个科学家在撒哈拉的发现,研究古代人的生存方式。 参考文章: Human Remain in Green Sahara A On October 13,2,000, a small team of paleontologists led by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago clambered out of three battered Land Rovers, filled their water bottles, and scattered on foot across the toffee-colored sands of the Tenere desert in northern Niger. The Tenere,on the southern flank of the Sahara, easily ranks among the most desolate landscapes on Earth. The Tuareg,turbaned nomads who for centuries have ruled this barren realm, refer to it as a


2020考研英语阅读真题解析 2016考研英语阅读真题解析 (1999年真题SectionIIIReadingComprehensionText4第4段第2句) Becausecurrentfederallawalreadyforbidstheuseoffederalfundstocreateembryos( theearlieststageofhumanoffspringbeforebirth)forresearchortoknowinglyendangerane mbryo'slife,NBACwillremainsilentonembryoresearch. 译文:因为现行的联邦法律已经禁止使用联邦基金克隆研究用的胚胎(人类出生前的最早阶段)或有意识地危及胚胎的生命,因此NBAC将在胚胎研究问题上保持沉默。 分析:在这个主从复合句中,前面是because引导的原因状语从句,这个从句的宾语是use,of短语说明了use的对象 (federalfunds),随后是两个并列的不定式短语,表明的是用途(createembryos;toknowinglyendangeranembryo'slife),其中括号里的内容是对embryos的解释,然后才是主句,注意介词on(关于)的用法。 【词汇指南】 摘自《十天搞定考研词汇》(王江涛、刘文涛) current['k?:r?nt](adj.)当前的,流行的;流通的,通用的(n.)流动;水(气/电)流;趋势,潮流(CET-4)(2007年-阅读4、2009年-阅读1)(cur=car-词根,跑,奔,流,r-无意义双写,ent-的→“跑”在时代尖端的、紧跟潮“流”的——即“当前的;流行的”,引申为“通用的,流通的”以及“趋势,潮流”。②流动(的东西)——即“流动;水流;气流;电流”。) 1个派生词: currently['k?r?ntli](adv.)当前,现在;普遍地,通常地(CET-6、考研词汇)(2013年-阅读3)(ly-副词后缀) stage[steid?](n.)舞台;戏剧,演戏;阶段,时期(高考词


Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years,European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback. D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty —the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union”and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances,the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional


1990年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题阅读 Section II R eading Comprehension Each of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points) Text 1 ①In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus. ②A new phase in space exploration has begun. ①The planet Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth; it is the only other object in the solar system, in fact, that even comes close to earth’s size. ②Venus has a similar density, so it is probably made of approximately the same stuff, and it has an atmosphere, complete with clouds. ③It is also the closest planet to earth, and thus the most similar in distance from the sun. ④In short, Venus seems to justify its long-held nickname of “earth’s twin.” ①The surface temperature of Venus reaches some 900F. ②Added to that is an atmospheric pressure about 90 times Earth’s: High overhead in the carbon dioxide (CO2) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). ③Water is all but nonexistent. ①Born with so many fundamental similarities to earth, how did Venus get to be so radically different: It is not just an academic matter. ②For all its extremes, Venus is a valuable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth. ③It has no earth’s oceans, so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly simplified. ④In addition, the planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace. 一、词汇 1.shuttle n. 返汽车(列车,飞机);航天飞机,航天器 2.release v. 放出,释放 3.probe n. 探测 4.phase n. 阶段 5.density n. 密度 6.approximately ad. 大概,大约 7.stuff n. 材料,东西 8.passes for被当成9.sulfuric a. 硫的 10. acid n. 酸性物质,酸11. axis n. 轴(线) 12.leisurely ad. 慢慢地,悠然地 二、长难句 1. In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus. 该句主干为space shuttle “Atlantis” released … the space probe “Megallan”,which引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰先行词the space probe “Megallan”。 翻译:1989年5月,“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机将“麦哲伦”号金星探测器释放到外太空,


今天下午试讲的稿子。当然,十分钟讲了其中的一小部分。其实一直也是觉得自己无才成为雅思老师,但是年轻人嘛,我还是去了。给我电话的那个人力资源的人说---“我们如果觉得你适合,可以对你进行后期培训的”现在想想,面试过程被面试的D老师牵着走了。导致被其误导。不够自信。一大败笔。“姜还是老的辣”。(好久没用这句话了):han2第一篇挫作,从一个考雅思的考生要升级到研究雅思的老师,我想我现在还没有那个资格和条件在这里说是一篇“作”吧,就当作我的第一篇家庭作业。希望对烤鸭们有所帮助。敬请批评指正。继续再接再厉。为了实现某个梦想。努力努力! 雅思考试阅读理解T/F/NG题型初析 静至境 (一)雅思阅读A类阅读考试:时间1小时,由三篇独立的文章组成,(八种题型)每篇的文章长度在700--1200字,40题。其中至少有一篇文章为文科类型(与社会、经济等文科专业有关),另外两篇涉及理、工、农、医,一般与科技有关。 (二)该题型的重要性:先看一份题型统计表剑3剑4剑5T/F/NG534160(总题量:160题)08年雅思A类阅读考试的三巨头题型:Matching,T/F/NG,SummarP (三)如何考查?(五)考查点:a百分比附近b大写字母、斜体字、粗体字附近c例子:人物言辞、引经据典、数据1)数字考查数字精确度(年份、人数、份数)推断数字剑4T2Q17原文:Ina1983nationalhealthsurveP,1.9%ofpeoplesaidthePhadcontactedachiro practor,naturopath,osteopath,acupuncturistorherbalistinthetwoweekspri ortothesurveP.BP1990,thisfigurehadrisento2.6%ofthepopulation.题目:Between1983and1990thenumberofpatient’svisitingalternativetherap
