openMAX IL介绍

openMAX IL介绍
openMAX IL介绍

OpenMAX Integration Layer介绍






1. OpenMAX IL的初步认识 (3)

1.1 OpenMAX overview (3)

1.2 OpenMAX IL introduction (3)

1.2 OpenMAX IL features (3)

1.3 OpenMAX IL design philosophy (3)

2. OpenMAX IL的分析 (4)

2.1 Key definitions (4)

2.2 The interface (4)

2.2.1 core (4)

2.2.2 component (6)

2.3 Ports (8)

2.4 Communication types (8)

2.5 Port Reconnection (9)

2.6 Component States (11)

2.7 Component Architecture (12)

2.8 Tunneled Buffer Allocation (12)

2.9 Queues and Flush (14)

2.10 Marking Buffers (14)

2.11 Events and Callbacks (15)

2.12 Buffer Payload (15)

2.13 Buffer Flags and Timestamps (17)

2.14 Synchronization (17)

2.15 Rate Control (18)

1. OpenMAX IL的初步认识

1.1 OpenMAX overview

OpenMAX是由Khronos组织所发布的一种开放标准,用来实现高效能的多媒体加速。为了因应目前众多的平台与开发装置,在media上也需要制定开放标准的APIs,OpenMAX是一个免费的跨平台API,适合用在multimedia components 的开发,特色是可以在不同的平台上开发整合。

OpenMAX可以广泛运用在如MPEG-4、H.264、音频或影像的编解码器、2D 或3D图像的视讯编解码器中的多媒体处理进行标准化。OpenMAX API会根据处理器的演进来扩充数据库,无须考虑底层的硬件架构,以求更有效的发挥更快的硬件加速效能,并加速跨OS和silicon平台的多媒体components的开发、整合。

1.2 OpenMAX IL introduction

OpenMAX IL 是由Khronos 组织发起并起草的一个公开的技术标准,2005 年12月发布第一个版本,目前的最新版本是version 1.1。该标准针对嵌入式设备或/和移动设备的多媒体软件架构,在架构底层上为多媒体的codecs和数据处理定义了一套统一的编程接口(OpenMAX IL API)。IL层接口抽象了系统硬件和软件的架构,每个组件和相关的转换都被封装成一个组件接口,为用户屏蔽了底层的细节,OpenMAX IL API允许用户加载、控制、连接和卸载组件。因此,多媒体应用程序和多媒体框架通过OpenMAX IL 可以以一种统一的方式来使用codecs和其他多媒体数据处理功能,具有了跨越软硬件平台的移植性。

1.2 OpenMAX IL features




●通过Khronos Group和各个vendors保持目标域(音频、视频和图像)可



1.3 OpenMAX IL design philosophy

如上所述,openMax IL API的关键点是媒体组件的可移植性,但现有的设备和媒体解决方案的多样性,使得openMax IL API把更高一层的媒体软件栈(media software stack)作为初始用户,对于许多操作系统,这个媒体软件栈理解为现有的媒体框架或者是一些多媒体中间件。

另一个关键目标是OpenMAX AL API,它标准化了一个更高层的应用接口。一些系统中已经存在一个用户层的媒体框架,但对于那些没有多媒体中间件的系统则由OpenMAX AL去填补。OpenMAX AL设计用于顺应OpenMAX IL的执行,IL很容易与AL层衔接。因此,大多数openMax IL API接口能很容易的插入许多软件栈和多媒体解决方案。

API的设计是致力于兼容尽可能多地操作系统,因而设计使用高同步通信机制,即允许在多处理单元或专门的硬件上处理另一个线程。另外,硬件加速组件具有通过通道同另一个组件直接通信的能力,使得执行架构更灵活和高效。2. OpenMAX IL的分析

2.1Key definitions

OpenMAX IL component:封装了目标系统所需功能的组件,IL封装为函数提供了一个标准接口。在IL层,component代表各个功能模块,可以是sources, sinks, codecs, filters, splitters, mixers等等。

OpenMAX IL core:相关平台的代码,具有将OpenMAX IL component载入主存储器的功能,当应用程序不再需要某组件时,IL core将负责把该组件从存储器卸去。一般来说,组件一旦载入存储器,IL core将不在参与应用程序与组件之间的通信。

IL client:访问IL core或IL component的软件层,可能是位于GUI应用程序的下层,如GStreamer。IL client是一个典型的功能块,如filter graph multimedia framework, OpenMAX AL, 或application。IL client与OpenMAX IL core进行交互,利用IL core 加载和卸载组件、在组件间建立直接通信以及获得组件方法的入口。

Tunnels/Tunneling:直接在两个IL component间操作的标准的数据隧道。

2.2The interface

OpenMAX IL API是一个基于组件的媒体API,由两部分组成:内核API和组件API。

2.2.1 core

OpenMAX IL API core的作用是用来动态地装载和卸载component,并且用来建立component之间的通信的。组件一旦加载,则API允许用户直接与组件进行通信。另外,内核允许用户在两个组件之间建立一个communication tunnel,一旦建立,将不再使用内核API,通信直接在组件间进行。


1. Core的初始化过程

Core 的初始化过程由函数OMX_Init()完成,主要任务就是获得一份所有已经向系统注册的component的名单。Core用一个数组来维护所有的component装载器和其可以装载的component信息。这种实现机制提供了很大程度的灵活性,OpenMAX IL开发者可以自己编写component装载器,以便core可以按照特定的方式装载component。

2. 装载Component

初始化之后,core就可以按照IL client的要求动态地装载component了。因为是按名字来装载component,因此要求component向系统注册时,必须确保component名字的唯一性。装载component的工作由OMX_GetHandle函数完成。例如:启用装载器,按指定名字查找component;如果找到,则分配内存空间,将component装载到内存,调用component的构造函数,设置component的参数和回调函数等;如果没找到,则返回失败。当OMX_GetHandle 函数成功返回后,一个新的component实例就被成功创建了。但是IL client还需进一步对component 进行参数配置,才能正式开始使用这个component实例。

3. 设置component之间的Tunneled连接方式

Component之间可以以tunneled的方式进行数据交换。Tunneled的components 构成一个component链条,IL client只需要驱动这个链条上的第一个component就可以使整个链条上components开始有条不紊地工作了。




2.2.2 component

在IL层,component代表各个功能模块,可以是sources, sinks, codecs, filters, splitters, mixers等等。一个组件通过一系列相关的数据结构和接口可以设置或检索各个参数,这些参数包括相的组件操作数据或是组件的实际状态。

如图1所示,每个函数可能来自不同的提供商,因此每个函数可能有不同的搭建和拆卸要求以及不同的配置和数据传送的方法。IL API提供一种途径,将这些函数单独地或者以逻辑组的方式集成到组件中,API提供一个标准的协议,使得这些来自不同供应商的组件能够交换数据以及可交替使用。

图1 Possible Partitions for an OpenMAX IL Implementation Component 的实现机制:

1. Component的继承关系

OpenMAX IL是用C语言来实现的,但是采用了面向对象的思想。定义了一

个基类omx_base_component,实现了component的基本功能,其他所有component 必须从omx_base_component继承,可以覆盖其中的方法。

2. component的数据结构

按照OpenMAX IL规范,component用OMX_COMPONENTTYPE结构来描述,里边记录了component的属性和函数入口。其中pComponentPrivate字段记录了指向component的私有数据结构的指针。Component的私有数据结构记录了component在内部处理过程中需要的信息,这个数据结构是内部使用,OpenMAX IL client无法访问到的。










3. component的工作方式

OpenMAX IL client与component的通信有两种类型:一种是发送控制命令;另一种是发送数据处理消息。因此,为了保证数据处理过程独立,Component


●OMX_CommandStateSet :改变component 状态

●OMX_CommandFlush :清空component 的数据队列

●OMX_CommandPortDisable :禁止component 的特定port

●OMX_CommandPortEnable :打开Component 的特定port

●OMX_CommandMarkBuffer :申请用于数据交换的buffer

另一个是数据处理线程,当component创建成功后,数据处理线程由StateLoaded状态转换到StateIdle状态时创建,用来对component的数据队列进行管理。例如,对于一个codec component来说,主要完成如下功能:

①从input port的数据队列取得一个输入buffer,如果没有取到则等待,直到成功;

②从output port的数据队列取得一个输出buffer,如果没有取到则等待,直到成功;

③调用BufferMgmtCallback 函数进行解码;

④解码完成后,触发input port和output port的ReturnBufferFunction函数,然后进入等待状态,等待下一轮处理过程。

OpenMAX IL client与component两种通信的过程如下:


OpenMAX IL client通过调用OMX_SendCommand,来触发messageSem信号量,通知事件处理线程。


OpenMAX IL client通过调用OMX_ EmptyThisBuff和OMX_ FillThisBuff来触发bMgmtSem信号量,通知数据处理线程,完成component的数据处理功能。Input ports are always called from the IL client with OMX_EmptyThisBuffer ,Output ports are always called from the IL client with OMX_FillThisBuffer。


组件间的数据进出由叫做ports的接口进行传输,ports不仅代表组件间的数据联系,还代表需要维持这个联系的buffers。用户可以经过input ports发送数据到组件,或经过output ports接收数据。将一个组件的output port与另一个组件类型相似的input port相连,在组件间建立一个communication tunnel。

OpenMAX IL定义的ports的类型相当于port上可能传送的数据类型:audio, video, and image data ports, and other ports。每个port可以定义为input或output,这个取决于它是销毁还是产生buffers,input port是销毁buffers,output port是产生buffers。

2.4Communication types


Non-tunneled communication:It defines a mechanism for exchanging data buffers between the IL client and a component.

tunneled communication:It defines a standard mechanism for components to exchange data buffers directly with each other in a standard way.

Proprietary communication:It describes a proprietary mechanism for direct

data communications between two components and may be used as an alternative when a tunneling request is made, provided both components are capable of

doing so.

图2 Three types of communication

值得注意的是,component可以同时与IL client和tunneling component进行通信,即tunneled case和non-tunneled case可同时存在于一个component上。2.5 Port Reconnection

端口重接即在不拆卸周围components的情况下,一个tunneled component可以被另一个tunneled component所替代。

如图3所示,B2要替代B1,过程如下:首先A的输出端口和B的输入端口要断开(port shall first be disabled with the port disable command),一旦所有分配的buffers都返回到它们的提供者并释放时,A的输出端口就与B2的输入端口连接。B2的输出端口与C的输入端口连接同理(Then all ports may be given the enable command)。

图3 Port Reconnection

图4中,A和C都有一个未连接的端口,IL client首先在A和B2、B2和C 间建立tunnel,然后将两tunnels间的端口连上。假设这些都是audio components,则C可能是B1和B2的混合数据,因此下一步则将B1从A、C间断开。

图4Reconnecting Components

2.6 Component States

图5 Component States

如图5所示,每个组件都会经历不同的状态。每个组件一开始都被认为是unloaded state,需要向core发出一个请求使其进入到loaded state。当遇到无效

数据时,component 将会进入invalid state。退出invalid state的唯一途径就是unload and reload the component。

一般来说,组件在idle state时应该要拥有所需的所有的操作资源。若某一状态

要求分配所有的静态资源时,那过渡到idle state将可能失败。

The IDLE state indicates that the component has all of its needed static resources but is not processing data.

The EXECUTING state indicates that the component is pending reception of buffers to process data and will make required callbacks.

The PAUSED state maintains a context of buffer execution with the component without processing data or exchanging buffers.

Transitioning from PAUSED to EXECUTING enables buffer processing to resume where the component left off. Transitioning from EXECUTING or PAUSED to IDLE will cause the context in which buffers were processed to be lost, which requires the start of a stream to be reintroduced. Transitioning from IDLE to

LOADED will cause operational resources such as communication buffers to be lost.

2.7 Component Architecture

图6 描述了component architecture.注意component 只有一个入口指针,但可能有多个outgoing calls,这取决于component有多少个ports。每个component将会向特定的IL client请求event handler。每个port也会make calls (or callbacks)到一个特定的external function。buffer headers的指针队列也与每个port相联系。这些buffer headers指向具体的buffers。每个port应该支持callbacks到IL client。对于interop profile component,应该支持同其它组件的ports通信。

图6 OpenMAX IL API Component Architecture

2.8 Tunneled Buffer Allocation

这部分详述下tunneling components的buffer分配。一般情况下,一个隧道的supplier port也是分配buffer的端口,但在适当的情况下,一个tunneling component 可以从一个端口重复利用buffer给另一个,避免memory的复制,优化memory的使用。

图7 Example of Buffer Allocation and Sharing Relationships

supplier port:向它相邻的port请求UseBuffer的端口称为supplier port。提供buffer的supplier port不一定需要分配它的buffers,它可以重复利用同一个component上的另一个端口上的buffer。图中的a和c都是supplier port。

non-supplier port:接收到它相邻port的UseBuffer请求的端口称为non-supplier port,如图中的b和d。

tunneling port:与其相邻port共享一个tunnel的端口称为tunneling port。如图中的a和b都是彼此的tunneling port。

allocator port:分配自己的buffers的supplier port。图7中只有a是allocator port。tunneling component:至少使用一个tunnel。



●它的所有supplier ports都要能提供buffers;


●通过一个OMX_EmptyThisBuffer call将buffer从一个output port传到一个

input port;

●通过一个OMX_FillThisBuffer call将buffer从一个input port传到一个output


tunneling components setup

要建立tunneling components,IL client需做如下操作:

1.装载所有的tunneling components,在这些components建立tunnels。

2.将所有tunneling components从loaded state转换到idle state。

值得注意的是,如果当一些components正在共享buffers,IL client不能执行上述操作时,则tunneling component可能由于组件间的依赖性而无法转换到idle。Component Transition from Loaded to Idle State

由loaded到idle时,non-sharing component的每个supplier port需做如下事情:

1.通过OMX_GetParameter call确定它的tunneled port的buffer请求。

2.根据tunneled port的请求和自身请求的最大量来分配buffers。

3.向它的tunneled port发出OMX_UseBuffer请求。

2.9 Queues and Flush

当buffers已不再使用时,命令队列会要求component释放这些buffers,若使用的是non-tunneled communication则将buffers返回给IL client,若使用tunneled communication则返回给tunneled output port。

举个例子,假设一个组件的output port正使用IL client分配的buffers,IL client 在发送释放命令(flush command)前给组件发送了五个buffers,发出释放命令后,组件将未使用的buffers返回给IL client,并触发event handler来通知IL client。若有两个buffers已经正在使用,则组件将另外三个未使用的buffers返回并产生一个事件,IL client 在对component反初始化之前需要等待这个事件。当IL client


2.10 Marking Buffers

当遇到一个带标记的buffer时,IL client也可以触发产生事件。buffer可以在buffer header被标记。标记在OpenMAX IL components链中传送。遇到marked buffer时,这个标记可以使组件向IL client发送一个事件。

如下图所示,IL client发送命令标记一个buffer,标记传递到下一个buffer B1,组件B处理B1 buffer中除了标记外的数据然后将结果传给B2 buffer,当组件C接收被标记的B2 buffer,C不会触发event handler直到它处理B2 buffer。

图8 Marking Buffers

2.11 Events and Callbacks

通过组件把6类事件发送到IL client:

●Error events可以枚举出来并可以在任何时间发生。

●命令成功执行时可以触发Command complete notification events。

●当组件检测到一个marked buffer时则触发Marked buffer事件。

●当组件改变端口设置时产生port settings changed notification event。

●在数据流结束时触发buffer flag event。

●在组件得到所需资源后产生resources acquired event。

2.12 Buffer Payload


数据在buffer内如何存储大致有三种方式,每种方式都有自己的优势。在这三种方式中,buffer内的有效数据范围和位置被限制在buffer header的三个参数(pBuffer, nOffset, 和nFilledLen)之中,pBuffer参数指向buffer的起始处, nOffset 参数则指示了buffer起始处到有效数据起始处的字节数, nFilledLen参数具体指出了buffer中有效数据所占的字节数。因此buffer内的有效数据的范围从pBuffer + nOffset 到pBuffer + nOffset + nFilledLen。




图9 Case 1—Each Buffer Filled In Whole or In Part 方法1指出了在重复解码时的优势。buffer可以适应多帧结构,减少解码时

大量数据对buffer的执行次数。然而,这种方式可能需要decoder component在解

码帧时能分析数据,同时要求decoder component有建立帧的buffer,用来存放被解析的数据或保持下个buffer所需的部分帧。


图10 Case 2—Each Buffer Filled with Only Complete Frames of Data

方式2不同于方式1之处是在于方式2首先需要解析压缩数据这样才能把完整的帧放入buffer中。方式2中可能也需要decoder component解析数据,这种方式可能不需要额外的buffer来解析方式1中所需的帧。


图11 Case 3—Each Buffer Filled with Only One Frame of Compressed Data 方式3的好处是decoder component不需要解析数据,而在source component中解析。但是这种方式在数据传输过程中会造成瓶颈问题(阻塞),每次数据传输时限制在一帧内。根据执行过程,每帧的执行会比从buffer内解析帧在性能上产生更大的影响。

从最低需求来讲,方式1需要一个decoder component或encoder component来支持运行,从定义上说,如果一个codec component可以支持方式1,那么也就能支持方式2和方式3,但这必须是压缩格式允许字节对齐的帧边界。有时方式2或方式3可能毫无意义,比如说,为RTP-payload格式配置一个Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) codec、高带宽模式时,被这种格式限制的非字节对齐的帧都不适合在此三种方式下定义的字节对齐帧边界。向buffer填充压缩数据要输入到解码器或从编码器输出时,当帧数据不是字节对齐格式时就会出现帧填充受限的问题。

2.13 Buffer Flags and Timestamps


改变时间戳,这些都由clock component来处理完成。



同步化是通过使用clock component上的同步端口来实现的。这些端口和clock component在“另一个”域里面定义,遵守相同的协议并且调用管理数据端口。clock component可以控制媒体时钟,这个时钟可以跟踪基于音频和视频参考时钟的媒体流的位置。clock component通过同步端口把包含时间信息的buffer(媒体时钟更新指示,媒体时钟当前的位置,规模和状态指示)输出到client components。当时间戳和媒体时钟一致时,client components会通过请求clock component发送时间戳来记录下操作的执行时间(例如一个视频帧的演示)。在这种情况下,client components在收到其同步端口的回应时执行操作。图12描述了在一个示例配置components中的时间流和数据缓冲流。

图12 Flow of Time and Data Buffers

2.15Rate Control

clock component还实现了通过暴露一系列的配置设置来实现所有的速率控制,以此来控制它的媒体时钟的。IL client通过改变媒体时钟的规模因素(有效的改变速率和媒体时钟推进的方向),来实现播放,快进,回退,暂停以及放慢等动作技术模式。IL client可能也可以通过这些配置来开启和停止时钟进以达到改变媒体控制时钟的状态的目的。clock component通过所有同步端口上所发送的带有规模和状态的媒体时间更新来告知其客户端媒体时钟的变化。虽然component不会通过改变buffer timestamp来回应这个规模的变化,但是component 可以改变它的处理过程。比如,audio component在特技模式或完全停止输出时改变正确音频的比例和强度。


Openair等离子处理技术在汽车工业中的应用 作者:德国Plasmatreat公司来源:AI汽车制造业 在众多的预处理方法中,常压等离子工艺在汽车工业中显示出了日益重要的作用。它不仅能够为塑料零部件提供极其洁净的表面,而且还可以提高表面的粘附能力,在应用多样性方面几乎不存在任何限制。和传统的处理方法相比,其经济性更好,并且对环境绝对没有任何负作用。 对于大多数塑料件的加工而言,为了确保塑料粘合面的粘合品质及其承载性能的长期稳定性,需要对材料表面进行正确的预处理,这已成为塑料件加工过程中的关键一步。正因如此,一种被称为“Openair常压等离子处理技术”的预处理工艺获得了越来越多的应用。 Openair常压等离子工艺使预处理工作更加简便、可靠,并且由于无需溶剂而更为环保。因此在汽车工业里,目前约有30多个不同的制程已经采用了该工艺:从汽车挡风玻璃粘合前预处理到汽车引擎控制器盒的封装,从冷藏卡车冷藏货柜的结构粘合到汽车车身部件的粘合等,Openair常压等离子工艺均显示出了其独有的技术优势。 图1 等离子体产生的原理,通过放电给气体施加更多的能量, 使物质从气态转变为等离子态 Openair常压等离子工艺基本原理 等离子体是指物质处于高能、非稳定的一种状态。通常,通过能量(比如加热)输入的方式,可以使物质从固态变为液态再到气态。等离子体就是在这一过程中再进一步,即通过放电将更多的能量注入物质中,电子获得更多动能后脱离其在原子中既有的轨道,从而产生自由电子、离子以及分子碎片,如图1所示。然而,由于这种物质状态不稳定,因此基本上不能在常 压下应用。

图 2 根据喷嘴的几何形状,在最宽50 mm 的处理范围内或者40 mm 的处理距离内都可获得有效的等离子体(图片来源于Plasmatreat 公司) 迄今为止,只有获得专利的Openair常压等离子工艺开创了这一新工艺应用的可能性:通过采用等离子喷枪,使在常压下产生的稳定的等离子体能够成功地应用于工业生产过程中,甚至还可以实现“在线处理”。一般,导入到等离子喷枪中籍以产生等离子的仅仅是空气和高电压,当然如果工艺需要也可以采用其它工艺气体。根据喷嘴的几何形状,可以在最大50 mm 宽度范围内或者40 mm 的距离范围内获得有效的等离子体,如图2 所示。通常,所形成的等离子体束还有一个独特的性质,即电中性,这极大地扩展了它的应用领域,并大大提升了操作便利性。发射出的等离子体温度取决于电源和等离子体源的配置,可以在300℃~1500℃之间变化,从而可以兼顾最佳处理效果和最高的处理效率。利用这种处理方式,在处理塑料表面时,典型的温度变化范围小于20 ℃。 冷藏车货柜的结构粘合 早在20世纪90年代,随着新一代车型的开发,Schmitz Cargobull公司就已将电中性常压等离子体的应用扩展到了一个新的领域。该公司计划将结构粘合作为冷却货柜装配的唯一方法,如图3所示。


JIG SAW 600W 曲线锯 600W

1. Blade holder(装刀处) 2. Adjustable foot (0-45 o)(底板) 3. Initial cutting switch(抬刀调节旋钮) 4. Guide speed control(调速开关) 5. Switch lock(开关锁钮) 6. Switch(开关按钮) 7. Cutting line laser indicator(激光口) Before you start using the tool please read thoroughly this operation manual. Keep this manual for future reference. 当您在开始使用机器前请先阅读说明书,请保留说明书以备随时查阅。 General safety precautions for using power tools. 使用电动工具的安全规范 NOTE. To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or injury when using power tools, it is necessary to follow all applicable safety precautions particularly the ones listed below: 1.Keep work area clean and tidy.保持工作环境的整洁。 2.Do not use electric power tools in the environment exposed to humidity, steam or rain. Work place should be properly lit.请不要在潮湿的环境中或是雨天,阴暗 的地方使用电动工具。 3.Guard against electric shock. Prevent body contact with energized or grounded surfaces (pipes, radiators etc.). While operating the power tool always hold it by insulated parts (handles) to protect yourself against electric shock and protect drill, cutting wheel or milling cutter against contact with an energized conductor.避免 触电,防止身体接触机器导电部件,机器操作过程中请一直保持接触绝缘部 件,当机器运行时,请不要接触导轮,和锯条部分。 4.Keep children and visitors away.避免小孩碰及和使用。 5.Power tools should be stored in a dry location protected against dust and moisture. Keep them out of reach of children.电动工具需要存放在干燥的地方,并且注 意防潮,放在小孩触及不到的地方。 6.Do not use the tool for purposes it is not designed for.不要使用设计范围以外的 用途。 7.Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing, jewellery or other items that can get within reach of rotating parts of the tool. Wear protective hair covering to contain


《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》所列常用短语 A be able to do sth. 能,会along with 和…一起,除了…之外 be about to do sth. 刚要,即将not only…but also 不但而且 above all 首先,尤其是amount to 总计,等于 have access to 有…的机会,有…权利be angry with 生(某人的)气 by accident 偶然one after another 一个接一个地,接连地according to 根据。按照one another 相互 on account of 因为,由于be anxious about 为…而忧虑 take into account 把…考虑进去any but 除….之外人和事(物),绝非accuse of 指控,控告apart from 除…之外 be accustomed to 习惯于appeal to 吸引,呼吁,上诉 adapt to 适应apply to 应用 add to / add… to 为…增添,增加apply for申请 add up to 合计达as…as 象…一样 in addition 另外,加之as for / to 至于,关于 in addition to 除…之外,(还))as if / as though 好像,仿佛 adjust to / adjust …to 适应于as soon as …possible 尽快 in advance 预先,提前as / so long as 只要,如果 gain / have an advantage over 胜过,优于as well 也,又 take advantage of 利用,趁….之机as well as 也,既…又 be afraid of 害怕aside from …暂且不谈,除…之外 again and again 反复地,再三地ask for 要,要求 once again 再一次assign sth. to sb. 分配,布置 aim at 瞄准associate with / associate … with 联系,交往 in the open air 在户外,在野外attend to 专心于,致力于 on the air (用无线电、电视)播送pay attention to 注意 above all 首先,尤其是on (the / an) average 平均,通常 after all 毕竟,终究be aware of 察觉到,了解 all in all 大体而言right away 立刻,马上 all but 几乎,差不多,除了…都 all over 到处,遍及 all right 良好的,对的/ (口语)行,可以 at all (用于否定句)丝毫(不),一点(不) in all 总共,合计 B back and forth 来回地,反复地bear on / upon 压迫,依靠;与…有关 back up 倒退,支持,备份because of…因为,由于 be bad for 对…有害的before long 不久以后 go bad 变坏,坏掉on behalf of 代表,为了 keep one’s balance 保持平衡begin with 从…开始,以…为起点 be based on / upon 把…建立在…基础上believe in 相信,信任 on the basis of 根据belong to 属于 bear…in mind 记住benefit from 有益于,得益 at best 充其量,至多build up 逐步建立,增长,集聚,增强…的体力


高中英语会考说明词语翻译 At the age of 在…年龄 At the end of 在…结尾 At the head of 在…前面 At the mercy of 任由…摆布: 在…的掌握中 At the moment 在…时候 At the same time 与…同时,一齐 At times =now and then 间或,时常 At work 在工作,在上班 Be addicted to 沉溺于,上瘾 Be afraid of 担心,害怕 Be amazed at 对…感到害怕 Be angry with sb. 生…的气 Be aware of 知道,了解,意识到 Be busy doing sth. 忙于… Be busy with sth. 忙于… Be famous for 因…而著名=be known for Be fit for 适合于 Be fond of 喜欢 Be full of 充满 Be good at something \ doing 善于 Be late for 做…迟到 Be like 用…做的 Be made up of 由…构成 Be on good terms (with sb.) 与…关系良好 Be satisfied with 对…满意=be pleased with =be content with Be used to sth / doing 习惯于 Because of 因为 Before long 不久,没过多长时间 Begin with=start with 以…方式开始 Believe in 信赖,信仰… Belong to 归于,属于 Benefit from 从中获利(益) Both…and……和…:不仅…而且 Break away from 脱离,与…分手 Break down 分解;(人)病倒,(机器)坏了,(车)抛锚 Break out (疾病,战争,洪水,地震等)爆发(没有被动形势) Bring …back to life 使…复活;使…苏醒;使…充满生机 Bring in 带来,挣(钱),引进 Bring (sb.) back 把…带回来,使恢复 Bring up 把…抬高,抚养(常用被动形势) Burn down 烧毁(房屋,城镇) Burst into sth. 突然大声地(哭,笑等)burst into tears / laughter By bus/plane/ship/air/sea 乘…交通工具 By mistake 偶然,无意地 By the side of 在…边上 By the time 到…时候

案例-The Commons

an active vertical urban living area Department of ARCHITECTURE Bangkok, Thailand 2016

在不断进化。曼谷城市密度高,室外空间有限,百姓 急需新的适应热带气候的室外生活空间。 For Bangkok, or any other modern-day cosmopolitan cities, living conditions and spatial form continue to evolve. Bangkokians are now yearning for new possibilities of outdoor living space that can effectively answer to the tropical heat and its dense living condition where there is not much space for the outdoor. The Commons是一个位于城市中心的小商业项目, 旨在创造一个活跃而舒适的室外空间,让人们可以在 一年四季享受其中。 “The Commons”, a small retail development in the city center, is an attempt to create a new active outdoor space where people can comfortably enjoy it at anytime of the year. 建筑外观external view of the building


各种阀门[VALVE]的基本介绍 阀门是国民经济建设中使用极为广泛的一种机械产品。阀门在石油、天然气、煤炭、冶金、和矿石的开采、提炼加工和管道输送系统中;阀门在石油化工、化工产品,医药,和食品生产系统中;阀门在水电、火电和核电的电力生产系统中;阀门在城建的给排水、供热和供气系统中;阀门在冶金生产系统中;阀门在船舶、车辆、飞机、航天以及各种运动机械的使用流体系统中;阀门在国防生产以及新技术领域里;阀门在农业排灌系统中都有大量的需求。 Valve is a widely used mechanical product in each country's economy. You can find valves commonly used in the following fields like oil, nature gas, coal, metallurgy, mining, refinery, pipe transportation, petrochemical, chemical, pharmacy, food production, power plant, water supply / drainage, heat supply, air supply, marine, vehicle, airplane, spacecraft, military, new tech, irrigation and many other flowing systems. 阀门分自动阀门与驱动阀门。自动阀门(如安全阀、减压阀、蒸汽疏水阀、止回阀)是靠装置或管道本身的介质压力的变化达到启闭目的的。驱动阀门(闸阀、截止阀、球阀、蝶阀等)是靠驱动装置(手动、电动、液动、气动等)驱动控制装置或管道中介质的压力、流量和方向。由于介质的压力、温度、流量和物理化学性质的不同,对装置和管道系统的控制要求和使用要求也不同,所以阀门的种类规格非常多。剧不完全统计,我国的阀门产品品种已达四千多个型号,近四万个规格,阀门在经济生活中起着非常大的作用。 There are self-driven valves and operated valves. self-driven valves( like safety valve, relief valve, steam trap, check valve ) are functioning by utilizing its mechanical design or the pressure, direction of its flow medium.operated valve( like gate valve, globe valve, ball valve, butterfly valve ) is fuctioning by actuator( manual, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic etc. ) or the pressure , flow direction of its medium. due to the differences of pressure, temperature, flow, and physical-chemical character of its medium , there are different requirements in designing and applying the pipeline system.therefore there are numerous types of valve.according to an unofficial statistics, there are more than four thousand types of valve with approximately forty thousand specifications in China. Obviously, valve is an important element in the social economy. 电磁阀[SOLENOID VALVE] 电磁阀是用来控制流体的自动化基础元件,属于执行器;并不限于液压,气动。电磁阀用于控制液压流动方向,工厂的机械装置一般都由液压钢控制,所以就会用到电磁阀。而通常意义上,国内电磁阀厂家也并不以液压电磁阀为主打,一般多生产二位二通气液用电磁阀。 Solenoid valve is a basic component in automatic flow control, it is actuator but not limited to hydraulic, pneumatic. solenoid valve is mainly used to control the direction of hydraulic flow, machines in plant are usually controled by hydraulic cylinder and thus the solenoid valve is applyed. generally , solenoid valve manufacturers in China not only produce hydraulic solenoid valve, they mainly manufacturer hydraulic-pneumatic combined two way solenoid valve. 电磁阀的工作原理,电磁阀里有密闭的腔,在的不同位置开有通孔,每个孔都通向不同的油管,腔


西湖英文介绍 West Lake or Xī Hú is a famous fresh water lake located in the historic area of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province in eastern China. It evolved from a shallow bay through which the Qiantang River flowed into the East China Sea. In the ancient times it was called Wulin Waters, Golden Buffalo Lake, Qiantang Lake and Xizi Lake. 西湖是座落在历史悠久的中国东部浙江省会城市杭州的著名的一个淡水湖泊,是由古代钱塘江流入东海前的一个浅海湾演变而成的。古称西湖为“武林水” 又称“金牛湖”、“钱塘湖”、“西子湖”等。 The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned(著名)poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. And as it lies in the west of Hangzhou, it is usually called the West Lake. 西湖的名字早在唐朝(618-907)就固定下来。在宋代 (960-1279 年),中国著名诗人苏东坡写的一首诗来赞美西湖,把它和中国传说中的美丽西子相比。自那时以来,西湖有另一种优雅的名字西子湖。并且由于它位于杭州市西部,它通常称为西湖。 West Lake covers an area of 6.38 square kilometers. The average depth is 2.27meters with deepest being 5 meters. Three sides of the lake are surrounded by verdant(翠绿的)mountains and one side the prosperous(繁荣的)city. After a large scale reconstruction(重建), the current West Lake has recovered the panorama(全景)over 300 years before when it reached the most prosperous period in history。 西湖水域面积为6.38平方公里 水深平均2.27米 最深处有5米。西湖三面环山,一面濒城。西湖大规模重建后,目前已恢复全景超过300年之前,它到达最繁华的历史时期。 Centering around the West Lake, the scenic area is a national scenic area with a total cover of 59 square kilometers. There are over 60 Chinese national, provincial and municipal cultural relic protection sites and over 100 scenic areas. The main attractions include: Ten scenes of the West Lake, Ten New Scenes of the West Lake; Lingyin Temple, General Yuefei’ Temple and Pagoda of Six Harmonies and so on. 以西湖为核心的西湖风景名胜区总面积59平方公里,是中国国家级风景名胜区。区内有国家级、省级、市级文物保护单位60多处和风景名胜100余处。其中主要有“西湖十景”、“新西湖十景”有灵隐寺、岳王庙、六和塔等等。 The lake is divided into 5 parts by the causeways of Sū Dī (苏堤), Bái Dī (白堤), and Yánggōng Dī (杨公堤). There are numerous temples, pagodas, gardens, and artificial islands within the lake.With ripples on the water’s surface and thickly-wooded hills dotted by exquisite pavilions on its four sides, the West Lake is one of China’s best known scenic spots.


补充:文莱著名景点的英文介绍: The City Center Bandar Seri Begawan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque Dominating the city centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, this is one of the most magnificent mosques in Southeast Asia and a symbol of the strong Islamic faith of the people of Brunei Darussalam. Completed in 1958, it is named after the 28th Sultan, Omar Ali Saifuddien, who is still referred to as the architect of modern Brunei. 城市中心斯里巴加湾 奥马尔阿里Saifuddien主导斯里巴加湾市中心的清真寺,这是在东南亚最宏伟的清真寺,汶莱人民的强烈伊斯兰信仰的象征之一。于1958年完成,它被命名后的第28届苏丹奥马尔阿里Saifuddien,仍被称为现代文莱建筑师。 Kampong Ayer Early European visitors to Brunei Darussalam described the Kampong Ayer, or Water Village, as the Venice of the East. Today, visitors continue to be fascinated by these traditional and historic houses on stilts which span the greater part of the Brunei River. 甘榜亚逸 文莱达鲁萨兰国早期的欧洲游客所描述的甘榜亚逸,或水乡,东方威尼斯。今天,游客继续跨度大部份的文莱河的高跷上这些传统和历史的房子着迷。 The Royal Regalia Building Situated in the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan, the Royal Regalia Museum was built to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's accession to the throne in 1992. This museum is home to a collection of royal regalia, including the royal chariot, gold and silver ceremonial armoury, the jewel-encrusted crowns used during the coronation and a replica of the throne which His Majesty uses on state occasions. 皇家御庭大厦 皇家御庭博物馆坐落在斯里巴加湾市的心脏,是为了纪念在1992年的宝座陛下加入银禧。该博物馆的皇家王权的集合,包括皇家战车,黄金和银礼仪军械库,宝石镶嵌在加冕冠和副本的宝座陛下对国家的场合使用。


DMC24-84型电脉冲除尘器 DMC24-84 Model Electric Pulse Dust Collector 使用说明书 Operation Instruction 江苏国能环保设备有限公司 Jiangsu Guoneng Environment Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

一、前言 1. Foreword 电脉冲除尘器是针对火力发电厂灰库、渣库工况条件专门设计的高效净化专用设备,它采用了先进的清灰技术,具有气体处理能力大,净化效果好,结构简单,工作可靠,维修量小等优点。在结构设计上已考虑到了其布置特点,产品密封性好,可露天布置。 Electric pulse dust collector is a high efficiency purified special equipment, which is designed for dust bunker, ash silo of thermal power plant. It adopts advanced dust removal technology, which has such features as large gas processing capacity, good purifying effect, simple structure, reliable operation and less maintenance. Consideration has been taken into its layout characteristic on structure design, the sealing property of product is good and the product can be laid in the open air. 本产品经电站长期使用证明:性能稳定,运行可靠,深受设计选用单位及用户的好评。 After being used for long time by power station, the product has proved that: steady performance, reliable operation, and has gained high opinions by the units selecting the design and users. 二、技术参数 2. Technical parameters 2.1电脉冲除尘器型号含议: 2.1Model and signification of electric pulse dust collector: 2.2技术指标 2.2T echnical indicators Structure form I: side-draw type, symbol can be omitted II: up-draft type Quantity of filter bag Electric pulse dust collector 结构形式I:侧取式,代号可省略 II:上抽式 Structure form I: side-draw type, symbol can be omitted II: up-draft type 滤袋数量 Quantity of filter bag 电脉冲除尘器 Electric pulse dust collector


黄浦恒高教育一对一春季补习班 个性化补习第一讲 基础摸底 Part 2 Phonetics , Grammar and V ocabulary II.Choose the best answer: ( ) 1. I can see fear in his eyes . Which of the following is correct for the underlined word ? A. /f??/ B. /fe?/ C./f??/ D./f a?/ ( ) 2. Tu Yoyo is the first Chinese scientist _____ the Nobel Prize in Medicine . A. won B. wins C. to win D. winning ( ) 3. A teacher is often compared ______ a candle . A. on B. by C. to D. with ( ) 4. The water in the river _____ two feet last night because of the sudden flood . A. raised B. rose C. grew D. added ( ) 5. It?s 11:00p.m. now . Peter hasn?t come back yet . His mother _____ be very mad at him . A. may B. can C. must D. need ( ) 6. ______ the help of his teachers and classmates,the boy has made ______ progress. A. Under, a lot B. Under, great C. With, much D. With, many ( ) 7. —Why hasn't our monitor come to school yet? —He ________ be ill. I?m not sure. A. will B. can C. may D. must ( ) 8.______ amazing film they enjoyed on Christmas?s Eve ! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an ( ) 9.Look ! A car almost hit that little girl and the woman driver seemed ______. A. fright B. frighten C. frightened D. frightening ( ) 10.This problem _____ be talked about any more . We?ve found the solution. A. mustn?t B. shouldn?t C. needn?t D. can?t ( ) 11.The party planner prepared _____ games for the gusts to enjoy themselves at the party . A. a large sum of B. a huge amount of C. a great number of D. a great deal of ( ) 12.Mark Zuckerberg , founder of Facebook , ______ to donate a lot of money to charity when his daughter was born. A. decides B. has decided C. had decided D. decided ( ) 13.The manager sounded ______ on the phone . He offered to show us around the company . A. softly B. friendly C. gently D. seriously ( ) 14. Mary _______ a private college last term. Now she _______ a part-time job in order to pay for her college expenses A. attended, does B. attended, did C. had attended, does D. attended, have done ( )15. ——May I help you with the suitcase ? ——______. A. Of course you may B. Thanks for your help C. Yes , you will D. Sure . IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms . 1. She has been very ________ since her brain was injured in the accident . (forget) 2. People around the world expressed their sympathies to the _____ in the attack in Paris .(die) 3. I think it?s ________ to judge a person before you really know him . (fair )


英语新闻报道的结构 一.新闻标题HEADLINE 标题短而精,不好懂。但标题是理想的“向导”它是新闻内容的集中和概括,用简练的语言浓缩新闻中最主要或最值得关注的内容。使读者尽量“一见钟情”。 In short, it has 4 functions: 1. Summarizing the story 2. Arousing the reader`s interest 3. Beautifying the newspaper page 4. Indicating how much importance each news item has (一)标题的类型(省略、时态、语态) 英语新闻标题可按形式与意义进行分类。 根据形式分类 1.左齐头式标题(Flush Left Headline) IMF Will Have Say 2.通栏式标题(Banner Headline)又叫做头号大标题 House Passes Obama Plan to Cut Taxes 3.阶梯式标题(Drop Form Headline)形态美观,赏心悦目 F.B.I. Agrees to Cease Its Illegal Surveillance Of the Research Institute 4.倒金字塔式标题(Inverted Pyramid Headline) Factory Walkout Threat Over Sacking 5. 双标题\复合式标题(Double Headline) 此类标题通常出现在对重大事件的报道中,其形式为两行标题,有主标题与副标题。 Example 1:
