

The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics:

An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with Kids

Since the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts.

1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle

In 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir in the linguistic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates.

According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand.

The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperative speaker to say as much as but no more than is required for his particular purposes in the talk exchange. The maxim of quality also has two sub-maxims, which demands that the speaker say only what he believes to be true and for which he has

sufficient evidence. The maxim of relation urges the speaker to make his contribution relevant to the communication context. The maxim of manner requires the speaker to be methodical and to avoid ambiguity, prolixity, and obscurity. In short, as Grice put it for the cooperative principle, "make your conversational contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged". The cooperative principle is the foundation of pragmatic interpretation of humor, of which the flouting of maxims plays a very important role.

2. Floutings of CP Maxims and Humor Production

In actual conversation, a participant may deliberately flout CP maxims for some reason or special need. As an important category of non-observance of the conversational maxims, a flout is distinguished by deliberately triggering the hearer's search for an implicature. The speaker employs this way seemingly against the cooperative principle to reinforce the communicative effect. In this way the speaker can make his conversation humorous and thus produce the effect of humor. In fact, flouting of the CP is often seen in Chinese sitcoms. Of course, sitcom writers also deliberately flout the principle in order to achieve humorous effects.

2.1 Flouting the Quantity Maxim

When a speaker offers more or less information than is required by the situation with the intention of generating an implicature, he flouts the maxim of quantity. Look at the following example:

(1) (In Episode 093, Liu Xing goes to Internet café and Liu Mei keeps asking what he did there.)

Xing: You'd better not interfere with my business from now on!


Mei: What did you say? I don't interfere with your business? Why didn't you say it when I breast-fed you? Why didn't you say it when you were sick? Why didn't you say it when you fell to the ground?Why didn't you say it when you couldn't

walk? You don't want me to interfere with you now, because you are grown up and can do whatever you want?

(你说什么呢?再说一遍!我少管?你小时候喝奶的时候怎么不说?小时候生病的时候怎么不说呀? 摔跟头时候怎么不说呀?学会走路时候怎么不说?这时候让我少管。你翅膀硬了,自个会飞了?)

In this episode, the mother is very angry about what Liu Xing did and said; she is so angry that she can’t help talking excessively about the matter, which sounds humorous. This obviously violates the second sub-maxim of quantity: Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

(2) Let's take another episode as an example:

Dad didn't get home on time, Liu Mei ask Xiao Yu to call his cell phone, after made the phone call

Mei: Who answered the phone? (谁接的电话?)

Yu: A woman. (一个女的。)

Mei: What? What did she say? (嗯? 说什么?)

Yu: She said," sorry, you dial telephone temporarily unable to get through." (“对不起,您拨打的电话暂时无法接通……”。)

In this dialogue, Xiao Yu intentionally did not say that it is the voice prompts but a woman to pick up the phone, she did not give enough information at the beginning, therefore, she violated the lacking of information criteria in order to create a tense atmosphere.

2.2 Flouting the Quality Maxim

The maxim of quality requires that one's verbal contribution to a conversation should be truthful.The theory also claims that you violate the quality maxim when you deliberately lie or communicate in a way that does not reflect an honest intention.The following are two examples drawn respectively from Home with Kids

and Growing Pains which can explain how flouting the maxim of quality produces humor:

(1) (In Episode 101 of Home with Kids,the reorganized family just live together. Xia Yu and his mother Liu Mei have such a dialogue.)

Yu: Mum,my hand was bitten by the insect.


Mei: Oh,what's the matter? Was it bitten by mosquito? Come on,let me scratch for you.


Yu: Why does the mosquito only bite me instead of Liu Xing? This isn' t my home?


Mei: Nonsense!Of course this is your home.Here are your dad and mum.Do you know why the mosquitoes only bite you instead of Liu Xing?


Yu: Why?

Mei: Because your blood is sweet while Liu Xing' s is stinking.


When a speaker says something that is false or for which he lacks adequate evidence, he flouts the maxim of quality. In this conversation, it is obvious that the mother tells a lie to Xiao Yu. As a mother and an adult, she knows the reason well. In order to hoax Xiao Yu and make him feel good, she deliberately says something which is obviously false. In this way, Liu Mei doesn't observe the first sub-maxim of quality: Do not say what you believe to be false. But it is just her deliberate flouting of the maxim that makes her son(Xiao Yu)feel better and at the same time generates a humorous effect.

2.3 Flouting the Manner Maxim

"Avoiding obscurity" means what you say must be easily or clearly understood. "Avoiding ambiguity" means there should be no existence of more than one meaning in what you say. "Being brief" and "being orderly" mean what you say should be concise and well arranged. The maxim of manner is flouted by speaking redundantly, disorderly or unclearly. On this occasion the speaker seems very uncooperative, but actually he intends to produce an implicature to be deduced by the hearer. In verbal communication, people often misunderstand the ambiguous expressions, thus resulting in a humorous effect. The following dialogue between Liu Mei and her son Liu Xing is a case in point.

Mei: Why doesn't the gorilla evolve? (猩猩为什麽不进化啊?)

Xing: Give me a reason for its evolution. (给我一个进化的理由。)

Mei :Why doesn't it talk? (它为什麽不说话啊?)

Xing: What do you want me to say? (您让我说什麽呀?)

Mei: It lies in its defect in listening. (在于听力的缺陷。)

Xing: My ears are quite good. (我耳朵挺好哒!)

Mei: Go away. Don't bother me! (去!别在这儿捣乱。)

Xing: Aren't you talking about me?(您不是说我呢吗?)

Mei: I am talking about the gorilla.(我这儿说大猩猩呢。)

The pronunciation of gorilla(xingxing)in Chinese language is the same with Liu Xing's nickname. Liu Mei is talking something about the gorilla, but Liu Xing misunderstands the meaning of xingxing. Obviously, this misunderstanding comes from the two possibilities to interpret the sound xingxing("猩猩"and"星星"). The ambiguous use of the word(sound), which violates the maxim of manner, is the reason of humor production here.

2.4 Flouting the Relation Maxim

The maxim of relation tells us to make our contributions relevant. The demand for relevance simply means that the speaker should only convey information that is relevant to the topic being communicated. If one party wants to avoid the topic under discussion and starts another seemingly relevant topic, he will flout the maxim of relevance. And this seemingly relevant answer often makes another party feel funny. The maxim of relation is flouted when a response is completely irrelevant to the subject or the goal of the conversation.Look at the following example:

(1) (After Xia Donghai comes back from the parents' meeting held in Liu Xing' s school, he has a dialogue with Liu Mei.)

Mei: Are you OK? There must be huge gap in your mind now. Do you have the thought to find a way to escape? (没受刺激吧,就你这种给小雪那种好学生

开过家长会的你肯定心理有巨大的落差, 想找个地缝转进去…)

Dong Hai: The meeting is quite well. (开的还算比较圆满。)

Mei: What did the teacher tell you about Liu Xing? (老师都给刘星告什么状了?)

(The grandma coughs, indicating Xia Donghai not to tell the truth)

Dong Hai: Err, I take some medicine for grandma. (啊,我给姥姥去拿点药去。)

Mei: Quickly, what did the teacher tell you? (你快说啊,老师都说刘星什么了?)

Dong Hai: Well,he said…nothing. (他说啊,没什么。)

In this episode, after the parents'meeting, from our basic understanding about Liu Xing and Xia Donghai's facial expressions, we know that Liu Xing must have done something wrong in school. If Xia Donghai told the truth to Liu Mei, she must punish her son. So Xia Donghai intends not to tell his wife the truth and avoids answering her inquiry. His answer is apparently irrelevant to his wife's question. In this light atmosphere, he has created humor by flouting the relevance maxim.

(2) Let's look at another dialogue.

Xin : Did you know, today the teacher found a genius, that's me.


Mei: Ha-ha, this peach is really sweet.


Xin: there are several kinds of genius, not just the one who makes the high score, dad, is that right?


Dong Hai: This peach let me remembered of the ginseng fruit in the Journey to the West.


Xin: Ah, you'd listen to me. Teacher lost her car key today and I found it.


Dong Hai: It seems that Sha Seng also love to eat.


Xin: Guess where did I find it? In the car's lock. She forgot to pull it down.


Dong Hai: Actually, Tang Monk is also love to eat, he is clever and don't want to say.


Xin: While others did not think of it, which suggested that I was a genius, really, just

a little training, I will become a detective scientist, just like Sherlock Holmes.


Liu Xing was talking about what happened in the school, while his parents were paid their attention to the peach. Although in a same dialogue, they talk about their own topics and without relation. It is precisely this kind of irrelevant and the ignorance of Liu Xing's boast causes the humorous effect production.

3. Conclusion

A great number of samples selected from Home with Kids are used here to illustrate how verbal humor can be interpreted from pragmatic points of view. Based on the analysis and discussion, the major findings can be summarized as follows:

First, the pragmatic analysis of Home with Kids reveals that the intentional flouting of Grice’s CP can lead to humor generation.The humorous effect occurs when the speaker intentionally or unintentionally flouts one or more of CP maxims, it provide us with mechanisms of humor comprehension.

Second, pragmatic strategies applied in Chinese verbal humors are discussed from the micro- and macro-pragmatic levels. At micro-pragmatic level, humor is often generated by use of phonetic, lexical and rhetorical strategies. At macro-pragmatic level, solidarity, aggression and self-defense are often the motivations for the use of humour.

Third, from the study of the sitcom, it can be found that humor makes great contribution to our everyday communication and everyday life. Humour helps to create a relaxing conversational environment and a light and harmonious atmosphere in which both the speakers and addressees can get great enjoyment and relaxation. It makes our life colorful and more pleasant to live.


在英语中体会学习的乐趣 ---浅谈“如何学好英语” 英语似乎是大多数中国学生又爱又恨的学科:它可以成为我们成功路上的敲门砖,也可能成为前进路中的绊脚石。随着我国经济社会的发展,社会对大学生的综合素质,尤其是外语素质和能力提出了新的更高的要求。英语学习的重要性,无论从大学生就业,还是从就业后的自身发展来讲,都是不言而喻的. 因此学好英语成为许多学生,犹其是即将离开校园,走进社会的我们至关重要的一件事情。 我们接触英语的时间并不短,从初中到大学,已有八九年光景了,可是我们周围依然有大量的同学为了通过四、六级而苦恼不堪,似乎英语成为他们心中一道永远的伤疤。其实英语并没有我们想像中那么可怕,只要我们寻找到正确学习英语的方法,你会在英语中体会学习的乐趣。下面我将就自己真切的感受,浅谈几点关于如何学好英语方法和建议。 一、明确学习目的:化被动为主动 明确学习目的很重要,大家首先要知道我们学习英语究竟是为了什么?诚然,通过 四、六级是我们要做的事情,可是考试只是一种手段,用来检验我们的学习效果,学习 是没有终点的,我们不能把通过考试作为学习英语的目的!那么,英语学习的目的又是什么呢?大家都知道,英语其实就是一门语言,它真正的用途和汉语一样,是用来日常的交流以及获取信息、知识的一种工具。我们学习英语真正的目的在于更方便的与外国人交流,查阅,了解国外先进的科学知识。“学以致用”正是体现在这一方面。中国的现代化建设不需要“高分低能”的人!所以,一定要竖立正确学习英语的目的。试想:当你发现英语可以帮助你走进一个崭新的世界,可以让你了解更多新的事物,可以让你的生活更加丰富多彩,你还会觉得它很可怕吗?你还会拒它于千里之外吗?你还会只是为了拿到那张成绩单被迫早起记单词吗?不会,英语将成为你的朋友,学好英语将成为你学习的动力和乐趣所在! 二、掌握正确的学习方法:多归纳,多总结 有了正确的学习目的,下一步要做的就是寻找适合自己的学习方法了,俗话说的好:活到老,学到老,其实就是告诉我们知识是无穷尽的,因此学习也是永无止境的。可是现代社会是快节奏的,科技进步,经济发展讲求的是效率,如何在短期内掌握对自己最有用的知识,取得最显著的成效显得至关重要。记得读高中时一位老师曾经跟我们说过,大学里面学到的最重要的东西就是获取知识的方法和途径。所以,只有掌握了学习的正确方法,才能更有效地让学的知识发挥作用。 而对于英语学习而言,仅仅靠老师课堂上讲的知识是远远不够的,因此更加需要我们掌握好的学习方法在平时的生活中获取更多有用的知识了。下面我就个人的经历跟大家分享一下我学习英语的一些方法: 1,单词:它是每一个英语学习者必须具备的基本功。其实它并没有我们想像的那么枯燥乏味,试想一下,再复杂的句子,再难的文章也都是由一个个的单词组成的。因此,大家大可不必每天抱着一本厚厚的词汇埋头苦读,那样做不仅浪费时间,而且效率往往也不高,可谓“事倍功半”。我建议大家不妨多读读课本上一些学过的文章,边读边想着每句话是什么意思,并有意识地记忆一些比较重要的,生疏的单词,这样把单词放到一个具体的语境中去记忆,不仅可以较容易地记住单词的意思,同时也知道了它具体的用法,对于分清句子的结构,理解句子的意思也有很大的帮助,达到了“事半功倍”的效果,而且也没有单纯记忆单词那么单调乏味了。


在快乐中学习英语 郭玉艳 “书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,一个“巧”字和一个“乐”字很形象地表现出了学习的真谛,尤其对于初中阶段的学生来说,更是需要巧学、乐学,学英语也不例外。对于我们英语教师来说,如何引导学生轻松、快乐地学习英语是我们永远要研究的课题。因此在教学实践中我努力探索并尝试多种让学生在“快乐”中学习的模式与方法,取得了一定的效果。 一、亲和的学习氛围是快乐学习的前提 心理学家指出,有效的教学必须以融洽的师生关系为前提。在融洽的师生关系中,学生的想象力和创造力得以充分发挥,教师亲切的目光、关爱的手势、鼓励的传递了对学生的爱和信任,教师举手投足间洋溢的爱拉近了与学生的距离,消除了彼此间的隔膜,有利于交流的进行。如在组织教学时,教师用一首节奏轻松的英语歌曲把学生放飞的心收回来,远比严肃的立正效果好。 教师如具幽默感,可充分运用机智诙谐的语言调动全班的积极性,用生动的形体语言,耸耸肩、点点头,打破平淡、呆板、沉闷的气氛。如教tiger时,教师边呲牙咧嘴装出凶狠的样子边说:“I’m a tiger. I’m a tiger. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.”准能把学生乐坏,他们会跟着老师念叨,很快轻而易举地掌握了tiger和kill 两个单词。 有趣的语言环境能激起学生极大的热情,并促使学生获得更多的

语言信息。 二、真实的语境是快乐学习的根本 语言学习需要教师创造一个特定的能使学生产生共鸣的学习环境,如学生在特定的情景下学习特定的语言。农村学生缺乏英语语言的社会环境,需要教师在课堂中最大限度地营造语言环境、创造英语氛围、激活学生的英语思维。用生动的语言描述、用直观的实物演示、使用多媒体等创设情景,必要时就地取材,诱发学生的情感,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的想象力。如教学“have been to”与“have gone to”根据实景造句,这样学生在具体创设的情景中学会两种结构的运用,比一板一眼的语法教学更有效。特别是在多媒体的教学中,真实的情景更是表现的淋漓尽致。八年级课本中The Food Festibal 这一单元教学生怎样做三明治。对于我们农村学生来说,是有点难的。但如果通过多媒体制作来帮助,效果就大不相同了。 三、开放的课堂是快乐学习的兴趣 每个学生都有表达自己学习中的认知和情感的需求,作为教师应多创造机会,开放课堂环境,调动学生的想象力和思维能力,给予学生表现自己的机会,尽量让每个学生享受到愉快的实践和成功的喜悦。课堂形式上,教师不必拘泥于传统的模式,可以采取、表演、游戏、猜谜等游戏,可以让学生围成一圈,或分坐成两组进行比赛,还可以组织学生进行角色扮演。如在学习各类职业名称时,交学生扮演成不同职业的角色,然后叫其他学生自由采访,学生会七嘴八舌地问:“Are you a doctor?”“Do you like this job?”“How old are you?”


中学英语教学论文10篇 第一篇 一、中学英语教学中存在的问题 1.中学英语教材的教学目标不够明晰 教学目标是指在教学活动中所要达到的预期效果,是衡量教学任务是否完成的重要指标之一。然而现实情况是,很多英语老师并不关注教学目标制定得是否合理,也不管教学效果是否达到了预期值,只管上完一节一节的课。为了让学生考出好的分数,高的分数,很多老师就是拼命的要学生背单词、背语法,导致学生产生厌学情绪。长此以往,能够继续坚持下来的学生,读出来也基本都是哑巴英语,应付考试还可以,实际运用能力就完全不行。这与新课改的目标是背道而驰的。 2.学生对英语有厌学情绪 整个中学课程设置和高考科目中,毫无疑问,英语都占了相当重要的位置和比重。学生们功利的来讲,只要是想考上一个好点的大学都必须好好的学习英语。无论学生是喜欢还是不喜欢,都必须对英语予以高度重视。虽然重压之下必有勇夫,但是更多的确是重压之下的失败者,他们都有着内心想学好但是现实很失败的挫败情绪和矛盾的心理。一直都在勤奋学习,但是始终不得门道的自卑。更多的同学是想学好英语,可是又怕别人笑话的畏惧心理,这些心理虽然不同,但是都同样的厌学英语,这严重的影响了英语教学的顺利进行。 3.中学英语教师的教学理念片面 首先是很多中学的英语教师还把教学理念停留在过去的填塞式的讲授传达方式上,教师主要是讲,学生主要是背和记,基本没有多少的课堂互动,与学生交流的意识薄弱,难以调动学生的积极性。其次,中学英语教学严重的脱离文化教育。每一种语言都有着自己的特色,不是单纯的条条框框就可以成为一门语言的。英语也有着自己的文化背景和语言特色,教授英语就绝对不能脱离文化教育。学习英语的一个重要内容就是学习英语的思维方式,而思维方式不是词汇、语法等机械性记忆就可以解决的,忽视了文化的因素,就好造成在语言运用中出现各种不适应甚至是语法对了而用法错误。 二、中学英语教学的对策 1.创设语境,努力营造学习氛围 在目前的环境下,课堂仍然是学生学习英语的最主要的方式和途径。为此教师必须充分利用课堂上的环境,为学生创造一个良好的学习英语的氛围。根据笔者多年的教学经验,认为可以采取以下措施: 第一,教师在课堂教学中应尽量做到用全英语组织教学。中学生经过初中的磨砺,

小学英语教学论文 让小学生快乐地学英语

小学英语教学论文:让小学生快乐地学英语 小学英语教学内容应当是儿童感兴趣的,日常生活中儿童经常接触的,易接受的生活常识、故事、歌曲等。在小学英语教学中我们认为要将以上内容传授给儿童,必须让学生快乐地学习,主动接受,变儿童外在的语言兴趣为内在的兴趣。 一、歌曲、韵律儿歌法 根据儿童对歌曲、韵律儿歌、舞蹈非常感兴趣的心理特点,在教学中应充分发挥它们的优越性来带动儿童,提高他们对英语学习的兴趣。例如:教授字母时,有ABC字母歌;教数字时有韵律儿歌One,Two,Three,Four;教颜色有与之相配合的歌曲Red,Yellow,Blueand Gren的小诗What Is Red?教星期、月份有Days of A Week、TwelveMonths等等。还可利用歌曲教授日常用语。例如Good Morning To You,Hello,Happy New Year,What's Your Name.Let Us Sing Together或利用歌曲教授句型。如在教授“正在进行时”,我们可运用歌曲Are You Sleping?The Bus Is Waiting来引导与帮助儿童掌握并理解这一时态。如果再配上与歌曲内容相符合的动作,边唱边跳,效果会更好。 二、游戏法 运用游戏进行教学,是激发儿童英语学习兴趣的另一种有效方法。例如,在复习动物名称时,我们可采用猜谜的方式,即根据一些动物的特征编成易懂易记的儿歌,根据它来猜是什么样的动物。如“鼻子象勾子,耳朵象扇子,大腿象柱子,尾巴象辫子”(elephant)。还可根据学生所听到的一些动物的叫声进行复习。如果教师在课下准备一些动物头饰,在课堂上组织学生做《我是谁》的游戏,即教师戴上某一种动物的头饰问“Whoam I?”学生回答"Youare…。"通过游戏的生动性和竞争性,激发了儿童的学习兴趣,吸引了他们的注意力,充分发挥了儿童的主观能动性、创造性和积极性,既调节了学习的节奏,又锻炼了儿童的语言能力,在愉快协调的气氛中巩固了学到的知识,这种自觉参与实践的活动,对儿童英语教学尤为有效。 三、情景法 1、直观教具在教What's this?It's…。This is…。That's…。Is this…?Is that…。Are these…?Are those…?These are…。those are…时,运用直观教具,例如实物、图片、简笔画等,会使学生充分发挥形象思维的优势,在最短的的时间内获取知识。 2、用图片叙述故事在教学中依据所学内容配备一些有趣,易懂的短故事,对培养学生的实际运用能力,增强趣味性很有帮助。根据故事内容画成图片,让学生在图片的帮助下复述故事,这样往往能收到事半功倍的效果。 3、扮演角色儿童好动、好奇、又能大胆在使用语言,因此扮演角色是创设情景、锻炼儿童听说能力的极好方法。如果根据不同的内容,创设一定的情景,再制做一些简单的道具,配上动听的音乐,让他们扮演不同的角色进行会话表演,会达到寓教于乐的目的。例如:打电话、生日晚会、买水果、在动物园里、在百货商店、吃午饭、看医生、去学校等。 四、全身动作反应法 美国著名的心理学家詹斯·阿谢尔潜心研究20年而提出的“全身动作反应法”非常适合儿童英语学习。所谓“全身动作反应法”即:教师先把教学内容设计成一系列指令性语言项目,然后让学生对这些指令性语言作出动作上的反应。这种方法在开始阶段不一定要求学生在听完之后立即做出口头反应,允许学生有一段沉默期,只作出动作上的反应。这时学生的身体动作是表示理解的手段。这样,学生逐渐模仿教师的指令,由单词到词组再逐渐过渡到全句。学生大部分语言活动中以理解语言为主,这样学生的心理压力比较小,反而会说得轻松、准确。我们可以采取以下步骤来达到全身反应法的目的。 1、教师清楚明了发出语言指令,并配以动作辅助说明,不要求学生立即模仿教师动作,


如何学好英语论文 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

在英语中体会学习的乐趣 ---浅谈“如何学好英语” 英语似乎是大多数中国学生又爱又恨的学科:它可以成为我们成功路上的敲门砖,也可能成为前进路中的绊脚石。随着我国经济社会的发展,社会对大学生的综合素质,尤其是外语素质和能力提出了新的更高的要求。英语学习的重要性,无论从大学生就业,还是从就业后的自身发展来讲,都是不言而喻的.因此学好英语成为许多学生,犹其是即将离开校园,走进社会的我们至关重 要的一件事情。 我们接触英语的时间并不短,从初中到大学,已有八九年光景了,可是我们周围依然有大量的同学为了通过四、六级而苦恼不堪,似乎英语成为他们心中一道永远的伤疤。其实英语并没有我们想像中那么可怕,只要我们寻找到正确学习英语的方法,你会在英语中体会学习的乐趣。下面我将就自己真切的感受,浅谈几点关于如何学好英语方法和建议。 一、明确学习目的:化被动为主动 明确学习目的很重要,大家首先要知道我们学习英语究竟是为了什么?诚然,通过四、六级是我们要做的事情,可是考试只是一种手段,用来检验我们的学习效果,学习是没有终点的,我们不能把通过考试作为学习英语的目的!那么,英语学习的目的又是什么呢?大家都知道,英语其实就是一门语言,它真正的用途和汉语一样,是用来日常的交流以及获取信息、知识的一种工具。我们学习英语真正的目的在于更方便的与外国人交流,查阅,了解国外先进的科学知识。“学以致用”正是体现在这一方

面。中国的现代化建设不需要“高分低能”的人!所以,一定要竖立正确学习英语的目的。试想:当你发现英语可以帮助你走进一个崭新的世界,可以让你了解更多新的事物,可以让你的生活更加丰富多彩,你还会觉得它很可怕吗你还会拒它于千里之外吗你还会只是为了拿到那张成绩单被迫早起记单词吗?不会,英语将成为你的朋友,学好英语将成为你学习的动力和乐趣所在! 二、掌握正确的学习方法:多归纳,多总结 有了正确的学习目的,下一步要做的就是寻找适合自己的学习方法了,俗话说的好:活到老,学到老,其实就是告诉我们知识是无穷尽的,因此学习也是永无止境的。可是现代社会是快节奏的,科技进步,经济发展讲求的是效率,如何在短期内掌握对自己最有用的知识,取得最显着的成效显得至关重要。记得读高中时一位老师曾经跟我们说过,大学里面学到的最重要的东西就是获取知识的方法和途径。所以,只有掌握了学习的正确方法,才能更有效地让学的知识发挥作用。 而对于英语学习而言,仅仅靠老师课堂上讲的知识是远远不够的,因此更加需要我们掌握好的学习方法在平时的生活中获取更多有用的知识了。下面我就个人的经历跟大家分享一下我学习英语的一些方法:1,单词:它是每一个英语学习者必须具备的基本功。其实它并没有我们想像的那么枯燥乏味,试想一下,再复杂的句子,再难的文章也都是由一个个的单词组成的。因此,大家大可不必每天抱着一本厚厚的词汇埋头苦读,那样做不仅浪费时间,而且效率往往也不高,可谓“事倍功半”。 我建议大家不妨多读读课本上一些学过的文章,边读边想着每句话是什么


发展自主学习能力,让学生快乐学习 ———一堂英语Project课的教学启示 【摘要】根据人类知识习得的规律,只有知识接受方在学习过程中能有所实践和体验,知识及技能才能被真正习得。同样,在英语教育教学过程中,要分析被教育对象的不同特点,重视学生个性的发展,把英语教学过程转变成学生能参与、实践、体验、交流和展现的舞台,帮助他们创造成就感,才能让他们“快乐”地学习。在这样的教学过程中,教师虽不是舞台的主角,但却发挥着更为重要的作用。他需要及时观察和洞悉学生在学习过程中暴露的问题和困惑,适时地去引导和教育学生,实现教育做人和教学知识的实效性。 【关键词】体验学习;自主学习;研究性学习成果展示 一、引言 可能有同行在探讨教学工作的时候,谈到的最大困惑要数“教育主体学生缺乏对学习英语的兴趣,从而对待学习不够主动”这个问题了。仔细思考之后,发现原因还是出在我们一贯的传统教学方法上。“满堂灌”的教学方式不仅磨灭了学生对教学内容主动接受的兴趣,而且还忽视了对学生个性发展的培养。另外,缺乏主动参与,没有体验和探究的学习过程也不会给学生带来真正意义上的知识习得。正如法国大教育家卢梭提倡的教育应当“归于自然”,我们必须要重视教育对象的成长和发育过程,而且还必须要注重他们习得知识的自然过程。所以,只有将一些教学内容设计成为体验性的学习活动,鼓励全体学生在整个教学活动中去体验、实践、参与、合作与交流,才能帮助他们获得语言的习得,实现语言综合运用能力的提高。学习过程中和谐的人际交往,学生自己的主动探究性学习以及学习成果展示时得到的老师的肯定和评价,都会有助于学生自觉形成自主学习的能力,并且真正做到快乐学习。 那么,如何将教学内容设计成为一个体验性的学习活动?如何激发学生的兴趣,做到真正乐于学习?我们又将如何帮助学生将良好的乐学状态保持和延续下去呢?下面就以具体一堂课的设计准备、课堂实录、课后拓展等实践工作为依据,


英语快乐教学法 桐梓县狮溪小学——代正晓 我从一开始接触英语的那一天起,就喜欢上了英语,在断断续续的学习中,我也掌握了不少英语知识。虽然如此,我从教五年来,一直没有机会教学英语,这学期有幸参加了县里组织的小学英语教师培训,回来担任了四个班的英语教学。 所谓教无定法,贵在得法。在英语教学中,作为一个资历尚浅,知识面较窄,而且没有教学经验的青年教师,我体会到要上好一节英语课,关键在于如何调动好学生学习的积极性,如何让他们在一节英语课上想说,想听,想读,想表达,想问。在儿童世界里,他们更纯真。纯真到你在骂他,他以为你在夸他,纯真到你在正二八经的说英语,他在叽哩咕噜地跟着乱叫,纯真到他会笑嘻嘻跑来问你:老师,我可不可以对着女孩子说,I love you!……在儿童世界里,他们更想得别人的肯定,特别是老师、家长的肯定。哪怕是老师的一个眼神,一个手势,都足以让他们高兴半天;老师一句赞美的话,一次认真的点头,都足以让他们兴奋一阵子;要是老师能放下架子,和他们一起玩,和他们一起做,那他们肯定会乐翻天;当然,你要是巧妙地在某些地方还要输给他们,那他们肯定高兴得睡不着觉。……是啊,当你了解了这些,学生们就会经常从你的嘴里听到:OK! Very good! Great! Excellent! You’re clever! You’re super!……你就会经常对着学生伸出你的大拇指,对着学生真诚地点头,你就会经常伸出你的手对着学生说:Nice to meet you!你就会常常带着关心的眼神,关切地问:How are you?当然,学生的纯真会让你感到欣慰,他们会在你和别老师一起时说:“英语老师,好!”或者“英语老师,早上好!”让你身边的老师或他人感到莫名的羞涩。是的,也许他们的发音不准,他们掌握的单词不多,但是这并不妨碍他们说:“Hello,Teacher! Good morning, Teacher!


【英语作文】学习英语的乐趣 I saw an interesting scene from a TV show. A girl and a boy were forced to have the blind date, and they know nothing before they came to the dinner table. They felt embarrassed and after introducing each other, the girl began to speak English with the boy. The parents did not know what they were talking about, but they felt happy to see them communicating. Actually, the boy and the girl said they didn’t want this date and decided to tell their parents the truth, and they felt relieved. Mastering another language provides people more ways to communicate. Sometimes we can use it in the fun way. 我在电视节目上看到有趣的一幕。一个女孩和一个男孩被迫相亲,在他们来到餐桌前根本毫不知情。他们觉得很尴尬,互相介绍后,女孩开始和男孩说英文。父母不知道他们在说什么,但是很开心他们在聊天。其实,他们两个是在说不期待这样的约会,决定把真相告诉父母,他们觉得松了一口气。掌握另一种语言给人们提供了更多的交流方式。有时候我们可以进行有趣的交流。


小学英语的快乐教学 在一个很美的下午,一对母亲的对话是这样的:“我女儿今年二年级,但她却很孤独,不愿意和伙伴玩耍,不愿意和我们交流”“是啊!我女儿也是这样,她五年级了特别孤僻,学习成绩直往下掉。”偶然中听到的和看到的让我久久不能忘怀。很常时间以来,我们的教学评价注重的主要是终结性评价。以考试成绩来评定学生的学习能力和教师的教学质量的做法,很大程度上容易误导学生只重视语言知识的记忆与背诵,而忽略了英语运用能力和交际能力的培养和提高,限制了学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,解决问题的灵活性、创造性和发展的多样性。重“评定”而轻“评价”,实际上是一种重结果而轻过程的价值取向。由此如何让教师快乐的教,学生快乐的学值得我们进一步去深入的探究。 常言道教学有法,教无定法,贵在得法。我觉得小学生学英语就像学游泳一样,必须让学生泡在水中、潜到水里去,这样他最后才能成为一个熟练的游泳者,自在游泳乐在其中。尽量多地给学生创造听、说、练的机会,让学生在动中学,学中乐,使之获得语言知识技能。那么采取什么方法能使学生乐于学习英语,积极参与呢,我结合自己的实践经验,谈几点粗浅看法。 一.“兴趣是最好的老师”,这一点在英语教学中尤为重要。 首先在课前,我是以歌曲导入。对于低年级的学生来说,他们活泼好动,利用英文歌曲,加上简单的舞蹈动作形成较好的课堂教学形式。尤其低年级的同学,他们爱表演,所以我给每首歌都编了简单的动作,例如“Twinkle,twin- kle,little star.”;“Grass grows.”;“I am a little teapot.”(动作示范)等等,尽管有些动作很简单,但是学生却很乐于参与。我也曾让他们根据歌曲的意思自己编动作,孩子们甚是喜欢,每一次都对他们的作品给出相应的评价,长此以往有些孩子编的动作比我编的还要好。对于游戏,孩子们也是乐此不疲的,在平常的英语教学中,“猜一猜”、“传话筒”、“模仿秀”等游戏都是可行的。在设计游戏时我都充分地考虑到游戏的难度及适用度,尤其鼓励那些不好动的孩子,比较孤僻的孩子参加游戏,并且有意的多和他们一块玩,看到他们脸上开心的笑容,我发现原来学生们都是那么地可爱,上英语课不再有那么多的烦恼。 二.随机应变,适当删除添补,提前推后。


【篇一】保持开心的英语作文范文 In the picture, the girl laughs with open mouth and feels very happy. Surely she is having a good mood! Just as a famous saying goes, “Laugh now and then, and you will have a good mood everyday.” In a competitive society, we are constantly under great stress from work, study and life. We may come across meet with some unexpected difficulties and troubles every day, which make us feel unhappy or even depressed. What should we do with them then? A good remedy here is to keep a good mood everyday. It is important that everyone keep a good mood. A good mood can create high efficiency. When you work with a good mood, you will feel happy and be willing to do some work which is supposed to be boring. In contrast, bad mood can make you passive and do things with reluctance. A good mood is also beneficial to your health. As is well put it, good health go hand in hand with good mood. If you fail to keep a good mood, you will feel depressed, which is apt to casue some psychological disorders. There are several ways which help to have a good mood. First and the most


开心学英语六年级上学期英语作文 My friend Tony is my good friend.H e’s 12 years old.He’s a student.He likes singing,dancing and studying.He’s good at studying.He likes running,too.So he is the fastest in our class.But he doesn’tlike hiking. Me I’m a student.I’m 12 years old.I’m in Class seven,Grade Six.I am thin.I’m the thinnest in my family.I like swimming.I’m good at swimming.I go swimming once a week.And you? My mother My mother is a teacher.She is 39 years old.She’s short.She is the shortest in my family.She likes cooking.She cooks every day.It’s tasty.I like the food very much.She’s nice.I love my mother. Shopping(将来时) Tomorrow is Sunday.I’m going to go to the shopping mall with my family.I’m going to buy a bag of chips.My faeher is going to buy a pair of socks.My mother is going to buy a bottle of shampoo.We’ll be happy. Shopping(过去时) Yesterday was Sunday.We went to the shopping mall.I got a bag of chips.My father got a box of tissues.My mother got a bottle of shampoo.W e were happy. 我和家人的爱好


六年级下英语学习辅导作文集锦(口语表达) 班级:_________ 姓名:_____________ 1 My Last Winter Holiday(unit 1 Page6) I went to Beijing last winter holiday. I went there with my parents. We got there by plane. We went sightseeing. We visited the Great Wall of China. We visited the museum. We ate tasty food. We stayed in a hotel for a week. We had a good time. 2 Last Sunday(unit2 Page13) Last Sunday I went to Guangzhou. I went there with my parents. We got there by train. We went sightseeing. We visited the Guangzhou Tower. We visited the museum. We ate tasty food. We stayed in a hotel for two days. We had a good time. 3 A Good Day (unit3 Page 20) I had a good day. First, had fun with friends. Next, I won the game. After that, I got a nice gift. I then had some cake and cola. In the end, I got a good grade in the test. It was a wonderful day. 4 Last Weekend(review 1 Page 27) I had a very happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned my bedroom. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’home. Later, I played chess with my grandpa. This was my last weekend, and I felt very happy. 5An Unforgettable Trip (Unit4 Page37) Last vacation, I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The train was comfortable. We spend five days visiting Beijing. On the first day, we went to Tian’an Men Square, it is so big, and there were lots of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw many old things. I felt interesting. At last, we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! I had a happy vacation.
