英语Book4 Unit1

英语Book4 Unit1
英语Book4 Unit1

Book4 Unit1


1.behave vi.&vi. 举动;(举止行为)表现

【拓展】1)behave well/badly towards/to…对待…好/差behave oneself 守规矩;举止得体

2)behaviour n.举止;行为;习性

well-behaved adj.表现好的

badly-behaved adj.表现差的

2.shade ①n.[U]荫;阴凉处②vt.遮住光线

【拓展】in the shade (of…) 在(…的)阴凉处shade…from/against…为…挡住…

3.move off 离开;起程;出发

【拓展】move about/around 四处走动

move in 迁入新居

move on 变换(话题等);前进

move away 搬走

4.observe vt.



【拓展】observe sb. doing sth. 观察到某人在做某事observe sb. do sth. 观察到某人做了某事

observe sth. 观察某物

observe that …观察到…



△observe sb. do sth.变成被动语态时,应添加省掉的不定式符号“to”例:He was observed to go out. 有人看到他出去了。

5.respect vt.&n. 尊敬;尊重;敬意

【拓展】1)respect sb./sth. 尊重某人/某物

respect sb. as/for 因…而尊敬某人

2)have/show respect for sb.尊重某人

6.argue vt.&vi.讨论;辩论;争论

【拓展】argue with sb.(about/over/on sth.) (就某事)与某人争论argue for/against sth. 据理赞成/反对…

argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

argue sb. out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事

7.crowd in (on sb.) (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海

【拓展】crowd around/round 聚集在…的周围

be crowded with 挤满了

8.inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示

【归纳】inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

inspire sb. with sth. 激起/引起某人…

inspire sth. in sb. 激起/引起某人…


①vt. 支持;拥护②vt.养活;资助


【归纳】support oneself 自主谋生

in support of 支持;拥护

10.refer to 查阅,参考;谈及,涉及

【拓展】refer to…as…把…称作…

https://www.360docs.net/doc/685567306.html,e across ①(偶然)遇见;碰见②被理解;被弄懂【拓展】come on 加油;到来;得了吧

come about 发生

come up 升起;发生;被提及

come up with 找到/提到某事

come out 长出来;出版;结果是

12.intend vt.计划;打算

【拓展】be intended for 专门为…而设计的

intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事

13.deliver vt.①递送②生(小孩儿);接生③发表(演说等)【归纳】deliver…to…把…交给…

deliver (a baby) 助产;接生

be delivered of a baby 分娩;生孩子

deliver a speech发表演说

14.carry on 继续;坚持

【拓展】1)carry on(with)sth. 继续做某事carry on doing sth. 不停地继续做某事

2)carry out 实施;执行

carry through 使渡过难关;顺利完成

carry off 赢得;获得


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus V ocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1. respectable 2. agony 3. put…down 4. sequence 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in 12. tackle 2. 1. has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2. was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.

3. 1. reputation, rigid, to inspire 2. and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command 7. was violating 8. anticipate Ⅲ. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about 7. to 8. in, in 9. from


中考英语作文专项训练 一、考点分析: 在中考中,写作占20分,分值所占比例大,而写作考察学生的英文综合运用能力,因此非常关键。 【中考英语作文的评分标准】 比较为学生所熟悉的就是“8+8+4”结构,即: (一)内容: 7-8分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。 5-6分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。 2-4分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、有些离题。 0-1分:文不对题,表达不清。 (二)语言: ①词数:每少5个字扣0.5分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。 ②拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数。 ③语法:同② ④标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但扣分总和不超过1分。 (三)组织结构: ①内容充实、上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多 见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给3-4分。 ②内容充实、不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型 句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给2分。 ③一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在15分以上者(含),方可得到1-2分组织结构分。 ④内容和语言在15分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结 构分。 ⑤通篇句型、句式单一、词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般也不予给组织结构分。 二、写作中常见问题:

①内容空洞,没有清晰的思路,表达能力不强,表达生硬呆板,甚至中式英语翻译思维。 ②议论过多,描写不足。大多数情况下,把议论当成的作文的重点,常常跑题。 ③句式单一,都是简单句,缺少复合句。 ④结构散漫,思维跳跃,文章缺乏条理性。 ⑤连词的使用较少,并且使用单一,句子之间的连接很生硬。 ⑥文章平淡,无亮点短语和句型,连接词等。 三、写作技巧分析: 【高分作文的必备元素】 1. 书写工整,书面整洁,很少有涂改痕迹。 2. 不出现语法,拼写,标点,大小写等错误。 3. 文章字数最好控制在80-100字之间,切记过长或者过短,8-10句即可。 4. 要点齐全。为了避免遗漏要点,可以将题目中给出的要点标注出来。 5. 开头言简意赅,不啰嗦,不偏题,迅速引入主题。 6. 连接词使用恰当,不重复,上下文有连贯性,使之自然成一体。 7. 应用词汇: 高级词汇的合理使用、同义词的变化使用、短语的恰当使用。 8. 多用亮点短语,并且使短语多样性,尽可能使用多种表达方式。 比如:同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,显得词汇贫乏。如果能在作文中不断 地变换方式,用help、give sb. a hand、do sb. a favor、be in need of 等以表达“帮助”,表达更灵 活生动。 9.句式多样性,可适当使用陈述句,疑问句,祈使句及感叹句,强调句,倒装句,定语从句, 状语从句,宾语从句等。 10. 能够恰当使用谚语、格言、名言等给文章添彩。 11. 语法结构多样性,主动被动交叉用,原级比较级灵活用,非谓语动词恰当用。 12.灵活使用万能句型,增添文章亮点。 四、中考经典范文解读: VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “I want to invent_____” (以“我想要发明________”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

新视野大学英语 综合训练阅读。1到6章整理。

1.V alentine’s Day probably....ever since. (BCADA) 1.to trace back 2.they would’t concentrate 3.Refused to obey 4.496 AD 5.to show our 2.Having raised eight children....can provide. (BABCD) 1. How to show 2.may by a famous 3.he had a 4.material wealth does 5.to give them 3.In the 1990s...of their class (CABCD) 1.The devaluation 2.prove the trend 3.reducing in 4.people can’t 5.The Devaluation 4.We received your letter....such trip (BABCC) 1.To express the difficulties 2.they advertise 3.we can’t afford 4.may not 5.the sales agent 5.In the future....says Leon (BABDA) 1.people with the 2.they may lose money 3.Scientists want 4.To illustrate 5.What’s Best 6.Criticism has been....own games (BDDCA) 1.Parents of 2.Because they have seen 3.To promise 4.Fewer referees would 5.Abusing. 7.Only about 15....of obesity (ADCDA) 1.people do not 2.He is one 3.Stretching at work 4.Extreme fatness 5.Ten minutes to 8.Y ou may recall....J.J.Budd (BBCAD) 1.a company 2.he wants new 3.Raj Rammanvihal works 4.familiar with 5.a formal letter 9.Fifteen-year-old...learn now (DAABC) 1.kept so that 2.they fail to 3.A list of the result 4.academic achievement 5. a teacher in 10.Most Americans will....and responsible? (ADDCD) 1.Positive 2.admission 3.helps students both 4.To ensure that 5.School that offer 11.A study issued...shared responsibility (BCDBA) https://www.360docs.net/doc/685567306.html,mitment to 2.enter school 3.60--80% 4.making young people 5.Social environment 12.When i was four....be impossible (CDCCB) 1.kept him away 2.attended classes 3.be different 4.to give a 5.knowledge from outside 13Bin Ben is one of....a guide (CBACD) 1.a light 2.Coins a 3.the old 4.1924 5.Undamaged 14.John Colter was....mud holes (DADBC) 1.Y ellowstone Park 2.Moran and 3.for more 4.was once not 5.The History 15.One day Walt ....the future” (CCBCB) 1.Building a 2.improved the 3.Its spot 4.Fantasyland 5.Disneyland 16.At sixteen Ron....the book (DACBC) 1.Ron was 2.he wanted 3.The job 4.four 5.he knew 17.When faced with.....international scale (BBCBB) 1.A good death means 2.Never say 3.Tube feeding 4.to adapt 5.Death is 18.On Mother’s Day....of dying (AACAD) 1.she wanted 2.to do something 3.Mom had 4.not busy 5.as the tablecloth 19.While caring for.... Their lives. (CDBBD) 1.Women provide 2.volunteer assistance 3.tain family 4.people who 5.to talk to 20.On the morning ....our grief. (CBADB) 1.someone bombed 2.angels in 3.There was 4.He was elbowed 5. We should 21.With so many scientists...the study (BCADD) 1.The possible 2.the former 3.focusing on 4.are the 5.Freed and Lin’s stress 22.Engineering design aims....so important. (BABCD) 1.Some factors 2.pulled down 3.Building ..reconstructed 4.effect of 5.rivers and


2019高考英语:写作综合练习集(2)(参考范文) 写作话题议论篇 诚信是处世之本。但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。请你对以上种种现象作简要描述,并以Howtoguaranteehonesty为题,从三个方面,谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信。 注意: 1、词数:120左右; 2、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Howtoguaranteehonesty Asweallknow,honestyisalwaysanessentialprincipleofliving.Muchtoourregret,however ,… _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Honestyisthebestpolicy,whichiswhatweshouldkeepinmindallthetime. 【参考范文】------Onepossibleversion: Asweallknow,honestyisalwaysanessentialprincipleofliving.Muchtoourregret,how ever,itisnothingnewthatsomemiddleschoolstudentscheatinexams,copyothers’homeworkandfooltheirteachersandparents.Therefore,howtoguaranteehonestyshouldcom etoourattention. Personally,Ithinkhonestyeducationisnecessary.Forinstance,coursesonhonestyca nbeofferedtostudents;activitieslikestory-tellingandlecturesarealsoworthytrying. Withtheconceptof“beinghonest”rootedintheirminds,honestycanbereflectedintheirdailylifeandstudy.Besides,relate drulesandregulationsshouldbelaiddown.Detailedcriteriashouldbeappliedtoevaluates tudentsinaspectssuchashomework,tests,relationshipwithteachersandparents.Then,st rictmeasuresshouldbecarriedouttopunishthosewhocheat,andconsequently,theymustass umeresponsibilityfortheirbadbehavior,thusconsiderablyreducingchancesofcheatingn exttime. Honestyisthebestpolicy,whichiswhatweshouldkeepinmindallthetime. 本文是一篇开放式的作文,只提出了一个话题“Howtoguaranteehonesty”,话题非常切合学生实际生活,让每个学生都有话可写。此题留给学生了一定的想象空间,有利于优生的发挥。文章的人称以【一】三人称为主;时态为一般现在时;本文可用三段成文形式成文。内容要点:1.学生中存在的作弊现象;2.解决这一现象的方法;3.总结要点。 *******************************************************结束 请你根据右面表格中的内容写一篇英语短文,介绍2017年上海世博会的情况。 注意: 1、短文需包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 2、词数:100左右。 参考词汇: 世博会theWorldExpo;遗产heritage;促进promote


We all listen to music according to our separate , for the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to certain sense we all listen to music on three separate lack of a better terminology, one might name these: 1) the sensuous plane, 2) the expressive plane, 3) the sheerly musical only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way in which we listen. The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound is the sensuous is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any turns on the radio while doing something else andabsent-mindedly bathes in the kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. The surprising thing is that many people who consider themselves qualified music lovers abuse that plane in go to concerts in order to lose use music as a consolation or an enter an ideal world where one doesn’t have to think of the realities of everyday course they aren’t thinking about the music allows them to leave it, and they go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it. Yes, the sound appeal of music is a potent and primitive force, but you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not constitute the whole story. The second plane on which music exists is what I have called the expressive , immediately, we tread on controversial have a way of shying away from any discussion of music’s expressive not Stravinsky himself proclaim that his music was an “object”, a “thing”, with a life of its own, and with no other meaning than its own purely musical existenceThis intransigent attitude of Stravinsky’s may be due to the fact that so many people have tried to read different meanings into so many knows it is difficult enough to say precisely what it is that a piece of music means, to say it definitely to say it finally so that everyone is satisfied with your that should not lead one to the other extreme of denying to music the right to be “expressive”. Listen, if you can,to the 48 fugue themes of Bach’s Well-tempered to each theme, one after will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of will also soon realize that the more beautiful a theme seems to you the harder it is to find any word that will describe it to your complete , you will certainly know whether it is a gay theme or a sad will be able, on other words, in your own mind, to draw a frame of emotional feeling around your study the sad one a little closer. Try to pin down the exact quality of its it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sadLet us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen is still no guarantee that anyone else will be need they important thing is that each one feels for himself the specific expressive quality of a theme or, similarly, an entire piece of if it is a great work of art, don’t expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you return to it. The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive feeling that it gives off, music does exist in terms of the notes themselves and of their listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane. It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical all, an actual musical material is being intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious above all he must, in order to follow the line of the composer’s thought, know something of the principles of musical to all of these elements is listening to the sheerly musical plane. Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these we do is to correlate them—listening in all three ways at the same takes no mental effort, for we do it instinctively Perhaps an analogy with what happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation the theater, you are aware of the actors and actresses, costumes and sets, sounds and these give one the sense that the theater is a pleasant place to be constitute the sensuous plane in our theatrical reactions. The expressive plane in the theater would be derived from the feeling that you get from what is happening on the are moved to pity, excitement, or is this general feeling, generated aside from the particular words being spoken, a certain emotional something which exists on the stage,that isanalogous to the expressive quality in music. The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical playwright creates and develops a character in just the same way that a composer creates and develops a to the degree of your awareness of the way in which the artist in either field handles his material will you become a more intelligent is easy enough to see that the theatergoer never is conscious of any of these elements is aware of them all at the same same is true of music simultaneously and without thinking listen on all three planes. It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when info rmed that they will someday have to “go to work and make a living”. The problem is that they cannot visualize what work is in corporate Americ a. Not so long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was going to make something or fix something. T


四年级应用专题(一) 1、李老师带了200元钱去买粉笔,每箱粉笔30元,可以买多少箱?还剩多少元? 200÷30=6(箱)……20(元) 答:可以买6箱,还剩20元 2、一个储蓄罐里有93枚1元硬币,如果把这些硬币换成10元一张的纸币,最多能换多少 张? 93÷10=9(张)……3(枚) 答:最多能换9张 3、建筑工地需要700袋水泥,一辆卡车每次运80袋,需要运几次? 700÷80=8(次)……60(袋)8+1=9(次) 答:需要运9次 4、某路口的交通信号灯每30秒转换一次,从下午6时到6时10分,这个信号灯转换了多 少次? 解1:6:10-6:00=10(分钟)10分钟=600(秒)600÷30=20(次) 解2:6:10-6:00=10(分钟)1分钟=60(秒) 60÷30=2(次) 2×10=20(次)答:这个信号灯转换了20次 5、我带了300元钱,每副乒乓球拍38元,能买几副乒乓球拍?还剩多少元? 300÷38=7……34(元) 答:能买7副乒乓球拍,还剩34元 6、比一比 a)张伯伯家的果园收了325千克苹果,每筐装42千克,可以装多少筐?还剩多少千 克? 325÷42=7(筐)……31(千克) 答:可以装7筐,还剩31千克。 b)张伯伯家的果园收了一些苹果,每筐装42千克,装了7筐,还剩31千克,这些 苹果有多少千克? 42×7=294(千克)294+31=325(千克) 答:这些苹果有325千克。 7、一部儿童电视剧共要播放256分,每天从17:00播放至17:32,多少天可能播放完? 17:32-17:00=32(分钟)256÷32=8(天)

答:8天可能播放完。 8、王师傅要加工600个零件,已经加工了260个,剩下的每天加工68个,还要加工几天 能完成任务? 600-260=340(个)340÷68=5(天) 答:还要加工5天 9、小明在计算一道除法题时,错把除数24抄成42,得到的商是4,余数是7.正确的商应 是多少?余数是多少? 42×4+7=175 175÷24=7 (7) 答:商是7,余数是7 10、汽车的速度是70千米/小时,飞机的速度是910千米/小时,飞机的速度是汽车的 多少倍? 910÷70=13(倍) 答:飞机的速度是汽车的13倍 11、小亮家收了800千克绿豆,每袋装35千克,可以装多少袋?还剩多少千克? 800÷35=22(袋)……30(千克) 答:可以装22袋,还剩30千克。 12、甲、乙两地之间的公路长288千米。自行车每小时16千米,汽车每小时72千米, 摩托车每小时36千米,用上面的交通工具,从甲地到乙地各需要几小时? 288÷16=18(小时)288÷72=4(小时)288÷36=8(小时) 答:自行车需要18小时,汽车需要4小时,摩托车需要8小时。 13、甲、乙两个工程队修一条长620米的公路。甲队每天修35米。乙队每天修45米。 a)甲队单独修需要多少天完成? 620÷35=17(天)……25(米)17+1=18(天) 答:需要18天完成 b)乙队单独修需要多少天完成? 620÷45=13(天)……35(米)13+1=14(天) 答:需要14天完成 c)甲队先修90米,剩下的收乙队修,还要多少天才能完成? 620-90=530(米)530÷45=11(天)……35(米)11+1=12(天) 答:还要12天才能完成


A love marriage, however, does not necessarily result in much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A magnificent monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people ' s heroes. A racing car is an extraordinary feat of engineering. Accumulated en ergy un der the earth must be released in one form or ano ther, for example, an earthquake. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to un dersta nd this point and her explanation only added to his confusion. Ano ther team of scie ntists has come up with con flict ing evide nee. Believing the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus could fall off the edge of the earth. But the other factor that we shouldn ' t forget is thealriek off U.S. immigration policy. Compared with wester ners, the Orie ntals use less butter. They prefer the very healthful pea nut oil. Con trary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. Corin thia n colu mn is the most highly decorated of the five classical types. Do not toss the salad until you are ready to serve. Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the delicate silk from damage. Eati ng too much fat can con tribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. Every one in the party can see Ed and Roger are competi ng for Alice ' s atte nti on. Figures showed customer complaints had soared to record levels and profits were falling. Having decided to rent a flat, we set about con tact ing all the accommodati on age ncies in the city. He admits that more work needs to be done to validate the strategy, and ensure that it ' s safe. He is a mathematical genius . He is optimistic about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. He might let someth ing slip in a mome nt of weak ness. He told the magaz ine in an exclusive in terview: "enas miepn&bim drink. ” He was jealous of no body ' s achieveme nts. he wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won prestige and a scholarship. His retail bus in ess in the city expa nded rapidly betwee n the wars. I caught a glimpse of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street. I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospect . I felt I couldn ' t cope with the situation and wacfeeisperate need of some reassuranee. I hate people who reveal the end of a film th at you haven ' t seen before. I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. I think it ' s tiimeeIsted in a new computer. I want to buy a new tie to go with this brow n suit. I will defer to Mr. Walters on this point I wish I could put the clock back and relive my schooldays; I regret not having tried harder and passed mere exams. If you hear such a rumor, in vestigate it thoroughly. If you say anything to Jane, she ' csilikeey tovith a bitter remark. In no country other than Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. In the wife ' s eyes,commitment to their marriage life is far from perfect. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. It did not take the police long time to bring out the truth. it is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means It is predicted that heavy rains are threate ning to flood the area in a few days. It soon developed that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.


Synthesis Writing On the research of Fluorine Harm and the Countermeasures Against Fluorine Pollution in China Great achievements have been achieved in the research of Fluorine Harm and the Countermeasures Against Fluorine Pollution in China. In his article entitled Fluorine Harm and Control, published in Chinese Journal of Ecology in 2000, Professor Jiao You states his research results. He analyzes that the F harm on plants, soil microbes and human health, and introduces the geographic distribution of the areas with high F water and the statas of F epidemic areas. Finally, he presents the methods of controlling F harm and testing F in soil. In her article entitled Research Progress of Migration and Transformation Laws of Fluorine in Groundwater-soil-plant System, published in Safety and Environmental Engineering in 2013, Professor Yi Chunyao thinks that Fluoride is distributed universally throughout soils, water, living beings and air in our planet and can be transported and accumulated through the link of water-soil-plant-air-animal system to cause a series of problems of environmental pollution and human health. She focuses on the source-speciation characteristics and influencing factors of fluoride in soil, proposes the future research directions in the migration and transformation laws of fluorine in water-soil-plant system are to provide a new way for the further study. Furthermore, Professor Zhang Qiangguo summarizes the harm of overfluorine to human body, atomosphere, soil and animals and plants, which entitled The Countermeasures against Fluorine Harm and Fluorine Pollution, published in Journal of chongqing university of science and technology natural science edition in 2005, he describes the status quo of fluorine pollution in Chongqing, and sums up the solutions and measures for various fluorine pollution home and abroad, and puts forward some effective solutions to this problem. From the above, we can see that although the research on Fluorine Harm and the Countermeasures Against Fluorine Pollution has achieved great achievements, there are still some challenges to overcome, so we should work hard to further this research. Reference [1] Jiao You, Yang Zhanping. Fluorine Harm and Control[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2000, 19(5): 67-70. [2] Yi Chunyao, Wang Bingguo, Jin Menggui. Research Progress of Migration and Transformation Laws of Fluoride in Groundwater-soil-plant System[J]. Safety and Environmental Engineering,
